2006 07 20 HPC Minutes
A Special meeting held at the La Ouinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA
July 20, 2006
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairperson Wilbur at 3:25 p.m. who then led the flag salute and asked for the roll
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Commissioners Mouriquand, Sharp, and Chairman
Commissioners Puente and Wright
Staff Present:
Planning Manager Les Johnson, Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn
A. Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Report For a 15:t Acre Site
Applicant: Jerry Herman, Trans West Housing
Consultants: CRM TECH (Daniel Ballester and Laura Hensley Shaker)
Location: West side of Monroe Street, Y. Mile South of Avenue 54
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Sharp commented he was glad to see a
response from the Native Americans.
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Historic Preservation Commission
July 20, 2006
3. Staff stated existing structures on the project will be retained as
part of the equestrian facility and there is no current proposal to
change them. Commissioner Mouriquand asked what buildings
were on site. Applicant's representative, Marty Butler said
there was a two-story stucco residence which will be converted
to an administrative/lounge area.
4. Commissioner Sharp asked if the buildings were historic. Ms.
Butler replied they were modern.
5. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if they had checked building
permits. Consultant Tom Tang said they had and the buildings
were not on the property in 1976. Staff said the outbuildings,
currently related to the horse facilities, will not be retained.
6. Commissioner Mouriquand was looking for some discussion on
Land Granting and homesteading activity and did not see where
that information was listed. She said the GLO records were not
checked and she looked to find information on the property
being a railroad section. She said the local history and basic
summary discussion was good, but the discussion was light.
The report should be on the section of land and the parcel itself.
She would have like to have seen the GLO records checked and
discussed. The fact that it had been identified to be a railroad
section should be elaborated on as well as expansion of the
implications and the historic settlement pattern.
7. Commissioner Mouriquand said she did not find a research
design statement and would have liked to have seen that in the
report which is standard on the ARMR report format.
8. Commissioner Mouriquand checked the 1917 Bradley Map and
found someone named Wood had the property at the time. She
did not have further information but would have liked to have
seen more information. The 191 7 map fills in the gap between
1904 and 1941. Consultant Tom Tang said the reason they did
not use the Bradley Map was because it did not show cultural
9. Commissioner Mouriquand replied it did show ownership and if
you're looking to see if a famous person owned property, the
Bradley map will aid in the search. Consultant Tom Tang said
generally speaking, if you do find something that can be
evaluated they do further research, but if there's nothing there,
they do not pursue it in detail.
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Historic Preservation Commission
July 20, 2006
10. Commissioner Mouriquand said there was mention of the
ground visibility being poor in areas (0% - 40%). She wanted
to know if the area was covered in turf. Applicant's
representative Marty Butler said there was a lot of turf since it
was being used as a horse ranch, commercial horse and
boarding facility and there were 75 to 100 horses kept on the
site. Commissioner Mouriquand said had she known it was a
horse ranch she would not have mentioned it. She explained
why the Commission would question a statement regarding
poor visibility.
11. Commissioner Mouriquand said she hadn't seen any discussion
on what the two structures were. There should have been more
description and discussion on the dating of those structures
including photos.
12. Commissioner Mouriquand said she noticed in the references
the only thing referenced is the plat maps and GLO, and the
USGS maps, but no other works including an ethical statement.
She said she was aware Riverside County was working on an
ethical statement for cultural resource work at the County-wide
level. She did not see any thesaurus cited in the discussion.
13. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if the applicant had sent
scoping letters out to all the tribes listed on the Heritage
Commission's List or just the six listed on their chart.
Consultant Tom Tang replied for the CEQA requirements you
just have to contact the tribes in the general vicinity because
the Heritage Commission's List could include tribes outside the
scope of the project. Commissioner Mouriquand replied all of
the Cahuilla Bands had territorial claims in the Coachella Valley
and that is why the Heritage Commission includes a broader list.
It is best to use the Heritage Commission list and send scoping
letters to all those on the list to avoid criticism.
14. Commissioner Mouriquand said other than those concerns she
had no problems with the report. She would have appreciated
more details so she would not have had to formulate so many
questions and felt more comfortable with the report.
15. Chairman Wilbur asked if Commissioner Mouriquand wanted to
make a specific recommendation. Commissioner Mouriquand
said she would like to see the Research Design Statement
added since the Commission requests it of every applicant. She
added the information given by Mrs. Butler and Mr. Tang
answered her questions so there was no need for extensive
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Historic Preservation Commission
July 20, 2006
additional research, but the discussion on the Research Design
needed to be added to the report.
16. Chairman Wilbur asked if the report needed to be held up or just
add this request as a condition. Staff replied this was the
Commission's decision, but this addition could be included as a
17. Commissioner Mouriquand said revise the report to include the
Research Design Section, tighten up some of the discussion,
add a little more detail, and have staff take another look at it. It
does not need to come back to the Commission as it does not
change the findings and there are no resources to be concerned
18. There being no further comments it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Sharp and Mouriquand to adopt Minute
Motion 2006-009 accepting the results of the Cultural
Resources Survey Report with the following condition added:
a. The report be amended to include Research Design
b. Include more description and discussion on the dating of
the two remaining structures including photos.
c. The GLO records should be checked and discussion
included on the fact that the property had been identified
to be a railroad section with the implications of that
information as well as the historic settlement pattern.
Unanimously approved.
B. Paleontological Evaluation Report and Mitigation Plan For a 15:t Acre
Applicant: Jerry Herman, Trans West Housing
Consultants: CRM TECH (Harry M. Quinn)
Location: West side of Monroe Street, y. Mile South of Avenue 54
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Mouriquand said Harry Quinn was not on site but listed
on the report as preparer with no certification page including his
signature on it. The certification page is needed especially when the
Paleontologist is not on site. He would need to certify the report as
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Historic Preservation Commission
July 20, 2006
being correct and accurate. Mr. Quinn would be relying on the
archaeologist to keep an eye on the paleontology at the same time the
cultural report is being written. She would like to see the reports
certified so the Commission knows the paleontologist has checked the
work as being accurate. Mr. Tang said they could make that a
standard practice.
3. There being no further comments. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Mouriquand and Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2006-
010 accepting the results of the Paleontological Evaluation Report and
Mitigation Plan as submitted. Unanimously approved.
1. Discussion of Project Status List to be submitted by
Commissioner Wright (capped sites). He was not available for
comment. This item will be discussed at the next scheduled
2. Update on City-Wide Historic Survey - Consultant Tom Tang gave
an update of what had been done, what they still need to do, and
the process of how the survey will be completed. Commissioners
were invited to make comments and ask questions. Mr. Tang said
they were doing the survey in three parts and explained how they
were being done. The deadline for the project was around
September 10th. The report will be brought back to the
3. A memo written by Andrew Mogensen regarding "Residential
Demolition Permits Issued in the Cove District" was presented by
Planning Manager Les Johnson who gave a brief overview of the
information contained in the memo. He said once the City-Wide
Historic Survey was completed all the historical properties could be
added to the City's tracking (HTE) system and would be tagged in
case anyone wanted to demolish one of the sites.
There 'being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Mouriquand and Sharp to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the
Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on
August 17, 2006. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
adjourned at 4:01 p.m. Unanimously approved.
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Historic Preservation Commission
July 20, 2006
Submitted by:
c~~r liuhu
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