1986 12 09 PC11 A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California December 9, 1986 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Public Hearing items. Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend to address and submit the form to the Planning Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of �'rAl � November 25, 1986. 6. BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF SIGN APPEAL (CONT'd) - Appeal of Signage Conditions for Sign Approval No. 86-038; Applicant, George Balch - Roger Dunn Golf Shop, 78-267 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA. (REFER TO MATERIAL DISTRIBUTED FOR 11/25/86 MEETING) 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Action. AGENDA - PLANNING COMMISSION December 9, 1986 7. OTHER A. Identification of subjects/issues the Commission wants to discuss with the City Council at a formal Council/Commission retreat sometime in February, 1987. 8. ADJOURNMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ITEM FOR DECEMBER 8, 1986, 3:00 PM, STUDY SESSION - DISCUSSION ONLY: 1. Highway 111 Specific Plan. - 2 - ITEM NO. 04 Av.�oto DATE 9 9p PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ��7' •f TION BY: BIiAI`IDT STIDING MORANFII�LI�ING THOR[�URGiiCOND BY. BRADIDT STIDING MORAN NII�I.LIN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*HISSIONERS: 1 BRANDT STEDING MORAN VPJ,LING THGEMURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED'. AYE NO YES 0 ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT ITEM NO. DATE 0 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: BRANDT SECOND BY: BRANCYP DISCUSSION ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: 0 7' 9i� .. /• • •J I: Ne l AYE NO UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': YES ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT ITEM NO. DATE Z %DP�LANNNING ,C(OJMMI,SSI�ON MEETING a MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN V9,1 ,ING THORNBURGH SECOND BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN ViALLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMKISSIONERS: AYE NO UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED'. YES ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT MOTION BY: BRANDY SECOND BY: BPADIDT DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: STEDING MORAN WULING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': ITEM NO. G DATE l2 p G PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DID I el r. .n AYE NO YES ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT 0 MEMORANDA? CITY OF LA OUINTA 6,4 TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SIGN APPEAL APPLICANT: George Balch - Roger Dunn Golf Shop LOCATION: 78-267 Highway 111; Plaza La Quinta REQUEST: Appeal of Signage Conditions for Sign Approval No. 86-038 BACKGROUND 1. The site is zoned C-P-S, Scenic Highway Commercial, and designated under the General Plan as General Commercial. 2. The Plaza La Quinta Master Plan was approved by Riverside County on June 19, 1980. The City, after incorporation in 1982, has reviewed development proposals for consistency with current City standards. 3. Staff, during a site inspection, observed the installation of the signs for Roger Dunn Golf Shop, existing without sign permits. The business owner was requested to apply for the necessary permits. The sign permit process did not delay the final occupancy permit being issued. 4. The appellant in this case submitted a sign permit application on 10/29/86 requesting two (2), sandblasted, redwood signs (existing) and one (1), electric, channel -lettered, wall sign (Case #SA 86-038). 5. The sign permit approval was issued by Staff on November 3, 1986, subject to conditions (see attached letter). 6. The Applicant, upon receipt of this letter, contacted Staff. After discussion, Staff indicated that Condition No. 5 would be eliminated. It was also suggested by Staff that the issue be deferred to the Planning Commission for their review and approval of an overall sign program. The Applicant chose, instead, to appeal Staff's determination. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION November 25, 1986 Page 2. 7. The appeal requests granting of a second, 15-square-foot, sandblasted, redwood sign. ANALYSIS 8. Sign installations are categorically exempt under CEQA, Section 15311(a). 9. The Applicant or any other interested party has the right to appeal a plot plan decision of the Planning Department as provided under Section 18.30(e), Appeals. 10. Department review of commercial development typically includes a sign program. The objective is to eliminate future sign development confusion. The subject shopping center does not have a previously approved County (or City) signing program. 11. When reviewing programs for shopping centers, an attempt is made to achieve consistency within the overall center. Staff exercises discretion in their approval review, which may limit signage to less than the maximum permitted under the ordinance. 12. Although not all inclusive, some of the additional evaluation points which the Department used in reviewing the appellant's requests were: . * Is subject Golf Shop at a signage disadvantage from other tenants within the Plaza La Quinta Center? * Would three (3) building mounted signs provide an inconsistent, unfair advantage with relation to other business activities in the center? * What advantage over other stores does this building have because of its proximity to Highway 111? * Does the internally illuminated channel letter wall sign along Highway 111 provide adequate business identification for the store? * Is the entrance to the building readily visible on site? STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION November 25, 1986 Page 3. CONCLUSION 13. The Department concluded, with the issuance of the approval letter, that only two (2) business identification signs were appropriate; one (1), internally illuminated channel letter, wall sign along Highway 111, and one (1), 15-square-foot, sandblasted, redwood sign, oriented to the interior parking lot. Approval of more would establish a precedent that the Department believed was beyond its scope of responsibility. JH:dmv Atchs: Sign Approval Letter Appeal Application 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 November 3, 1986 Mr. George Balch Roger Dunn Golf Shop 78-267 Highway ill La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SIGN APPROVAL NO. 86-038; Signage for the Roger Dunn Golf Shop at Plaza La Quinta Dear Mr. Balch: This letter is to report approval of your proposed sign plan for the Roger Dunn Golf Shop located at Plaza La Quinta. Of the three (3) signs proposed, only two (2) are approved and determined to be consistent with the Plaza La Quinta Sign Program. The two (2) signs approved for installation and display are as follows: - One (1), 15-square-foot, hanging, sandblasted, redwood sign at the southernmost location. - One (1), 32-square-foot, neon -lighted, plexiglas-faced, attached sign along the northerly building wall. One (1) of the existing, 15-square-foot, hanging, sandblasted, redwood signs shall be removed. This sign approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Construction, installation, design, and colors of the two (2) approved signs shall conform with Exhibits "A", "B", and "C", and the color chart as contained in the Planning Department's file for Sign Approval Case No. 86-036, and the following condi- tions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the sign approval. 2. The location of the electric, attached sign and one (1) hanging, redwood sign shall conform with Exhibits "A" and "C", as modified by the Planning Department for Sign Approval Case No. 86-036. Upon the Applicant's written request, the Planning Director may consider relocation of the hanging, redwood sign. Prior to installation of the illuminated, attached sign, the Applicant shall obtain a building permit from the Planning Department, Building & Safety Division. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. George Balch Roger Dunn Golf Shop October 30, 1986 Page 2. 4. All signs shall be maintained in good condition for the life of the project. 5. The hanging, redwood sign shall not be artificially lighted. The flourescent light fixtures presently used to light the existing, hanging signage shall be removed. Planning Department requirements to both reduce the number of proposed signs and the elimination of artificial lighting on the hanging, redwood signage is based on a determination of consistency and compatibility with the existing approved signage at Plaza La Quinta and a concern for minimizing sign proliferation in shopping centers in La Quinta. In addition to approved sign plans, Exhibits "A", "B", and "C", also enclosed is a receipt of payment for the sign approval processing. Should you need further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT G w� Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Encls: 1. Approved Exhibits "A", "B", and "C" 2. Receipt for $75.00 Application Fee cc: Joan Jacoby, Downey Savings and Loan PD, Building & Safety Division CSD, Code Enforcement File, SA 86-038 Appellant's Name CITY OF LA QUINTA Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado G O • O �Ge La Quints, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS H-►7-F-C Mailing Address - Z(o % 4 I c +F u)A-1-f 1 (1, CA zzc-J, Phone No. RE: Case No. Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Outdoor Advertising Variance Consistency with General Plan Change of Zone Environmental Assessment Public Use Permit Setback Adjustments Surface Mining and Reclamation Permit Temporary Use Permit Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. Use additional sheets if necessary. RECEIVED CfiM OE ELT �dtwunrTv rNcKct El TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: GEORGE BALCH ROGER DUNN GOLF SHOP PLAZA LA QUINTA 78-267 HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA. CA. 92257 UPON SIGNING OUR LEASE DOCUMENTS WITH DOWNEY SAVINGS AND LOAN FOR OUR LOCATION IN THEIR CENTER THEY ADVISED US THAT THEY WERE DEVELOPING A SIGN CRITERIA FOR THE CENTER AND THAT WE SHOULD SUBMIT OUR SIGN PLANS TO THEM. THIS WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DONE IN AUGUST OR SEPTEMBER. WAS APPROVED BY DOWNEY. AND CHANGES WERE MADE TO THE PLANS TO PROVIDE LIGHTING FOR THE SIGNS. ABOUT FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO OUR PLANNED OPENING. A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CAME TO THE STORE AND ADVISED US THAT THE SIGNS HAD TO BE REMOVED. WE IMMEDIATELY WENT TO THE CITY OFFICES TO DETERMINE WHAT WAS NECESSARY TO OPEN OUR STORE IN A TIMELY MANNER WITH APPROPRIATE SIGNAGE. A CITY SIGN PERMIT WAS COMPLETED AT THAT TIME AND FORWARDED (BY FEDERAL EXPRESS) TO DOWNEY FOR THEIR SIGNATURE AND BACK TO THE CITY. BASED ON THE ABOVE IT WAS QUITE DISAPPOINTING TO RECEIVE THE ATTACHED LETTER FROM THE PLANNING STAFF INDICATING THAT ONE OF THE SIGNS HAD TO BE REMOVED AND THE OTHER SIGN COULD NOT HAVE ANY LIGHTING. AFTER FURTHER DISCUSSION WITH THE PLANNING, DEPARTMENT. IT HAS BEEN AGREED THAT THE REDWOOD SIGNS CAN HAVE LIGHTING CONSISTANT WITH ALL OF THE OTHER SIGNS IN THE CENTER. IT WAS ALSO AGREED THAT THE STATUS OF THE SECOND REDWOOD SIGN WOULD BE LEFT TO THE DETERMINATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. IT IS THEREFORE REQUESTED THAT THE SECOND REDWOOD•SIGN BE APPROVED BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1.) UPON CHECKING WITH THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT THEY COULD NOT PRODUCE A "PLAZA LA QUINTA SIGN PROGRAM" AS REFERENCED IN THEIR LETTER. 2.) THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DID PROVIDE A SIG14 CRITERIA DESIGNATED AS ARTICLE 19 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ADVERTISING REGULATIONS. IT APPEARS THAT TWC PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE APPLY TO ON -SITE SIGNS WITHIN A SHOPPING CENTER. THE FIRST IS SECTION 10.4(B) WHICH. IN GE^IEPAL. STATES THAT NO SIGN SHALL EXCEED 10% OF THE SURFACE AREA OF THE FRONT OR SIDES OF A BUILDING. THE ROGER DUNN SIGNS. AS PROPOSED. OCCUPY AND 1.5. OF THE SURFACE AREA OF THE RESPECTIVE SIDES: WELL WITHIN THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS. E ROGER DUNN PAGE 2 3.) SECTION 19.4(D) OF THE ABOVE CODE PROVIDES THAT ON -SITE IDENTIFICATION SIGNS SHALL NOT EXCEED 4 INCHES IN LETTER HEIGHT AND SHALL NOT EXCEED 4 SO. Fr. PER SIGN. IF THIS SECTION IS APPLICABLE. ALL SIGNS IN PLAZA LA QUINTA WILL HAE TO BE REMOVED AS THEY ALL ALL EXCEED THESE GUIDELINES. 4.) IN ADDITION. THE STAFF BASES ITS RECOMMENDATION UPON THE CONSISTENCY AND COMPATIBILITY WITH THE EXISTING SIGNS WITHIN THE CENTER. UPON OUR REVIEW OF ALL OF THE SIGNAGE WITHIN THE CENTER WE CANNOT FIND THE INCONSISTANCY OR INCOMPATABILITY AS MENTIONED. ENCLOSED IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE ARE PICTURES TAKEN OF THE ROGER DUNN SIGNS IN QUESTION ALONG WITH SOME OF THE COMPARABLE SIGNAGE IN THE CENTER. 5.) IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT OUR ORIGINAL INTENTION WAS TO HAVE ONE LARGE REDWOOD SIGN LOCATED IN THE ARCHWAY DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE DOORS. HOWEVER. FOR A SIGN TO BE GEOMETTRICALLY CONSISTENT WITH THE SIZE OF THE ARCHWAY. THE SIGN WOULD HAVE BEEN AT LEAST TWICE AS LARGE AS THE SIGNS UNDER DISCUSSION. IN SUMMARY. WE HEREBY REQUEST THE APPROVAL OF THE ROGER DUNN SIGN PROGRAM AS SUBMITTED. INCLUDING THE TWO REDWOOD SIGNS. WITH LIGHTING. ON THE BASIS THAT THEY ARE NOT IN VIOLATION OF ANY SIGN PROGRAM OR ORDINANCE. HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE THE OWNER.. DOWNEY SAVINGS AND LOAN. AND ARE CONSISTANT AND COMPATIBLE WITH THE SIGNAGE IN THE CENTER. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO STOP BY THE STORE TO REVIEW THE ABOVE OR SUGGEST ANY ALTERNATIVES. ITEM NO. 7• DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN WALLING THOR[\lBURGH SECOND BY: BRANDT STEDING MORAN WALLING THORMURGH 0 /I DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: C%lMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT STEDING MORAN WALLING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED'. YES NO