1987 12 08 PCo` Z L ¢4 AGENDA �f OF'FNtv�? PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California December 8, 1987 - 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL III. HEARINGS A. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE #87-005 APPLICANT: RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION - PARKSIDE PLAZA LOCATION: 77-836 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA PROJECT: REDUCE NUMBER OF ON -SITE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED ADDITION (CHAPTER 9.160 LQMC) 1. Staff Report 2. Public Comment 3. Commission Discussion 4. Hearing Closed 5. Motion for Commission Action IV. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Public Hearing items. ]Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each :item you intend to address and submit the form to the Planning Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. 'Your name will be called at the appropriate time. MR/AGENDA12.08 E When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. V. CONSENT CALENDAR - None VI. BUSINESS A. Item: Amendment to Plot Plan 87-375 Applicant: La Quinta Arts Foundation Location: 78-080 Avenida La Fonda Project: Construct a covered unenclosed patio and entry for an existing building. 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Commission Comments B. Any action relating to Study Session items. VII.OTHER Discussion Items: A. Home Occupation Criteria - dispatching of vehicles. VIII. ADJOURNMENT ITEMS FOR December 7, 1987, 3:00 P.M. STUDY SESSION "DISCUSSION ONLY" 1. Report from Highway ill Specific Plan Sub -Committee. 2. Discussion regarding joint City Council/Planning Commission study session for the Village Specific Plan. 3. Identification of future Commission Agenda items. 4. All other Agenda items. MR/AGENDA12.08 DATE: APPLICANT: PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT PROPOSAL: ZONING DESIGNATION: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: BACKGROUND: ® 0 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1987 RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION-PARKSIDE PLAZA 77-836 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA VARIANCE #87-005 - REDUCE NUMBER OF ON -SITE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED ADDITION (CHAPTER 9.160 LQMC). SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (C-P-S ZONE) VILLAGE COMMERCIAL PROPOSED NEGATIVE DECLARATION On October 13, 1987, the Applicant's request (Plot Plan #87-383) to enclose the existing covered walking area to be used as a walkway/pedestrian corridor was approved subject to conditions (attached). During discussion of the plot plan request, the Applicant indicated that, should the area be used for office/retail space, the parking requirements could then be addressed. The Applicant is now before the Commission seeking a parking variance. The enclosure consists of 360 square feet for retail use, 208 square feet for office use, and 198 square feet for public corridor. This additional area generates the need for three additional parking spaces, or a total of 15 parking spaces for the existing building and proposed addition. The site currently provides 12 parking spaces. ANALYSIS 1. Additional parking could be provided by 1) purchase of an adjacent lot, 2) eliminate the existing garage and construct additional parking along the building's west MR/STAFFRPT.020 1 side, or 3) seek a parking variance. The Applicant proposes to not provide the three additional required parking spaces and seeks a variance. 2. Variances may be granted when special circumstances applicable to a parcel of property, such a3 size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, exist and the strict application of the regulation deprives the property of development privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity that is within the same zoning district. Therefore, basically, a variance is used to cure an inequity. 3. The regulations regarding the granting of variances further state that any variance granted shall be subject to conditions so that the adjustment does not constitute a granting of special privileges that is inconsistent with the limitations upon other property in the vicinity and zone. 4. Granting the Applicant's variance request cannot be justified by any special circumstances associated with the parcel. COMMISSION ACTION Should the Commission make a finding to grant this variance, there would need to be mitigating measures adopted to assure that it does not constitute a granting of special privilege. One means in which to do this is to have the Applicant pay a mitigation fee to the City and enter into an irrevocable offer to join a future parking district. A draft resolution has been prepared for Commission action. MR/STAFFRPT.020 2 u PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 87-018 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND (DENYING/GRANTING) A VARIANCE FROM PARKING CASE NO. VAR 87-005 RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION/MARGARET R. MEILE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 8th day of December, 1987, hold duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of Rick Johnson Construction and Margaret R. Meile for a variance to Section 9.160.040 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), permitting 12 permanent on -site parking spaces where 15 are required, for property generally located at the northwest corner of Avenida Montezuma and Avenida Mendoza, more particularly described as: Lot 1, 2 & 3 of Block 128, Santa Ca.rmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit 414, in M.B.18, pages 82 and 83 of Maps. WHEREAS, said variance request has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has conducted an initial study and has determined that the proposed variance will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the (approval/denial) of said variance: 1. The strict application of parking requirements to the subject property (will/does not) deprive it of privileges enjoyed by other similarly zoned property in the area, since the purpose and intent of the parking requirements may be reasonably attained (by special conditions of approval/other means available). 2. Approval of the variance (as conditioned will not/will) constitute the granting of a special privilege inconsistent with limitations on other similarly zoned property in the area. MR/RESODRFT.018 1 N 3. a. The conditions of approval will assure that the purpose and intent of the parking requirements are satisfied without adversely affecting adjacent parcels; or b. Granting the variance will adversely affect adjacent parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 87-082, which indicated that the variance would not constitute a significant impact on the environment. 3. That it does hereby (grant/deny) said Variance Case No. 87-005 for the reasons set forth (and subject to the conditions labeled Exhibit A, attached hereto). PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this day of _, 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Chairman ATTEST: Planning Director MR/RESODRFT.018 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (DRAFT/RECOMMENDED) EXHIBIT A VAR 87-005 DECEMBER 8, 1987 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Property Owner must either provide: a) 15 permanent parking spaces as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code; or, b) pay a cash mitigation payment in the amount -per -space as determined by the Planning and Development and Public Works :Departments, plus an inflation factor which is to be calculated at the time of agreement execution, for the construction of three permanent paved parking spaces and enter into an irrevocable offer to participate in any future parking improvement district that may be formed. A payment schedule may be established, provided the period does not exceed four years, and except that if an assessment/benefit or other parking improvement district is created the obligation of the property owner shall become due and payable under the terms of said district or other parking improvement entity. The money collected may be released to a City -created parking district, or, the money collected may be used in the furtherance of general parking improvements in the Village Commercial area, at the option of the City; and, further, any financial obligation issued against said property will be reduced accordingly to the amount of mitigation money paid at the time. 2. This Variance approval must be used within one year after the date of approval by the La Quinta Planning Commission, unless approved for an extension as provided in the La Quinta Municipal Code. No extension shall be granted unless Plot Plan 87-383 is also extended. The term "use" shall mean the beginning of substantial construction of the addition, which construction must thereafter be diligently pursued to completion. 3. Any offsite parking contemplated in satisfaction of Condition 1, above, shall secure City approval through the plot plan review process. MR/CONAPRVL.015 CASE MAP ORTH SCALE: tgoNg STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1987 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION PROJECT LOCATION: 78-080 AVENIDA LA FONDA PROJECT: AMENDMENT TO PLOT PLAN NO. 87-375; REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A COVERED UNENCLOSED PATIO AND ENTRY FOR AN EXISTING BUILDING, TO BE USED BY THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION ZONING DESIGNATION: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: LOT SIZE: COLOR/DESIGN: SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (C-P-S) VILLAGE COMMERCIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT, UNDER SECTION 15301, CLASS 1 (e)(i) REQUIRED/PERMITTED PROVIDED SETBACKS Front none required 13.5 feet Side none required -0- Rear none required 24.0 feet BUILDING HEIGHT 35 feet 16.5 feet BUILDING COVERAGE 100% 5.7 % PARKING SPACES 3 3 NO MINIMUM - 75' X 100' = 7500 sq. ft. THE ADDITION WILL CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING BUILDING'S ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENT AND COLOR SCHEME. ANALYSIS: 1. The existing project approval on January 27, 1987 provided conditions to address the required on and off -site improvements for the Engineering, Fire and Planning Departments. These existing conditions, with some minor modifications, will be applied to this amendment request if it is approved. MR/STAFFRPT.019 1 2. The Applicant requests approval to construct a covered patio and entry area with stuccoed columns, and retain the previously approved restroom as the only enclosed addition to the existing building as opposed to the originally contemplated addition. 3. The Applicant has proposed trees; the species shall Specific Plan (Area #2) and detailed landscape plan. FINDINGS seven additional landscaping be consistent with the Village will be reviewed as part of a 1. The proposed amendment to Plot Plan 87-375, as conditioned, is consistent with the requirements of the C.P.S. zone and goals and objectives of the General Plan. 2. The project is exempt for purposes of additional environmental documentation. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above information, approval of the amended Plot Plan No. 87-375, is recommended subject to the following conditions: 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A and B contained in the file for Plot Plan 87-375, Amendment #1, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved Plot Plan shall be used within one (1) year of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval, which is begun within the one-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with an approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in a healthy condition for the life of the approved use. Species types shall be consistent with the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan. 4. The parcels must be merged using the parcel merger process prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 5. The development must comply with the standards and requirements of Coachella Valley Water District, the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. MR/STAFFRPT.019 2 ® 0 An enclosed trash area shall be provided having six-foot walls and a screening gate. The design and location is subject to Planning and Development Department review and approval, and shall also be approved on the site plan by Palm Desert Disposal Company. MR/STAFFRPT.019 CALLE TAMPICO 55 57 58 59 j :7[ V ENTUpA N Q C 7 i S W m m AVENIDA LA FONDA 0 0 0 � s H � d y ♦ A IV �1 9 P m r m h f PI IV -� O -� -� N N N lV IV -� -� -� -� ti -� -� ti H -� m m n C YI ♦ PI lV 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 116 11 12 M CALLE W t ESTADO 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 8 1 7 1 8 9 L 11 1 12 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 8 CASE MAP CASE No. D p 8 1 - 3 � �- 81 7 J U f W w W O orz� i c 62 63 ORTH SCALE: /v7-s f 4) n� ORIGINAL APPROVED SITE PLAN Ii. F die LA [3UINTA ARTS FOUNDATION �i� TMw a .o.v. w w Mo pl w.. r.e.uV .uee na yt .v.w 21 4h�E /I Eac+ l s A Nr o l � reu.� vu r•E. e`1 -SY { x t) L ) h 3 JP 'r H{ COLUMNS- PROPOSED PATIO COVER i ✓wnm avurcn LEGAL ocuni P i �04J O V M olNmn oo sEC �ou �YUY61 nOu 5�44/.4C r. tu5r� tvEu�p.1 111ouy �ji' uOA�N SITE PLANS CITv 0, LAQUINTA vunxixs a wsmvxen� ono Jd 7iS 0�->`I PROPOSED AMENDMENT MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1987 SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPATION SURVEY: VEHICLE DISPATCH REGULATION The Planning and Development Department recently contacted cities in the Coachella Valley, as well as the Riverside County Planning Department, regarding the above subject. Although the ordinances and regulations requested have not, as of yet, been received, basic information relative to dispatching of vehicles was obtained during telephone contact. Attached is a chart briefly outlining each agency's procedure and highlighting aspects of the regulations which relate to dispatching or vehicle generation. The regulations surveyed generally do not address dispatch of vehicles to and from a home occupation, and none of them actually define "dispatching". For example, Desert Hot Springs has indicated that they allow dispatching of vehicles for "professional consultative services". Individual cases are interpreted as to what actually comes under this category, so there is no stringent definition. Recently, beauty operators have been interpreted as being a professional consultative service, due to the fact that beauticians are trained and licensed. memown.121 ® 0 COACHELLA VALLEY SURVEY HOME OCCUPATION REGULATIONS AGENCY HOME OCCUPATION GENERALLY REGULATION OF VEHICLE DISPATCH Cathedral Handled through Code One 1 ton vehicle may travel to City Enforcement Division and from premises; employees Planning Department may not travel to or from the is not involved. home occupation. Coachella Does not address dispatching; generally a home occupation may not generate traffic or disrupt the residential nature of a neighborhood. Desert Hot Permitted by the Conditional Dispatching is allowed for Springs Use Process. "professional consultative services" interpretation of what constitutes such a service is on a case -by -case basis. Indian Wells Draft ordinance to go before Allows only office type uses; Planning Commission and City provides that no vehicular Council. traffic may be generated to or from the home; dispatch of vehicles not addressed. Indio Home occupations generally No vehicular traffic may be are permitted uses. generated by home occupation; dispatching not addressed. Palm Desert Generally addresses vehicle traffic generation to and from home occupation. Palm Springs Handled as part of business Advertising which promotes license review. vehicle traffic is prohibited; use not permitted if it causes additional vehicle/pedestrian traffic. memown.121 11 AGENCY HOME OCCUPATION REGULATION Of VEHICLE DISPATCH Rancho Code Enforcement handles Generally addresses vehicle Mirage applications through traffic generation. business license review. Riverside Not related to a specific Does not address traffic County ordinance; defined within generation; storage of non - zoning ordinance. residential vehicles prohibited. NOTE: None of the ordinances/regulations define "dispatch" or "dispatching of vehicles". memown.121 ®0 STu-DV MEMORANDUM SE55/W �: Qm CITY OF LA QUINTA ()MLV 11 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUB -COMMITTEE, HIGHWAY 111 SPECIFIC PLAN REVIEW DECEMBER 2, 1987 COMMITTEE REPORT -- FUTURE ACTIONS REGARDING THE SPECIFIC PLAN The Planning Commission last considered the Highway 111 Specific Plan draft at public hearing on March 24, 1987. Subsequent to that hearing a sub -committee of the Commission was appointed to advise regarding further Commission study of the draft. In sub -committee deliberations it was determined that additional information was needed regarding market potential for the study area. City Staff arranged for the contractual services of an economist, and in July of 1987, the City received a report entitled "Highway 111 Corridor Commercial Land Absorption Study". After the two members of the sub -committee left the Commission, it was reconstituted and began meeting again in October of this year with Commissioner Zelles, Commissioner Moran and public member Thornburgh. DISCUSSION In the course of the sub -committee meetings the implications of the market study were discussed. Local market share land absorption in the study area was estimated to involve between 74.66 acres and 104.68 acres to the year 2010. Realizing that the Specific Plan provided for 700 (plus) acres of potential commercial, the sub -committee first turned its attention to the definition of "Mixed -Use Commercial". The definition provided by the General Plan restricts development on parcels containing less than 20 acres to General Commercial uses; and, parcels of 20 acres and over 700 of their land area devoted to Commercial uses. With a market potential for absorption of only 74-104 acres of land within the foreseeable future, this was believed to effectively deny near term use of some properties, because market demand would not exist to generate commercial development. The sub -committee's first conclusion was that the definition of Mixed -Use Commercial required re-evaluation. The principal concern regarding the study area now focuses on land use. It was the original charge of the sub -committee to steer the Commission (as a whole) through the numerous topics dealt with by the Specific Plan (i.e., circulation, infrastructure, financing, development standards, etc.). The sub -committee arrived at an approach, which it would like to recommend to the Commission, for the conduct of further study area evaluation. With the information from the market analysis the sub -committee developed a land use scenario which depicts "desired" or "preferred" uses which are to occur in distinct portions of the study area. In the example (enclosed) there is also a sense of timing illustrated by phasing designations. The first phase would suggest areas which are appropriate, or which are most likely to develop by 2010. The land use scenario constructed operates on the premise that the 70-30o split in the mixed -use designation has been dropped and that any given property may be wholly or partially developed with multi -family residential. The specific rational behind the sub -committee's scenario may be reviewed further in the Commission's discussion of this subject. The sub -committee concluded that the other subjects to be dealt with by a Specific Plan would follow in line after the land use strategy was confirmed. SUB -COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Sub -Committee that: That the definition of Mixed -Use Commercial be amended in the General Plan to allow all or any portion of property so designated to be used for multi -family residential (without a percentage required to be commercial). That further Specific Plan work be based on a desired scenario of land use arrangement (or choice among scenarios). That any other textural amendments be made in the General Plan to allow items No. 1 and 2 to occur. At some point, the Specific Plan effort will need to be turned back to Staff with directions for redrafting. There will be some choices as to the level of effort which goes into that work, and the resulting product. The minimum effort would be an in house patch -up of the text as it had been originally presented, deferring much of the real work to a subsequent implementation phase. In this instance the attempt would only be to set the basic land use planning policy framework. Another level of effort would be to involve a consulting firm (as we did with the Village Plan) and produce a more precise guideline document. It would be appropriate for the Commission to memomc.121 consider what their aspirations are for Highway 111 planning and forward any thoughts on the matter to the City Council. If the desired product is more typified by the Village Plan (or even more extensive than that effort), then the subject would probably need to be addressed by the City Council in 1988-89 fiscal year budget considerations which will occur in the spring. PREPARED BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT memomc.121 Siu MEMORANDUM SESSIO/J m^ CITY OF LA OUINTA 00 CCfAI of C SSE. TO: FROM: DATE: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 2, 1987 SUBJECT: JOINT COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION REGARDING THE VILLAGE SPECIFIC PLAN The City Council desires to meet with the Planning Commission in joint study session on December 21, 1987, to receive input from the Commission regarding their deliberations and recommendation on the Village Plan. This would occur during the Commission's normal study session. In preparation for that session, Staff will transmit a report to Council containing the Commission's recommendation. Attached is an excerpt from the draft of that report which summarizes the major points from the Commission's discussion. Please review the attachment to see that all items are adequately covered and provide any comment at the study session on December 7. Attachment: Report excerpt EXCERPT - VILLAGE PLAN DRAFT The Planning Commission in their discussion of the draft Plan, identified items which they wished to highlight and underscore as important concepts, areas that might be appropriate for further evaluation, and particular changes or additions to the draft which they concurred to recommend to the City Council. These matters are summarized and forwarded to the City Council for it's deliberation: * The Commission underscored the need to retain existing foliage, as presently noted in the draft text reference to the eucalyptus along Calle Cadiz and Barcellona, and the palm trees which ring the park site. * Further study of Avenida Bermudas in terms of a more specific design theme, incorporation of a landscape median islands, etc., was recommended to be included in the Plan. Discussion concerned a treatment along Bermudas more specific than has memomc.122 been delineated in of paving materials the intersections. the draft, addressing median islands, change in the pedestrian crosswalks and perhaps in There was general concurrence that the right of way width for Avenida Bermudas between Tampico and Avenue 52 could be reduced from 88 feet to 64 feet, allowing for wider intersection "bulbs" as necessary to accommodate turn lanes. (Additional precising and technical evaluation should follow to determine feasibility vis-a-vis anticipated traffic volumes and circulation patterns within the Village.) * Additional attention to a design theme and design elements was mentioned with regard to the other streets in the Village Plan. The Commission expressed it's pleasure with the detailing of Estado and La Fonda and looked to see elements of that approach repeated elsewhere. The particular areas the Commission pointed to for enhancement were: - The parking lot on the south leg of Montezuma. The rear street/alley parking areas on both sides of the park site; specifically, the parking areas adjacent to the residential district south of the park (recommended as a plan policy). - The entrance way to alleys (i.e., behind Estado and La Fonda), to be enhanced with special paving texture, landscape features/design features). The Commission concurred with the use of tree planting themes within each of the district areas, but information was communicated regarding local availability of the prospsis gladiolus, with a suggestion that it be eliminated from the listing. (Supplies of this tree species may improve over time, therefore, it could be retained in the listing.) The Commission recommended that Avenida Estado and La Fonda be implemented "now", and build other improvements around those streets. The suggestion was advanced that key facilities or areas in proximity to the Village should be developed in sympathy to the design objectives stated in the plan. Specific reference was made to the Civic Center site. Referring to the above noted items and discussion, the Planning Commission, recommended to the City Council approval of the Specific Plan (as revised), by a 4-1 vote. In response to a letter dated November 25, 1987, from the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, Village at La Quinta Specific Plan Committee, the Commission asked the minutes to reflect a consensus that the idea memomc.122 ,. ® 0 proposed to form a committee to examine implementation of the adopted project is an excellent idea. (The letter had suggested that the Plan be sent to a committee prior to adoption -- the Commission believed the committee referral to be appropriate, but after there was an adopted policy framework, to investigate implementation strategies and costs.) memomc.122