1987 05 26 PCE
A Regular Meeting to be Held at the
La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,
La Quinta, California
May 26, 1987 - 7:00 p.m.
Flag Salute
This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning
Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which
are not Public Hearing items.
Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission should use the
form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend
to address and submit the form to the Planning Secretary prior to
the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the
appropriate time.
When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name
and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting
are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited.
Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meetings of May 12,
A. Item:
Referral from City Council regarding Plot
Plan 87-380 - retail/office building.
Robert C. Monroe
Along the north side of Calle Estado, 250
feet east of Avenida Bermudas.
Consideration of permitting a temporary
driveway to Calle Estado.
B. Commission Agenda Items: Identification of future
discussion items
Discussion Items:
A. Summer Meeting Schedule: Council has cancelled July 21 and
August 18 meetings.
B. Draft Sign Ordinance: Discussion of review procedures.
C. Information Item: Plot Plan 87-378 (Madison Street
Facility) - Report of administrative approval for
maintenance building location modification.
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A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
May 12, 1987
7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thomas Thornburgh called the Planning Commission
meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. The Flag Salute was led by
Commissioner Brandt.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. Present:
Commissioners Brandt, Moran, Steding, Vice Chairman Walling,
and Chairman Thornburgh. Members absent: None.
B. Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump, Principal
Planner Jerry Herman, and Department Secretary Mariellen
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the hearing item as follows:
A. Plot Plan 87-380 - A request by Robert C. Monroe to
construct a two-story, 6,660-square foot retail/office
building along the north side of Calle Estado, 250 feet east
of Avenida Bermudas.
1. Planning Director Murrel Crump reviewed the request per
the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy
of which is on file in the Planning Department.
2. Chairman Thornburgh opened the Hearing for public
comment. The Applicant, Robert Monroe, addressed the
Commission. Mr. Monroe expressed agreement with the
conditions of approval, but questioned the parking
condition, mentioning that the County Library is
interested in locating a branch in part of his
building. There being no further public comment,
Chairman Thornburgh closed the hearing for public
3. Commissioner Thornburgh then opened the matter for
Planning Commission discussion. The Commission members
discussed the request as submitted. Commissioner
Walling discussed the parking lot with respect to
removing four parking spaces and replacing them with
landscaping to generate more pedestrian interest.
Commissioner Brandt expressed concerns for having
consistency of street trees and over approving projects
before the adoption of the Village Specific Plan, and
expressed approval of shaded parking. The Commission
then reviewed modified conditions as supplied by Staff
and further discussion followed.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded
by Commissioner Walling to approve Plot Plan 87-380,
subject to the filing of a Negative Declaration; and
subject to the attached conditions, numbers one through
five, with condition 4B amended to require the
Applicant to submit to the Commission for Study Session
review and to the Planning Director for approval, a
revised landscape plan which identifies the appropriate
canopy -type shade tree forms for the street trees and
other major trees within the parking area. The shade
trees within the parking area (including the alley
parking spaces) may be substituted with an
architecturally complementary shade structure. The
hardscape must conform with the adopted Village at La
Quinta Specific Plan; and with condition 4C amended to
require the Applicant to submit to the Commission for
Study Session review and to the Planning Director for
approval, a revised site plan which eliminates the
first three parking spaces on the west side and the
first parking space on the east side of the parking
area adjacent to Calle Estado.
5. The motion was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Charles Brown of Palm Desert Greens Country Club/HMS
Real Estate addressed the Commission with various zoning
questions regarding property in Highland Palms vicinity.
Motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by
Commissioner Moran to approve the Planning Commission
minutes of April 14, 1987, as submitted, and of April 28,
with an added clarification. Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the items of business as follows:
A. Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment No. 87-001, a
City -initiated request to add new Section 16.7 pertaining to
procedures for Parcel Mergers.
1. To facilitate Commission comment to be forwarded to the
City Council, Principal Planner Jerry Herman reviewed
the request per the information contained in the Staff
Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
2. Chairman Thornburgh opened the matter for Planning
Commission discussion. Commissioner Moran suggested
the possibility of fee discounts to encourage mergers.
Chairman Thornburgh asked if there was any way to
further expedite the paperwork involved. Planning
Director Crump responded that a Parcel Merger is the
expedited procedure, the alternative being a Parcel
Map. There being no further comment, the discussion
was closed.
B. Review building architecture/design revisions of Plot Plan
86-274 (John Feld), located, generally, on the north side of
Avenida Montezuma, between Avenida Bermudas and Avenida
1. Planning Director Crump presented background data on
the matter per the information contained in the Staff
Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
2. Chairman Thornburgh opened the matter for Planning
Commission discussion. Commissioner Walling questioned
the choice of street trees and shade trees in the
parking lot, and suggested a buffer wall or landscaping
to screen the parking. Commissioner Brandt expressed
agreement with Commissioner Walling's comments.
3. A motion was made by Chairman Thornburgh and seconded
by Commissioner Steding to approve Plot Plan 86-274,
subject to the attached conditions, with the
specification made for a clay -tile roof, and requiring
the landscape plan to be consistent with the approved
Village Specific Plan and Planning Commission approval.
4. The motion was unanimously adopted.
C. Identification of future agenda items: None identified.
A. Discussion Item: Specific Plan 86-006, Highway 111 Update
A presentation was made to the Commission by Planning
Director Crump, updating the status of Specific Plan
86-006. The Commission discussed various aspects of
the information with the resulting consensus being to
wait for the completed market study and for a
staff -revised draft specific plan before further
Commission review.
A motion was made by Commissioner Walling and seconded by
Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on May 26,
1987, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta
Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:27 p.m., May 12, 1987.
t Z
MAY 26, 1987
Plot Plan 87-380 was approved by the Commission on May 12, 1987,
subject to five conditions. The Commission action was transmitted to
the City Council for their information at their May 19, 1987 meeting.
Councilmember Bohnenberger made a minute motion, seconded by
Councilmember Cox,
"To send this back to the Planning Commission with the request
they reconsider the provision for the installation of the wall at
this time, versus allowing a driveway access until such time as we
have a developed Village Plan and the need for the wall is
The motion was approved.
The issue of permitting a temporary access to Calle Estado was
discussed by the Commission. The Commission chose not to permit the
access by unanimously adopting the Conditions of Approval.
Should the Commission desire to permit a temporary access, action may
be taken to attach the following additional paragraphs to Condition
9C, to read as follows:
A temporary access may be permitted from Calle Estado until
such time as redesign of Calle Estado occurs, based upon the
Village Specific Plan.
Prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit, an irrevocable
bond in the amount of 150 percent of the estimated cost of
removing the temporary driveway, installation of the remaining
portion of the wall, and installation of the
landscape/hardscape as delineated on the approved landscape
plan shall be provided to the City. The City shall be noted as
the beneficiary. The bond shall not be released without written
authorization by the Planning Director. In any case, the bond is
to remain in effect until the required improvements have been
installed and are accepted by the City.
Further, within 60 days after written notice is given by the
City, the Developer/Applicant shall remove the temporary
driveway, install the remaining portion of the wall, and install
the remaining landscaping as delineated in the approved landscape
attachment: Original Conditions of Approval
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DATE: MAY 26, 1987
Transmitted herewith is the discussion draft copy of City sign
regulations as initially prepared by Department Staff. Significant
points for attention within these draft regulations are noted as
1. There are two types of reviews contemplated: the Standard Sign
Review, which is conducted by Staff, and the Planned Sign
Program, which is considered by the Planning Commission.
when only one sign is proposed, Staff will administratively
process the request using the Standard Sign Review Program.
However, if two or more signs are contemplated or if site
development review is otherwise required of the Planning
Commission, the sign program will receive Commission
consideration. This process is termed a Planned Sign Program.
The reality is that most new commercial development in La
Quinta will occur and be established by means of Commission
review, and a sign program will be part of this larger submittal
and review.
The Commission, in taking action on a request, may make
adjustments, such as permitting additional sign area, number of
signs, alternative location and different types of signs.
2. The decision of the Planning Director or Planning Commission is
final unless appealed. The regulations also identify exempt,
prohibited and temporary signs.
® 3. The permitted sign regulations are found on pages 14 through 19.
These sections identify the general regulations which are used as
a guide during Planning Commission review. The major types of
residential and some special application commercial uses have
been noted. Those uses not otherwise individually listed are
reviewed using the regulations found on page 17.
4. Existing signs are permitted to remain unless the sign is a
danger to the public, or was installed or enlarged without a
5. Outdoor advertising signs are also permitted in the Commercial
Park land use designation of the General Plan. This does not
preclude other temporary off -premise signs such as subdivision
directory signs, which are permitted elsewhere in the regulations.
In anticipation of future questions and points of clarification, the
draft regulations will be scheduled for the June 9, 1987 Commission
Study Session. The first formal Public Hearing is being contemplated
for June 23, 1987.
cc: City Council
La Quinta Chamber of Commerce
9.45.010 INTENT
9.45.070 APPEALS
9.45.010 INTENT
This Chapter is intended to implement the goals and
policies of the General Plan; to provide minimum standards
to safeguard and enhance property values; to protect public
and private investment in buildings and open spaces; to
preserve and improve the appearance of the City as a place
in which to live and to work, and as an attraction to
nonresidents who come to visit or trade; to encourage sound
signing practices as an aid to business and for the
information of the public;to prevent excessive and
confusing signing displays and to promote the public
health, safety, and general welfare.
PERMIT REQUIRED - Sign permit approval from the Planning
and Development Department is required prior to obtaining a
building permit for the placing, erecting, moving,
reconstructing, altering, or displaying any sign within the
City, unless the review procedure is exempt under Section
9.45.080B or other provisions of this Chapter. Signs
requiring approval shall comply with the provisions of
this Chapter and all other applicable laws and ordinances.
Signs legally existing prior to the effective date of this
Chapter shall not require approval until such time as the
sign is moved, structurally altered, changed or relocated;
at which time, the review and approval provisions of this
Chapter shall apply before a building permit is issued.
The following shall be submitted by the Applicant to the
Planning and Development Department at the time of permit
application unless otherwise modified by the Planning
Completed sign application obtained from the City.
Appropriate sign plans with number of copies and
exhibits as required in the application.
Appropriate fees as established by Council resolution.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -2-
Letter of consent or authorization from the property
owner, or lessor, or authorized agent of the building
or premises upon which the sign is to be erected.
A. Plans Required
Information required - the following information must
be shown on the sign plan:
a. Sign elevation drawing indicating overall and
letter/figure/design dimensions, colors,
materials, proposed copy and illumination method.
b. Site plan indicating the location of all main and
accessory signs existing or proposed for the site
with dimensions, color, material, copy, and
method of illumination indicated for each.
C. Building elevations with signs depicted (for
non -freestanding signs).
B. Review
Sign applications shall be reviewed for compliance
with the provisions of this chapter under either the
standard application or planned sign program
C. Standard Sign Program
The Planning Director or other authorized staff member
shall review standard sign applications and shall make
a determination to either approve, approve with
modification, or deny the application. The review
shall consider the size, design, colors, character and
location of the proposed signs.
A standard sign application shall only be approved
after a finding that the proposed sign is consistent
with the intent and provisions of this chapter.
D. Planned Sign Programs
1. Planned sign program review is required when the
site will have more than two (2) permanent signs,
or development projects requiring review by the
Planning Commission, or when sign adjustments are
2. The Planning Commission will make a determination
to either approve, approve with modification, or
deny planned sign program applications.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -3-
The Planning Commission, upon completion of their
review, may attach appropriate conditions. In
order to approve a planned sign program
application, the Commission must find that:
a. The proposed sign or signs satisfy the
intent of this chapter.
b. The proposed sign or signs are in harmony
with and visually related to:
(1) Other signs included in the planned
sign program. This shall be
accomplished by incorporating several
common design elements such as
materials, letter style, colors,
illumination, sign type or sign shape.
(2) The buildings they identify. This may
be accomplished by utilizing materials,
colors, or design motif included in the
building being identified.
(3) Surrounding development. Approval of a
planned sign program shall not
adversely affect surrounding land uses
or obscure, adjacent, conforming signs.
4. Addition, replacement or modification of signs
within a previously approved planned sign
program. Application for the addition,
modification, or replacement of signs requiring
permits within the boundaries of an area having a
previously approved planned sign program shall be
made in the following manner:
a. Whenever the total number of signs to be
added, modified, or replaced total less than
25 percent of the number of permitted signs
presently on the site, application shall be
made under the provisions of a standard
sign application.
b. When the total number of signs to be added,
modified, or replaced total 25 percent or
more of the number of permitted signs
presently on the site, application shall be
made under the provisions of a planned sign
For purposes of this subsection, exempted
signs shall not be included in the above
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -4-
E. Adjustments
Adjustments to permit additional sign area, additional
numbers of signs, an alternative sign location or an
alternative type of signage may be granted by the
Planning Commission. The Applicant for a planned sign
program application must request the adjustment in
writing on forms provided by the Planning and
Development Department. The Planning Commission must
find that one or more of the following facts exist
when an adjustment is made:
a. Additional Area:
(1) To overcome a disadvantage as a result
of an exceptional setback between the
street and the sign or orientation of
the sign location.
(2) To achieve an effect which is
essentially architectural, sculptural,
or graphic art.
(3) To permit more sign area in a single
sign than is allowed, but less than the
total allowed the site, where a more
orderly and concise pattern of signing
will result.
(4) To allow a sign to be in proper scale
with its building or use.
(5) To allow a sign compatible with other
conforming signs in the vicinity.
(6) To establish the allowable amount and
location of signing when no street
frontage exists or when, due to an
unusual lot shape (e.g., flag lot), the
street frontage is excessively narrow
in proportion to the average width of
the lot.
b. Additional Number:
To compensate for inadequate visibility, or
to facilitate good design balance.
C. Alternative Locations:
(1) On Site: To transfer area from one
wall to another wall or to a
freestanding sign upon the finding that
such alternative location is necessary
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -5-
to overcome a disadvantage caused by an
unfavorable orientation of the front
wall to the street or parking lot or an
exceptional setback.
(2) Lots Not Fronting On A Street: To
permit the placement of a sign on an
access easement to a lot not having
street frontage, at a point where
viewable from the adjoining public
street. In addition to any other
requirements, the applicant shall
submit evidence of the legal right to
establish and maintain a sign within
the access easement.
(3) Additionally, alternative on -site
locations may be granted in order to
further the intent and purposes of this
chapter or where normal placement would
conflict with the architectural design
of a structure.
d. Alternative Type of Sign:
To facilitate compatibility with the
architecture of structure(s) on the site and
improve the overall appearance of the site.
A. When revisions to the sign plans are required as a
condition of approval, the applicant shall submit the
required number of copies of the revised plans to the
Planning and Development Department to be stamped
approved. The Department will retain copies and a set
will be returned to the applicant
B. After approval is granted, it shall be the
responsibility of the applicant to submit all required
applications, plans, bonds, and fees to the Building
Division of the Planning and Development Department
for issuance of a building permit.
A. Approval of a standard application or planned program
application shall expire one year from its effective
date unless the sign has been erected or a different
expiration date is stipulated at the time of
approval. Prior to the expiration of the approval,
the applicant may apply to the Planning Director for
an extension of up to one year from the date of
expiration. The Planning Director may make minor
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -6-
modifications or may deny further extensions of the
approved sign or signs at the time of extension if it
is found that there has been a substantial change in
B. The expiration date of the sign(s) approval shall
automatically be extended to concur with the
expiration date of building permits or other permits
relating to the installation of the sign.
C. A sign approval shall expire and become void if the
circumstances or facts upon which the approval was
granted changes through some subsequent action by the
owner or lessees, so that the sign would not be
permitted under the new circumstances.
Decisions of the Planning Director or Planning Commission
may be appealed within 15 days of the date of decision in
accordance with Section 18.30(e) of the Municipal Land Use
Sign Requirements: All signs must conform with the
following, when applicable:
1. Illumination- Illumination from or upon any
sign shall be shaded, shielded, directed, or
reduced so as to avoid undue brightness, glare,
or reflection of light on private or public
property in the surrounding area, and so as to
avoid unreasonably distracting pedestrians or
motorists. "Undue brightness" is illumination in
excess of that which is reasonably necessary to
make the sign reasonably visible to the average
person on an adjacent street.
Illuminated signs which face or are adjacent to
residentially zoned property shall be restricted
so that the illumination, glare or reflection of
light is not visible from the residentially zoned
2. Maintenance- All signs, including signs
heretofore installed, shall be constantly
maintained in a state of security, safety and
repair. If any sign is found not to be so
maintained, or is insecurely fastened or
otherwise dangerous, it shall be the duty of the
owner and/or occupant of the premises on which
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -7-
the sign is fastened to repair or remove the sign
after receiving notice from the City. The
premises surrounding a freestanding sign shall be
free and clear of rubbish and any landscaping
area maintained in a tidy manner.
3. Landscaping for Freestanding Signs- All
freestanding signs shall include, as part of
their design, landscaping about their base so as
to prevent vehicles from hitting the sign and to
improve the overall appearance of the
4. Inspection - All sign users shall permit the
periodic inspection of their signs by the City.
5. Buildinas Facina on Two Parallel Streets
Single or multiple occupancy buildings whose
premises extend through a block to face on two
parallel streets with customer entrances on each
street are permitted one (1) freestanding sign
per street frontage. Provided, however, that
each freestanding sign is located on different
streets frontages and are separated more than
one -hundred (100) feet measured in a straight
line between the signs.
More Restrictive Provision to Apply - Whenever
two (2) provisions of this code overlap or
conflict with regard to the size or placement of
a sign, the more restrictive provision shall
Special Design Area Criteria - Signs to be
located within the boundaries of a Specific Plan
or other special design approval area, shall
comply with the criteria established by such plan
or area.
The following signs do not require sign approval, nor shall
the area and number be included in the area or number of
signs permitted for any site or use. This shall not be
construed as relieving the sign owner from the
responsibility of obtaining a building permit for the sign,
the sign's erection, maintenance and compliance with the
provisions of this chapter or any other laws or ordinances:
1. Official notices issued by any court or public
body or officer;
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -8-
2. Notices posted by any public officer in
performance of a public duty or by any person in
giving legal notice;
3. The flag, emblem, or insignia of any nation,
political subdivision, fraternal, or religious
organization, and those flags determined to be of
a noncommercial, nonprofit civic character. The
flag is subject to the guidelines concerning
their use as set forth by the government or
organization which is represented. All flags,
emblems or insignias are limited to a pole height
of 24 feet and the height of the flag at no more
than one-fourth (1/4) the height of the pole.
The Planning Commission may approve a flagpole
higher than 24 feet or a flag that exceeds .
one-fourth (1/4) the height of the pole.
4. Flush -mounted attached signs, used to identify
the name and address of the occupant for each
dwelling provided the sign does not exceed two
(2) square feet in sign area.
5. Signs located in the interior of any building or
within an enclosed lobby or court of any building
or group of buildings, which signs are designed
and located to be viewed exclusively by patrons
of such use or uses.
6. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings,
stained glass windows and dates of erection when
cut into the surface or the facade of the
building or when projecting not more than two (2)
7. Directional, warning, or informational structures
required by or authorized by law or by Federal,
State or County authority; including signs
necessary for the operation and safety of public
utility uses.
8. Credit Cards Accepted; Trading Stamps Given;
Open/Closed; Association Membership; when not
exceeding one-half (1/2) square foot per sign and
six (6) in number, provided the signs are
attached to the face or wall of a building.
9. Decorations: Such signs in the nature of
decoration, clearly incidental and customary and
commonly associated with any national, local or
religious holiday.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -9-
10. Painting, repainting, cleaning of an advertising
structure, or the changing of the advertising
copy thereon shall not be considered an erection
or alteration which requires sign approval unless
a structural change is made.
11. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics, and design
features which do not incorporate advertising or
12. "No Trespassing", "No Dumping", "No Parking",
"Private", signs identifying essential public
needs (i.e., restrooms, entrance, exit,
telephone, etc.) and other informational warning
signs, which shall not exceed three (3) square
feet in sign area.
13. Directional signs: Non -advertising, freestanding
signs used to identify street entrance and exit.
Said signs may have three (3) square feet of sign
area and be three (3) feet in height.
14. Newspaper stand identification - provided the
sign area does not exceed two square feet.
Prohibited signs are subject to removal by the City at the
owner's or user's expense. The following signs or displays
are prohibited:
1. Any sign not in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance.
Abandoned sign.
Animated signs.
Advertising vehicles.
Banners and flags not otherwise
Flashing signs.
Portable signs.
Off -premise signs not otherwise
Immoral or unlawful advertising
Roof signs.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -10-
11. Signs which purport to be, or are an imitation
of, or resemble an official traffic sign or
signal, or which bear the words "stop",
"caution", "danger", "warning", or similar words.
12. Signs which, by reason of their size, location,
movement, content, coloring, or manner of
illumination may be confused with or construed as
a traffic control sign, signal, or device, or the
light of an emergency or radio equipment vehicle;
or which obstruct the visibility of traffic or
street sign or signal device.
13. Signs which are located upon or projecting over
public streets, sidewalks, or right-of-ways
(unless specific approval has been granted).
14. Signs attached to utility poles.
The following signs are classified as temporary
(nonpermanent) and are reviewed using the standard sign
review process unless otherwise noted. The sign area and
number shall not be included in the area or number of
permitted permanent signs for any site or use.
Signs not requiring approval shall not be construed as
relieving the sign owner from the responsibility of
obtaining a building permit for the sign, the sign's
erection, maintenance, and compliance with the provisions
of this chapter and the following provisions:
1. Model Home Complex Identification Sign:
Said signs may be displayed only after a building
permit is obtained and must be removed after new
homes sales are completed. Said sign may have a
maximum of 50 square feet of sign area, a maximum
height of five (5) feet for freestanding signs
and must be located below the roof line when
attached to wall. Two (2) signs may be
permitted; one (1) at the major access street and
the other adjacent to the model complex.
2. Future Facility Construction Sign:
Said sign may be displayed for a maximum period
of one (1) year without any construction activity
on the site. The sign shall be removed upon the
expiration of the one (1) year limit unless a
building permit has been issued. After issuance
of a building permit, said sign may remain for 60
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -11-
days following the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy. Said sign may have a maximum sign
area of 40 square feet and a maximum height limit
of 12 feet. Only one (1) sign is permitted per
street frontage.
3. Garage Sale Signs:
A sign permit is not required on residential
property. The maximum number of signs is limited
to one (1) on the subject property.
The sign may have a maximum sign area of four (4)
square feet and a maximum height of four (4) feet.
4. Seasonal Sales Conducted Outdoors:
Said sign is limited to 16 square feet of sign
area and 8 feet in height. Only one (1) sign is
permitted per activity for a maximum 21-day
period per site per calendar year.
5. Temporary Outdoor Event Signs:
A sign permit is required for each event sign
program. Said signs may be placed upon private
property with owner consent. The signs may have
four (4) square feet of sign area and a maximum
height of four (4) feet. The signs may be
displayed 30 days prior to the event and must be
removed within seven (7) days after the event's
6. Subdivision Directory Signs:
One (1) freestanding sign may be permitted to
identify the direction to or location of
residential subdivisions within the City which
have ongoing sales activity for the first-time
sale of new residences. The sign may have 50
square feet of sign area and a maximum height of
15 feet. The sign must be located within
reasonable proximity of the subdivision referred
to therein. No such sign may be located within
1000 feet of any other such sign within the
City. The sign may be used for a maximum of six
(6) months, at which time, the sign is to be
removed. A cash deposit shall be posted to the
City to insure removal of the sign at the end of
the six-month period. One (1), six-month
extension may be granted upon request by the
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -12-
7. Political Signs:
Political signs having to do with any issue,
ballot measure, ballot proposition, candidate, or
group of candidates in any district,
municipality, community, state or federal
election does not require sign review, but shall
be subject to the following:
a. Any person, party, or group posting
political signs in the City shall first post
a bond or cash deposit with the City Clerk
as established by the City Council
guaranteeing compliance with the provisions
of this ordinance. The City Manager may
accept the personal written guarantee of the
candidate or the measure sponsor in lieu of
such bond or cash deposit. All political
signs shall be placed no earlier than the
first day of open registration for the
election (except for special elections which
may display such signs no sooner than 60
days prior to the election) and shall be
removed within seven (7) days after the
election in which the candidate or issue
advertised on a sign has been determined.
For a successful candidate in a primary
election, the signs may remain until the
final election, but must be removed within
seven (7) days after that election. In the
event all signs are not removed within the
specified time or are posted prior to the
specified time period, the bond or cash
deposit shall be forfeited in its entirety
and the City shall have the right to remove
and dispose of same.
b. The signs may be placed upon private
property only, and shall not be placed,
posted, or attached to telephone poles,
power poles, or other public utility
facilities or within any street
C. Each sign is limited to a maximum of 10
square feet of sign area.
Real Estate For Sale, Lease, or Rent Signs:
A sign permit is not required for signs under six
(6) square feet of sign area. All signs must be
constructed of wood, metal or plastic or other
durable material and pertain only to the sale,
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -13-
lease, or rent of the particular building,
property, or premises upon which displayed. The
signs may be attached to a building wall or
freestanding, only one per public or private
street frontage and non -illuminated. The sign
area size and height is as follows:
Under 1 acre
- 6
square feet,
4 feet high
1 to 10 acres
- 16
square feet,
8 feet high
Over 10 acres
- 24
square feet,
8 feet high
Under 1 acre
- 16
square feet,
8 feet high
1 to 10 acres
- 24
square feet,
8 feet high
Over 10 acres
- 32
square feet,
8 feet high
9. Real Estate Directional "Open House" Signs:
A sign permit is not required for "open house"
signs. All exterior open house signs must be
constructed of metal, wood, plastic or other
durable material and have a maximum sign area of
four (4) square feet and four (4) feet in
height. Said signs are permitted only during
daylight hours and when a realtor or seller or an
agent is in attendance at the property for sale,
rent, or lease. Flags or banners shall not be
used. The maximum number of signs is limited to
two (2) at the following locations:
a. One (1) at the closest street intersection;
on private property with the written consent
of the property owner; and
b. One (1) on the subject property.
10. Window Signs:
Temporary informational signs not exceeding 10%
of the window area of a business may be used. A
sign permit is not required.
The following regulations pertain to the size, location,
number and illumination of permanent signs for use within
the City.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -14-
A. Specified Uses
1. Apartments & Multi -Family Buildings Complex
Each complex is permitted one attached sign
having a maximum sign area of 12 square feet.
Illumination is permitted.
2. Apartments & Multi -Family Building Complex
Containing More Than 3 Units
Each complex is permitted signage which
identifies the complex, building and/or unit
number, street address, and provides an area to
identify units for rent or lease.
The total signage is limited to one (1)
freestanding sign per entrance from an access
street to the property, having a maximum sign
area of 24 square feet and a height of 5 feet;
and one attached sign having a maximum sign area
of 12 square feet. The signs may be indirectly
lighted or internally illuminated.
3. Residential
Each development is permitted a sign which
identifies the development name at major
entrances determined during project review.
The identification sign(s) may have a maximum
sign area of 32 square feet and a height of 8
feet. Ilumination is not permitted.
4. Public Uses, Institutional Uses, Schools,
Each use, when not otherwise located with other
unrelated uses within a multiple -building complex
or a multiple -tenant building, is permitted
attached and/or freestanding signage.
The total aggregate area of all signs shall be
fifty (50) square feet. From the total sign
area, only one freestanding sign is permitted
with a maximum sign area of 25 square feet and a
height of 8 feet. Only two (2) separate attached
signs are permitted.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -15-
Day Care Facilities
A facility licensed to care for 10 or more
children located in a residential zone is
permitted one non -illuminated wall sign having a
maximum sign area of 12 square feet.
Each use when not located within a multiple
building complex or multiple -tenant building is
permitted illuminated wall and/or freestanding
The total signage may have a maximum sign area of
100 square feet. From the total signage only one
freestanding sign is permitted with a maximum
sign area of 50 square feet and a height of 15
feet. Only two separate attached signs are
Restaurant Menu Boards
In addition to those signs permitted by this
chapter, a restaurant may attach a sign on a wall
or window, not to exceed three square feet,
displaying the menu and/or daily specials.
Gasoline Service Stations - Freestanding Use
Each service station use, not ancillary to the
principal use of the site, is permitted signage
as follows:
a. One double-faced freestanding monument sign
not to exceed 24 square feet in area or not
to exceed 8 feet in height, and advertising
only the name of the company;
b. One 10-square-foot wall sign advertising the
company name and/or operator;
C. One wall or ground sign, not exceeding 8
square feet in area or 8 feet in height For a
ground sign, advertising the actual lowest
price per gallon, including all taxes, at
which regular, premium, and unleaded
gasoline are currently being offered. Any
special conditions required for sale at such
lowest price shall also be indicated.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -16-
B. General Retail Sales and Services, Business and
Professional Offices. Eatina and Drinkina
1. Freestanding Signs
a. Each commercial complex containing a
multiple -tenant building or multiple
buildings is permitted one complex
identification sign per street frontage.
The area of any one sign shall not exceed
one -quarter (1/4) of a square foot of sign
area per lineal foot of street frontage, or
fifty (50) square feet, whichever is less.
The aggregate area of all such signs shall
not exceed one hundred (100) square feet and
sign area may not be combined among street
b. Individual commercial uses, with a minimum
of two hundred feet of street frontage and
not a part of a larger complex, are
permitted one freestanding business
identification sign of up to one-half of the
area permitted for attached signs, not to
exceed fifty (50) square feet. Freestanding
sign area shall be subtracted from the total
allowable attached sign area.
C. The maximum height of any freestanding sign
shall be twelve (12) feet.
2. Attached Signs
a. Each tenant within a multiple -tenant
commercial complex may have one attached
identification sign not to exceed one (1)
square foot of sign area per lineal foot of
tenant space frontage along a street, or
frontage along a common -use parking lot
where no direct street frontage is provided,
not exceeding fifty (50) square feet.
Corner, end, or separate tenant spaces may
split the allowable frontage sign area among
two (2) signs.
b. Individual commercial uses not a part of a
larger complex are permitted two attached
signs not to exceed an aggregate area of one
square foot of sign area per lineal foot of
building frontage along a street not to
exceed a maximum aggregate area of fifty
(50) square feet.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -17-
3. Directional Signs for Second -story Businesses
Businesses maintained exclusively on the second
floor of a two- or more story building may be
identified as part of a directory sign attached
to the wall adjacent to the secondary entrance.
The total or aggregate area of the attached sign
identifying the business shall not exceed 20
square feet of sign area.
4. Sign for Pedestrian Traffic
Where the principal sign for a business is
located so that it cannot be seen by pedestrian
traffic, an identification sign, in addition to
that otherwise allowed in this chapter, shall be
permitted. Such a sign shall be no larger than
three square feet (three feet on each side) and
it shall be designed and located so as to not
distract from the appearance of the building or
violate the intent of this chapter.
5. Directional Signs for Courtyard or Plaza
Where multi -tenant buildings or multiple -building
complexes are designed to contain tenant spaces
oriented to an interior courtyard or plaza and
where the principal business identification sign
is located on that courtyard or plaza frontage,
the multi -tenant building or multiple -building
complex may be permitted a pedestrian directional
sign(s), which groups the names of businesses
and/or principal services to be found in the
courtyard or plaza, located at major pedestrian
entrances to the plaza or courtyard, as follows:
a. Permitted signs shall not encroach into the
public right-of-way.
b. Permitted signs may be allowed up to a
maximum of one and one-half square feet of
sign area for the identification of each
individual tenant space. This area may be
utilized by individual sign panels grouped
together or by one panel containing the
aggregate area of all courtyard or plaza
tenants. In addition to the sign area
permitted for individual tenants, a
permitted sign may be allowed up to a
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -18-
maximum of two square feet of sign area for
purposes of directing pedestrians to the
courtyard or plaza, by means of graphic
symbols and/or lettering.
C. Permitted signs may either be attached or
freestanding, if properly integrated into
the architectural and landscape design of
the building.
d. Permitted signs shall have a maximum height
of seven feet above the pedestrian walkway,
whether wall mounted or freestanding.
e. Permitted signs, including supports, shall
have a maximum width of four feet whether
wall mounted or freestanding.
Sign Locations
All attached signs, unless otherwise noted, must be
located below the roof line of the building or the
finished floor line of the second story on a
multiple -story building.
Freestanding signs may be located anywhere on the
premises except within 5 feet of a public or private
street or right-of-way, or within the corner cutoff
area as illustrated (identified in Section ).
A. Continuance: Any signs existing at the time of
adoption of this chapter may be continued to be in
operation and be maintained provided:
1. The Planning Director determines that such
sign(s) are properly maintained and do not in any
way endanger the public.
2. The sign was covered by a valid permit or
variance or complied with all applicable laws on
the date of adoption of this chapter.
3. No such sign shall be changed in any manner that
increases the noncompliance of such sign with the
provisions of the regulations relating to the
sign use. This does not preclude changing of an
advertising message.
4. The burden of establishing a sign to be legally
existing under this section rests upon the person
or persons, firm or corporation claiming legal
status for a sign.
Termination: An existing sign must be brought into
compliance with this Chapter when:
1. Abandoned - A sign is abandoned when the sign
does not pertain to the business/activity
established within the building, or on the
2. The structure or size of the sign is altered in
any way except towards compliance with this
Chapter. This does not refer to change of copy
or normal maintenance.
3. whenever the sign is damaged or destroyed beyond
50 percent: The determination whether a sign is
damaged or destroyed beyond 50 percent shall rest
with the Planning Director and shall be based
upon the actual cost of replacing said sign;
4. Structurally substandard under any applicable
ordinance of the City to the extent that the sign
becomes a hazard or a danger.
Sign Removal
1. The removal of any terminated and/or unlawful
sign shall be by using one or a combination of
the following methods:
a. Immediate Removal: Any sign which does not
comply with this chapter must be removed
immediately by the business owner, property
owner, or may be removed by the City. No
prior written notice needs to be given by
the City. Any sign removed by the City will
be retained for 10 days, and if not claimed,
will be destroyed. The City may use any
means available to recoup enforcement costs
associated with the sign removal.
b. Public Nuisance: The City may use the
public nuisance procedures as contained in
Chapter 11.72 of the La Quinta Municipal
C. Notification Method: The City may send an
official Termination Notice by certified
mail to the owner of property upon which a
terminated or unlawful sign is located. The
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -20-
Notice shall identify why the sign is to be
removed and indicate the removal period to
be within 30 days from the date the Notice
is sent.
Should the sign not be removed within the
time period specified, the City may remove
or have the sign removed and the costs
charged to the property owner. If the
removal costs have not been paid and the
sign reclaimed within 30 days of the removal
by the City, the City may sell or otherwise
dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds
towards the original removal costs. Any
proceeds in excess of the cost of removal
shall be paid to,the property owner. As an
alternative method of recouping costs, the
City may lien the property as provided in
the California Government Code.
2. Neither the
liable for
under this
City nor any of its agents shall be
any damage to the sign when removed
No person shall erect or maintain an off -premise sign,
except in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
This does not preclude changing of an advertising message
or customary maintenance of a legal existing off -premise
Where Permitted: Off -premise signs are permitted in
areas designated "Commercial Park" in the General Plan.
1. Each sign shall be at least 500 feet from any
other such display.
2. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 300 square
3. The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed
25 feet.
4. No display shall be affixed on or over the roof
of any building, and no display shall be affixed
to the wall of a building so that it projects
above the parapet of the building. For the
purposes of this section, a mansard style roof
shall be considered a parapet.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -21-
S. No display shall be erected within an established
setback or building line or within road
right-of-way lines or within future road
right-of-way lines that have been established by
a general or specific plan.
C. Application Requirements: In addition to an
application for an off -premise sign, the following
shall be included:
1. A general description of the property upon which
the sign is proposed to be placed.
2. Elevations showing the type and size of sign
3. A site plan showing:
a. Property lines and dimensions.
b. Nearest buildings within 500 feet in each
C. Nearby public and private roads or
d. Building setback lines.
e. Future road right-of-ways.
D. Review: Off -premise sign shall be reviewed according
to Section 9.45.030 D. - Planned Sign Programs.
ABANDONED SIGN means any sign which is located on
property which becomes vacant and unoccupied or any sign
which relates to any occupant or business unrelated to the
present occupant or his business, or any sign which
pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer
ADVERTISING VEHICLES means any vehicle or trailer on a
public right-of-way or public property or on private
property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way
which has attached thereto, or located thereon, any sign or
advertising device for the basic purpose of providing
advertisement of products or directing people to a business
or activity located on the same or nearby property or any
other premises. This provision is not be construed as
prohibiting the identification of a firm or its principal
products on a vehicle operating during normal course of
business. Public buses or taxis are exempt from this
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -22-
ANIMATED SIGN means any sign which includes action or
motion or the optical illusion of action or motion, or
color changes of all or any part of the sign facing,
requiring electrical energy, or set in motion by movement
of the atmosphere. Excluded from the definition are public
service message center signs and flags.
ATTACHED SIGN means any sign attached to or painted
directly on a wall, or erected against the wall of a
building. Attached signs include canopy signs, fascia
signs, mansard roof signs, and projecting signs.
BANNER means a sign not made of rigid material and not
enclosed in a rigid frame, and which is secured or mounted
so as to allow movement.
CANOPY means a fixed structure of any material and any
length, projecting from and connected to a building and/or
columns and posts from the ground, or supported by a frame
extending from the building and/or posts from the ground.
CANOPY SIGN means any sign attached to the underside or
constructed upon a canopy which maintains an eight -foot
ground clearance.
DIRECTIONAL SIGN means any sign which is designed and
erected solely for the purpose of traffic or pedestrian
direction and which is placed on the property to which or
on which the public is directed. Such a sign contains no
advertising copy (examples are: one-way, entrance, exit,
parking in rear, 15 miles per hour, no left turn).
FACE OR BUILDING WALL means the outer surface of any main
exterior wall or foundation of a building, including
windows and store fronts.
FASCIA means a parapet -type wall uses as part of the
fascia of a flat -roofed building and projecting not more
than six (6) feet from the building face immediately
adjacent thereto. Such a wall shall enclose at least three
(3) sides of the projecting flat roof and return to a
parapet wall or the building.
FLASHING SIGN means any sign which contains an
intermittent or flashing light source or which includes the
illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of
animation or an externally mounted intermittent light
source. Excluded from the definition are public service
message center signs.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -23-
® 0
FREESTANDING SIGN A sign supported by one or more
uprights, poles, posts or braces placed in or upon the
ground which are not a part of or attached to a building.
This definition includes monument signs, pylon signs,
ground signs and pole signs.
identify the architects, engineers, contractors, lending
institutions or other individuals or firms involved with
the construction of a building and announce the character
of the building or the purpose for which the building is
GARAGE SALE SIGNS (i.e., yard sales, moving sales, patio
sales) means temporary signs used to announce a sale of
used items.
HEIGHT OR HEIGHT OF SIGN means the vertical distance from
the average adjacent ground level within five feet of the
base of the sign to the highest,point of a sign or any
vertical projection thereof, including its supporting
columns and any design element.
LANDSCAPING means any material used as a decorative
feature, such as shrubbery or planting materials within
planter boxes or concrete bases, used in conjunction with a
sign which expresses the theme of the sign and related
structure but does not contain advertising copy.
MANSARD ROOF SIGN means any sign attached to or supported
by a mansard roof. A "mansard roof" is a roof having two
slopes, the lower steeper than the upper and having a slope
of 60 degrees or greater with the horizontal plane.
MULTIPLE -BUILDING COMPLEX means more than one structure
on a parcel of land housing commercial uses in which there
are appurtenant shared facilities (such as parking or
pedestrian mall), and which is designed to provide an area
in which the public can obtain varied products and
services. Distinguishing characteristics of a
multiple -building complex may, but need not, include common
ownership of the real property upon which the center is
located, common -wall construction, and multiple -tenant
commercial use of a single structure or structures in
multiple buildings.
development in which there exists a number of separate
commercial activities, in which there are appurtenant
shared facilities (such as parking or pedestrian mall ),
and which is designed to provide a single area in which the
public can obtain varied products and services.
Distinguishing characteristics of a multiple -tenant
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -24-
commercial building may, but need not, include common
ownership of the real property upon which the center is
located, common -wall construction, and multiple -occupant
commercial use of a single structure.
OFF -PREMISE SIGN means a structure which bears a sign
which is not appurtenant to the use of the property where
the sign is located, or a product sold or a service offered
upon the property where the sign is located, and which does
not identify the place of business where the sign is
located as a purveyor of the merchandise or services
advertised upon the sign. Temporary signs are exempt as
provided within this chapter.
PARAPET WALL means a wall extending above the plate line
of a building.
PERMANENT SIGN means any sign which is intended to be and
is so constructed as to be a lasting and enduring
condition, remaining unchanged in character, condition
(beyond normal wear) and position, and in a permanent
manner affixed to the ground, wall or building, provided
the sign is listed as a permanent sign in the ordinance.
PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM means a mandatory alternative to the
standard sign application procedures for the application
and review of sign permits. It is intended to provide
additional flexibility in the application of the
regulations of this chapter.
POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGN means a sign indicating the name
and/or picture of an individual seeking election to a
public office, or relating to a forthcoming public election
or referendum, initiative, or pertaining to the advocating
by persons, groups or parties of the political views or
PORTABLE (MOBILE) SIGN means a sign made of any material,
which by it design, is readily movable and is equipped with
wheels, casters or rollers or which is not permanently
affixed to the ground, structure of building. (Also
includes sidewalks or sandwich board signs.)
PROJECTING SIGN means any sign with two parallel faces no
more than 18 inches apart projecting 12 inches or more from
the wall or eaves of a building. No guy wires, braces, or
secondary supports should be visible.
electronically or electrically controlled sign or portion
of a larger sign which conveys only information such as
time, date, temperature, atmospheric condition or general
news information where different alternating copy changes
are shown on the same lamp bank matrix.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -25-
REAL ESTATE SIGN means a temporary sign advertising the
sale, lease or rent of the property upon which it is
located, and the identification of the person or firm
handling such sale, lease or rent.
ROOF SIGNS means any signs erected upon or above a roof
or parapet wall of a building or placed above the apparent
flat roof or eaves of a building.
SEASONAL SALES SIGN means a sign used to advertise a
business or merchandise held seasonally for a limited
interval, all or most of whose business is conducted, or
items displayed, in an open area.
SIGN AREA means the entire area within a single
continuous perimeter composed of squares or rectangles
which enclose the extreme limits of writing,
representation, emblem, or any figure of similar character,
together with any frame, background area of sign,
structural trim, or other material or color forming an
integral part of the display or used to differentiate such
sign from the background against which it is placed. In
the case of a sign designed with more than one exterior
surface, the area shall be computed as including only the
maximum single display surface for a two-sided sign which
is visible from any ground position at one time. Any sign
with more than two sides - the permitted sign area is
divided by the total number of sides. The supports or
uprights on which any such sign is supported shall not be
included in determining the sign area unless such supports
or uprights are designed in such a manner as to form an
integral background of the display.
SIGN means any medium for visual communication which is
used or intended to be used to attract attention to a
location or subject matter for advertising, instruction or
information purposes.
SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES means temporary signs,
posters, banners, strings of lights, clusters of flags,
balloons and searchlights used to announce the opening of a
completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise
under new management or special occasions.
SPECIAL EVENT SIGNS means temporary signs used to
announce a circus, a carnival, festivals or other similar
SUBDIVISION SIGN means a sign containing the name,
location or directions to a builder, developer, and
pertinent information about a subdivision for which there
is a properly approved and recorded map and in which homes
remain to be constructed or initially sold.
TEMPORARY SIGN means any sign, banner, pennant, valance,
flags (not intended to include flags of any nation, state,
city, or other governmental agency, or nonprofit
organization), searchlights, balloons or other air- or
gas -filled figures or advertising display constructed of
wood, cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or
other light materials, with or without frame, intended to
be displayed for a limited period of time only.
WINDOW SIGNS means any sign painted on or attached to a
window or located inside within a distance equal to the
greatest dimension of the window (either width or height)
and designed to be viewed from the outside of the building
in which the window is located.
MR/ORDDRFT.002 -27-