2004 09 16 HPC Minutes
A Regular meeting held at the La Ouinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA
September 16, 2004
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by
Chairman Allan Wilbur at 3:06 p.m. who led the flag salute and asked for the roll
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call.
Present: Commissioners Mouriquand,
Wright, and Chairman Wilbur
Staff Present:
Interim Community Development
Department Director Oscar Orci. Principal
Planner Stan Sawa, and Secretary Carolyn
III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Wright requested the
reading and approval of the minutes be postponed until the end of the
meeting. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and Puente
to discuss and approve the minutes of August 19, 2004 under Commissioner
Items C. Unanimously approved.
A. Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation for Tentative Tract Map
31874; and PaleontoloQical Assessment Report for a 40-acre site for
Tentative Tract Map 31874.
Applicant: Stonefield Development
Consultants: San Bernardino County Museum, Division of Geological
Sciences and The Keith Companies
Location: Northwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 53.
P:\CAROL YN\Hist Pres Com\HPC 9-16-04.doc
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Interim Community Development Department Director Oscar
Orci asked that it be stated for the record that Commissioner
Mouriquand was present, will be absent from this item due to a
conflict of interest, as she had participated in the preparation of
this report.
3. Commissioner Sharp asked in what city the property was
currently located. Staff replied the property is currently in an
unincorporated County area, in La Quinta's Sphere of Influence,
and is in the process of being annexed. The project is scheduled
to be heard by LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission)
next week. Commissioner Sharp also asked about the survey in
1999 and the comments about the property being inaccessible.
Staff replied the report didn't state why the property was
inaccessible but the consultant may have been unable to survey
the property because it was a working vineyard at the time.
4. Commissioner Puente commented she thought the report was
very complete, put together well, and interesting to read. She
questioned whether the Native American contact list was the
most current list available. Staff replied it should be the most
up-to-date list. Commissioner Puente added she concurred with
staff conditions.
5. Commissioner Wright said he thought this was a good report
and liked the fact that the original deeding was put in the
report. He agreed with staff recommendations on monitoring.
6. Commissioner Puente commented this was one of the most
complete reports the Commission had ever received and it was
a very good reference.
7. Chairman Wilbur said he could only echo everyone else's
comments as well as to state this was a very well documented
report and had all the pertinent correspondence with the proper
parties contacted.
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
8, It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and
Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2004-027 approving the Cultural
Resources Report as submitted. AYES: Commissioners
Puente, Sharp, Wright and Chairman Wilbur. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Mouriquand. ABSTAIN: None.
9. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report regarding the Paleontological
Assessment Report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
10. Interim Community Development Department Director Oscar
Orci asked that it be stated for the record that Commissioner
Mouriquand was present, but is absent for this item due to a
conflict of interest, since she had participated in the preparation
of this report.
11. Commissioner Puente asked if Paleontological findings are
brought back to the Commission in the form of a list, or other
form of follow-up report. Staff replied the Consultant does a
record survey and the information is collected, but is not
brought back to the Commission for review. The artifacts are
either kept for future use by the City, or taken to a designated
Museum. The City maintains an inventory of what was found.
12. Commissioner Sharp stated Commissioner Puente may have
been asking about the completion (conclusion) of the reports.
The reply she was given referred to the listing and collection of
artifacts in a report.
13. Commissioner Puente replied she was referring to both the
written report and the artifacts. She wanted to know if the
monitoring report ever came back to the Commission. Staff
replied, after monitoring, the consultant is supposed to prepare
a'report for the City which does have what was found during
the monitoring. This report isn't usually brought back to the
Commission. Occasionally, a project such as the Point Happy
Ranch, which was specifically designated to be reviewed by the
Commission, will be brought back. The City keeps all the
monitoring information and artifact inventory in the project files.
Commissioner Puente commented that unless there was a major
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
discovery, such as human remains, the report would not be
brought back to the Commission. Staff replied that was
14. Commissioner Wright said the Commissioners could always
contact staff to find out the results of the surveys. He added
when the City's Museum was built everything would be filed,
according to report, in the Museum. Staff commented that
human remains are handled by the Coroner's Office and they
determine whether or not they are historical and take the
necessary measures to contact the local tribes, if appropriate.
Staff gave examples of some of the artifacts which were
previously presented to the Commission.
15. Commissioner Puente said it would be nice to find out what
happened on a project. Staff replied if anything of significance
was found, they would notify the Commission.
16. Chairman Wright asked if the staff recommendations
encompassed all the recommendations made by the consultant.
Staff replied they did include all the recommended conditions
and may have even overlapped the consultant's
17. Commissioner Wright complimented staff on the addition of
proof of retention of monitors prior to earth moving. He also
agreed with staff's recommendations for on- and off-site
18. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and
Sharp to adopt Minute Motion 2004-028 approving the
Paleontological Assessment Report as submitted. A YES:
Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wright and Chairman Wilbur.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Mouriquand.
B. Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of a 17,883 square foot piece
of lot.
Applicant: James F. Kelly
Archaeological Consultant: The Keith Companies (Leslie Mouriquandl
Location: Southwest corner of Desert Club Drive and Calle Barcelona
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented
contained in the staff report, a copy of which
Community Development Department,
the information
is on file in the
2. Interim Community Development Department Director Oscar
Orci asked that it be stated on the record that Commissioner
Mouriquand was present for the meeting, but will be absent
from this item due to a potential conflict of interest as she had
participated in the preparation of this report.
3. Commissioner Sharp had a question about the definition of Old
Town and the Village Area. Staff replied Old Town La Quinta
was the name of a commercially-developed project in the
designated Village Area.
4. Commissioner Puente had a question about the contact list
dated May 2004. The contacts were not the same as the
contacts in the previous report. She asked if this list was the
newest one. Staff replied it should be the most current.
5. Commissioner Wright stated he agreed with the staff's
6. Commissioner Puente commented this report was very complete
and a good reference.
7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente and
Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2004-029 accepting the Phase I
Cultural Resources Investigation as submitted. AYES:
Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wright and Chairman Wilbur.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Mouriquand.
8. Commissioner Mouriquand rejoined the meeting.
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
A. Commissioner Wright brought in several newspaper articles which
were distributed to the Commission. Copies are on file in the
Community Development Department.
A. Discussion of Native-American Heritage Commission and Local Tribes
for Cultural Resources Assessments (Notification Protocol).
1. Interim Community Development Department Director Oscar
Orci presented the information contained in the memo, a copy
of which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Commissioner Wright asked if staff wanted the Commissioners
to vote on the Notification Protocol. Staff replied the
Commissioners could review the recommendations and if they
concurred, make a motion to recommend a policy to the City
Council. The Commission could also review the information and
make a recommendation at a later meeting. The policy requires
the applicant, or his agent, to notify the Native American
Historical Commission and local Native American Tribes. The
City would keep an up-to-date contact list for preparation of
Cultural Resources Assessments. The notice would include the
project description, location, and a request for comments from
the Tribes. The proof of mailing and any comments could be
incorporated in the Cultural Assessment Report. Staff added
there could be a notation that any failure to comply with the
notice could result in a continuance, or rejection of the report.
3. Commissioner Wright agreed and suggested that the
Commission recommend approval of the policy to the City
4. Commissioner Mouriquand commented on the mandated S8 18
guidelines and the City's compliance. She stated the guidelines
were well written.
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
5. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright and
Sharp to recommend adoption of the policy to the City Council,
as outlined in the memo. Unanimously approved.
B. Staff asked if all Commissioners had received SB 18. The
Commissioners replied they had not. Staff said they would provide a
copy in the next packet.
C. Approval of the Minutes of August 19, 2004.
1. Commissioner Wright was not in attendance for the August 19,
2004 meeting, but in reading the minutes had replies to some
of Commissioner Mouriquand's questions on Business Item A.
#8 and #15. He stated the Honey Mesquite trees don't
transplant well and are thorny, thereby creating a liability for
their owners. The trees sprouted well from seed, but they were
currently left off all current Architectural Plant Palette lists
because they are extremely dirty. Chilean Mesquite was the
only variety approved on the Plant Palette List since they don't
have the problem with thorns. He said leaving trees on the
existing property would be a good idea as well as a good will
gesture towards the Native Americans.
2. Commissioner Mouriquand asked if the seeds and pods could be
harvested before the trees were removed. She suggested the
indigenous seeds could be made available to anyone interested
in perpetuating Honey Mesquites in the area. Staff suggested
the Commission could add this recommendation to any future
projects regarding the collection of seeds, or transplanting of
indigenous trees. Staff added the ALRC (Architecture and
Landscape Review Committee) did have a concern about the
Honey Mesquite trees and their maintenance.
3. Commissioner Mouriquand commented the Mesquite wood was
used for a variety of traditional Native American arts and crafts.
She suggested the developer might want to contact the local
tribes to ask them if they would like have some of the wood, or
seeds, from these trees to foster good relations with the local
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
4. Commissioner Wright said this was a good idea as there were a
lot of Honey Mesquites being removed. He suggested an article
be given to each of the Valley cities suggesting they consider
harvesting the seeds or wood.
5. Commissioner Sharp said this would make a wonderful school
6. Staff recommended the Commission advise the applicants, on
case-by-case basis for each project. Staff made the comment it
is within the purview of the Commission, to make this
7. Mr. John Goodman, of the Keith Companies, introduced himself
and told the Commission there were some Tribal groups going
back to their native practice of cremating tribal members and
were having a hard time getting the prescribed varieties of
wood. He recommended, since they.needed several types of
uncommon wood, the project wood could be salvaged and a
letter written to the local tribes to collect the wood to stockpile
in their Chapter Houses for traditional uses. He commented it
would be a very good thing and suggested the Commission
consider, or discuss, giving the Native Americans the
opportunity to salvage this wood. Staff suggested, when
appropriate, the Commission could add a requirement to the
Conditions of Approval.
8. Commissioner Mouriquand said the Commission would have to
rely on staff to tell them what kinds of plants are on the
properties if it is not already presented in the Cultural Resources
report. She said Staff needed to make sure the Commission got
the information to know those resources were available.
9. Commissioner Wright suggested discussion of Landscape
Resources be added to a future agenda.
10. Chairman Wilbur suggested the discussion be agendized fairly
soon so it isn't forgotten. Staff asked what information the
Commission would propose staff provide.
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
11. Commissioner Mouriquand suggested a Historic Landscape Tree
12. Commissioner Wright suggested adding a Historic Landscape
Tree Policy in the standardized recommendations for monitoring
and include it in each project. This policy would include the
possibility of working with the Native Americans to preserve the
wood, seeds, or by-products of the trees. Staff replied they
would need to agendize the matter and specifically discuss
thresholds on the number of trees.
13. Commissioner Mouriquand suggested including those types of
trees traditionally used by the Native Americans which were
becoming rare. Staff replied they would agendize this matter as
the Commission would have to look at all the issues involved in
a standardized recommendation.
Chairman Wilbur asked if this
recommendation, as opposed to
developers to consider.
would be added as a
a requirement, for the
15. Commissioner Mouriquand said this would give the Commission
an opportunity to discuss the potential mitigation issues and the
rationale behind them. She suggested it might be beneficial to
get some input and advice from the local Native Americans.
16. Mr. John Goodman, of the Keith Companies, said the tribes
would probably be happy to review a letter on the subject. The
letter could discuss the possibility of native vegetation being
removed, including creosote, and other native species, as well
as large, viable Mesquite trees. They would then have the
opportunity to comment on their disposition.
17. Commissioner Wright suggested staff contact Mr. Jim Cornett
as he would be a good resource.
18. Commissioner Sharp commented this whole conversation was
about saving Native American Heritage and there was still no
representation, from the local tribes, to discuss these important
issues. He emphasized it was very necessary for them to
attend the meetings since these issues concern them.
Historic Preservation Commission
September 16, 2004
19. Commissioner Mouriquand suggested the local tribes be invited
for the next meeting to advise them of the importance of this
agendized item. Staff replied they had been sending letters and
agendas to the local tribes without success and suggested a
personal invitation from Commissioner Mouriquand might
produce more positive results. Commissioner Mouriquand
assented to contacting them.
20. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Mouriquand and
Sharp to approve the minutes of August 19, 2004 as
submitted. AYES: Commissioners Mouriquand, Puente, Sharp,
and Chairman Wilbur. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Wright.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright and Mouriquand to adjourn this Regular Meeting of
the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Regular Meeting to be held
on October 21, 2004. This meeting of the Historical Preservation
Commission was adjourned at 3:52 p.m. Unanimously approved.
Submitted by: