1995 01 19 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78.495 Calle Tamplco, La Quinta, CA
January 19, 1995
3:00 P.M.
A. Chairman MI1lls called the meeting to order at 3:07.
A. Chairman M1llis asked for the roll call. Present: Commissioners Henderson. Wright,
and Chairman MI1lls. CommIssioner Puente arrived late. CommIssioners
HendersonIWrlght moved and seconded a motion to excuse CommIssioner Pallette.
B. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Associate Planner
Leslie Mourlquand.Cherry, Department Seeretary Betty Sawyer.
A. There being no corrections to the MInutes of October 20, 1994, CommIssioners
HendersonIWrlght moved and seconded a motion to approve the minutes as
A. Status of a City Survev: starr presented the information contained In the staff
report. A copy of which Is on me In the Community Development Department.
L Chairman MI1lls reminded the Commissioners that the material was on me
at City Hall for their review.
2. There being no questions of the report, Commissioners HendersonIWrlght
moved to accept the report as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Historical Preservation Commlsslon MInutes
January 19. 1995
B. Travertine Point Prolect: staff presented the information contained In the staff
report. A copy of which Is on me In the Community Development Department
1. Staff Informed the Commissioners as to the location of the project and
stated she had no objection to the contents of the report.
2. Commissioner Henderson ask staff who they expect to receive comments
from. Associate Planner LesUe Mourlquand.Cherry stated they would come
from the Coachella ValIey Archaeological Society, the Eastern Information
Center at the University of CalIfornia at Riverside, and the local Tribal
Council, but none had responded.
3. Commissioners discussed with staff reasons for not receiving any
comments from the agencies.
4. Commissioner Henderson asked staff about the procedure for selecting a
monitor for a project Staff Informed the Commissioners that the procedure
starts with the project planner for the case requIrIng the monitoring In the
project's Conditions of Approval. Once the project Is approved by the
PlAnning Commission/City Council, staff has a Ust of qualIfied and City
recognized monitors to chose from. Staff went on to explain the process
followed by the monitors on the projects.
5. Commissioner Henderson asked If this was a staff person. Staff stated this
was a hired monitor and they were paid for by the developer.
6. There being no further questions of staff, Commissioners HendersonlWrlght
moved to approve the report as submitted and to recommend that a monitor
be required to be present on the project Unanimously approved.
7. Chairman MllUs asked staff to Inqnire If the Commission could do a walk
through of the site. Staff explained the procedure whereby this could be
done. It was suggested that the Commissioners contact staff and a tour of
two commissioners at a time would go.
C. Green Soeclfic Plan. CUltural Resources Reoort: Staff presented the information
contained In the staff report. A copy of which Is on me In the Community
Development Department
IDstorlcal Preservation Commission MInutes
January 19. 1995
1. Staff Informed the Commissioners there were no surface sites found within
the project site and staff would recommend that a monitor be required to
be, during all earth-moving activities on-site.
2. Chairman Mlllls asked staff to show the Commissioners the location of the
project on the map. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
explained the location of the project on the map. Discussion followed
regarding the location of the project In reference to other projects In the
3. Chairman Mlllls asked staff to explain what was proposed for the site.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated they would be
developing single family residences with ten large custom homes.
4. Chairman Mllls asked how many homes were planned for the project Staff
explained that 'l:l7 units were planned to be constructed.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Commissioners
WrlghtlHenderson moved and seconded a motion to approve the report as
submitted and to require a monitor to be present on the project
Unanimously approved.
C. Certified Local Government Annllcatlon: Staff presented the information contained
In the staff report A copy of which Is on me In the Community Development
1. Staff Informed the Commission that the CLG had Informed us that their staff
responsible for processing the application has been out m and was just now
processing the application. They expected the application to be completed
within a month.
A. Commissioner Henderson asked If staff was able to obtain any information about
the Hacienda del Gato. Did the City know who owns It and who Is going to maintain
It Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the property had been
purchased by the Temple Group, who are the current developers of Desert Falls. He
went on to explain that staff had met with them and Informed them of the status of
the Hacienda. At present, the owners are plRnnlnl,! to make It a part of the
clubhouse. However, It Is not known whether It wlll be open to the public. The
owners are revising the tract map but as of yet has not been submitted to the City.
It was staff's understanding that they planned to do a project slmllar to Desert
Wstorlcal Preservation Commission MInutes
January 19. 1995
1. Staff went on to explain to the Commissioners the areas that the City wants
to make sure are maintained as historical sites.
2. Commissioner Henderson asked if the sale was finalIzed. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated It had not been completely
3. Commissioner Wright stated he had been to the site and did not see anyone.
He informed the Commission that the house site was being maintained but,
the groves were dead. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
stated he had been informed that the owner was unable to get water to the
trees and were therefore unable to keep them allve.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Henderson
to adjourned this meeting of the HIstorical Preservation Commission to a called meeting of the
Commission. This meeting of the HIstoriCal Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:30 P.M.,
January 19, 1995. Unanimously approved.