2001 04 19 HPC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
APRIL 19, 2001
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman
Robert Wright at 3:03 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Commissioners Irwin, Mitchell, Puente, Sharp, and
Chairman Wright.
Staff Present:
Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Principal Planner
Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Mitchell to approve
the Minutes of March 22, 2001, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Archaeological/Historical & Paleontological Resources Assessments for
Tentative Tract 30092. adjacent to the City of La Quinta. Riverside
CQJ.!nty. California, located at the northwest corner of Monroe Street and
Avenue 58. Applicant: Barton Properties - Archaeological Consultant:
Archaeological Advisory Group (James Brock RPA) and Paleontological
Consultant: CRM Tech (Harry Quinn).
1. Planning Manager di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
April 19,2001
2. Commissioner Sharp asked if the location of the project was close
to the Torres-Martinez land and had the Tribe been notified of the
3. Planning Manager di Iorio replied that the project was not close to
their property.
4. Chairman Wright stated he thought this area was formerly under
80 feet of water.
5. Commissioner Irwin added it was, as well as the reservation.
6. Commissioners Mitchell, Irwin, Sharp and Puente all concurred
with staff's recommendation.
7. Chairman Wright also agreed with staff's recommendations.
8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Mitchell/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2001-008
recommending approval of the 1). Archaeological/Historical and
2). Paleontological Resources Assessments for Tentative Tract
30092, adjacent to the City of La Quinta, located at the northwest
corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 58. Unanimously approved.
B. Report on Archaeological Monitoring for Aliso I (Tract 27519 and Aliso
II (Tract 29563) projects located northwest of the intersection of Dune
Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. Applicant: Century-Crowell
Communities - Archaeological Consultant: Archaeological Advisory Group
(James Brock RPA).
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Mitchell concurred with staff's findings.
3. Commissioner Irwin asked if the effect of the Whitewater River
was reflected anywhere in the report.
4. Planning Manager di Iorio questioned whether she was referring to
the first report.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
5. Commissioner Irwin replied, yes and added, at one time, the
Whitewater River was as wide as the Colorado River. She
wondered, since so little had been found in this highly sensitive
area, if it was due to the height of the project area.
6. Planning Manager di Iorio replied she would review the initial
report and get back to the Commission.
7. Chairman Wright asked if the archaeologist was recommending
8. Commissioner Puente, as well as Chairman Wright, asked if there
would be a final report, or if this was the final report.
9. Planning Manager di Iorio answered this was the final report
because there was a Negative Declaration determination with no
monitoring recommended.
10. Commissioner Irwin and Chairman Wright commented on the
clarity of Mr. Brock's reports and thanked him for including the
colored photos and maps, which gives the Commissioners a better
visualization of the project.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Puente/Mitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2001-009
accepting the report on Archaeological Monitoring for Aliso I and
Aliso II projects, located northwest of the intersection of Dune
Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. Unanimously approved.
C. Revised Historical/Archaeological Resources Report - Palm Desert
National Bank Site, located at the southeast corner of Washington Street
and Avenue 47.
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained
in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Mitchell concurred with staff's recommendation.
3. Commissioner Irwin also agreed, and questioned Page 10 where
it states ... "A local register of historical resources..." "...means
a list of properties officially designated or recognized as historically
significant by a local government...". She wanted to know if now
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
April 19, 2001
was the time to bring up the subject of historic plaques. The
Burkett Ranch and Point Happy were being dev.eloped and she
thought the Commission should discuss the inclusion of plaques
to designate these historic areas.
4. Planning Manager di Iorio informed the Commission that on April
17'h, the City Council approved the Specific Plan, Parcel Map and
the Site Development Permit for a bank that was being built on the
corner of the old Burkett Ranch property. At that time, Council
Member Henderson requested adding a condition that the
developer provide a historic plaque under the following time frame:
1) The language of the plaque shall be done prior to issuance of
the grading permit; 2) The placement and design of the plaque
shall be done prior to issuance of building permit; and 3) The
plaque shall be installed prior to final occupancy of the bank
5. Commissioner Irwin asked if those conditions would only apply to
that property, or to all historic properties being developed,
6. Planning Manager di Iorio stated it would refer to this property
only, but the Commission could consider putting a program
together for plaques for other historic properties in the future.
7. Commissioner Irwin also asked if a plaque would be included on
different types of sites, such as, a homestead, or an Indian village,
since they are still very significant regardless of what is found on
the property. The site is still historic.
8. Commissioner Sharp stated there should be some consistency in
the design of these plaques.
9. Planning Manager di Iorio thought it might be better to bring this
subject up when Debbie Powell, Management Assistant presented
her Grant Proposal to the Commission.
10. Chairman Wright added it was an important point the Commission
needed to address.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Sharp/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2001-010
accepting the Revised Historical/Archaeological Resources Report
for the Palm Desert National Bank site. Unanimously approved.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
D. Review of a Grant Proposal to the State Office of Historic Preservation
for Historic/Archaeological Preservation Plan. Historic Context Statement,
aDd Revised Historic PresJ;lrvation Ordinance. Applicant: City of La
1. Debbie Powell, Management Assistant, presented the report on
the Grant Proposal and asked for any comments from the
2. Commissioner Irwin asked about the time frame for the Grant,
3. Management Assistant Powell explained how the grant had been
structured to allow time to complete the work within the time
4. Commissioner Mitchell thought this was a wonderful idea and was
very pleased the City of La Ouinta was doing this.
5. Commissioner Irwin agreed it was a fantastic idea and was
pleased to be going forward with the plans.
6, Planning Manager di Iorio stated part of the Grant project would be
to expand identification of historic structures from the previous
Historic Resources Survey.
7. Commissioner Irwin thought there were 52 original home sites in
the Cove area, with about 37 that had not been significantly
8. Planning Manager di Iorio stated the homeowners of the structures
that had already been altered, might also benefit from the survey
and the historic information it would provide. It would be nice to
have the resources available if they are interested in preserving the
design and architectural integrity of their homes.
9. Commissioner Sharp asked if any of these homeowners would be
interested in restoration.
10. Planning Manager di Iorio replied she had received several inquiries
from interested homeowners
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
11 . Chairman Wright stated most of the people he talked with who
owned historic homes, wanted to fix them up. He then asked
Commissioner Sharp if he had received the previous Historic
Structure Survey which included pictures and descriptions of the
properties already listed.
12. Commissioner Sharp replied he had not.
13. Planning Manager di Iorio stated copies of the previous Historic
Structure Survey would be given to Commissioners Sharp and
14. Commissioner Sharp was concerned the historic preservation
program could have a negative affect on local development.
15. Planning Manager di Iorio stated the program would enable the
City to work with the homeowners to provide guidelines to ensure
compatibility with historic structures.
16. Commissioner Sharp asked if it was the Spirit of historic
preservation rather than a rigid archaeological reconstruction
17. Planning Manager di Iorio replied the Commission would not get
involved in minor remodeling issues such as paint colors. The
Commission would only be involved when there would be
irreparable damage to the structure. If a homeowner was planning
an addition, the City would like to talk to them about the
possibility of putting any additions in the rear, as opposed to being
visible from the front. An exception would be the old style
18. Commissioner Sharp stated if it is more generic in nature and more
accommodating to the homeowners preferences, he was in favor
of the program.
19. Commissioner Puente stated the Grant was needed to update the
previous report and add more details that may have been missed
on the previous report.
20. Commissioner Sharp asked if the plaques would be included in this
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
April 19, 2001
21 . Planning Manager di Iorio replied it might be.
22. Chairman Wright commented on how far the Commission had
come since 1994.
23. Commissioner Sharp stated he had seen a report that the City's
population had increased 111 %.
24. Management Assistant Powell answered that was correct as
stated in the current census.
25. Chairman Wright and Commissioner Puente remarked on how
much the City had grown in the eight years the Commission has
been functioning.
26. There being no further discussion, the report was accepted as
There was a general
accommodations for the
Conferences in May.
about transportation and
Millenium and Preservation
B. Telecommunications Towers Materials.
1 . Chairman Wright asked if telecommunications equipment was
going to be installed at the La Ouinta Hotel. Planning Manager di
Iorio replied there would not be a telecommunications antenna in
the La Ouinta Hotel tower. It would be placed further back
adjacent to one of the larger buildings on the east side of the
service road.
Commissioner Irwin asked what type of tower would be
Commissioner Sharp stated the tower would resemble a
palm tree, but was unsure of the technical name.
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Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
April 19, 2001
c. Commissioner Irwin stated it would be a "monopalm".
d. Planning Manager di Iorio stated she had recently met with
Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint and all three companies were
interested in installing antennas in the La Quinta Cove
e. Commissioner Irwin stated there had been plans for an
antenna to be installed in the clock tower of the ballroom.
f. Planning Manager di Iorio stated those plans were no longer
being pursued. AT&T was now looking at moving one of
their towers closer to Eisenhower Drive.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Irwin/Mitchell to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a
special meeting to be held on May 24, 2001. This meeting of the Historical
Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:29 p.m., April 19, 2001. Unanimously
Submitted by:
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