2005 11 17 HPC Minutes
A Regular meeting held at the La Guinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Guinta, CA
November 17, 2005
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by Vice
Chairperson Mouriquand at 3:11 p.m. She then led the flag salute and asked for
the roll call.
A. Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Roll Call.
Commissioners Mouriquand, Puente, Sharp,
Wright, and Chairman Wilbur
Staff Present:
Planning Manager Les Johnson, Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn
Unanimously approved.
A. Cultural Resources Phase I Survey for Tentative Tract Map 34243
Applicant: Masque Development, Inc.
Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Tom Tang & Michael Hogan,
Location: North side of Avenue 58, :I: 980 feet west of Madison
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 17, 2005
2. Commissioner Sharp commented the report was well
3. Commissioners Mouriquand, Puente, Sharp, Wright, and
Chairman Wilbur concurred with staff's comments.
4. There being no comments. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Puente and Wright adopt Minute Motion 2005-
028 accepting the results of the Cultural Resources Phase I
Survey as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for Tentative Tract Map
Applicant: Masque Development, Inc.
Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Tom Tang & Michael Hogan,
Location: North side of Avenue 58, I980 feet west of Madison
1 . Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. There being no comments, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright and Mouriquand to adopt Minute Motion
2005-029 accepting the Paleontological Resources Report as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
C. Historical Preservation Commission 2005/06 Work Program
1 . Principal Manager Les Johnson presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department. He pointed out that the
first two items do have funding established, and staff is
working on the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the City's
historic inventory. He went on to mention the Community
Development Department staff continues to be quite busy. He
wanted to emphasize it is not a matter of being unwilling to get
all of the items done; it is a matter of workload and funding.
2. He pointed out Item #3, Senate Bill 18, is an option for the
training workshop.
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 17, 2005
3. Commissioner Mouriquand suggested staff call the State
(SHPO) to ask if the December 12th training is eligible for CLG
training and suggested the City Council should be encouraged
to attend. Staff replied they would look into the matter.
4. Chairman Wilbur asked if the S8 18 training was for
professionals only. Commissioner Mouriquand replied this is
good training for the layman, Commissioners, Council members,
5. Staff advised the Commissioners this item was brought forward
so they would be aware of this training. Attendance at this
meeting would be time well spent.
6. Commissioner Mouriquand commented this training would give
non-planners a better idea of what staff has to do to prepare
projects. There is also a section on consultation. It would be
worthwhile for Commissioners to attend. She complimented the
7. Chairman Wilbur asked if there was a fee. Staff replied there
were no fees, only a charge for the box lunch.
8. Chairman Wilbur commented on some of the items on the work
program. He asked about funding and prioritizing of items.
9. Staff answered they are continuing discussions with the
Community Development Director about the funding.
10. Commissioner Sharp suggested there should be a timeline of
project completion. Staff replied the funding year has been
identified and dictates the inception/completion time frame.
The big issue is the workload.
11 . Commissioner Sharp asked about current status of the historic
survey. Staff replied processing of the historic survey has
begun and it is hoped it will be completed by the middle of
2006. The Commission was also advised Items #1 and #2
have been funded.
12. Commissioner Mouriquand said Item #1 involves a work
schedule for the RFP which should suffice as the timeline for
the project. Staff said the RFP should go out the first of the
year. Staff suggested there be an update, every quarter, to let
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 17, 2005
the Commission keep up on the status of these items. The
Commissioners agreed. Staff said they were looking forward to
working with the Commission.
13. Commissioner Puente suggested the Commission have a plan of
action brought forth every month. Staff said the only items
reportable would be Items #1, #2, and #3. Staff is also working
on Item #5 with a check and balance approach.
14. Commissioner Sharp asked about project sites and capping.
Commissioner Mouriquand explained the capping system and
the City's requirement to do an annual inspection on these
sites. Commissioner Wright said he was aware of one site
where the cap was still intact.
15. Commissioner Wright said he thought the Work Program, as
outlined, was a great start. He added it would be difficult for
staff to provide anything more than a quarterly report, given
their current workload. He suggested it be just an update, and
not a formal report. Staff agreed to a quarterly update and said
the Commission could adjust the time frame if they felt it was
16. Chairman Wilbur advised staff they could bring up any new
items when needed. They did not need to wait for the quarterly
update. Staff thanked him and commented on funding for
additional projects. Chairman Wilbur said it was a good idea to
for the Commission to be aware of what projects were coming
up and their funding.
17. Commissioner Mouriquand had a question about the second
item. She asked if it was the City's intention to issue an RFP to
hire a consultant. She asked if the consultant would be taking
an inventory of the curated items in storage. Staff replied yes
and added they would like to find out what items could be
utilized in a display. Commissioner Mouriquand mentioned the
City has a display case that could be utilized. Staff replied they
would check into it.
18. Chairman Wilbur asked if there was a considerable amount of
material in inventory. Staff said there was a considerable
amount, but not all items had been delivered to the City.
19. Commissioner Mouriquand suggested staff follow-up, with the
applicants, on delivery of the items to the City. She suggested
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 17, 2005
the developers shouldn't get their project finals without
submitting the artifacts. Staff replied this is one area that may
have been overlooked but they will be working on improving the
system. Prior to final maps being approved on tracts, staff will
be checking to see if artifacts have been turned in.
20. Chairman Wilbur said the direction of the Work Program is good
and thanked staff. Staff said they may come back to the
Commission for assistance. Chairman Wilbur said he would be
willing to participate in additional projects, but especially
working on the brochure, as he has some expertise in that area.
21 . Staff said once they have the RFP ready they will send a
courtesy copy to the Commissioners. Also, they may possibly
have an update on Item #1 at the next meeting.
A. A flyer on S8 18 Consultations was distributed to the Commissioners.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright and Sharp to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the
Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held on
December 15, 2005. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission
was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by:
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