2004 11 18 HPC Minutes
A Regular meeting held at the La Guinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Guinta, CA
November 18, 2004
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairman Allan Wilbur at 3:03 p.m. He then led the flag salute and asked for the
roll call.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call.
Present: Commissioners Mouriquand,
Wright, and Chairman Wilbur
Staff Present:
Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, and Temporary
Secretary Mary K. Dana.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and Puente to
approve the minutes of October 21, 2004 as submitted. Unanimously
A. Interim Archaeolo\1ical Testin\1 and Miti\1ation at Griffin Ranch
(Tentative Tract Map 32879)
Applicant: Trans West Housing
Archaeological Consultant: CRM Tech (Michael Hogan, Principal)
Location: Southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 54.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented
contained in the staff report, a copy of which
Community Development Department.
the information
is on file in the
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 18, 2004
2. Commissioner Sharp asked for a definition of "debitage".
Commissioner Mouriquand responded it meant chipping waste.
3. Commissioner Mouriquand stated the purpose of technical
studies was to provide needed data for completion of the CEOA
environmental review. There are specific questions required on
the initial CEOA checklist and sufficient data is needed to
answer the questions. She asked staff if they felt the interim
report provided sufficient data to answer those questions. Staff
responded the information was sufficient, based on what was
disclosed in the report.
4. Commissioner Mouriquand added the report will not have
conclusive determinations until the artifact analysis is finally
completed and submitted to the City. It seemed that technically
there would still be unanswered questions on the significance of
the findings. Staff replied the Commission should not accept
the report if they felt there were still unanswered issues. Staff
then asked the applicant for their commments.
5. Mr. Michael Hogan said the report states there is a low potential
for historic resources on this site. Commissioner Mouriquand
commented it was a legal issue. Mr. Hogan replied if any
artifacts did turn out to be of substantive value, there were
mitigation measures in place to take care of the situation.
6. Interim Community Development Director Oscar Orci asked if
there would be a difference if this was a final report and
conditions of approval were different. Their conclusion was the
conditions were generally going to be the same unless there
was something extraordinary in the report that had not been
identified. Then they would have a concern, but nothing in the
report lead staff to the conclusion there was anything of
substantive value found and they were satisfied with the report.
7. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if there would be an
opportunity for preservation in situ or would all the sites be
mitigated for development. Staff replied they were also
concerned about this being an interim report. They had
researched this matter and found there had been other
situations where the interim report for CEOA had not been
accepted. However, after going over the report and checking
surrounding sites it appeared the recommended mitigation
measures were sufficient whether something were found or not.
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 18, 2004
8. Commissioner Puente asked if they had found many artifacts.
The applicant responded very few and mostly on the surface.
9. Commissioner Sharp commented on a green bottle that was
10. Chairman Wilbur expressed concern about a procedural matter
of approval of interim reports. He wanted to make sure every
effort was made to have the project mitigated in the correct and
proper way. Staff responded this matter had been researched
and the problem and since that time standard mitigation
measures had been included in every report to address the
Commissioner's concerns.
11. Commissioner Wright concurred. Standard procedures had been
established to maintain proper mitigation on all projects. He
stated he had no problem with interim reports now that the
"fail-safe" mitigation measures had been put in place.
12. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and
Mouriquand to adopt Minute Motion 2004-037 accepting the
Interim Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Report for
Tentative Tract 32879 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Phase 1 Cultural Resources Investi~ation of 27.7 acres
Applicant: City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency
Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (John Goodman and
Leslie J. Mouriquand)
Location: North of Avenue 48, west of Dune Palms Road and
south of Highway 111.
1. Interim Community Development Director Oscar Orci asked that
it be stated for the record that Commissioner Mouriquand had
withdrawn from participating in the discussion on this project
due to a conflict of interest, since she had participated in the
preparation of this report.
2. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
3. Commissioners Wright and Puente, and Chairman Wilbur
concurred with the staff report.
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 18, 2004
4. Commissioner Sharp commented on the quality of the
photography included in the report.
5, It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and
Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2004-038 accepting the Phase 1
Cultural Resources Investigation of 27.7 acres as
recommended. AYES: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wright
and Chairman Wilbur. NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner
Mouriquand, ABSTAIN: None
C. Archaeological Monitoring Report for Cable Trenching, Hammer
Applicant: Cochran Communication Construction, Inc.
Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (John Goodman and
Leslie J. Mouriquandl
Location: North of Avenue 48, west of Dune Palms Road and south
of Highway 111,
1, Interim Community Development Oscar Orci asked that it be
stated for the record that Commissioner Mouriquand had
withdrawn from participating in the discussion on this project
due to a conflict of interest, since she had participated in the
preparation of this report.
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented
contained in the staff report, a copy of which
Community Development Department.
the information
is on file in the
3. Commissioners Sharp and Puente complimented staff on the
report. Said they had no other comments, and agreed with
4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and
Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2004-039 accepting the
Archaeological Monitoring Report for Cable Trenching, Hammer
Property as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Puente, Sharp,
Wright, and Chairman Wilbur, NOES: None, ABSENT:
Commissioner Mouriquand, ABSTAIN: None.
Commissioner Mouriquand rejoined the Commission.
D. City Council Action on Native American Heritage Commission and
Local Tribes Notification Protocol.
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 18, 2004
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented
contained in the staff report, a copy of which
Community Development Department.
the information
is on file in the
2. Commissioner Mouriquand asked about a transition period. Her
concern was for those who had not received a letter of
notification. She suggested a deadline for compliance, such as
30, 60, or 90 days. After that deadline, no report would be
processed by the City unless it had evidence of scoping. Staff
replied they were planning to implement the procedure
immediately, without a transition period.
3. Commissioner Mouriquand asked what would happen to those
applicants planning to present their reports to the Commission
and did not have the proper paperwork. Staff replied they had
been communicating these requirements to developers and their
staff. Commissioner Mouriquand emphasized this was
especially important because the early scoping needed to be
done prior to the consultant's field survey as the information
gained could be used in formulating their research. If the
information was obtained after the field work was completed,
the consultant might have to do another field survey. Staff
replied most developers meet with staff early in their project
development and are advised of the requirements.
4. Chairman Wilbur asked if staff would consider sending a list of
the various Native American groups as well as a sample form
letter to consultants/developers. Staff replied they had not
considered a form letter, but was interested in preparing a
contact list. Staff asked Commissioner Mouriquand if she
would help in preparing the list. Commissioner Mouriquand
replied the list was already compiled and included in each
response from the Heritage Commission as shown in Business
Item #B attachments, listed under "Native American Contacts,
Riverside County".
5. Chairman Wilbur asked if a copy of the form letter and list could
be sent to the consultants in the appropriate Historic
Preservation Commission packet.
6. Commissioner Mouriquand suggested using the example shown
in the attachments in Business Item #B. This form was efficient
and acceptable to the Heritage Commission.
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Historic Preservation Commission
November 18, 2004
7. Commissioner Wright commented this was a great protocol and
a good beginning for properly documenting the Native American
history of a site. He was pleased Council approved it.
A. Interim Community Development Director Oscar Orci announced he would be
leaving the City of La Quinta and going to the City of Banning as their new
Community Development Director. He thanked the Commission for all their
assistance and was, in turn, thanked by the Commissioners for all his help
and direction.
B. Commissioner Puente stated that she had a list of ideas she would like the
Commission to discuss. She asked they be agendized for the next meeting.
C. Commissioner Sharp had a comment about the issue of whether 15 meters
or 10 meters should be the standard for the surveys. He said there did not
seem to be any consistency on the reports. Staff replied this matter had
been discussed, and a standard was being worked on to bring back to the
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright and Mouriquand to adjourn this Regular Meeting of
the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held
on December 16, 2004. This meeting of the Historic Preservation
Commission was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by:
~ UJdbu
Carolyn Walker
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