2004 05 20 HPC Minutes
A Regular meeting held at the La Ouinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA
May 20, 2004
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commi~sion was called to order by
Chairperson Leslie Mouriquand at 3:03 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for
the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Present: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wilbur, and
Chairperson Mouriquand
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Puente and Wilbur to excuse Commissioner Wright.
Unanimously approved.
Staff Present:
Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Martin
Magana, and Secretary Carolyn Walker.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and Wilbur to
approve minutes of the April 22, 2004, Historic Preservation
Commission as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for Tentative Tract Map
Applicant: RJT Homes
Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH
Location: Southeast corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52
P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 5-20-04.doc
Last printed 7/16/04 9:20 AM
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the infarmation
cantained in the staff repart, a capy 'Of which is an file in the
Cammunity Develapment Department.
2. Cammissianer Wilbur cammented an the firsf canditian
regarding earth-maving and grading. He asked if that meant the
relacatian 'Of a large quantity 'Of .earth. Staff replied the
canditian refers ta any type 'Of earth maving 'Or clearing 'Of
vegetatian, and trenching.
3. Cammissianer Sharp cammented the Cammissian was aware
this is a sensitive area and was in favar 'Of an archaealagist'
manit'Oring the site.
4. C'Ommissianer Puente and Chairpersan M'Ouriquand agreed with
staff's recammendatians.
5. It was maved and secanded by Cammissianers Puente and
Sharp t'O adapt Minute M'Otian 2004-007 accepting the
Paleantalagical Resaurces Assessment Repart far Tentative
Tract Map 32072, Assess'Ors Parcel Numbers 772-410-021 and
022, in the City 'Of La Quinta, Riverside Caunty, Califarnia,
subject ta canditians. Unanimausly appraved.
B. Archaealagical and Pale'Ontalagical Survey Rep'Ort an Tract 31852
Applicant: Ehline Campany
Archae'Olagical Cansultant: L & L Enviranmental, Inc.
Lacatian: Narthwest carner 'Of Madisan Street and Avenue 52
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented
cantained in the staff repart, a capy 'Of which
Cammunity Develapment Department.
the infarmatian
is an file in the
2. Cammissianer Sharp asked what a lacustrine adaptatian was.
Chairpersan M'Ouriquand replied it referred ta a lake
enviranment. Cammissianer Sharp said he thaught this was a
very interesting repart, full 'Of histary and cultural backgraund.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
3. Commissioner Puente asked who appointed the archaeological
monitor. Chairperson Mouriquand replied the applicant is
required to contract with someone who is on the County List for
professional monitoring. When tribal monitoring is required, the
tribe appoints someone who is qualified. Staff added the
applicant has to provide the City with evidence of the monitor's
4. Commissioner Puente commented on the amount of artifacts
collected and wanted to know where they were being stored.
Staff replied artifact storage was an item that needed to be.
discussed. New laws are now in effect regarding how cities
can collect and store resources. There will have to be
discussion on whether the artifacts can be stored locally.
5. Commissioner Wilbur asked if there was any response from the
Native Americans. Staff replied they contacted the Cabazon
Band of Mission Indians and the Native American Heritage
Commission. They received no comments back.
6. Chairperson Mouriquand commented on the fact. that
Archeological and Paleontological Resources Reports require
two different disciplines with different criteria. When they are
combined in one report, it becomes difficult to read and can
create a problem if something of significance is found requiring
detailed discussion.
She had additional comments on the archaeology portion but
chose to include them in the upcoming conference call with the
She added the report needed to relate the history, activities, and
the project site in order to determine the significance and
eligibility for both the State and National Registers. She found
the report lacking and incomplete.
7. Project Archaeologist, Kristie R. Blevins, was unable to attend
the meeting and was introduced, via a conference call, to
answer any questions the Commissioners had.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
8. Chairperson Mouriquand asked Ms. Blevins about her comments
on past ranching and agricultural activities and how she had
arrived at her conclusions. Ms. Blevins replied there were
remnants of what appeared to be ranching activities, including a
cactus garden and various animal pens. Chairperson
Mouriquand asked Ms. Blevins \l\(hat these things dated to. Ms.
Blevins replied they are modern.
9. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if a records search had been
done, through the General Land Office (GLO), searching for
homesteading and other ~ypes of land granting activities on the
property. Ms. Blevins replied it had not. She did the records
search through the historical map and properties available at the
Eastern Information Center.
10. Chairperson Mouriquand said she did not find any general
contextual discussion on the local history in the report and the
'whole historic period was not considered in the report. Ms.
Blevins replied they focused more on the prehistoric period
,because of the prehistoric pottery found on the property.
Chairperson Mouriquand commented this was supposed to be a
Cultural Resources Investigation and should have included not
only the prehistory, but the historic period. Ms. Blevins replied
that was correct.
11. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if the Torres Martinez or
Augustine Band of Indians had been contacted as part of the
project scoping and consultation effort. Ms. Blevins replied she
thought a letter had been sent to the Cahuilla Band.
Chairperson Mouriquand said the Cahuilla Band is located in the
Anza Valley and a Scoping Letter should have gone to the
Cabazon Band. Ms. Blevins replied she was not familiar with
this part of the report. She believed her associates had made
contact with Rob Wood of the Native American Heritage
Commission to find out who and where to make contact. She
didn't personally speak to Rob Wood so she didn't know what
went on with that particular conversation, but could find out.
Chairperson Mouriquand asked if they sent a request to the
Native American Heritage Commission for a sacred land search.
Ms. Blevins replied she thought it was done over the phone and
not in a formal letter. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested she
Historic Preservation Commission '
May 20, 2004
might want to put it in writing to the Native American Heritage
Commission. They could then respond, in writing, with
comments and an attached list identifying the appropriate Bands
to consult.
12. Chairperson, Mouriquand stated the Commission needed to have
the RPA (Registered Professional Archaeologist) sign and certify
the report, Ms. Blevins replied the signatory, Leslie Nay Irish, is
the Principal. Chairperson Mouriquand stated Ms. Irish was not
a qualified Archaeologist, according to the Secretary of the
Interior's Standards. The report has to be signed by somebody
who is duly qualified to certify these kinds of reports, as well as
certification by the Paleontologist. Ms. Blevins replied it would
be done.
13. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested the report be handed back
,to the Consultant for completion and correction and resubmitted
for review at the next Commission meeting. Ms. Blevins was
told staff would be sending a letter, with comments, on the
reports for her revision.
14. Staff restated the following items needed to be addressed:
a) A General Land Office records search for any
homesteaded properties.
b) Discussion of local history and the historic and prehistoric
period context.
c) Discussion of the local archaeology and how the site
relates to it.
d) Correct the Native American reference from the Cahuilla
Band of Mission Indians to the Cabazon Band. Provide
Scoping Letters to the Cabazon, Torres Martinez and
Augustine Indian Bands. Provide written responses and
include in Appendix.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
e) There was mention of a prickly pear cactus garden, aRd
discussion of how the past activities on the prop,erty
were associated with ranching and agriculture. Provide
clarification of the nature of the ranching, or the
agriculture, and whether they were historic activities. .
f) There were generalized discussions on the different
paleontology, Indian sections, archaeology, but the
conclusions were not complete on identification and how
the project relates to the site area.
g) Supply source references of historical maps used.
h) All reports listed on the reference list.
15. Ms. Blevins asked how soon they could expect the comments
back. Staff replied as soon as the minutes could be done they
would transmit the letter with general comments, and
suggestions including the excerpts from the minutes.
16. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur and
Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2004-008 to return the Phase I
Archaeological and Paleontological Survey Report on Tract
31852 to L & L Environmental for completion, with revisions as
stated above, for the Commission's review at a future meeting.
Unanimously approved.
C. Phase I Archaeolo(lical Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 31087
Applicant: Tahiti Partners
Archaeological Consultant: L & L Environmental, Inc.
Location: South side of Darby Road, east of Washington Street
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Sharp commented this was a heavily developed
Historic Preservat;'on Commission
May 20, 2004
3. Commissioner Puente asked when a Phase II was required.
Chairperson Mouriquand explained the Phase II was required
when there was something found requiring additional efforts to
determine its significance. Also, when the moh'l'tor has evidence
there may be subsurface artifacts. Subsurface testing may be
needed to decide how to craft the mitigation or preservation
4. Commissioner Puente said in one of the recommendations
mentioned under 5.3. H Archaeology Recommendations (1),
Page 16 of the report, there was a request to develop a
mitigation plan. Did this mean the archaeologist was
anticipating they would be likely to find something?
5. Chairperson Mouriquand replied that was standard language
,used in the industry. This phrasing allows for justification of
monitoring if something is found. If monitoring is
recommended, the monitor works with the client and their
. grading schedule to design an appropriate level of mitigation and
mpnitoring. Some projects don't warrant a full-time monitor.
Sometimes the focus is in a certain area. Sometimes you do
spot checks to customize the monitoring program to fit the
needs of the project. That would be what they were discussing
in this report. Staff replied that was right. Ms. Mouriquand
added this project would require a lower level of monitoring
effort than required for a village site.
6. Commissioner Wilbur commented the surrounding area seems to
have some considerable sites and it would be particularly unique
if this site had nothing.
7. Chairperson Mouriquand replied from all the past research, and
surveys in that area, it is a highly sensitive area. The parcel may
be surrounded by development, but that does not mean there
might not be something subsurface on the property. She
concurred that monitoring would be appropriate even though
nothing was found at the Phase I level. You have to consider
what the probability is of something being found on the site.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
8. Chairperson Mouriquand made the following comments to
Report Archaeologist, Ms. Kristie Blevins: ' ,
a) A General Land Office (GLO) records search needed. to be
done for any homestead or land grant historic activities
on the property.
b) A discussion was needed of the local history as part of
the cultural resources investigation procedure.
c) Scoping letters to the Cabazon, Torres Martinez and
Augustine Indian Bands should be provided.
d) There were references to past ranching and agricultural
activities. An explanation should be provided of what
evidence was on the property for consideration of past
ranching and agricultural activities.
9. Chairperson Mouriquand asked about the report comment
saying most of the study area had been developed. Was this
referring to the radius or the project itself? Ms. Blevins replied
it referred to the radius.
10. Chairperson Mouriquand continued the Cultural Context
discussion on the Paleo-Indian Period, the Archaic Period, and
the Late Prehistoric Period needed to be more relevant ,to .the
local area, to create the local, cultural context. The Late
Prehistoric discussion was very short. It referenced the
Luiseno, and the generalized San Luis Rey complex, but it didn't
discuss Cahuilla, late prehistory archaeology and culture at all. It
didn't discuss prehistory at all or tie it into the Cahuilla or local
tribes. There was mention of Luiseno and San Luis complex,
which is considered regional, but there is no discussion of the
local area.
11. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if there was a source of
references for the historical maps. Ms. Blevins replied the
historic maps would have been from the Eastern Information
Center (EIC).
12. Chairperson Mouriquand said there was discussion about
Federal Laws. Was this because there was Federal involvement
in this project, or is this a CEQA project. Staff replied this was
a CEQA project.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
13. Chairperson Mouriquand had some additional comments
centered on the historic period and explanation of the ranching
that was identified as being associated with the parcel.' She
suggested, rather than going over each item, staff could provide
Ms. Blevins with a commentary to assist her in revising the
report. Ms. Blevins replied that would be very helpful.
14. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Sharp ,and
Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2004-009 to return the Phase I
Archaeology Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 31087, to
L & L Environmental for completion, with revisions as stated:
above, for the Commission for review at a future meeting.
Unanimously approved.
Interim Phase II Cultural Archaeolo~ical Test Pro~ram .for Tentati.ve
Tract Map 32201
Applicant: Choice Enterprise
Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group
Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented
contained in the staff report, a copy of which
Community Development Department.
the informat,ion
is on file in the
2. Commissioner Sharp asked if the tamarisks had been taken out.
The applicant's representative, Dave Saccullo, 74-923 Highw.ay
111, Suite 114, Indian Wells, California, introduced himself and
replied the tamarisks had not been taken out. He had been
notified he needed a Paleontology Report which was currently
being done by Mike Hogan of CRM TECH, and should be
available by June 1, 2004. Mr. Saccullo asked if he had the
Paleontologist submit a letter verifying there have been no
relevant sites at this location could he go ahead with clearing
and grubbing. Staff indicated that the client's position as long
as the Paleontological Report and monitoring were done it
would be acceptable. They would need to check to make
certain that the person doing the monitoring was qualified.
Dave Saccullo said Mike Hogan's firm would be doing the
Archaeology and Paleontology monitoring.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
3. Chairperson Mouriquand commented he would probably have
Harry Quinn doing the monitoring as Mr. Hogan was not a
qualified Paleontologist.
4. Commissioner Wilbur asked what the protocol was for Interim
Phase II reports from staff's experience. Staff" replied they have
been submitted in the past and accepted. In this case, since
the results did not reveal artifacts they would be comfortable
accepting the Interim Report. If anything is found, or the status
changes, it would be brought back to the Commission.
5. Commissioner Sharp was concerned about what would be
found under the tamarisks, but was happy the project would be
monitored. Mr. Saccullo said they would have a monitor and
. contact the proper tribal entities as necessary.
6. Chairperson Mouriquand had no further comments and agreed
. with staff's recommendations.
7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and
Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2004-010 accepting the Interim
Phase II Archaeological Test Program for Tentative Tract No.
32201, as prepared by Archaeological Advisory Group, subject
to conditions. Unanimously approved.
E. A Cultural Resources Investigation of the Point Happy Ranch Project
Area .(Tentative Tract Map 31348)
Applicant: Madison Development
Archaeological Consultant: McKenna, et al
Location: 46-201 Washington Street (located on the west side of
Washington Street, approximately 300 feet south of
Highway 111)
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Chairperson Mouriquand stated the report is a nice contribution
to the history of La Quinta.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
3. Archaeological Consultant Jeanette A. McKenna was present
and pointed out the photo on the cover of the report was that
of Mrs. Louise Neeley.
4. Commissioner Wilbur said he knew this report'"would go to the
Library and Historic Museum, but- he suggested a copy be given
to each of the City Council members to demonstrate what can
be done. Chairperson Mouriquand commented there was a large
expense attached to producing reports this detailed. She
suggested one copy be presented at a Council meeting to let
them know it would be .fiIed in the Community Development
Department for their review. Staff replied there was protocol
on how the Council was informed of certain matters. They are
included in a weekly update. Chairperson Mouriquand agreed it
would save printing expenses and would be a more efficient
way to notify the Council.
5. Commissioner Sharp thanked the Archaeologist for such a nice
scholarly piece of work. He thought the work was so well done
a copy should go to the Chamber of Commerce and the La
Quinta Hotel. It was a historical document and should be
shared. Chairperson Mouriquand said a copy should be put in
the Library.
6. - Ms. McKenna said the Historical Society might be able to use
this report, possibly as a fund raiser. She added, one of her
employees was in graduate school and would be using portions
of this report in her thesis. Commissioner Sharp asked if the
Commission would be able to obtain copies of that report. Ms.
McKenna replied it would be possible. She clarified the
research was being done on Mrs. Neeley's family and their
impact on the history of the Valley. She said their family
history was very amazing the more you looked into it. She said
you're very impressed when you read the transcripts, hear her
speak about her parents, her grandparents, where they came
from, what they did, how they got here, and how quickly they
came from living in tents, to a generation later, all being college
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
7. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested Council be informed the
report will become part of a thesis. The message to Co~ncil
should be there is academic value in doing these kinds of
investigations rather than just to obtain building permits and
entitlements for projects. Efforts of this nature c:an lead to
valuable contributions to local history and academic study. The
City should be proud of, and encourage more of this activity
and possibly look into promoting a scholarship fund. It's too
bad there isn't a copy of the 1997 Revisions to the Draft
Context Statement because a lot of those things have been
addressed and cleaned up and I think the archaeologists are
using the 1996 version. However, this is an outstanding effort,
and a lot of work went into this. She thanked Ms. McKenna
and her staff.
8. Ms. McKenna said a copy of the video was given to staff, but
she has the original, if additional copies needed to be made. She
also commented it was amazing the information that could be
obtained when the General Land Office and the County 'records
were used.
9. Commissioner Sharp commented there had previously been a
movement in the area, about a City of La Guinta Pageant. He
said he could see a Pageant being produced from this historical
10. Chairperson Mouriquand asked the Commission to recall the
reason this report was commissioned. The previous reports did
not go far enough, and the Commission requested a more
detailed effort be done. That was accomplished in this
document. She asked if the Commission and staff felt this
property had been adequately documented. Staff replied there
had been two efforts. One was to document all that was
possible, including Mrs. Neeley's information, and the other was
to consider the possibility of inclusion in the Register.
Chairperson Mouriquand asked for Ms. McKenna's
recommendations as to where the Commission needed to go
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
11. Ms. McKenna replied monitoring would have to continue cH)d
commented on the following process to nominate a site for the
State Register. The Ranch meets the minimum requirements of
criteria 1, 2 and the potential for 4. Criteria 3 was discounted
which was the architecture, because of the deterioration of the
buildings, the addition of things that had nothing to do with
Point Happy and the significant removal of elements to Point
Happy to where you had such a small fraction left it was really
hard to say it was representative of what Point Happy and, the
Clark years would have represented.
12. Staff asked Ms. McKenna to explain the four criteria to thE\
Commission. Ms. McKenna stated Criterias 1 and 2 are the
associations with events and persons and gave examples of
people and events that fit the criteria. She said Criteria 4 is sort
of a catchall which allows for the potential of buried resources
and the ability to do additional research. She then, gave
examples of several local family histories which would help
qualify the project for Criteria 4. She said the project met three
of the four criteria for the California Register of HistO,ric
Resources. It would take a stronger case to qualify for the
National Register. She didn't think it would qualify ur:Jless
something really significant came up during the monitoring, but
this was certainly a California Historic Landmark.
13. Staff commented the next step would be to go through the
nomination process. The applicant and the applicant's
representative could help in doing this as we would need to get
the primary record from them as well as a letter from this
Commission and the balance of documentation for nomination.
Staff asked if that was the Commission's wishes. The
Commissioners unanimously agreed.
14. Commissioner Sharp asked why the Duponts were not included
in the report. Ms. McKenna replied she did not go into a lot of
detail because she was zeroing in on this particular property.
She did the same thing with Miss Marble. They had a lot of
information, but had to draw the line as to where they were
going to limit the documentation. Mrs. Neeley and her oral
history made reference to all the movie people.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
15. Chairperson Mouriquand said' there was approximately three
hours of video and she would like to see it; She mentioned
possibly the rest of the Commissioners, as well as Council.
might like to see it. Staff said they were working out some
form of accountability as to. who had the video, possibly a
check out system, They suggested another ~p'propriate system
would be tG check with the City Clerk to see if they had any
measure, or method to duplicate the video to perhaps a DVD or
CD Rom. Staff will look into it and get back to the
16. Ms. McKenna made a 'comment about their attempts to add
some interest, to the video, by pretending they were Huell
Howser. This, however, di<;l make an honest case for the
Commission to ask Mr. Howser to come back and re-do the
interview. If he were to interview Mrs. Neeley, about early La
Guinta, it would be a good story. She suggested a copy of the
,tape be sent to him,
17. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested, in lieu of checking out the
. videos, possibly a movie night could be planned for all the
Commissioners to see it, They could then decide how to
proceed as far as promoting and designating the report and
video. She said staff could have copies made and devise a
check out system as well as archive some copies, Duplicate
copies could be provided to the Library and other appropriate
18. Ms. McKenna said they spliced together the original cassettes
to make the copy they have now. She suggested the original
could be made available if staff had means of burning a CD.
19, Applicant's representative, Ed Alderson asked how many copies
were made. Ms, McKenna replied an original and three copies.
two of which were given to the City, and one to Ms. Neeley.
20. Staff said they would check to find out what is available on the
City's media system,
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
21. Staff said they would bring back an outline, with as much
information as possible, on the nomination procedures, for a
State Historic Landmark. They were unsure if the Council
needed to provide a letter, but would check on this.
Chairperson Mouriquand said the Commission had SHPO
powers, as a CLG, and could write the letter. Staff stated they
would begin putting the primary records together and bring the
information back to the Commission. Ms. McKenna asked it the
applicant could gain any tax credit through the Mills act.
Chairperson Mouriquand answered there were no Mills Act
contracts in place in La Quinta, but it needs to come back for,
discussion as the project might qualify. Possibly staff could
look into this and forward the information to the property owner
so they could see how this would benefit them because it
required property owner's authorization to proceed. It would
definitely be to the owner's advantage for property taxes. .
22. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur and
Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2004-011 accepting the Cultu.ral
Resources Investigation of the Point Happy Ranch Project Area
as submitted. The Commission also directed staff to seek .the
nomination for California Historic Landmark for the Point Happy
Ranch Site. Unanimously approved with Commissioners Puente
and Wright being absent.
A. Commissioner Sharp stated he was concerned about the rescheduling
of Gary Resvaloso's presentation. The Commission had not heard
anything further and wanted to know the status of Mr. Resvaloso's
upcoming presentation. Staff replied they had made numerous
contacts with Mr. Resvaloso's office, but had nothing definite yet.
Chairperson Mouriquand suggested staff send a letter to Mr.
Resvaloso inviting him to make his presentation at an upcoming
meeting. She added the Commission could also invite representatives
from the Augustine, Santa Rosa, and Cabazon Bands to attend a
future meeting.
Historic Preservation Commission
May 20, 2004
B. Commissioner 'Wilbur commented that at the last meeting there was a
discussion about May being Historic Preservation Month and with La
Quinta being the only city in the Valley with CLG status there should
be a news release about the Commission's Ten Year Anniversary and
accomplishments. The point being May is almost over. One thing
about public relations is if it isn't timely,it i~I'\'t used. Staff
commented they spoke to the City Administration about the
Commission's direction for a presentation and/or a plaque and was
advised that although this Commission has done a wonderful job, this
was not possible as it was not done for the other Commissions.
Chairperson Mouriquand suggested staff try to get a newspaper article
out before the end of the month. Possibly a few words about the
Commission being 10 years old, and some of their accomplishments
as well as the fact the Commission has just concluded the Point
Happy Report. Staff asked if the Commission needed to see the
article before it went out. Commissioner Wilbur has a Public Relations
background and offered to take a look at it.
C. Commissioner Sharp asked about presentation of information/notes
from the California Preservation meeting the Commission attended
earlier this month. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested each
Commis~ioner make a five minute presentation, at the June 17th
meeting of the information they received at the Conference.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Sharp and Wilbur to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the
Historic Preservation Commission to the next Meeting to be held on June 17,
2004. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 4:34 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by: