2003 08 29 HPC Minutes
The Regular Meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairperson, Leslie Mouriquand at 3:00 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for
the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wilbur, Wright, and
Chairperson Mouriquand.
Staff Present: Planning Manager, Oscar Orci, Principal Planner
Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrighUSharp to
approve the Minutes of June 19, 2003 as submitted. Unanimously
A. Phase I Historical, ArchaeoloQical, and PaleontoloQical Resources
Applicant: Coachella Valley Engineers for Madison/58th Partners
Paleontological Consultant: CRM TECH - Michael Hogan, Principal
Location: South side of Avenue 58, approximately Y, mile west of
Madison Street.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Puente asked where the items would be stored,
for long term curation. Staff replied they would be stored at the
La Quinta Museum when it was completed. Until then they
would be put in temporary City storage facilities. She then
asked the status of the Museum and was told it had been tabled
to the next fiscal year.
3. Commissioner Sharp asked if this property had been previously
surveyed and if so, how long ago. Staff replied approximately
half of the project had been previously surveyed and indicated
the location on the map in the staff report.
4. Commissioner Wright commented there was an enormous
amount of lead, from a former firing range, which was on this
site. He thought it should be brought to the attention of the
developer. Staff commented the site had been cleaned up.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners WrighUPuente to adopt Minute Motion 2003-
009 accepting the Archaeological Assessment Report as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrighUPuente
to adopt Minute Motion 2003-010 accepting the Paleontological
Assessment Report for Coachella Valley Engineers for
Madison/58th Partners as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Results of Phase II Archaeoloqical Assessment of Archaeoloqical Sites
for Specific Plan 2003-065.
Applicant: Centex Destination Properties
Archaeological Consultant: Statistical Research, Inc.
Location: West side of Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Ms. Anne Q. Stoll, Project Director at SRI (Statistical Research,
Inc.) made a presentation about testing at the site. She stated
they found nothing subsurface. There were surface scatters and
trash related to the original hotel with some modern debris
dumped on top. They did find two pieces of prehistoric pottery in
the area and although their shovel testing did not indicate any
prehistoric deposits they are recommending monitoring as this
is a sensitive area with relation to the prehistoric stand of Lake
3. Commissioner Wright asked if this was the milling stone area in
the back of the property. He wanted to know if that site was
going to be graded.
4. Chairperson Mouriquand said it was up to staff to work with the
developer regarding preservation of the milling stones. She
added she had previously recorded three of the milling stones in
1989 and her name was in this report. Since the time of her
recording, the area has been heavily pot hunted or covered over
with sand. There were areas, at the time, which could have
been cremation sites or pottery firing locations. A lot of the sites
have been destroyed in the past ten years. Her opinion was the
area was heavily utilized. This is a highly significant area and
this is one part of it. She was surprised only two pot sherds
were found
5. Commissioner Wright asked if the milling stone was a large one.
Chairperson Mouriquand replied most of them are slicks.
6. Commissioner Sharp asked for a definition of a milling stone.
Chairperson Mouriquand replied these are large boulders at the
toe of slope and they were used as milling stones and the ones
on this project have slicks on them which are kind of an
elongated, slightly depressed smoothed area; t!ius the name
slick, as it is slick to the feel. They were used for grinding. She
stated there were also rumored petroglyphs, which she had
never been able to locate. This is a very significant area and
she hoped the developer will keep the milling stones in place
and feature them in an interpretive way, by incorporate them
into the development.
7. Staff stated these are in the toe of slope and that particular area
would be kept clear. The Plan focuses development within the
site. There is a retention basin, and the balance is not to be
8. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if there had been any
consideration of conserving in perpetuity the milling stones.
Staff replied there had not. She suggested staff consider the
9. Commissioner Wright commented since the milling stones have
been identified, they should be preserved and not graded or
developed. The recommendation of this Commission should be
the milling stones be incorporated into some sort of preserved
area. He was adamant about not allowing this site to be
10. Commissioner Wilbur asked if the milling stones were currently
in a recognizable state. Staff replied they were.
11. Commissioner Wright stated he had seen one of the sites and it
was very recognizable. He thought the sites should be marked
and the City should not allow development in this area. The
area is so rich in history and tied in with the trail to the City of
Indian Wells which is said to be as old as 3,000 years. He did
not want to see this removed.
12. Chairperson Mouriquand asked if there was still a historical
district designation for the Cove area in the General Plan. If not,
she suggested it be created. Staff replied there wasn't currently
a mechanism in place to allow the creation of a historic district.
He reiterated the developer was not going to grade or develop
this specific area. Chairperson Mouriquand suggested a district
be completed under the local Historic Preservation rules. Staff
replied one of the immediate preservation efforts would be an
easement for the area containing the milling stones in order to
preserve the stones.
13. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission had discussed
this area before and recognized the toe of slope area needed
protection; especially with regard to the fish lines. He stated he
agreed with Chairperson Mouriquand the Commission should be
emphatic to the toe of slope area to see that it is not disturbed.
14. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners WrighU Wilbur to adopt Minute Motion 2003-
011 accepting the Phase II Archaeological Assessment of
Archaeological Sites for Specific Plan 2003-065 with an added
condition as follows:
A Conservation Easement shall be placed over that portion
of the subject site containing milling stones. The
Conservation Easement shall be prepared in the manner
prescribed and approved by the City Attorney.
Unanimously approved.
C. Historic preservation Commission Work Proqram
1. Planning Manager, Oscar Orci gave an update on the progress
of the Commissions Work Program, which included the following
a. A draft questionnaire was given to the Commissioners to
survey other organizations regarding the possible future
education forum. Planning Manager Orci requested each
Commissioner read, edit and put in their comments and
return it to him before the next Commission meeting.
Staff will be sending this questionnaire to other cities,
tribes, and museums.
b. Staff stated the deadline for most grant programs is in
May of next year. The applications should be available in
October. Staff had requested the City be placed on the
list and will bring back the completed application for the
Commission's comments.
c. Staff talked about the Context Statement and circulated a
copy to all Commission members. He asked the
Commission to look it over and give comments. He
stated he would like to have Context Statement finalized
as soon as possible. Chairperson Mouriquand stated it
was her understanding there was a later version of this
Statement. Planning Manager Orci said he would have
staff check into the matter. Chairperson Mouriquand said
she would check her own records for a copy and if she
found it she would forward it on to staff.
d. Staff stated there were standards for archaeological and
paleontological reports. Staff would see that all
Commissioners receive a copy.
Presentation of a signed Plaque to former Commissioner
Barbara Irwin. The text of this plaque was previously read
into the June 19, 2003 Historic Preservation Commission
minutes. Ms. Irwin thanked the Commission and wished
them well
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Sharp/Wright to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the Historic
Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on
September 18, 2003. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission
was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by:
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Carolyn Walker