2008 03 04 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 2008 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None PUBLIC COMMENT - None - CLOSED SESSION - None Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency until the hour of 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Stan Ford, Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks District (CVRPD). 45-305 Oasis Street, Indio, gave an update regarding the Coral Mountain project and stated the project is viable in spite of funding challenges, and reported documents have been submitted to the City for review; reported the Pet Parade has been postponed in Old Town La Quinta; announced concerts in the park; and 'Provided posters for the Soap Box Derby event. Council Member Osborne thanked the CVRPD for providing concerts in the park. Mayor Adolph complimented CVRPD for the maintenance of the park. Andrea Dooley, 54-700 Avenida Obregon, thanked staff for aggressively monitoring the walkers with dogs in the Cove and issuing citations to those not adhering ,to the leash law. Charlie Rechlin and Ellen Trover explained the purpose and inspiration of the Vista Santa Rosa Scholarship Fund; and urged the City Council to assist in publicizing the scholarship fund. City Council Minutes 2 March 4, 2008 Dori Quill, 51-245 Avenida Rubio, conveyed frustration about the timeframe to install an electronic crosswalk from La Quinta High School to La Quinta Park. In response to Mayor Adolph, City Manager Genovese confirmed the timeline explained by Mrs. Quill and explained the mechanical parts for the crosswalk are on back order from the manufacturer. Mrs. Quill continued her public comment by stating street improvements were made on Eisenhower Drive two years ago, but they have not been made in front of Hidden Canyon and La Quinta Hotel. Mayor Adolph stated the street improvements will be completed along with the completion of the improvements on Avenue 58. Additionally, Mrs. Quill requested additional street signs on the diagonal for better visibility in the Cove. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Genovese announced Business Session Item No.2 is intended to be discussed at 6:00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1, WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM TIM BROWN. CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY . OF COACH ELLA. DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2008. REGARDING PROPOSED CITIES' BOUNDARIES. City Manager Genovese gave a brief update on the discussions between the City of La Quinta and the City of Coachella; and suggested the City Council may wish to designate two Council Members to meet with the City of Coachella or agendize the matter to set up a committee to address the issues. Council Member Osborne suggested meeting with the City of Coach ell a first and then decide if a committee is needed. Council Member Sniff stated the City of La Quinta should meet with the City of Coachella as a professional courtesy. City Council Minutes 3 March 4, 2008 Council Member Henderson suggested meeting with the City of Coachella and find out what they have in mind, and assess whether or not a committee is needed. Council Members Henderson and Sniff volunteered to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to approve the City Council Minutes of February 19, 2008, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 4. 2008. 2. AUTHORIZATION OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND TWO MEMBERS OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD TO ATTEND THE 2008 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL TREASURERS ASSOCIATION (CMTA) CONFERENCE IN SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. APRIL 22-25. 2008. 3. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY ROBERTA CLARK - DATE OF LOSS: OCTOBER 9. 2007. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA. APRIL 23-25. 2008. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff{ Osborne to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 AND TITLE 6 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING "REQUIRED LANDSCAPERS COURSE ON OVER-SEEDING ALTERNATIVES." Golf, Parks and Landscape Manager Howlett presented the staff report. City Council Minutes 4 March 4, 2008 Council Member Osborne questioned when and how often the program course would be offered. Ms. Aurora Wilson, CVAG. explained the course will be offered once a month. at no cost, and offered in both English and Spanish. Council Member Sniff questioned the complete and total value of completing the course, and questioned if an employee attends the session and leaves their employer, do they still qualify; Ms. Wilson explained the business qualifies. Council Member Sniff stated their program is well intended. and stated someone could attend course, receive certificate and are not mandated to continue in the business. Ms. Wilson explained the elected officials discussed whether to mandate the use of the alternate approach. but CVAG was not ready to mandate or monitor the program, and decided to allow attendees to use the alternate approach voluntarily. Council Member Henderson stated this is one of those ordinances that may be a clean-up item in the future, as it 'is asking to use good judgment and cannot regulate good judgment; what kind of burden is CVAG taking on in order to produce this educational program; explained if there is an organization with 15 employees, an employee takes the course and if they leave the organization, that employee could qualify with another organization; expressed concern of opening the door for other issues to move ordinances; stated she will not be supporting this ordinance. Ms. Wilson explained the organization has established an over-seeding alternative brochure which has been requested by many residents; stated most of the community is onboard with the alternative approach; and explained the idea is to have an outreach vehicle to the community. Council Member Henderson stated sometimes elected officials make good decisions and sometimes makes marginal decisions, and stated this was a marginal, decision. Ms. Wilson explained CVAG has the funds to support the program and stated the instructor. AI Hollinger, is on board and ready to go. Council Member Kirk explained the intent behind this program is for air quality and water consumption purposes; questioned what role scalping has on the air quality. Ms. Wilson explained CVAG has received many. complaints from those who have respiratory problems during scalping season. Council Member Kirk questioned if the Energy and Environmental Resources Committee discussed to consider other educational outreach tools or strategies. Ms. Wilson stated the Energy and Environmental Resources Committee debated on whether to mandate using the alternative method, but decided to conduct an outreach approach first. Council Member Kirk questioned if they considered other outreach plans other than tying in with business license applications. Ms. Wilson stated they did ,not as the dust City Council Minutes 5 March 4, 2008 control plan must be submitted for review upon applying for a business license. Council Member Kirk questioned what other cities in the Valley have adopted the ordinance. Golf, Parks and Landscape Manager Howlett stated Rancho Mirage" Cathedral City. Coachella and Desert Hot Springs. Council Member Kirk questioned if any other cities rejected the program. Golf, Parks and Landscape Manager Howlett was unaware of any cities in the Valley that have rejected the program. Council Member Kirk questioned if any concerns have been expressed from any of the other cities. Ms. Wilson stated they have not. Council Member Kirk stated it is unknown if this program is the best strategy, but is willing to give it a try; conveyed a concern of the possibility of selective adoption by Coachella Valley cities; and conveyed concern if La Quinta was the only city not supporting the program, licensed landscaper professionals would be working in other parts of the Valley. Mayor Adolph questioned if the individual or the business is being qualified. Ms. Wilson explained the program is to qualify the individual to enable them to teach other workers and have knowledge of the over-seeding alternative. Council Member Osborne suggested beginning classes in August prior to the over-seeding season in September. Ms. Wilson explained CVAG is hoping to begin courses in May to begin outreach prior to the over-seeding season. Council Member Sniff stated he is on the Energy Committee and explained he did not dream this program up; explained this ordinance does not require them to use the alternative method, as it only requires them to attend this class; conveyed concern of the intrinsic value of the program; stated this ordinance has a somewhat dubious value and it does not have real value; stated the program could have been done better; stated it is worth the effort to clean the air. and the alternative method should be mandated; stated the air quality is important and that this ordinance does not serve a purpose. Council Member Henderson, stated the City has brought the golf courses, large users. and large landscapers on board to conservation and protecting the environment, and once it becomes a way of life, it will automatically be done that way; stated the program is geared to small landscape companies where residents will request this type of alternative from those companies; stated she does not believe this product will serve much good, but encouraged to distribute brochures to landscape professionals. City Council Minutes 6 March 4, 2008 Council Member Kirk stated there doesn't seem much harm in this program; stated air quality during scalping is a problem in the community and it is not just a small-time deal. it is a big time deal; however, if the Council wishes to establish a more aggressive program he will support it. Mayor Adolph stated it can't hurt to offer the program; disagrees it has no educational value as it has a benefit to the community. MOTION - It was moved by Council Member Kirk/Mayor Adolph to take up Ordinance No. 454 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried by a vote of 3-2, Council Members Henderson and Sniff dissenting. ORDINANCE NO. 454 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA. AMENDING TITLE 3 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 3.28.435 AND TITLE 6 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 6 "REQUIRED LANDSCAPERS COURSE ON OVER-SEEDING ALTERNATIVES." It was moved by Council Member Kirk/Mayor Adolph to introduce Ordinance No. 454 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Council Members, Kirk, Osborne. Mayor Adolph Council Members Henderson, Sniff None None (BUSINESS ITEM NO.2 WAS TAKEN UP AT 6:00 P.M. - SEE PAGE 12) STUDY SESSION 1 . DISCUSSION REGARDING A PROPOSAL FOR PREPARING A PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE FOR UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING. Principal Engineer McKinney presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson requested clarification of what year the study was conducted. Principal Engineer McKinney stated the study was conducted in the year 2000. Principal Engineer McKinney continued presenting the staff report. City Council Minutes 7 March 4, 2008 In response to Council Member Henderson, Principal Engineer McKinney confirmed residents in Palm Desert were assessed $27,000 for underground utilities in 2006; and explained the resident is responsible for the cost of connecting to the utility, and the cost is dependent upon the complexity of the parcel. Council Member Kirk questioned if the cost did not include connection to service. Principal Engineer McKinney stated the cost did include all costs including connection, except outside the right-of-way. Council Member Henderson stated a homeowner had bought into the $27,000 assessment, and had an easy connection on his parcel, would only pay $10,000 for the connection; whereby the greater good paid for all on an equal basis. Principal Engineer McKinney stated he did not have the details of the assessment. Mayor Adolph stated each individual resident, especially electric utility, would be tying into the meter at the house, and depending on the location, it could be simple or complicated due to the location; stated when designate a cost of $49,000 may not be applicable to the area; and may scare people away because of the costs. Principal Engineer McKinney explained staff is requesting to continue with the study and obtain direction on whether to expand the scope to include other areas of the City. Council Member Osborne stated specifically in the Cove. all utility poles are in the back; questioned who is responsible if they pull out the pole and damage the pool. Assistant City Attorney Houston explained there would be an additional party. a contractor, who would have culpability which would also be an 110 issue with the contract performing the work. Council Member Osborne questioned if technology has changed where it would make a difference in the cost, when the previous study was done in 2000. Dick Macknicki. 110. explained the digging is the major cost. and the cost of conductors have gone up significantly; and pointed out the City has had a successful undergrounding on Yucatan. Council Member Sniff stated that was a very small area with rather large lots with expensive homes; stated if the cost is going to be more than projected. . the City can't pay for it. liD is not going to do it gratis, and residents will be assessed for it; stated the utility poles are not a nuisance to him at the tune of $20 - $50; and stated he has no objection to conducting the study. City Council Minutes 8 March 4, 2008 Mr. Macknicki explained when dealing with undergrounding. the transformers and switches require space, and is accommodated by acquiring the right-of- way; and explained the cost would be opposite up in the cove. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Macknicki stated transformers are not buried underground. Mr. Macknicki confirmed that all of the transformers are above ground in the Cove area, in response to Council Member Henderson. Council Member Sniff stated staff would need to get an approximate unanimity of all the property owners to underground the utilities. and stated there is the possibility of law suits. Dale Wissman, 51030 Avenida Carranza. conveyed concern of whether the residents in the Cove would support undergrounding utilities by a vote; stated the entrance of the Bear Creek Bike path is unsightly; stated most residents at the top of the Cove would support; suggested to pick the most strategic areas to beautify the perimeter of the Cove project, including the Yucatan area; and requested the City to designate areas for undergrounding utilities to enable development of property. Council Member Henderson explained that in the mid 80's, the City took this question to the Cove residents with five different assessment districts, and undergrounding utilities lost in every district; however, they did pass the assessment district for the sewers, electrical did not pass, and the Redevelopment Agency funded the improvements to streets and curbs, and the Coachella Valley Water District upgraded the water lines; stated the improvement were not as difficult as it would be today as there was only 30% development in the area; stated the City Council has a long history with this issue, but times and people change; and cautioned that the smaller the district the higher the dollar amount. Dori Quill, 51-245 Rubio, explained her home was built 17 years ago and residents in the area completed undergrounding utilities 15 years ago, which was a simple process at the time; stated it was worth it. Kay Wolff. 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated many residents in the Cove are watching this issue; stated the costs look prohibitive; explained if a vote is taken, those property owners interested in undergrounding utilities would be revealed; questioned if Redevelopment Agency funds are available to fund this matter; suggested the City look at every neighborhood in La Quinta as other residents would be interested; stated every resident would like to see the utilities underground to beautify the area. but due to the variation of City Council Minutes 9 March 4, 2008 incomes, not all would be able to afford it; and stated if votes are cast, staff can monitor which areas are in support of undergrounding utilities. Lauren Peterson, 78-670 Avenida La Torres, stated this time last year residents from Desert Club Estates submitted a petition requesting this type of study; and questioned if there are other funding options to assist residents. Council Member Osborne questioned if there will be separate regions in the Cove in respect to the area being studied. Principal Engineer McKinney explained the proposal received was for the Cove area only. by taking a sample lot representing the area and designating the requirements; and stated staff can expand the survey. Council Member Sniff stated he has no problem with the survey, but would like to see defined areas; is confident the undergrounding of utilities will be expensive. and is not sure there are other sources of funding available; stated we are coming to a slow time in the economy and house values are coming down, and will be a burden to pay the cost of undergrounding in cash for most residents; stated he is unsure the City will be able to obtain 50% of the vote for an assessment from the residents in the Cove. Council Member Henderson stated the study will be a very skeleton-type study, not going to get much for $10,000, and will not go out with an assessment until the engineering study is complete, which will cost several hundred thousand dollars; will not be taking this to the entire Cove for a vote all at once, but by several districts which will be reviewed individually; stated the outcome will be different than anticipated as this is a long drawn-out process; supported to study all areas at the same time; and stated the study will provide basic information. Council Member Kirk stated Ms. Peterson was kind in her comments as this matter has taken a year to come back before the Council; suggested to include all areas in the community with overhead utilities in the study; original estimate for the cove is $10,000. small investment if the cost is twice and three times the estimate, as compared to the major decision will have to be made over the next year or two; enable staff to expend up to $30,000 to include other areas in the City; supports the suggestion of prioritizing the areas in the Cove for undergrounding utilities. because of the aesthetics, ease of access, general interest. and the ability to pay; stated premature to consider other sources of funding at this time. City Council Minutes 10 March 4, 2008 Mayor Adolph stated the City Council has taken great pains to beautify the City; stated the City needs to move forward with this matter, and getting the utility poles down is an issue that needs to be addressed; and explained the purpose of discussing this matter during a Study Session is to give direction to staff. Mayor Adolph stated if it's Council's pleasure, to direct staff to bring this item back at the earliest time. City Manager Genovese stated staff will analyze and scope out the size of the contract, and bring back for Council's consideration, and ensuring the contract is all inclusive of the areas suggested by the City Council. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson reported discussion on AB 375 continues and stated an in-depth discussion was included in the last Western Cities magazine; stated Proposition Nos. 98 and 99 have qualified; and thanked Mayor Adolph for attending the RCTC meeting held on Saturday. Chamber of Commerce Workshop/Information Exchange Committee - Council Member Sniff conveyed concern of the Chamber in that no members were present at the last meeting and stressed they should have Board Members present if they have any interest in the community; suggested discontinuing the meetings if there is no interest from the Chamber to attend, and if they wish to continue the contract with that location to send a letter to the Mayor. Bob Hope Chrysler Classic (BHCC) Ad-Hoc Committee - Council Member Osborne reported the BHCC was very happy with the SilverRock Resort golf course, and they discussed adding bleachers for next year, and expressed concern for the amount of walking. CV AG Human & Community Resources Committee - Council Member Osborne reported the tobacco ordinance is moving through the cities; funding for west valley project is in process with the County, and it is a county program as opposed to a CVAG program. Vista Santa Rosa Task Force - Council Member Osborne stated the final map was issued to the Council; stated there was mutual understanding between the land owners and developers; stated it has worked out pretty well. but some economic challenges for the future; stated the Task Force is unsure County will step up to the plate; and stated the Task Force has completed its purpose. City Council Minutes 11 March 4, 2008 Mayor Adolph stated at the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic meeting, another subject discussed was the gallery observation at Hole 13, 14, and 15. and the BHCC has passed the request to grant the land for observation to Morgan Stanley. CV AG Executive Committee - Mayor Adolph stated CV AG is sending four delegates to New Orleans for the disaster response conference; announced a change from CV AG to SCAG by changing the regions from east to west. and there will be a representative from both the east and west areas. Coachella Valley Water District Joint Water Policy Committee - Mayor Adolph reported the Engineer's Report of the water supply and replenishment is available for review. Sun Line Transit Agency - Mayor Adolph reported the Board approved the redesign of the buses and replacing all of the bus shelters they are responsible for. Council Member Henderson stated the last experience with the Chamber was similar where only one or two board members attended; stated if an elected official is attending with staff members to talk to a Chamber director, with no board members or members attending, she would support Council Member Sniff's comments in dissolving the meeting. Council Member Osborne stated when attending some of the Chamber meetings, there was only one person in attendance from the Chamber. * * * * * * * * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Mayor Adolph commented on the issue of monitoring foreclosure and stated the newspaper first reported there were 400 foreclosures, then 800 was reported, recently 81 foreclosures, and questioned the source of their information; stated the City of Indio has also requested information to monitor the vacated homes in their community . Council Member Osborne stated in respect to future development at PGA West, Edenrock project, there is a Transient Occupation Tax (TOT) aspect related to that, piece of land, and requested to have some manner of discussion regarding the TOT City Council Minutes 12 March 4, 2008 and what will be expected for development of that property; stated with the burden on that portion of property needs further discussion and may be too late to discuss this matter if the Council waits for the public hearing; questioned if the issue could be reviewed and discussed prior to the public hearing. Council Member Sniff stated he has not met with anyone from the development; and stated he understands the whole project is currently being reconsidered and is in a state of flux; and stated cannot have a meaningful discussion until the outcome is known. Assistant City Attorney Houston explained this matter is a public hearing item and the matter should be noticed and agendized for discussion. Council Member Osborne stated the Council can wait until the item comes back in April and discuss the matter at that point in time; and stated he would hate to lose this type of quality project because we don't like the matter of the TOT agreement between the City and the developer. but if that's the hand dealt to this Council then we will deal with it. The City Council recessed the meeting to the hour of 6:00 p.m. The Council reconvened the meeting at 6:05 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION . . . . . . . . . . . continued 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CVAG ENERGY CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE SUSTAINABILlTY PROGRAM. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson questioned how the base year is established, and if the City can go back to those programs adopted over the last year which has started the City on the way to the 10% or are starting from scratch. In response to Council Member Henderson, Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans explained liD and SCE are working with CVAG to gather the data, staff would have to double check the base year; stated the good news is that the larger projects regarding energy conservation funded by the Redevelopment Agency are not online as of yet, but should receive some benefit. City Council Minutes 13 March 4, 2008 Council Member Kirk stated he does recall a date discussed, but doesn't remember which date; and stated we will more than likely receive a credit for our recent efforts. Council Member Kirk stated as a member of the CV AG Energy Subcommittee, the Council is aware of the efforts of the subcommittee to bring together all nine cities and tribes in the County of Riverside to conserve resources and save residents money; and stated he was contacted by Katie Barrows who apologized for not being able to attend the meeting; and conveyed his support of the adoption of the resolution. Council Member Osborne stated the energy conservation program coincides with the City's programs; and looks forward to establishing this program to help not only the community but the surrounding areas to reduce green house gases. Council Member Sniff stated he tried to do this 21 years ago. but got little or no support; stated when dealing with the finite. must be very prudent and careful in utilizing resources; stated there is significant concern today on whether there will be enough electricity generated and transported; stated there are many small things that can make a big difference on a mass scale; and requested if there was a representative for the students in attendance. Dan Bohan, Geology Teacher, La Quinta High School, explained the class reviews the news, and looks at the data together; stated there are some geology, environmental club, and theory of knowledge students present to address the City Council. Erica Olivera, 54-454 Avenida Velasco, representative for the La Quinta High School Environmental Club, conveyed concern about the greenhouse gases and the effects to the planet; stated the Club is looking at this issue at a small scale specifically for the City of La Quinta; suggested the City adopt the resolution in support of the Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement; and stated she is hopeful to return to the City after college where the environment is not devastated. Lison Nikin, La Quinta High School, speaking in support of the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement and the CV AG Energy Sustainability resolution; stated the environment in the City of La Quinta should be protected and stated it is necessary to adopt the resolution toward protecting the City. Mayor Adolph stated La Quinta has been going green for some time and explained some of the City's green programs. City Council Minutes 14 March 4, 2008 Andrea Dooley, 54-700 Avenida Obregon. stated she couldn't speak more eloquently or intelligently than the students in attendance; and urged the Council to adopt the resolution. Olilane Walla, member of the La Quinta High School Environmental Club. stated he has been interested in conservation since middle school; explained how he redesigned an engine to run on Windex and pickle juice; C02 emissions are at their highest point to the burning of fossil fuels and the negative effects will be felt in La Quinta; stated the City would be setting an example to other cities by adopting" the resolution, and would be the first step to a brighter future. Celeste Varela, 49-860 Avila Drive, stated she is in attendance to support the adoption of the resolution; and questioned if the water park will be built at the La Quinta Resort. Mayor Adolph stated the plan is being revised. Mayor Adolph explained the City and CVWD will be able to replenish 40.000 acre feet of Colorado River water back into the aquifer. Lisa Munley, urged the Council to sign on with the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement; suggested the City adopt a comprehensive approach to climate protection, using a simple business model to move forward by conducting an inventory of greenhouse gases, set target and timelines for emissions reductions, set objectives and develop a climate action plan, measure and verify performance; enlist the support of business to further education and conservation efforts; and explained the burning of fossil fuels along with how deforestation has contributed to global warming. Negeene Mosaed. 1 Silver Circle, urged the Council to adopt the resolution; and read an essay written by her son. Fernando Flores, 51-865 Avenida Vallejo, read a letter from the students of La Quinta High School and submitted 1 71 signed letters in support of the Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. Council Member Henderson stated the students delivered a very strong message; stated the Riverside County Transportation Commission has done nothing more than talk about greenhouse gas emissions and the quality of life for all of Riverside County and informed she will be sitting on a panel in Los Angeles to discuss public transit. and questioned how many adults in the audience drove to the meeting; and questioned if the youth in the audience would be willing to utilize public transportation if it were more readily available. A majority of the students responded they would be willing to use City Council Minutes 15 March 4, 2008 public transportation. Council Member Henderson further commented the community must reduce vehicle use to reduce greenhouse gases. Council Member Sniff complimented the students for attending and their enthusiasm for the course of action the Council should pursue; stated the students must pursue the same course of action; stated there is a certain liberty to having a vehicle, but there are alternate fuels that can be utilized; informed the students a PM-10 committee has addressed the issue regarding air quality and it has been taken care of now; and suggested a model to the students - waste not. want not. Council Member Kirk thanked Lisa Munley for her efforts and working with the La Quinta High School students; and stated he will never look at Windex and pickles in the same manner again. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA. AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CVAG ENERGY CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE SUSTAINABILlTY PROGRAM. It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2008- 009 as submitted. Council Member Henderson requested the endorsement of the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement come back as a separate item as it was not a part of the agenda for approval. Council Member Sniff stated he seconded the motion regarding the adoption of the resolution only. Council Member Kirk stated the Agreement was an attachment to the staff report and suggested that this item be addressed at this time. Council Member Henderson stated that the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement is not part of this staff report. Assistant City Attorney Houston requested clarification on who seconded the motion. Council Member Sniff stated he seconded the motion regarding the resolution only. but if the Agreement is an integral part of the item before us. the second can stand as originally made. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 16 March 4, 2008 PUBLIC HEARINGS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. VERONICA J. ONTECINO. City Clerk City of La Quinta. California