2007 09 20 HPC Minutes MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held in the East Conference Room at the La Ouinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA September 20, 2007 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Wilbur at 3:05 p.m. who asked for the roll call. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call. Prl9sent: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Wright, and Chairman Wilbur Absent: Commissioner Sharp Staff Present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn Walker II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Redmon to approve the minutes of August 16, 2007, as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of 76.76 Acres - Tentative Tract 35238 Applicant: La Ouinta Motorcoach Resort, Inc. Consultants:Applied Earth Works, Inc. (Michael Mirro and Tracy Formica) Location: South Side of Avenue 58 Between Monroe Street and Jackson Street. 1 . Commissioner Redmon recused herself from any discussion of this project due to a potential conflict of interest. P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 9-20-07.doc Historic Preservation Commission September 20, 2007 2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 3. Chairman Wilbur said the monitoring should be handled as stated in the Staff Report Recommendations despite the fact there were no cultural resources encountered. 4. Representative Jon Berg with Dudek & Associates In Palm Desert, asked for clarification of the request by the Aqua Caliente Tribe for a Native American monitor. He asked if there would need to be two monitors on site; one a consultant and the other a Native American monitor. Staff said they were not sure of the total number of monitors. There could be two or three monitors total, but at least one would have to be a Native American. Staff went on to add that has been a normal requirement for all the recent approved projects. 5. Mr. Berg asked if the Native American monitor could be the only one on site. Staff replied no, there would have to be at least one certified archaeological monitor in addition to the Native American monitor. 6. Mr. Berg asked if the consultation was done in accordance with SB 18. Staff replied the Principal Planner in charge of the project processed it separately in accordance with SB 18 regulations. 7. There being no further comments it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to approve Minute Motion 2007-011 accepting the Cultural Resources Report as submitted and recommended by staff. A YES: Commissioners Puente, Wright, and Chairman Wilbur; NOES: None; ABSENT: Commissioners Redmon and Sharp; ABSTAIN: None. B. Paleontological Records Review, La Guinta Property, Riverside County, California Applicant: La Guinta Motorcoach Resort, Inc. Consultants: San Bernardino County Museum Location: South Side of Avenue 58 Between Monroe Street and Jackson Street. 1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Corn\HPC 9-20-07.doc 2 Historic Preservation Commission September 20, 2007 2. Commissioner Redmon also recused herself from this item. 3. Chairman Wilbur asked for comments and received none 4. There being no comments. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2007- 012 accepting the Paleontological Records Review as submitted and recommended by staff. A YES: Commissioners Puente, Wright, and Chairman Wilbur; NOES: None; ABSENT: Commissioners Redmon and Sharp; ABSTAIN: None. 5. Commissioner Redmon rejoined the meeting. C, Discussion of Work Program for Upcoming Year 1 . Chairman Wilbur discussed the list contained in a Memorandum from the Planning Director, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. 2, Commissioner Puente asked for an update on the Museum. Staff replied ground had been broken on the new Museum. Staff said the Commission should be thinking about the. archiving of resources as part of the Work Program for the upcoming year. Staff added they did not have a completion date for the Museum. 3. Chairman Wilbur asked if the list had been prioritized. Staff replied it was not. 4. Commissioner Wright asked if the City was going to hire a curator or museum consultant. Staff replied the City has been interviewing for a Museum Director but was not aware of the qualifications the City had requested for the position. 5, Commissioner Wright referred back to the HPC field trip to Fort Irwin and their curation procedures. He asked if the person hired would have curation experience. Staff was not certain. 6. Commissioner Wright said he thought the museum could be low priority, but the preparation of a composite map of all the cultural resources within the City of La Guinta (item #3) would be one of his top priorities. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 9-20-07.doc 3 .- -- Historic Preservation Commission September 20, 2007 7. Commissioner Wright asked about the Historic Context Statement status. Staff said it was currently in draft form and the Commission would soon be receiving copies of the draft to review. 8. Commissioner Wright said the Historic Context Statement should be item number one, the composite cultural resources map item number two, and item number three would include the follow up of mitigation monitoring for projects such as the Tradition. 9. Commissioner Wright said it would be good for the Commission to have a mobile meeting to look at some of the historic sites, which should include the La Guinta Hotel, the Cove, The Tradition, Point Happy and some of the sites listed in the Historic Survey. He suggested it could possibly be a Saturday morning meeting. He also mentioned a tour to the area known as the "Sphere of Influence" would be helpful. 10. Commissioner Wright volunteered to contact the owners of Point Happy for authorization to conduct a tour, utilizing the road leading up to the Dupont House 11. Commissioner Wright brought up the subject of demolition permits and how they are now on the computer system and must be approved by staff. 12. Commissioner Puente asked if a tentative date could be chosen. Staff replied they would check with the Director and get back to the Commission. 13. Commissioner Redmon commented on her concept of the work priorities. She said she was thinking about a Historic Homes Visit fund raiser tour, in the future, that might benefit both the museum and all of the materials the Commission is putting together and thinking of publishing. This could be several years away, but worth thinking about. She said she would be happy to volunteer her home as one of the homes in the tour. She added she had just received a postcard from the lady who authored the historic homes book. Commissioner Redmon may be able to contact her to obtain further information on homes/owners to be included in a tour. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 9-20-07.doc 4 Historic Preservation Commission September 20, 2007 14. Commissioner Wright said once the museum is done there will be a great opportunity to do some joint projects. He suggested items numbered four and five should be the Commission's priorities. 15. Staff asked if there were any other items they might want to pursue. Commissioner Wright said probably some others, but the five listed were the most important 16. Staff said by next meeting they might be able to advise the Commission who was chosen as Museum Director. 17. Chairman Wilbur asked about an anticipated completion date for the Museum. Commissioner Wright suggested it would be Fall 2008. 18. There being no further comments, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2007- 013 accepting the Work Program as submitted. Unanimously approved VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Comments on Puente: 1. Commissioner Puente displayed an article, in the La Ouinta edition of the Desert Sun, commenting on the problems encountered at the La Ouinta Resort due to the Signature Pool project. B. Comments on Conferences/Training: 1. Commissioner Puente shared information on the upcoming National Preservation Conference in Minnesota. 2. Commissioner Puente said she received information from the District Attorney's Office on workshops offered on the Brown Act. Staff advised her this information was mailed out annually to all Commissioners. 3. Commissioner Wright said the City Clerk and Planning Department advise the Commissioners when they need to update their training. P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 9-20~07.doc 5 - Historic Preservation Commission September 20, 2007 C. Comments on Historic Conference - 2008: 1. Commissioner Wright asked if the Conference was in Napa next year. 2. Staff said the Conference would be in Napa and said all Commissioners are invited to attend the Conference. 3. Commissioner Wright added some comments on the various conferences and how important it is for the Commissioners to attend; especially since the Commission is a CLG (Certified Local Government) Commission. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wright to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on October 18, 2007. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:36 p.m. Unanimously approved. Submitted by: (ldLlU) It)~ Ca;ol~~~~ker Secretary P:\CAROLYN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 9-20-07.doc 6