1997 07 17 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall North Conference Room 78-495 Calle Tampico. La Quinta. CA. July 17, 1997 I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 3 :36 p.m. by staff. B. ROLL CALL 1. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Puente. and Wright 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to excuse Chairman Millis and Commissioner DeMersman. Unanimously approved. 3. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio advised that the Chair and Vice Chair were absent and asked for a motion/volunteer to serve as acting Chairman. Commissioner Wright volunteered to act as Chair. Unanimously approved. 4. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Office Assistant Carolyn Walker. C. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR I. As only three Commissioners were present, staff asked if the Commission wanted to postpone elections until their next meeting. Commissioner Wright mentioned that Commissioner Puente would be unavailable for the next meeting and suggested the elections be postponed to the September meeting. Motion made and seconded by Commissioners WrightlPuente. Unanimously approved. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: I. Acting Chairman Wright asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand requested that Business Item #4 be combined with Item #1 as they were directly correlated. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightlIrwin to consider Item #4 with Item #1. Unanimously approved. 2. Staff requested that the Agenda be amended to delete the approval of the Minutes of May 22, 1997 and June 17, 1997. HPC7-17 1 Historical Preservation Commission July 17. 1997 II. PUBLIC COMMENT: 1. Mrs. Roxie Yessayian introduced herself and stated she was present to observe the meeting. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: None V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Status of the City Historic Survey; a request of the City for review of the Historic Survey by Mellon and Associates. HPC7-17 1. A staff report was presented by Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the Commission that a letter dated July 7, 1997, addressed to Jan Wooley, State Office Of Historic Preservation had been included in their Agenda packet and attached to that letter were 20 of the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) forms that Mellon and Associates had completed to submit for the third progress report. This should have been noted as Business Item #1 in the packet. Staffwent on to give an update on the Survey. Recordation of sites in the Cove area were being finished and a time line for completion of the Survey had been received. Staff stated that if the Commission were to not hold their August meeting, the regular meeting of the Commission in September (September 18th) would be too late to review the Survey. Staff recommended the Commission adjourn to September 4th or earlier to allow time for Commission review of the Survey. 3. In further discussion, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated Pam O'Connor, of Mellon and Associates, had requested a date in August to have a working session with Commission members as well as interested persons of the Historical Society and the community, who might have photographs or additional information that would be useful in the Survey. Ms. O'Connor suggested the week of August 11th or August 18th. Following discussion, September 4th was set as the date for the regular meeting and August 14th as a working meeting. 2 Historical Preservation Commission . July 17. 1997 B. Archaeolol!ical Assessment ofStockoile Site north of 48'h Avenue in La Ouinta; a request of the City for review of the Assessment. I . A staff report was presented by Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand. a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Mr. Jim Brock. representing Archaeological Advisory Group, stated he was contacted by Kore Engineering to conduct a Phase I survey of the proposed stockpile site which is being considered under Business Item #3. The study was required to make sure that by stockpiling the dirt it would not be covering up an archaeological site or any historical resources. The area in question consisted of approximately .2 acres in size. Even though nothing had been found at the site, this particular area does have a high sensitivity for archaeological site. Therefore, his report recommends monitoring any site prep for the stockpile site. Staff did not have any concerns at this time. 3. As the Commission had no concerns. it was moved and seconded by Comniissioners WrightlPuente to recommend approval of the Archaeological Assessment of Stockpile Site north of 48th Avenue. Unanimously approved. C. Cultural Resources Assessment for the Widening of Adams Street from 48th A venue north 1.000 feet; a request of the City for review of the Assessment. I. A staff report was presented by Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff informed the Commission that this was a companion report to Business Item B. 2. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the Commission that Mr. Jim Brock had been contacted by Korve Engineering to do the necessary field survey and archival work on the site which consisted of a linear strip of road for a right of way extension. She then gave a brief history of previous research done on the site and reminded the Commission that Mr. Brock had given an earlier presentation on this project. The formal report of the Phase I Survey (attached to the Commission packet) includes recommendations as to a Phase III Data Recovery Program which had already been conducted. A final report would be due in October. HPC7-17 3 Historical Preservation Commission July 17. 1997 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightlIrwin to approve the Cultural Resources Assessment for the Widening of Adams Street from 48'h Avenue north 1.000 feet. Unanimously approved. D. Discussion regarding Commission re~ular meeting to be held in AUlmst. I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand reiterated the dates of the next Historical Preservation Commission meeting and the August workshop as noted in Business Item A. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. SecretarY of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Oualification Standards; a request of staff for review and comment. I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand asked if there were any questions regarding the "Secretary of Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards" that had been included in the Agenda packet. Comments would be due on August 8th to meet the deadline of August 19th. She also stated the following items were recommended to be added to the list: Conservation Fork Lore Curation Engineering Historic Preservation Planning 2. Staff also went over several fax alerts that had been received from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, requesting support for legislative lobbying efforts. Staff stated they would not respond unless directed to do so by the Commission. 3. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand discussed the Information Series catalog stating that if any item was wanted by the Commission, she would try to obtain a copy for the City Library. 4. Staff reviewed the Preservation Advocate News from the National Trust for Historic Preservation which includes articles on proposed laws, public policies, requests for letters in support of various legislation, updates on what had been passed and historical items of interest. HPC7-17 4 Historical Preservation Commission July 17. 1997 5. The National Preservation Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico was discussed and staff requested that anyone wanting to attend contact staff for further details as the budget was limited. 6. Staff informed the Commission that a letter had been received from the Office of Historic Preservation dated June 16th, stating they had received the City's Annual Report for 1996 and the City's CLG certification had been continued. 7. Staff discussed articles that had appeared in the paper about the Eagle Hardware project and gave a report on the status of the archaeological monitoring. Commissioners discussed the artifacts and procedures for collecting and recording. VII COMMISSIONER ITEMS: None VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further busiqess, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to adjourn this met:ting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on September 4, 1997. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4: 13 P.M. Unanimously approved. , , HPC7-17 5