2002 06 20 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA June 20, 2002 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Commissioner Barbara Irwin at 3:04 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Mouriquand, Sharp, and Wright. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright / Sharp to excuse Chairman Puente. Unanimously approved. Staff Present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Lynda Kerney. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Staff asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of May 16, 2002. Commissioner Sharp asked that Page 6 Item VII A be corrected to show the photos were given to staff by Commissioner Wright, not Commissioner Sharp. Commissioner Sharp also asked that Page 7 Item VII E be corrected to show Chairman Puente had stated she would not be able to attend the June meeting, not the July meeting. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to approve the Minutes of May 16, 2002, as corrected. Commissioners approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Historical/Archaeological and Paleontological Resources Report (TT 30487) Applicant: Santa Rosa Developers Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Principal) P:ICAROL YNIHist Pres ComIHPC6-20-02.wpd -1- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20, 2002 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Mr. Dave Bruduik, president of Santa Rosa Builders, stated he was unaware of any archaeological or historical items on the site. The property was formerly a date grove and most of the palm trees have been removed. He indicated he did not disagree with monitoring. 3. Commissioner Mouriquand recommended the monitoring requirement include any off site activity for trenching and other ground disturbance in relation to the project. 4. Commissioner Irwin clarified that any grading grubbing, trenching, excavations and/or other earth moving activities in the area should be monitored. 5. Commissioner Mouriquand explained that any off site activities necessary for the construction project, such as putting in water and sewer lines, are impacts which also need to be mitigated. 6. Mr. Bruduik asked if the monitoring would include construction activity after grading and utility lines were completed. 7. Commissioner Wright explained it was only required for mass grading, until the infrastructure was completed. He stated it was nice to have Commissioner Leslie Mouriquand involved with the Commission again as the commissioners had not thought about the off-site requirement, and her expertise was appreciated. He concurred with the staff report. 8. Commissioner Sharp pointed out that 11 prehistoric sites have been found nearby. He confirmed with Mr. Bruduik that the existing date grove on the adjacent property was slated for removal, and agreed with staff's recommendations. 9. Commissioner Irwin agreed with the CRM TECH report that it is a very rich area and merits monitoring. The stipulation for monitoring during grading, grubbing, trenching, excavation and other related off site earth moving activities should be added to the recommendation. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC6-20-02.wpd -2- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20. 2002 10. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-014 approving the Historical/Archaeological Resources Report for Tentative Tract 30487 as amended. Unanimously approved. a. Monitoring during grading, grubbing, trenching, excavation and other related off site earth moving activities will be required. 11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-015 approving the Paleontological Resources Report for Tentative Tract 30487. Unanimously approved. a. Monitoring during grading, grubbing, trenching, excavation and other related off site earth moving activities will be required. B. Phase II Historical Study for Tentative Tract Map 30550 Applicant: Dutch Parent, N.V. Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock, RPA) 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Kris Schultz of NRI Consulting and and Mike Rowe, applicant, were present. Mr. Schultz pointed out that the recommendation to name the entry street from the intersection of Palm Royale Drive is merely a drive aisle and would probably not warrant a name. He also pointed out that emergency services usually do not like two segments of one street with different names. On the plan, it is indicated only as a short extension of Palm Royale Drive. The applicant has no objection to providing commemorative plaques for lona T. Mackenzie and Raymond V. Darby. 3. Commissioner Wright concurred with staff's recommendations. He clarified with staff the Commission has no real authority for street naming. P:ICAROL YNIHist Pres ComIHPC6-20-02.wpd -3- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20. 2002 4. Staff explained that the street naming would be a recommendation for City Council consideration, and if the Council felt it unnecessary, it could be deleted. 5. Commissioner Wright agreed with staff's recommendations. 6. Commissioner Sharp found the report very interesting, and the stories fascinating. He said these anecdotes should be perpetuated through a display at the project. 7. Commissioner Irwin asked about the project plans. 8. Mr. Schultz explained the site is slated for commercial and high density residential. g. Commissioner Irwin suggested that artwork could be added to the plan to reflect some of the history of the site in addition to the plaques. 10. Schultz pointed out that placement of artwork would be the responsibility of each developer who buys into the project. At this stage of planning, it would be impossible to accommodate such a requirement. 11. Commissioner Irwin stated she would like to see something on the property indicating the history of the area. The homesteads are important and as much of the history as possible should be preserved. 12. Mr. Rowe stated he would be more than happy to have the assistance of the Historic Preservation Commission to develop a package to provide to the developers of the property. 13. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-016 approving Phase II Historical Study for Tentative Tract 30550, the Dutch Parent project. Unanimously approved. 14. Schultz asked for clarification of the requirement of the lona T. Mackenzie street name. 15. Commissioner Irwin read staff's recommendation that the road P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPCS-20-02.wpd -4- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20, 2002 extending into the project, through the heart of the homestead, be changed to a name commemorating lona T. Mackenzie. She questioned whether the recommendation should be eliminated. 16. Commissioner Wright stated he did not believe it should be eliminated. Having two names on a street is not unusual, and Ms. Mackenzie should be commemorated. 17. Commissioner Irwin expressed concern that no part of the project would have the "Mackenzie" name. 18. Commissioner Mouriquand explained the Commission can recommend a street name to the City Council, but if it's not a street there's a different issue. 19. Commissioner Irwin suggested the Commission recommend that if the access drive becomes a street, it should be named after Ms. Mackenzie. 20. Mr. Schultz showed the Commissioners the proposed plan. 21. Commissioner Irwin pointed out that since the plan proposes the access as Palm Royale Drive, it should be changed to Mackenzie Drive. 22. Staff confirmed that a street name change requires Council action, and he would see that it becomes part of the process. 23. Commissioners Wright/Sharp amended their motion to include: a. Palm Royale Drive be changed to Mackenzie Drive. 24. Staff clarified the street name change pertains only to the portion of Palm Royale Drive through the development in question, not the segment on the southern side of Fred Waring Drive. 25. Unanimously approved. C. A Phase I Cultural Resources Asessment of Tentative Tract 30521. a 43.45 Acre Parcel Applicant: Lido Equity Partners Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Associates (Laura S. White) -5- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20, 2002 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mouriquand expressed concern that the authors of the archaeological reports had not contacted the Torres-Martinez Tribe or any other local tribal governments for comment. She understood it was something the City expected them to do as part of the background for the report. 3. Commissioner Wright concurred with staff's recommendations. He said it is a sensitive area and needs close monitoring. 4. Commissioner Sharp agreed and pointed out there should be no off-site requirement as the area is improved up to the property line. 5. Commissioner Mouriquand noted that something could be lying below the existing street. 6. Commissioner Irwin stated that when the original Del Oro development was constructed, monitoring was not required. Off site activity should definitely be monitored. She agreed with staff's recommendations. 7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2002-017 approving the Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract 30521 as amended. a. Monitoring during grading, grubbing, trenching, excavation and other related off site earth moving activities will be required. D. A Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Quarry Ranch Development (TT 30561) Applicant: Dean Palumbo, The Keith Companies for Winchester Development Archaeological/Historical Consultant: The Keith Companies (David Smith) 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. P:ICAROL YNIHist Pres ComIHPC6-20-02. wpd -6- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20, 2002 2, Commissioner Mouriquand recommendations, concurred with staff's 3. Applicant's representative for The Keith Companies, Craig Lambert, who performed the first phase of the site testing, was present to answer any questions. 4. Commissioner Wright agreed with staff's recommendations and asked if there was a paved road to this site. 5. Mr. Lambert confirmed the pavement ends at the guard shack prior to the property line. 6. Commissioner Sharp concurred with staff's recommendations. 7. Commissioner Irwin noted she enjoyed the report and agreed with staff's recommendations. 8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright / Mouriquand to adopt Minute Motion 2002-018 approving the Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Quarry Ranch Development, Tentative Tract 30561. 9. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if the Torres-Martinez Tribe was contacted. Mr. Lambert answered no. 10. Commissioner Sharp asked if the additional 9 holes of golf would be connected to the existing 18 holes of golf at the Quarry. Mr. Lambert stated he believed there were houses between the two courses. 11. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if trenching was planned. Mr. Lambert said no. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if the developer would submit a scope of work before testing. 12. Commissioner Wright pointed out that the scope of work is usually determined on a case-by-case basis. This particular area has been previously disturbed by flash flooding and other events over the years. 13. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Mouriquand to adopt Minute Motion 2002- 018 approving the Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Quarry Ranch Development, Tentative Tract 30561. Unanimously approved. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC6-20-02.wpd -7- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes June 20, 2002 VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. A brochure from the National Trust for Historic Preservation regarding the 2002 conference in Cleveland was provided for commissioners' perusal. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Irwin asked for clarification of the City of La Guinta Monitoring Program for CEGA Compliance which reads under Summary Mitigation Measures: "If artifacts are found during grading, stop and hire an archaeologist." She believes the statement is misleading. 1. Commissioner Wright agreed. All sites are supposed to be monitored anyway. 2. Commissioner Irwin suggested the sentence be reworded to indicate the proper focus. It could be a problem if this was the only reference a developer had seen. 3. Staff believed the statement was left in as a secondary reminder that monitoring should be on site. 4. Commissioner Wright suggested the wording be changed to "Stop and CONTACT the archaeologist," since there should be an archaeologist on site. 5. Staff will change the wording. B. Commissioner Wright asked Staff to include the requirement related to off-site activity in future reports. C. Commissioner Irwin officially welcomed Commissioner Mouriquand. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright / Mouriquand to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on July 18, 2002. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: /:t:::~7 Secretary P:ICAROL YNIHist Pres ComIHPC6-20-02.wpd -8-