1985 05 28 PC0 0 .
A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, Ia Quinta,
May 28, 1985 7:00 p.m.
A. Flag Salute
A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 1985
5. BUSINESS S y 4sileration
A. Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, No. 1, of a
proposal to divide 132+ acres into 9 lots wiingle-family
dwellings on individual lots and condoniniizn units on the
remaining lots on the south side of Avenue 54, along the proposed
aligtmient of PGA Boulevard; Sunrise Cmipany, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
B. Plot Plan No. 85-155, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the south side of San Tinrteo Street, approximately 380' east of
Avenida Fernando; Robert Ricciardi and Associates, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
C. Plot Plan No. 85-158, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the east side of Avenida Villa, 50' south of Calle Sonora; Desert
Design and Development, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
D. Plot Plan No. 85-159, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
an the west side of Avenida Rubio, 250' south of Calle Temecula; Desert
Design and Develognent, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Notion for Adoption.
E. Plot Plan No. 85-160, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the east side of Avenida Carranza, 150' north of Calle Tecate; Desert
Design and Development, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
F. Plot Plan No. 85-164, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the west side of Avenida Madero, 180' south of Calle Sonora; Jim Reed,
1. Report from Staff.
2. Notion for Adoption.
G. Plot Plan No. 85-165, a request to construct a single-family dwelling
on the west side of Avenida Madero, 130' south of Calle Sonora: Jim Reed,
1. Report from Staff.
5• �� 2. Notion for Adoption.
�t SCU55<oi'-%
RE: 1�1 • — �(� ho —
DATE 2 j. g75
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quints
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
May 14, 1985 7:00 p.m.
A. Vice Chairman John Walling called the Planning Commission meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m. He called upon Camdssioner Klimkiewicz to lead the flag salute.
A. Vice Chairman Walling requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Moran and Vice Chairman Walling
Absent: Chairman Thornburgh
Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Goetcheus, to
excuse Chairman Thornburgh. Unanimously Adopted.
Also present were Ccnmunity Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, City
Manager Frank M. Usher, City Councilman Larry Allen and Secretary Donna M.
At this time, Vice Chairman Walling introduced City Manager Frank Usher and
Councilman Larry Allen, who presented Commissioners Klimkiewicz and Goetcheus
with placques for their service to the City as Planning Commissioners for the
first three years of La Quinta'a Cityhood. Both Commissioners Klimkiewicz
and Goetcheus have resigned their posts as of this meeting.
Vice Chairman Walling called for a short break so that everyone could enjoy
cake and coffee for the occasion.
Vice Chairman Walling introduced the two items of hearing, advising that they would
be heard concurrently.
A. Plot Plan No. 85-143, a request for approval to construct a maintenance facility,
including a one-story, 7,000-square-foot golf course maintenance building, a
one-story, 5,380-square-foot homeowner's maintenance building, and a one-story,
2,220-square-foot superintendent's residence; Landmark Land Company, Applicant.
B. Plot Plan No. 85-144, a request for approval to construct a satellite maintenance
facility for "PGA West", including a one-story, 4,500-,are-foot maintenance
building and a one-story, 2,200-square-foot superintendent's residence on 1.2
acres; r andma-k Lard Company, Applicant.
Vice Chairman Walling then called for the Staff Reports on these matters.
1. Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens advised that these two
hearings would be heard by both Planning Commission and City Council because
of conditions of apprual attached to the S^�ific Plan. for PGA West, whist?
requires such facilities to be reviewed through that process, even though
the zoning regulations might not otherwise require it.
The first facility is the larger of the two and is located on the south
side of Avenue 54, west of Jefferson Street. Director Stevens then
described the five buildings coprising this complex. Tun existing buildings
would be retained and enhanced to visually blend in with the rest of the
project. There are two existing buildings that will be reroved as part of
the proposal. The project design is basically intended to fit into the extent
feasible with the remainder of the PGA West project. He pointed out this fact
by use of renderings provided by the Applicant. Director Stevens noted that
Staff, in reviewing the proposed project, has looked at basic zoning require-
ments as well as evaluation of the co patibility of the proposed use with both
existing and planned uses in the surrounding area. It is staff's judgment
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ITT l,111 11' #'VITXSSIWN
Page 2.
that with the plans submitted and with the conditions of approval being
imposed on this facility, that the project can be reasonably compatible
with both present and existing uses in the area. He noted that the condi-
tions of approval mitigate any limited concerns that would occur as a
result of the project. As a result, Staff is recommending approval of
the Avenue 54 maintenance facility, subject to the conditions of approval
contained in the Staff Report. Director Stevens stated that the conditions,
for the most part, are similar to those imposed on other golf course
maintenance facilities that we have reviewed in the past. He noted that
there was some discussion at the Study Session as to what type of landscaping
would be appropriate, particularly across the front of the facility. If the
Commission desires to have something more specific, it would be necessary to
amend the conditions and provide for additional landscape setbacks. Other
concerns discussed at the Study Session were relatively minor in terms of
their impact, but Staff would recommend that the conditions included in the
report be adopted. For the record, Director Stevens noted that the Commission
has been given a copy of a letter received from Thomas and Suzanne Kennedy
objecting to the location of the facility.
Moving on to the second facility, Director Stevens noted that it was also
located south of Avenue 54 on the west side of Madison Street. This facility
would be located adjacent to the proposed Fire Station facility, which is at
the corner of Avenue 54 and Madison, and a CVWD well site, which would be
located between the fire facility and the maintenance facility. This is a
smaller facility than described in the first plot plan request. The archi-
tecture is again similar, blending into the type of architecture proposed
for the other facility and for the overall project. The landscaping is
basically intended to be consistent with that imposed on the surrounding
project and to facilitate appropriate screening. Director Stevens noted
that Staff had more concern with the visibility in regard to this project,
with Madison Street being a more major street than that section of Avenue 54
that the first facility is being proposed on. He noted that it is Staff's
judgment that this facility can, with the conditions, be reasonably compatible
and Staff is also recommending its approval subject to the conditions in the
Staff Report. Director Stevens stated that the only issue of concern dis-
cussed at the Study Session was the proposed median opening on Madison Street.
Staff recommends that the condition requiring that the median opening be
deleted remain intact. He noted further that Staff recommends Condition No.
23 be modified to eliminate the specific reference to an easement and simply
indicate the Applicant provide adequate access for the golf course on the
west side of the property.
As the Commission had no questions at this time, Vice Chairman Walling
opened the hearing to public comment at 7:34 p.m.
Kaye (handler, Vice President of Planning and Design for Landmark Land
company, the Applicant, spoke as their representative. Mr. Chandler stated
that it has been just a year ago that they received approval for the PGA West
Specific Plan project and since that time they have been preparing the
development plans and actually imple eating sane of the construction. Also,
duirng this period of time, Landmark has contributed toward the preparation
of the engineering plans for flood control; they have made the first install-
ment toward the $1,000,000 City contribution of $200,000; they have made
payment to the City for mitigation fees for lake Cahuilla of $50,000; they
have prepared the plans and actually implemented the improvement plans on
the streets for curbs and gutters on Madison and Avenue 54 which cost in the
area of $700,000; they also relocated the majority of the major irrigation
lines on the property for CVWD, which came to roughly $600,000. Construction
began on the first golf course in December and is now rough graded and will
be seeded next week. The second golf course's construction began approxi-
mately 2-3 weeks ago. Also, since the original specific plan approval a
year ago, Landmark prepared the plans for PGA Boulevard. Those plans have
been submitted to the City as well as plans for the walls and landscaping
associated with it. Additionally, they have prepared plans for the golf and
tennis clubhouses. Summarizing all of this to date, Mr. Chandler noted that
landmark- has put roughly $2.5 million dollars worth of public/semi-public
infrastructure into the project.
May 14, 1985
Page 3.
Mr. Chandler went on to state that during this time, completing the golf
course routing, the next step was making a determination of the types of
maintenance facilities and their locations. This resulted in the canbina-
tion of the golf course maintenance/hcwaowner's maintenance buildings in
one caiplex, and because of the size of the project as a whole, having a
satellite facility as opposed to a central facility. Using the renderings,
Mr. Chandler pointed out the locations of the two maintenance facilities
before the Commission at this hearing as well as the location of a proposed
third facility in future. Mr. Chandler stated that smie of the location
criteria was based on security, control, access, and took into consideration
landscaping and screening. The intensity and type of landscaping Landmark
is proposing that will occur along both maintenance facilities is the same
type of landscaping that will occur along both Madison and Avenue 54, and
also down PGA Boulevard. The standard Landmark has set as an example is
similar to what Sunrise Company has done on Country Club Drive next to their
Palm Valley project and the Ickes project. That landscaping adds up to
approximately $1,000,000 a mile. Mr. Chandler advised that Landmark felt
locating the facilities along major public thoroughfares was to minimize
the impact of citizens living within the project and also properties which
are surrounding the property to the north where Landmark currently has an
application in for the Oak Tree West project. He noted that Landmark feels
the location of the facility on Madison Street in the area of the new pro-
posed Fire Station and CVWD's water well site would make them compatible
to those uses. The main facility site on Avenue 54, west of Jefferson, was
chosen because there are already sere existing facilities there that had
been used for agriculture purposes in the past, which would make the new
facility compatible with the current zoning on the property. Another major
factor was that there is existing infrastructure there, including building
improvements, electric power, water source and the ability to move into it
right away to be able to execute their maintenance program. Mr. Chandler
stated that Landmark feels all of their development efforts in the area to
date have increased the land values. He noted that they are pleased with
staff's recarmendation of approval, advising that Landmark has sore $3,000,000
invested in the golf course at this time, and would therefore wish to urge
the Planning Coamission/City Council approval of the maintenance facilities.
No one else wished to speak at this time. Vice Chairman Walling closed the
public hearing at 7:42 p.m.
Vice Chairman Walling called for comrents from the Camdssion.
Oaimissicner Moran stated she did not like the locations of the facilities,
but if it was going to be, she was willing to work around it and see if some
of the problems could be mitigated as best as possible. Commissioner Moran
feels that the homeowners within the project do have the luxury of having
use of the golf course, where people on the outside do not. Therefore, the
people outside should not be impacted by the negative aspects of the facility.
She noted that she has made her views known in previous meetings that she
does not like this type of facility on the public right-of-ways and feels
they could be planned within the project without negative impact on the people
or the outside and on the inside of the project.
Commissioner Goetcheus had no caanent.
Camu ssicner Klimkiewicz had scne concerns with the landscaping used with
regard to screening and felt that the median cut in this instance should be
allowed. Therefore, he requested that Condition No. 10 be deleted.
There was a brief discussion regarding the median cut. The City Engineer
had reccmTended the cut be deleted in the Staff Report. The COMISSiORers
recaanended that the cut be allowed in this instance and that Condition No.
10 be deleted.
Vice Chairman Walling felt that these types of facilities should be screened
adequately and, in this instance, feels that we should use a little more
parkway to do that. Possibly adding a condition where we would have a land-
scaped parkway 20-25' fran the right-of-way line which would give an additional
8-12' on the Avenue 54 side depending on the ultimate width of that street.
May 14, 1985
Page 4.
That would give the Applicant the opportunity to berm it up and put a
mall of some sort on top of the berm to get the ultimate height to get
much more screening than just the 6' the Applicant shows on the plans
where the wall is at ground level.
After some discussion, it was decided to add to Condition No. 18 and
basically ask the Applicant to redesign the parkway setback area to
create the best possible screening effect and then the redesign will
be brought back to the Commission on an informal basis to cumpnt on
before Staff approves it.
As there were no further questions or comments, Vice Chairman Walling
called for a motion.
2. Commissioner issioner Goetcheus made a motion to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-143
and 85-144, based on the findings in the Staff Reports, and subject to
conditions of approval, as amended. Commissioner Klimkiewicz seconded
the motion. Vice Chairman Walling called for a Roll Call Vote per a
request from Commissioner Moran. The Secretary called the roll with
the following results:
Commissioner Goetcheus
- Aye
Commissioner Klimkiewicz
- Aye
Commissioner Moran
- No
Vice Chairman Walling
- Aye
Chairman Thornburgh
- Absent
Notion for approval unanimously adopted with Commissioner Moran objecting
and Chairman Thornburgh absent.
A. Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Walling,
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 23, 1985.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 23, 1985, were approved as
submitted. Unanimously adopted.
Vice Chairman Walling called upon Staff to report on the five plot plan requests
for construction of single-family dwellings before the Commission.
1. Director Stevens stated that as these requests had been reviewed at the Study
Session the day prior, he would identify each request and the Planning Commission
could rule on then as a whole. He stated that Staff is recommending approval of
each of the requests. Director Stevens identified the requests as follows:
A. Plot Plan No. 85-146, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 100' south of Calle Sonora; Michael
Blackwood, Applicant.
B. Plot Plan No. 85-151, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 300' south of Calle Colima; Arthur
Anderson, Applicant.
C. Plot Plan No. 85-152, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 250' north of Calle Arroba; Arthur
Anderson, Applicant.
Director Stevens noted that, for the record, the two requests from Mr.
Arthur Anderson are for homes to be constructed for sale and not for
rental purposes, as was stated in the Staff Reports.
D. Plot Plan No. 85-153, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the west side of Avenida Juarez, 130' south of Avenida Montezuma; Rick
Johnson Construction, Applicant.
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My 14, ..
Page 5.
E. Plot Plan No. 85-154, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on
the south side of Avenue 46 (Westward Ho Drive), approximately 450' west
of Roadrunner Lane; Richard Pescador, Applicant.
Vice Chairman Walling called for a motion
2. Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion, seconded by Camtissioner Moran, to
approve Plot Plan No. 85-146, and Plot Plans Nos. 85-151 through 85-154, based
on the findings in the Staff Reports and subject to attached conditions.
Unanimously adopted.
There being no further items of agenda to come before the Camussion, Vice Chairman
Walling called for a motion to adjourn.
Vice Chairman Walling made a motion to adjourn to an adjourned meeting of May 20,
1985, at 3:00 p.m., to attend the City Council Study Session where the consultant
for the Washington Street Specific Plan will give a presentation. This meeting
will be held in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. Ccrwdssioner
Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 8:10 p.m., May 14, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, California.
DATE J'7i8' i!5
DISCUSSION: (// , a.
To: The Honorable Cbairmran and Manbers of the Planning Commission
From: Community unity Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Applicant: Sunrise Company
Request: Revision in Unit Mix and Lot Sizes of a Subdivision Containing 132±
Acres into 109 Lots of which 19 Lots are to be Devoted to Custom,
Single -Family Hanes and the Remainder Devoted to Attached Condominium
The Applicant proposes a revision in unit mix, unit location, and lot size to the
previously submitted and reviewed Tentative Tract Map No. 20717. The attach Staff
Report reviews in detail this proposed project.
on April 23, 1985, the Planning Commission recommended approval of this tract map.
subsequently, the Applicant requested an amendment to the map.
Gm May 7, 1985, City Council authorized that the amendment be referred back to the
Planning Cession for further review and recommendation.
The revisions to the project are only related to the tract mmap. All specific building,
floor, and elevation plans associated with the project have been previously presented
and discussed in the attached Staff Report. The following is a discussion of the
proposed tract map changes.
/# 36
in relationship to unit mix, the oposed revision adds a total of-26-dwelling units
i with a new cumulative total of 5-17 units. This is compared to the previous map with
a total of 511 units. Following is a table comparing the unit mix from that previously
proposed with the unit mix as now requested. (See Table, Page 2)
The significant unit mix changes involved in the new proposal are an increase of 88
Fourplex west 'type -A units and a decrease of 48 Fourplex East Type-B units. Parcels
22 through 27, as previously proposed containing 64 Type-B units, have been revised
to incorporate 88 Type -A units within Parcels 22 through 28; a net increase in 24
units. The Applicant's reasoning behind this change evolved around a determination
made by Sunrise and their marketing consultants to provide more affordably priced,
smaller units within the Stadium Golf Course. The east side of PGA Boulevard takes
in the Stadium Golf Course. A letter from the Applicant, dated May 1, 1985, requesting
the map amendment, is attached for your information.
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
Unit Mix
Number of
Number of
57 Fourplex West
79 Fourplex West
Buildings, Type A
Buildings, Type A
Lots 1 - 15
Lots 1-15 and 22-28
58 Duplex Buildings
53 Duplex Buildings
Lots 21, 54-75, 77-83,
Lots 21, 54-75,
84-96 and 98-109
77-83, 85-96 and
27 Fourplex Fast
15 Fourplex Fast
Buildings, Type B
Buildings, Type B
Lots 22 - 30
Lots 29-34
Single -Family for
Single -Family Lots
Custom Home
for Custam Hare
- 4
Lots 31 - 53
Lots 35 - 53
Model Units -
Model Units -
Fourplex and
Fourplex and
Duplex Buildings
Duplex Buildings
Tots 16 - 20
Lots 16 - 20
® 0
May 28, 1985
Page 3.
With regard to changes in the parcels devoted to custom single-family have development,
the revised map indicates a reduction in both number and size of lots. Lots 31 through
37 of the old map have been changed from single-family lots to the development of 16
Fourplex East Type-B units onto Lots 33 and 34 of the new map. The map revision also
reduces the number of single-family lots by four, from 23 to 19. The proposed revision
reduces the average size of a lot by 16.56 percent (to 15,874 square feet from 19,025
square feet) .
Other changes in the map include a reduction in the number of both the Fourplex Fast
Type-B units (loss of 48 units), and the puplec
None of the unit mix and unit relocations in the revised tract map are expected to
significantly change circulation patterns or create traffic congestion problems. With
regard to compatibility, the map revision establishes a large strip of the smaller more
affordable Fourplex Type -A units within the east portions of the tract. These units
are compatible in architectural design, color, building materials, mass, height, siting,
and bulk to the other units in the tract. The Applicant has strategically located the
units to the west portion of the eastern side of the tract to minimize any potential
compatibility conflicts.
1n relation to density, the revised map has a slightly higher overall density of 4.
units per acre as compared to 3.86 units per acre in the old nap. The revised density
is well within the density requirements of the applicable Specific Plan.
Overall, the proposed revisions to the tract map and the changes in the conditions of
approval are, in staff_'s judgment, acceptable and consistent with the intent of Specific
Plan No. 83-002. Due to minor revisions to the map, the following conclusions and
findings have been revised:
1. The proposed density, without the inclusion of golf course open space
�/ amenities, of 4. units per acre is consistent with the General Plan, zoning,
�i and the Specific Plan.
2. Approximately 70% of the net developable area will be developed with open space
and recreational uses, which exceeds the City's planned residential standards.
(NOTE: Findings :3 - 7 from original report are unchanged.)
3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed project at an overall density
of 4.W units per acre.
(N(YTE: Findings 1, 2, 4 - 12 from original report are unchanged.)
Based on the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval
of Tlentative Tract Map No. 20717, Amended No. 1, subject to the conditions previously
recommended by the Planning Commission (copy attached), with the following revisions:
May 28, 1985
Page 4.
That the minor residential collector street serving Lots 22 through 32
be continued and improved to an all-weather street to connect into the
residential island portion of the project (lots 33 through 110) prior
to building permit issuance on Lots 22 through 32."
A change in the t%rnm�ber of units shall not exceed 10% of the
approved total of , shall be deemed carpatible with approved unit A
designs, and shall be consistent with the overall character of the
Gam, c✓./��
Gary W. Price
Associate Planner
Atchs: 1. Sunrise Letter, Dated May 1, 1985
2. Conditions of Approval
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Om unity Development Director
May 1, 1985
Mayor Cox and Members of the City Council
c/o Lawrence L. Stevens
Community Development Director
City of La Quinta
P. O. Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
Re: Tentative Tract Map #20717
RC .'1VE0
Yri� 1 1985
Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council:
A hearing is currently scheduled on the above -referenced
Tract Map on May 7, 1985. We would like to request that
the Council refer the Tract back to the Planning Commission
to consider changes to the unit mix that we have only re-
cently decided upon. These changes are a result of decisions
based on our on -going marketing research. A group of
Sunrise Company executives and our marketing consultants
recently returned from a trip to PGA National ( a county
club/golf oriented development in Florida) and meetings
with PGA officials and PGA Tour officials. One of the
conclusions of these meetings is that we would be making
a serious mistake to not include some of the smaller
Fourplex units on the stadium (easterly) golf course. The
reasoning i:; that we expect golf pros from across the
country to be attracted by this golf course; it will be
a world -class course that will host major golf tournaments
and these golf pros will want to live on this golf course.
The smaller Fourplex units being more affordably priced
will increase the opportunities for golf pros to purchase
homes and live on this golf course.
It is not only the prospective golf pro buyers we are
hoping to attract with this move, we are also seeking their
support. If their enthusiasm for the Project were diminished
because they could not afford to live on the golf course of
their choice, it would reflect in their recommendations and
discussions with club members, clientele and other contacts.
This is the national market we are seeking.
75-005 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert, California 9226o, Telephone (619) 568-2828
Builderof America § Finest CountryClub Communities
Page 2
The change from the larger Fourplexes to the smaller Four-
plexes discussed above necessitated plotting of the larger
Fourplexes in an area that was previously shown as custom
lots. Utility routing is such that the remaining areas
where the larger Fourplexes are plotted are away from the
central core and would initially be difficult to provide with
Another refinement to the earlier plotting is in the
single family custom lot mix; to afford a wider range of
options we have decided to include a number of smaller lots
to accommodate the individual who would like to build a
custom home, but does not require, or desire, a large yard
to landscape and maintain. We have, therefore, added some
80' x 150' lots to the mix while maintaining an overall
predominance of 120' x 150' lots.
I apologize for any inconvenience that this change may
cause, however we believe that Sunrise Company future home
buyers and in turn the City will benefit from these im-
provements to the plan.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Ver truly yours,
JsL. Resney
Vice President
To: The Honorable Mayor and Manbers of the City Council
From: Planning Ccn[nissicn
Date: May 7, 1985
Subject: TENTA= TAT MAP NO. 20717
location: South Side of Avenue 54 Along the Proposed Alignment of PGA Boulevard
Applicant: Sunrise C=pany
Request: Division of 132+ Acres into 109 lots with 23 Single -Family Dwellinq_s
on Individual lots and with 488 Condominium Units on the Remaininc- lots.
on April 23, 1985, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and approved
(on a 4-1 vote, with Camiissioner Goetcheus objecting) the Tentative Tract subject
to the conditions set forth in the attached Staff Report, with the following revisions:
° Revise Condition No. 14 to read as follows:
"14. A traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection of
Jefferson Street, PGA Boulevard and Avenue 54. The traffic
signal shall be installed at a time deemed appropriate by
the Community Development Director, based upon the City
traffic monitoring program and at a minimum, a review of the
traffic monitor program results shall occur no later than
the issuance of a building permit for the 250th unit autho-
rized by this approval. Said traffic signal design and
method of installation shall be approved by the City Engineer."
° Revise Condition No. 15.c. to read as follows:
1115.c. Emergency access gates shall be provided from Avenue 54 at
lot 11. The design and installation of these gates are
subject to review and approval of the City Fire Marshal and
the Cmr unity Development DeTreartment."
° Revise Condition No. 19. and 19.a. to read as follows:
1119. The Applicant shall couply with the requiranPnts of the City
Fire Marshal. Prior to issuance of any building Permit, the
following conditions shall be met/certified to, except that
the Fire Marshal may approve alternate means of ccnpliance
vhere deemed appropriate and equivalent to these standards:
May 7, 1985
Page 2.
a. Fire Hydrants - Install Super fire hydrants (with one 4"
outlet and two 2'Y" outlets) located no less than 25 feet
nor greater than 165 feet from any portion of exterior
walls of proposed building(s), spaced no more than 365
feet apart, as measured along approved vehicular travelways.
Installation shall be on a water system capable of delivering
2500 GPM fire flow for a two-hour duration at 20 psi residual
operating pressure in accordance with Ordinance No. 7,
Section 10.301c."
° Revise Condition No. 29.b. to read as follows:
"29.b. A minimum front setback of 20 feet shall be required on
all residential dwelling units in the project, except for
the Fourplex East unit (Plan 40), and all small Duplex
unit gatehouses, which may have a 15-foot setback."
° Add 31.b. to read as follows:
"31.b. A change in the total number of units shall not exceed
10% of the approved total of 511, shall be deemed compatible
with approved unit designs, and shall be consistent with the
overall character of the project."
° Revise Condition No. 38 to read as follows:
1138. Applicant shall submit plans for street lighting along roads
for review and approval by the Cmmmmity Development Department."
Most of the Planning Commission discussion focused on the following:
° Timing of traffic signal
° Setbacks from street and golf course
° Interior circulation
° Flexibility to make minor project changes
° Level of review for model complex, gatehouses, etc.
Jim Resney, Sunrise Company, and Robert Altievers, Project Architect, spoke in
support of the Staff recammendation noting the need for some staff flexibility to
review changes. Mr. Altievers also gave a presentation on the proposed project
architectural theme.
No one else appeared on the matter.
Subsequent to the Planning Commission hearing and after Council notices were mailed,
the Applicant has indicated a desire to make some revisions to the proposed project
per the attached letter. These changes (increase in number of units by about 36 units,
changes in unit mix and location, changes in single-family lot size) should be reviewed
by the Planning Commission before Council action. As a result, this hearing should be
May 7, 1985
Page 3.
continued and the matter referred back to the Planning Commission. It is expected
that the Planning Camiission review can be done on May 14 and, if so, the Council
hearing can be continued until May 21, provided there is no need to re -notify for
the Planning Commission review. This will be confirmed with the City Attorney
prior to the Council meeting.
� /41�
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Ocununity DeveloMent. Director
Atch: 1. Planning Cannission Report of April 23, 1985
2. Sunrise Company Letter Dated May 1, 1985
1. Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, shall canply with the requirements and standards of
the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division ordinance,
unless otherwise nr)dified by the following conditions.
2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the original date
of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant
to the City of Ia Quinta Land Division Ordinance.
3. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted
for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Community Development
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or
use contemplates by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or
clearances from the following public agencies:
° City Fire Marshal
° City Engineer
° Community Ievelopment Department, Planning Division
° Coachella Valley Water District
° Riverside County Environmental Health Department
• Desert Sands Unified School District or Coachella Valley
Unified School District (as appropriate)
Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be
presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building
permit for the use contemplated herewith.
5. The final map, or any portion thereof, shall not be recorded until and unless
Parcel Map No. 20426 has been recorded.
Soils and Geology
6. Prior to approval of any portion of the final map, a detailed geotechnical study
shall be conducted to establish site specific geotechnical parameters for engineering
design of the planned structure locations.
7. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall submit a grading
plan for review and approval by the City Engineer.
Hydrology/Water Conservation
B. Prior to approval of any portion of the final tract map, the Applicant shall prepare
a hydrological analysis for approval by the City Engineer which will indicate method
and design to protect the development from the 100-year flood and any flooding caused
fran a breach of Embankment of Lake Cahuilla or the Coachella Canal. This plan shall
be consistent with the purposes of any similar plans of the Redevelopment Agency
and/or the Coachella Valley Water District.
Page 2.
9. Prior to approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water
conservation plan which will adequately indicate the following:
a. Methods to minimize the consumption of water usage including, but not
limited to , water saving fixtures, drought -tolerant and native landscaping,
and programs to minimize landscape irrigation.
b. Methods for minimizing the effects of increased on -site surface water runoff
and increased groundwater recharge.
.0. That surface runoff` water fran landscape irrigation systems shall be minimized with
the installation of drip, bubbler systems and other water conservation measures.
Also, that a system of catch basins shall be incorporated into the landscaped
common areas of the project in order to contain on -site surface water runoff.
.1. The Applicant shall. utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal
Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
Taffic and Circulation
.2. The Applicant shall develop all roads applicable to Tentative Tract No. 20717 in
conformance with City standards and with the design standards specified in Specific
Plan No. 83-002 (PGA West Specific Plan) as conditionally approved.
3. All roadways within Tentative Tract No. 20717 shall remain private and shall be
maintained as such.
.4. A traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection of Jefferson Street, PGA
West Boulevard and Avenue 54. The traffic signal shall be installed at a time
deemed appropriate by the Camiunity Development Director, but no later than the
issuance of a building permit for the 250th unit authorized by this approval.
Said traffic signal design and method of installation shall be approved by the
City Engineer.
5. The following modification shall be made in the local street circulation plan:
a. A 90-foot cul-de-sac shall be provided at the end of shoal Creek at Lots 5
and 6 of Exhibit A. The cul-de-sac shall provide an adequate turning radius
for emergency service vehicles and shall be subject to review and approval by
the City Fire Marshal and City Engineer.
b. That the minor residential collector street serving Lots 22 through 30 be
continued and improved to an all-weather street to connect into the duplex
and single-family lot portions of the project (Lots 31 through 110) prior to
building permit issuance on Lots 22 through 30.
c. Emergency access gates shall be provided from Avenue 54 at Lots 11 and 30.
The design and installation of these gates are subject to review and approval
of the City Fire Marshal and the Ca amity Development Department.
?age 3.
�6. A plan indicating proposed parking along the private road system shall be submitted
for review and approval by the Community Development Department. The plan shall
designate any "
no parking" areas and show the method of identifying then.
7. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements regarding private street
a. The Applicant shall submit detailed plans of the gatehouses and unmanned
access gates to the Community Development Department for review and approval.
b. The width of all interior drives, where residential units are to be located
along, shall be a minimum of 32 feet.
c. The Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department for review
and approval a plan indicating proposed traffic channelization (street striping
and means for traffic control within the project) .
.8. A plan showing non-autaootive means of transportation within the project, including
bicycle and pedestrian paths, shall be submitted for review and approval by the
Cmuunity Developmnt Department prior to any recordation.
ublic Services and Utilities
9. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. Prior
to issuance of any building permit, the following conditions shall be met/certified
a. Fire Hydrants - Install Super fire hydrants (with one 4" outlet and tuv 2�"
outlets) located no less than 25 feet nor greater than 165 feet from any
portion of exterior walls of proposed building (s), spaced no more than 365
feet apart, as measured along approved vehicular travelways. Installation
shall be on a crater system capable of delivering 2500 GPM fire flow for a
2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure in accordance with
Ordinance No. 7, Section 10.301c. one Fire Marshal may approve alternate
fire protection requirements.
b. Any street 150' or longer shall be provided with a cul-de-sac or hammerhead
for Fire Department turnaround.
c. Cul-de-sacs shall be no longer than 550' long, unless provided with an
approved emergency alternate access or other appropriate fire protection
as approved by the City Fire Marshal.
d. Developer shall, furnish two copies of water system plans to the Fire
Department for review and approval. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant
types, location and spacing; the water system shall meet fire flow require-
ments. Plans shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved
by the water company.
e. Prior to arrival of combustible materials on the construction site, the
above a. and b. fire protection must be operating.
0. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District.
a. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the
requirvments of the City and the Coachella Valley Water District.
Page 4.
b. Men there are identified conflicts with existing CVWD facilities, the City
will withhold the issuance of any building permit until arrangements have
been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities.
21. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of Imperial Irrigation District
prior to issuance of building permits. Applicant shall provide written clearance
to the City Community Development Department that Imperial Irrigation District
can provide service to this development.
22. All utility improvements to the project shall be
existing overhead utility lines located along the
the exception of high voltage power lines of 66
Schools/Fire Station
installed underground. All
perimeter of the tract, with
ICV and above, shall be installed
23. In order to mitigate impacts on public schools, Applicant shall comply with the
a. Prior to recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall enter into an
agreement to pay School Mitigation Developer Fees with the Coachella Valley
Unified School District (CVUSD) and the Desert Sands Unified School District
b. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall provide
the Director of Community Development with written clearance fran the
applicable school district(s) (DSUSD or CVUSD) stating that the per unit
impact fees have been paid.
c. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any building
bisected by the existing school district boundary line, a mutual agreement
between Coachella Valley Unified School District and the Desert Sands Unified
School District resolving school district boundaries, so that no units are
bisected by those boundaries within the tract, shall be reached and submitted
to the Community Development Director. For any units bisected by the boundary
line, the Cc momity Development Director may collect and hold the school impact
mitigation fee pending resolution of the issue. Phases not affected by the
bisection nay proceed without regard for this condition.
24. The PGA West fire station at Madison Street and Avenue 54 shall be operational
prior to beginning canbustible construction or adequate temporary facilities
shall be provided. TlenWrary facilities shall only be allowed if it is demonstrated
that satisfactory progress is being made for the permanent facility.
B. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the
Comunity Development Director the following documents which shall demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private
streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose
of this approval:
Page 5.
a. The document to convey title;
b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded, and
c. Management and maintenance agreefftent to be entered into with
the unit/lot owners of this land division.
The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the same
time that the final subdivision map is recorded.
A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the
individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and oontinu-
ously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of
any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall be
suboxrdinant to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust, provided that such
deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien
of the homeowners association.
Building and Site Design
26. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with Exhibits A, B and C
Pursuant to Comrnumity Development Department Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 file
as conditionally approved. The following building and site design conditions shall
take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the tentative
tract map.
27. This approval authorizes the construction of a sales office, entry gates and
comm1nity pool facilities at the general locations shown on Exhibit "A", as
amended by these conditions. The buildings' aria/or structures' (parking area,
carmu pity pools) specific location, design, size and height shall be subject to
separate plot plan approval by the Community Developrent Department.
28. All roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view at all sides by
the roof design. Any ground -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from
view by methods approved by the Community Development Department.
29. The following setback criteria shall be applied to site design:
a. Varying setbackks between 20 and 25 feet shall be designed into the
duplex units.
b. A minimum front setback of 20 feet shall be required on all residential
dwelling units in the project, except for the Fourplex East unit (Plan 40)
which may have a 15-foot setback.
c. Minimum sideyard setbacks shall be five feet (10 feet between all residential
building complexes in the project).
W. Prior to building permit issuance, building setbacks, engineering design, orienta-
tion of buildings, acoustical insulation, noise barriers, and other measures shall
be taken to reduce noise impacts on residential dwelling units within the project
from nearby existing and future roadways to within State standards. Special
consideration shall be given to the dwelling units adjacent to Avenue 54 and PGA
West Boulevard. An acoustical study shall be prepared for all units on Lots 11
through 30, per Exhibit "A", to determine existing noise levels and future anti-
cipated noise levels at time of ultimate PGA West Specific Plan area luildout.
Page 6.
The study shall recommend specific noise mitigation measures for each dwelling
unit to reduce future anticipated noise to reasonable State standard levels.
The study shall be submitted for review and approval by the community Development
Department. Reasonable noise mitigation measures, as reccmTended, shall be
incorporated into the project and building design.
31. Any minor changes in the tentative tract map including, but not limited to, unit
mix changes, exterior building color changes, changes in lot lines, lot shape
modifications, changes in lot dimensions and street alignment alterations shall
be subject to the approval of the Community Development Director.
a. Lot sizes, building locations and street locations shall be adjusted
as necessary to provide for setbacks specified in the approval of
the perimeter wall along Avenue 54. (NOTE: This wall plan has not
been given final approval.)
32. All buildings, other than the residential structures indicated on the tract map
for approval shall require a separate submittal of plot plan applications and/or
other development request applications as deemed necessary by the community
Development Department.
33. The Applicant shall submit a plan for perimeter fencing for review and approval
by the Community Development Department prior to final map recordation.
34. No occupancy permit will be issued for any dwelling unit until the surrounding
golf course and common landscaped areas have been planted and matured to mitigate
localized blowing dust.
35. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist
shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures can be taken.
36. The Applicant shall submit a tentative time schedule of tract map development
phasing as it relates to the phased implementation of Specific Plan No. 83-002.
This achedule shall be subject to review and approval by the community Development
37. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit a landscape
plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Desert
or native plant species and drought -resistant plant materials shall be incor-
porated into landscaping plans for the project.
38. Applicant shall submit plans for lighting along roads for review and approval
by the .Community Development Department.
39. The location of and access to all construction facilities shall be subject to
review and approval by the Community Development Department.
10. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions and requirements of the city's
adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the tine of issuance of building
V ,s
To: The Honorable Chairman and Manbers of the Planning Caimission
From: Cammunity Development Department
Date: April 23, 1985
Subject: TEN=IVE TRACT MAP NO. 20717
Location: South Side of Avenue 54, Along the Proposed Alignment of PGA West Boulevard.
Applicant: Sunrise Company
Request: Division of 132+ Acres into 109 Lots with 23 Single -Family Dwellings on
Individual Lots and 488 Condaninium Units on the Remaining Lots.
1. General Plan
a. Site: Specific Plan No. 83-002 (PGA West), designated for residential and
golf course/recreational/open space uses.
b. Surrounding Area: "PGA West" surrounds the project to the west, east and
south designated for golf course and residential uses. To the north central
portion of the site, within Specific Plan 83-002, is a 20-acre parcel
designated for ccuuerci.al uses. To the north of the project site, across
Avenue 54, designated for agriculture uses in the Riverside County Open Space
and Conservation Element.
2. Zoning
a. Site: R-2 (General Residential).
b. surrounding Area: Within Specific Plan 83-002, R-2 (General Residential) to
the east, west and south and C-P-S (Scenic highway Camiercial) on the 20 acres
to the north central portion of the site. To the north of the site, across
Avenue 54, A--1-10 and A-1-2 (Agriculture) .
3. Existing Conditions: The site is a portion of the PGA West Specific Plan project.
The site was previously used for various agricultural production and is currently
being graded and improved for the PGA West stadium golf course. Main access to
the tract is to be fran PGA West Boulevard at the termination of Jefferson Street
south of Avenue 54.
Public improvenents and services are being established and extended to the site
in concurrence vrith the applicable sp�ecific plan and parcel map. Madison Street
and Avenues 54 and 58 are improved and have now been accepted by the City, as a
part of the conditions of approval to vacate Jefferson Street within the PGA West
April 231 1985
Page 2.
4. Environmental Considerations: An Environmental Impact Report (SCH #83062922)
was prepared on the overall specific plan and was certified by the City Council
on May 15, 1984. All environmental impacts associated with Tentative Tract No.
20717 have been addressed in the subject EIR available for review at the Camnumity
Development Department. Given the concerns stated in the EIR, several mitigation
measures were incorporated into the conditions of approval attached to Specific
Plan No. 83-002. The proposed project will also incorporate environmental miti-
gation measures applicable to Specific Plan 83-002. City Council Resolution No.
84-28, approving a Statement of Overriding Findings, indicates that although
there will be a significant adverse effect on the environment with regard to
converting prime agricultural land to urban uses, the project will provide specific
overriding social, econaaic and other caamu pity benefits.
5. Previous Approvals:
a. Specific Plan No. 83-002, "PGA west", approval of a 1665-acre project oriented
around four (4), 18-hole golf courses, with 5,000 residential units, 20 acres
of retail/office eannercial, and a 65-acre resort village with a 400-roan hotel
and 250 apartment/condcminium/hotel units. Approved May 15, 1984.
b. Parcel Map No. 20426, division of a 452-acre portion of PGA west into eight (8)
lots, each exceeding 20 acres in size, and one access lot. This map implements
Specific Plan 83-002 by dividing the property into different land uses with
Lots 1 and 4 for residential uses, Lots 5, 6, and 7 for golf courses, Lot 8
for a conuercial center, and Lots 2 and 3 for the resort village area.
Approved February 26, 1985.
C. Change of Zone Case No. 84-007, zoning 11580 acres R-2, 65 acres R-3 for the
resort village, and 20 acres C-P-S for the commercial center. Approved on
May 15, 1984.
d. Street Vacation No. 84-004, vacating Jefferson Street between Avenues 54 and
58, and vacating Airport Boulevard between Madison and Jefferson Streets.
Approved Septenber 18, 1984.
e. Street Vacation No. 84-006, vacating Airport Boulevard between Jefferson
Street and the All -American Canal, and vacating all of Batajo Drive.
Approved February 5, 1985.
f. other minor related plans such as PGA west entry gates, phasing plan, street
nacre plan, and Specific Plan street signage plans are currently being reviewed.
6. Project Description:
The proposed project consists of the subdivision of a portion of PGA West into a
combination of attached condominium units and single-family lots. The tract is
to be developed on 132.2 acres (net acres excluding golf courses) surrounded by
the PGA West stadium golf course and a second golf course to the west. A total
of 488 condominium units and 23 single-family lots are included in this development
request. This request for approval not only includes the subdivision of land, but
also includes design review approval of all proposed condominium units. The
following is a breakdown of land uses within Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 (Refer
to Exhibit A - Tract Map):
April 23, 1985
Page 3.
1 - 15
57 Fourplex West Type A
16 - 20
Model Units - Fourplex & Duplex Units
22 - 30
27 Fourplex Fast Type B
31 - 53
Single -Family Lots for Custom Home Development
21, 54 - 75,
77 - 83,
58 Duplex Units
98 - 109
76, 84, 97
Connunity Pools
110 - 116
Lakes within Duplex Unit Location
117 - 141
Landscape Cam on Area
The project site is currently being graded to acco undate the PGA West stadium
golf course.
Consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan and the recently approved related
Parcel Map 20426, the circulation system provides for main entrances off PGA West
Boulevard (the main arterial through PGA West) with gated east and west entrances
into the tract. Frontage roads along PGA West Boulevard provide for building
setbacks from the main arterial of at least 50 feet. Street configuration to the
east portion of the tract indicates that street alignments extend north and south
from the entrance with cul-de-sacs at the ends of aligment stretches fronting
PGA West Boulevard. The farthest alignment, to the west of the entrance, extends
north to abruptly end into what will eventually be expanded into a large loop when
additional tract portions of the Specific Plan are developed. The west portion of
the tract also contains a south and north tentacle-like street alignment which
fronts onto PGA West Boulevard with the northeasterly stretch ending into what also
is expected to expand into a large loop with future development. An island street
configuration travels to the east of the easterly tract entrance providing a con-
tiguous loop for free flowing circulation.
The tract is proposed to have two distinctively different design themes. To the
east of PGA West Boulevard, there is to be a mix of duplex, fourplex and single-
family home sites. The multiple -family structures are to be large (between 2,300-
square-foot to over 4,100-square-foot floor areas).
The single-family lots, all located in this portion of the tract, are to contain
custom, single-family homes. These lots average 19,025 square feet in size, varying
from 17,980 to 23,800 square feet in size.
April 23, 1985
Page 4.
Tb the west of PGA West Boulevard, all buildings are proposed to be fourplex,
with the exception of the model units. All of the "Fourplex West" units range
in floor area from 1,300 to 2,000 square feet.
Prices for the units vary according to square footage and location, with the
larger, higher priced units located to the east of PGA West Boulevard. The
following is a breakdown of projected unlit prices. Please note that these are
estimated costs and may vary at time of actual sales.
Fourplex West Dwelling Units -
Varying in size from 1,300 Sq.Ft. to
$120,000 to $230,000
2,000 Sq.Ft.
Fourplex East Dwelling Units -
Varying in size from 2,300 Sq.Ft. to
$230,000 to $400,000
3,100 Sq.Ft.
Duplex. East Dwelling Units -
Varying in size from 3,400 Sq.Ft. to
$400,000 to $650,000
4,200 Sq.Ft.
Single -Family Lots for Custan Hanes -
Prices Unknown at
Ranging in size from 18,000 Sq.Ft. to
This Time
to 24,000 Sq.Ft.
Duplex East Buildings
Applicable Exhibits: Exhibit A - Tract Map - Iots 31 through 36, Lots 54 through
109; Exhibits B-9 through B-16 (Building Site and Unit Floor Plans), and Exhibits
C-5 through C-8 (Elevation Plans).
The duplex buildings are the deluxe, multiple -residential units of "PGA West" and
are generally to be located on an island surrounded by golf course and open space.
All duplex buildings have a consistent architectural thane with the typical "Desert"
style design, having a "Contemporary" architectural character. The buildings dis-
play a triangular symmetry with flat tile, sloping pyramidal roofs over rectangular
front exteriors, heavily emphasizing large roof overhangs supported in height from
9.5' to 22' providing an elite style of architecture.
Each duplex building is centered on a single lot averaging 1501 in depth and varying
lot widths depending on building size. For example, the Building 100 Plan has a lot
width of 128 feet. The Building 400 Plan has a 148-foot lot width. Each building
contains two units of the same design with reversed floor plants. The Plan 100 con-
tains 3,482-s uare-feet of usable floor area per unit, the Plan 200 contains 3,786-
s;uare-feet of usable floor area per unit, the Plan 300 contains 3,975-sure-feet
of usable floor area per unit, and the Plan 400 contains 4,178-square-feet of usable
floor area.
April 23, 1985
Page 5.
The building setbacks are as follows:
° Front Yard Setback frcin Garage - 25 Feet
° Rear Yard Setbacks:
Plan 100 - 19.75 Feet
Plan 200 - 14.50 Feet
Plan 300 - 14.00 Feet
Plan 400 - 17.00 Feet
° Sideyard Setbacks - 8 Feet (16 Feet between buildings)
All buildings contain a typical front driveway and approach except for the Plan
400, which is to include a loop driveway for guest entry and parking in the front.
Building materials are to include varying pastel pink plaster exteriors, with
white to beige stained wood exterior trim. Roofing materials will consist of
flat, clay tile of various colors from Spanish red to light gray incorporated
together, which from a distance will project a uniform color look.
The floor plans of all duplex units are similar with Unit Plans 200, 300 and 400
being expanded versions of Plan 100. All units are to contain two bedrooms, one
den, three-an3-a-half bathrooms, a dining, living and family roan, and a garage
with golf cart storage area. The pools located in the rear yards, as indicated on
the plans, are optional to be installed by the haneowner. A pedestrian door is
provided directly from the garage to the main house.
Fourplex East Buildings
Applicable Exhibits: Exhibit A - Tract Map - Lots 22 through 30; Exhibits B-1
through B-8 (Building Site and Unit Floor Plans); and Exhibits C-1 through C-4
(Elevation Plans).
The fourplex buildings on the east side of PGA West Boulevard are composed of
Models 3010, 3020, 4010 and 4020. Each model is to contain a specific unit mix
with unit floor area given as follows:
° Model
Two Unit Plans
10 and Two Unit Plans 30
° Model
Two Unit Plans
20 and Two Unit Plans 30
° Model
Two Unit Plans
10 and Two Unit Plans 40
° MxIel
Two Unit Plans
20 and Two Unit Plans 40
Unit Plan
Unit Floor Plan Square Footage
2,312 Sq.Ft.
2,602 Sq.Ft.
2,840 Sq.Ft.
3,051 Sq.Ft.
The architectural design of these buildings is similar and oompatible with the
Duplex Models embodying a "Desert" type architecture having a contenporary flavor.
A sloping mansard style, flat tile roof reaches a maximum building height of 20
feet. The building setbacks are as follows:
April 23, 1985
Page 6.
° Front Yard Setbacks: Unit Plans 10, 20 and 30 - 25 Feet
Unit Plan 40 - 15 Feet
° Sideyard Setbacks: All Models - 10 feet (20 feet between buildings)
° Rear Yard Setbacks: Models 3010 and 3020 - 13.75 Feet
Model 3030 - 20 Feet
Model 3040 - 17.5 Feet
All these buildings incorporate large pillars which visually support large exterior
overhangs. The varying roof lines present a visually pleasant setting.
Building materials include a light peach to pastel rose exterior plaster with
varying beige exterior wood trim. Two roof colors are proposed, one containing
varied light broom to gray flat tile and the other with varied dark red to brown
flat tile.
With regard to the floor plans, each unit contains two bedrooms, one den, and three -
and -a -half bathrams, a two -car garage with golf cart storage is also provided.
Fourplex West Buildings
Applicable Exhibits: Exhibit A - Tract Map - Lots 1 through 17, Iat 20 and a
portion of Iot 10„ Exhibits B-17-1 through B-20-1 (Building Site and Floor Plans);
and Exhibits C-17•-1 through C-20-1 (Elevation Plans).
The fourplex buildings on the Uest side of PGA West Boulevard are conposed of
Models 4224, 4334, 5225 and 5335. Each model is to contain a specific unit mix
with unit floor area given as follows:
° Model 4224:
Two Unit Plans
502 and Two Unit Plans
° Model 4334:
Two Unit Plans
503 and Two Unit Plans
° Model 5225:
Two Unit Plans
502 and Two Unit Plans
° Model 5335:
Two Unit Plans
503 and Two Unit Plans
Unit Plan
Unit Floor Plan Square Footage
1,330 Sq.Ft.
1,548 Sq.Ft.
1,627 Sq.Ft.
1,918 Sq.Ft.
The architectural design of these buildings is ultra conteuporary, however,
remaining in them with the rest of the project containing desert compatible
colors and materials. The maximum building height of these units is 23 feet.
The building setbacks are as follows:
° Front Yard Setbacks: All units have a minimum of 20 feet.
° Side Yard Setbacks: All models have a ninimm of 7.5 feet -
(15 feet between buildings)
° Rear Yard Setbacks: Unit Plan 502 - 15 feet minimum
Unit Plan 503 - 15 feet minimum
Unit Plan 504 - 15 feet or 5 feet fran roof overhang
Unit Plan 505 - 15 feet or 5 feet from roof overhang
April 23, 1985
Page 7.
All buildings are to contain large roof overhangs with a rectangular symmetry
and triangular hip roofs.
Building materials include four, colored variety exterior plaster from a light
beige to peach and pink tones. Matching exterior detailing is provided with
varying colors depending on color scheme, including green, rose, brown and gray.
Roofing includes flat tile varying in color from light gray and brown to deep
Spanish red.
The unit floor plans all contain two bedroorns and a detached two -car garage.
Units 502, 503 and 504 have two full bathrooms. The larger units, 504 and 505,
contain a separate den with the 505 Model having two -and -a -half bathrooms.
Recreational amenities for the project residents include 22 community pools
located within, at most, 500 feet from any unit in the tract. The project will
be surrounded by the 142-acre PGA West stadium golf course which will provide
residents with dramatic visual open space amenities and the opportunity to golf.
To the south of the tract will be the PGA West village core which will include
a tennis club and golf club, and several other recreational amenities.
7. Comments From Affected Agencies.
a. City Engineer:
(1) Streets - All streets to be constructed to City standards.
(2) Sewer and Water - Construct sewer and water systems per CVWD standards
and obtain Fire Marshal approval.
(3) Grading and Drainage - Submit grading plan for review and approval by
City Engineer. Subrut hydrology and hydrolic
calculations for City Engineer approval. All
pads to be protected from 100-year stone.
(4) Final Map - Submit final map for review and approval by City Engineer.
(5) Traffic Signals - Install traffic signals at intersection of PGA West
Boulevard and Avenue 54.
b. Building Inspector:
(1) Street Pnmibering - It looks like there is going to be a problem with
addressing due to the nature of the looped streets
within the project.
c. School Districts:
(1) Desert Sands Unified School District - Please require mitigation of
school 'mpacts by requiring developer to enter into agreement with
DsusD to pay fee of $628 per unit at time of building permit.
(2) Coachella Valley Unified School District - The Applicant needs to sign
an agreement for developer fees. The reason why this response is late
is because a transfer of property between Desert Sands Unified School
District and the Coachella Valley School District is in process.
April 23, 1985
Page 8.
(Staff Comment: The existing school district boundary line is the original
Jefferson Street alignment which gives Desert Sands Unified School District
jurisdiction to the west and Coachella Valley unified School District juris-
diction to the east of Jefferson Street. This boundary line travels through
Lots 8, 9, 1.0 and 13 and through the middle of several dwelling units. Based
on City of Ia Quinta Ordinance No. 71, no lot shall be divided by a taxing
district boundary line unless otherwise approved by the Cortmmity Development
Director. Staff has conferred with both school districts expressing concern
that the boundaries must be revised in a logical manner with no boundary line
which creates a division between buildings. A meeting between the school
districts is expected in May of 1985; however, it is very difficult to predict
when a mutually agreed boundary change will be approved. The Applicant has
expressed a desire to expedite tract map processing as he expects to start
construction of the model unit phase of the project by June, 1985.)
d. General Telephone:
GTE will provide service to this development from Jefferson Street and
Avenue 54.
e. Southern California Gas Company:
Gas available. No other comments.
f. Coachella Valley Water District:
This area is subject to stonrwater flows from the La Quinta Cove area. We
have been working with the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency on a plan to provide
stormwater protection to this area. However, funding for the construction of
these facilities has not been obtained.
This area is designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are
in effect at this time.
The District will furnish damestic water and sanitation service to this area
in accordance with the current regulations of this District. These regulations
provide for the payment of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said
fees and charges are subject to change.
There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the
appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until
arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these
g. Riverside County Sheriff's Department:
There should be an expected increase in calls for service because of the
population increase associated with the addition of 109 residential lots.
Security during construction could be a problem because of the location of
the project which is away fran existing residential and commercial developments.
It is recommended that adequate warning be given to vehicular traffic traveling
southbound on Jefferson that Jefferson ends at Avenue 54. Devices could consist
(1) Warning Signs, "Road Ends in 500 Feet, Decrease Speed,
No Thru Traffic".
(2) Raised Pavement Marker - Dots in the Roadway.
April 23, 1985
Page 9.
h. Riverside County Fire Department:
(1) The water mains shall be capable of providing a potential fire flow
of 2500 GPM and the actual fire flow of 1500 GPM from any one hydrant
connected to any given water main for a two-hour duration at a 20 psi
residual operating pressure.
(2) Super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2'" x 2;") shall be located at each
street intersection, if possible, but in no event shall there be an
interval of more than 330' between hydrants.
(3) Emergency access gates meeting La Quinta standards should be provided
to allow access fron Avenue 54 to the private roads at areas D-1 and
G-9 of Erchibit A.
(4) A cul-de-sac of at least 90' diameter should be provided at the end of
Section A 1 of Exhibit A.
(5) Due to the size of the proposed buildings, fourplex units will need to
be area separated with two-hour walls into two equal compartments.
i. Cmu ents were requested, however, not received from the following agencies:
(1) Imperial Irrigation District
(2) Riverside County Planning Department
(3) Chamber of Commerce (La Quinta)
Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 will implement the concept envisioned by PGA West
Specific Plan with regard to residential density and unit mix, architectural design,
circulation and open space/recreational facilities. Sunrise Company, the Applicant,
has indicated that thay will be the primary developer of housing in the 5,000 unit
approved Specific Plan area. The proposed tract map will be the first phases of
residential development of the PGA West Specific Plan.
Activating the proposed tract map will have an effect on other related cases relative
to commitments made by other developers. For example, conditions of approval in
Parcel Map No. 20426 (Landmark) require dedication of a fire station site. In
addition, Specific Plan No. 83-002 is conditioned to require the Applicant to equip
the fire station with a 1,250-gallon-per-minute engine and a squad or paramedic unit
in accordance with Riverside County Fire Department's specifications. To ensure that
these conditions are met, in connection with other related cases, appropriate conditions
should be applied to this project's approval.
Staff is currently monitoring Specific Plan area development. This will assure close
coordination between Tandna k and Sunrise to facilitate development, and meet all
oemmitments and conditions of all related plans to Specific Plan No. 83-002.
Circulation Considerations
Main access to the tract is to be from PGA West Boulevard south from the termination
of Jefferson Street at Avenue 54. PGA West Boulevard is the circulatory backbone
of the entire Specific_ Plan area. Two major collectors take access off PGA West
April 23, 1985
Page 10.
Boulevard, one easterly and the other westerly, to the two different portions of the
tract. The major collectors logically provide access to the several minor residential
collectors. Since the tract is only a small portion of the entire Specific Plan, the
circulation system, as proposed, is incanplete with several deadends, creating some
concerns. The circulation plan assumes that other portions, contiguous to this tract
map, will be developed. To the east, the residential collector serving Lots 23 through
30 deadends at 6,000 feet from the main entrance at PGA West Boulevard, although the
Master Plan would eventually extend this into the loop system. To the west, the resi-
dential collector serving Lots 11 through 16 deadends at 3,000 feet fran the main
entrance. This would be a permanent cul-de-sac according to the Master Plan. Based
on comments from the Fire Marshal, emergency access gates or other appropriate measures
should be provided at these locations.
Staff recommends that the minor residential street serving Lots 22 through 30 be
continued and inproved to an all-weather street to connect into the duplex and single-
family lot island of the project (Lets 31 through 110 per Exhibit A). This map adjust-
ment will allow emergency vehicles to access and exit lots 31 through 110 with a minimum
of conflicts. The residential collector serving Tots 1 through 10, Exhibit A, deadends
at 2,500 feet from point of entrance. Although this street alignment is expected to
eventually connect to a master circulation loop in the future, free flow circulation
and emergency vehicle turn -around would be blocked in the short term. Based on comments
from the Fire Marshal, a cul-de-sac or other mitigative measure should be provided at
the end of the street along Lots 1 through 10.
The duplex and single-family lot portion of the tract, Lots 31 through 115, utilize a
loop circulation system which will provide for smooth entrancing and exiting with no
deadends. Emergency 'vehicles will adequately access these units from PGA West
Boulevard and easily exit from this portion of the project.
With regard to adequate street design for the number of dwelling units served, the
major collectors are well integrated into the minor 32'-wide collectors which abut
all residential units. This street width will permit two-way circulation with on -street
guest parking on one side of the street. Therefore, the Applicant should be required
to limit parking to one side of the street by any of the following means:
° Red curbing with designated no parking on one side of the street.
• Redesign of street to provide on -street parking pockets and no other
on -street parking permitted designated.
° Redesign of street to a minimum width of 40 feet to permit parking
on both sides of the street.
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall indicate enforcement of
parking requirements reflecting one or a combination of the above conditions. In
any case, a minimum of 24' street clearance mist be provided for emergency and service
vehicle access to all residential units at all times.
All street widths and. driveway locations are adequate for proper vehicular circulation.
However, no pedestrian paths or sidewalks have been provided. Of concern is pedestrian
orientation and the minimization of conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian travel.
April 23, 1985
Page 11.
The Applicant should make some provision for pedestrian access between buildings
and from units to the community pools.
Due to the nature of the development, catering to seasonal population and primarily
moderate and upper income groups, sidewalks may not be necessary to link the residential
areas to PGA West Boulevard. It is expected that the automobile will be the primary
mode of transportation between other areas of the project and outside the project.
With regard to off -site circulation, it is anticipated that the project will signifi-
cantly impact current traffic circulation on Jefferson Street and Avenue 54. Based
on comments from the City Engineer, a traffic signal shall be installed at the
intersection of Jefferson Street, PGA West Boulevard and Avenue 54. Major traffic
impacts are not expected until complete occupancy of Phase 6 of the tract in which
230 units, not including model units, are to be completed. The Applicant should have
the opportunity to bond for the signal, rather than immediately install the signal,
prior to finaling any portion of the tract map. Time of installation of the traffic
signal shall be determined by the Community Development Director.
Phasing Considerations
The Applicant has submitted for review a phasing plan for the ultimate buildout of
the tract. Construction of the model units will obviously be the first phase of
development. The Applicant has stated that subsequent construction of the other
development phases will be dependent on the marketability of the different unit types.
For example, the very large duplex units, anticipated to sell for between $400,000
and $650,000 may not sell as well as the unit -mix dictates in the tract map. Given
this situation, the Applicant may desire to adjust the tract map to indicate the
replacement of some duplex units with fourplex units. Therefore, the Applicant should
be required to submit., for review and approval by the Community Development Director,
any minor changes in the tentative tract map, including but not limited to, unit-=
changes, exterior color changes, changes in lot lines, lot shape modifications, changes
in lot dimensions and. street alignment alterations.
Density Considerations
The project proposes an overall unit density of 3.86 units per acre. This figure is
based on the net acreage of 132.2 acres which does not include the surrounding golf
course and open space areas. Minor changes upwards or downwards are expected in the
unit density due to unit mix modifications as indicated in the Phasing Considerations
portion of this report. Tract area density varies according to location. The western
portion of the tract, which includes a mix of all fourplex units, has a unit density
of 7.2 units to the acre. The fourplex portions of the eastern part of the tract
contains a density of 4.4 units per acre. The duplex portions of the eastern portion
of the tract have a unit density of 3.0 units per acre. And finally, the single-
family lot development portion of the project has a density of only 2.0 units per
acre. However, the 3'.86 overall per acre unit density figure is well within the
limitations placed on. the Specific Plan and General Plan. As additional tracts are
proposed for the PGA West Specific Plan area, density review will be cumulatively
tied to Tentative Tract 20717, to ensure that complete Specific Plan project area
buildout complies with all applicable density requirements.
April 23, 1985
Page 12.
Energy Considerations
The proposed project, as designed, minimizes building sum exposure to a great extent
with 328 of the total 488 condominium units oriented generally east -west (68% of all
buildings). It is difficult to detexmine how homes will be oriented on the proposed
23 single-family lots, due to the large lot sizes; however, Staff will review building
siting and orientation with regard to solar efficiency when houses are proposed for
these lots. The overall subdivision will be reviewed and approved to ensure tract
catpliance with all State laws relative to solar accessibility conformance. The
Applicant shall cauply with all energy related requirements at the time of building
permit issuance.
Building Design Considerations
The architectural design of the buildings in the project is well conceived embodying
a variety of architectural flavors. The design is consistent with the architectural
themes discussed in Specific Plan No. 83-002. Building materials, colors, roof design,
building height, and architectural details all meet the standards of the approved
Specific Plan and are appropriate for the proposed development type.
Tentative Tract No. 20717 will be setting a precedent for architectural design of the
Specific Plan area as well as the surrounding, primarily vacant areas. It is therefore
difficult to make any determinations with regard to compatibility with surrounding
developments. However, the different varieties of units within the project embody
a similar design and architectural there. All building proposed within the project
have compatible building materials, colors, roof design, building height and architectural
There are three different unit designs with duplex and fourplex plans located to the
east of PGA West Boulevard. The model unit areas, which will consist of all three
plans, are logically located at the west entrance of the tract at PGA West Boulevard.
The model complex will include five fourplex, two duplex buildings, and a sales office
with a parking area. The sales office and parking area, Lot 143 of Exhibit A, will
require a separate plot plan application subject to review and approval by the
Cacmmity Development: Department. The following is a discussion of the three proposed
development types.
- Duplex Buildings: Given that all duplex units have the same front yard setback,
the units will give an appearance of a "cookie cutter" effect. In other words,
the units may display uniformity contributing to a visually trite �treetscape.
Building Plans 100 and 200, having a building height of 19 feet, could have a
front yard setback: of 20 to 23 feet. Building Plans 300 and 400, having a building
height of 21 feet, could remain with a minimum 25-foot front yard setback. In no
case, shall these units have a front yard setback of less than 20 feet. 'tie side -
yard areas between each building are to include a separating wall midway regardless
of building type. in several cases, the buildings are not oriented in the typical
design as indicated in the floor plan due to lot configuration. These odd -shaped
lots should at least meet a minimum sideyard setback of five feet (10 feet between
buildings). The rear yard setbacks are adequate in all cases.
® 0
April 23, 1985
Page 13.
Fourplex East Buildings: All buildings have a typical driveway approach with
adequate vehicle stacking provided. The garage does not have a direct entry
into the unit except for unit Plan 40. The resident will have to access the
unit through the side garage door and then to the main side entry door. It has
been a matter of City policy to require a separate pedestrian door into the garage.
The intent of this requirement is to provide residents with the convenience of
having the ability to directly access the house fran the garage, avoiding travel
outside, which in the summer can create a difficult temperature transition. The
access is through a private enclosed courtyard which is not covered. Considera-
tion needs to be given to whether or not this access should be modified. It
should be noted that this would necessitate very substantial revision to the
floor plans since the only common wall with the garage is a bedroom. A setback
deficiency is identified in unit Plan 40 having a 15-foot front setback for the
golf cart parking area. This. -does provide sane variety for the streetscape while
not reducing the depth needed for autacobile parking.
As indicated in the Density Considerations portion of this report, unit mix may
be modified according to market forces. In this case, fourplex east units may
be integrated into duplex portions of the project. Since the architectural
design and colors proposed for both duplex and fourplex units are compatible,
this is not expected to be a problem.
- Fourplex West Buildings: A concern is that the garage is located 10' to 12' from
the main house and. over 60 feet from the pedestrian garage door to the house's
main entrance in Units 504 and 505. As indicated previously, City policy requires
that a pedestrian door be connected from the main unit to the garage for convenience.
However, this requirement applied to the Fourplex West Units, will destroy an
important design element. Due to the smaller size of the units, the location of the
garage will strategically give an open space feel to the unit. In addition, this
design allows more: light into the units therefore eliminating the need for an atrium.
Therefore, the garage location is a trade-off of function and convenience for
aesthetics and amenities. Staff therefore recommends that the garage location, as
proposed, be permitted.
1. The proposed over-all density, without the inclusion of golf course open space
amenities, of 3.66 units per acre is consistent with the General Plan, zoning,
and the Specific Plan.
2. Approximately 75% of the net developable area will be developed with open space
and recreational uses, which exceeds the City's planned residential standards.
3. The environmental impacts associated with the proposed project have been
adequately addressed in the Environmental Impact Report. A Statement of Overriding
Findings has been approved by the La Quinta City Council addressing the conversion
of prime agricultural land to urban uses. Other environmental impacts of the
project, such as effects on flora, fauna, archaeological resources, City streets
and circulation, public schools and public services will be adequately mitigated
through conditions of approval.
April 23, 1985
Page 14.
4. Although the project will generate substantial traffic impacts, improvements
already made, such as improvements to Avenue 54 and Madison Street, as well as
improvements to be made such as traffic signalization at the intersection of
Jefferson Street and Avenue 54, will be appropriate to handle the increased
traffic generated.
5. The proposed circulation system as modified in accordance with the conditions
of approval, will provide for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles within
the project.
6. The unit designs, as modified by the conditions of approval, will be in crnpliance
with the City standards and requirements.
7. The proposed recreational amenities in the project will adequately serve the needs
of the residents.
1. not the proposed Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 is consistent with the goals,
policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan.
2. That the design and improvement of Tentative Tract No. 20717 is consistent with
the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan.
3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed project at an overall density
of 3.86 units per acre.
4. That the design and improvements applicable to Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 are
not likely to cause substantial envirormiental damage or injury of fish or wildlife
or their habitat.
5. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, is not likely to
cause serious public health problems.
6. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 20717 will not conflict with easements,
acquired by the public at large, for access through the project since alternate
easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equiva-
lent to those previously acquired by the public.
7. The project is consistent with the standards of the Municipal Zoning and Land
Division Ordinance.
B. The environmental impacts associated with the proposed project have been adequately
addressed in the certified Environmental Impact Report prepared for the entire PGA
West Specific Plan. The significant impacts presented by this project will be
appropriately mitigated through conditions of approval for the project to the
extent feasible.
April 23, 1985
Page 15.
9. The project incorporates an energy efficient design which includes maximizing
lot size and configuration and building orientation in an east -west alignment
to minimize sun exposure and therefore conserve energy to the greatest extent
10. The Applicant has submitted a crnQlete application with all required information
to appropriately review and make a determination of approval or denial of
Tentative Tract Map No. 20717.
11. The City of La Quinta has adopted Specific Plan No. 83-002 in which this approved
project is a part of, and that Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, as conditionally
approved is consistent in design and improvement with said Specific Plan.
12. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision will not result in violation
of existing requirements prescribed by the Coachella Valley Water District and the
Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Based on the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval
of Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, subject to the attached conditions.
Gary W. Price
Associate Planner
Atchs: 1. Conditions of Approval
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Community Development Director
RE: 8L4� 155 �-5,9
-or- 75-)6c/ " -0gs-J6,;
P5 iSB--
�S- l65
To: The honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning cc mission
From: Community Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Subject: PLOT PLAN No., 85-155
Location: South side of San Timoteo Street, Approximately 380' East of
Avenida Fernando
Applicant: Robert Ricciardi and Associates
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Fanny House
1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre).
2. Zoninq: R-l* (One -Family Dwellings, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size).
3. Existing Conditions: The 100' x 164' lot is located along San Timoteo Street
adjacent to the La Quinta Country Club Golf Course. The majority of the lots
are developed, with all the single-family homes having approximately 3000+
square feet of living area. The existing houses have stucco siding, with some
of the structures using wood or slumpstone as design accents. Tlie roof styles
and materials are a wide variety, with a large number of the homes having flat
San Timoteo is a private, non -dedicated street, with a 60-foot-wide right-of-way.
The paved roadway is 28-feet wide and is bordered along both sides by a concrete
4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require-
ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption
will be filed with the County Recorder.
5. Project Description: The Applicant, an architect, is requesting approval to
construct a house intended to be the landowner's (Larry Freeberg) private residence.
The house is sited on a 14,300-square-foot lot. The house setbacks are 19�' in
the front, 8' and 10' on the sides and 20' in the rear. Pool equipment and
fountain equipment: are located in the front and sideyard setbacks, respectively.
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
The OC&Res for this subdivision require 8' sideyard setbacks (versus the City's
5' requirement) and a 20' rear yard setback for lots adjacent to the golf course
(exceeding the City's 10' requirement). A swimming pool and spa is proposed in
the front yawl, with the minimum setback being 5' from the nearest property line.
Concrete slab and planters are proposed within the right-of-way area between the
paved road and the property line.
The house will have 4426 gross square feet of living area with three bedrooms,
each of which have clear dimensions exceeding 10 feet. There are three full
bathrooms. The 704-square-foot, double -car garage with space for a golf cart is
attached to the house, but has no connecting doorway; pedestrian doors enter onto
the sideyard and the walled front courtyard.
The house will have a flat roof with parapet walls. The roof design has varying
heights with a raised portion having windows to allow additional light for the
central living -room area. overall height of the building is 15'�'. The exterior
walls will have plaster fascia and concrete slumpstone veneer as accent treatment.
The color of the plaster and slumpstone will both be beige.
The floor plan and height of the building complies with the City's adopted standards.
however, the plan as proposed does not comply with the City's adopted setback require-
ments which prohibit pool and other mechanical equipment in the setback areas. Staff
recaomends the addition of a condition requiring all mechanical equipment to be
relocated outside of the front 20' setback and the sideyard 5' setbacks. In addition,
the site plan indicates that the garage encroaches 1/2-foot into the front yard setback.
Staff recc mrends that. approval be conditioned to prohibit any encroachment into the
Regarding compatibility with area development, the size and bulk of the building is
cxmparable with other homes along San Timoteo Street. The design of the house is also
similar to a number of the hones in the immediate vicinity. The exterior materials
and colors are also consistent with existing development.
1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals
and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan.
2. The building design is compatible with area development.
3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and
is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act.
May 28, 1985
Page 3.
MOMIZIR&M i im-91• • •
Based upon the above findings, the Coimninity Development Department recamiends
approval of Plot Plan, No. 85-155 in accordance with Exhibits A, B, C1 and C2, and
subject to the attached conditions.
Sandra L Bonner
Principal Planner
Atchs: 1. Conditions
2. Exhibits A, B, Cl and C2
�v /At-J-'
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Camnuiity Development Director
1. 20 develagamt of the site shall be in oanfamoanoe with the Ddiibits A,
8 and C Contained in the file for plot Plea► No. 85- 155, unless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approvsd plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
oth=wiee, it shall become mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. Sy
"use• is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, contaqlated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the zequiramnts of the Riverside oounty Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Wnifamm Fire Code as adapted by the City of la Quints.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a details landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a m;n;m"n of two (2). 15-gallcn, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in aoeordanoe with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and Cooling mechanical eTrre,t shall be grand mounted, or
screened entirely by the roof structure.
7. Feluse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or :Ix _ .1•
1S. 7he driveway shall be surfaced concrete _..� .>�_ _ - �ni a•:mow-� -
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or pemdts from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Departmment for
plan check:
° Riverside Ocunty Health Department
° City Fire Hershel
° Oommmity Development Department,, Planning Division
° Desert Sands Unified School District
10. 7be Applicant shall pay a school develojnient fee as determines by the Desert
Sands Unified. School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree-
ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of
a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating
that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Caamnuty Development
Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit.
11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.
12. No mechanical equipment nor structures shall be located within the City's
required setback areas.
13. All buildings shall have a mininnun setback of twenty (20) feet.
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
14. Construction of any irprovenents within the San Timoteo Street right -of -,ray
shall be reviewed and approved by the La Quinta Golf Estates Ccmnmity
Association prior to the issuance of building pexnj ts.
To: The Honorable Chairman and Menbers of the Planning Cannission
From: Camnuiity Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-158
Location: East Side of Avenida Villa, 50' South of Calle Sonora
Applicant: Desert Design and Development
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House for the Purpose of Sale
1. General Plan: Law Denisty Residential.
2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot
Minimum Dwelling Size).
3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located within the subdivided Cove
area on the east side of Avenida Villa, just south of Calle Sonora. The neighbor-
hood is typical of Cove development with primarily vacant lots and scattered
housing. Of the 22 lots within the block, there are six houses. Existing
development in the area consists of a variety of architectural styles ranging
from Spanish to California Ranch designs. Of the six houses on the block, three
are Spanish style with sloping red tile roofs. Approximately 150' south of the
vacant site is an existing flat -roofed house.
4. Envirenental Considerations: The project is categorically exempt from the require-
ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEDA) pursuant to Section 15303
of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County
Recorder contingent upon approval of the project.
5. Description of Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the proposed
single-family house for the purpose of sale. The Applicant has obtained previous
approvals for six other single-family hares of the same design in the Cove within
the last few months. The same house, as being proposed, is currently completing
development at 51-625 Eisenhower Drive. Two additional houses, of the same design,
are being requested for approval during this meeting.
The proposed house has a "Moroccan" design with a flat roof and an archway front
May 281 1985
Page 2.
The house has 1440-square-feet of usable floor area with three bedrooms, two
baths and a double -car garage. The maximum building height is approximately
11 feet. A 15' x 25' swimming pool may be constructed later in the front yard
(optional). A six -foot -high perimeter wall may be constructed along the front,
side, and rear portions of the property. The buyer of the hone will have a
choice of three earthtene colors; "Hacienda", "Sandlewood", and "Antique" (all
light beige).
The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yard - 30 Feet
° Side Yarn - 5 Feet
° Rear Yard - 10 Feet
The floor plan, exterior design and setbacks comply with the City's adopted standards
for single-family hoIlseS and the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone. The proposed pool
(optional) is suitably located to meet all requirements of the Municipal Iand Use
Ordinance. The proposed surrounding wall conforms to the City's requirements relating
to location and height.
The house has a low profile, flat roof which, to some extent, presents a compatibility
problem with nearby development. The majority of the houses in the neighborhood have
sloping gable -type roof designs. However, the house which is 150' south of the project
site, incorporates a flat roof. A combination of a 30-foot front yard setback and the
six -foot -high perimeter wall in the front yard area will effectively alleviate siting,
height and bulk conpatibility problems.
Tn reviewing Desert Design's constructed Eisenhower house, the 24" perimeter roof truss
is massive, delineating trite detail. Tb avoid this visual problem, a tile detail
treatment or a smooth texture, dark-oolored detail should be incorporated between the
relief lines of the roof truss. The roof truss should naturally accommodate this treat-
ment. and is expected to highlight the detail of the house.
The perimeter wall should be a required portion of the project. The wall should be
coated with a colored plaster to match the exterior color of the house. Based on the
roof truss and wall treatment requirements, the proposed house will be conpatible with
the surrounding development with regard to design, siting, mass, bulk and height.
1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment.
2. The request is crosistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and
objectives of the La Quints General Plan.
3. The building design is carpatible with the area development contingent upon the
conditions of approval.
May 28, 1985
Page 3.
Based upon the above findings, the Catmunity Developrent Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 85-158 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject
to the attached conditions.
Gary W. Price
Associate Planner
Atchs: 1. Conditions
2. Exhibits A, B and C
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Cam unity Development Director
1. The developmant of the site shall be in oonfotmance with the Redbits A,
8 and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No.85-158 , Unless pose
arcade 4 by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherrise, it shall became trill and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
j".is taunt the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading? mated .' ated by this apptoval Which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ampleticn.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the reguirMents of the Riverside panty Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Ur iform Fire Code as adapted by the City of Ia Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building penait, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard siucwing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a mininum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All tutees and plants shall be maintained in viable oocditian for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling =rbanicad equiprent shall be graze mounted, or
screened entirely by the roof stricture.
7. Refuse ea►tainess and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
S. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
eorneeting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan Check:
° Riverside County Health Department
° City Fire mardial
° Oom unity Development Departments, Planning Division
° Desert Sands Unified School District
10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert
Sands Unified. School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree-
ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of
a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating
that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Comamity Development
Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit.
11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.
12. That the proposed six -foot -high perimeter wall shall be constructed and coated
with plaster, colored to match the exterior color of the house.
Page 2.
13. That the roof truss shall incorporate
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ca[mission
From: OmnLmity Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-159
Location: West Side of Avenida Rubio, 250' South of Calle Temecula
Applicant: Desert Design and Development
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House Intended for Sale
1. General Plan: Ww Density Residential.
2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot
Minimum Dwelling Size).
3. Existing Conditions: The project site consists of a partially vegetated 50, x 100,
vacant lot in the subdivided Cove area. The neighborhood area is typical of Cove
development with scattered housing and vacant lots. of the 24 lots on the block,
only five houses have been built. Directly to the south of the project site is a
California Ranch style house with a slant type roof. All the other houses on the
block have sloping style roofs, unlike the proposed house which is to contain a
flat roof.
4. Environmental. considerations: The project is categorically exmpt fran the require-
ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303
of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County
Recorder contingent upon approval of the project.
5. Description of Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the proposed
single-family house for the purpose of sale. The Applicant has obtained previous
approvals for six other single-family homes of the same design in the Cove within
the last few months. The same house, as being proposed, is currently conpleting
development at 51•-625 Eisenhower Drive. Two additional homes, of the same design,
are being requested for approval during this meeting.
The proposed house has a "Moroccan" design with a flat roof and an archway front
0 0
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
Me house has 1440-square-feet of usable floor area with three bedrooms, two
baths and a double -car garage. The maximum building height is approximately
11 feet. A 15' x 25' swimming pool nay be constructed later in the front yard
(optional). A six -foot -high, perimeter wall is to be constructed along the
front, side and rear portions of the property. The buyer of the home will have
a choice of three earthtone colors; "Hacienda", "Sandlewood" and "Antique" (all
light beige).
The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yard - 30 Feet
° Side Yard - 5 Feet
° Rear Yard - 10 Feet
The floor plan, exterior design and setbacks comply with the City's adopted standards
for single-family hours and the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone. The proposed pool
(optional) is suitably located to meet all requirements of the Municipal Land Use
Ordinance. The proposed surrounding wall conforms to the City's requirements relating
to location and height:.
The house will incorporate a low profile, flat roof which presents some compatibility
problems with neighboring development. All houses on the block, for example, have
sloping gable -type roof designs. Design of the proposed project can be revised to
alleviate compatibility problems with the following design measures:
1. The house is set back in the front yard by 30 feet.
Nearby development generally has a typical 20-foot
front yawl setback.
2. The perimeter six -foot -high wall located in the front
yard gives a step-up effect.
The combination of these design measures effectively alleviates siting, height and
bulk compatibility problems.
In reviewing Desert Design's constructed Eisenhower house, the 24" perimeter roof truss
is massive, delineating trite detail. Tb avoid this visual problem, a tile detail
treatment or a smooth texture, dark -colored detail should be incorporated between the
relief lines of the roof truss. The roof truss should naturally accommodate this
treatment and is expected to highlight the detail of the house.
The perimeter wall should be a required portion of the project. The wall should be
coated with a colored plaster to match the exterior color of the house. Based on the
roof truss and wall treatment requirements, the proposed house will be compatible with
the surrounding development with regard to design, siting, mass, bulk and height.
1. The project will not have a significant adverse inpact on the environment.
2. Ire request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and
objectives of the: La Quinta General Plan.
may 28, 1985
Page 3.
3. The building design is ccapatible with the area development contingent upon
the conditions of approval.
v • • I w-e I•
Based upon the above findings, the Camamity Development Department reocnrends
approval of Plot Plan No. 85-159 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject
to the attached conditions.
Gary W. Price
Associate Planner
Atchs: 1. Conditions
2. Exhibits A, B and C
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Camunity Development Director
II 1,
•.• _ c �- •:122,10 • to u
1. 2he development of the site shall be in canfanonce with the R dnibits A,
8 and C oontainad in the file for plot Plan No.85-159 , unless other
amended by the! following conditions.
2. She approved plot plan shall be used Within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading, canteggated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is tkoweafter diligently pursued to ocnpletion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in a000rdanoe with
the req dremernts of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. She plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Cocupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. She heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or
screened entirely by the roof structure.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
8. She driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement la 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement.
9. She Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to w tatting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
" Riverside County Health Department
" City Fire Marshal
" Ommu pity Development Department, Planning Division
Desert Sands Unified School District
10. She Applicant, shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert
Sands Unified. School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree-
ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of
a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating
that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Cmmhnity Development
Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit.
11. She structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.
12. That the proposed six -foot -high perimeter wall shall be constructed at the
sabre time as the house and coated with plaster, colored to match the exterior
of the house.
Page 2.
13. That the roof truss shall incorporate a tile detail treatment between the truss
relief lines. The color, type and placetrp_nt of the tile shall be subject to
review and approval by the Comiaurity Develognent Department.
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Catmission
From: amity Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-160
Location: East Side of Avenida Carranza, 150' North of Calle Tecate
Applicant: Desert Design and Development
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House for the Purpose of Sale
1. General Plan: Loa Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre).
2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot
Minimum Dwelling Size).
3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located within the southern portion of
the subdivided Cove. The lot is vacant having a minimum of native vegetation.
The neighborhood :is typical of Cove development with a mix of vacant lots and
single-family housing. Within the block, there are 14 vacant lots and nine (9)
houses consisting of various architectural styles. The two lots to the imTkediate
south of the project accamadates a single Spanish designed house with a sloping
tile roof. Two houses to the rear of the site have flat roofs.
4. Environmental Considerations: The project is categorically exempt from the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to
Section 15303 of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with
the County Recorder contingent upon approval of the project.
5. Description of Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the proposed
single-family house for the purpose of sale. The Applicant has obtained previous
approvals for six (6) other single-family hares of the same design in the Cove
within the last few months. The same house, as being proposed, is currently
ccupleting development at 51-625 Eisenhower Drive. Two additional hares, of the
same design, are being requested for approval during this meeting.
The proposed house has a "Moroccan" design with a flat roof and an archway front
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
The house has 1440-square-feet of usable floor area with three bedroaas, two
baths and a double -car garage. The maximum building height is approximately
11 feet. A 15' x 25' swimming pool may be constructed later in the front yard
(optional). A six -foot -high perimeter wall is to be constructed along the front,
side and rear portions of the property. The buyer of the home will have a choice
of three earthtone colors: "Hacienda", "Sandlewood" and "Antique" (all light
The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yana - 30 Feet
° Side Yard - 5 Feet
° Rear Yana - 10 Feet
The floor plan, exterior design and setbacks crply with the City's adopted standards
for single-family houses and the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone. The proposed pool
(optional) is suitably located to meet all requirements of the Municipal Iand Use
Ordinance. The proposed surrounding mall conforms to the City's requirements relating
to location and height:.
The proposed house incorporates a low profile, flat roof. The corner house, to the
south of the project site, incorporates a sloping tile roof. However, the project
is at a much lower grade than the corner house and a large line of oleanders are
planted along the side yard of this house, which will act as a buffer between houses.
The houses to the immediate rear of the site incorporate flat roof designs. Therefore,
the proposed house is generally compatible with the surrounding development.
in reviewing Desert Design's constructed Eisenhower house, the 24" perimeter roof
truss is massive, delineating trite detail. To avoid this visual problem, tile
treatment or a smooth texture, dark -colored exterior should be incorporated between
the relief lines of the roof truss. The roof truss should naturally accacmodate this
treatment and is expected to highlight the attractive detail of the house.
The perimeter wall should be a required portion of the project. The wall should be
coated with a colored plaster to match the exterior color of the house. Based on
the roof truss and wail treatment requirements, the proposed house will be compatible
with the surrounding development with regard to design, siting, mass, bulk and height.
1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment.
2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and
objectives of the La Quinta General Plan.
3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the
conditions of approval.
® 0
May 28, 1985
Page 3.
Based upon the above findings, the Camvanity Develognent Department reccumends approval
of Plot Plan No. 85-160 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the
attached conditions.
Gary W. Price
Associate Planner
Atchs: 1. Conditions
2. Exhibits A, B and C
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Coruni.ty Development Director
1 • ` o •;Ipn af- • 1 •• i•
1. Um development of the site shall be in oo tm ante with the bdilbits A,
B and C oantairned in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-160 , vows otherwise
ananded by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval dates
otherwise, it shall became mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. By
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grading,, ocntehplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to coipletion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside O=ity Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Oode as adopted by the City of la Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the Location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertificate of QCcupHnq, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or
screened entirely by the roof structure.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
8. 2he driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits F the following
agencies prior to sutmitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
• Riverside County Health Department
• City Fire Mwehal
• Oommanity Development Department, Planning Division
° Desert Sands Unified School District
lo. Zhe Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert
sands Unified school District in accordance with the school mitigation agree-
ment as apprrnhed by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of
a building permit. A letter from Desert sands Unified School District stating
that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development
Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit.
11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.
12. That the proposed six -foot -high perimeter wall shall he constructed and coated
with plaster, colored to match the exterior color of the house.
Page 2.
13. That the roof truss shall incorporate a tile treatment or smooth texture,
dark -colored exterior between the truss relief lines. Me roof truss treatment
shall be subject to review and approval by the ca mmity Development Department.
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Comrmity Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-164
Location: West Side of Avenida Madera, 180' South of Calle Sonora
Applicant: Jim Reed
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale
1. General Plan: low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre).
2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot
Minimiun Dwelling :Size).
3. Existing Conditions: The 6,773-square-foot lot is located in the subdivided
Cave area on the west side of Avenida Madero, 180' south of Calle Sonora. The
surrounding homes have been developed on single lots with predominant features
being stucco siding and peaked gravel roofs.
4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements
of the California Ermvirau ental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be
filed with the County Recorder.
5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a
single-family house intended for sale. This application is being submitted
concurrently with one other application. The Applicant has not submitted any
previous applications, and therefore, has no vacant homes in La Quinta.
The house has 1,310-square-feet of usable living area, with three bedrooms, each
exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required. There are two bathroom and an
attached, two -car garage with a separate pedestrian door. The building will have
mated, yellow stucco, white trim and brown asphalt shingles on a peaked roof.
The overall height of the building is 12'h'. There are 18" eaves, a 3 and 12 pitched
roof and an attached front porch. Setbacks are as follows:
° Front - 20 Feet
° Rear - 55 Feet Minimum
• Sides - 5 Feet
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
The floor plan, height and siting of the house carplies with the R-1*++ zone require-
ments and the City's adopted ninin m standards for single-family hares.
Although the Applicant's proposal utilizes different colors from the surrounding homes,
the project's overall design should be carpatible with surrounding hares. Jim Reed
is proposing one other hone approximately 50 feet from this one. Minor alterations
to the exterior of the other hare will be required to add variety. The house's size
and bulk is ccnpaarable to that of surrounding dwellings.
1. The request is consistent with requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and
objectives of the La Quinta General Plan.
2. The building design is compatible with area development.
3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and
is categorically exanpt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act.
Based upon the above findings, the Camunity Development Department recommends
approval of Plot Plan No. 85-165 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject
to the attached conditions.
Ird /V �fto
Assistant Planner
Atchs: 1. conditions
2. Exhibits A, B and C
14,�, 0��r XA-Z�,
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Ccum mty Development Director
1. The development of the site stall be in Confonanoe with the E ddbits A,
8 and C Contained in the file for Plot Plan ND. 85-164, uftless otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan stall be used within two years of the approval date;
atMwise, it stall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. 8y
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including
grog#, oontmplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ompletion.
3. Water and sawage disposal facilities stall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside Qxmty Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire tbde as adopted by the City of la Winta.
S. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard
the species, size, location and sparing of all planting materialse including
a minimum of two (2), B-gallon, street trees. 'fie plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water.
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertificate of oocupancy, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground d mamted, or
screened entirely by the roof structure.
7. Refuse oontainess and bottled gas Containers shall be consoled by fencing
or landscaping.
S. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic omxzete
connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
Plan dnedc:
° Riverside County Health Department
° City Fire Mushal
° Oom ndty Development Dgmrbnsnt, Planning Division
° Desert Sands Unified School District
10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert
Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree-
ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of
a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating
that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Cm= ty Development
Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit.
11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.
To: The Honorable Chairman and gibers of the Planning Commission
From: Camwnity Development Department
Date: May 28, 1985
Subject: PIOr PLAN NO. 85-165
Location: West Side of Avenida Madero, 130' South of Calle Sonora
Applicant: Jim Reed
Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale
1. General Plan: Lowy Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre).
2. Zoning: R-1*++ (Single -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot
Minimum Dwelling Size).
3. Existing Conditions: The 7,6653 square -foot lot is located in the subdivided
Cove area on the west side of Avenida Madero, 130' south of Calle Sonora. The
surrounding hcmes have been developed on single lots with predominant features
being stucco siding and peaked gravel roofs.
4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require-
ments of the California Etrviror metal Quality Act (CFQA) and a Notice of Exemption
will be filed with. the County Recorder.
5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a
single-family house intended for sale. This application is being submitted
concurrently with one other application. The Applicant has not submitted any
previous applications, and therefore, has no vacant hares in La Quinta.
The house has 1,310-square-feet of usable living area, with three bedroom
exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two bathrooms and an attached,
twKo-car garage with a separate pedestrian door. The proposed building materials
are silver-gray stucco, white trim and brown asphalt shingles. The overall height
of the building is 12� feet. Setbacks are as follows:
° Front - 20 Feet
° Rear - 73 Feet Mininum
° Sides - 5 Feet
Mere are 18-inch eaves and a 3 and 12 pitch roof with low peaks. Additionally,
the Applicant proposes a front porch with white support posts.
® 0
May 28, 1985
Page 2.
The floor plan, height:, and siting of the house canplies with the R-1*++ Zone
requirements and the C:ity's adopted minimum standards for single-family dwellings.
Although the Applicant:'s proposal utilizes different colors from the surrounding
hares, the project's overall design should be compatible with surrounding hares.
Jim Reed is proposing one other hone approximately 50 feet from this one. To add
variation, the Applicant proposed different stucco colors and different asphalt
shingles. Plot Plan reversal is not recommended since it is anticipated that the
vacant center lot between the two will be developed with the same plot plan. Reversal
should be required at that time. The house's size and bulk are oanparable to that or
surrounding dwellings.
1. The request is consistent with requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and
objectives of the La Quinta General Plan.
2. The building design is carpatible with area development.
3. The project will not have a significant adverse iT%:)act on the environment and
is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act.
Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recamiends
approval of Plot Plan No. 85-165 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject
to the attached conditions.
Tamara Campbell l•J��\
Assistant Planner
Atchs: 1. Conditions
2. Exhibits A, B and C
X-.., / /hn-�
Iawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Ca amity Development Director
1. The develgmaht of the site shall be in Conformance with the Mdhibits A,
8 and C Contained in the file for plot Plan No. 85-165 , unle88 Otherwise
amended by the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become milli and void and of no effect whatsoever. BY
"use" is meant the beginning of substantial
grading, Contehplat:ed by this approval whichbegun
_ �� not including
period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ompletion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be instated in accordance with
the raquirments of the Riverside amnnty Health Department.
4. Fite protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Q=ta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit
and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing
the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including
a min u m of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the
irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water
spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of oar pur-q, the Applicant
shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan.
All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of
the approved use.
6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or
screened entirely by the roof structure.
7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing
or landscaping.
B. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete
connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement.
9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following
agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for
plan check:
" Riverside County Health Department
" City Fire Marshal
" Cohnamity Development Department, Planning Division
° Desert Sands Unified School District
10. ahe Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert
Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree-
ment as approved by the City Octmcil and in effect at the time of issuance of
a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating
that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Developnent
Department, Bi,hildinng Division, prior to issuance of a building penait.
11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.