1995 04 20 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA APRIL 20, 1995 3:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Millis opened the meeting at 3:08 P.M. and asked for the roll call. II. ROLL CALL A. Present: Commissioners Henderson, Puente, Wright, and Chairman Millis B. Absent: Commissioners HendersonlWright moved and seconded a motion to excuse Commissioner Pallette. Unanimously approved. C. Staff Present: Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC COMMENT - None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. There being no corrections to the Minutes, Commissioners Henderson/Wright moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of January 19, 1995, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Draft Historical Preservation Element (General Plan Amendment 94-046) 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Henderson stated her concern that maybe some of the commissions were doing duplicate work. She strongly felt a relationship should be established between the Historical Society and the HPC so that each is not duplicating the others work. She stated that Section I.d.l. of the Historical Element was regarding historical markers and the Historical Historical Preservation Commission April 20, 1995 Society was in the process of placing markers and she wondered if the Commission should take this project over. Someone needed to define the difference between the different groups as well as what each of the commissions was responsible for. Staff explained what some of the other Commissions/Committees were doing and that staff should be responsible to see that duplication does not occur. 3. Commissioner Henderson questioned whether the Commission should address the Economic Development portion of the Element or are they duplicating what other departments are doing. Discussion followed as to what each of the commissions/committees were doing. 4. Commissioner Henderson asked when a developer is informed of the historical Commission requirements. Staff explained the process developers go through to become aware of the requirements for . demolition or preservation of structures. 5. Staff explained that the Commission would be reviewing the goals and policies of the Element to be sure everything was covered. 6. Chairman Millis felt a recommendation should be made to the Council that the HPC develop an Element for the General Plan. Staff explained that this had been done and now they needed to review the Draft Element portion and make recommendations as to how it should be modified or changed. 7. Commissioner Henderson asked about the Economic Development Section l.a.2. Tax Reform Act, whether or not this was something the Commission would be doing. Staff stated this would be reviewed by the City Attorney. 8. Commissioner Henderson asked about Section l.a.3 and whether the Commission should have such an agency? Staff would inquire as to the potential or having such an agency. Commissioner Henderson stated that should they decide to do so, it might be best to have the Historical Society serve as that agency. 9. Chairman Millis stated he felt it should be included in the Element to gives the Commission the option. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated it could be placed an option to go along with the mandates to hopefully have for future planning. Historical Preservation Commission April 20, 1995 10. Chairman Millis suggested the members reviewed the Element at home and get their changes to staff and be ready to discussed in detail at the next meeting. II. Commissioner Henderson asked staff to explain what Section 3.a. meant. Staff explained this was an option to help with the affordable housing program. Commissioner Henderson stated she was not sure the Commission would want to have historical houses used for renting purposes. Chairman Millis stated he could see how this would relate to a city that has a large number of old hotels, apartments, etc. that could be converted for housing purposes but, La Quinta did not have such an inventory. 12. Commissioner Henderson asked about Section 4.a., whether the Historical Society was already doing this. Discussion followed regarding what position the Committee should take in regards to educating the City about the Historical Commission. 13. Chairman Millis suggested a joint meeting might be beneficial with all the commission/committees to determine what goals each was pursuing. Discussion followed. 14. Staff briefly explained the purpose of each of the existing commissions/committees and the Council's reason for establishing them. The Cultural Arts Commission and the Art in Public Places Committee in particular because they seemed to overlap in their functions. Staff explained the different rolls of each.. 15. Chairman Millis asked if the Historical Preservation Element was necessary for certification. Staff explained that it was not necessary, but it was important to establish direction for the Commission. 16. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated that the Commissioner or staff, could contact the Historical Society regarding their goals to try and prevent duplication of the two. 17. Commissioner Henderson -stated her concern that developers would be able to do more than the Commission would want done to these historical sites if the Element was not in place. Staff explained that the Element would give more teeth, but the Historical Preservation Ordinance is what requires the developers to preserve the historical sites. Discussion followed regarding the Hacienda del Gato and the possibility of what Historical Preservation Commission April 20, 1995 could be required to preserve the buildings as well as the archaeological sites. 18. Commissioner Henderson asked for clarification on Section 5.a.l. Staff explained this referred to the HPC. 19. Chairman Millis stated he liked the general format of the Element and what agency would be responsible and the funding sources defined. 20. Chairman Millis asked for a motion to continue this discussion to next meeting. Members stated they would get their comments to staff before the next meeting for editing. There being on further discussion, it moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Henderson moved to continue discussion of the Historical Preservation Element to the next meeting. 21. Staff explained to the Commissioners that since this was being processed as a General Plan Amendment, it could still be amended during the public hearing process. B. Certified Local Government Dndate 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the group that the City had received notification that La Quinta was now certified as of this date and relayed information regarding Ms. Lauren Bricker to serve as an advisor to the HPC to fulfill the requirements for CLG Certification. 2. Staff informed the Commission that staff would be putting together a request for funding for a June 2nd submittal to the State for funds. The Commission would need to determine a project for the funding. 3. Members discussed doing or having done, a City survey and putting this on the next agenda for review. This might be a suggestion for grant money from the State to pay for the survey. 4. Chairman Millis stated the Commission needed to obtain a copy of a successfully completed grant form to follow. Staff informed the Commission of the process to file a grant 5. Chairman Millis asked for a motion to confirm Miss Bricker as an advisor to the Commission. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightJPuente and unanimously approved. Historical Preservation Commission April 20, 1995 C. INCO Artifacts - Gift to the City I. Staff informed the Commission that INCO Homes had donated prehistoric artifacts to the City. She explained the process whereby these were donated to the City and that they would be on display in City Hall next month. 2. Chairman Millis questioned how the property owner could own the artifacts. He felt they should belong to the City or the local tribe. Staff explained that if the artifacts are found on private property they are owned by the property owner. If they are human remains, or burial goods, they must be turned over to those tribes or entities that they belong to. These artifacts were not of that origin. 3. Commissioner Wright stated this was a good precedent for future developers to understand that artifacts could be donated to the City. 4. Chairman Millis stated he felt the developers should be made aware that the City has an active Historical Society and hopefully have more developers donating artifacts that are found. D. La Ouinta Heritage Month I. Aassociate Planner Leslie Mouriquand informed the Commission that staff had requested the City Council to declare the whole month of Mayas La Quinta Heritage Month and observe all the activities that are planned by the different agencies. Staffwill display the INCO artifacts in the City Hall display case during that time. The HPC does not have the funds to have events planned. 2. Members stated that the Historical Society had announced a essay contest for the month and a letter has been written to the local schools inviting each group to participate in a different level of an essay contest. A savings bond was being offered to the winner in each category and a plaque. It was suggested the awards be made by the Council in the Council Chambers to make it a more public affair. Discussion followed regarding the different events that would be taking place and ideas for future events. VI. OTHER A. Commissioner Henderson requested staff to look into City badges for the Commissioners to wear. Staff would check into a funding source to obtain the badges. Historical Preservation Commission April 20, 1995 B. Commissioner Henderson asked if staff had heard anything about the workshop the Commission was to attend. Staff explained that to date no information had been received. Discussion followed regarding that workshops that would be available for them to attend. Staff reminded the Commissioners that the CLG certification required each member to attend and as soon as any information was received, staff would see that the Commissioners receive it. Discussion followed regarding last years conference. C. Commissioner Henderson inquired whether the Commission should meet monthly until the Historical Preservation Element was finished. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightlPuente to hold monthly meetings until the Element was completed. Unanimously approved. D. Following discussion regarding a bill that was being drafted regarding funding for Historical Preservation issues, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightlPuente to have staff draft a letter to our Representatives and Senators regarding the importance of maintaining preservation funding. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrightlPuente to adjourn this meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission to a called meeting of the Commission on May 18, 1995. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:23 P.M., April 20, 1995. Unanimously approved.