1988 05 10 PC�T ♦GEN®A OF PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA OUINTA A Regular Meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California May 10, 1988 - 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL III. HEARINGS A. PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 87-017 APPLICANT: DAVID P. HOWERTON, ROBERT LAMB HART, PLANNERS & ARCHITECTS LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 48, HALF -WAY BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND JEFFERSON STREET PROJECT: AMEND LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO TOURIST COMMERCIAL FOR UP TO 120 ACRES OF RESORT HOTEL USES, AS A DEVELOPMENT OPTION FOR "THE GROVE" PROJECT (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 84-004) 1. Staff Report 2. Public Comment 3. Commission Discussion 4. Hearing Closed 5. Motion for Commission Action MR/AGENDA.510 IV. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Agenda items. Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission under Public Comment and scheduled Agenda items should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend to address and submit the form to the Planning Director prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. when addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. V. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of April 26, 1988. VI. BUSINESS A. Item: Plot Plan 87-381; Landscape/Parking Review and Consideration of an On -Site Operator Residence Applicant: Warren D. Johnson (Owner) Ben P. Urmston, Architect (Representative) Location: Southeast Corner of Calle Cadiz and Avenida Bermudas 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Motion for Commission Action B. Item: Revised Dwelling Unit Types for Tentative Tract 21846 Applicant: Sunrise Company Location: Within PGA West Specific Plan 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Motion for Commission Action MR/AGENDA.510 C. Item: Referral from City Council on Modification of Ordinance 113A - Change of Zone 87-026 Applicant: Anna Hassell Location: Southwest Corner of Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Motion for Commission Action D. Item: Review of Draft Village Zoning Ordinance, Amendments, and Map Applicant: City of La Quinta Project: Zoning for the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan Area and Surrounding Environs 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Motion for Commission Action - Direct Staff to Prepare a Hearing Draft and Schedule for Hearing E. Any action relating to Study Session items. VII. OTHER - None VIII. ADJOURNMENT --------------------------------------------------- ITEMS FOR MAY 9, 1988, 3:00 P.M. STUDY SESSION ** DISCUSSION ONLY ** 1. Discussion of Draft Village Zoning Ordinance and Map (Commissioners are reminded to bring previously distributed material). 2. Identification of Future Commission Agenda Items. 3. All Agenda items. MR/AGENDA.510 0 0 m.A. STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAP 10, 1988 ITEM: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 87-017 APPLICANT: DAVID P. HOWERTON/ROBERT LAMB HART, PLANNERS AND ARCHITECTS PROJECT: AMEND LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO TOURIST COMMERCIAL FOR UP TO 120 ACRES OF RESORT HOTEL USES, AS A DEVELOPMENT OPTION FOR "THE GROVE" PROJECT (SPECIFIC PLAN 84-004); AND AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN TEXT TO REFERENCE THIS PURPOSE LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 48, HALF -WAY BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND JEFFERSON STREET EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2 - 4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) EXISTING ZONING: R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS BACKGROUND: The general site envisioned for the Tourist Commercial development is part of the previously -approved "Grove Specific Plan" (84-004). The Grove project encompasses 1500 dwelling units oriented around two golf courses, and a 28-acre country club, including 80 member guest cottages, on a total site of 653 acres. The Amendment will encompass the general area presently depicted as a 28-acre country club (including 80 guest cottages). A few residential units would be displaced if the full 120-acre General Plan land use allotment were used. The Specific Plan provided conceptual locations for residential units, so the exact effect is not unknown. Should the Applicant proceed with development of a hotel complex, a Specific Plan Amendment would be required. This would provide details as to any reconfiguration of residential units. A site plan of hotel uses would also be required (see attached existing Specific Plan Map). MR/STAFFRPT.039 -1- The Applicant has identified the ultimate area of the General Plan Amendment to be from zero acres (no change in present project plans) up to 120 acres. In practice, all or none of the Tourist Commercial allocation, if granted, may be utilized. An Amendment of the General Plan text itself is appropriate and necessary to more fully describe the Land Use Map Amendment being sought. The text amendment speaks to the amount of land area so designated (up to 120 acres), and the necessity of a Specific Plan (or plan amendment) for its utilization. (Refer to draft Resolution Exhibit "B".) SCOPING REVIEW: The Application has been preliminarily reviewed by both the Commission and Council. The only concern identified was traffic; and for information, a summary of hotel approval/development activity was requested (see attached). ANALYSIS: The General Plan identifies the resort nature of the community and indicates the need for hotel and related uses. A special land use designation, Tourist Commercial, was developed to accommodate these uses. 2. The following policies are taken from the General Plan: Policy 6.3.10 - THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOTELS AND RELATED TOURIST -ORIENTED USES IS HIGHLY DESIRABLE TO PROVIDE FUTURE REVENUE BASE FOR THE CITY. Policy 6.3.11 - THE CITY SHOULD ESTABLISH STANDARDS TO ASSURE HIGH QUALITY TOURIST -ORIENTED DEVELOPMENTS. The proposed location of the Tourist Commercial land use designation has the following adjacent land use designation and uses: o West: Low Density Residential - vacant. o East: Low Density Residential - vacant. o South: Low Density Residential - vacant. o North: Mixed Commercial - vacant. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental Assessment No. 87-071 was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The assessment indicated that the General Plan Amendment may have a significant effect on the environment, therefore, a traffic/circulation supplement was prepared for the Grove Environmental Impact Report and the General Plan Master Environmental Assessment. MR/STAFFRPT.039 -2- An executive summary of that analysis is attached to this report. Basically, it finds that resulting land use from the subject General Plan Amendment may be accommodated by the existing or by the proposed street system. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The General Plan encourages hotel and related tourist -oriented uses. 2. The tourist land use designation will be adjacent to commercial/multi-family developments on the north and residential uses to the east, west, and south. These residential units are part of the overall project development. 3. The current and/or proposed circulation system is capable of accommodating the additional traffic generated by this proposed land use. 4. There are no physical site constraints to prohibit the development. 5. The fringe -toed lizard mitigation fees will be paid when development occurs. RECOMMENDATION: By adoption of the attached draft Planning Commission Resolution No. 88-008, recommend to the City Council concurrence with the environmental analysis and approval of General Plan Amendment No. 87-017. MR/STAFFRPT.039 -3- 0 ME a z o = 2 00 I N PCI I 10 O O O 0 00 O O ✓) O 0 N M ✓ o O O O O Go O 0 u 0 O N M N ti H O O O 0 W v O O rl 0 0 O O O W u 0 ✓ O ti I 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 10 O O 1 1 00 v O O O ID N I 1 O O O O O N O 0 N O O N M 10 O O O 0 00 00 O O O O O O O 00 v O O 0 O O O O 00 u'1 O r+l O W F c7 6 d O 0 x a z -11 9 z z O 3 ml 00 r 0 F GENERAL COMMERCIAL MEDIUM DENSITY HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL PARK MIXED COMMERCIAL � � '. .ion ��nc � •, c 56 ESTWAND NO STATE HIGHWAY III AVENUE SS I.uu uu..q; • a • LU : �j: I®I®' ®/p 0 <• WESTWARD HO DRIVE �....uun.uu.uuuu. n ®� i p % 1 1 / 1 STATE HIGHWAY 1 pi.• IYI MAJOR ARTERIAL u• pi,®!iFo ® PRIMARY ARTERIAL p ®Q • roo-n. rorl .mn. or w. R Ell SECONDARY ARTERIAL m 1 ,•.•�'• Muuuuunuu .. rODr w10M1 Or M1• ® ® Q � 1 �� COLLECTOR = AVENUE 48F-A 1 .o-r. roor w�D•. or wA. — �® ® ®•' *I* HIGHWAYS III BYPASS • f p" EISENHOWER DRIVE pw �• ®w fl S ¢ ¢ U) ®_ z p z p O Q O(n ®_C7 pw p In zIn _ ® LL p Q Lu 7 p' 3 p I ®= AVENUE 50 VENUE 50 0 EEEEET CLUE DRIVE MIGHT -OF -MAY FILL ME 1. ®� IE A HIGHWAY 111 IBYPASSI = AVENUE 00 WILL ME 100- R1S01UH0R Q 06-BAG ®_ MILES AVENUE WILL ME 110' 6-17-B6 p CALLE TAM/1S0 WILL RE /00_-- CASE MAP NORT CASE No. &,fiWEX#QZ, A:AAI I� %. /PN®40 SCALE: 0 r l I IT N N T OJ_ u l y RRIRRRRO•RIIR111116'1@I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report was prepared to determine the traffic and cir- culation impacts that would be associated with the planned modification of the City's " current Master Plan. Specifically, the modification involves a change in part of The Grove's development scenario whereby a significant amount of residentially designated area would change to tourist/commercial. Of key interest to the City of La Quinta are the answers to several questions regarding the modification of the current land use element. These include among others (1) is the as- sessment of traffic to be generated from other known devel- opments appropriate and up to date, (2) what will be the ultimate traffic volume loads on key intersections within the city, (3) if significant impacts will result from the approval and development of the modification, what measures will be necessary to mitigate those impacts - in particular, should the scope of the requested modification be reduced, and (4) is the existing Circulation Element of the General Plan accurate and/or appropriate? Briefly, we find that the modification proposed could be received favorably by the City. While a considerable amount of new traffic would be generated by the change, it can easily be handled by either the existing or the proposed street system (proposed system refers to Master Planned street designations). The actual new traffic from tourist/commercial amounts to about 13,000 more cars a day than would have been generated from the residential concept. The significance to the City is that this project could be built without relying on the availability of roadway improvements located away from the immediate site vicinity. There is no need to require either a reduced scope of the project or a series of measures to mitigate the impact of the project (other than immediate site -area street improve- ments). However, since a site plan was not available during our evaluation, it was not possible to fully assess internal circulation and the interaction of the project access points with either Avenue 48 or other parts of The Grove. There- fore, detailed reviews in this regard should be built into the site review process. In terms of the adequacy of the existing Circulation Element, we found inaccuracies in a report to the City dated September 1985 (City of La Quinta General Plan). While the roadway designations called for in that document (Figure II- 12) appear to be accurate, the future volume projections shown for roadways like Jefferson and Washington are -i- incorrect. Th' statement is suppor by our own independent ana sis several years ago, a study conducted recently by ISA and Associates, and be a regional study by the Southern California Association of Governments. On that basis, it is recommended that the traffic section of the subject document be discarded. In its place, the City's Cir- culation Plan with the latest revision date of September 1987 should be used. The reason for the above conclusion centers on our evalua- tion results which (1) verified that the traffic to be generated from other known developments is appropriate and up to date and (2) that all known future traffic volumes (the combined total of existing and cumulative) could be handled by the current plan. While one area along Highway 111 would exceed its design capacity, that "design capacity" hinges on a higher level of service C and therefore could be adjusted if necessary. A brief summary of other evaluation results is provided below. Under the scenario where the subject land area would be residential, a total of 2050 cars would be generated each day (two-way trips). The tourist/commercial project would generate 15,300 cars a day. This means that 13,250 more cars each day would be generated by the proposed land use change. Prior to this study, cumulative projects were forecast to generate a total of 125,000 trips each day. However, since the time that figure was developed, some projects have been constructed and the revised figure covering those other developments now amounts to about 116,000 vehicles per day still to appear on the street system. Eleven intersections were studied as part of this evalua- tion. All locations are currently operating within satisfactory levels and given future improvements as called for in the Circulation Plan, those intersections will continue to operate properly. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 88-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 87-017, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO TOURIST COMMERCIAL; AND AMENDMENT OF THE TEXT OF THE TOURIST COMMERCIAL LAND USE CATEGORY. CASE NO. GPA 87-017 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the loth day of May, 1988, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of David P. Howerton/Robert Lamb Hart, Planners & Architects, to amend the La Quinta General Plan Land Use Map from Low Density Residential to Tourist Commercial for up to 120 acres located along the south side of Avenue 48 approximately half -way between Washington and Jefferson Streets; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing the Planning Commission did further contemplate amendment of the General Plan text to reference the location, size, and terms under which a certain Tourist Commercial allocation should be utilized, as provided in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, said General Plan Amendment complies with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has determined after reviewing the traffic/circulation supplement to the Grove Environmental Impact Report and the General Plan Master Environmental Assessment, that the existing or the proposed street system can accommodate the General Plan Amendment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of said General Plan Amendment: 1. The existing General Plan policies encourage the provision for hotel and tourist -related uses; it is appropriate to further specific location, size, and terms for Tourist Commercial development. MR/RESO88.008 -1- E 2. The property is suitable for development in that the general site has been reviewed and approved for a similar development. 3. Compatibility between the Tourist Commercial, Mixed Commercial, and Low Density Residential land use designations can be ensured because the property is located in an overall specific plan, and the property to the north is capable of developing into a similar use. 4. The environmental review indicates that the existing or the proposed street system is capable of accommodating any future project within this land use designation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 87-077, in that the General Plan Land Use Map and Policy Amendment will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment, and that the supplemental traffic/circulation study is appropriate to be included with the prior Environmental Impact Report for The Grove and the General Plan; 3. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. 87-017, consisting of a Land Use Map Amendment as described in Exhibit "A", and Tourist Commercial description text as contained in Exhibit "B", attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this loth day of May, 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CHAIRMAN ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR MR/RESO88.008 -2- PLANNING COMMISSION RELUTION NO. 88-008 C E UAI 50 EXHIBIT A lOVC \01 C,\N\- oox 00 0 0 0 E Co a 111 NORTH GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 87-017 APPLICANT: David P. Howerton, ROBERT LAMB HART, Planners and Architects H El PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 88-008 EXHI BIT "B" Under "Tourist Commercial" definition and policy preface, add anew second paragraph as follows: The Tourist Commercial designation, as it applies to the area south of Avenue 48 between Washington and Jefferson Streets, is designed to provide up to 120 acres of hotel and related uses, subject to the adoption of a Specific Plan indicating its precise siting. v. PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California April 26, 1988 VI. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to Chairman Walling. The Commissioner Moran. ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. order at 7:07 p.m. by Flag Salute was led by Chairman walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Steding, Zelles, Moran, and Chairman Walling. Commissioner Bund was absent. Staff Present: Planning Principal Planner Jerry Ted Bower. HEARINGS - None PUBLIC COMMENT Director Murrel Crump, Herman, Principal Planner No one wished to address the Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to approve the minutes of April 12, 1988. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS Chairman Walling introduced the Business Item as follows: A. Review of proposed single-family dwelling architectural elevations, per Condition 4.(a) of Tentative Tract 21555 (Dennis Freeman/Freeman Realty & Development), located on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue. 1. Principal Planner Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a MR/MIN04-12.DFT -1- VII. ►AMOM copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. During discussion, the Commission requested the Applicant, Dennis Freeman, to further clarify the proposed elevations and answer various questions. The Applicant's partner, Irwin Golds, also briefly addressed the Commission. 3. Following the discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to continue consideration of the elevations, having the Applicant make the following revisions: s Varied roof lines along Washington Street m More design detail on rear and side elevations a Better renderings of the elevations OTHER A. Golf School - Use interpretation within the R-1 zoning district. 1. Commission discussion followed a brief report by Planning Director Crump. The Applicant, Mr. Hopkins, clarified the request and the location, and answered various questions from the Commissioners. 2. The consensus of the Commission was generally favorable, directing that the Plot Plan Approval process be the appropriate procedure to follow. B. Presentation of the review and comment draft of the Village Zoning Amendments. 1. Principal Planner Ted Bower presented the draft, along with an overview to facilitate Commission review. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commissioner Moran to adjourn to a regular meeting on May 10, 1988, at 7:00 p.m., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:33 p.m., April 26, 1988. MR/MIN04-12.DFT -2- VI.A. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 10, 1988 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 87-381 LANDSCAPE REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF AN ON -SITE OPERATOR RESIDENCE REQUEST: Mr. Benjamin P. Urmston, AIA, representing Mr. Warren D. Johnson, is requesting approval to convert approximately 317.25 square feet of the second floor into an on -site residence. Also, per Condition No. 15, the Applicant has submitted the Landscape Plan, and the current and future parking space layout. BACKGROUND The Plot Plan was approved by the Planning Commission on August 25, 1987 subject to conditions. The property is zoned C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) and designated Village Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Map. Both permit an on -site operator residence. ANAYLSIS 1. The on -site operator residence is a permitted use within the C-P-S zone and is incorporated within the adopted Village Specific Plan. 2. The on -site operator residence does not create the need for additional parking spaces nor does it reduce the number required. 3. The Landscape Plan retains the two existing Eucalyptus trees and the two Mexican Fan Palms (relocated). 4. The Landscape Approval Condition No. 15 required the enhancement of the existing landscape, and all canopy shade trees to be in conformance with the Village plan. • - 1 - BJ/MEMOJH.015 5. The parking plan reflects the ultimate angle design and the temporary 90 parking 6. The landscape plan provides Bottle trees along the western edge of the parking area. This tree provides minimal shading. The Specific Plan identifies Majestic Beauty (Evergreen Ash) Chinese Elm or Argentina Mesquite along Bermudas. It is recommended that the two Bottle trees be replaced with Chinese Elm. 7. The three Benjamin Ficus trees located between the alley parking area and the covered parking area are acceptable provided they are trimmed as shade trees. 8. The Specific Plan also identifies three varieties of Eucalyptus trees for Calle Cadiz. The Applicant proposes a Eucalyptus Leucox Elm "Rosea", however in keeping with the Specific Plan, the species should be changed to Eucalyptus Polyanthemas (Silver Dollar Gum). 9. All other accent trees are acceptable. RECOMMENDATION By minute vote accept the landscape and parking plan subject to the noted landscape material changes (as recommended by Staff in Analysis Item Nos. 6 and 8), and permit the on -site operator residence as follows: A second story operations residence containing 317.25 square feet is hereby authorized. Subsequent conversion of such occupancy from residential to commercial use shall require that the building be made to conform to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. 2 - BJ/MEMOJH.015 BENJAMI. URMSTON / AIA / ANSSOCIATES 38 Sierra Madre Way / Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 / (619) 324-5177 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 April 25, 1988 Re: Plot Plan 87-381 Honorable Members: on behalf of my client, Mr. Warren D. Johnson, I hereby re- quest an amendment to the original plot plan, approved Septem- ber 29, 1987 by the City Council, for the office building to be located at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Cadiz as follows: 1. To amend the original second floor plan to per- mit an onsite operator residence to be used in conjunction with the proposed office space. The effect would be to reduce by 317.25 sq. ft. the leasable office space requiring one parking space and replace it with an onsite operator residence of 317.25 sq. ft. requiring one park- ing space. A net gain/net loss of zero parking spaces. I would appreciate your earliest consideration of this re- quest. Sincerely, 6 10444,r_� Benjamin P. Urmston, A.I.A. BPU:E cc: Warren D. Johnson CAI I Y Oi LA QUIN`d A PLANNING & DEVRONOENT DEPT. m a a Z O F �Q 73 0� wwr� C a�aa: Zfaa� <<Z aaow- .1CZO4 z,w,V�Z W v Z 0 O�ncua 1 A P / I N C co C, _ c O � m W~ w z \ / rC Kd Z d f 1 � � 1 7 Q i /a w K 0> Z" Oo p Z ZVo,2 OUP „ QF' di Vw ! zK LIJ o Z V O �'hn2Z uo KS WG x o L c N o N O ti N 0 0 O O N U .i au E I O u Li Q'n H c pN W .1 0 w 0 3 NO 'y W m O W N 0 O .O E U 0 U c c 0 H £ W U P N O a N O !1 N H a 0 a O w p p N W • O 0 % %'% % O 0 O O .-I .i .i .� .-I .� •y .-I .y .i .i " W m m m m ro N N p p p p ro p p p p MI U' U' U' U' V U' U• U' U' U' U' U' 11 m O % p IG 'S iC C IM1 I(1 N N V1 VI Ill I(1 i-1 I(1 Ill I(1 rl N W UI'fry WN n W N dI Ft�1N Vln N.1 N. tt .+CIC� VlO V N rlm N N U G 3. p N O N 0 c n O H O o 0 > T n N p U GL u a E % W N m 4j N G L A -I N p O 1GL N 4£ N m o m c W w N m N m •y E N a H w x x H a o w E Tm ro a ro c Z F H H O EE ❑ p N O •c H N G F U p O .roI u d A •NI W A O 0� 1 G m I 0 3 0 w N N ro J E O O 3> N T p b p T w% t1 d H U .N G Z tr' P N% ro A N O� a T G'O O O N N p a a,,GG N U H p ro O N T N p 0 0 0 W N N N N p H H O C✓ W W rl N p a- . -I ,G a s N 41 w % H a n a a p o w e 0' u 00 PPP U p.NN mw.n H .-I > N O H O.N HNNV Q LC Np aaN p'0N uFo0 m Z O H d Oro w p E NO pLpG O MC >NN oOo rNO aN Cckm> -0 U U N 4N U W > H U UP aa�tl 0.=m'O%m GrohW N£U G w Oro ❑ T G v W C T T N W n N G m d -I .-I U O.�O .� a0G pP Ea 0 aUUU U p O 0 %[ N C aUwV0 0 pA m3 ££mWwW mVZmmn m Om4 t� Z I -I N c a mm ao>ma mmmm mumm £ > m npu a m ma ££mww WUwU mUZ. m m ❑ oaa N TJ N N A N C N ro N a N N N N H O H N i UU F MEMORAND CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 10, 1988 SUBJECT: NEW UNIT TYPES FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 21846 REQUEST Mr. Allen Levin representing Sunrise Company is requesting approval to introduce one and two story condominiums in an eight-plex building configuration within Tentative Tract No. 21846 (PGA West). The unit type is called the Greens. Floor plans, elevations and a site plan are attached. BACKGROUND Tentative Tract No. 21846 received approval on September 16, 1986 subject to conditions. Condition No. 21 required the developer to comply with Exhibits "A", "B" & "C". Exhibit "A" is the tract map and "B" & "C" are the description brochures for the Legends and Champion units. The Specific Plan itself, identified a wide range of unit types to be constructed within PGA West. The new unit designs may be generally deemed to be in conformance with the Specific Plan, therefore with a change in the Applicants marketing approach, revised unit offerings is an appropriate subject for the Commission to entertain. In addition, the Tentative Tract Condition No. 23 permitted some of the units (as they were originally configured) to be located within 15 feet of the private street. This new product is larger than the originally proposed units, therefore, a 13 foot setback is needed for the "A" building in some instances. All of the driveways are noted to provide the 20 foot setback when fronting on the private street, it is only the side entry garages which are located closer to the front lot line. - 1 - BJ/MEMOJH.014 E RECOMMENDATION By minute vote, approve the new unit type ("The Greens") for Tentative Tract 21846 (modification to Condition No. 21) and grant the revision of 13 feet instead of 15 feet for the "A" buildings where needed. 2 - BJ/MEMOJH.014 April 26, 1988 Mr. Murrel Crump Planning Director City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Tentative Tract No New Product Type Dear Mr. Crump; �r SUMSE COMPANY 21846 - Introduction of As we have previously discussed, Sunrise is introducing a new product line at PGA West. These are one and two-story condominiums in 8-plex building configurations. The new product is known as "The Greens". We have submitted floor plans, building configurations, and building elevations to you for your review. We respectfully request that the current Conditions of Approval be adjusted to allow the construction of these new units. In addition, we request that a front yard setback of 13-feet (measured from back of curb) be allowed on the Type "A" buildings. This setback occurs only on these buildings for a side -entry garage. All garages taking access directly perpendicular to the street will be at a minimum 20-foot setback. If you have any questions, or require any additional information in order to grant this request. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, SUNRISE \�COMP NY Allan Levin, P.E. Vice President, Engineering AL:pc ATTACHED cc: Phil Smith, Sunrise Co. i:, 1 6 5988 On 0� LA WNTA PLANNIidG & DEVELDPIVENT DEFT. 75-005 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert, California 9226o, Telephone (6i9) 568-2828 Builder of America's Finest Country Club Comm unities VI.C. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 10, 1988 SUBJECT: REFERRAL FROM CITY COUNCIL ON MODIFICATION OF ORDINANCE 113A, (CHANGE OF ZONE 87-026, ANNA HASSELL) REVIEW AUTHORITY The City Council is considering modifying Ordinance 113A as it relates to Change of Zone 87-026. Any proposed modification of the original Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council not previously considered by the Commission must be referred back to the Commission for a report and recommendation. This recommendation does not require a public hearing (Section 9.228.110 L.Q.M.C.) BACKGROUND The Planning 27, 1987, per four to one of Zone. Commission last a referral from the vote recommended to The General Plan Land Use Map Density Residential permitting dwelling units per acre. CONSIDERATION reviewed this matter on October Council. The Commission on a Council approval of the Change designates the .area as High a density range of 8 to 16 Within the noted range for High Density Residential, the per unit development site area necessary to coincide with this density range is from 5445 square feet per unit (8 dwelling units per acre) to 2722.5 square feet per unit (16 dwelling units per acre). A suffix may be added to a zoning classification to specify the minimum development site per unit, and thereby control the dwelling unit density. The City Council is considering the lower end of the range (8 dwelling units per acre). Therefore, the contemplated Change of Zone would be from R-1 to R-3-5445. - 1 - BJ/MEMOJH.016 0 COMMISSION ACTION By minute motion, the Commission should indicate their consideration of possible zoning designations consistent with the General Plan, and report any preference for specific site density to be regulated by zoning. - 2 - BJ/MEMOJH.016 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: REQUEST D MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MAY 10, 1988 NEW UNIT TYPES FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 21846 Mr. Allen Levin representing Sunrise Company is requesting approval to introduce one and two story condominiums in an eight-plex building configuration within Tentative Tract No. 21846 (PGA West). The unit type is called the Greens. Floor plans, elevations and a site plan are attached. BACKGROUND Tentative Tract No. 21846 received approval on September 16, 1986 subject to conditions. Condition No. 21 required the developer to comply with Exhibits "A", "B" & "C". Exhibit "A" is the tract map and "B" & "C" are the description brochures for the Legends and Champion units. VI.B. The Specific Plan itself, identified a wide range of unit types to be constructed within PGA West. The new unit designs may be generally deemed to be in conformance with the Specific Plan, therefore with a change in the Applicants marketing approach, revised unit offerings is an appropriate subject for the Commission to entertain. In addition, the Tentative Tract Condition No. 23 permitted some of the units (as they were originally configured) to be located within 15 feet of the private street. This new product is larger than the originally proposed units, therefore, a 13 foot setback is needed for the "A" building in some instances. All of the driveways are noted to provide the 20 foot setback when fronting on the private street, it is only the side entry garages which are located closer to the front lot line. - 1 - BJ/MEMOJH.014 23 RECOMMENDATION By minute vote, approve the new unit type ("The Greens") for Tentative Tract 21846 (modification to Condition No. 21) and grant the revision of 13 feet instead of 15 feet for the "A" buildings where needed. 2 - BJ/MEMOJH.014