1997 09 18 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico. La Quinta
SEPTEMBER 18. 1997
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Millis at
3 :42 p.m., who lead the flag salute. Chairman Millis asked for the roll call:
A. . Present:
Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Wright, and Chairman Millis.
B. :it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to excuse
Commissioner DeMersman. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie
. Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
D. Chairman Millis opened the nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Commissioner Wright moved that the Commission continue with Chairman Millis
and Vice Chairman DeMersman. It was unanimously approved.
A. Staff asked to add the Archaeological Monitoring Report for Home Depot to the
Agenda and an addition to the La Quinta Hotel report. It was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to accept the change. Unanimously approved.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to approve the Minutes
of May 22,1997, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to approve the Minutes
ofJune 19, 1997, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
September 18. 1997
A. La Ouinta Hotel Historic Resource Evaluation; a request of the City for a revised
report on the Hotel Report by Mellon and Associates.
I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the Commission that the
revised report contained information on the Cyrus Pierce house with added
information staff believes contributes to the evaluation of significance of
several of the buildings. It appears there are buildings that are eligible for the
Natiol!al Register as well as the local Registry. Staffwent on to give detailed
information that was contained in the report.
2. Pam O'Conner for Mellon and Associates stated that Advisor Lauren Bricker
had information that contributed to their reviewing a collection at UCLA
which gave a confirmation as to who designed the grounds at the Hotel. As
the Hotel has evolved and changed it did lose some of its architectural
integrity, but the Huntsman Trout connection and design landscape aspects
helped to elevate to a level of significance.
3. Chairman Millis stated that he had a friend visiting with him who was an
architect from Hong Kong and Singapore and had taken him on a walking
tour of the Hotel. His friend was very impressed with how the Hotel was
constructed and the integrity of the landscaping as part of the entire site.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright/Puente to accept the report as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
B. Procedures fo~ Archaeolol!ical Resources
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated this was a section to be added to
the final report for the Historic Survey project that will be sent to State
Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The original proposal for the Survey
grant included a section to deal with the prehistoric archaeological resources
through the development of a sensitivity map. While reviewing' the sites, it
was determined that there were so many sites allover the City, that the map
would be unable to distinguish sensitive areas, as the whole City is sensitive.
Staff spoke with the State Office and found out that the trend was no longer
to prepare sensitivity maps as it was causing too much of a disturbance to the
sites from pot hunters, etc. Therefore, it was determined that staff would
drop this component and add a component on how to handle archaeological
resources. Staffhas prepared a summary preview of the procedures that will
be presented in their entirety at the next meeting.
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
September 18. 19'97
2. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Puente/Irwin to approve the inclusion of the Procedures for Archaeological
Resources into the Survey. Unanimously approved.
C. Report of an Archaeolo~ical Monitorin~ Pro~ for The Home Depot; a request of
The Keith companies for a review and approval of the report.
I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated that artifacts had been found on
the site, but no significant features were exposed. Most artifacts were shards
of pottery and miscellaneous items. This is a follow up report to be received
and filed regarding the monitoring activities at the site.
2. Chairman Millis asked what happened to the artifacts that had been found at
the site. Staff stated that legally they are the property of the property owner.
Staff can ask them if they would be willing to donate the items or place them
on a long term loan to the City or the Museum in order to keep them in the
City. Following discussion, staffwas directed to contact Home Depot asking
that tliese items be placed on loan for display at the City with permanent
storage at the Historical Museum.
3. Commissioner Irwin informed the Commissioners that in April a new Indian
display would be opening and these artifacts would fit in with that display.
D. Report of the Cvrus Pierce house at the La Ouinta Hotel
1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commission that a five or
six foot portion of the adobe wall which encircled the compound of the Cyrus
Piece house had been removed by KSL in the last month. Staff was in the
process of working with them to rectify the damage and the results of these
discussions would be brought to the Commission at a later date with a staff
recommendation. One ofKSL's requests is to modify the fountain in the
middle of the compound. As noted in the report of Mellon and Associates,
this fountain has been modified previously. Staff reviewed some of the
changes that had taken place.
2. Pam O'Conner stated that whatever changes are allowed to be made, they
should be harmonious with the site.
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
September 18, 1997
3, Commissioner Irwin asked if there were any samples of the tiles originally
used as they were made on site. Staff stated that there were tiles in other
places at the Hotel that could be used for replication. Staffs primary concern
is the compatibility with the style, not to match the existing, Discussion
followed as the changes that had done by KSL.
E. Status ReDort on the City's Historic Survev by Mellon and Associates
I. Pam O'Conner of Mellon and Associates passed out the Department of Parks
and Recreation forms used as an inventory for the City. The first form she
reviewed was the data base list which at present did not contain the La Quinta
Hotel or Marshall Ranch as they were District sites. Most of the sites on the
data base were from the Cove. She went on to explain the form and what the
codes meant for each site. The sites were divided up by year and any
structure built before 1950 was considered as long as it had not significantly
altered. Between 1935 and 1941 there were 63 structures which stopped with
World War II. Development started again in 1946 until 1949 when 29
buildings built. Of the pre WWII buildings, 49 are identified in the Survey.
Of the 29 post WWII buildings 18 fell out due to alterations which left 11 to
report on.
Recorded sites identified included:
. ,
Landscape features - All American Canal and Date Palm Grove at 52nd
Avenue and Jefferson
The La Quinta Hotel consisting of the Casitas, The Walter Morgan House,
Cyrus Pierce House, and La Casa
Miscellaneous information on the Hotel included magazine articles showing
the original floor plans from the 1930's. Ads showed the Hotel being
advertised as a low cost housing in 1933. Obtained copies of the photographs
that were on display at the Huntington Library of the Hotel.
Point Happy Ranch including the Dupont House
Marshall Ranch
Non-Cove buildings in the Village area - Historical Museum building, the old
lumber yard, and where the EI Ranchito restaurant is curently, the real estate
building on the southeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Estado, and
the Chamber of Commerce building
Miscellaneous buildings outside the Cove
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
September 18. 1997
. Cameo Palms house built in the 1930's
House at the southeast corner of Jefferson Street and 50th Avenue
Dune Palms Road house
Cove buildings:
4 homes built in 1935
17 homes built in 1936
25 built in 1937
7 built in 1938
2 built in 1939
6 built in 1940
2 built in 1941
Of these 14 had been altered or changed to the point that they were
dropped out of the Survey. Two dominate subtypes were found from
the remaining. Their were 16 "L" shaped houses and 18 were of the
"I" shape all built pre-WWII.
Post WWII houses
2. Commissioners discussed the components that were required to classify a
house as historic.
3. Ms. O'Conner pointed out that the Survey is an evolving document which
currently includes any structure 50 years of age or older. As as time goes by
other structures will be added to the Survey and it will continue to grow.
4. Following discussion regarding the different aspects of the Survey, Chairman
Millis thanked Ms. O'Conner for her report. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioners PuentelIrwin to accept the report as submitted. Unanimously
A. Staff informed the Commission of the Seismic Retrofit Guidance System that had
been included in the Commission's packet.
B. Staff informed the Commission of a letter from Mr. Ray House who had an extensive
collection of photographs and negatives that he had shared with staff. He was willing
to be a resource for the Desert Club and airport.
HPC9- I 8-97
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
September 18. 1997
A. Staff discussed training that was required by the Commissioners to meet their CLG
requirement. Staff was to looking into training alternatives for the Commission.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the
Historic Preservation Commission on October 16, 1997. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 5: 17 p.m. ~nanimously approved.