2004 04 22 HPC Minutes
A Regular meeting held at the La Ouinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA
April 22, 2004
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairperson Leslie Mouriquand at 3:03 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for
the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Present: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wilbur, Wright, and
Chairperson Mouriquand
Staff Present:
Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and Sharp to
approve minutes of the March 25, 2004, Historic Preservation
Commission as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract Map
Applicant: Choice Enterprise
Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group
Location: Northwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 4-22-04.doc
Last printed 5/21/049:56 AM
Historic Preservation Commission
April 22, 2004
2. Commissioner Sharp said he appreciated the fact the report
included acknowledgement of the Torres Martinez and
Augustine Tribes. He asked if the project was within their
territory or historical boundaries.
3. Chairperson Mouriquand replied the report recognized the
traditional tribal boundaries, but not the current reservation
boundaries. The new tribal policies were acknowledged in this
report including the inclusion of a Native American as part of
the monitoring crew.
4. Commissioner Wright recommended staff provide a reminder to
the Tribes when it is appropriate to monitor.
5. Chairperson Mouriquand added the need for a tribal
representative could be included in the Conditions of Approval
for a grading permit.
6. Applicant's representative, Dave Saccullo, 74-923 Highway
111, Suite 114, Indian Wells, California, was introduced and
gave an overview of how the project would be handled. He
asked if he could submit an interim Phase II report, at a later
date, to enable him to begin clearing and grubbing the property.
7. Commissioner Sharp asked at what point during the Phase II
report did Mr. Saccullo want to begin grubbing.
8. Chairperson Mouriquand replied they would have to complete
the Phase II work and present an interim letter report of the
findings before this could be considered. Mr. Saccullo replied
he would like to pursue this so he could go ahead with the
clearing and grubbing of the land.
9. Chairperson Mouriquand asked what staff's position was on
accepting interim reports. Staff replied this was not a standard
procedure. The applicant would have to provide adequate
information to justify the granting of a clearing and grubbing
permit. This type of request is usually done on a case-by-case
basis and is not commonly accepted. Staff added the Phase I
report makes it clear a Phase II is needed as well as monitoring
of the grading.
Historic Preservation Commission
April 22, 2004
10. Commissioner Wright commented on the Rancho La Quinta
(Coral Option) clearing and grubbing permit process and
expressed his concern on the need for monitoring.
11. Mr. Saccullo explained his main concern was with removal of a
row of Tamarisks and he did not wish to move, or disturb, any
other areas during that procedure. He emphasized there would
be no rough grading.
12. Chairperson Mouriquand commented Tamarisks leave large
holes when removed. She suggested it would be a good idea to
have a monitor to spot check the tree removal. It would be a
great opportunity to do some inspections. Mr. Saccullo agreed.
13. Commissioner Wright said it would be great to have a Native
American on-site in case any burial items were found.
14. Mr. Saccullo asked if there was anything he needed to do to
facilitate the Native American monitoring. Chairperson
Mouriquand replied he could check with his project
archaeologist who would coordinate with the Tribe's Cultural
Resource Representative (Gary Resvoloso).
15. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested the applicant have the Tribe
sign off on the interim report. Staff replied they would not
authorize grubbing if there was anything questionable in the
report. If there is nothing of substance, staff will then check
with any other parties involved.
Commissioner Wilbur said the
Page 16, what is possible.
report states very clearly, on
Staff acknowledged this was
17. Chairperson Mouriquand said the area surrounding this project
has had a lot of archaeological work recently and has proven to
be a hot spot for research. The research is helping to make
connections to the old Toro Village site and it is important to
continue monitoring.
18. Commissioner Puente mentioned Page 14 stated some of the
specimens were not collected and asked why.
Historic Preservation Commission
April 22, 2004
19. Chairperson Mouriquand replied artifacts were usually left until
Phase II is completed unless they were in imminent danger.
Normally artifacts would be left until mitigation is completed.
The specimens will then be collected and a detailed map will be
20. Mr. Saccullo commented he was documenting the progress of
the development through photos.
21 . Commissioner Sharp asked how large the development was.
Mr. Saccullo replied it was a seven acre development, which
would include homes in the price range of $700,000 to
22. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and
Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2004-006 accepting the Phase I
Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract Map 32201,
subject to conditions. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Mouriquand distributed the cover sheet to staff on the
"Inventory, Analysis and National Register Evaluation of two rock art
sites at Coral Mountain" which was submitted to the Bureau of
Reclamation by Daniel F. McCarthy and Leslie J. Mouriquand.
B. Commissioner Sharp asked if Gary Resvoloso's presentation had been
rescheduled. Staff replied they were working on it.
C. Commissioner Puente asked if the Tour Meeting of Sunday, May 16th
was still going to be held. Chairperson Mouriquand replied she had
clearance from the Bureau of Reclamation, but was waiting for further
approvals. Staff noted the meeting would have to be noticed.
D. Commissioner Wright stated the Historic Preservation Commission has
been in existence for 10 years this May. He expressed his thanks to
Leslie Mouriquand, Ned Millis, Terry Henderson, Maria Puente, and
Drew Pallette, who attended the first meeting. Chairperson
Mouriquand was originally an Associate Planner and staff member
assigned to the Commission. Commissioner Wright commended her
Historic Preservation Commission
April 22, 2004
on all the hard work she had done to get the Commission going in the
right direction. He commented on some of the Commission's
accomplishments and mentioned it would be nice to have some
recognition, such as a plaque somewhere in the City.
Chairperson Mouriquand said May was "Historic Preservation Month"
and thought it would be a good time to recognize the Commission's
accomplishments and commend the City for leading the Valley in
Historic Preservation. She suggested a ten-year retrospective, and a
press release that focused on the Commission's achievements.
Commissioner Sharp asked if all the Valley cities had Preservation
Commissions. Chairperson Mouriquand replied no other city has the
designation of a Certified Local Government. This means the
Commission is certified by the National Parks Service and the State
Historic Preservation Office. It is a special certification the
Commission worked very hard to get. Commissioner Wright
confirmed it took a lot of hard work to get the designation and
commended Chairperson Mouriquand for her past contribution to
attain that goal.
Commissioner Wright pointed out that in the last ten years a lot of
artifacts and buildings have been saved by the intervention of the
Historic Preservation Commission.
Staff summarized the Commissioners' requests as: 1) check into
commemoration by plaque, 2) discuss a Press Release with the City
Administrative Offices, and 3) prepare a list of achievements of the
E. Chairperson Mouriquand stated she is part of a movement lobbying
the County to fill the Archaeologist position that has been vacant for
20 years. Many artifacts and historic buildings have been lost in that
time. Her group will be meeting with the Board of Supervisors to get
them to consider filling this vacancy. Listing the accomplishments of
the City of La Guinta would be a good example of what a small group
can do to help save the history of the Valley.
There being no further business,
Commissioners Wright and Wilbur to
it was moved and seconded by
adjourn this Regular Meeting of the
Historic Preservation Commission
April 22, 2004
Historic Preservation Commission to the next Meeting to be held on May 20,
2004. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 3:32 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by:
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Carolyn \4alker
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