1995 09 21 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
September 21, 1995
A. The meeting was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by Chairman Ned Millis
A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call. Present: Commission Members
Henderson, Wright, and Chairman Millis. Commissioner Puente arrived late.
B. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie
Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Millis asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of July 20,
1995. Commissioner Henderson asked that the time shown for adjournment be
amended to read 4:45 P.M. There being no further corrections, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Henderson/Puente to approve the minutes of July 21,
1995, as corrected. Unanimously approved.
A. Req.uest for Proposals for Survey
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in
the staff report. Staff stated Advisor Lauren Bricker had suggested
additional language be added ("prehistoric" "consultants" F). In addition, she
suggested that if a consultant does conduct the Survey, that it be submitted
to the City on a computer disk that is compatible with the City's computer
Historical Preservation Commission Minutes
September 21, 1995
2. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio clarified why staff had modified the
Request for Proposal. She informed the Commissioners that she retained the
degrees/qualifications necessary to conduct the Context Statement in-house
if the Commission so desired. Commissioner Henderson stated the desire
was to do it in-house if it was possible.
3. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated that Advisor Bricker stated the City
should apply for as much money as possible and negotiate at a later date. The
Survey would require a team of people, and the City would need to be
prepared to cover their cost. Whatever money the City receives for the grant,
the City must match with in-kind services.
4. Commissioner Henderson questioned that if the City received a grant, timing
would be a factor. Staff informed the Committee that State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO) had stated the funds would depend on when the
Federal level passed the money on to the State. SHPO is unable to give any
deadlines until the money has been received.
5. Planning Manager di Iorio stated the Commission needed to concentrate on
preparing the Context Statement. Staff would prepare a schedule for their
next meeting.
6. Chairman Millis asked that the cost estimate for the Survey RFP be changed
to $15,000.
7. Commissioner Henderson stated the RFP should require the consultant to
meet with the Historical Society. Staff suggested this be handled through a
Review and Comment Transmittal and invite the Historical Society to
participate in the meeting.
8. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated resources were available under
"II. Project Background". Staff would add the Historical Society and the
Torres Martinez Tribal Council.
9. It was decided the schedule would be delayed until the exact timing is
received from the State.
10. Commissioner Henderson stated her concern that when staff reminds the City
about the matching funds, the City states funds are not available. Staff stated
the whole proposal would be presented to the Council for their review and
approval before it is submitted anywhere. Commissioner Henderson stated
that the Council would place a cap on the amount at that time. .
HPC9-21 2
Historical Preservation Commission Minutes
September 21, 1995
II. Associate Planner Mouriquand stated the in-kind match could be an hourly
value of time for staff or volunteers. Chairman Millis noted that the
Commissioners are required to participate in part of the Survey, which would
also translate into a financial cost.
12. Planning Manager di Iorio asked the Commission to identify which RFP the
Commission would want to go with. Discussion followed regarding the
amount of money to ask for and what the money would be used for.
13. Planning Manager di Iorio stated that mapping was not considered a part of
the first draft. Commissioner Wright asked what the volunteer staff time
would cost. Staff stated between $35-50/hour.
14. Chairman Millis stated it would take about 10 weeks to finish the project.
15. Commissioner Henderson asked for clarifications on the Request For
Proposals (RFP) and the Context Statement. Staff clarified they were asking
the Commission for direction as to whether they would prefer to use the RFP
to prepare a Context Statement or have it done in-house. Following
discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners HendersonlWright
to approve the RFP for the Survey with the corrections as noted and with a
time table to be approved by the Commission when it is available.
Unanimously approved.
16. Commissioner Henderson moved to have the Context Statement prepared in-
house. Commissioner Wright seconded the motion and it carried
17. Chairman Mi1l1s asked staff what the time table would be on the Context
Statement. Staff replied that it would be brought back to the Commission for
their review at their next meeting.
B. Paleontological Condition Revision
Associate Planner Mouriquand presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Department. Staff would like to have the flexibility in this condition to re-
write it slightly as the project needs modification. This would be the basic
Historical Preservation Commission Minutes
September 21, 1995
2. Commissioner Henderson stated her approval of the Statement and asked if
anyone had seen the article about the artifacts that were discovered on a
construction site. There were two unknown species found stored in a school
house over the summer. Janitors, not knowing their value, threw the artifacts
away and now they are in the dump and unretrievable. The Commission
needs to address this issue under "storage of fossils" to protect this from
3. Commissioner Wright suggested staff make a recommendation to modify the
condition to address this issue.
4. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Wright
to accept the revised condition as written with the an addendum regarding
5. Staff reminded the Commission that the City does not have the ability to
store artifacts and therefore, any paleontological facility would accept these
6. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was unanimously
C. Letter of Resil1nation Received from Drew Pallette
I. Staff informed the Commissioners that a letter of resignation had been
received from Commissioner Pallette. Commissioner Henderson moved to
accept the resignation as submitted. Commissioner Wright seconded the
motion. Unanimously approved.
2. Staff informed the Commission that Council had directed the City Clerk to
start the process to recruit another member to the Commission. Discussion
followed regarding the recruitment process.
A. Preliminary Proposal to Make Improvements to a Designated Historic Structure
located at 77-895 Avenida Montezuma (Old Lumber Yard)
Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
Historical Preservation Commission Minutes
September 21, 1995
2. Commissioner Henderson stated this project meets the intent of the Village
Specific Plan. Staff stated the applicant proposed to rehabilitate the historic
building structure. The only change anticipated was to replace the windows.
A number of windows appeared to be changed in the past. He would prepare
a formal presentation for a later date.
3. Commissioner Henderson stated the applicant had not purchased the property
to date. Staff stated this was the City's understanding. They had met with
the Building Official to discuss the issues regarding retrofitting and
inspections that would be made by the City as well as the Fire Marshall to
determine all the modifications that would need to take place.
4. Commissioner Henderson stated she had spoken with the applicant and she
was pleased with the project but, felt it was down the road.
5. Commissioner Wright and Chairman Millis stated their excitement to see the
project progress.
6. Planning Manager di Iorio stated that the City's Ordinance allows the use of
the State Historic Building Code due to it being a historic site. She went on
to discuss the Secretary ofInterior's Guidelines and how it would be applied
in reviewing the application. In addition, the City was looking into some
incentives to have the building repaired. It was suggested the City process
an amendment to Title 7 and see if building and plan check fees could be
7. Staff stated the only Community Development fees to be charged would be
CEQA fees (approximately $250.00) and staff was looking into waiving
whatever fees the City could waive. Discussion followed regarding the
proposed changes to the building.
8. Staff stated the item would be on the October 19th agenda for a full
presentation to the Commission.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Henderson
to adjourn this meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission at 4:02 P.M., to a regular meeting
of the Historic Preservation Commission on October 19, 1995. Unanimously approved.