2002 10 03 HPC Minutes
A special meeting held at the La Ouinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA
October 3, 2002
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman
Maria Puente at 4:01 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Commissioners Irwin, Mouriquand, Sharp, Wright and
Chairman Puente.
Staff Present:
Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Lynda
A. Continued Phase I Historical and Archaeological Resources Survey Report
for the Realigned Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60
Applicant: Coral Option I, LLC/T.D. Desert Development
Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Principal)
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the revised staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Staff informed the Commission that the house at 59-650 Madison
Street had been demolished. A permit had been issued by the
Building and Safety Department without the Commission's review.
The procedure has been revised to require all demolition permits
to be reviewed by staff for value and possible review by the
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
October 3, 2002
3, In response to Commissioner Sharp's question about what
constitutes grubbing, Mr. Twedt of Shea Homes explained that it
is the removal of brush, shrubs and small vegetation on the site,
4, Commissioner Wright concurred with staff recommendations, He
added that he was displeased with the oversight in issuance of the
demolition permit and believes the primary record as submitted by
CRM Tech is inadequate, He pointed out that this Commission
exists to understand the cultural history of this community, A
structure built in 1947 is an old structure for a community that is
only 100 years old, He believes there should have been a
photographic record of the house, More is known about the Indian
tribes of this area than of the people who lived here in the 1930s,
40s and 50s, Commissioner Wright was adamant that this not
happen again, and asked that < a letter be drafted to the City
Council. No decision on the viability of a historical structure should
be made by the Building and Safety Department, If this
Commission does not abide by the guidelines, there is no reason
for it to exist,
5, Mr. Twedt assured the Commissioners that Shea Homes will be
more vigilant in the future and will not allow this to happen with
any of their future projects,
6, Commissioner Wright pointed out that it was not the fault of the
7, Commissioner Irwin expressed remorse that there was no chance
to do a better job of surveying the property, The Commission
would not have stopped the demolition, but would have had an
opportunity to better document the structure,
8, Commissioner Irwin pointed out to staff that the off-site
monitoring provision has still been left out of the recommendation,
Staff assured the Commission that the information is on the record
and will be included,
9, Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff recommendations and
said this could have been the equivalent of the destruction of the
Neutra House, The structure could have had tremendous
10, Chairman Puente concurred with staff recommendations.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
October 3, 2002
11, There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Mouriquand/Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2002-
023 accepting the Phase I Historical and Archaeological Resources
Survey Report for the Realigned Madison Street between Avenue
58 and Avenue 60. Unanimously approved.
12. Mr. Patrick O'Dowd, representative of T.D. Desert Development,
added that as members of the community, they appreciate the
work of this Commission and apologize for any inconvenience this
has caused.
A. Commissioner Mouriquand recommended adding to the next agenda the
completion of the Historic Contact Statement that was tabled last year.
1. Commissioner Irwin reminded the Commissioners that funding
must be identified to compete the survey. The survey has never
been finalized.
2. Commissioner Sharp pointed out that the City has become larger
since the survey was performed.
3. Commissioner Irwin pointed out that there were houses missed the
first time.
4. Commissioner Wright believes the information should be updated
each time the City annexes property. He suggested the
Commissioners take initiative on their own to identify historic
5. Commissioner Mouriquand explained that when the City annexes
new land, a cursory level survey usually comes from the County.
First, the County information must be reviewed. Then, research
should be done at the Eastern Information Center at the University
of Riverside. When new lands are taken in, it ought to be known
whether the area had been surveyed, and it may contain
historically significant structures.
6. Commissioner Sharp suggested that if surveys were performed
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
October 3, 2002
during the annexation process, it would not be such a monumental
task at the end.
7. Commissioner Mouriquand said that the current procedure is to
perform a survey only when it is triggered by development, The
City could consider doing the work proactively without waiting for
8. Commissioner Irwin asked if any of this comes under the
Commission's Charter, Commissioner Mouriquand explained yes,
according to the Historic Preservation Ordinance, survey work can
be recommended without development, There is no reason why
the City can't initiate it, but funding must be found. The existing
survey should be improved.
S, Commissioner Wright reminded staff to include election of officers on the
next appropriate agenda, Commissioner Sharp will be unable to attend
the next meeting, so elections should be held at the November 21
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wright/Irwin to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the
next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on October 17, 2002. This meeting of the
Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:32 p.m, Unanimously
Submitted by:
Lynda J, Kerney
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