1998 02 19 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta
FEBRUARY 19, 1998
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman
DeMersman at 3:32 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call:
Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Wright and Vice-Chairman
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Vice-Chairman DeMersman to
excuse Chairman Millis. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di lorio, and Secretary Carolyn Walker.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to approve the Minutes
of January 15, 1998, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Presentation by Kathryn Hull Chairman of the Cultural Commission on the Draft
Cultural Plan.
Chairman Hull thanked the Commission for the opportunity to discuss the
Draft Cultural Plan, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Ms. Hull informed the Commission, they have been visiting with all the City
Commissions and organizations to discuss the plan A community meeting
had been held, almost a year ago, to determine what each of the different
groups were doing in the City. They then sent out questionnaires and took
the information received and incorporated it into the Plan. Now that the Plan
is in the final stages they thought it was important to get input from each of
the Commissions.
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3. Ms. Hull stated the Cultural Commission was established to work in the
community to promote the visual performing and literary arts, and to work
with cultural heritage aspects of our City that deal with culture, and, to advise
the City Council on such matters.
4. Ms. Hull went on to answer the question of "Why have a Cultural Plan?" by
sharing the Cultural Commission's philosophy on their preparation of the
Cultural Plan.
a. A comprehensive plan is, first of all, a set of guidelines and it gives
direction to future cultural and artistic development in the community.
It defines guideposts, pathways, opportunities for expansion, support
and nurturing of our cultural foundation. It plays a vital role in
addressing societal problems by providing shared cultural experiences
for families. It reduces school dropout rates, teaches respect and
appreciation of cultural differences, builds self-esteem, develops
creative outlets to channel energy and builds community pride and
b. A plan such as this would provide direction for community
organizations as they set their goals and develop programs that service
the needs of their constituents and of the community.
c. Commissions and organizations in the community work together to
implement this plan. It's not one that will be done just by the Cultural
Commission. It will be done by all the segments of the community.
d. Because of the Commission's work with the communities throughout
the valley, the nine cities were invited to meet with us. Another
cultural conference was held in December and there will be another
one in the spring that Palm Desert will host. Since we started this,
Cathedral City and Desert Hot Springs have developed Cultural
Commissions. So we feel that La Quinta has really taken a leadership
role in the Valley to promote an awareness of culture not only for the
quality oflife, but for the economic impact these programs can make.
5. Ms. Hull then asked for feedback from the Historic Preservation Commission.
Commissioner Irwin complimented Ms. Hull on the report stating it
was a very extensive plan, very cohesive for the community and the
first time she had seen anything that touched every aspect of our
Ms. Hull replied that perhaps one of the reasons it did was because
cultural life does touch every aspect of the community.
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c. Commissioner Wright commented that the report was excellent and
he wished to commend Ms. Hull and the Cultural Commission on
what was an enormous undertaking and an incredible amount of work
with very little support from the community-at-Iarge. He stated it was
a very positive report and obviously the rest of the Valley was picking
up on it and following the Commission's lead.
d. Commissioner Puente commented about the programs for the youth.
She noted that where she is teaching, a lot of talent that is wasted due
to a lack of motivation, or ways to direct the talent, such as music.
This plan could be a benefit to the youth.
e. Commissioner DeMersman commented that he was very impressed
with the document and the fact that La Quinta is showing a real
leadership role for the rest of the Valley. He was concerned,
however, that culture was being defined by visual and performing arts
and there wasn't enough of a balance between some of the other
aspects of modern culture.
f. Ms. Hull replied that the Cultural Commission had struggled with the
definition of culture because it's different to each person. The
Commission started with the Cultural Arts Program and then realized
that culture brings in other things.
The Commission was asking the HPC if there were any areas to be
clarified in the Plan. The Cultural Commission is going to be finishing
the Plan and submitting it to the Council on March 17th.
6. Ms. Hull thanked the Commission for their supportive comments.
B. Investigation at the Buming Dune Site (CA-RIV-4754) Avenue 48 Extension! Adams
Street widenin~ proiect La Ouinta California by James Brock and Brenda D Smith.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio commented on the staff report, on file in
the Community Development Department. She then introduced James Brock,
of the Archaeological Advisory Group, who was in attendance to answer any
questions about the report.
Mr. Brock then gave a brief presentation on what the report contained and
commented on the importance of what was discovered at the site. He gave
some interesting hypotheses on the fishing and cooking activities in th(: local
area as evidenced in clay and charcoal deposits found at the site.
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3. Commissioner Irwin asked about the disposal of the fish bones found at the
site. Mr. Brock advised her that the City would be handling the curation of
the items.
4. Planning Manager di Iorio advised the Commission of current and future City
curation procedures.
5. There followed general discussion on what had been fishing techniques and
fish trap use in the area.
6. Commissioner DeMersman asked if this was an important site in the
archaeology ofthe Valley. Mr. Brock answered that it has the best preserved
fish bone collection and it's the first site where an archaeologist has pointed
out that these lenses of mesquite burning are probably a cultural activity. The
site was of significant importance and he felt it might be eligible for the
National Register.
7. Commissioner DeMersman asked if there were any plans to reprint the report.
Mr. Brock answered that he had thought of printing a few copies but the main
consideration, in the publication of this report, was money. He would,
however be publishing his report for the Society for California Archaeology,
in April.
8. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Puente/Wright to approve Minute Motion 98-002 accepting
the report. Unanimously approved.
A. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio reviewed the correspondence. Of particular
interest was the literature regarding tax benefits for historic preservation; as well as
the Mills Act. She stated these were items to be kept in mind when setting up the
Preservation Plan; which would be the next step in what the City needs to do, now
that the Historical Survey has been prepared.
A. None.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinlWright to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the
Historic Preservation Commission on March 19,1998. This meeting of the Historic Preservation
Commission was adjourned at 3:58 p.m. Unanimously approved.