2000 05 18 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 18,2000 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Robert Wright at 3 :00 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. Present: Commissioners Irwin, Puente, Mitchell, and Chairman Wright. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio and Principal Planner Stan Sawa. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners IrwinlMitchell to approve the Minutes of March 22,2000, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS Chairman Wright withdrew from the meeting due to a possible conflict of interest. A. Cultural Resources Report on Archaeological Testing and Evaluation on Site CA- RIV-6214 (EA 2000-394), located on the west side of Washington Street, north of the extension of 48th Avenue. Applicant: La Quinta Arts Foundation - Archaeological Consultant: ASM Affiliates, Inc. I. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mitchell stated he had worked with ASM Affiliates, Inc. before and complimented them on their comprehensive report. 3. Commissioner Irwin stated she agreed with Commissioner Mitchell's comments, but wondered after reading the report, if the archaeological monitoring needed to be on the entire property, or if it is only necessary to monitor the dune area under discussion. P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00.wpd -1- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 4. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio noted there was no recommendation regarding curation of the materials and the Commission should consider including a condition that curation collections be submitted to the City. 5. The City's Curation Consultant, Ms. Roberta Greenwood asked if the Commission routinely commented back to consulting archaeologists. She said this report was certainly comprehensive and thorough, except it did not say what screen size was used for the testing. There are only two beads, but it was unknown if that amount was discovered because the screen was large or if a fine screen was used. 6. Ms. Christi Salamone, representing the La Quinta Arts Foundation, indicated that in the previous preliminary report the screen size may have been indicated. This was the Phase II report and the concentration was on one particular area. The depth was more of the emphasis because it is a dune and the backhoe was used to reach a deeper level. 7. Ms. Roberta Greenwood stated it is still part of the State's checklist for what should be in included in the report. 8. Planning Manager di Iorio stated, in regard to the monitoring, staff could speak with the archaeologist and look at his recommendation as far as identification of monitored area on the grading plan. 9. Commissioner Mitchell asked if the monitoring would be completed at one time or piece-meal, which would difficult. 10. Planning Manager di Iorio answered that grading of the site would be completed at one time. II. Commissioner Puente commented that more attention should be given to the curation. 12. Planning Manager di Iorio suggested it could be made a standard condition in all future reports. 13. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners MitchelllPuente to adopt Minute Motion 2000-011 accepting the Report on Archaeological Monitoring for Environmental Assessment 2000-034, as amended: P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00.wpd -2- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 a. Collected artifacts shall be submitted to the City for curation. b. The screen size shall be added to the report. Unanimously approved with Chairman Wright absent. Chairman Wright rejoined the meeting. B. Report on Archaeological Monitoring for the La Ouinta Auto Centre; located on the south side of Highway 111, east of Adams Street. Applicant: Jacobsson Engineering and Construction, Inc. (For Stamko Development Company). Archaeological Consultant: CRM TECH (Bruce Love, Ph D). 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Planning Manager di Iorio clarified the City could ask for curation on this project. Commissioner Irwin and Chairman Wright agreed. 3. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners PuentelMitchell to adopt Minute Motion 2000-012 accepting the Report on Archaeological Monitoring for the La Quinta Auto Centre on the south side of Highway 111, east of Adams Street, as amended: a. The curation collections shall be submitted to the City. Unanimously approved. C. Review of the Annual Certified Local Government Program - 1999 Annual Report. 1. Principal Planner Sawa presented the information contained in the report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. The Commissioners did not receive this item in their packets; therefore, Planning Manager di Iorio went over some ofthe items noted in the packet; such as the status of preservation in the community, design guidelines for the Cove area, compliance with CEQA on all applications submitted with a cultural resources report, and adopted minimum qualifications for archaeologists. One of the local preservation goals that are currently in process, but are not yet implemented, is the Qualified Repository and putting together curation guidelines. Staff asked that when the Commissioners received the packet, they needed to review it and notify staff of any changes as soon as possible as this was going to the City Council on June 6th so it could reach the State in time. P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00.wpd -3- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18,2000 3. Chairman Wright complimented the Commission and staff for all their hard work over the last year, especially on curation. 4. Chairman Wright asked Ms. Greenwood if she had any comments. Ms. Greenwood replied she was attending the meeting to leam about what the Commission wanted. She stated she was delighted to have any small part in the work. She told the Commissioners she wanted to know basically what she could do for them and asked what they expected of her. 5. Ms. Greenwood eXplained she had received 26 random samples of archaeological surveys, and tests going back to the early eighties. She focused particularly on curation evaluation studies and possible commitments that had been made. Out of the 26 reports, two were from 1981 and 1986 and were claimed to have been sent to Archaeological Research Unit (ARU) in Riverside and one is at a private contractor's office. Three say they will be the responsibility of the City, but the City has no confIrmation they have ever been turned over. All sixteen reports, including the two reviewed today, make no mention whatsoever of the collections, their whereabouts or their care. Therefore, she think the City is starting off with the idea that there is a lot of material around and some of it may be in private hands. She suggest the City fInd out. In her opinion she think the materials for La Quinta are primarily prehistoric rather than historical. Although that certainly might be of interest, and just as real, but still a loss to the City in materials that could be vastly educational and be used for outreach to school children, for displays for tourists, and scientifIc research. These materials might answer many important questions about La Quinta and they are scattered all over creation. Before we even start to think about where or what size of facility you need, you need to know what you've got to begin with; what might already be at ARU, or in the hands of private contractors, and what the City currently does have. Finding out what the storage needs are, would be a priority; are these artifacts perishables, are they stone tools, are they photographic records, do they need climate control are all things to be considered. Work on the specifIcations as they are very explicit and very detailed. Second, you can begin to fIgure out how much space you need and where you are going to put them. Therefore, she would suggest we head more or less in that direction; in that order. The other thing, when she mentioned looking at the back of the reports for the bibliographies - in just those 26 reports, there are bibliographic references to maybe hundreds of other reports which the City does not have. She suggested the City might want to know they have a complete inventory of these resources. Also, to fInd out where those materials are. In her opinion, the City might have more than they think they have. P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00. wpd -4- Historic Preservation Conunission Minutes May 18, 2000 6. Commissioner Mitchell added that when he worked for the Bureau of Land Management, they had to start finding out where all their collections were, and, it turned out to be a bigger job than expected. So, he agreed the City needs to take one step at a time to reach a solution. He was concerned that each report he had reviewed did not include a catalog, and no documentation on the location of the artifacts, nor how they were curated. He was glad Ms. Greenwood had been hired by the City to take on the job. He was looking forward to working with her. 7. Ms. Greenwood thanked him for his support and informed the Commission the City may be able to recover some of their costs. When her company has to prepare a report for a client, the have to pay for the curation. This should be written into every archaeological consultant's contract with the City, or whoever hires them. Cost of curation is a line item in the contract, or should be. When La Quinta gets to the point of having a curating facility some of these costs to maintain and construct such a facility can be recovered from the people who bring in the collections. There is currently a shortage of curating facilities and consultants are having to send some of our collections hundreds of miles away. Most of the universities are refusing any outside collections. 8. Chairman Wright commented on how excited he was Ms. Greenwood was had been hired for this project as there was such a need. He also mentioned the Historical Society's lack of curationspace; to which Commissioner Irwin replied the new Museum building would not be built until the year 2003 or 2004. She was concerned about what could be lost in the interim if nothing was done. She brought up the problem of identifying what belongs to the Native American Indians, to the developers, and what belongs to the City. She suggested guidelines be prepared. 9. Planning Manager di Iorio replied there had been some discussion on whether the City has the ability to use some of the new storage facilities currently being built in La Quinta in the interim. Possibly the artifacts could be kept there if a funding source can be located. They are air conditioned and this location might work as a temporary solution. 10. Chairman Wright suggested the City staff might want to talk with some of the Native American Indian Tribes since they are going to be building large casino, and they may have the financial resources to solve the problem right now. They may consider building ajoint facility in the Valley. P:\CAROL YNIHPC5-18-00.wpd -5- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 II. Planning Manager di Iorio replied she had a met with the Cabazon Band would like to be connected to a computer network to have a cataloging system to interact with everybody. 12. Commissioner Irwin stated she understood the Agua Caliente Museum was a non-profit organization. Therefore, we would not be dealing with a particular Indian Tribe. Also, the Cabazon Band had talked about having a Museum. 13. Planning Manager di Iorio confirmed they had a Museum, but it was out of room as well. It would, however, be helpful to have coordination between all the different Museums. 14. Chairman Wright stated it was important to build a large enough facility that it would not be obsolete the day it opens its doors. It seemed as though warehouse space was probably one of the most important aspects of a curation facility. 15. Planning Manager di Iorio commented on the Archaeology Conference Curation Program she attended. She said Fort Irwin had an archaeology program that was very interesting. She met and talked with their personnel who said they would be willing to come down and talk about their program. They have put together an educational program that is very interesting. The Commission should consider meeting with them because it involves all the issues the Commission has been discussing. 16. Commissioner Irwin commented that Fort Irwin wasn't too far and possibly the Commissioners could visit them. 17. Planning Manager di Iorio replied the Commission was welcome to take a field trip as they would be happy to have the Commission visit them. She said she would make the arrangements for the visit. 18. Ms. Greenwood pointed out that on the Naval Base in San Diego they gave their archaeologist an underground weapons bunker which is of course, everything proof and he has turned it into one of the really magnificent, well organized, computerized, archived, acid-free, repositories just for the Base. She also mentioned that the Indian Tribes may not be interested in all the miscellaneous artifacts, but only those that display well, due to lack of storage space. P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00.wpd -6- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18,2000 19. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2000-013 recommending to the City Council acceptance of the Annual Certified Local Government Program 1999 Annual Report. Unanimously accepted. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioners discussed a historic plaque to be presented by the Historical Society for Hacienda del Gato at the Tradition. 1. Commissioner Irwin reviewed some facts that were known about the Hacienda del Gato: a. The Hacienda del Gato is located amidst a Desert Cahuilla Village. b. There was an Indian well that was second to the one in Indian Wells. c. 160 acres were homesteaded in 1902 by John Marshall. d. His brother-in-law, Albert Green, took the remaining 160 acres and that's what became the Ahmandsen Ranch and now Xochiamilco. e. The whole area was known as Marshall's Cove. f. Marshall Road became Washington Street. g. The Hacienda building that exists today was built in the 1920's. h. Wayman and Elizabeth Rosecrans purchased the property in 1938, following the death of John Marshall. 1. It was named Hacienda del Gato after a stray cat saved Mrs. Rosecrans from a rattlesnake. It was coiled up outside her kitchen door and when she opened the door the cat intervened. J. The Rosecrans grew Deglet Noor dates. k. In 1954, the Ranch was bought by John Homes who removed the dying date trees and planted citrus. 1. The ranch was actively farmed until 1980 until it was sold a number of times to various developers. m. The Sienna Corp, who is building the Traditions Country Club, was the fifth developer who owned the property. n. Mr. Fritz Burns did own it, but did not nothing significant with the property. There is some information we may want to include on the plaque and a lot of information that is not necessary. She then asked if any Commissioners had additional information, she would like to have it as soon as possible. 2. Commissioner Irwin stated the historic reference would emphasize the builder and not the style of the structure and the Historical Society has been able to identifY the builder. P:\CAROL YNIHPC5-18-00.wpd -7- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 2. Planning Manager di Iorio asked if the Historical Society had a copy of the building permit and whether they had a specific date, or a circa date, on the building. 3. Commissioner Irwin replied they had a circa date. She had information that the builder had built the first building in 1920 and later in 1920's, he built the permanent Hacienda. 4. Planning Manager di Iorio asked if there was any connection with any movie stars or other dignitaries, such as President Dwight Eisenhower. 5. Commissioner Irwin replied the Rosecrans' bought the Ranch and since he was very influential, he had a lot of visiting friends. They know that Rudolph Valentino and John Kennedy were there, but the Historical Society is not emphasizing the star quality of the Hacienda, but rather the historical quality. Commissioner Irwin suggested a draft be made, then have Mr. David Chapman work with the Historical Society editing it. The final draft could then be presented to the Commission for approval. 6. Chairman Wright asked if the current property owner's name should be included. 7. Commissioner Irwin replied it should not. The plaque is to be historic, without a progression of owners. 8. Principal Planner Sawa asked if the plaque would be placed on the building. 9. Commissioner Irwin replied that it would. It would be similar to the one the Historical Society placed outside of Montafias at the La Quinta Hotel. 10. Planning Manager di Iorio suggested the Historical Society incorporate some of the verbage used by the Historic Resources Consultant for Hacienda del Gato as its description was well written. She complimented the consultant on her descriptive analysis. 11. Commissioner Irwin asked if she could obtain a copy of that report as she was not a Commissioner when it was written. 12. Planning Manager di Iorio stated she would see that Commissioner Irwin, Chairman Wright and Ms. Greenwood received copies. P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00.wpd -8- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes May 18, 2000 C. A general discussion followed allowing each Commissioner to comment on the recent meetings they had attended and what was learned. 4. Barbara Irwin - California Archaeology Conference in Riverside California Preservation Conference in Monterey California Archaeology Conference in Riverside California Preservation Conference in Monterey Historic Preservation and Land Development III California, Santa Monica Coachella Valley Archaeology Symposium I. Mike Mitchell - 2. Maria Puente - 3. Robert Wright - VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Irwin/Mitchell to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on June 15,2000. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4: 15 p.m., May 18,2000. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: ~~ Secretary P:\CAROL YNlHPC5-18-00. wpd -9-