1996 02 08 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 8, 1996
3:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:07
P.M. by Chairman Millis.
A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners DeMersman,
Puente, Wright, Chairman Millis and Advisor Weiss-Bricker.
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to excuse
Commissioner Woodard. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Administrative Assistant Britt
Wilson, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty
A. There being no corrections to the minutes of November 16, 1996, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners WrightlPuente to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Context Statement; Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the
Commissioners of the progress on the Context Statement and asked that the
Commission submit any information or comments they may have on the Statement
to staff.
1. Commissioners reviewed and discussed information staff had received on
existing homesteads, grants, and lands that had been granted to the railroad
by the government. Staff explained that the government issued patents on the
land to the homesteaders, but in order to have the patent there must be a
structure on the land.
Historical Preservation Commission Meeting
February 8, 1996
2. This was the type of information that would be included in the context
statement and would generate the information to write the Context Statement.
Planning Manager di Iorio stated that some of the architectural styles could
be integrated into the time period staff had identified. So some of the
homesteads have both significance as historical as well as architectural.
Commissioners discussed some of the known homesteads in La Quinta.
3. Members discussed with staff people they would try to contact to gain
additional information on the homesteads.
4. Commissioners asked questions on the Context Statement Outline.
Staff asked that the Agenda be reorganized by put Item B as Item D. It was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Wright/DeMersman to so reorganize the agenda. Unanimously approved.
B. Archaeolo~ical Report - Rancho La Ouinta (Proiect MaD 20469)
1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the Commission that the
applicant had requested this item be continued to the next meeting of the
Commission on March 21,1996.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wright/DeMersman to continue the archaeological report to March 21, 1996.
Unanimously approved.
C. Archaeolollical ReDort - Desert Sands Unified School District. Administrative Center
Associate Planner Lesile Mouriquand presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Chairman Millis asked if any significant findings had been made. Staff stated
several pot sherds were found and the reports suggests having a monitor
present during the grading process.
Staff stated the report was before the Commission for their acceptance as
partial compliance. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wright/DeMersman to accept the report as submitted. Unanimously
Historical Preservation Commission Meeting
February 8, 1996
D. Archaeolo~ical Report - La Ouinta Water Tank Proiect. Coachella Vallev Water
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand introduced Dr. Bruce Love, Ph.D.,
SOP A, of CRM Tech, a cultural research management firm from Riverside,
who gave a slide presentation of the artifacts that had been found at the
above-noted project site as noted in the staff report. A copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
Dr. Love described the process whereby the study was conducted, how the
sites were marked, and what had been found. They proceeded to record the
first step, evaluating their significance, and a literature review as to what the
purpose could have been for the objects found. They disassembled the cairns
to see if any indication could be reached as to the purpose of the cairns.
Some of the hypotheses were that they were used as planting vines, or corrals
for chasing wild game, or to herd antelope into. Methods were tried and
tested for each of the hypotheses. As nothing was found inside the cairns, it
was determined that they were functional in purpose only.
The hypothesis settled on was that they were used as anchors for fences to
catch big game. Brush fences were used to replicate the hypothesis to see if
it would work. Results were that the number of rocks used to build a cairn
to support a brush fence were the same. This proved their hypothesis. The
brush fence was used to channel the sheep to an area where the hunters would
wait for them.
A determination was made that the site was eligible for the National Registry
as the study increased the knowledge of the prehistoric game hunting and the
site itself contained information that was valuable and could answer a
research question. Because of this a mitigation program was initiated to
protect the site until excavation could occur to recover all the data they could
prior to the installation of the well.
Commissioners asked if any dating was done on the pieces found. Dr. Love
stated there was and it was determined to be in the 1000's.
Staff asked if Dr. Love would be nominating the site for the National
Register. Dr. Love stated they would not. Discussion followed between the
Commissioners and Dr. Love regarding the various sites.
Historical Preservation Commission Meeting
February 8, 1996
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners DeMersmanlPuente to approve the report as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. SB 875 - Historic Tax Credit for seismic retrofitting
I. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand gave a description of the bill and stated
it did not require any action by the Commission, unless they wished staff to
draft a letter stating their support of the Bill.
2. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wright/DeMersman to instruct staff to write a letter to Senator Kelley stating
the Commission's support of the Bill. Unanimously approved.
B. Discussion of Commission Vacancies
1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the Commission of the
progress of the City Council to replace the positions that had been vacated by
Commissioners Terry Henderson and Drew Pallette. Staff introduced new
Commissioner Jim DeMersman who gave a short biography of himself to the
other members.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersmanlPuente
to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting. on March 21,
1996. This meeting of the Historical Commission was adjourned at 4:26 P.M. Unanimously