1995 07 20 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA July 20, 1995 3:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Millis opened the meeting at 3:10 P.M. and asked for the roll call. II. ROLL CALL A. Present: Commissioners Henderson, Puente, Wright, and Chairman Millis. Advisor to the Commission Lauren Weiss Bricker was also in attendance. B. Staff Present: Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, Management Assistant Britt Wilson, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. CONSENT CALENDER: A. There being no changes to the Minutes of May 18, 1995, Commissioners Henderson/Wright moved and seconded a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. IV. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Grant Opportunities Update 1. Management Assistant Britt Wilson presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. National Historical Publications and Records Commission Prog-ram; Commissioner Henderson asked if the Commission should make a motion recommending the City Council support the request of the La Quinta Historical Society in their request for a grant to purchase computers. Staff stated it would show in the Minutes. Commissioner Henderson stated this would also keep the Council informed. HPC7.20 1 Historical Preservation Commission July 20, 1995 HPC7-20 3. National Endowment for the Humanities Programs; Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand asked if the Commission could apply on behalf of the Historical Society for the grant and would the City qualify as a non-profit organization. Management Assistant Britt Wilson explained that all grants require the requestor to be a 301C. However, according to the IRS, the City is non-profit and gifts are tax deductible if it is for the good of the City. 4. In reference to the "Institute of Museums Services Program", Commissioner Henderson asked about assistance for the Historical Society. Staff stated this could be a possibility and they should apply for the grant. 5. In reference to "Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record Program, Management Assistant Britt Wilson suggested the Marshall Ranch be considered. If the Ranch ever became available for funding assistance, the City could apply for funds to conduct a study. The La Quinta Historical Society could do it and the City apply for the funding. Advisor Bricker informed the Committee that usually the funds have to come from some other source. 6. In reference to "National Historic Landmark Program and National Register of Historic Places Program" Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated this is where the plaque comes from. Management Assistant Britt Wilson stated the site would have to be on the National Register, and listed as a national historic site, before being registered as a National Landmark. Both registries would increase the City's opportunity for funding as well as offering tax advantages for being on the registry. It is not necessary, however, to apply for a grant program. 7. In reference to the "Technical Preservation Services Program" Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand asked if the City could apply for assistance in writing the Historical Preservation Element. Advisor Bricker stated that since the City is a Certified Local Government, the City could request the assistance as it does meet the requirements. 8. Management Assistant Britt Wilson stated he has reviewed other available grants such as the CLG, as well as other sources. 9. Commissioner Henderson asked if staff was comfortable applying for a grant utilizing any of the sources referred to above. Staff stated they were still doing research, but the most likely programs at this time would be "The National Historical Publications and Records Commission Program" and "The Institute of Museum Services Program" . 2 Historical Preservation Commission July 20, 1995 10. Chairman Millis asked if the Historical Society could apply for a grant to purchase a computer through "The Institute of Museum Services Program" . Staff stated they were informed that it may be possible. 11. Commissioner Henderson stated they would give this information to the Historical Society at their next meeting and have a letter drafted to the City requesting assistance to apply for the Grant. 12. Commissioners discussed with staff possible historical sites. 13. Advisor Bricker stated the agencies were looking at the applications more carefully now. If the City placed property on the National Register, there basically was no review of the property unless you applied for tax credits. If you applied for improvements then it was reviewed very strictly. With the adoption of the California Register, if a property was determined to be eligible for the Registry, they would automatically be registered on the California registry. 14. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated the Commission needs to make a determination about possible projects for CLG funding. The deadline for receiving the proposals is February/March, 1996 and staff needs time to have prepared the requests. Staff suggested requesting funding for the Historical Preservation Element and/or a comprehensive City-Wide Survey. Depending on the amount received, they could either hire a consultant or manage the survey with volunteers doing the legwork. 15. Commissioner Henderson stated she understood this was the purpose for applying for CLG certification, to have the funds for a survey. Members discussed the different programs that could be applied for as well as from the CLG. Some of the topics suggested were: Historical contexts Shared cost of a legal writer Training and educational proposal to reach CLG requirements 16. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Henderson/Wright to direct staff to start the process of applying for a grant from the CLG for either/or both: A Context Statement Funding to attend the CLG Conference HPC7-20 3 Historical Preservation Commission July 20, 1995 17. Advisor Bricker suggested the survey be completed in phases so the funding could be staggered. In addition, the time framework for the release of funds may be more conducive. Some funds received by March require the applicant to have their work completed in four to six months. She suggested staff look into the time frame allowed to complete the application. If the project is not completed in the time frame allowed, the funds must be returned. 18. Staff stated they would like to apply for one grant just to get their feet wet and learn how to work with the agency. This would help staff to know how to apply for and complete a grant application. 19. Staff suggested a second grant be applied for that would pay for training or attending the CLG Conferences. 20. Staff stated they would put together a Request for Proposals (RFP) to see what consultant support could be obtained and the costs involved. Members discussed the advantages of hiring a consultant versus doing it in- house. It was suggested that the RFP and/or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) be mailed out in the fall. From those received, staff would request an RFP and give them 30-days to prepare it. A grant proposal would then be applied for. Staff suggested that a RFQ and a Scope of Work be prepared instead, It was stated that there was a need to add a clause that funding for the proposal is dependent upon funding acceptance. 21. Chairman Millis stated the Context Statement needs to be clearly stated. 22, Advisor Bricker stated she had been involved with another agency that had received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the City might want to consider this source as well as the Getty and Mellon Foundations. 23. Commissioner Wright suggested that funding may be applied for to repair the agricultural pool and landscaping at the Hacienda del Gato. 24. Management Assistant Britt Wilson stated that if the Historical Society wanted City assistance in applying for a grant from the "National Endowment for the Humanities Program" or the "Institute of Museum Services Program" they would need to write a letter as soon as possible. Commissioners Henderson/Millis stated the La Quinta Historical Society would make the request. In particular, to request a computer with the ability to scan material for retainment. HPC7.20 4 Historical Preservation Commission July 20, 1995 25. Staff asked the Commissioners for direction as to whether they would want staff to prepare an RFQ first or RFP. Staff asked Advisor Bricker if she knew of a list of qualified people that staff could obtain. Advisor Bricker stated she wasn't sure if the list was up-to-date, but she knew the offices of SHPO retained a list. In addition, the Information Centers could be contacted for candidates in the Southern California Region. Staff would need to prepare the Scope of Services now. 26. Following the discussion, staff was directed to research the process to apply for grants and report back to the Conunission at their next meeting. B. Paleontological Report for the Tom Weiskopf Golf Course at PGA West. 1. Staff presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Members discussed the report and the items that had been found during the report. In addition, members reviewed a map that showed the areas of the lower Valley that contained the last seven inundations of the ancient Lake Cahuilla. 3. Discussion followed regarding the location of artifacts found at the site. 4. Commissioner Henderson asked that staff write a letter to KSL thanking them and the Paleontologist for the report and information. They suggested staff inform KSL of the City's policy requiring all developers to notify the Community Development Department of any finds and allow the City the frrst right of refusal regarding the artifacts found. Staff needs to amend the Conditions of Approval to include a statement that the developer will notify the City of any fmd and give the City frrst right of refusal and/or the source of depositing of the find. 5. Following a review of the report it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Henderson/Wright to accept the report as submitted. OTHER: A. Staff reviewed the correspondence and reading material handed out in the COmInissioner's packets. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Conunissioners Henderson/Wright to adjourn this meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission at 4:36 P.M., to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Conunission on August 31,1995. Unanimously approved. HPC7.20 5