1998 01 15 HPC Minutes REGULAR t\1EETfNG OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta JANUARY 15, 19"8 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Millis at 331 p,m. who led the flag salute. Chairman Millis asked for the roll call: L CALL TO ORDER A. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Puente, and Chairman Millis. B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners lrwirVPuente to excuse Commissioners DeMersman and Wright. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Secretary Carolyn Walker II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMA nON OF AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwirVPuente to approve the Minutes of October 16, 1997, as submitted. Unanimously approved. B, It was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwirVPuente to approve the Minutes of November 20, 1997, as submitted, Unanimously approved V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Report on the Archaeolo\,!ical Monitoring for The Tradition Club Development TT 28470' Paul Chace and Charles Reeves The Keith Companies 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2, Commissioner Irwin asked what purpose "Lot J" would serve Associate Planner Mouriquand answered there would be several possibilities proposed for Lot "J" including: C;\Mytl.t:l,WPtlOCSIHPC 1-15-98.wpd -1- Developers working with the Native American Community to come up with a list of possible uses, such as turfing it over, construction of a gazebo, or a monument. Stall' assured the Commission that no pennanent structures would be placed on the site. The primary use would probably be some type of a '-(reen area. The site has an easement on it into perpetuitv to prohibit the - - building of structures. J. Chairman Millis asked if the site had been capped by several feet of fill. Associate Planner Mouriquand assured him there was a minimum three foot cap. B. Annual Certified Local Government Report for 1997 I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand advised the Commission that this was a draft of the report that was to be sent to SHPO and asked the Commissioners if they had any changes or modifications to this report. 2. Commissioner Irwin noted there was the possibility of a page missing "Commission Composition and Activities" Chairman Millis concurred with her comments. 3. Associate Planner Mouriquand noted their comments and stated this would be corrected in the final draft. 4. Associate Planner Mouriquand also asked the Commissioners advise statT of any changes/updates to their resumes. 5. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Puentellrwin to adopt Minute Motion 98-00 I approving the Annual Certified Local Government Report for 1997 as corrected. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MA TERlAL A. Commissioner Irwin stated she would be unable to attend the Symposium in May in Palm Springs as she will be out of tlie country. She asked to be advised of any other conferences she could attend. B. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated that were Symposiums/Conferences available on February 23, April 8 - II, October 24. Copies of those events would be made available to the Commission. C. Planning Manager di Iorio also informed the Commission that the Society of Architectural Historians plan to hold their conference in April. Information would be provided to the Commission as it becomes available. C:\MyData\WPDOCS\HPC )-15-9Kwpd -2- VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS. A. Chairman Millis asked Stalfifthere were any updates on activities at the Traditions and mentioned that the golf course had opened Saturday. January lath. I. Planning Manager di Iorio stated the developer of the Tradition decided not to pursue the application lor a Preservation Award lor the Hacienda del Gato There was a possibility it might be made in the future 2. Chairman Millis also mentioned that most of the chain link fence had been removed around the Traditions and hoped that the landscaping would be installed soon B. Planning Manager di Iorio informed the Commission that she had been contacted by M1. & Mrs. Fisher and it looked as though work would be progressing on the Kiener Building. The tenant had submitted improvement plans and it appears the tenant and landlord have arrived at an agreement. I. Commissioner Irwin commented on the graffiti on the back wall of the building as well as the Historical Society building. 2. Commission and staff agreed that it will be a nice improvement. for the Village. to have that building occupied. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business. it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Irwin to adjourn this regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historic Preservation COJrunission on February 18. 1998. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3.51 pm. Unanimously approved. C:\MyDnta\WPDOCS\HPC ! -15-98.wpd -3-