1985 03 26 PCAGENDA PLANNING CW IISSION - CITY OF IA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California March 26, 1985 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS A. Specific Plan Nos. 85-005 A & B, proposals to amend an existing specific plan of alignment for Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and Desert Club Drive; William G. Young and Landmark land Company, Applicants. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. B. Change of Zone Case No. 85-015, a proposal to change from the zoning from R-1*, R*++-1-10,000, R*-2-20,000, and N-A* to R*++-1-10,000, R*-2-20,000 and N-A* on a 746 acre site easterly of Avenida Bermudas and southerly of Avenida Nuestra; Sand Pebble Country Club, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. C. Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revised No. 1, a proposal to approve a planned residential development with 843 condominium units, 47 single-family lots, a tennis and country club and an 18 hole golf course on a 417 acre portion of a 731 acre site easterly of Avenida Bermudas and southerly of Avenida Nuestra; Sand Pebble Country Club, Applicant. 1. Report fron Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 12, 1985. 5. BUSINESS None :� • 1P�WIm.�Yi ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: / i/. MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS VV",ING SECOND GOETCHESitUING DISCUSSION: — ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT GOETCHEUS — nl2l liggicZ — MORAN — ViNELING — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO PRESENT d/ v/ 4Z ITEM NO. //• DATE - �S PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: p5 - )0 5 ,6 MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS WALT,IW, 6 KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS WALLING %KLIMKLIIEEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COWISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - KLIMKIEWICZ - MORAN - WALLING -. - THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO .J MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ctnuassion From: CUm mity Development Department Date: March 26, 1985 Subject: SPECIFIC PLAN No. 85-005A and 85-005B Location: Desert Club Drive to Jefferson Street, North of Existing Avenue 52 Applicants: William G. Young and Landmark Land Company Request: Amend Avenue 52 Specific Plan for Realignment North of Existing Avenue 52 Between Desert Club Drive and Jefferson Street :-« err u i ••, r• rZ 1. General Plan: a. Surrounding Area: law Density Residential (3-5 Units Per Acre), Medium Density Residential (5-10 Units Per Acre). Within Specific Plan 83-001, Duna La Quinta (Single -Family Residence, Max;mzm 4.4 Dwellings Per Acre). b. Street Designation: Avenue 52 is master planned as a major highway west of Washington Street and an arterial highway east of Washington Street. 2. Zcning . a. Surrounding Area: R-1*, R*-2-20,000, R-3*-4000. 3. Existing Conditions: a. Street Description - Avenue 52 is a two-lane, paved road. Average daily traffic is approximately 3,600 vehicles per day (vpd). The street is designated as an arterial highway (110' right-of-way) east of Washington Street, allowing for four travel lanes and a 24-foot-wide center median. West of Washington Street, Avenue 52 is designated as a major highway (100' right-of-way) and will ultimately have four travel lanes and a 12-foot wide continuous left -turn lane. In addition, the adopted roadway specific plan calls for the straightening out of Avenue 52, realigning it north of the Desert Club to Calle Sinaloa and then westward to Eisenhower Drive. b. Existing Land Use - The land proposed for the new realignment is vacant. The land to the south is also vacant, but proposed uses are Sand Pebble Country Club and oak Tree West. There are scattered single-family homes on the north side of Avenida Nuestra, adjacent to proposed Avenue 52. Access to the Desert Club and fire station is limited to existing Avenue 52. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMMISSICN March 26, 1985 Page 2. C. Existing Utilities - Existing power poles will be removed and replaced by underground facilities on the new alignment. Other urban services and utilities may require relocation. 4. Environmental Assessment: Environmental Assessment No. 85-031 determined that although the project may have a significant effect on the environment, impacts can be mitigated to a level of non -significance. A mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared with attached mitigation measures to be required as conditions of approval. A Notice of Determination will be filed with the County Recorder. The following summarizes the major impacts and appropriate mitigation measures: Noise - Increases in existing noise levels may be significant to Avenida Nuestra residents. An acoustical study has been required to determine impacts and adequate mitigation measures which shall be required as conditions of approval. Traffic - Alteration to present patterns of circulation is evident. Circulation at intersections and access onto and off Washington Street nay be significantly inpacted. Restricted access shall be required on Avenida Nuestra to mitigate access safety hazards on Avenue 52 and kbst ngtcn Street. Mitigation will be provided by requiring the installation of street and traffic control improvements as required by the conditions of approval. Public Services - The proposed realignment of Avenue 52 in accordance with the adopted City Specific Plan will affect fire departtrent response time towards the east. Mitigation will be provided by the Applicant by providing a new station site and contributing to construction of a new station on the north side of realigned Avenue 52. Utilities - The proposal will result in the need to shift utility easements. General TelephOne and imperial Irrigation District power poles shall be removed and replaced by underground facilities along the new alignment. Water mains may be impacted when grading occurs. Relocating mains or lowering than will be required as conditions of approval. Aesthetics - The project will alter the unique aesthetically pleasing gamey Provided by mature Eucalyptus trees along existing Avenue 52. Appropriate landscaping, including a center median, and setbacks, shall be required to mitigate impacts. 5. Project Description: Current Approval - The previously approved Avenue 52 Specific Plan proposed to straighten the alignment between Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive, putting Avenue 52 north of the Desert Club and fire station. STAFF REPORT - PIANNING CCbMSSICN March 26, 1985 Page 3. Proposed Project - This project will result in the complete vacation of Avenue 52 and create an entirely new alignment. 'rile revised alignment will run adjacent to Avenida Nuestra, extending easterly to Jefferson Street and westerly, curving slightly southward, running into Calle Amigo. The new road will have two travel lanes in each direction, a center median, curb and gutters from Desert Club Drive to a point 660 feet east of Adams Street. From that point, an interim, two-lane highway is proposed through to Jefferson Street. No curb or gutter inurovements are proposed from Adams Street to Jefferson Street. Sand Pebble Country Club is requesting this realigrmnent in conjunction with the development of Sand Pebble Country Club. Since the boundary of Sand Pebble Country Club is 660 feet west of -Adams Street easesent,and to allow for adequate circulation, Landmark land Cmpany has agreed to continue the realignment Unvagh to Jefferson Street. The Applicant is requesting the realignment to allow additional space for developue nt of flood central iuprovements. 6. Consents Received Fran Other Agencies: a. City Engineer - Avenue 52 should be set per the State of California Design Manual using a design speed of 55 miles per hour. A 2000-foot curve radii should be required so impractical road super -elevations are not inplenented. b. City Fire Marshal - The Fire Departennt has no objections to or eanments on the realignment of Avenue 52. (Relocation and crnstruction of fire station required by Tract 20328 will mitigate concerns.) c. Southern California Gas Caq)any - The Southern California Gas CaiQany has no concerns regarding the realignrent of Avenue 52. d. General Telephone Company - Possible conflicts may occur at Adams Street if any grading is to be done. Relocations may be required at Desert Club Drive, Washington Street, Adams Street and Avenue 52 west of Jefferson Street. Final detennination will be made when street improvement plans have been received. e. Sheriff's Department - A traffic signal should be placed at the new inter- section of Washington Street and Avenue 52. The proposed Avenue 52 (including width) should be extended fran Avenida Be m das to Jefferson Street. f. southern California water Company - Southern California Water Ompany has no existing facilities between Adams Street and Jefferson Street. If the project is extended to Eisenhower Drive, several mains may be affected. There are water mains at Desert Club Drive and Avenida Nuestra. g. Coachella Valley Water District - The proposed realigrmpnt will cross our existing pipelines at several locations. h. omnents were requested, but riot received from Tmwrial Irrigation District, the La Quinta Property Owners Association and the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. 7. Co nmsnts fmn the Public: No written camments have been received fran the public. The Notice of Hearing was sent to all owners with property within a 500-foot radius of the project (rather than just 300 feet as required by ordinance). STAFF REPORT - PIANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 4. 8. Other Related Actions: a. Avenue 52 Specific Plan, establishing right-of-way alignment for future roadway between Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street; adopted by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors on August 31, 1970. b. This request was submitted concurrently with the following applications: (1) Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1, Sand Pebble Country Club, a proposal to revise the approved tract map by adding 57 acres located between existing Avenue 52 and the proposed realignment. (2) Change of Zone Case No. 85-015, a request for zone changes necessary to facilitate Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1. (3) Specific Plan No. 83-001, Revision No. 1, "Duna La Quinta", a proposal to delete 70 acres south of Calle Tampico from the specific plan. (4) Street Vacations No. 85-007A and 85-007B, requests to abandon existing Avenue 52 between Avenida Bermudas and a point 1321 feet west of Jefferson Street. STAFF C0MMENTS AND ANALYSIS The cross section for Avenue 52 is consistent with the general plan standards for that portion west of Washington Street, but is below the 110-foot-wide arterial highway standards far the easterly portion. The conditions of approval will require this street to be brought into compliance. The varying width of the center median island, 12-feet west of Washington Street and 22-feet east of washington Street, creates a design problem. The conditions of approval requiring City approval of street plans will ensure that the design will provide for adequate traffic safety. The project also complies with the City's adopted specific plan for the realignment of Avenue 52 northerly of the Desert Club. The completion of Avenue 52 improvements will improve traffic flow and safety for vehicles traveling to and from the Cove area. The existing north -south section of Avenue 52 will be vacated with private roads providing access to the project and the Desert Club, provided that the existing fire station is relocated. Issues to be addressed and conditions to be complied with include the following: ° Phasing of new or interim roadway improvements. ° Installation of wall/berns for noise mitigation. ° Installation of landscaping in parkways. ° Installation of traffic control devices. ° Construction of fire station. ° Access to the front of the Desert Club of La Quinta. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COKMISSICN March 26, 1985 Page 5. The following are major areas of concern: Noise - As noted under the Environmental Assessment, residents on Avenida Nuestra could be significantly impacted by increased noise levels. With the future development of Sand Pebble Country Club and Lary ark's Oak Tree West, there will be increases in traffic and subsequently, increases in noise. Further, Sand Pebble Country Club proposes a perimeter wall which would act as a barrier for their development, but may "bounce" noise into surrounding neighborhoods. To determine the degree of noise impacts and adequate mitigation measures, an acoustical study is being prepared. The anticipated mitigation measures required will be sound barriers or walls, Large setbacks, landscaping to act as a buffer or a combination of these measures. Traffic and Circulation - As previously mentioned, the project could signifi- cantly alter circulation at intersections. Comments are being prepared by Berryman and Stephenson as to how to adequately mitigate any traffic related problems that may arise, including additional light and glare, and conflicts between bicycles and automobiles. Fire Protection Concerns - The proposed realignment of Avenue 52 will directly affect the fire station located at the northwest corner of the westerly entrance to the project. The fire department response time to the east will be increased by the creation of this second intersection due to possible delay caused by traffic generated by the project and the fact that fire vehicles must come to a complete strap at all controlled intersections. In addition, the station's design requiring the fire vehicles to leave and back into the station fran existing Avenue 52, may result in a traffic safety problem. Staff has discussed this oxnoern with both Riverside County Fire Department and the Applicant. The Applicant has agreed to provide a one -acre site on the north side of realigned Avenue 52 and to assist in the design of the station. Construction of the first phase of the station could be paid by the City (from previously collected fire facilities fees) and the developer's prepayment of fire facilities fees attached to the issuance of building permits. The new station location will provide for improved fire protection service for the City. Aesthetics - As discussed under Environmental Assessment, the project will alter the unique aesthetically pleasing gateway provided by mature Eucalyptus trees along e> sting Avenue 52. A landscaped median and parkway -like setbacks will be required as conditions of approval. Conflict with Prior Approvals The proposed realignment of Avenue 52 is in conflict with previous approvals granted to the Sand Pebble Country Club Tentative Tract and to the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan, both of which show Avenue 52 in its straightened -out realignment. Revised plans have been submitted by the Sand Pebble group for concurrent processing to eliminate the conflict, but Landmark dmark has not submitted a completed application to resolve conflicts with its Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Since the City cannot approve a Specific Plan for the Avenue 52 realignment which conflicts with another previous and valid Specific Plan, the current request cannot be acted upon until the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan is amended to correct any conflicts. STAFF REPORT - PLAMING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 6. Landmark is aware of this problem and had indicated that an application to amend its Specific Plan would be forthcoming, but it was not received in sufficient time to schedule with these other requests and what was received (after the deadline) appears to be irxxxTplete. The following alternatives are available: ° Condition any approvals granted or future submittals to amend the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. ° Planning Commission initiate its okr ammerdment to the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. The first alternative has some problems in that it will need a time -certain by which a submittal will 000ur and this forces the Sand Pebble group to ccrrply with a condition over which they have no control. The latter alternative forces Staff to prepare n)ti- fication lists, etc., which are normally Applicant responsibilities. CONCLUSIONS 1. The project is consistent with the Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The environmental impacts of the project are raise, traffic, local circulation and macs design, aesthetics, public services and utilities, 3. Development of the project will provide benefits for the Cove area by the improvement of a major highway and arterial highway, and by Providing traffic control measures. 4. The project will bg3act the response time of the fire department. Site and construction contributions will mitigate the project's impacts. 5. A decision of this Specific Plan cannot be made until conflicts with the approved Duna la Quinta Specific Plan are satisfactorily resolved. REC(24MEN ]ATION The Commmity Development Department recommends that Specific Plan No. 85-005A and 85-005B be continued to A determination must also be made regarding action on the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. TARID BY: Tamara J.vCampbell Assistant Planner TJC:dmv AP BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director ITEM NO. \-2 E7. DATE 13 - o2 4 - 85 PLANNINGG COMMISSI�O/N MEETING RE: e4 Iz J3 C eQJL �o �5 D!S MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS WAU ING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS M LLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*IMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — KLIA4CIESIICZ — MORAN — QUILLING — THORNBURGH -- — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO El MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Marbers of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: March 26, 1985 Subject: CHANGE OF ZQNE CASE NO. 85-015 Location: Easterly of Avenida Bermdas, Southerly of Avenida Nuestra Applicant: Sand Pebble Country Club Request: Change of Zone frcan R-1*, R**-1-10,000, R*-2-20,000, N-A* to R*+i-1-10,000, R*-2-20,000 and N-A*, to comply with proposed revision to Tentative Tract Mao No. 20328 on a 746± acre site. 1. General Plan a. Site: Law Density Residential (3-5 units per acre); Watercourse; Open Space and Planned Development (3 or less units per acre). b. Surrounding Area: Low Density Residential (3-5 units per acre) to the west and north; Very Low Density Residential (3 or less units per acre); Open Space and Planned Development (3 or less units per acre), and Watercourse to the south and east. 2. Zoning a. Site: R-l* (One Family Dwelling, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size); R*++-1-10,000 (One Family Dwelling, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size, 17-Ft. Height Limit, 10,000 Sq.Ft. Minimum Lot Size); R-2*-20,000 (Multiple Family Residential, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size, 20,000 Sq.Ft. Lot Area Per Dwelling); N-A* (Natural Assets, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum, Dwelling Size). b. Surrounding Area: R-1*++ (One Family Dwelling with 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size and 17-Ft. Maximum Building Height) to the west; N-A* (Natural Assets with 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) to the south; A-1-10 (Light Agriculture with a Minimum 10-Acre Lot Size), N-A* (Natural Assets with a 1200 Sq.Ft. Minii mm Dwelling Size) and W-2-20 (Controlled Development Area with a 20-Acre Minim= Parcel Size) to the east; and R-3*-4000 (General Residential with a 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size and a 4000 Sq.Ft. Minim m Lot Size), R-1* (One Family Dwelling with a 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) and R-1-12,000 (one Family Dwelling with a 12,000 Sq.Ft. Minimum Lot Size) to the north. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 2. 3. Existing Conditions: SEE STAFF REPORT ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 20328, REVISION NO. 1. 4. Environmental Assessment: SEE STAFF REPORT ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 20328, REVISION NO. 1. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting a Change of Zone in accordance with the proposed revisions to Tentative Tract Map No. 20328. The major change in zoning is from R-l* (One Family Dwellings, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) to R-2*-20,000 (Multiple Family Residential, 20,000 Sq.Ft. Net Lot Area Per Dwelling, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) on the 57 acres added to the north end of the project due to the realignment of Avenue 52. The Applicant is also requesting an increase in the area of R-1++* (One Family Dwellings, 17-Ft. Height Limit, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) zoning to provide for an area with four additional single-family house lots. Minor adjust- ments to the zoning boundaries between the R-1++*, R-2*-20,000 and N-A* (Natural Assets, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) are also proposed, primarily due to the fact that the Applicant has obtained more specific topographic information on the site since the previous tentative tract map was approved. 6. Comments fron Other Agencies: REFER TO THE STAFF REPORT ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 20328, REVISION NO. 1. 7. Other Related Actions: a. This request was submitted concurrently with the following applications: (1) Specific Plan No. 85-005A and 85-005B, a request to amend the City's adopted Avenue 52 Specific Plan by realigning this road approximately 500 feet northward between Desert Club Drive and Jefferson Street. (2) Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1, a proposal to revise an approved tentative tract map by adding 57 acres and 166 condominium units and by deleting five single-family residential lots. (3) Street vacation No. 85-007A and 85-007B, requests to vacate existing Avenue 52 right-of-way between Avenida Benmx1as and a point 1321 feet west of Jefferson Street. b. Previous approvals on this site are as follows: (1) Change of Zone Case No. 84-012, a zone change from R-3*-4000 (General Residential, 4000 Sq.Ft. Net Lot Area, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size), R-l* and N A* to R-1++*, R-2*-20,000 and N-A* approved by the City Council on September 4, 1984. (2) Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, a project with 672 condominium units, 51 single-family house lots, an 18-hole golf course, and a tennis club on 360 developable acres of a total 674-acre site. c. In addition to the above described applications, the Applicant has granted easements on the site for the La Quinta Stornmwater Channel, which extends through the project, and also for the acceptance of drainage from the adjacent Cove area. As a result of more specific hydrologic information obtained for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project after the previous tentative tract map approval, the flood control improvements within the development have been redesigned. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 3. STAFF COM0,7PS AND ANALYSIS The requested change in zoning is intended to facilitate the proposed revisions to Tentative Tract Map No. 20328. With the proposed realignment of Avenue 52 northwards, the project site will be increased by 57 acres. The Applicant is requesting that the zoning on this additional acreage north of existing Avenue 52 be changed from R-l* to R-2*-20,000. This is consistent with the zoning on the remainder of the condominium portions of the project. The R-2 type zoning will permit a maximum of eight units per building, which should be compatible with surrounding development provided that design standards are inposed on the tentative tract map approval. A total of 395 acres are proposed for R-2*-20,000 zoning, which would allow a maximum of 860 condominiums, 17 more units than are proposed by the Applicant. The Applicant is also requesting a slight increase in the R-1++*-10,000 area to accaamdate four new custom home lots located to the northeast of the main cluster of single-family lots. A total of 22 acres of R-1++*-10,000 zoning is proposed for 46 residential lots and one common recreational lot. Minor adjustments are proposed to the zoning boundaries between the R-1++*-10,000, R-2*-20,000 and N-A* areas. These changes are due to the fact that the Applicant has obtained more detailed topographic information on the site since the previous change of zone was approved. In general, the N-A* zoning on the mountainous portion of the site has been increased slightly. in general, the density allowed under the proposed zoning is substantially less than that designated by the current general plan land use designations. in addition, the proposed 2.2 density allowed by the R-2*-20,000 zoning is substantially less than the R-1 zoning adjacent to the west and north. The 17-foot height limit will prevent two-story units on the single-family lots. Although the proposed R-2*-20,000 zoning will allow structures up to 35 feet in height, compatibility with adjacent developrent will be ensured through design review of the tentative tract map. CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposed zoning is consistent with the general plan designations of Low Density Residential and Open Space and Planned Development. 2. The terrain varies considerably over the site, but mountainous areas remain protected with the N-A zoning and flood areas will be protected with project design. 3. All necessary services exist at or are available to the site. 4. The zoning is consistent with the existing zoning and proposed developments in the vicinity. 1. The zoning is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 4. 2. The proposed zoning would reduce the densities allowable under the existing zoning. 3. The proposed zoning will be ccnpatible with the surrounding area. 4. Approval of this request will not result in a significant impact on the enviro ent. STAFF RECCMMENDATICN Based upon the above findings, the Coammunity Development Department recommends approval of Change of Zone Case No. 85-015 in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A". (NOTE: It may be desirable to continue action on the above change to the same time as the Tentative Tract Map.) r: 51• e: �� Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner 4:. Atch: Exhibit "A" APP�� B Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Cummmity Development Director ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING CfOM'MISSION MEETING RE: t /112�iC iiLc rG �L _ /I 0�o 3 , I-, MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS VALLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS M LLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS KLI KIEWICZ MORAN VVULING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO YES ABSTAIN ABSENT NO PRESENT 0. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Menbers of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: March 26, 1985 Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP No. 20328, REVISED NO. 1 Location: Generally South of Avenida Nuestra and East of Avenida Bermudas Applicant: Sand Pebble Country Club Request: A Planned Residential Development with 843 condaninium Units, 47 Single -Family Residential Lots Oriented Around an 18-Hole Golf Course and Tennis Club on a 417 Acre Portion of a 731-Acre Site. 1. General Plan a. Site: Low Density Residential (3-5 Units Per Acre), Medium Density Residential (5-10 Units Per Acre), Open Space and Planned Development (3 or Less Units Per Acre), open Space and Planned Residential Development (3 or Less Units Per Acre), Watercourse/Waterway. b. Surrounding Area: Very Low Density Residential, Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Open Space and Planned Developments, open Space and Planned Residential Developments. 2. Zoning a. Site: R-l* (One Family Duelling, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size) R-1++*-10,000 (one Family Dwelling, 17-Ft. Height Limit, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size, 10,000 Sq.Ft. Minimum Lot Size), R-2*-20,000 (Multiple -Family Residential, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size, 20,000 Sq.Ft. Net Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit), N-A* (Natural Assets, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size). b. Surrounding Area: West - R-1++*; North - R-1++*, R-1*, R-1-10,000, R-3*-4000 (General Residential, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimum Dwelling Size, 4000 Sq.Ft. Net Lot Area Per Duelling); East - N-A*, W-2-20 (Controlled Development, 20-Acre Minimum Parcel Size), A-1-10 (Light Agriculture, 10-Acre Minimum Parcel Size). 3. Existing Conditions The project will be located on 417 acres of a 731-acre site. As shown on the attached copy of the topographic map, approximately 315 acres of the site are the toes or slopes of mountains, while the remaining 417 acres are located on STAFF REPORT - PLADNING CO*USSICN March 26, 1985 Page 2. the sandy alluvial fan. The eastern portion of the project site is c=ently developed with citrus orchard and Burns Ranch buildings. The western portion is sandy sloping ground with the predominant vegetation being creosote bush. A sandy wash area is located in the southeasterly portion of the development along the base of the mountain. Avenue 52, which crosses through the northerly section of the project, is a two-lane, paved mad which ultimately will have 100-foot to 110-foot right -of -ray with four travel lanes and center median. Avenida Bermudas is a two-lane, paved road which will ultimately have two travel lanes and a left -turn lane. All utilities are available to the site. Avenue 52 is an existing, two-lane, paved road. This street is designated as an arterial highway (110' right-of-way) east of Washington, allowing for four travel lanes and a 24-foot-wide center median. West of Washington Street, Avenue 52 is designated a major highway (100' right-of-way) and will ultimately have four travel lanes and a 12-foot wide continuous left -turn lane. In addition, the adopted roadway specific plan calls for the straightening out of Avenue 52, realigning it north of the Desert Club to Calle Sinaloa and then westward to Eisenhower Drive. Avenida Bermudas is currently a two-lane, paved street and is designated as a secondary highway (88' right-of-way). The ultimate development of the street will provide for four travel lanes. Water and sewer service can be provided to the site by extending the lines approxi- mately 3/4 mile from existing Coachella Valley Water District facilities. CVWD has stated that the temporary sewage treatment facility has adequate capacity to serve the project. Electric service will be provided by Imperial Irrigation District; the Marshall Street substation is currently operating at or above designed capacity. other urban services and utilities are available to the site. 4. Environmental Assessment An initial environmental study has been prepared on the project and it has been determined by staff that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because appro- priate mitigation measures have been made conditions of the development approval. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The following summarizes the major impacts and appropriate mitigation measures: ° Flora - Major impact will be to the sandy wash area located within the vicinity of the No. 4 and 5 golf holes. The EIR prepared for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project stated that this plant community should be preserved. Applicant shall provide detail design of this sandy wash area and specifics on how the wash and vegetation will be incorporated into the design. However, flood control improvements required by Coachella Valley Water District will require modification of the wash area in order to channel this drainage to retention areas. • Fauna - The project may have an impact on prairie falcon by affecting its foraging area. Additional study concluded that the project will not affect the falcon's nesting areas. The location of the golf holes against the mountain should provide a buffer between the dwellings and STAFF REPORT - PIANNING COMMIISSION March 26, 1985 Page 3. the birds' nesting area. No fencing is proposed on perimeter of development adjacent to mountains; this will allow wildlife to get to dater and vegetation within the project. ° Traffic - The project will generate a substantial amount of traffic which will impact local streets. Mitigation will be provided by requiring the installation of street and traffic control improvements as required by the conditions of approval. ° Noise - The realignment of Avenue 52 will create noise impacts on the existing residential development to the north; mitigation will be addressed in the conditions imposed on Specific Plans Nos. 85-OO5A and 85-005B. An acoustical study for the tract will be required to determine mitigation of roadway noise on Sand Pebble Country Club. ° Public Services - The project will result in an incremental increase in the demand for public services. Mitigation will be provided by the payment of fees to the City for public improvements and facilities. The -proposed realignment of Avenue 52 will affect fire department response time towards the east. Mitigation will be provided by the Applicant providing a new station site on the north side of realigned Avenue 52. The project will impact the public schools within the Desert Sands Unified School District which are already operating at or above designed capacity. Applicant will be required to pay a per unit school mitigation fee prior to the issuance of building permits. ° Archaeological Resources - Eight archaeological sites exist on the parcel. Additional study and/or collection of artifacts at several locations within the project will be required prior to grading. The project design has been modified to preserve several important areas of interest. These mitigation measures have been deateied sufficient by the UC Riverside Archaeological Research Unit, which also performed the survey of the site. 5. Project Description The proposed revision to Tentative Tract Map No. 20328 would add 57 acres, add 166 condominium units and delete five single-family house lots. The project will be developed on a 417-acre portion of the 731-acre site, with approximately 314 acres of hillside terrain remaining in natural open space. A total of 889 units, 843 statutory (airspace) condominiums and 46 single-family house lots, will be oriented around an 18-hole golf course and tennis club facilities. With the exception of the proposed single-family house lots, all dwellings are to be located on the flat portions of the site and will not extend up on the hillsides. Dirt removed from the flood channel and water retention basins, during construction of ccaT uuty flood control improvements, will be placed in the easterly portion of the site and will be used to create terracing for the single-family house lots. Approximately 75% of the 417-acre development will be developed in open space and recreational uses. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985. Page 4. A substantial portion of the development incorporates CMMnity flood control mprovements which, when ompleted, will provide flood protection for both the site and downstream properties located to the north and east. The flood channel will extend through the project parallel to Avenida Bermudas and is incorporated into the design of the golf course. Water retention basins will be constructed and an underground storm drain pipe will be extended off the site along Desert Club Drive to the existing La Quinta Stormaater Evacuation Channel. In addition, the Applicant has agreed to accept the drainage from the subdivided Cove area adjacent to the west and has granted drainage easements along Avenida Bermudas and to the on -site retention basins within the project. Regarding the design of the dwellings, the proposed single-family lots will be sold for custom hane construction. Two basic types of condominium designs are proposed. The fairway units will be in duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes. These six unit designs have 1837, 1917, 2073, 2277, 2461 and 2948 square feet of living area. These units have one story, Spanish style design with gable tile roofs and a maxim n height of 16 feet. This is the same design as previously approved. rffle second type of condominium design is located along the west and north boundaries of the project. The units with 1990 and 2275 square feet of living area will be located with buildings having fran one to four units. These units are all 24-foot-high, two-story units with Spanish style design. As with the one-story units, the siding will be stuccoed and the gable roofs will be covered with red clay Spanish tile. All the condominium units have attached double -car garages with connecting doors into the dwellings. 6. Canments Received from Other Agencies a. City Engineer - Avenida Bemmdas, Avenue 52 and all interior streets shall be constructed to City standards with a 0.20% minimum grade and a udninum section of 2�" asphaltic concrete paving on 4" of Class 2 base. Provide a traffic signal at Washington Street and Avenue 52. Extend Avenue 52 to Avenida Beu[udas. Provide traffic channelization (street striping) plans. Prepare a master plan of grading, drainage and phasing for City approval. Prepare a hydrology study. All building pads shall be protected fran a 100-year storm. All drainage facilities mist be constructed and operational with Phase one construction. Construct sewer and water facilities to meet City and Coachella Valley Water District standards. Main City Fire Marshal approval of the water plan. All utilities shall be installed underground. Submit final map to the City for review and approval. b. City Fire Marshal - Provide a water system capable of producing 2500 GPM for two hours at 20 PSI residual; this system shall be in operation prior to moving combustible building materials onto the site. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, (6" x 4" x 2;" x 2�"), will be required located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any one (1) adjacent hydrant in the system. Applicant/developer shall furnish one (1) copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review and approval. c. County Sheriff - Project will increase demand for police services and also increase traffic of public streets. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 5. It is recommended that a traffic signal or stop signs be placed at the intersection of Washington and Avenue 52 at the main entrance to the project. 'there is also a need for one more emergency entrance on Avenida Bermudas, preferably at the north end. The landscaping inside and outside the project should be kept trimmed at two to three feet for shrubs and six feet for trees. House numbers should be large, easy -to - read numbers and visible from the street. d. Coachella Valley Water District - A portion of this area is shown to be subject to shallow flooding and is designated Zone A on Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps which are in effect at this time. CVWD has met with the developer and they have cane to a written agreement on the provisions for the drainage and stonmewater facilities as shown on the tract maps. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. A portion of this area shall be annexed to the Stornryrater Unit of the Coachella Valley water District. This area shall be annexed to CVWD Improvement District No. 55 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. 'There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrange- ments have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. e. Imperial Irrigation District - The Marshall Street Substation, which will serve this site, is currently operating at or above the designed capacity. The District is in the process of constructing an additional substation on Avenue 52 east of Jefferson Street. Therefore, this site can be served by the District. f. Southern California Gas Company - There are facilities in the area of the project. Service can be provided in accordance with the company's policies and rules. g. General Telephone Company - Existing underground telephone facilities are located along the west side of Avenida B nm das. There are also facilities existing along the east side of Washington Street. Service can be provided in accordance with company policies and regulations. h. Desert Sands Unified School District - District schools are currently opera- ting at or above capacity. The developer will be required to pay a school impact mitigation fee prior to construction of units. i. University of California, Archaeological Research Unit data recovery is underway on the sites identified in the survey previously completed on the entire project parcel. 7. Comments from the Public - No written comments have been received fron the public. The Notice of Hearing was sent to all owners with property within a 400-foot radius of the project (rather than just 300 feet as required by ordinance). 8. other Related Actions: a. This request was submitted concurrently with the following applications: (1) Specific Plan No. 85-005A and 85-005B, a request to amend the City's adopted Avenue 52 Specific Plan by realigning this road approximately 500 feet northward between Desert Club Drive and Jefferson Street. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 6. (2) Change of Zone Case No. 85-015, a request for R-1++**-10,000, R-2*-20,000 zoning to facilitate Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1. (3) Street Vacation No. 85-007A and 85-007B, requests to vacate existing Avenue 52 right-of-way between Avenida Bermudas and a point 1321 feet west of Jefferson Street. b. Previous approvals on this site are as follows: (1) Change of Zone Case No. 84-012, a zone change from R-3*-4000 (General Residential, 4000 Sq.Ft. Net Lot Area, 1200 Sq.Ft. Minimman Dwelling Size), R-l* and N-A* to R-1++*, R-2*-20,000 and N-A* approved by the City Council on September 4, 1984. (2) Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, a project with 672 oondaminium units, 51 single-family house lots, an 18-hole golf course and a tennis club on 360 developable acres of a total 674-acre site. c. In addition to the above described applications, the Applicant has granted easements on the site for the La Quinta Stornarater Channel, which extends through the project, and also for the acceptance of drainage from the adjacent Cove area. As a result of more specific hydrologic information Obtained for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project after the previous tentative tract map approval, the flood control improvements within the development have been redesigned. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS Description of Proposed Revisions This request for a revision to the previously approved tentative tract map was submitted concurrently with the request to realign Avenue 52 on the north side of the project. As described in the staff report on Specific Plans 85-005A and 85-005B, the Applicant is requesting that Avenue 52 be shifted approximately 500 feet north- ward adjacent to Avenida Nuestra for the roadway section between Desert Club Drive and Jefferson Street. The reasons for the Applicant's request for the revisions to the tract map and Avenue 52 plan include the following: ° The shifting of the road northward adds 57 acres to the Sand Pebble Country Club site, thereby partially compensating the Applicant for the land within the project being committed to construction of the La Quinta Stormweter Channel and retention basins. ° Due directly to the Applicant's agreement to accept drainage from the Cove area to the west, the required holding capacity of the on -site retention areas was substantially increased over that designed for on the original development plan. ° In order to obtain the additional required capacities for the retention areas, the Applicant proposes larger, shallower basins rather than smaller, deeper basins, such as Oleander Basin with its high berm sides. Therefore, additional land is used for flood control improvements in the revised tract map than was proposed in the original tract. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COOMMIISSICN March 26, 1985 Page 7. The following are the major design differences between the previously approved tract map and this proposed revision: ° Developable area increased by 57 acres by realigning Avenue 52 approximately 500 feet northward. ° Addition of 166 condaninium units, almost all of which are two- story units. ° Deletion of five single-family house lots and a change in this area's ccmfiguration. ° Placement of two-story units along the Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52 boundaries. ° Relocation of flood control retention basins and driving range away fran Avenue 52, resulting in units being adjacent to the public roadway rather than open space. Design Issues BNn-Story Cpndrminium Buildings - As stated in the project description, two-story units are proposed in the areas along Avenida Bermudas and realigned Avenue 52. As shown in the two perspective drawings of these units fran these two adjacent streets, the second story will be visible when viewed fran property adjacent to the project. This is not consistent with the adjacent area zoning and development, which is limited to single -story buildings with a 17-foot height limit. In addition to the height of these structures, the size of the buildings range fran a one to four units per building, with the buildings being clustered in the strips along the project perimeter. This combination of the height, size and close spacing of the two-story buildings will result in creating a high density appearance to the project when viewed fran adjacent areas, even though the overall density of the project is only 2.2 units per acre. These concerns can be alleviated by modifying the proposed site plan as follows: ° Establish a one-story height limitation within a specific distance of the project's boundaries with Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas. Break apart the wall effect of the structures by varying the building orientations, building sizes and the separation between buildings and mixing one and two-story buildings. 4Tennis clubhouse - Basically, the same concerns which apply to the two-story condaninium buildings apply to this ooplex. Since it will be a large building with a height most likely exceeding 17 feet, staff recamiends that it be shifted eastward away from the project boundary. Single -Family Gaston Hane Lots - Five lots have been deleted. The average lot size has been increased, with a section of four new lots being Proposed to the northeast of the main cluster. As stated in the project description, these lots will be terraced on fill ct )ut fran the construction of the flood control improvements on the west side of the project. Application of the condition of approval requiring engineering of these lots and the facing of the slopes with rock should mitigate any safety or visual impact concerns. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCNMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 8. Retention of Existing Trees - The existing citrus groves will be removed, primarily as a direct result of the substantial grading required for the construction of community flood control improvements on the site. A substantial number of the mature Eucalyptus trees are being retained along the main entry road and adjacent to the single-family lot area. However, a large portion of the existing row of Eucalyptus currently along Avenue 52 will be removed since they cross over the proposed driving range. Consideration should be given to shifting the location of the driving range to save more of these trees, and perhaps using this tall tree windrow as a backdrop to the two-story units. *Views Into the Project - Under the previous approval, almost the entire Avenue 52 frontage was developed as Open Space for either flood retention areas or golf course. The revision proposes a layout similar to that of Duna la Quinta, where the interior private street and units are placed adjacent to and parallel to the project boundary. This type of site design generally does not�Eacilitate views into the project from the adjacent roadway, and the row of roofs or buildings does not create optimum appearance from the adjacent street. Consideration should be given to mixing building sizes and spacing. In addition, consideration should be given to shifting the putting clock II open space area over adjacent to Avenue 52 to allow for a view of this green space from outside the project. It should be noted that due to the anticipated large traffic volumes on Avenue 52 and the solid fencing will be required for noise mitigation on portions of the frontage. Perimeter Walls - With the exception of one small area on Avenue 52, the perimeter walls are set back a minimum of 20 feet from the parkway. In addition, the wall has a step design whereby it is set back an additional 10 and 20 feet. Although this is less than the substantial setbacks proposed under the original plan, the proposed perimeter wall setbacks substantially exceed the City's requirement of 20-foot average minimum setback along Avenue 52 and 10-foot average minimum setback along Avenida Bermudas. Fire Station - As addressed in the report on the Avenue 52 Specific Plan revisions, the fire station will be relocated to the 8-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of the project. As under the original conditions of approval, the Applicant will dedicate a one -acre site and prepay a portion of his infrastructure fee on the condominiums to contribute to the construction of a new station. Vacant Parcel - The 8-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of the site north of the proposed Avenue 52 aligtment is not proposed for residential development. In addition to the fire station, the developer anticipates that municipal oriented facilities (e.g., library, park, etc.) will be constructed on this lot. The zoning of the lot is prcpdoed to be changed from R-1* to R-2*-20,000. The Community Development Department recamends that the Planning Commission review Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1, in conjunction with the other related applications, but continue consideration of the request to the April 9, 1985, hearing. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 9. L. Bonner Principal Planner SIB:dmv APPROVED BY: ,�� 0�� J� Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP CmMmity Development Director STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 6. (2) Change of Zone Case No. 85-015, a request for R-1++**-10,000, R-2*-20,000 zoning to facilitate Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1. (3) Street Vacation No. 85-007A and 85-007B, requests to vacate existing Avenue 52 right-of-way between Avenida Bermudas and a point 1321 feet west of Jefferson Street. b. Previous approvals on this site are as follows: (1) Change of Zone Case No. 84-012, a zone change fran R-3*-4000 (General Residential, 4000 Sq.Ft. Net Lot Area, 1200 Sq.Ft..Minin n Dwelling Size), R-1* and N-A* to R-1++*, R-2*-20,000 and N-A* approved by the City Council on September 4, 1984. (2) Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, a project with 672 condominium units, 51 single-family house lots, an 18-hole golf course and a tennis club on 360 developable acres of a total 674-acre site. c. In addition to the above described applications, the Applicant has granted easannnts on the site for the La Quinta Stoanwater Channel, which extends through the project, and also for the acceptance of drainage from the adjacent Cove area. As a result of more specific hydrologic information obtained for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project after the previous tentative tract map approval, the flood control improvements within the development have been redesigned. � V• A�M41$�ti .fly as_ Description of Pronosed Revisions This request for a revision to the previously approved tentative tract map was submitted concurrently with the request to realign Avenue 52 on the north side of the project. As described in the staff report on Specific Plans 85-OO5A and 85-OO5B, the Applicant is requesting that Avenue 52 be shifted approximately 500 feet north- ward adjacent to Avenida Nuestra for the roadway section between Desert Club Drive and Jefferson Street. The reasons for the Applicant's request for the revisions to the tract map and Avenue 52 plan include the following: ° The shifting of the road northward adds 57 acres to the Sand Pebble Country Club site, thereby partially compensating the Applicant for the land within the project being camutted to construction of the La Quinta Stornuater Channel and retention basins. • Due directly to the Applicant's agreement to accept drainage from the Cove area to the west, the required holding capacity of the on -site retention areas was substantially increased over that designed for on the original development plan. ° In order to obtain the additional required capacities for the retention areas, the Applicant proposes larger, shallower basins rather than smaller, deeper basins, such as Oleander Basin with its high berm sides. Therefore, additional land is used for flood control improvements in the revised tract map than was proposed in the original tract. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CU4 IISSICN March 26, 1985 Page 7. The following are the major design differences between the previously approved tract map and this proposed revision: ° Developable area increased by 57 acres by realigning Avenue 52 approximately 500 feet northward. ° Addition of 166 condominium units, almost all of which are two- story units. ° Deletion of five single-family house lots and a change in this area's configuration. ° Placement of two-story units along the Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52 boundaries. ° Relocation of flood control retention basins and driving range away from Avenue 52, resulting in units being adjacent to the public roadway rather than open space. Design Issues Two -Story Condominium Buildings - As stated in the project description, two-story units are proposed in the areas along Avenida Bermudas and realigned Avenue 52. As shown in the two perspective drawings of these units fran these two adjacent streets, the seoond story will be visible when viewed fran property adjacent to the project. This is not consistent with the adjacent area zoning and development, which is limited to single -story buildings with a 17-foot height limit. In addition to the height of these structures, the size of the buildings range fran a one to four units per building, with the buildings being clustered in the strips along the project perimeter. This cambination of the height, size and close spacing of the two-story buildings will result in creating a high density appearance to the project when viewed fran adjacent areas, even though the overall density of the project is only 2.2 units per acre. These concerns can be alleviated by modifying the proposed site plan as follows: ° Establish a one-story height limitation within a specific distance of the project's boundaries with Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas. ° Break apart the wall effect of the structures by varying the building orientations, building sizes and the separation between buildings and mixing one and two-story buildings. Tennis Clubhouse - Basically, the same concerns which apply to the two-story condaninium buildings apply to this complex. Since it will be a large building with a height most likely exceeding 17 feet, staff recanmends that it be shifted eastward away fran the project boundary. Single -Family Custan name Lots - Five lots have been deleted. The average lot size has been increased, with a section of four new lots being proposed to the northeast of the main cluster. As stated in the project description, these lots will be terraced on fill tout from the construction of the flood control improvements on the west side of the project. Application of the condition of approval requiring engineering of these lots and the facing of the slopes with rock should mitigate any safety or visual impact concerns. STAFF REPORT — PIANNING COMMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 8. Retention of Existing Trees - The existing citrus groves will be re oved# primarily as a direct result of the substantial grading required for the construction of ocuumity flood control improvements on the site. A substantial number of the mature Eucalyptus trees are being retained along the main entry road and adjacent to the single-family lot area. However, a large portion of the existing row of Eucalyptus currently along Avenue 52 will be removed since they cross over the proposed driving range. Consideration should be given to shifting the location of the driving range to save more of these trees, and perhaps using this tall tree windrow as a backdrop to the two-story units. Views Into the Project - Under the previous approval, almost the entire Avenue 52 frontage was developed as Open Space for either flood retention areas or golf course. The revision proposes a layout similar to that of Duna La Quinta, where the interior private street and units are placed adjacent to and parallel to the project boundary. This type of site design generally does notfacilitate views into the project from the adjacent roadway, and the raw of roofs or buildings does not create optimum appearance from the adjacent street. Consideration should be given to mixing building sizes and spacing. In addition, consideration should be given to shifting the putting clock II open space area over adjacent to Avenue 52 to allow for a view of this green space from outside the project. It should be noted that due to the anticipated large traffic volumes on Avenue 52 and the solid fencing will be required for noise mitigation on portions of the frontage. Perimeter Walls - With the exception of one small area on Avenue 52, the perimeter walls are set back a minimum of 20 feet from the parkway. In addition, the wall has a step design whereby it is set back an additional 10 and 20 feet. Although this is less than the substantial setbacks proposed under the original plan, the proposed perimeter wall setbacks substantially exceed the City's requirement of 20-foot average minumnn setback along Avenue 52 and 10-foot average minimum setback along Avenida Bermudas. Fire Station - As addressed in the report on the Avenue 52 Specific Plan revisions, the fire station will be relocated to the 8-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of the project. As under the original conditions of approval, the Applicant will dedicate a one -acre site and prepay a portion of his infrastructure fee on the condominiums to contribute to the construction of a new station. Vacant Parcel - The 8-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of the site north of the proposed Avenue 52 alignment is not proposed for residential development. In addition to the fire station, the developer anticipates that municipal oriented facilities (e.g., library, park, etc.) will be constructed on this lot. The zoning of the lot is proposed to be changed from R-l* to R-2*-20,000. y:y :a.A�uuia.u: �q The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission review Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1, in conjunction with the other related applications, but continue consideration of the request to the April 9, 1985, hearing. III, STAFF REPORT - PLANNING OCHMISSION March 26, 1985 Page 9. 'Sandra I. Bonnel. Principal Planner SIB: d my APPROVED BY: , n CZ17 /A 1 Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP CmTmmity Development Director ITEM NO. 7 . DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 1 RE: 0- I MOTION BY: GOETCHEUk� MLT,ING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS M LLING KLIMKIEWICZ MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - KLIMKMlICZ - MORAN - WILING - THORNBURQi - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO ® 0 M I N U T E S PINNING owassicN - CITY of IA ounm A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 70-105 Calls Estado, lay,inta, California March 12, 1985 7:00 p.m. PO 0G I a: A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Commissioner Moran to lead the flag salute. P14IMMIUMV11M A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: C=missicners Cnetcheus, Alimkiewicz, Moran, Melling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Ckmnni.ty Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna Velatta. 3. HEARINGS A. Chairmen Thornburgh introduced the first hearing as Public Use rose No. 84-001, an appeal on certain conditions of approval for a proposed dorch facility at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Adams Street; Family Heritage Church of the Valley, Applicant. He called for Staff's report. 1. Lawrence L. Stevens, C =u pity Development Director, advised that the Applicant had applied for an appeal of condition of approval requiring installation of dry sewer lire. however, he noted that the Applicant has since withdrawn this request; therefore, no action is required by the Planning Commission. 2. No motion for adoption required as Applicant withdrew request. B. Chairman Thornburgh identified the next item of hearing as General Plan Amendment No. 85-005, a proposal to amend the Ia ouinta General Plan by adding the Public Buildings and Facilities Element; Initiated by the City. He called for the Staff Report. 1. Director Stevens explained that this is a proposed arx dment to the ra ouinta General Plan to add thereto an element entitled Public Buildings and Facilities Element. This is a non -mandatory element in that the California Goverment Code toes not require this parti- cular one. He noted that within the report given to the C wmission, Staff has noted several C;noerns and deficiencies within the City that relate to public buildings, facilities and infrastructure, and have established within the report some criteria identifying the extent of the need for those facilities. Director Stevens noted that the Inw iary of doing the element separately from the General Plan relates to the Cknnrnity Infrastructure Fee which has been an established policy for a little over a year and the implementation of that man- dates some supportive documentation within the General Plan. He then briefly addressed the draft element enclosed in the staff report. Director Stevens stated that it would be Staff's recopvmndation that the Commission, by motion, adopt the findings contained in the Staff Report, adopt the Negative Declaration and adopt the text of the Public Buildings and Facilities Element. After a brief discussion, Chairman Thornburgh opened the hearing for public moment at 7:10 p.m. There being no public cements, he closed the public hearing at 7:11 p.m. Chairman INznb rgh called for a motion. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION March 12, 1985 Page 2. 2. Wmussioner Malloy made a motion to adopt the findings contained in the Staff Report, the Negative Declaration and the text of the Public Buildings and Facilities Element. Gam"sianner Goetdneus seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. A. Moved by Com"sionner Coot hens, seconded by C=ussionner Klu*iewicz to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 12, 1985. 1. 'hoe minutes of the regular =metimi of February 12, 1985, were approved as submitted. urkv mansly Adopted. 5. BUSINESS Chairnan Thornburgh called upon Staff to report on the 13 single-family dwelling requests for construction approval before the Planning Cmmissi.on. Camrmfty Development Director Lawrence Stevens stated that as these requests had been reviewed at the study session the day prior, he would identify each request and the Planning Gonmission mild then rule on then as a whole. He stated that Staff is recammnding approval of each of the requests. Director Stevens then identified each of the 13 requests as follows: A. Plot Plan No. 85-123, a request to construct a single-family dwelling at the northeast corner of Aveuda Villa and Calle Chihuahua; Stuart Mood, Applicant. B. Plot Plan No. 85-124, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Mendoza, 50' north of Calle Madrid; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. C. Plot Plan No. 85-125, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Rubio, 100' south of Calle Nogales; Ride Johnson construction, Applicant. D. Plot Plan No. B5-126, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Alvarado, 50' north of Calle Potrero; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. E. Plot Plan No. 85-127, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 50' north of Calle Madrid; Rids Johnson Construction, Applicant. F. Plot Plan No. 85-128, a request to construct a single-fannily dwelling on the west side of Avenida Mendcea, 100' north of Calle Madrid; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. G. Plot Plan No. 85-129, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Velasco, 100' south of Calle Tanpico; Ride Johnsen Construction, Applicant. H. Plot Plan No. 85-130, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 150' north of Calle Sonora; Cash Construction, Applicant. I. Plot Plan No. 85-131, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Pamirez, 100' north of Calle Sonora; Cash Construction, Applicant. J. Plot Plan No. 85-132, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the north side of San Timoteo street, approximately 350' east of Avenida Fernando; Garvey Development, Applicant. E. Plot Plan No. 85-134, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Juarez, 200' south of Calle Sonora; Larry Rogers, Applicant. E MINUTES - PiANN NG CCMMISSION March 12, 1985 Page 3. L. Plot Plan No. 85-136, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Fernando, 110' south of Coachella Drive; War Construction, Applicant. M. Plot Plan No. 84-087, a revision to approved roof design for a single- family dwelling at the southeast corner of Avenida Carranza and Calle Sonora; Mr. 6 Mrs. Joseph Carpini, Jr., Applicants. 2. Cramissioner KliAkiewicz made a notion based on the findings in the staff reports to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-123 through 85-132, Plot Plan No. 85-134, Plot Plan No. 85-136 and Plot Plan No. 84-087, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C for each plot Plan, and subject to the attached conditions of approval for each plot plan request. Cosnissioner !bran seconded the motion. Unanimmly Adopted. C aiao-an Thornburgh h explained that the following two items of business would be heard concurrently. N. Plot Plan No. 84-088, a request to construct a golf course maintenance building at the southeast corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Cbregon; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. O. Street Vacation No. 84-005, a request to vacate portions of Calle Tampico and Avenida Cbregon, landmark land Company, Applicant. He called for the Staff Reports. 1. Community Development Director Stevens advised that these two items had been heard by the Planning Oomussion previously at their meeting of January 8, 1985, at which time the Omission denied the applications. The Applicant appealed the denials to the City Council and during that appeal time, a number of revisions were made to the project and road vacation. Due to the revisions, the City Council, at the appeal hearing, ruled to return the requests to the Plannvg Commission for review to see if the revisions world result in the comma&lion considering a different action than had been hale at their initial meeting for these items. Changes pertinent to this request included: ° Applicant has submitted a letter from Coachella Valley Water District requesting Vacationh to CVWD of pertinent right-of-way adjacent to project site. A revised exhibit shows the revised request. Director Stevens briefly reviewed the vacation request. He advised the Commission that in making a deterninatim on this matter, the following alternatives are available to then: ° Heaffi previous position and not mace consistency determination due to concerns with the devela(nennt project. ° Deteanvhe project is consistent with the r rah Plan by adopting attached Resolution No. P.C. 85-3. In conjunction with this alter- native, the Commission may desire to comment on the conditions drafted for the Vacation even though they are not technically part of the C mudssion's review responsibility. These conditions are: (1) Applicant shall provide any additional street signing (i.e., "Not A Through Street') needed as a result of the road vacation. (2) Road improvements specified in eonjunctim with Plot Plan No. 84-088 as part of Phase I shall be provided in conjunction with the road vacation. (3) Applicant shall Provide any necessary supporting documents including legal descriptions to facilitate recordation. (4) Applicant shall Provide documentation indicating that all affected utility agencies have reviewed the vacation and that satisfactory arrangements have been mede concerning their facilities, if any. M1IIil= - PIANNIM Ct'MMIISSION Mhmh 12, 1985 Page 4. Director Stevens advised the Commission that Staff recomends that Resolution No. P.C. 85-3 detexrdning that this street vacation is consistent with the Ia Quints General Plan be adopted. He noted that Staff further reamve nds that the Planning Commission support the conditions (noted on Page 3) if Street Vacation No. 84-005 is approved by City Council. Moving on to Plot Plan No. 84-0880 the request to construct the golf course maintenance Wilding, Director Stevens advised the Commission that there have been several changes in the project. Changes pertinent to the development plan include: ° Applicant has revised the site plans calling for a two-phase development scheme. Principal charges in the plan include changing the main entrance to Tampico from angm; changing the golf cause access point (in Phase 2); providing bem�, block well, new landscaping along east property lyre (in Phase 2); relocating chain link fenoe along dike (in Phase 2). ° Applicant has revised exterior building elevations changing from a netal building to a strew exterior, including several vertical and horizontal offsets elements with a tile mansard roof. • Applicant has submitted a letter proposing to imediately install (as part of conditions for approval) landscaping and walkway per a plan submitted [See Exhibit D (New)]. 'fie letter requests the City to maintain the area. 'fie letter also proposes to contribute to the cost of a signal at Eisenhower and Avenue 50. Landmark further requests the City to require Is Quints Country Club to iaprove its mainteramx facility across from the Hotel entrance. (NDIE: This letter was withdrawn at the Comcil neeting in favor of a revised letter offering a sinular proposal, but not as part of the Plot Plan approval.) " Applicant has net with Bruce Rubinson in an effort to respond to neighbors' concerns and, according to Mr. Robinson, there will be little or no abjection to the project as a result of the above referenced changes and other "agreements" made with the Applicant. Director Stevens briefly reviewed the previous Staff Report and noted that the focus of the current report is to ccm nt on the effects of the above noted changes. He advised that it is Staff's judgment that the proposed use is not appropriate to this residential location as currently designed and is not compatible with existing and future area uses. It is recognized, however, that the changes to site and building design have improved the situation from the initial sulrittal. Director Stevens stated that, based on the findings in the Staff Report, the Crmenity Development Department remmiends denial of Plot Plan No. 84-08B. However, if the Planning Commission desires to approve this request, a list of Findings and Conditions have been included in the Staff Report. He briefly reviewed the conditions that were brought out at the study session and were of sore concern to the Applicant. ffiese conditions were Nos. 8 - 13.c. - 13.d. - 13.e. - 14 - 15 - 16 - 22 - 23.a. - 23.c. 23.e. - 24.a. and 25. After a brief discussion, Chain-- lhmmburg h asked the Applicant if they world like to speak. Brian Curley, Planner for Ividmark land Company, gave a brief presenta- tion describing the changes made in the plans for the golf cause maintenance Wilding. Pews S�, Attorney for Landmark Land Ctupany, made a statement for the record regarding the offsite iarrov rents. He stated that it is their position that the requirements for any offsite inprovemnts that 0 MINUTES - PIANNr4G CIMSSION March 12, 1985 Page 5. are in the conditions are arbitrary, capricious, an oo easonable exercise of police power and therefore, violate the due process of the law as found in the United States and California Constitutions. Any agreanant tawards offsite imprwahcants that nwxbiark is pilling to make should not be a precedence and should be done as separate &Avwents and not required as part of the approval of the plot plan. Andy Vossler, r_s._r_ Land Company, stated he would like to thank the Chairman and the Commissioners for the time spent on this project. For the record, he wanted to rote again a couple of points he previously made in that this golf course mainterance building is a necessity to lardawk, not a luxury. Also, there has been a philosophy througicrt this project that this is not a part of r-- ark's project, but a finger out into the camnmitY. He stated that they view it as a part of their Project and a finger into the ovmunity and want to complete it rspre- aeotative of Lwxlmark. He then requeetn,l that the Planning 0rmnission approve this request as it was presented to the City Council in the appeal process. Home hibinson, Avenida aaregm resident, spoke in favor of the project He stated that through =tual consideration and campmnise the affected residents have reached a satisfactory agreaoent that they feel is of benefit to all concerned. After a short discussion, ^h_ ___ Thornburgh Galled upon the Nsnissionens for a CVmPnt for or against the project. There were four ayes and one my. Therefore, cbaianvn Thornburgh requested that the conditions of approval be reviewed one more time. At this point, Andy Vossler of Imx1nark land Company, stated that they would like the Camission to make their recame elation to the City Council and they (Lwzkark) would deal with the conditions at that Cc mussioner Walling than asked Mr. Vossler if the review of the conditions that Director Stevens had done previously was amenable to then at this time. Mr. Vossler repeated what he had said previously - that they would like the ^^—: ^_ion to make their reo mme elation to the City Council and they (Landmark) would deal with the conditions at that jam. C haiau3n Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Wmnissicner Walling made a motion to apjrzwe Plot Plan No. 84-088 based on the findings in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval, as amended; and a motion to adopt Hesolutim No. P.C. 85-3 detennindng that Street Vacation No. 84-005 was consistent with the La Quinta General Plan based on findings in the staff report, subject to attached conditions. Commissioner Cnetchcvs seconded the notion. Ch< „ Thornburgh called for a roll call vote. The Secretary called the roll: CComhnissirner Goetchais - Aye COUmiSelOner xlinkiewicz - Aye O n sioher [bran - Nay Commissioner walling - Aye C hainrnan Thornburgh - Aye Utanvrcxnsly adapted with one dissenting vote. P. Chairmen Thornburgh introduced the last itm of business as a Ibsolutim amending Nesolutions Nos. P.C. 82-1 and 82-2 to establish a second regular moeting of the Planning O ssim each month. 1. Director Stevens explained that this Resolution &mends the Grn.o;==ion's chiles and Procedures to establish a second regular meeting each month. This will establish Ctamissi meetings m the second and fourth Tuesdays of each and every month. C MIIiUM - PIANNING CU4IISSION March 12, 1985 Page 6. Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Cammissioner (bran made a motion to adopt Resolution No. P.C. 85-2 rescinding Resolution No. P.c. 82-1 establishing the time and location Of regular Planning OWMission meet;, and modifying Resolution No. P.C. 82-2 to amend the time for regular meetings of the Ia Quinta Planning Cmmussion. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously Adapted. , • is is There being no further items of agenda to come before the Cmmission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner 0oetdneus made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of March 26, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in la Quints City Hall, 78-105 Calle Pstado, la Quinta, California. Qheiaien 'Thornburgh seconded the motion. unaninmusly Adopted. The regular meeting of the Planning Cbmhissicn of the City of la Quints, California, vas adjourned at 7.55 p.m., March 12, 1985, in the Ia Quinta City Nall, 78-105 Calle P.stado, la Quinta, California.