2003 05 15 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 15, 2003 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman, Archie Sharp at 3:03 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Wright and Vice Chairman Sharp. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Puente to excuse Chairman Mouriquand. Unanimously approved. Staff Present: Planning Manager, Oscar Orci, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Commissioners Wright/Irwin requested that the Minutes of March 20, 2003 be added to the agenda. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Irwin to approve the Minutes for the meeting of March 20, 2003. Unanimously approved. B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners PuentelWright to approve the Minutes for the meeting of April 3, 2003. Unanimously approved. 1 V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Report on Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract 30138 Applicant: Dan Jewitt Archaeological Consultant: MCKENNA et al (Jeanette McKenna) 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Sharp commented he enjoyed reading this report and enjoyed the historical information contained in it. He had no problems with the project. 3. Commissioner Puente recommendations. concurred with staffs 4. Commissioner Irwin had some concerns about the grading and monitoring of this project. Applicant, Dan Jewitt commented he would not be doing any cutting of soil during rough grading, only filling. He could understand the archaeologist requirement during trenching, but not during the fill operations. There would only be filling of the lot pad. 5. Planning Manager Oscar Orci asked if the applicant would be importing soil. 6. Principal Planner Sawa stated if the applicant was importing fill, a monitor would not be needed as long as the applicant was not cutting into existing grades. 7. Applicant, Dan Jewitt commented there was currently a house pad on the property, that would be coming down. 8. Commissioner Irwin stated she had no problems with the project as long as the rough grading was done by adding fill, not cutting. 9. Commissioner Wright stated if there was any kind of trenching there would need to be monitoring. The applicant stated the off-site trenching would be done before he begins on his project as Toll Bros. was bringing the utilities from Madison Street down in front of the subject property. He stated there would be a very deep sewer line going through and he would only be setting some man holes out front of the project. 2 10. Commissioner Irwin commented if there was any offsite trenching it would have to be included in the monitoring process. 11. Commissioner Wright stated as long as the requirements were met, he had no problem. 12. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2003-006 accepting the Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment for Tentative Tract 30138. Unanimously approved. B. Report on Phase I Cultural Resources Report for a 14 Acre Site (SDP 2003-762) Applicant: Westport La Quinta L.P. Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Michael Hogan, Principal) Location: Northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Wright had no problems with the report as long as all conditions were met. 3. Commissioner Irwin stated the report used was five years old and there didn't seem to be a need for Phase II, except for monitoring during trenching. There has been so much road work done in the area that a Phase II was not needed. 4. Principal Planner Sawa stated the Commission could waive Condition A (Phase II) if they so wished. 5. Commissioner Irwin stated she would like to delete condition A and recommend the balance of the conditions. Commissioners Sharp and Puente concurred with Commissioner Irwin's recommendation. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2003-007 accepting the Phase I Cultural Resources Report for a 14 Acre Site (SDP 2003-762) with the deletion of Condition A. Unanimously approved. 3 C. Historic Preservation Commission Work Proaram 1. Planning Manager, Oscar Orci gave a presentation of the progress on the Commission Work Program which included a map showing all the capped and reburial sites in the City. This map is to be used by staff only, due to the cultural sensitivity of the sites. 2. He stated the Commission needed to set up archaeological and historical standards before a City survey could be done. The Commission would have to decide what they wanted in terms of preservation for the local community. Federal Government Codes could be used to decide on significance requirements. 3. He also stated he had obtained a Certified Local Government Grant packet to be used for future project funding. 4. He stated, in conclusion, the City Council and the Commission, would have to be in concurrence on the direction of the historic survey/program before any more projects or surveys were undertaken. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1. Discussion about the Historic Preservation Conference in Santa Barbara. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners WrighUPuente to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on June19, 2003. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: UU-l&/U (;)J); VL Carolyn Walker Secretary 4