1998 04 02 HPC Minutes REGULAR l\1EETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION A special meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta APRIL 2, 1998 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman DeMersman at 3 :32 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call: I. CALL TO ORDER A. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Wright and Vice-Chairman DeMersman. B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to excuse Chairman Millis. Unanimously approved. C. StafrPresent: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMl\1ENT: None III. CONFIRMA nON OF AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Wright to approve the Minutes of February 19, 1998, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSn'JESS ITEMS A. B&Jlort on an Archaeolo~ical Monitoring Program for the Retreat at the Ouarrv far!;el Map 28650 City of La Guinta 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Staff stated this was the final report from the archaeologist for the grading and monitoring activities at the Quarry for a 7-1/2 "= acre parcel that was recently graded. No subsurface cultural materials were found, but paleontological resources were found that included a clustering of freshwater bivalve clams approximately 3 to 5 feet below surface and near the ancient lake shoreline. We have marked this location on our City Paleontology Map to keep track of where the paleo resources are located. P:\CAROL YNlHPC 4-2-98.wpd -1- 3. There being no turther comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinlPuente to receive and tile the Archaeological Monitoring Report for the Retreat at the Quarry Unanimously approved. B. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit 98-039 and Environmental Assessment 98- 355 for a historic structure's adaptive reuse as a Veterinary Clinic located at 77-895 Avenida Montezuma. l. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report. on file in the Community Development Department She advised the Commission that this Conditional Use Permit would be going before the Planning Commission on April 14. 2. She also reminded the Commission that this structure was brought before them previously under a Certificate of Appropriateness (96-002) for seismic retrotit and other alterations. 3. The Conditional Use Permit is being brought before the Historical Preservation Commission to discuss the land use as a small animal veterinary clinic on the ground !loor with the accessory residence on the upper !loor. The rear shed would be used as a parking structure. The applicant is proposing to keep the existing chain link fence and add an 18-inch wide planter at the base of it with a vine planting that will grow dense to provide screening. There will also be other parking lot planting areas with an assortment of appropriate plants for this region. Also proposed is a new masonry block wall along the tront of the property. The site plan shows the segment of the concrete block wall with a wrought iron gate for the front closure. There will be one-way access into the parcel off of A venida Montezuma and patrons would park inside in the designated parking spots indicated on the site plan. They would then exit out the south gate onto the alleyway. There will be new plantings going into the old existing planting areas right in front of the building. 4. Ms. Mouriquand further advised the Commission that there would be no structural changes to the outside of the building. All of the Conditional Use Permit associated changes would be limited to the interior to facilitate the clinic downstairs and residence upstairs Staff does not have any significant concerns about this nor do any of the agencies that have reviewed and responded to this. The City has done an environmental assessment (EA 98- 355) that is available in the Community Development Department for review. The sign request is included with the CUP. The applicant is proposing a freestanding monument sign to be placed in front, near curb side. that would give the name of the facility. It would be a wooden sign with painted and P,\CAROL YNlHPC 4-2-9R.wpd - 2- vinyl lettering and decoration This sign, according to our current Sign Ordinance, would be an exception. However, as this is a historic resource, and, we are proposing approval of this sign as a mitigation measure in lieu of what could be an adversely impacting building-mounted sign bolted into the structure. Staff is therelore suppolling this deviation from the Sign Ordinance as being appropriate tor this historic resource. 5. Commissioner Irwin commented there was a precedence for this type of sign in the Village, such as the one at the La Quinta Palms Realty. She was unsure of the size, but stated it was a lreestanding sign that had been there for several years. 6. Associate Planner Mouriquand continued that the second sign being proposed (illustrated in Attachment 4 - on file in the Community Development Depallment) would be a building-mounted sign, hanging under the eave where there is an existing similar sign. This sign has been conditioned to have the wording taken otr and display only the street address numbers to be in compliance with the building street address signage and stall' suppolls that change. 7. Ms. Carlson (Applicant) added that the size of the sign, shown in Attachment 4, was still too large. She had indicated the sign would fit between the eaves and would be similar to the existing sign. The dimensions were the same as those shown in Attachment 4. 8. Associate Planner Mouriquand read Condition 4 which stated the building- mounted hanging sign shall be revised to have only the street address numbers. She asked if the Commission had any changes they would like to recommend to the Conditions of Approval so they could be forwarded to the Planning Commission. 9. Commissioner Irwin had a comment about the location of the sidewalk in Attachment 2. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated the position of the sidewalk was between the planting areas and where the building began. Ms. Irwin was concerned about the setbacks on the sidewalks in that area. Principal Planner Sawa stated he was unsure as to whether or not there was actually a formal plan for sidewalks in that area. Associate Planner Mouriquand advised the Commission that the Village Specific Plan was being revised, and it may address this issue Discussion followed as to where the sidewalk was and where it might be placed in the future Staff stated they would get a copy of the Village Plan to the Commission. Principal Planner Sawa stated the Village Plan was scheduled to go to the Planning Commission on April 14th. Associate Planner Mouriquand asked the Commission to P:\CAROLYl\'\HPC 4-2-98.wpd -3- provide comments, on the Plan, to Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit. 10. Associate Planner Mouriquand further stated there were no significant issues and staff is recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit subject to conditions and if the Commission had any questions she would be happy to answer them. Ms. Mouriquand also mentioned that the applicant and building owner were present at the meeting. 11. Commissioner Wright commented on the looks and quality of the project. 12. Commissioner Irwin stated she was pleased to see the building being used as a residence because historically that was how the building was designed and she was happy to see it going back to its original use. 13. Corrunissioner Puente commented positively on the article in the Desert Sun. 14. Corrunissioner Wright asked if the applicant had an opening date. Ms. Fischer (building owner) answered they were hoping to have the building repairs completed in June. 15. Commissioner DeMersman thanked the owner and applicant for particularly sensitive to the historic character of the building. Commissioners unanimously agreed. being The 16. Commissioner Wright mentioned this was a benchmark for the Village. 17. Corrunissioner Irwin wanted to make public that the workmen were going out of their way to reconstruct the building exactly as it was. When the framers were rebuilding the back shed they went to the Historical Society to ask for pictures of the overhang because they wanted to be sure the roof overhang on the shed was exactly as it had been. That was an example of the extent they're going to recreate the original building. 18. Corrunissioner Irwin asked if the type of signage used on the veterinary clinic and the realty (free-standing) could be adopted in the Village Plan as the "village sign". 19. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated she had recommended a paragraph be added to the Village Specific Plan to allow an exemption process for signage in the Village area for signs that would be historically, and architecturally appropriate to historic resources. She stated this would be coming before the Historic Preservation Commission for review and recommendation. 20. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by Corrunissioners Wright/Puente to approve Minute Motion 98-003 accepting P:\CAROL YNlHPC 4-2-98.wpd -4- the report Unanimously approved. C. ~.lral Resources Report: Tentative Tract Map 26855 and 26718 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, on tile in the Community Development Department. She explained this report was prepared to meet a condition that was originally placed on the Tract back in 1993, when both of the Tentative Tract Maps were originally approved by City Council. Back in that time period archaeological reports were often conditioned for, as opposed to today's process. The current City codes require these reports to be done prior to the approval process so there can be a more thorough environmental analysis on each project. 2. The tentative tracts are adjacent to each other and they are interdependent in their design. Throughout the processing both tracts have gone together and the City has allowed the owners to have the archaeological study done as if it were just one project area as opposed to two; both for time and cost efficiency. 3. There were no prehistoric resources found on this survey and nothing found of significance for the historic period. The report complies with the condition requirement accepted by the Commission. 4. Vice Chairman DeMersman called for comments. Since there were none, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners lrwin/Wright to approve Minute Motion 98-004 to accept the report. Unanimously approved. D. ~ort of an Archaeological Monitoring Program for the La Guinta Self Storage Facil.i.lL I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand commented on the staff report, on file in the Community Development Department. She stated the initial archaeological report was brought before the Commission last year and as a condition of approval archaeological monitoring was required. During the monitoring of this project a single ceramic sherd was recovered; identified as Tizon brownware. It was interesting, though not highly significant, that the remains of burned food were detected on the inside on the sherd. This is again, meeting a condition of approval for that project and it's brought before the Commission as a concluding component of that program for receive and file. 2, Commissioner Irwin asked how it was possible that there was nothing on the site since it's so close to a notable site. Associate Planner Mouriquand answered the site was heavily disturbed by the local water company when channel improvements were made some years ago. The parcel is an elongated P:\CAROLYN\HPC 4.2-n.wpd -5- shape of about tive acres. This project is on the back (northerly) portion of the acreage. The tront remainder is undisturbed and Phase [ surveys have been completed and in it there are substantial archaeological findings. This parcel may have had archaeological deposits, but when the water company did their improvements, they were disturbed. When this other project comes before the Commission it may be a very highly significant site. There were observed on the surface by things blowing out of the dunes that may have been an indication of subsurtace material. 3. Commissioner Irwin asked StatTto shown them the actual site. Was j[ closer to the Whitewater Channel or Highway Ill? Associate Planner Mouriquand answered that it was more on the southerly portion of this parcel. This project yielded a scattering of sherds. Commissioner Irwin asked if they tound anything in the area where the trailer had been. Associate Planner Mouriquand replied this was probably where the surface material was found. She thought the archaeologists were very surprised not to have tound more than one sherd, but thought the front parcel was going to more than make up for what this site did not have. 4. There being no turther comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to receive and file the report. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand reviewed the correspondence. Of particular interest was the literature regarding a CLG Training opportunity by held by the Society for California Archaeology which will start April 8th in San Diego On April 9th two meetings that deal particularly with things here in the Coachella Valley would be held. She also mentioned that if the Commissioners wanted to attend the meeting, there was a $20 per day registration fee the City would reimburse them for registration, mileage, and tood. She also advised the Commission there was additional information on the Internet, and the website address was available for those interested. This meeting qualifies for annual training credit. B. Staff went over a letter from SHPO about the adopted regulations for the California Register of Historic Resources and the language changes. C. The Coachella Valley Archeological Society Symposium on May 16th will be at the Annenberg Theater, in the basement of the Palm Springs Desert Museum. A flyer was included in the Commissioner's packet. Associate Planner Mouriquand mentioned that most of the speakers who were invited have agreed to attend. The P,ICAROL YNlHPC 4-2-98.wpd -6- most important aspect of the Symposium is that it is eligible for CLG training credits. D. Staff informed the COllunission there was recent news on the Catellus project, located at the northwest corner of Avenue 48 and Jefferson Street. Jim Brock from Archaeological Advisory Group was hired to do the Phase II archaeology and at a depth of five feet, in the trenching site, cranium pieces were found in association with artifacts. The bone material has not been positively identified as human, but it is not burned and there are substantial pieces that make up sizeable piece of cranium. The artifact material is very dense. There are a lot of artifacts out there and they're very deep. There have been discussions with the developer as to whether they're going to be re,.designing a portion of the project or what should be proposed as mitigation. That report, once complete, will be brought to the Commission. Commissioner Irwin asked if this was part of the Burning Dune Site? Associate Planner Mouriquand replied that it was not, this site was on the other end of the block at Jefferson Street and Avenue 48. The Burning Dune Site was located at Adams Street and Avenue 48. This site is part of what is currently being dubbed as the "48th Corridor" . Commissioner Irwin asked if "The Islands" is where the midden site had been found. Associate Planner Mouriquand replied it was. VII. COMl'vHSSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Irwin informed the Commission that Katherine Saubel spoke on Sunday and was very supportive of SHPO. B. Associate Planner Mouriquand commented to the Commission that she had been in Seattl.e participating in a symposia put together by the New Mexico SHPO and the symposia was titled "Successes of Preservation Law at the Local Level". The paper she gave discussed how La Quinta was handling its archaeology process and all its succe:sses. She was very proud to represent La Quinta and the State of California. The collection of papers from the symposium will be published. C. Commissioner Irwin stated she was sad she had received a copy of Ned Millis' resignation. She regretted his leaving as she enjoyed working with him as he had done a very good job. Vice Chairman DeMersman also commented he would miss him. He has been a great Chairman. His concern was echoed by Commissioner Wright who included he had been a great Chairman from the very beginning. Assol:iate Planner Mouriquand advised the Commission that the City Clerk would be handling recruitment and processing of appointments for vacancies on commissions. The Historic Preservation Commission will have two other positions up for reappointment on June 30th. The City Clerk's intention is to process all three at the P:\CAROL YN\HPC 4-2-9R.wpd -7- same time The City Clerk will be contacting the two Commissioners whose terms are coming up regarding re-applying. D. Vice Chairman DeMersman asked ifall the Commissioners had received a copy of the State Historic Preservation Conference invitation. He advised the Commissioners that it would be in Berkeley this year and encouraged them to attend. He stated it was a great conference and a great place to network with other communities across the State. This is the conference that will be in Palm Springs next year. Commissioner Irwin asked for the Conference date. Vice Chairman DeMersman replied May 7, 1998. E. Commissioner Irwin advised the Commission she would be unable to attend the May meeting. Commissioner Wright expressed his concern about having a quorum for the meeting. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated there would be a quorum as Commissioner Millis' resignation would be etfective April 7th. She also told the Commission this was the only meeting that would be held in April and the next meeting would not be until May 21 st. Ifthere were items the Commission thought should be discussed prior to that meeting they should contact staff. F. Staff read a letter from the Keith Companies regarding the Eagle Hardware reburial. On March 26th they had a traditional Cahuilla Reburial Ceremony with Kathy Saubel as the local Native American representative Dr. Paul Chace was present as well as a representative of the Riverside County Coroner's Office. It was the first such reburial for La Quinta. We may anticipate more such reburials in the future if we have cremains on sites. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinlPuente to adjourn this special meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on May 21, 1998. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:07 p.m. Unanimously approved. P:\CAROL YN\HPC 4-2-98."'l'd -8-