1986 09 23 PCr A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California September 23, 1986 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS 7:00 p.m. A. CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-023, a request for approval of a zone change from SR (Special Residential), previously R-1 (One Family Dwellings), to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) to allow a dinner house restaurant on 2.79 acres; Robert Cunard, Applicant. (CONTINUED FROM 7/22/86 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING) 1. Staff Report. 2. Motion for Adoption. B. PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343, a request for approval to convert existing residential structures to a dinner house restaurant on a 2.79-acre site; Robert Cunard, Applicant. (CONTINUED FROM 7/22/86 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING) 1. Staff Report 2. Motion for Adoption. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of September 9, 1986. 5. BUSINESS A. Review of proposed conditions of approval regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 21555 referred to the Planning Commission by City Council. 1. Staff Report 2. Discussion AGENDA - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 2. /B. Review of the Coachella Valley Water District's Capital v Improvement Program for the City of La Quinta for Fiscal Year 1986-1987. 1. Staff Report. 2. Discussion. t,/C. Review for General Plan consistency a proposed project by the Coachella Valley Water District to construct a force main to transport sewage through the City of La Quinta via Washington Street. 1. Staff Report. 2. Discussion. ✓D. Consideration and adoption of Resolution No. P.C. 86-003 amending the Planning Commission Rules and Procedures con- cerning the order of business and the inclusion of a Public Comment section. 1. Discussion. 2. Motion for Adoption. 6. ADJOURNMENT ITEMS FOR STUDY SESSION DISCUSSION ONLY - SEPTEMBER 22, 1986, 3:00 PM A. /Additional items for Commission information and discussion: V'1. Proposals for City-wide identification directions (kiosk signs) in the public right-of-way. V2. Concept for amphitheater at Lake Cahuilla. Agh ITEM NO. DATE 0 9 Dn/1 OTION BY: BRANDT SECOND BY: BRANDT DISCUSSION: / d 54 ROLL CALL(9 CO*iIISSIONERS: UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 00 •' • /• 1 •'� I: 1 AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO ITEM NO. . DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: 21Z ?6 -o 2- 3 ; ie�� �' MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING ViNLLING 7HOMMURGH SECOND BY: BRANDT TIDIN MDRAN DRILLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*MISSIONERS: UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': AYE NO YES ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT ITEM NO. DATE 3 �� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN KULIW THORNBURG[i SECOND BY: BPANDT STIDIN NDRAN W LLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION ROLL CALL VOTE: COPAff S S IONERS : D Q •/• f AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA 3,03,3 TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: September 23, 1986; Continued from July 22, 1986 SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-023; AND, PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 LOCATION: East Side of Avenida Bermudas, Bounded by Calle Cadiz and Calle Barcelona. APPLICANT: Robert Cunard REQUEST: (1) Approval of a Zone Change from R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) on 2.79 Acres to Allow for the Establishment of a Restaurant; and, (2) Approval to Convert Existing Residential Structures to a Dinner House Restaurant. BACKGROUND 1. General Plan Land Use Designation: Village Commercial (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. la) 2. Zoning: REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 2. 3. Existing Conditions: The existing buildings and improvements on the 2.79-acre site are shown on Exhibit "A" for this plot plan. Buildings A and H are currently private residences, and the remaining four buildings are accessory uses for the main residence. The entire site is fenced or walled, with heavy hedges along the entire east and portions of the south property lines. The undeveloped portions of the property are landscaped. Regarding surrounding developments, there are five other existing houses along Calle Cadiz and one on Calle Barcelona. The lots in this area generally are 100' wide and 1201+ deep. No other appli- cations have been submitted for commercial uses in this area, although an office building is being considered at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Cadiz. Concerning streets, Avenida Bermudas is an existing, two-lane road with a 60-foot-wide right-of-way. Ultimate development is contemplated to provide for an 8,8-foot right-of-way, four lanes STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 2. of travel and parking along each side. The existing roadway has approximately 45-foot-wide paving with no curb or gutter. Calle Cadiz and Calle Barcelona both have 50-foot-wide rights -of -way with 16 to 20-foot-wide paving and no curbs or gutters. As shown on the exhibits, each of these streets has a slight curve. Calle Cadiz has a number of existing encroachments including concrete driveways and a concrete block planter. There are also a number of large trees which are located along the roadway. All utilities are existing or can be expanded to serve the project. Coachella Valley Water District has stated that it can provide domestic water and sanitation service to this area. A dry sewer line is currently being installed along Desert Club Drive, and the water system along Avenida Bermudas has recently been substantially upgraded. 4. Environmental Considerations: The proposal is consistent with the recent redesignation of this area on the General Plan Land Use Plan from Low Density Residential to Village Commercial; the general impacts of this change were addressed in the Master Environmental Assessment which was adopted in conjunction with the General Plan. An environmental assessment prepared on the plot plan request indicated that the project will result in an increase in traffic on the adjacent public streets, a potential increase in noise from both the use and the traffic, and incre- mental increases in the demand for public services and utilities. All of these impacts can be mitigated by the conditions of approval. 5. Project Description: The Applicant requests a zone change from R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 1200-Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size, 17' Height Limit) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) on a 2.79 acre site located on Avenida Bermudas in the Village at La Quinta area. The purpose of the request is to allow the Applicant to convert the existing residential buildings to a dinner house restaurant, as proposed by the Plot Plan. The only new construction proposed on the site is a 350-net-square-foot addition on Building "A" for a kitchen service area, the reconstruction of the main entrance on Calle Cadiz to increase the stacking area for cars, installation of an on -site driveway between the entrance and the parking area, and construc- tion of a 13,800-square-foot parking lot (40 spaces), which will be surfaced with "grasscrete". The Applicant also is requesting approval to convert the second existing house on the site to offices (Building "H") for the Applicant's use in conjunction with this restaurant and another restaurant on Calle Tampico. The Applicant will eliminate the existing swimming pool and a small shed located south of Building "E". STAFF REPORT - PLANNING September 23, 1986 Page 3. The restaurant will be located entirely within Building "A", the existing main house. The serving area is approximately 1,350 square feet with seating for 70 people. A 250-square-foot bar in Building "B", with seating for 9 people, will be used primarily as a service bar for the restaurant as well as be open to the customers. 6. Comments From Other Agencies a. City Engineer: Comments have been offered as to: standards for public street dedication and improvement; grading plans, soils investigation, and drainage facilities; City-wide Landscape and Lighting District participation; and, consoli- dation of individual project lots. Pertinent subjects have been included in the conditions of approval. b. City Fire Marshal: Has responded to fire protection measures as required by City ordinance and other recognized protection standards. Final requirements will be addressed in building permit plan check. c. Planning Department; Building and Safety Division: Notes that the new use will require improvements to A-3 occupancy standards. d. Coachella Valley Water District: Advises that the area is protected from stormwater flows by a system of channels and dikes, and may be considered safe from stormwater flows except in rare instances. The area is designated Zone B on current Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of the District, including the payment by the developer of certain fees and charges. The area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of the CVWD for sanitation service. e. Riverside County Sheriff's Department: No comment at this time. f. La Quinta Chamber of Commerce: No comment at this time. g. Southern California Gas Company: No comment. h. Comments were requested, but not received from Imperial Irrigation District and General Telephone. 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 4. 7. Comments from the Public: No written comments were received on the request. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS Future Specific Planning - Circulation and Street Improvements The site is located within the Village at La Quinta area which was redesignated on the General Plan Land Use Plan from Low Density Residential to Village Commercial. It is the City's intention to prepare a Specific Plan for the whole of the village commercial core to guide future physical development. In the drafting of a specific plan for this area, there may well be some recognition of existing attributes, constraints and opportunities. The resulting design scheme and/or criteria may not employ the same set of improvement standards found in a conventional commercial project. For example, it can be recognized that Calle Cadiz and Barcelona will not serve as an intrical part of a City circulation system, but rather realigned 52nd Avenue, Desert Club, (and to a point) Avenida Bermudas and Calle Tampico to the north, will address the movement of vehicles and supply the perimeter circulation system for the immediate area. Therefore, Calle Cadiz and Barcelona serve only the simple purpose of access to the adjacent properties and may not have to be constructed to conventional street standards. To the contrary, the City (by design) may want to consider diminishing the importance of these streets as a connector between Bermudas and Desert Club and arrive at a special design that would be charactered more as an accessway to parking facilities and businesses occurring on the adjacent properties. In this instance, many of the existing aesthetic attributes could be employed and enhanced. To require standard improvements today, would limit more creative approaches in the development of a specific plan and set the tone of the village core as a place to drive through, rather than an arrival point. Beyond the current projection of traffic volumes at City buildout, there are a number of factors which could influence the need or desirability of full right-of-way improvements on Avenida Bermudas north of realigned 52nd Avenue. Some reservation of design options for this frontage would also appear warranted. If this tact is taken, reservations for future dedication and improvement (if need dictated) could be stipulated in the conditions of approval. General Plan and Implementing Zoning With the inclusion of this property and the general area into the Village Commercial land use category, the City may want to consider action to bring zoning into consistency with this designation, particularly for vacant properties. It may be appropriate, initially, to allow existing residential uses to remain in their STAFF REPORT - PLANNING September 23, 1986 Page 5. present zoning category until conversion to commercial is desired, thus avoiding zoning problems that may occur with a nonconforming use status. Whereas, the use of the subject property for a restaurant is deemed consistent with the General Plan, the C-P-S Zone (Scenic Highway Commercial), is the only commercial district inherited from the County (by City adoption of the County's Land Use Ordinance) which provides for the types of commercial uses perceived to be acceptable in the Village Commercial core; although, it does contain a number of other activities which may not be as deisrable. The City will need to adopt its own zoning ordinance to implement the land use designations created in the City General Plan, but until that time, plot plan approvals may serve to evaluate the compatibility among uses planned in this area. On -Site Circulation and Parking The Applicant proposes to extend the existing driveway on Calle Cadiz, 15-20 feet to the west and provide valet parking for restaurant patrons who will drop off their vehicles in front of Building "F". The proposed parking area will accommodate 40 cars, which exceeds the City's parking requirement for 36 spaces. The proposed administrative offices in Building "H" are an accessory use to the restaurant and therefore do not require a separate parking area. The Applicant proposes to use "grasscrete" in the parking area to improve the appearance and to minimize noise. The service driveway leading to the kitchen is separated from the east portion of the property by a cyclone fence and a high oleander hedge. No employee parking is indicated in this area. Staff proposes no changes other than the installation of fencing and gates for screening this area from the view of adjacent public streets. Screening of the Service and Parking Areas The restaurant's service area can be adequately screened from view by the installation of fencing, walls and/or landscape screens. The trash enclosure and outside cleanup areas should be located along the west side of the service drive where the view of these uses from Calle Barcelona will be blocked by Building "H" and the existing oleander hedge. The area proposed for parking is currently screened by a combination cyclone fence and oleander hedge. While the Municipal Land Use Ordinance requires that parking areas adjacent to residentially zoned property be enclosed within six -foot -high block walls, Staff anticipates that the adjacent properties will be rezoned to STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 6. commercial within a relatively short time. Therefore, Staff recommends other types of view obscuring fencing and landscaping barriers to screen the view of the parking lot, as well as block headlights and minimize off -site noise, be permitted. Building Design and Use Staff proposes no changes to the exterior building design. Although the buildings have wood shake roofs which area prohibited on new construction in the City for fire safety, the City codes do not require reroofing of existing buildings unless substantial additions are constructed. The recommended conditions of approval restrict the use of other structures existing on the site to storage only. Expansion of the restaurant or bar use will require a revision to this plot plan approval. CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposal to convert an existing residential use to a restaurant use is consistent with the site's designation as Village Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Plan. 2. The proposed change from the R-1*++ to the C-P-S Zone will bring this property into conformance with the General Plan Land Use Plan's designation of the site as Village Commercial. 3. The C-P-S Zone is the most appropriate zone concurrently avail- able for the Village Commercial land use designation. 4. The restaurant is an allowed use in the C-P-S Zone, which is being requested for the site in the companion Change of Zone Case No. 86-023. 5. The three public streets adjacent to the site currently have widths and levels of improvement less than that required by the City's adopted Circulation Plan, but the ultimate design and improvement may be deferred to the Specific Plan process and/or as future need dictates. 6. All utilities are available or can be extended to the site. There are no physical site constraints which would prevent the establishment of a restaurant. 7. Land use compatibility with the adjacent residential uses cannot be assured and this development may hasten the conversion of those properties to commercial uses. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 7. 8. Development of the site can be accomplished in conformance with the provisions of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance. 9. The impacts of the project on the environment are generally limited to incremental increases in noise and traffic. These impacts can be reduced to the extent reasonable by the conditions of approval. FINDINGS 1. The proposal as approved is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The plot plan as approved complies with the standards and require- ments of the C-P-S Zone, as requested in Change of Zone No. 86-023. 3. Plot Plan No. 86-343 as approved will not create a threat to public health or safety. 4. Approval of this proposal will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. Based upon the above Findings, it is recommended that: 1. Change of Zone Case No. 86-023 be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation of approval for a change of zone from R-1*++ to C-P-S, for the lands described in the application and as illustrated on Exhibit A; and, 2. Plot Plan No. 86-343 be approved in accordance with application Exhibits A, B and C, subject to the attached conditions of approval. PREPARED BY: City of La Quinta Planning Department MC:dmv Atch: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibit "A", Plot Map 3. Atch. la, Land Use Plan 4. Atch. lb, Circulation Plan 5. Atch. 2, Zoning E 4IP,.I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 ROBERT CUNARD, APPLICANT GENERAL 1. The development of -the project site shall comply in concept with Exhibits A, B, and C as contained in the Planning Department's file for Plot Plan No. 86-343 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with these exhibits. 2. Plot Plan No. 86-343 shall comply with the provisions of the La Quinta General Plan and the Village at La Quinta Plan, as in effect at the time of development. 3. Plot Plan No. 86-343 shall comply with the standards and require- ments of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 4. This approval shall be used within two (2) years after final approval; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. The term "use" shall mean the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the use as authorized by this approval. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: * City Engineer * City Fire Marshal * City Community Development Department, Planning Division * Riverside County Environmental Health Department * Coachella Valley Water District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 6. This plot plan approval shall not take effect and no building permits shall be issued hereunder until and unless Change of Zone No. 86-023 is approved and becomes effective. Land Use and Building Design 7. This plot plan approval is limited to authorizing the following uses in accordance with Exhibits "A" and "B": a. The conversion of Building "A" to a dinner house restaurant with a maximum seating capacity of 70 people. 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 PAGE 2. b. The construction of a 390-square-foot addition to Building "A" for use as a kitchen service area. c. The conversion of Building "H" to administrative offices, intended as only an accessory use to the main restaurant use on the site. d. The use of an existing 250-square-foot bar or tavern within Building "B", with a maximum allowed seating capacity of 10 people, as an accessory use to the restaurant. e. The remaining structures on the site (Buildings C, D, E, F, and that portion of B not a part of the approved tavern), shall be limited to use as storage areas and shall not be used for public dining, drinking or meeting areas without prior City approval. 8. The following provisions shall be observed in the operation of the approved use: a. Use of outdoor areas in conjunction with the restaurant use shall be consistent with this approval as confirmed by the Planning Department. b. Plot Plan No. 86-343 does not include the operation of the administrative offices and/or the tavern as separate and independent businesses from the main restaurant use. The conversion of these uses from accessory uses shall require additional plot plan approval. 9. The development of the approved uses and any related additions or modifications to the existing structures shall conform substan- tially with Exhibits A, B, and C. Any additional expansion of the use or facilities shall require the Applicant to apply for and receive approval of an amendment to Plot Plan No. 86-343. 10. All roof -mounted equipment shall be adequately screened by the roof structure, or other approved method. Streets Circulation, Parking and Grading 11. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer. These conditions are based upon the development of new development standards, which will be established with the future Village at La Quinta Specific Plan. (a) The Applicant shall dedicate, via an irrevocable offer of dedication per the current City standards, all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer, including a 44' half -street for Avenida Bermudas, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 PAGE 3. and 30' half -street widths for Barcelona. These dedications or modified until the Village completed. Calle Cadiz and Calle will not be accepted/rejected at La Quinta Specific Plan is (b) The Applicant shall construct street improvements for one-half street width for Avenida Bermudas, Calle Cadiz, and Calle Barcelona, including relocating median islands, the the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code. Said construction to be done upon resolu- tion of the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan development standards. (c) The Applicant shall have prepared street improvement plans that are prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings, and raised median islands shall conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the LQMC. (311AC over 4" Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets). Street design shall take into account the subgrade soil strength, the anticipated traffic loading, street design life, and existing trees within and adjacent to the rights - of -way. Said plans to be done upon resolution of the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan development standards. (d) When any phase of site development occurs, the Applicant shall have prepared a grading plan that is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, who will certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. (e) A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professionss Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. (f) Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. Applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the Master Plan of Drainage including any required fees. ' 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 PAGE 4. (g) All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. (h) The Applicant shall pay the required processing, plan checking, and inspection fees as are current at the time the work is being accomplished by City personnel or subcontractors for the Planning, Building, or Engineering Divisions. (i) The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and by recording a subdivision map agrees to be included in the District. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis as required by law. (j) The Applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit prior to commencing construction or work within the public rights - of way. 12. Existing walls or other structures and permanent improvements located within the dedicated street rights -of -way, as required by this approval, shall be removed at the Applicant's expense at such time as public street improvements are required. 13. Parking shall be provided and improved in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance, excepting that the on -site parking area may be surfaced with "grasscrete" in lieu of asphaltic concrete. 14. The parking lot and service area shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and properties by view obscuring fencing or a combination of fencing and landscaping. Public Services and Utilities 15. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the City of La Quinta Codes and Ordinances in effect at the time of issuance of the building permit as follows: a. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 2500 GPM fire flow for a 2-hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure. b. A fire flow of 2500 GPM for a 2-hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 PAGE 5. c. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super fire hydrant, (6"x4"x2-1/2"x2-l/21'), located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. d. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, (6"x4"x2-l/21'x2-l/2"), will be required located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any two (2) adjacent hydrants. e. Comply with Title 19 of the California Administrative Code. f. Install Panic Hardware and Exit Signs as per Chapter 33, Sections 3303, 3304, 3305, 3313, 3314, 3312, 3315, 3318, and 3302 of the Uniform Building Code. g. Install portable fire extinguishers as per NFPA, Pamphlet #10. h. The Applicant shall comply with Chapter 6, Section 603 of the Uniform Building Code regarding the location of the building on the property with respect to access. C�The Applicant shall comply with Chapter 42, Sections 4202, 4203, and 4204 of the Uniform Building Code regarding fire - resistive standards for fire protection of building materials. The Applicant shall comply with Chapter 10, Section 10.315 of the Uniform Fire Code regarding fire extinguishing equipment for the kitchen. j. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible to provide or show there exists conditions set forth by the Fire Department. k. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. 16. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District as follows: a. Water service shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the City and Coachella Valley Water District. b. When there are identified conflicts, the City will withhold the issuance of any building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 PAGE 6. c. The project site shall be annexed into Improvement District No. 55 of the Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. 17. Location and design of the septic system shall be subject to the standards and requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. The system shall be designed to allow ultimate hookup to permanent sewer lines. 18. All on -site utilities shall be installed underground in accordance with City standards. 19. Trash enclosure shall be gated and enclosed by a six -foot -high wall of the same construction and color as the commercial buildings. Location and construction of the enclosure shall conform to requirements of Palm Desert Disposal Company and the Community Development Department. MISCELLANEOUS 20. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Department for review and approval, a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including revisions to plant types, sizes, spacing, and locations as required by these conditions, or proposed by the Applicant. b. Landscape irrigation system. c. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls. d. Location and design of sidewalks on -site. e. Exterior lighting plan. f. Design of walled enclosure for trash bin. The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable condition for the life of the project. Landscaping within 10' of all driveway approaches shall not exceed 30" in height. Landscaping shall not interfere with vehicle overhang areas. 21. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated for inclusion into the landscaping plans for the site. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 86-343 PAGE 7. 22. All lighting facilities shall be designed to minimize light and glare impacts to surrounding property and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department. 23. Prior to the issuance of a building permit fot signs, the Applicant shall submit a sign plan showing the location, type, size, colors, and type of illumination (if any) of all proposed identification and directional signs. Identification signs shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan. 24. Project phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 25. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the City's adopted requirements regarding Infrastructure Fees. 26. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall apply for and receive approval of a parcel map, parcel merger, reversion to acreage, or lot line adjustment, whichever is appropriate, to establish new lot lines on the site which are compatible with the approved development. If the Applicant desires occupancy prior to receiving final approval of the appropriate lot merger procedure, he may have recorded a covenant and agreement to hold the property as one parcel (on forms provided by the City), pending approval of the procedure for which an application has been made. 7j to i0 C t+] H a.-.r•t r) nEn�j8�3- (D LQ F- � (D F-, W n N t5 (D w o N o ((DD �ro (D M nrmrt 0 (D rt M U Fi r rt I a F+- �l + F rt r + o1& 5 o �lo51(D ni n i ia�l Ul N F- r r l i� DJmm �Am env D 0. nrma Dmo, NDz N a-c WNZ 0 n D r r m AVENIOA SERMUOAS W. r m n D 0 N rnnncamr -�o-zmr0 --Dizo�mo0) m T I7Ctt �¶D or a- ro rn-�ia � 1A m A mz 3) o � m5D z °m n -� ; D ru CALLE TAMPICO •,.ti •. .•.' RESIDENTIAL VERY LOW DENSITY 0-2 dwellings/acre •'••• '� LOW DENSITY ( 2-4 dwellings/acre ,•, ,','. MEDIUM DENSITY 4-8 dwellings/acre HIGH DENSITY 8-16 dwellings/acre'.•.•.•.•••••• COMMERCIAL VILLAGE COMMERCIALEa '•••'•• w� ••.•.•••••. El TOURIST COMMERCIAL SPECIAL COMMERCIAL EM M 00000, MIXED COMMERCIAL •• ' Em GENERAL COMMERCIAL ® COMMERCIAL PARK _ ...... ,., W _....•......:•:.. • .:•.•: ACHMENT NO. la GENERAL PLAN Land Use Plan I- ® ro o ° _m CIRCULATION PLAN co ®3 MAJOR ARTERIAL ® 120-FOOT RIGHT OF WAY ® AVENUE 50 m ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® PRIMARY ARTERIAL 0 In100-110 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY SECONDARY ARTERIAL !B FOOT RIGHT OF WAY COLLECTOR CALLE TAMPICO1 El 04-72 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY MID wimo wln AVENUE 52 ® ! °�� 1 ®/*A® o i SITE 1 - i 1 Iw .co -> Ao to in i .M W Iw I3 -m DESERT CLUB DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE 64' 1= !Q AVENUE 50 WILL BE 100' Iz �z -w Iw iw 1'a ^ i ICI 1 - 1 , 1 - - e' A j ATTACHMENT NO. 1 b 1 i Circulation Plan 1 ITEM NO. --/- , DATE 3 %� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN WaIING 7HORNBURGH SECOND BY: 1' / STEDING MORAN WLLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: ,CO*MSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — STEDING — MORAN — WALLING — THOEMURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': YES NO M I NUT E S PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California September 9, 1986 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and called upon Commissioner Steding to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call; in the absence of the Secretary, Associate Planner Gary Price called the roll: Present: Commissioners Brandt, Moran, Steding, Walling, and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Planning Director Murrel Crump, Associate Planner Gary Price, and City Manager Ron L. Kiedrowski. 3. HEARINGS Chairman Thornburgh introduced the item of hearing as follows: A. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21880, A request to divide 417 acres into 340 lots to accommodate 324 single-family residential lots and an 18-hole golf course, with the remaining 314 acres of the entire 731-acre site remaining in natural, mountainous, open space; Sunrise Company, Applicant. (CONTINUED FROM THE 8/26/86 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING) At this point, Chairman Thornburgh turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Walling as he had a conflict of interest regarding this matter. Chairman Thornburgh was excused from discussion regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 21880. Vice Chairman Walling called for the Staff Report. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump initiated the Staff Report noting that it had been continued from the August 26 Planning Commission meeting. He reiterated that the continuance had been granted to consider the relocation of the maintenance facility and the need for and access to "B" Street. Also, 0 that the Planning Commission indicated concurrence to revise several conditions (Conditions Nos. 7, 11(c), 17(c), 20, and two revisions to #22). Director Crump advised the Commission that the Applicant has submitted a revised map on 9/5/86 with information items which are listed at the end of the Staff Report as attach- ments. Regarding the relocation of the maintenance facility to the southwest corner of the project, Staff is concerned that the actual entrance location (230' south of Calle Arroba) may create a traffic hazard and has recommended that the entrance be extended northward to directly line up with Calle Arroba as a means of eliminating this situation. Director Crump advised the Commission that with this modification the map may have to be adjusted to accommodate an adequately sized frontage road and a sufficient, landscaped setback area along Bermudas. He further noted that the Applicant would need to submit a separate plot plan application for review and approval by the Planning Commission. Director Crump addressed the elimination of "B" Street which enabled the Applicant to add six (6) single-family lots to the original subdivision. The only changes with regard to the lot additions are technical modifications to the original Findings (Nos. 3 and 6) and Conclusions (No. 4) of the 8/26/86 Staff Report. He also noted the addition of Conditions Nos. 44 and 45 which relate to a generalized address to the access requirements to the front of the Desert Club and detailed plans to relocate the maintenance facility entrance and associated frontage road improvements. In conclusion, Director Crump stated, with the resolution of these matters and based on the revised Findings and Conditions, Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 21880, Revision #1, subject to the conditions of approval. Vice Chairman Walling requested any questions by the Commission of Staff. Commissioner Moran questioned if Staff had discussed the left turn from the street to the entrance with the City Engineer. Associate Planner Price responded that he had discussed this matter with the City Engineer who stated that Avenida Bermudas (Secondary Arterial) would probably accommodate four lanes with parking on one side and room for an adequate center turn lane. However, there was a concern with the width of the frontage road and the ability of emergency and larger vehicles to have an adequate turning radius into the project. The - 2 - iill actual setback frontage road, way traffic. required may not be adequate to provide for the turning radius dimensions, and allow for two - Commission Moran questioned whether a vehicle traveling at 45 mph down Bermudas would have time to stop for a vehicle turning the corner onto Bermudas at this entrance. Associate Planner Price replied that the City Engineer was not at our City offices today in order to check the site in this regard. Commissioner Steding questioned Staff regarding the newly added Condition No. 44, wondering if she understood Director Crump correctly in his statement that the resolution of what is required of the Applicant to abide by Resolution No. 85-38 does not directly impact the approval of the tentative tract. Director Crump responded stating that it would be a condition to be satisfied prior to a final map being approved. He noted it is a condition of the tentative map and it would need to be provided for you through a private agreement or the public access from realigned 52nd Avenue prior to a final map. Commissioner Steding queried if this is the same acreage as has been indicated as "B" Street. Director Crump responded that there could be a private agree- ment that would not involve "B" Street which we would have no knowledge of. If there was to be a public access provided, then that could very well be what we described as "B" Street. Vice Chairman Walling asked, if by providing this access, would not the map have to be amended as it would for the new egress/ingress for the maintenance building? Director Crump advised that this was correct. Vice Chairman Walling asked if he had heard Director Crump correctly, in the presentation of the Staff Report, that the access from 52nd to the Desert Club could be a private agreement outside the jurisdiction of the City? Director Crump replied that it would not be outside of the jurisdiction of the City, but the resolution of access could be by private agreement, acceptable to the City, but that could be something other than a public access that is required if an agreement fails. Vice Chairman Walling indicated that this language was a little confusing. He noted that at the time the Planning Commission developed this resolution, it wasn't a matter of - 3 - the street being there. The issue of whether it was to be public or private had to do with the location of the gate into the then Crystal Canyon project. He believed that the Applicant had talked about putting it 100' north of the property line and this would cut off access to the Desert Club. That is where the language distinguishing between public and private comes in. He stated that at that time it was going to be half public and half private depending on where the gate went and if the two parties could not resolve the matter, then it would all become public putting the gate at the property line. Director Crump responded that the way it is stated in the resolution, it indicates that there shall be access provided in accordance with City requirements to the Applicant, the Desert Club owner, and City Council. It would not necessarily need to be public in that instance as is stated in the resolu- tion, but then if the agreement is not satisfactory, then it would be public roadway. Commissioner Steding, just to clarify, asked if she was correct in her understanding that the intent was to have public access at all times between the new 52nd and the old 52nd Avenues along the east border of the Desert Club. Commissioner Walling responded that her understanding is correct. Commissioner Steding asked if she was correct in her under- standing then that on the newly revised tentative map there is no room for that in the proposal. Director Crump responded that is correct as we would interpret it applying. There being no further questions of Staff, Vice Chairman Walling opened the public hearing at approximately 7:45 p.m. James L. Resney, Vice President, Sunrise Company, 75-005 Country Club, Palm Desert, expressed his concerns regarding the large setback requirement at the corner of Avenida Bermudas and the existing 52nd Avenue and the requirement to retain "B" Street. Mr. Resney informed the Commission that he agreed with the conditions as written; however, he felt that Condition No. 44 was unnecessary as it is already a condition of the street vacation. He requested that if the Commission wants to revise that condition, he be allowed to speak to the proposed changes. There being no further public comments, Vice Chairman Walling closed the public hearing at approximately 7:50 p.m. - 4 - Planning Commission discussion regarding access to the maintenance facility: Commissioner Moran felt the City Engineer should do a close review of this area and make a determination of what is safe. Vice Chairman Walling stated that per the Staff Report there are certain parameters in which the -City 4ngineer must work and from the Applicant's response, they would be able to accommodate this so it is something that can be worked out. Commissioner Moran stated as long as it can be worked out she had no problem with it. There was a consensus in this regard. Planning Commission discussion regarding the 33% slope: Commissioner Moran stated she would like to see rolling berm rather than just straight up berms. Commissioner Brandt felt the 33% slope was all right. There was a consensus in this matter. Planning Commission discussion regarding the recess in the wall at the entrance location: Commissioner Moran noted she would like to see a recess at this location stating her reason being the same as her concern regarding the landscaping that will happen along Bermudas, in that this particular tract will have the most impact on the Cove residents. Commissioner Brandt agreed with Commissioner Moran's comments. She further stated she would like to see the Applicant have some flexibility regarding design consideration at this site. Commissioner Brandt suggested that perhaps the condition might be reworded. Commissioner Steding agreed that they should not tell the Applicant how to design this area, but to remind them that it should be pretty. Director Crump suggested revising the condition adding wording such as; "....and give consideration to the former site of the maintenance building." which would make it permissive, but direct attention to it. The Commission agreed to this revision. - 5 - Planning Commission discussion regarding the access from 52nd Avenue to the Desert Club: Commissioner Moran stated that the Commission approved Resolution No. 85-38 and she reiterated the discussion at the Study Session regarding how to interpret that. She commented that her interpretation is that access shall be provided from the realigned 52nd Avenue. She further commented that when she voted for the resolution that meant at the entrance where "B" Street is, not going down to Bermudas and giving access at the old 52nd Avenue. Vice Chairman Walling stated that was also his interpretation. Commissioner Steding stated that the additional language in Condition No. 44 does not need to be changed, but she felt the minutes should reflect that the Applicant, when called upon by her to state what their position was on the resolution, seemed to have a completely different understanding of how they would comply with the resolution. She wanted this noted in the minutes so that the City Council will know. She further noted that she was not holding the Applicant to it as the Applicant cleverly side-stepped that point. However, the Applicant did seem to think that the resolution was satisfied with traffic flowing west on the new 52nd, south on Bermudas, and then east on Desert Club. Commissioner Steding believed the Commission's response to that is that we read the resolution, and with the help of John's review of the minutes of his notes of when that was created, we read the resolution as insisting that there be access west on the new 52nd, south on the east side of Desert Club, then west across the old 52nd to the entrance of the Desert Club. Vice Chairman Walling suggested that Condition No. 44 be revised to require a road be put in along the east perimeter of the Desert Club property. There was a consensus regarding this revision. There being no further discussion, Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion. Commissioner Steding made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Brandt, to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 21880 with the conditions provided at the last meeting and the changes in these conditions provided in the second Staff Report from the Planning Department revising Conditions #7, 11(c); adding Condition #17(d) with the Commission's correction to it noting a 33% slope; revising Condition #22 as recommended; adding Condition #44 with the addition of the Commission's very clear language of the intent; and, adding Condition #45. Adopted with a 4-0 vote with one abstension. At this time, Chairman Thornburgh returned to his seat. Vice Chairman Walling turned the meeting back to him. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Chairman Thornburgh introduced the items of Consent Calendar, which consisted of one request for approval to construct a single-family dwelling and the Minutes from the regular meetings of August 12 and August 26, 1986. After a brief discussion, he called for a motion. Commissioner Steding made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Moran to approve Plot Plan No. 86-359 based on the Findings in the Staff Report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B, C-1, C-2, C-3, and subject to the conditions of approval, as amended; to approve the Minutes from the regular meeting of August 12, 1986, as submitted; and to approve the Minutes from the regular meeting of August 26, 1986, as amended. Unanimously adopted. 5. BUSINESS Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as follows: A. 1986 - GENERAL PLAN REVIEW - CYCLE III: (1) General Plan Amendment No. 86-012, a request to amend the Land Use Plan from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential on 27.5 acres on the west of Adams Street between Fred Waring Drive and the Whitewater River; J.C.C. Enterprises, Applicant. Chairman Thornburgh requested Director Crump to explain the General Plan Amendment procedure. Director Crump responded to this request. Director Crump then reviewed the request per information in the Staff Report. Chairman Thornburgh called for the Commission's comments. Commissioner Walling questioned Director Crump if, by complete application, he meant plot plan, tentative tract map, change of zone, etc., so that the Commission would see a pretty detailed concept of what the Applicant intends to do. Director Crump responded affirmatively. - 7 - Commissioner Walling reiterated that the basic issues regarding this particular matter are whether or not we are going to formu- late a policy on averaging zoning on large parcels of land in the community, and also how we will use the land. Commissioner Steding stated she has strong feelings regarding this particular request, as well as the last item under this subject on the agenda. She stated as a resident of the geographical area north of Highway 111, she is one of those persons who came into the City of La Quinta by annexation. Citizens who live north of Highway 111 were tacitly, if not directly, promised by the City of La Quinta, in exchange for support in the annexation, that the density in that area, as far as residential housing, would remain low. She noted that then along came the General Plan last year and to accommodate those promises to those persons living in that area, and also in conjunction with some very serious conversations regarding traffic circulation, the Land Use Plan was created in its present form, both with compromise and serious concerns. As a result, she stated she is not at all impressed with anyone's attempt to, by averaging or by direct and overt requesting to raise that density to high density. She stated a note for the record - yesterday, Chairman Thornburgh inquired of Staff if the Applicant was encouraging small businesses/neighborhood commercial centers and Staff's reply was that this was not the request, but it was a suggestion of Staff to accommodate or minimize the increase in traffic; therefore, she would like to know, for the record, that this type of neighborhood commercial center along the three streets mentioned will be discouraged. She noted that she would not support it. Commissioner Steding further stated that because of the vagueness of this Applicant's proposal, she sensed certain issues arising; one of them the question of affordable housing. She senses that from the fact that they are proposing a public golf course within the confines of the property in lieu of a public park requirement, that in the future there will be requests for some bonuses in exchange for that, which might include density bonuses, which would increase their request to beyond what it presently is. The next problem Commissioner Steding has with this request is the concept of averaging. She noted that the Applicant is attempting to request High Density in a smaller portion of the acreage than they did in the past and then requesting to average, which then means the overall averaging of the entire property would be High Density. Commissioner Steding stated she is not in favor of averaging, not inclined to accept a golf course in lieu of a public park and, therefore, with respect to this General Plan Amendment and whatever comes with it to the conclusion of the hearings, the justification for the use of this property at an overall High Density will have to be an enormous justification before she would approve the project. E Chairman Thornburgh reiterated that it was the consensus of the Commission at the Study Session that they were not in favor of the neighborhood commercial centers on this or any other site. There was a brief discussion regarding the density averaging concept. Commissioner Moran stated her agreement with Commissioner Steding's comments. She further noted that she is happy with the General Plan the way it is. The area under discussion was meant to be of a lower density and she would like to see it remain that way because there are some traffic concerns. Commissioner Brandt stated she is particularly interested in the traffic circulation study that will be prepared in conjunction with this project, as well as the project to the west. She would like to see specific numbers for the existing General Plan traffic circulation as well as with the proposed General Plan Amendment, and then the worst case scenario and the appropriate mitigations for each of these actions. She reiterated that she would like to see very specific numbers so that the Commission would not be making any judgments in the dark. Chairman Thornburgh felt by averaging we would be defeating our zoning and agreed with Commissioner Steding that we should stay as close as we can to the General Plan. He also felt that height limits should be something else to consider. He felt a public golf course would benefit our community and that the Applicant should be given credit for it. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item under Section 5.A as follows: (2) General Plan Amendment No. 86-013, a request to amend the Land Use Plan from High Density Residential to lower density designations on certain properties in close proximity to the "Village Pointe" apartment project, generally along Calle Tampico and west of Washington Street; City Initiated. Director Crump reviewed this request per information in the Staff Report. Chairman Thornburgh stated his concerns are two. First, he felt we should consider that the people who own the property have not been notified and the people around the property have not been notified and are not here tonight. He noted we should also think of how this property reacts to Village Pointe and also how it reacts to Washington, Tampico, the traffic that will be on that intersection, and to being Low Density right next to Village Pointe. He felt there should be some density consideration here. Chairman Thornburgh noted that he is not recommending anything but felt this is a very heavy intersection and that the Commission ] 0 and Staff should be concerned with access next to the other points. Associate Planner Price informed Chairman Thornburgh that in the Staff Report regarding the Village Pointe project, there is a condition of approval that requires joint access use of the main driveway entrance into that project with adjacent parcels. Commissioner Steding commented that she is sure that public opinion has motivated the City Council to cause this review and she would like to hear from the property owners. She noted a statement in the Staff Report - "In their evaluation, the Commission has the ability to pursue a range of other alterna- tives (i.e., mixing various land use categories on different parcels within the general vicinity)...." Therefore, she stated she would be interested in some discussion about mixed use on the area north of Calle Tampico. Chairman Thornburgh stated he felt mixed residential would be appropriate here on the basis that it would be abutting a high density project and abutting a main street. Commissioner Steding commented she was not sure whether she would be in favor of it, but would be interested in some variables here. Commissioner Walling stated it seemed to him that we were creating a special zoning district here. The most amenable solution is to do something like that where we would have a mixed residential usage, which we do not have in our General Plan as it is. He felt it would be a wise solution to be able to somehow divide it up into different uses and different densities to mitigate the problems that have been brought up. Director Crump responded to these comments by informing the Commission that they could also designate this property as a Specific Plan area. The Commission agreed that a Specific Plan consideration should be made on the property to the north of Tampico and on the corner of Washington Street. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item under Section 5.A as follows: (3) General Plan Amendment No. 86-014, a request to amend the Circulation Element to reclassify Miles Avenue from a Secondary Arterial to a Primary Arterial; City Initiated. Director Crump reviewed this matter per information in the Staff Report. - 10 - Commissioner Steding commented that if two of the General Plan Amendment Applicant's (J.C.C. Enterprises & C. Meisterlin) should perhaps hear the comments of the Commission and decide to with- draw their applications, then perhaps this particular request would not be necessary at the City's expense at this time. But, should the mentioned Applicants not withdraw, and the City still feels that this is necessary, then she would agree to include Dune Palms and Adams Street in the same review as this one. Commissioner Brandt agreed with Commissioner Steding and stated her comments made on the first General Plan Amendment request would be appropriate here also as to what the traffic study should address. Commissioner walling felt that since Indio has decided to develop Miles Avenue as a major thoroughfare, we will be getting a lot of traffic generation not from our own doing; therefore, we should widen it irregardless. Chairman Thornburgh stated he felt the Commission's consensus is to widen the street, but they would like to see the figures first. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item under Section 5.A as follows: (4) General Plan Amendment No. 86-015, a request to amend the Land Use Plan from Open Space to Low Density Residential on 9.6 acres, generally south of 54th Avenue along the west side of the All -American Canal; Cody and Brady, Applicants. Director Crump reviewed the request per information in the Staff Report. There was a brief discussion regarding this matter. The consensus of the Commission was to remove this request from the General Plan Amendment Cycle III Review schedule and request the Applicant to proceed with a change of zone and tentative tract map for the entire parcel. The Applicant was present and verbally agreed to this request. Director Crump requested the Applicant to submit a formal notice of withdrawal to the Planning Department as soon as possible. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the last item under Section 5.A as follows: (5) General Plan Amendment No. 86-016, a request to amend the Land Use Plan from Medium and Low Density Residential to High Density Residential on 71.42 acres at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue; C. W. Meisterlin, Applicant. Director Crump reviewed this request per information contained in the Staff Report. Commissioner Steding stated she would adopt her comments previously made on the J.C.C. Enterprises project for this partic- ular request as they all apply. Additionally, with respect to the suggestion of an apartment development at that high density, she stated she would underline her comments regarding density and also note for historical purposes the thinking of the General Plan. When we put High Density along the Whitewater Channel to the south of this acreage, the intent was to have any type of high density, apartment type concepts have that buffer of the Channel and not the buffer of Washington Street or other resid- ential properties surrounding it. This can only bring to mind the project that is currently going up on Jefferson Street in the City of Indio behind the Circle K, which has made a tremen- dous impact on the La Quinta residents to the north. The idea of another apartment complex in that same vicinity is not appealing at this time. Chairman Thornburgh stated he felt any comments previously made on the J.C.C. Enterprises project would apply here. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the last item of Business as follows: B. Consideration of an amendment to the Planning Commission Rules and Procedures concerning the Order of Business and the inclusion of a Public Comment section. Chairman Thornburgh stated that this matter had been discussed at the Study Session and requested Staff to put the matter on the next agenda as an action item. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning Commission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Walling, to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on September 23, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 9:05 p.m., September 9, 1986, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. - 12 - 0 RE: 0 ITEM NO. ;5;-, DATE 2 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRMW TEDIN NnRAN VaMLING THORNBURGH SECOND BY: BRA= � I� VAL�LING THOOrMUftRM DISCUSSION: C�`� `- dAi� ROLL CALL VOTE: COPJMI SSIONERS : UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': AYE NO YES ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT PM o� z MEMORAND K CITY OF LA OUINTA CfA/ OF TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: City Council DATE: September 23, 1986 SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 86-007, AMENDMENT # 1 CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-021 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21555 LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Sagebrush Avenue and Washington Street APPLICANT: Drew Wright and Associates BACKGROUND: (Refer to Attached Memo to City Council Dated 9-16-86) The above referenced requests were heard by the City Council at their meeting of September 16, 1986. The following actions were taken at the public hearing: * Approved Specific Plan No. 86-007, Amendment #1 as outlined in the August 12, 1986, staff report; * Approved the Applicant's request for R-1 Zoning as per Change of Zone No. 86-021; * Continued hearing on Tentative Tract Map No. 21555, to October 7, 1986; and requested a report from the Planning Commission concerning review and finalization of recommended conditions of approval. A number of subjects were brought up in the Council's initial review of the Tentative Tract Map. Several significant points were believed to need further resolution through conditions of project approval. Perimeter building height limits - The Applicant has requested that draft Condition #19 be revised so as to allow a height of up to 30' within 75' of the perimeter property line. The approved conditions for the adjacent "The Grove" project specify the following relative to building height: " Building height shall be subject to height limitations specified in the Specific Plan, except that no building exceeding one story in height shall be allowed within 75-feet of any perimeter property line." 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION/ September 23, 1986 Page 2. The approved Specific Plan for "The Grove" sets forth a general building height of 30-feet for the residential units. It does not specify how high a one-story structure would be relative to a two-story unit. A specific height limit should be established along with a perimeter setback for the subject project, tacking into account the general nature of the condition of "The Grove" project. 2. Grading and pad elevations - Concern was indicated relative to proposed site grading and pad elevations, and its effect on building height (or the appearance of building height). Sufficient data would need to be provided, such as a preliminary grading plan, in order to adequately assess the relationship between structure heights and pad elevations. This could be subject to subsequent Planning Commission review as a business item. Interim access to Washington Street - Initially it was conceived that access to the tract's west entry would require some form of easement across the parcel which separates it from the present Washington Street right-of-way. The under- lying question to this situation is who should stand the burden of paying for this parcel. Most likely the City would have to go through condemnation proceedings to gain title, but since it directly benefits the proposed project, some arrangement for payment by the project developer would seem appropriate. The Applicant has indicated a desire to construct Washington Street improvements from Sagebrush to the tract entry, but it may be more cost effective to do the entire project frontage at one time. Future Signalization at Washington & Sagebrush - If it is determined that a signal is warranted at Sagebrush, at some future time, it would also be appropriate to have the project developer participate in the cost of installation. Access to easterly parcel owned by Dr. Judd Marmor - The City Council generally felt that adequate public access was served to this property by an extension of Sagebrush Avenue, which could provide an internal loop roadway system. However, emergency access provisions need to be accommodated within Tentative Tract No. 21555 to the easterly properties, with an appropriate access easement granted over the interior street system. To this end, either of the options proposed by the Applicant at previous meetings appear to be acceptable. 6. Floor Plan/Elevation designs - Due to structural design adjustments required as the project progresses, the Applicant wishes to submit finalized plans at the time of final map recordation. As many of the Conditions will be addressed prior to final recordation, it would appear to be, acceptable STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 3. to stipulate that this information be submitted prior to recordation of the final map. Plans should be subject to design review by City Staff and the Planning Commission. The Applicant should also be given direction relative to any specific design standards, such as those in the'Special Residential Zone, which the Planning Commission may find applicable to this project. 7�,fJperimeter Wall and Setback Detailing - Concern had been expressed ,by both the Commission and Council to review the details for A, l%"individual lot walls and landscaping and the project boundary "'treatment and dwelling unit setbacks. This subject may have to „/ be treated in a similar fashion to Item No. 6 above. The Applicant has responded to the Conditions of Approval as presented with the initial staff report for Tentative Tract No. 21555 of August 12, 1986 (see attached letter from D. Wright & Associates dated September 9, 1986). The conditions need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission, and revised to address the primary issues mentioned by City Council, as well as any other areas determined to necessitate further revision. NOTE: PLEASE BRING THE PERTINENT MATERIALS FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS WITH YOU TO THE SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 MEETING. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Wallace H. Nesbit Murrel Crump Planning Assistant Planning Director WHN:psn Atch: City Council memo of 9-16-86/�( D. Wright & Associates letter of 9-9-86 ' Y 6 4 �I l'U v � ,MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: City Council FROM: Planning Commission DATE: September 16, 1986 SUBJECT: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 86-007, AMENDMENT O1 CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-021 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21555 LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Sagebrush Avenue and Washington Street APPLICANT: Drew Wright 8 Associates BACKGROUND: (Refer to Attached Staff Reports, Attachments 01-3) The above referenced requests ware heard at the August 26, 1986 Planning Commission meeting, following a continuance from the initial meeting of August 12, 1986 (see attachment 04). At the August 26, 1906 meeting the Planning Commission took the following actions: a Recommended approval of Specific Plan 86-007(Washington Street Corridor); Amendment O1 as outlined in the staff report dated August 12, 1986. a Recommended denial for Change of Zone 86-021 as requested; and recommended R-2+s14,000 Zoning (Multi -family dwellings; 17-foot height limit; 14,800-square-foot minimum lot size) over the entire site, as a preferred alternative. a Recommended denial for Tentative Tract 21555 as it was found to be inconsistent with the preferred density and zoning (see attachment OS). The City Council received a report of Commission action at their September 2, 1986, meeting; and, the Council ordered the Change of Zone Application to be set for Public Hearing (along with the other two related matters). The action of the Commission to deny the request wouldhave become final if no action had been taken by the Council or if the Applicant had not appealed. Indeed, the Applicant was prepared to advance an appeal, and his fee deposit has been returned inlight of the Council's order. 0 11 STAFF REPORT September 16, Page 2 - CITY COUNCIL 1986 The Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of the requested amendment to the Washington Street Corridor Plan (Specific Plan No. 86-007) was offered on the merits of the amendment, notwithstanding their action on the other Stems. The Change of Zone action was based on the Commission's evaluation of the request's consistency with the intent of the General Plan for utilization of the Low Density Residential Land Use designation depicted in this area; believing that within a range of 2-4 dwelling units per acre, the most appropriate density for the project site was a maximum of 3 units per acre. The commission indicated that an alternate zoning of R-2++14000 would be consistent with their interpretation of the General Plan. The Tentative Tract Map supported development on the order of 3.94 d.u./a.c., and was, therefore, recommended for denial. Mr. Don Cavin, a project manager with the Sanford 600dkin Group, made a slide presentation relative to compatibility of the project with respect to the planned " Grove" project to the north of the subject site. Wayne 6uralnick, the project attorney, spoke regarding access to the abutting properties. Mr. Draw Wright also appeared in support of the project. Appearing in opposition of the project were Me. Margaret Neale, Mr. Howard Tons of the Montero Estates Homeowners Association and Mr. Jack Abels. Also appearing on behalf of Mr. Judd Mormar, property owner to the east, was Mr. Bob Lotito, of IWL Associates. He spoke relative to access to Mr. Marmor's property from the proposed tract. No one else appeared on these matters. PREPARED BY: Wallace H. Nesbit Planning Assistant WHN:psn APPROVED BY, Murrel Crump Planning Director Atchs: 0 1 - Specific Plan 86-007 Amendment O1 Staff Report 0 2 - Change of Zone 86-021 Staff Report 0 3 - Tentative Tract 21555 Staff Report 0 4 - Staff Report to Planning Commission of 8-26-86 0 5 - 8-26-86 Notice of Decision by Planning Commission 11 D. WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES, INC. TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Planning Department Staff FROM: D. Wright 6 Associates SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 21555 REFERENCES: a. Staff letter same subject dated 8-27-86 b. Staff letter same subject dated 8-12-86 C. Staff letter Change of Zone 86-021 dated 8-12-86 d. D. Wright 6 Associates letter appealing the Planning Commissions' Recommendations dated 9-2-86. On August 12, 1986 the Community Development Department herein referred to as Staff issued three memorandums relative to 1) Amendment #1 to the Washington Street Specific Plan No. 86-007; 2) Change of Zone No. 86-021; (3) Tentative Tract Map No. 21555. These documents are the culmination of many months of hard work involving dozens of meetings with city officials, staff, special consultants and other concerned agencies. Staff, for the record did a "masterful" job and should be commended accordingly. In reviewing these documents in detail the developer, D. Wright and Associates offers the following comments: Re: Amendment #1 to the Washington Street specific Plan, we concur with all of the staffs conclusions, findings and recommendation for approval and in particular note conclusion #8 wherein traffic studies show that the improvements and extension eastward of Sagebrush Avenue will adequately serve all of the needs in that area. With regard to Change of Zone No. 86-021; here again we concur with all of Staff's conclusions, findings and approval recommendations for R-1 low density zoning. The third memorandum relates to Tentative Tract Map No. 21555 and the developer concurs with Staff's conclusions, findings and recommendations which clearly approve the project and finds it in compliance with all of the cities requirements relative to land use, density, lot sizes, building sizes and other criteria. However, we feel it would be appropriate to respond to the "Conditions of Approval" on an item by item basis and have done so in Appendix "A." P. O. BOX 1876 1 INDIO, CA 92201 / (619) 347-5429 Subsequent to the issuance of the Staff reports, the Planning Commission hearings were held on Aug. 12 with a continuance to Aug. 26, 1986. At the Aug. 12 meeting general agreement amongst the commissioners on all issues i.e., Ammendment /1 to the Washington Street Specific Plan, Change of Zone Case No. 86-021 and Tentative Tract Map No. 21555, except building heights and related set -backs plus a required solution for Washington Street access for the parcel of land east of the developer's property. At the continuance hearing on August 26, 1986 the Planning Commission approved Amendment it to the Washington Street Specific Plan but completely shocked everyone by the denial of the Change of Zone No. 86-021 and Tentative Tract Map No. 21555. The Planning Commission's recommendations are inconsistent, confusing, impractical and not in the best interests of the city for the following reasons: (1) In the Planning Commission hearings last fall for the General Plan Land Use, they voted not once but twice to recommend medium density 4-5 units/acre for the property in question. (2) The considerations by both the Planning Commission and the City Council at the time were that a well -planned community development for upper middle class families near the "downtown" area and the new school would be highly beneficial to the city. The clientele expected will be full-time residents (voters) such as young professional doctors, lawyers, bankers, administrators, managers, small business owners and other families with incomes in the $50-60,000 yr/range. (3) Other considerations are $500,000 towards Washington and Sagebrush Street improvements and appropriate sidewalks, landscaping and walls which does not include $100,000 worth of dedicated land for these improvements. The developer will be paying all of the usual city infrastructure, Building Department, School Mitigation, and inspection fees. These fees when combined will amount to several hundred thousand dollars for the City's benefit. (4) Another plus for the city will be the solution of the access problem created by the abandonment of Adams St. The "problem" relates to the 31 acre parcel east of Tentative Tract No. 21555. Although this problem was not created by the applicant, we are willing to provide in addition to the Sagebrush access, a second access to Washington Street through our project. We have advised "Staff" of two locations either of which is acceptable to US. Other conditions for this access are that our streets remain private and any users pay appropriate maintenance fees. (5) In recent meetings the question of building heights and set backs have been discussed. The developer has proposed single story and multi -level houses with set back and height limits similar but less than those specified for the Grove. The Grove limits are "all residential structures will conform to a height limit of 30 ft within 75 ft of any perimeter property line. The tallest unit proposed by D. Wright 3 Associates is 27.ft. (6) Another consideration of the Planning Commission is the compatability with the surrounding areas. We wish to reiterate that low density, less that four units per net acre, is completely appropriate and in conformance to the General Plan Land Use Map. For some unknown reason our objectors refuse to face reality. To the immediate south of the proposed project are the Desert Club Manor homes on 50' X 100' lots on 50' streets with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks. They are there and are not going to disappear. The proposed project will provide a buffer to other projects to the north and will tend to upgrade the entire area. To the southeast is an elementary school under construction. It seems highly desirable to have single family homes with children near the school. To the east is 31 acres zoned R-1. To the southwest are Villa Vista and Duna La Quinta Condominium resort projects which have houses similar in size to those proposed for Camelback. These condominium resorts are not suitable for families with children and pets. Immediately to the west are the Montero homes and Washington Street Villas. The houses being proposed by D. Wright and Associates will be equal to or larger in size than those on the east side of Avenida Montero. The houses in Camelback will be superior to those on the east side of Montero because they will all be on large pool size lots, fully enclosed with elegant block walls, private patios, tile roofs, beautiful landscaping and many other amenities. The lot sizes in Camelback average 8628 sq. ft. whereas those on the east side of Montero average considerably less. The Washington Villas do not compare with anything in the area since they are high density condos on 40 x 110 ft. lots. To the north of Camelback is the proposed Grove project with which we cannot make many detailed comparisons because no data is available. (7) D. Wright S Associates has designed Tentative Tract No. 21555 with eleven cul-de-sacs to enhance the beauty of the project and in particular to provide a custom home low density image along Washington St. and the northern boundary with the proposed Grove Project. (8) To again address the building height question we wish to point out that a building height limit of 17 ft. is not consistent with those established for the Grove Project as noted on page 11 of the Staff Report. Furthermore, the single story 17 ft. height limit is ,, inconsistent with the city's desires to have large elegant homes with vaulted ceilings, attractive elevations with tile roofs. Elegant architecture with stylish interiors and exteriors demand heights greater than 17 ft. In conclusion, we find the Planning Commissions' Zoning recommendation of R-2++14000 inconsistent with all previous hearings, all projects in/or proposed for the area, completely impractical architectually and economically unsound. La Quinta needs residential housing for the upper middle class future community leaders. It needs these homes (families) in a nice area convenient to the "Downtown" businesses. The marketing studies by the best experts available say that the project is right for the area and will greatly benefit the city for years. The financial consultants and lenders strongly endorse the project as conceived. They flatly say condominiums or anything more grandiose will not sell and they will not support such a project. They also unanimously say that a similar project north of highway 111 in the "wind belt" will not benefit the city. If there are any other concerns please advise. CC: Mayor Pena Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember President Allen Bohnenberger Cox Wolff APPENDIX A The following comments are made in response to the "Conditions of Approval" for Tentative Tract Map No. 21555 dated August 12, 1986 and are numbered accordingly. GENERAL 1. The developer, D. Wright 6 Associates, Inc. fully intends to comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified. 2. The two year expiration of tract map approval is acceptable. 3. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements will be submitted to the appropriate city agencies for approval. 4. The developer will obtain all of the necessary permits or clearances from all of the listed public agencies prior to starting any construction. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 5. The developer will utilize appropriate dust control measures. 6. The developer will engage an approved, licensed and registered civil engineering firm to prepare the plans and supervise the grading and drainage construction efforts. All permits and certifications will be obtained in the right sequence and in a timely manner. 7. A geological and soils engineering report will be submitted and the required certifications obtained. 8. The developer will coordinate with the City Engineer 6 Coachella Valley Water District to provide the necessary drainage disposal systems or facilities. Appropriate fees will be paid. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION 9. With regard to the City Engineers street requirements: a. The developer will dedicate the improvements on Washington and Sagebrush Streets but wishes to retain all interior streets as private streets. b. The applicant will construct the Washington and Sagebrush St. improvements as requested but desires that the interior streets only meet the requirements for private streets. C. All streets will be properly engineered and constructed to meet the city's requirements. d. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to city standards prior to street construction. The necessary compaction test and reports will be provided. 10. The proposed median break at the intersection of Camelback Drive and Washington will be deleted. Acceleration and deceleration lanes will be provided on Washington St. 11. The median break at Sagebrush Ave. is acceptable. 12. The developer intends to build the easterly half of Washington St. from Sagebrush to the northern extremity of Tract No. 21555, and use it as a two way access until the rest of the Washington Street improvements are made. Appropriate signs will be provided. 13. Applicant will provide access rights to Washington Street to the parcel of land east of Tract 21555. This access will have agreed upon limitations and conditions. 14. We agree that the Desert Club easements should be vacated. Furthermore, City approval of the access arrangements noted in item 13 will be obtained. TRACT AND BUILDING DESIGN 15. The developer will comply with all of the Community Development Departments Exhibits and Standards as they pertain to this project except we reserve the right to make design changes and resubmit them for approval at a later date. 16. a. The average 20' landscaped set -back will be designed by a renown landscape architect and a meandering wall is anticipated. b. The landscape setback areas on both Washington and Sagebrush Streets will be established as separate common lots and appropriately maintained. C. A Landscape Maintenance and Lighting District 0 may for formed if the city so desires. The alternate would be for the Camelback Homeowners Associates to maintain the area. 17. The developer will submit for approval all proposed materials and colors since the controlling of these items are major concerns and advantages of a planned community. 18. Building setbacks will conform to the R-1 Zone requirements. Setbacks on Washington and Sagebrush will be based on the landscaped perimeter wall location. 19. The developer requests that the building height and setback requirements agree with those specified for the Grove Project which is "No units in excess of 30' in height shall be located within 75 ft. of the tract boundary." 20. a. The garage floor plans have been changed to provide 20 ft. X 20 ft clear. b. The floor plans do not contain any bedrooms with dimensions less than 10 ft. in the primary areas. Alcoves or sitting areas may be less. 21. If a three -car garage is included with any of the units appropriate setbacks will be maintained. 22. The siting plan showing setbacks, unit mix and other data will be submitted for review and approval. 23. No roof -mounted mechanical equipment is anticipated. The ground -mounted equipment will be shielded in an approved manner and will not encroach into set -back areas. 24. All minor changes in unit mix, building colors and materials, lot lines, or street alignments will be submitted for approval. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITES 25. The developer will comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshall: a. The fire protection system will be designed to meet the conditions specified. b. Cul-de-sacs longer than 150 ft. will have a turning diameter of 90 ft. C. The water system plans will be certified by a Registered Civil Engineer and will be submitted to the ,Water Department and Fire Department for approval. 26. The developer will comply with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District. a. The water and sewage disposal systems will meet the City and Coachella Valley Water District standards. b. Tentative Tract No. 21555 may be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of the Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation services. C. If any conflicts arise with the Coachella Valley Water District the city may withhold permits until they are resolved. 27. The developer has already received "will serve" notification from the Imperial Irrigation District Power Division and all designs will comply with their requirements. 28. All utility improvements will be installed on/or underground. 29. The developer will pay appropriate School Mitigation fees to the Desert Sands Unified School District prior to the issuance of building permits. WALLS, FENCING, SCREENING, AND LANDSCAPING 30. The developer intends to engage a renown landscape architect for the project. He will design and submit plans for approval for the landscaping, irrigation system, walls, walks and exterior lighting system. The landscaping of the exterior areas, the model complex and the largest flood water detention area will all be completed prior to the occupancy of any dwellings. In addition, the entire perimeter wall will be constructed prior to any occupancy of the homes. The landscape architect will also develop a set of standard designs for the front yards of each dwelling and an allowance will be given each homeowner so that he can choose and acquire the landscaping of his choice. The homeowners will be allowed 60 days to achieve the desired results. 31. The type of plants and other materials will be specified by the architect and will be appropriate to the area. 32. The developer will make adequate provisions for maintenance of the landscaping and related features until the Homeowners Association is in a position to assume responsibility. 33. As previously noted, 'an appropriate wall will be designed and submitted for approval. 34. The lighting systems will be designed to minimize glare and lighting impacts to surrounding property and will be approved by the Community Development Department. MISCELLANEOUS 35. Plot Plan approval will be secured,prior to establishing any construction facilities, sales facilities or signs on the subject property. 36. The applicant acknowledges that the city is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and will cooperate with any result. 37. A qualified archaeologist will be contacted immediately if buried remains are encountered. Appropriate measures will be taken as necessary. 38. Mitigation fees for the Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitant Conservation Program will be paid. 39. The developer will comply with the city's Infrastructure Fee Program when building permits are issued. 40. The developer will pay the appropriate processing, plan checking and inspection fees in a timely manner. 41. Plans for street lighting will be submitted for approval. 42. An appropriate noise impact study by a licensed Acoustical Engineer will be made and submitted for review and approval. 43. The developer will not grant any easements without prior approval of the city engineer. OURALMCK, McCLANAHANUNDEL A PARTTER3.� CONSISTM OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIONS •�l WAYNE S. QLIRALNICK - LEOOTTMCCLANANAN I. SCOTT ZUNDEL CRAM E. ZVNDEL C14RISTOPMER R. PATRICK Ai�w omoFv�i.rw SENT VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS August 21, 1986 Dr. Judd Marmor 10889 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 909 Los Angeles, California 90024 TA SFP /014WAY 111 WLIITE A4 PµM DESERT, CALFORNIA FZZSO 0191340Q 1815 PLEASE REFER TO ME . 8 4- 3 0 4. 3 Re: Access Through the Camelback Project for Your Property Directly East Thereof Dear Dr. Marmor: This office is general counsel for D. Wright and Associates, the proponent of the proposed Camelback Project in LaQuinta, California. At the last LaQuinta Planning Commission Hearing (related to the public hearing on my client's project), you raised concerns over limitations of access to your property. In order to show my client's good faith in addressing these access issues and to further comply with the suggestions of the Planning Commission, we provide you with the following proposal: 1. You will be provided an easement for ingress and egress over and upon the private roads within the Camelback Project (Tentative Tract No. 21,555). The dominant tene- ment of the easement would be your 30-acre parcel located directly east of the Camelback Project and the servient tenement would be my client's property. Access between the Camelback Project and your property would be through either Lot 52 or Lots 48 and 49, as determined by the directives of the LaQuinta Planning Commission and City Council. 2. An Easement Agreement would be entered into between the respective parties. The easement would be appurtenant to both Tentative Tract No. 21,555, as well as your property. The Easement Agreement would further require that the owner of the dominant tenement (your property) pay a pro -rota portion of the cost in maintaining the private roads and access gates within the Camelback Project based on a ratio between the number of units to be built on your property as opposed to the number of units within the Camelback Project. Moreover, contribution for the main- tenance of the streets and gates would only commence at the time that you desire to use same. Finally, the use of the easement would be limited to the residents, guests, GtMAIMCK, McMN4NAN & MDEL A LAW PARTHUMW Dr. Judd Marmor August 21, 1986 Page Two tenants and invitees of those owners who purchase a por- tion of your property. In other words, your project must be a private subdivision. If it is open to the public, then the easement would be extinguished and you would have no access into the Camelback Project. If the foregoing is agreeable to you, please note your approval of same in the space so desiganted below. Thereafter, I will prepare a formal Easement Agreement for execution by the parties and proper recordation in the County Recorder's office. Thank you very much for your cooperation and courtesy. Sincerely, GURALNICK, McCLANAHAN and ZUNDEL A Law artnership BY: ' WAYNE GURALNICK AGREED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT. Dated: August 21, 1986 Dated: August , 1986 WG:le Enclosure cc: D. Wright and Associates D. WRIG TNS OCIA ES, INC. By: �/ /.l DREW W IGHT DR. JUDD MARMOR i L0 N Imo•. J / �I 0 wal t ■ 090 Ott Ilf NN ,' � �a J �•'�r ' �') !I � �-G t_. j �1�,� � 17`' I� —_ ,»ff �„_! ':•f•�p,l'-"= �cl `�t.��-�.�- �. 'I. �.'-0. � � 9 ,tea �'1 i j � tNp1UYf-/0002i.11f MA • ••e.•Tr pfYlfwlY 0000 11 101 1"01 §IRAINI A►ARTHERCoo/17sT1 AN►ROFA$$gN TXONS WAYNE 0. GURALNICK ' L SCOTT MC0LANAMAN A SOOTT A NDEL' CRAIO E. RMDEL ONRIOTOFNEM R ►ATIDCR '\A"Z118 RI, TA "0 /gNWAY I I I IIIFTE M PALM DESERT. CALFCR14 022M 019111O 151 E August 21, 1986 ►LEASEREFERTOFLE/ 84-304.3 Montero Estates Homeowners Association c/o Mr. Howard Tons Post Office Box 715 LaQuinta, California 92253 Re: Confirmation of Meeting Between the Association and the Proponent of the Camelback Project Dear Mr. Tons: This letter will confirm our conversation of Thursday, August 21, 1986, wherein it was agreed that you would meet with my clients, D. Wright and Associates, related to your concerns over the pro- posed Camelback Project. The meeting shall take place at LaQuinta City Hall on Monday, August 25, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. If there should be any change in plans, please contact my secretary, Linda. Sincerely, GURALNICK, McCLANAHAN and 2UNDEL A Law Partnership BY: L `. AAYNE GURALNICK WG : l c cc: D. Wright and Associates I i�tITK MMCK, McCLANAHAN NDEL �Y APAPRTERYVOON"TMOFPP40FESgONAL JNS 't 01ATNEO.OURALNICK' 74']aa KO0 AY 111 LOCOTTYCCLANANAN' SUrtE M a.000TT rJkVgL PALM DESERT. CALFORIAA 07ta0 CRA10 E. WN01L CNN TOPNER R. ►ATWCK •1a 340.,E I August 21, 1986 PLEASE REFER TO FILE 84-304.3 Mr. David Howerton C/o Robert Lamb Hart 260 California Street San Francisco, California 94111 Re: Proposed Meeting Between My Client, D. Wright and Associates (Proponent of the Camelback Project), and Your Firm as the Representative of The Groves Project Dear Mr. Howerton: This letter will confirm our conversation of August 21, 1986 wherein it was agreed that a meeting between my clients, as the proponent of the Camelback Project, and your offices, as the representative of The Groves Project, would take place sometime in early September when you come down to the Coachella Valley on a business trip. In this regard, my client is more than willing to fly to San Francisco if your plans do change. In the meantime, we will await your further communication to refine the date, time and place of the meeting. For your further consideration, my client it anxious to work with you and your representatives in discussing any concerns or issues you have with the proposed Camelback.Project. For example, we would like to have your input related to landscaping, perimeter wall and any other factors which might affect The Groves Project. Thank you very much for your cooperation and courtesy. Sincerely, URALNICK McCLANAHAN and 2UNDEL G A Law Partnership BY z WAYNE GURALNICK WG:lc cc: D. Wright and Associates ITEM NO. (Q. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: BRRAANDTT STIDIN SECOND BY: jBRAl'ii/ STEDING DISCUSSION: % — G • N I: t1 1t1 e•• g r• Ix ri•:h�i ROLL CALL VOTE: NCO*MSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — STEDING — MORAN — FIIiIS,ING THGtMURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': YES NO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: REQUEST: BACKGROUND MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA SL The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Planning Department September 23, 1986 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENC VALLEY WATER DISTRICT'S FISCAL YEAR 1986-87. City -Wide Y REVIEW OF PROPOSED COACHELLA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Coachella Valley Water District Review General Plan Consistency of Coachella Valley Water District's Capital Improvement Program for the City of La Quinta for Fiscal Year 1986-1987. Pursuant to Section 65401 of the State of California Government Code, government bodies and special districts are required to submit a list of public works projects proposed to be undertaken during the ensuing fiscal year to the appropriate governing jurisdiction for General Plan consistency review. Attached for your review is a list of public works projects (Capital Improvement Program) for Fiscal Year 1986-87, proposed by the Coachella Valley Water District (refer to Exhibit "A"). A map of the actual plan is available for review at the Planning Department office and will be displayed at this Commission meeting. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The plan proposes an upgrade of the City's water system in the Cove as well as an overall improvement to the City's water distribution system. Relative to consistency with City planning, the program complies with the La Quinta General Plan addressing the following policies: Hazards Element: Policy 3.3.1 "More adequate fire protection should be assured by implementation of new facilities as soon as feasible including water system improvements and adequate staffing." STAFF REPORT - PLANNING September 23, 1986 Page 2. Infrastructure Element: Policy 7.1.2 "Upgrading of the water system for the Cove area will require: - Replacement of all undersized and unlined distribution pipes and establishment of a grid system. - Replacement of the Cove area wells with new wells, with an output of approximately 1500 GPM each; and - Addition of a large capacity elevated reservoir. FINDINGS 1. The Coachella Valley Water District's proposed list of public works projects for Fiscal Year 1986-1987 is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The proposed list of Coachella Valley Water District public works projects for Fiscal Year 1986-1987 will promote the health and safety of La Quinta residents. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission, by minute motion, determine that the proposed list of public works projects for Fiscal Year 1986-1987 proposed by the Coachella Valley Water District, for the City of La Quinta is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: 6 0-� W , 41W Gary W. Price Murrel Crump Associate Planner Planning Director GWP:MC:dmv Atch: Exhibit "A", Letter from CVWD Dated 8/25/86 cc: City Council Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Larry Stevens, Comm. Dev. & Redev. Admin. Bob Weddle, City Engineer Roger Hirdler, Comm. Safety Director NATEq ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY �ISTRIC� COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1o58 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE 1619) 398-2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS RA DIRECTORS R. RUMMONOS, PRESIDENT THOMAS E. LEVY, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER TALUS ND R. KAS.RUM VICE PRESIDENT BERNARDINE SUTTON, SECRETARY OWELL KERH H. AINSWORTH, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAG ER/AUDITOR JOHN P. F PALL W. OWELLS - REDvNNE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS THEODORE J. FISH August 25, 1986 Planning Commission City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Gentlemen: kf�R r �4 SEP 7366 COM'HLIN,71-DE'A UINT, DEPT File: 1150.14 In accordance with the provisions of Section 65401 of the Government Code, this District hereby advises your agency that it proposes the following projects in the fiscal year 1986-1987 in your jurisdiction: Replacement of 5,000 feet of 10-inch main with 12-inch ACP on Avenida Velasco between Calle Ensenada and Calle Tecate. Upgrade Booster Station 06650. Reservoir 6631. Installation of 4,00 feet of 12-inch main in Eisenhower from Calle Tampico to Calle Ensenada. Relocation of Reservoir 5705 Tank to Reservoir 6632 site and construction of 18-inch transmission main between Reservoir 6631 and Reservoir 6632. Enclosed is a map indicating the locations of the proposed projects. BAS:rs Enclosure/as Yours very truly, `/ C; � Tom Levy General Manager -Chief Engineer TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY / EXHIBIT A RE: C2 ITEM NO. DATE Z Q6 PLANNINNG-- COMMISSION MEETING �A U MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN ViAIlING THORNBURGH SECOND BY: C� STEDING� MORAN VALLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COWISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT - STEDING - LORAN - MULING - THIOUNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED" YES NO ono MEMORANDUM K CITY OF LA OUINTA CfwOFN�O TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: September 23, 1986 SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY REVIEW OF PROPOSED COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT PROJECT LOCATION: Washington Street between Interstate 10 and 50th Avenue APPLICANT: Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) REQUEST: Review General Plan Consistency of a Proposed Force Main to Transport Waste Water through the City of La Quinta In accordance with the requirements of Section 65402 of the California Government Code, the Coachella Valley Water District has notified the City that it proposes to construct a force main to transport waste water from an existing sewage lift station at Interstate 10 and Washington Street (Riverside County Jurisdiction) to another existing lift station on 50th Avenue and the La Quinta Evacuation Channel (refer to the attached map exhibit). According to the District, the pipeline is an interim facility to serve existing and future projects including those in La Quinta. The facility is anticipated to consist of an 18" line for carrying raw sewage. Ultimately, the line will be replaced with a deep line gravity flow system as was recently constructed along 50th Avenue. The State Code requires the City to review the location, purpose and extent of the proposed facility for conformity with the adopted General Plan. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The proposed sewer project is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. The project will provide the oppor- tunity for new and existing development along Washington Street to be connected into the system in accordance with Policy 7.2.1. of the Infrastructure Element: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION September 23, 1986 Page 2. - Policy 7.2.1. "All future development projects should be connected to the existing interim wastewater system in order to facilitate ultimate connection to the regional treatment facility." The project proposal could also be considered an expansion of sewer services which will eventually be extended to the Village and Cove areas of La Quinta in accordance with Policies 7.2.3. and 7.2.4. of the Infrastructure Element. These policies basically encourage extension of sewer services to these areas. The Coachella Valley Water District, the designated Lead Agency under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, has determined that this project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. FINDINGS 1. The proposed force sewer main from lift stations at Washington Street and Interstate 10 and 50th Avenue and the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, through the City of La Quinta, is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The proposed project will promote the health and safety of La Quinta residents. 3. The project is not expected to have a significant adverse impact on the environment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings, the Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission, by minute order, determine that the proposed Coachella Valley Water District forced sewer main project is consis- tent with the La Quinta General Plan. El Gq STAFF REPORT September 23, Page 3. PREPARED BY: - PLANNING COMMISSION 1986 w Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:MC:dmv Atch: Exhibit Maps APPROVED BY: Murrel Crump Planning Director cc: City Council Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Larry Stevens, Comm. Dev. & Redev. Admin. Bob Weddle, City Engineer Roger Hirdler, Comm. Safety Director WASHING TON STREET _ ET FORCE MAIN VICINITY MAP NO SCALE NO. 1 81-01 LIFT STA.�= G I � _ a _ S g�I y v N N W y 1 1 1 0 4 MILES TO WRP 7ZZ 1i H 0 9 � &tmWa f RING DRIVE M UWnm rtwb Wwp. NM. Mmef+ Nm mY Pam SMn{f n LlO.en mdnm i6 , 7z '4 �3 �--� x��•• - 15 MILES TO WRP 4 SIT VENUE 5 0 ..erue 5501 LIFT STA. 1 r nL il"�. �' f U QUINTA W/ ffSf_ ING ■ ON STREET I. FORCE MAIN 19 TION MAP ITEM NO. DATE 923a�_ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING \ VALLING THORNBURGi SECOND BY: BRANDT STIDING MORAN WALLING THORNBURM DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: NCO*!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT STEDING MORAN ViALLING THOiMURGii v - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': YES NO RESOLUTION NO. P.C. 86-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION RULES BY ADDING A PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION TO ITS REGULAR MEETINGS AND CHANGING THE ORDER OF BUSINESS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of'the City of La Quinta, California, that the Commission's Rules and Procedures for meetings and related functions and activities, as adopted by Resolution No. P.C. 82-002, are hereby amended by adding a Public Comment section thereby changing the Order of Business (Section D.S.) of any regular meetings thereof as follows: D. Meetings 5. (a) Call to Order (b) Roll Call (c) Hearings (d) Public Comment (e) Consent Calendar (f) Business Section (g) Adjournment APPROVED and ADOPTED this the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: SECRETARY, PLANNING COMMISSION day of , 1986, by CHAIRMAN, PLANNING COMMISSION yl ATEq ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY ��STRICZ COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (619) 398-2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS RAYMOND R. RUMMONDS, PRESIDENT THOMAS E. LEVY, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER TELLIS CODEKAS, VICE PRESIDENT BERNARDINE SUTTON, SECRETARY JOHN P. POWELL KEITH H. AINSWORTH, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER/AUDROR PAUL W. NICHOLS - REDWINE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS TH EODORE J. FISH September 9, 1986 Planning Commission City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quints, California 92253 Gentlemen: REcE,IVC7® SEP CITY atilt ni OFnL ;QU(A'T,1 File: 0710.1503.02 In compliance with Section 65402 of the Government Code, this District hereby notifies your agency that it proposes the Washington Street Force Main. The project consists of the construction of a force main to transport sewage from an existing sewage lift station at Interstate 10 and Washington Street to another existing lift station on Avenue 50 and the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. Project and general location maps are enclosed. No environmental impact report is enclosed, none having been prepared as this District has determined that this project will have no substantial impact on the environment. BAS:rs Enclosures/as Yours very truly, cll*� Tom Levy General Manager -Chief En ineer TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY