2003 09 18 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING The Regular Meeting held at the La Ouinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, California September 18, 2003 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairperson, Leslie Mouriquand at 3:05 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wilbur, Wright, and Chairperson Mouriquand. Staff Present: Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Martin Magana, and Secretary Carolyn Walker II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to approve the Minutes of August 29, 2003 as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Point Happv Ranch Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment. Applicant: Madison Development Paleontological Consultant: McKenna et al, Jeanette A. McKenna Principal Location: West side of Washington Street, south of Highway 111 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 2. Commissioner Sharp asked what the developer proposed with the entry gate. Associate Planner Martin Magana, project planner, replied the developer is working on a plan to retain the entry gate in a garden area on the property. A map of the location was shown. 3. Commissioner Sharp asked about retaining the date trees. Staff stated a previous owner of the property had conducted a study which identified the trees that could be retained. This developer intends to incorporate those trees into the development. 4. Commissioner Sharp asked if the Dupont house would remain. Staff replied it would remain with an access easement through the subject site to the house. There are no improvement plans for this house. 5. Commissioner Puente asked what was going to happen to the other buildings on the property. Staff replied they would be demolished. 6. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission had previously been through the whole site and most of the structures were no longer salvageable, nor had they retained their historical integrity due to modifications over the years. His concern was the main gate at the entrance to the property. 7. Commissioner Sharp asked if there was a way to determine the quantity of trees being saved. Staff replied there was a tree study done which listed specific trees that could be transplanted and saved. 8. Mr. Ed Alderson, applicant for Madison Development, replied they are very sensitive to the matter of the trees. It is their intention to retain as many of the historic trees as possible as well as a City-approved palette of trees. 9. Commissioner Wright stated he had no problem with the tree retention plan as proposed by the developer. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES 9-18-03.doc 2 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 10. Commissioner Sharp asked staff to explain the "stars" shown on the map exhibit. Staff replied the stars represented existing trees. 11. Chairperson Mouriquand stated she did not find any discussion in the report regarding the National Register eligibility evaluation for this property. Point Happy Ranch is a property which has regional, as well as local significance. It is one of the first homesteaded properties in La Quinta and it has prehistoric connections with a major village site across the street. There was also no discussion of the prehistoric culture in the report. She then made an oral presentation about the significance of the site including the prehistoric history. She added there were numerous items of regional and national level significance that were not discussed in the report. She recommended a National Register eligibility determination be completed. In her opinion the report is not complete and should provide an evaluation of the National Register eligibility; and it does not provide enough historic information regarding the entire site. 12. Commissioner Wright agreed with Chairperson Mouriquand and added the previous developer of this property, was going to have a museum located on the property giving a history of the site. Staff agreed it had been discussed but was not made part of the final motion to be included in the commercial portion of the project for the prior developer. Commissioner Wright added he agreed with Chairperson Mouriquand there are some historic issues with this site that should be documented, not just with photographs, but with a more extensive report. He agreed the current report was not complete. 13. Chairperson Mouriquand stated it was not her intent to say that any of the buildings, etc., should be saved, but that a more complete cultural/historic context, with emphasis and evaluation on regional and national significance, needed to be completed. Staff asked for clarification on the recommendation asking if the analysis, based on the State and National Register regulations was adequate, or if more analysis was needed. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES 9-' B-03.doc 3 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 14. Chairperson Mouriquand replied that as far as the conclusions on state significance criteria contained in the report, she has no objection, but the National Register criteria is not mentioned in the report. 15. Commissioner Wright asked what was being done on Lot D. Applicant replied the project would retain the two large trees at the front entry by placing them in a large planter. He also added the front entry and front entry gate would be placed in a garden setting located in a retention basin with an identification placard containing historical information regarding the Ranch. They had also planned to name streets, in the development, after the previous landowners. 16. Chairperson Mouriquand asked how the integrity of the gate would be kept if this was to be a functional retention basin. The applicant replied the gate would not be down in the basin. The landscape architects were currently designing the garden and would include a viable design for retaining the front entry gates. 17. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if this was going to be a gated community, not open to the public. Mr. Alderson replied yes, it was. She then expressed her concern that they would be taking away something of a historical nature from the public view and putting it into a private area where the public cannot view it. 18. Commissioner Sharp asked development. The applicant "The Estates at Point Happy". for the name of the replied it would be called 19. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if the developer had eliminated two lots near the front gate, would it be possible to work the front entry gate into an area where it would remain in the public's view. The applicant replied the access where the current gate is located is not the access for the project and described where the new access would be. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES 9-18-03.doc 4 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 20. Commissioner Wright asked if the entry was placed to the south, could the developer do something like what they did at Tradition and use the original entry way that would retain the view to the public. He expressed his concern that this was a gated community and the public would not be able to see the historic gates. The applicant replied he was not sure if that would be a workable alternative. 21 . Discussion followed as to where the new gates were going to be placed and possible alternative locations for the gate structure. The applicant was concerned about relocation and the structural ability of the historic gates. 22. Staff suggested the Commission give some direction that staff could follow up with the applicant regarding modifications that could work regarding the gated. 23. Chairperson Mouriquand was concerned about the structural stability of relocating the gate and recommended the applicant work with the Public Works and Community Development Departments to provide staff with their current site plan including an overlay showing the precise engineered location of the existing historic gate on top of their site plan so they can see how it's going to work and look for a preservation opportunity with the gate left in place. This way the gate would not be functional, but still in view to the public and possibly a functional access driveway could be placed adjacent to. 24. Commissioner Wright stated he would like to see this entry treated similar to the one at the Tradition project. The gate is the historical part of the property and it should be incorporated into the project. Planning Manager Oscar Orci clarified that the motion should include a requirement that some Federal/eligibility criteria discussion be included within the analysis of the report 25. Chairperson Mouriquand added the report could be the only thing remaining of this significant cultural resource and it should be complete. Staff clarified that the report should provide more information regarding some of the other historical aspects including the stagecoach stop, P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES S-18-03.doc 5 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 the water wells, the trail, etc. Chairperson Mouriquand added it should include all time periods and place this property in its cultural context for both local and regional significance. She would also like to see this report submitted to the Commission prior to issuance of grading permit. The applicant asked for clarification of what the Commission was requesting. 26. Further discussion followed regarding the possible re- location of the historical gates and their function. The applicant reiterated his concern about the structural stability of the entry gates. The Commission stated they were requesting the archway be preserved. If additional engineering was needed to help with the structural integrity of the archway, that would be acceptable. Staff asked if that was a recommendation to the Planning Commission, or to staff. Chairman Mouriquand stated this is a request for the applicant to work with staff on the issues that have been discussed and bring it back to the Commission when the National Register evaluation had been completed as well as relocation plans for the historic gates. 27. Commissioner Wright replied it was a recommendation to both. The Commission would like to see the re-design before this project is approved. 28. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Chairperson Mouriquand and Commissioner Wilbur to continue this item to the next meeting directing the applicant to do the following; a. Obtain the services of a qualified professional to complete the Point Happy Ranch Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment. The report shall include all time periods that place this property in its cultural context for both local and regional significance. The report shall include such historical aspects, as the relationship to the Bradshaw Trail, the stage coach line, the water wells and prehistoric Indian villages and trails. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES 9.18-03.doc 6 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 b. Work with the Public Works and Community Development Departments to provide staff with a current site plan which includes the location of the existing historic gate. c. The buildings on the site shall be reviewed under the National Register criteria and fully documented. Unanimously approved. B. Historic Preservation Commission Work Proqram 1. Planning Manager, Oscar Orci, gave an update on the Work Program, which included the following points: a. A request for the Commissioners to return the questionnaires/surveys distributed at the August 29th meeting. b. An update of the Historic Context Statement will be mailed to the Commissioners. c. An Archaeological Resources Management (ARMR) Document was distributed to the Commission. d. A primer for Paleontological report format and content will be reported back to the Commission when one is located. It was suggested it might be worthwhile to apply for some grant money to have this list made. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None V. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Materials were distributed for the California Native American Heritage Commission Professional Guide for the Preservation and Protection of Native American Human Remains and Associate Grave Goods. B. Materials were passed out and a presentation made by Chairperson Mouriquand regarding the 2nd Gathering of Colorado River Region Cultural Resources Managers to be held on October 24 and 25, 2003. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES 9-1 B-03.doc 7 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 18, 2003 C. Commissioner Sharp inquired if it would be possible for the Commissioners to be taken on a tour of some of the more important historical sites in La Quinta including The Traditions, Point Happy and any other areas that may provide helpful background information to the Commission. It was decided the tour would be held during the weekend in October, or November. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Sharp to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on October 16, 2003. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: GUll/v 'VjL~v Carolyn Walker Secretary P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC MINUTES 9.18-03.doc 8