1987 09 22 PC-�A� o` c e C e V � � t � OF TNtJ PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California September 22, 1987 - 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL III.HEARINGS - NONE IV. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Public Hearing items. Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend to address and submit the form to the Planning Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. V. CONSENT CALENDAR - NONE MR/AGENDA.922 VI. BUSINESS A. Item: Master Design Guidelines for Multiple Home Construction (MDG No. 87-002). Applicant: The Lendel Corporation Location: The "Cove" Area Project: Approval of Master Design Guidelines 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Commission Comments B. Commission Agenda Items: Identification of future discussion items VII.OTHER Discussion Items: -=--C�A6= (TO BE RESCHEDULED) :e�sesaseearj;=13 qsmsapDmstg�ret B. Interpretation of allowable land use within the High Density Residential land use designation of the General Plan. VIII. ADJOURNMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 STUDY SESSION CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR/AGENDA.922 R STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 22, 1987 APPLICANT: DESERET HOMES, INC./LENDEL CORPORATION 7220 TRADE STREET, SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 PROJECT LOCATION: THE AREA REFERRED TO AS THE "COVE" PROJECT: MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR MULTIPLE HOME CONSTRUCTION (MDG NO. 87-002) ZONING DESIGNATION: SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: MEDIUM DENSITY (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT BACKGROUND Section 9.03.034 of the Special Residential Zoning Ordinance requires developers who have obtained, or are requesting, 20 or more approvals for single-family dwellings in the Special Residential Zone to apply for and obtain Master Development Guideline approval from the Planning Commission. To date, the Applicant has received 14 single-family dwelling permits, all of which are in escrow to be sold to individual owners. Four units are finaled; the remainder are in various stages of construction. Regarding this proposal, the Applicant desires to construct a new set of 20 homes at the same time, as all previously built homes are sold and additional sales orders are being received; i.e., his inventory is depleted. Sales information will be required prior to permit issuance for each unit. ANALYSIS The Applicant proposes a total of eight (8) different exterior elevations using three (3) standard floor plans. The plans meet or exceed the minimum development requirements for this area. Further staff review will be conducted at the time of precise plan MR/STAFFRPT.013 1 ll I[ application (see Attachments 4-6). Minor changes to the development scenario as submitted may be required by staff, such as additional color variations, architectural embellishments, compliance with landscape standards, etc. RECOMMENDATION The building information submitted meets the requirements of the Master Design Review Guidelines. The Applicant should be permitted to construct all 20 of the proposed homes (further review will be conducted under the precise plan review), subject to the following condition: 1. One (1) additional color scheme"shall be submitted for stucco, trim and tile that substantially varies from the three approved schemes, yet is compatible with existing schemes being employed in the Cove. This scheme shall be utilized when units are located adjacent to, or otherwise within 250 feet of, one another. One (1) additional roof tile product shall also be provided. attachments: 1. Site Location Listing 2. Site Location Map 3. Color Schemes 4. Floor Plan A and Elevations 5. Floor Plan B and Elevations 6. Floor Plan C and Elevations MR/STAFFRPT.013 2 DESERET HOMES, LTD. CITY OF LA QUINTA - BUILDING DEPARTMENT MASTER PLAN SUBMISSION '--------- ;-------- ;------- 1-------------------------- ;--------- ;---------1 :SEOUENCE. 1 LOT BLk: STREET 1 PLAN- 1 COLOR NO 1 NO NO 1 ADDRESS ELEVATION; SCHEME ; ---------;-------I------- ;--------------------------- ;--------- 1---------1 1 14 1 230 153700 AVENIDA VALL.EJO 1 B-2 1 3 ; 1 7 271 :54645 AVENIDA DIAZ ---------------------- ;------------------- ; - ; B 271 :54665 AVENIDA DIAZ ; B-3 ; ---------;----- --------;--------- ----- ---------'----------;---------; 4 ; 22 66 �51300 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1 C-3 --------- --- -- -- --- ----------------------------;---------; -------; 5 15 1 64 152400 AVENIDA HERRERA ; C-3R ; 2 ---------- 6 ; - ._.-_.. 16 -- -- - 84 ,--------- 152390 AVENIDA HERRERA ; B-3 _ 7 22 119 151600 AVENIDA MENDOZA i C-2 ; 2 ; II ; II 1 159 ;52905 AVENIDA HERRERA ; B-= ; 2 , 9 1 7 ; 40 152455 AVENIDA MADERO ; A--2 ; ---------- ;-------'------- ;----------------------------- 1--------- 1--------1 10 2 96 152145 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 C-1R 2 -------------------'---------;--------1 1 11 1 7 1 213 153.365 AVENIDA VILLA 1 C-3 1 '----------- ----------;---------;----- --' 38 :52035 AVENIDA MADERO --------- ;---------; 13 8 ; 112 ;***** AVENIDA VILLA ; B-3 2 1-------- ------- '--------------------------- ;--------- ;--------; , 14 ; 1.2 100 1***** AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 A-IR 1 1 ; --------------------------- ;--------- '--------; 1 15 ; 13 1 151 1***** AVENIDA HERRERA 1 B-3 ; 1 , -- ----' --------------------------- ;--------- 1---------1 16 1 17 2ioo ;***** AVENIDA DIAZ iB-: ; 1 1 ---------1----------;--------' 1 17 1 15 , 154 1***** AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 B-3 1 ; 18 4 ; 226 1***** AVENIDA VELASCO , ---------;-------; 19 i 13 143 1***** AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1 C-2 20 ; 13 1 148 ;***** AVENIDA NAVARRO 1 A-2 1 2 1 ------- ' ---------------------------- ;---------1--------- 1 ATTACHMENT # 1 0Z �3 ATTACHMENT #2 A p J n / `0'� 0 Al L= ~w vLl 9 �E F 1 'S� oIS m' ON W OA - trwo — ® DESERET HOMES Color Schemes Color * ** Scheme Stucco Garage Door/Fascia/Front Door 1 B-348 3/4 454 2 B-332 452 3 47 22 *Expo colors. **Old. Quaker. hrownis� ✓'ose S +-u CGO recQ ccM cvt{t SPanI'C, s 1" TkI,p �-kv 6,9-F s{��d jd,Ic betj-P I rPd c cn^ c v-e- L �o v med (Lwr, 6(9104 r-ei c"N' C Nam`( S cw. k9V\ r�� ATTACHMENT #3 fee ply __�7.,: lX : n � k / J k I � A � ATTACHMENT «4 usgET HOMES umA&ASSOCIATES 11111111 R - SF \Z-1 _�p ^1t We .F i + x q �9 ATTACHMENT #6 DESERET HOMES URBINA & ASSO CIATES WN LA OTA. _ (.ALWO MA .Iurro Ai AKXfECT - - i�llll�� offitJIM y - I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDA CITY OF LA OUINTA vie. b HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 22, 1987 INTERPRETATION OF ALLOWABLE LAND USES WITHIN THE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN On October 27, 1986, the Planning Commission determined (see Staff Report Attachment #1) that commercial uses, whether office or retail, were not appropriate within the High Density Residential land use category of the La Quinta General Plan. This determination was made pursuant to a preliminary application review of a proposed combined residential/office complex. Another request has come before the Planning and Development Department to utilize the same site as a real estate office (see Attachments #2 and #3; correspondence dated August 17, 1987 and August 20, 1987). The Applicant is requesting Planning Commission consideration of the new request. Use of the office would be temporary (i.e., 10-12 months). FACTS 1. The current R-3 zoning district identifies the Applicant's use as being permitted. 2. The P.-3 zoning district has been determined to be the closest zoning district consistent with the General Plan High Density Residential land use designation. 3. The General Plan High Density Residential land use designation does not identify any permitted commercial land uses. MR/MEMOPC.008 1 The recent market analysis prepared for the Village Specific Plan concluded that only a portion of the area designated for "Village Commercial" can be absorbed by local market design. Permitting general commercial uses within the High Density Residential land use classification would, potentially, add to a over supply. Also, residentially -designated property is typically less expensive than commercially -designated property which will only encourage the residential property to develop with commercial land uses to the detriment of the Village Commercial area. 2. The boundary which specifically separates the Applicant's property could appear to be questionable; however, upon closer review, the boundary was created to separate existing commercial uses or designated only those properties fronting along major streets. Some commercial uses, such as a bed and breakfast or a resident art studio, are appropriate in the High Density Residential land use designation rather than general professional office uses. Upon development of the zoning ordinance, these and other specific uses will be analyzed. The existing High Density Residential land use designation for the area is viable in that it provides an alternative living environment adjacent to commercial uses for shopping and/or work convenience. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the analysis, it is recommended that general commercial uses in the High Density Residential land use designation not be found consistent with the intent of the General Plan. attachments: #1 Initial Planning Commission Report: Preliminary Proposal #2 Request for Planning and Development Department Decision #3 Request for Planning Commission Interpretation #4 Vicinity Map MR/MEMOPC.008 0 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the'Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: October 27, 1986 SUBJECT: Interpretation of Allowable Land Uses with the High Density Residential Land Use Designation of the La Quinta General Plan. Recently, the Planning Commission reviewed Plot Plan No. 86-361, a commercial, retail/residential, mixed -use project. The Planning Commission determined that such a use is consistent with the intent of the Village Commercial land use category, but did not indicate that such projects with multi -family units would be compatible. The Planning Department is reviewing a preliminary proposal on Avenida Navarro, adjacent to and north of Plot Plan No. 86-274 (directly north of the Black Gold Gas Station). This proposal is located within an area designated High Density Residential on the Land Use Policy Map (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1). Is it appropriate to consider a mixed -use development of this type to be consistent with the High Density land use category; i.e., should some types of commercial uses be allowed within the High Density Residential classification? The Applicant's proposal consists of one (1), residential apartment unit, to be occupied by the owner of the building, and two (2), ground floor office areas. The site is zoned R-3 (General Residential), which allows both professional office and residential uses. High Density Residential uses generally allow or provide for some types of commercial uses in conjunction with primarily residential land uses. The La Quinta General Plan does not directly provide for this in its description of the High Density Residential classification (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 2), though it does imply a relationship with the Village area. PREPARED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Atchs: 1. Atch #1, Land Use Map Showing Site Location 2. Atch #2, High Density Residential Category, La Quinta General Plan ,4MrNMENi 0/ r :. ..:....... ........ .......... . .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... ... ....... ....... .................. ........... ....... ........... ........... ....... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. .. •. ..•...•. ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... .. . . ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... ....... .......... ....... ........... ....... ........... ... . . ........... ... . . ........... . ... El condominium projects at the appropriate density range as indicated for the PGA West project and other projects east of Washington Street: Medium Density: Medium Density Residential (4.0-8.0 dwelling units acre) - Densities within this�icatTion can include more housing types and provide some opportunities consistent with the Housing Element. This density is best characterized by the residential development in the Cove area. High Density: High Density Residential (8.0-16.0 dwelling unts per acre - This classification will accept a wide range of housing types including single-family units, mobile homes, condominiums, townhouses, and apartments. The higher density is appropriate where abutting development is compatible and planned community facilities and commercial services are easily available. The plan calls for a limited amount of this use as a component of the Downtown 'Village Commercial" -area. The opportunity for pedestrian access to shops and recreation makes this a unique potential for a special "center" within La Quints. Implementation Policy: POLICY 6.2.1 - ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE BUILDING INTENSITY (AS DEFINED BY THE DENSITY RANGE) SHOWN ON THE LAND USE PLAN MAP. OVERALL BASE DENSITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM DENSITY FOR THE SITE. INDICATED DENSITY EXCLUDES RIGHTS -OF -WAY FOR STREETS IDENTIFIED IN THE CIRCULATION PLAN. POLICY 6.2.2 - PROJECTS WHICH INCLUDE A MIXTURE OF RESIDENTIAL HOUSING TYPES SHALL BE ENCOURAGED AS A MEANS OF IMPLEMENTING THE CITY'S HOUSING ELEMENT. ATTACHMENT f't VI-5 .1"Wwr F rl %4 4 Ev I lai now I Ilk August 17, 1987 City of La Quinta Planning Department 78105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 ATTENTION: Mr. Herman Re: DESERET HOMES Dear Mr. Herman: AUG 18 1987 CITY Of LA QUINTA PIANWNG0 & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. It is our intention to lease 51172 Navarro in the City of La Quinta to be used as a Real Estate office for Deseret Homes, Ltd. The property is located in R-3 zoning and would be acceptable to this use according to zoning guidelines. I would appreciate a decision by the La Quinta Planning Department that would allow us to continue with our plans. Please contact me as soon as possible to inform me of the departments decision. Very truly yours, DES)EVET HOMES, jhe/Lenc2el Corporatkyn, General Partner Keith Lindley, Field Superintendent K1/jkm ffi7`7 cmmcNr *Z 7220 TRADE STREET . SUITE 100 . SAN DIEGO • CALIFORNIA 92121 . (619) 693-8444 ilL,'LII -rk^ 1 ^mA^l t ^rnnrofinn E August 20, 1987 City of La Quinta Planning Department 58105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 To Whom It May Concern: KL:CiLAVA:_0 AUG u 1 1987 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. We are requesting permission to operate a real estate office at 51172 Navarro. The existing zoning is R-3 and a real estate office is allowed. The inconsistancy of the general community plan and the R-3 zone does not allow the planning department staff to approve this. We are asking of the planning commission a variance that would allow us to use this location as stated. If any additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to inform me at (619) 693-8444 or (619) 564-1866. Very truly yours, DESERET HOMES, LTD. 1 The Len Corporation, General Partner Keith Lindley, Construction Supervisor KL:sb A.Vr e.y^f 1- #3 7220 TRADE STREET . SUITE 100 . SAN DIEGO . GALWUHNIA 92121 . (619) 693-8444 a 1 • SUBSKT ! � i 0 ARSA �■■�m0 m ENO � V ' verr.ene �o WSJ . ' �� oaoaao9ooriei �� do Q n 00 00 ov oo sum 0__0 00 00 0S0 p- oim �ao � ao o= MIA m o NT Z* CASE MAP NORTH D/scuss/0" S7E,r /GN DNrTY �Er��4^'ri�I- SCALE: NTS L.4nty USE CA7fb0?Y