1985 06 11 PCAGENDA PLANNING OO nSSICN - CITY CF IA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quints City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California w�c l i I 1 r�`-� 7:00 p.m. J A. Flag Salute 2. ROIL CALL 3. HEARINGS A. Plot Plan No. 85-147, a request to construct a tennis club facility and a golf clubhouse on a 20±-acre site within the resort village core area of the PGA West development; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 28, 1985. 5. BUSINESS A. Plot Plan No. 85-161, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Rubio, 150' south of Calle Temecula; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. B. Plot Plan No. 85-162, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the southeast corner of Avenida Diaz and Calle Ensenada; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. c. Plot Plan No. 85-163, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Carranza, 250' south of Calle Colima; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. D. Plot Plan No. 85-168, a,request to construct a single-family dwelling on the southwest corner of Avenida Velasco and Calle Colima; Jeffrey Larson, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. E. Plot Plan No. 85-169, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Eisenhower Drive, 50' north of Calle Durango; Van McDaniel, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. F. Plot Plan No. 85-172, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero, 230' south of Calle Monterey; Sandra L. Bonner, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. G. Plot Plan No. 85-173, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero, 280' south of Calle Monterey; Thomas Hartung, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. . �� ITEM NO. DATE � j �� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING C RE: ,ge a (l/1/1% — 7"'Ov- . de64sve�J MOTION BY: @ETe__o__rg � 4QAM� MORAN THORNBURGH ISECOND BY: d6 mK Ew nl YELLING MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOW: CO*MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT dE MORAN V4ALLING THORNBURGH v UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO ITEM NO. 3. DATE 09- PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: �Ld C _ 5c.. ! ;-- /`/'% SECOND BY: DISCUSSION 9S QE�,_ING_� MORAN 7" 99WALLING MORANo 0. THORNBURGH THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: CO^!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT .Ile C,4s5PeRrn/ MORAN — WALLING — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO ATM-. ry � MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 85-147 location: "PGA West" Resort Village Core Area, Approximately One Mile South of Avenue 54 along PGA Boulevard Westerly of Madison Street Applicant: Landmark Land Company Request: Construct a Tennis Club Facility and a Golf Course Clubhouse on a 20-Acre Site for the "PGA West" Project. 1. General Plan: a. Land Use: Specific Plan No. 83-002, "PGA West" designates the site as a portion of the "resort village core" area. The approved land uses include the golf course clubhouse, a hotel and other recreational facilities. b. Circulation: PGA Boulevard, as shown on the approved Specific Plan, is a private, four -lane, divided road. Jefferson Street is a designated public arterial highway with a planned 110' right-of-way and four travel lanes with center median. 2. Zoning: a. Site: R-3 (General Residential) b. Surrounding Area: R-2 (Multiple -Family Residential) R-3 (General Residential) 3. Existing Conditions: The 201 acre project site is located at the center of the approved "PGA West" specific plan area. The area from approximately Avenue 54 to Airport Boulevard has been or is being graded for the construction of a stadium golf course (the Dye Course), PGA Boulevard, and other associated road and utility improvements. The Dye golfcourse has been completed and seeded, while the Palmer golfccurse is approximately 50 percent complete. The clubhouse facility has been rough graded in conjunction with the golf course construction. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMiISSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. In accordance with the provisions of previous approvals, Jefferson Street has been closed between Avenues 54 and 58, and Airport Boulevard has been closed west of Madison Street. The Applicant has completed 3/4-width street improve- ments on Avenue 54 between Jefferson Street and Madison Street, and on Madison Street between Avenue 54 and Airport Boulevard. Access to the clubhouse site will be by PGA Boulevard, a private, four -lane, divided road which extends from Avenue 54 to the resort village core area. Construction of this private street and the associated installation of utilities will be complete in approximately 60 to 90 days. Regarding utilities, gas, electric and telephone service are currently being extended to the clubhouse site. A new electric substation is being constructed on Avenue 52 east of Jefferson and will be completed in June, 1985; this substa- tion will have adequate capacity to serve this facility. Wells are being drilled on the "PGA West" site for CVWD to provide domestic water service. There are no pemanent facilities for sewage disposal; however, CVWD is currently in the process of acquiring a site in the Thermal area for a sewage treatment plant. A fire station site at the southwest corner of Avenue 54 and Madison Street has been dedicated to the City by the Applicant. Fire equipment and personnel will be stationed in temporary facilities on the PGA West site prior to start of framing construction. 4. Environmental Assessment: This project is a portion of approved Specific Plan No. 83-002 for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared. The City Council certified the final EIR as complying with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The report determined that the following significant environmental impacts could not be avoided when the project is implemented: • Traffic and Circulation ° Public Services and Utilities ° land Use ° Agricultural Soils ° vegetation/wildlife o Air Quality ° Energy ° Noise of these significant, unavoidable impacts of the PGA West project, it was deter- mined that the impacts on vegetation and wildlife, and noise could be partially mitigated to a level of insignificance by incorporating changes, alterations or other measures into the plan. The impacts on traffic and circulation, public services and utilities, air quality and energy can be mitigated to the extent feasible by incorporation of the EIR mitigation measures into the project's conditions of approval; however, impacts are considered significant on a cumulative basis in association with other projects occurring on a local or regional level. The impacts on land use and loss of agricultural soils could not be avoided or mitigated, but were determined to be acceptable when balanced against the benefi- cial effects of the project. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COWISSION June 11, 1985 Page 3. The mitigation measures identified in the FEIR have been incorporated into the conditions of approval for the "PGA west" specific plan and will be incorporated into this approval where appropriate. 5. Project Description: The Applicant, Iandmark Land Company, is requesting approval to construct a tennis club and a golf clubhouse on a 20± acre portion of the "PGA West" resort village core area. As shown on the enclosed location exhibit, the facilities will be located along the west side of PGA Boulevard adjacent to the south boundary of the proposed Sunrise Company model home and sales canplex. Across PGA Boulevard to the east is the remaining 35-acre portion of the resort village core area where the future resort hotel will be located. As shown on the plan, the two clubs will share one access fran PGA Boulevard. The central parking lot for the two facilities has 409 spaces on approximately 5.3 acres. A separate service road is proposed from PGA Boulevard to the tennis clubhouse. The golf clubhouse service road is accessed from the parking area. Golf Clubhouse As shown on the plot plan, the golf clubhouse will be located at the rear of the site adjacent to the Palmer golf course. This clubhouse will serve the Palmer Course and the future golf course to be constructed on the southwest portion of the project. Until such time that other golf club facilities are constructed in conjunction with the hotel development on the eastern half of the site, this clubhouse will also serve the players on the Stadium Golf Course. Regarding the design of the golf clubhouse, the building will have a total area of 62,400± square feet on two levels. The main or upper floor, which is level with the parking lot, will have dining areas, bar and lounge, pro shop, administrative offices and locker roan facilities. The lower level, which opens onto the golf course, will have space for a small grill or snack bar, golfcart storage and other general storage and support facilities for club services. The tentative area breakdowns for this clubhouse are attached to this report. The exterior design of the golf clubhouse has "contemporary" style architecture. As shown on the plan elevations and cross -sections, the height of the building as measured from the parking lot level is approximately 22 feet, and the height of the structure as measured from the golf course level is approximately 35 feet. The building has very strong architectural features which incorporate a "step -design" for both the front wall panels and the horizontal bands along the roof line. The horizontal elements of the building are emphasized by the use of a smooth plaster finish, and the walls are surfaced with a heavy, combed, plaster finish. Exposed aggregate concrete columns are used extensively in the design. Stucco finished concrete planter boxes will be located along the upper level of the building. This building will have light brawn colors with white accents. J Phase One of the tennis club includes the construction of an 8,800-square-foot building with an additional 2,500± square feet of covered patio area adjacent to the building, and 20 outdoor tennis courts. Of these courts, several are designed for exhibition play. Phase Two of the tennis club will be the construction of 40 additional outdoor tennis courts. ® 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING C0144ISSION June 11, 1985 Page 4. Regarding the design of the tennis clubhouse, the building will contain dining facilities, a bar, a pro shop, locker roans and administrative offices. The area breakdown for this structure is attached to this report. The exterior design of the building is also "contemporary" in style. Similar to the golf clubhouse, the design incorporates steppedwall panels and horizontal hands along the roof line. The overall height of the building is approximately 17 feet. The materials include stucco with smooth and heavy combed finishes. The exterior will be peach colored with white accents. 6. Comments from Other Agencies: a. City Engineer: A grading and drainage plan prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. All parking lot improvements shall be in accordance with City standards and have a mininum of 22" A.C. pavement on 4" of Class 2 aggregate base. All curbing shall be 6" concrete curb. All service drives shall be accessed from the main parking area (i.e., no access from PGA Boulevard). Sanitary sewer and domestic water service shall be pro- vided by Coachella Valley Water District. r1he water plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Fire Marshal. b. City Fire Marshal: (1) The required fire flow shall be available from Super hydrants (6" x 4" x 2h" x 23�1'), located not less than 25' or more than 165' from any protioz of the buildings as measured along approved vehicular travelw*ays. A fire flow of 3500 GPM for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. (2) Three copies of the water plans must be sumbitted to the Fire Marshal for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and the water company and mast conform with the require- ments in (1) above. (3) The golf club and tennis club buildings moist be fire sprinkled in accordance with NFPA 13. Plans moist be submitted to the Fire Marshal for review. (4) Kitchen and grill in golf club and grill in tennis club will require hood duct automatic fire extinguishing systems. Plans must be submitted to Fire Marshal for review and approval- (5) Widen service drive to a minimum of 20' and designate a clear 20' all-weather, paved fire lane to the cart staging area to provide access to the rear of the golf clubhouse building. (6) Additional requirements will be addressed during the plan check process. c. Riverside County sheriff: No additional cannents. ® 0 STAFF REPORT - PLAAAM CON USSION June 11, 1985 Page 5. d. Coachella Valley Water District: The area is subject to stormwater flows from the La Quinta Cove area. Although plans are in process for the construction of flood control facilities, full funding has not been obtained. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitary sewer service to this project. e. General Telephone: Facilities will be served from PGA Boulevard. f. Southern California Gas: No comment. g. The City did not receive any comments from Trial Irrigation District and Palm Desert Disposal Service. 7. Comments from the Public: No written comments have been received from the public regarding this case. The notice of hearing was mailed to the owners of property located within a 300-foot radius of this site, the contiguous property owned by the Applicant. 8. Prior Related Approvals: a. Specific Plan No. 83-002, "PGA West", approval of a 1665-acre project oriented around four (4), 18-hole golf courses, with 5,000 residential units, 20 acres of retail/office commercial, and a 65-acre resort village with a 400-roan hotel and 250 apart meat/condo mi ni mm/hotel units, and related recreational facilities. Approved May 15, 1984. b. General Plan Amendment No. 84-002, an amendment to the Land Use Element from Very Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential (3-5 units/acre); an amendment to the Open Space and Conservation Element from Agricultural Area to Urban Area; and an amerc ent to the Circulation Element deleting Jefferson Street between Avenues 54 and 58, and deleting Airport Boulevard between Madison Street and Jefferson Street. Approved on May 15, 1985. c. Change of Zone Case No. 84-007, rezoning the PGA West site to R-2 (1,580 acres), R-3 (65 acres) , and C-P-S (20 acres) in order to implement the approved Specific Plan. Approved May 15, 1985. d. Street Vacation No. 84-004, vacating Jefferson Street between Avenues 54 and 58, and vacating Airport Boulevard between Jefferson and Madison Streets. Approved September 18, 1984. e. Street Vacation No. 84-006, vacating Airport Boulevard between Jefferson Street and the All -American Canal and vacating all of Hatajo Drive. Approved February 5, 1985. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CU44ISSION Jame 11, 1985 Page 6. f. Parcel Map No. 20426, a division of 452 acres in the northerly portion of the PGA West project into eight (8) lots, each exceeding 20 acres in size, and one access lot (PGA Boulevard). The purpose of this land division was to separate the golf course, residential, ocnvercial and the resort village core areas. The resort village area was separated into two parcels of 30 and 35 acres. Tentative map approved February 27, 1985. Final Map approved June 5, 1985. g. other minor Staff approvals, including wall and entry gate plans and street name plan are currently being reviewed. P_eW *-*WWI H a n Consistency with the "PGA West" Land Use Plan Under the provisions and conditions of the approved "PGA West" Specific Plan, 65 acres near the center of the project were designated as the "resort village core" area and rezoned to R-3 (General Residential). As discussed in the specific plan document, this area is intended to serve as the focal point for the entire project, with the four golf courses and their accompanying residential developments radiating outward from this center. In addition, the major recreational facilities for the project's residents were intended to be located in this core area. Based upon this design concept, the City approved specific land uses for this resort village area, including a 400-roan hotel, 250 condaminiuWapartment/hotel units, and approximately 120,000 square feet of building area for fitness facilities and professional offices. (Copies of the specific plan document and the conditions of approval are enclosed for your review). Regarding general consistency with the approved specific plan, the proposed tennis club and golf clubhouse are designated permitted uses in the resort village core area. one location of these facilities is also consistent with the approved site and open space plans which place the major recreational and clubhouse facilities at the center of the project to ensure easy access for all the residents of "PGA West". Finally, the clubs's locations along PGA Boulevard ensures that traffic generated by these facilities does not travel through the residential areas. This arrangement minimizes the traffic impacts within the project while also providing better security for the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Access to the Site Regarding access to the site, the tennis club and golf clubhouse will share a single entrance fran PGA Boulevard. In light of the amount of traffic which will be generated by these facilities, this access point will be developed as a major intersection along PGA Boulevard with a median cut and an 80-foot, left -turn pocket. Although no plans have been submitted for development proposed on portion of the resort village area adjacent to the east, the plan indicates that access to this area will align with the clubhouses's driveway. A service drive to the tennis clubhouse is located approxi- mately 320 feet south of this intersection. No median cut is shown at this driveway. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 11, 1965 Page 7. This proposed main club access is consistent with past City policy to limit the number of driveways in order to concentrate cross traffic to major intersections. As proposed, the intersection will provide safe and direct access to the club facilities while minimizing conflicts with through -traffic traveling along PGA Boulevard. This design also permits the possible future installation of traffic control devices (e.g., signal, stop signs) when the traffic level along PGA Boulevard increases as the project develops. Regarding the driveway design, no access gates are proposed at this time. However, since PGA Boulevard will be open to the general public, it is likely that this driveway may be gated for security reasons. Only minor modifications to the current driveway design and parking lot circulation plan are necessary to accommodate a gated entrance in accordance with the City's standards. However, the length of the left - turn pocket on PGA Boulevard may have to be increased from 80 feet to provide adequate stacking area if a gate is installed. A concern of Staff regards the proposal to provide a separate service road from PGA Boulevard to the east side of the tennis club. The Applicant's representative has stated that the primary reason for this road is to separate service and delivery vehicles from the clubs's guests using the main entrance. Staff, including the City Engineer, recammend that this service road access the main parking lot, based upon the following reasons: As stated in the report for the PGA west satellite maintenance building located on Madison Street, Staff recommends that median cuts not be provided for minor uses. Excluding the outdoor covered patio area, the tennis club is only 8,800± square feet, with just 2300± square feet of dining and bar area. Limiting the number of areas of cross traffic on streets improves traffic flow and safety. ° PGA Boulevard will carry significant amounts of traffic when the project is built out. In addition to this recreational facility, the specific plan allows a 400-roan hotel, 250 condaniniimVapartment/additional hotel units, and up to 50,000± square feet of additional building area which may be developed as office space. Also, PGA Boulevard provides access to the future residential areas located in the south of the project. ° Easy and safe access to the tennis club can be provided through the main club entrance, which is located on 320 feet to the north and which will be improved to a major intersection. ° The Applicant's reasoning of wanting to separate service vehicles from those of the club guests is not consistent with their proposed site plan. The service road for the golf clubhouse, a 62,400-square-foot facility with 11,900± square feet of dining and barroom facilities, accesses directly off the southwest corner of the parking lot. Based upon the above considerations, it would be appropriate to consider future traffic levels on PGA Boulevard and to plan accordingly to minimize potential future traffic hazards by requiring this service road to access the parking area. lb.e STAFF REPORT - PLAMING COMMISSION June 11, 1985 Page 8. Parking and on -Site Circulation The Applicant proposes a shared parking area on approximately 5.3 acres with 409 spaces, 16 of which will be designated for handicapped parking. One major traffic aisle with two, 14-footwide travel lanes separated by a 10-foot wide median extends from the entrance to the golf clubhouse. The remainder of the traffic aisles are approximately 26 feet wide. Regarding on -site circulation, the location and design of the central main traffic aisle is adequate to handle the anticipated traffic without serious conflict with the parking areas. A major concern of Staff is the location of the north -south aisle nearest to PGA Boulevard at the main entrance to the facilities. Because of the small separation between PGA Boulevard and this aisle (50 feet), there may be a safety hazard created by conflicts between cross traffic within the parking lot and vehicles entering and leaving the facility. Staff recomnends that this intersection be deleted by closing this aisle on both sides of the main parking lot entry road. Regarding other circulation concerns, the travel and parking aisles are approximately 24 to 26 feet in width and should be adequate to provide safe on -site circulation. The service road to the golf clubhouse does not conflict with the parking area. Lastly, staff recannends that the aisle adjacent to the tennis club be widened to provide for a passenger loading area. concerning the parkway standards, the current Municipal Land Use Ordinance does not provide a specific standard for the types of clubhouse and recreation facilities proposed. Using the standards established for dining areas, bars and lounges, offices, storage and general recreation, the municipal ordinance requires approximately 400 parking spaces. Please note that this method of determining the parking requirements by addressing each use within a single building as a separate use results in over- estimating the number of needed parking spaces; this is because it does not take into account the fact that the people using the locker and recreation facilities are generally the same people using the dining, bar and pro shot facilities. Therefore, the provision of 409 spaces sears more than sufficient to accommodate the currently proposed facilities and any future expansion of the tennis club. Lastly, 16 parking spaces are designated for handicapped parking. This exceeds the state standard requiring a minimum of seven (7) such spaces. Building Design General: The approved specific plan states that the general concept of "desert architecture" will be followed throughotu the project. This concept was not defined nor were building designs limited to specific distinct styles such as "Mexican Colonial". This lack of precise architectural standards was allowed because of both the large scale of the project with its twenty-year buildcut and also to allow the Applicant design flexibility. Since the specific plan approval, the Applicant has sold the residential portions of the project to Sunrise Company and (together) the two companies are developing a cohesive design theme for the project. The City still retains design approval of all buildings on the PGA West site. Regarding design limitations the specific plan does impose, there is a four-story height limitation on all buildings within the resort village core area. Roof styles STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCM IISSION June 11, 1985 Page 9. can be either gable, hip, shed or flat, and roofing materials for other than flat roofs are restricted to concrete tile or metal. Stucco, adobe and block are the permitted exterior building materials. Colors are limited to the spectrum of white, cream, tan, light brown, mauve and other earth tones. Regarding the use of the "contemporary" building style for these structures, as stated previously, this is permitted by the conditions of the approved specific plan. The main intent of the specific plan requirements is to ensure that consistent or ccuipatible architectural styles or themes are used throughout the project. Along PGA Boulevard, the Applicant and Sunrise Company have followed a general theme of using this "contemporary" architectural style. Sunrise Caipany's sales office and gatehouses to the residential areas have the same style as the golf and tennis clubhouses. In addition, the design of the perimeter walls and entry areas along PGA Boulevard ompliment the buildings's style by the use of angles (rather than curves) and by using stepped, raised planter areas. Therefore, the Applicant and Sunrise Company have complied with the basic intent of the specific plan by providing a unifying theme along PGA Boulevard. Golf Clubhouse: As shown by the plan elevations, the building has very strong and sharp features. The horizontal features are emphasized by the tiered or stepped roof line and also by the use of materials. These horizontal features are emphasized by the use of a smooth plaster finish. The vertical element is emphasized by the use of stepped wall panels with heavy combed plaster finish and exposed aggregrate concrete columns. The building also has pyramid skylights with tinted glass. The design is softened sanewhat by planters along the upper level. The "contemporary" design of the building is consistent with other structures proposed along PGA Boulevard. Although the building is only approximately 22 feet high as measured from the entrance drive, it will be accented by the fact that it is located on the highest point of this site. As shown on the plot plan, there is a gradual rise of approximately 20 feet fran the main entrance to the golf clubhouse. Staff does not recommend any changes in the building design. Tennis Clubhouse: The design of the tennis clubhouse is also "contemporary" and has the same basic design features as the clubhouse. The building has a tiered roof line and stepped walls. The building materials are the same as those used for the golf clubhouse. The clubhouse design is consistent with the golf clubhouse and other structures along PGA Boulevard. Staff does not recommend any changes in the building design. Tennis Club: The site plan indicates future courts to the east and west of the proposed courts. The Applicant has indicated that a total of 40 additional courts are proposed in the future. No additions to the clubhouse are anticipated at this time. Since the parking area is sized adequately and, based upon the Applicant's consents, the clubhouse is large enough to serve these additional courts. Staff recanmends this plot plan approval include the condition to allow a „axi mom of 40 additional tennis courts, with their location subject to Staff approval. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION June 11, 1985 Page 10. Other Concerns A serious ccncern regards the provision of sanitary sewer to this clubhouse site. Although the comments from Coachella Valley Water District state that sanitary service will be provided, CVWD staff have indicated that a temporary on -site septic system may be installed on the site until such time that connection to the new regional plant is possible. The District is in the process of purchasing a site and obtaining approvals for a treatment facility in the area of Thermal Airport and no reliable cc pletion date has been given. The continued use of private systems and temporary/interim facilities needs to be carefully evaluated. Extensive develop- ment utilizing such facilities is not desirable. 1. The proposed club facilities are consistent with the approved "PGA West" specific plan's'site and open space plans and are consistent with the R-3 Zoning. 2. No physical constraints of the site prevent the construction of the proposed facilities. 3. Utilities, public services and roads are available to the site. 4. The proposed facilities are in compliance with the previous City approvals for the "PGA West" project. 5. With minor modifications, the proposed parking plan will adequately serve the proposed facilities without creating traffic hazards. The number of spaces complies with the City's standards. 6. Mien ccesti;icted in accordance with the conditions of approval, the access to the site will not create traffic hazards on PGA Boulevard. 7. The proposed "contemporary" building architecture is consistent with the proposed development along PGA Boulevard and with the provisions of the approved specific plan. 8. Any envir�, tal impacts of the project will be mitigated to the extent feasible by compliance with the mitigation measures incorporated into the conditions of approval for the specific plan and this plot plan. 1. The proposal is consistent with the approved "PGA West" specific plan and the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The request is consistent with the zoning. 3. Construction of the proposed project, in accordance with the conditions of approval, will not have a detrimental effect on the health and safety of the public. 4. Construction of the proposed project will be compatible with existing area development. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMUSSION June 11, 1985 Page 11. 5. Significant impacts on the enviroment will be mitigated to the extent feasible by adherence to the conditions of approval. err_ y : aw• ww�w a • r Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department reccmTerds approval of Plot Plan No. 85-147, in accordance with Exhibits A, B, C and D and subject to the attached conditions of approval. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Sandra L. Bonner Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Principal Planner Comity Development Director Atchs: 1. Specific Plan No. 83-002 Text 2. Specific Plan No. 82-002 Conditions of Approval 3. Location Map 4. Building Area Calculations (2) 5. Exhibits A, B, C and D, and Renderings CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLOT PLAN NO. 85-147 June 11, 1985 General 1. Plot Plan No. 84-147 shall comply with all standards and requirements set forth in the City of La Ga nta land Use Ordinance. 2. In addition to the provisions and conditions of the approval for Plot Plan No. 85-147, the Applicant shall comply with any applicable conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 83-002, "PGA West." 3. This Plot Plan approval shall expire one year after the date of final approval within which time the construction authorized must be substantially begun or the occupancy be in use unless the Applicant requests and receives written approval of an extension of time by the Cc comity Development Director prior to expiration of this permit. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use con- templated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: ° Riverside County Environmental Health ° City Fire Marshal ° Coachella Valley Water District ° Camomity Development Department, Planning Division Evidence of said permit or clearance shall be presented to the Building Division at the tine of application for a building permit for the uses contemplated herewith. Site and Building Design 5. The Applicant shall comply with Exhibits A, B, C and D, as contained within the Comm dty Development's file for Plot Plan No. 85-147, and these conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the Plot Plan. 6. This approval authorizes construction of the golf clubhouse and the tennis club, including clubhouse, 20 outdoor courts and an additional 40 courts to be constructed at a later date. The location and design of the future courts shall be subject to approval of the Comm mity Development Department. 7. Colors and materials of the buildings shall be substantially as submitted and shall be subject to final approval by the Cmm mity Development Department. S. All trash receptacles shall be stored within enclosures. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall submit plans to the Conmmity Development Department for review and approval showing the location, size and design of these trash enclosures. OONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLAN NO. 85-147 June ll,, 1985 Page 2 9. All heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall either be ground mounted or, if roof mounted, shall be screened from view on all sides by the roof design. Streets, Circulation and Grading 10. The Applicant shall amply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: a. A grading and drainage plan prepared and signed by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. b. All parking lot and driveway improvements shall conform with the City of La Quinta standards. c. All parking areas shall be constructed with a minimum 2�" AC pavement on 4" class 2 base. All curbing shall be 6 inch concrete curb. d. All service drives shall be accessed from the main parking area (i.e. no access from PGA Boulevard). caAa)) e. 11. The parking lot shall be constructed in accordance with Exhibit "A" with the following modifications: a. The north -south traffic aisle nearest to PGA Boulevard shall not intersect the main entrance drive. b. A passenger load area shall be provided in front of the tennis clubhouse. c. The service road to the tennis club shall access the main parking area and shall not have a separate access to PGA Boulevard. 12. If the demand for parking by employees and visitors should exceed the number of spaces provided on site, the Applicant shall submit plans to the Conmmity Development Department for review and approval for the expansion of parking facilities. Public Services and Utilities 13. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal as follows: a. The required fire flow shall be available from super hydrants (6" x 4" x 2Y' x 2'Y"), located not less than 25' or more than 165' from any portion of the buildings as measured along approved vehicular travelways. A fire flaw of 3500 GPM for a 2 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. CONDITICNS OF APPROVAL An PLAN NO. 85-147 June 11, 1985 Page 3 b. Three copies of the water plans must be submitted to the Fire Marshal for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered Civil Engineer and the Water Company and must conform with the requirements in #1 above. c. The golf club and tennis club buildings must be fire sprinkled in accordance with NFPA 13. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Marshal for review. d. Kitchen and grille in golf club and grille in tennis club will require hood duct automatic fire extinguishing systems. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Marshal for review and approval. e. Widen service drive to a, minimum of 20' and designate a clear 20' all-weather, paved fire lane to the cart staging area to provide access to the rear of the golf clubhouse building. f. Additional requirements will be addressed during the plan check process. 14. Domestic water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided in accordances with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District and the City of Ia Quinta. 15. All new utilities serving the facility shall be placed underground on the site. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Imperial Irrigation District. Miscellaneous 16. Prior to issuance of any building permits, a detailed on -site landscaping plan shall be suixnitted for.the review and approval of the Community Development Department. Said plan shall indicate the location, species, size and spacing of all planting materials. The landscaping plan shall indicate, but not be limited to, the following: a. The use of berms, planting materials and other landscaping features along Madison Street in a manner consistent with other perimeter landscaping. b. Appropriate trees or similar materials along the side and rear property lines to screen buildings and parking areas from adjacent residential uses. c. Provision for planting within parking areas to provide some shading therein. 17. The Appliant shall submit a detailed lighting plan showing the location, design, type (including manufacturer) and intensity of all proposed exterior lighting. All lighting shall be screened so as not to shine directly on properties outside the project's perimeter walls nor to create substantial light wash which may be a nuisance to surrounding residents. 0 COmITIONs of APPROVAL - PLOT PLAN No. 85-147 June 11, 1985 Page 4 18. The location and design of all signage shall be subject to the review and approval of the Ccm unity Development Department. 19. Appli nt shall be responsible for payment of infrastructure fees based upon City policy. GOLF CLUB AREA ANALYSIS MAY 8, 1985 MAIN LEVEL PGA WEST Dining #1 4,290 Dining #2 1,914 Dining #3 985 Sub Total 7,189 Bar/Lounge 2,847 Pro Shop: Display/Starter 3,090 Offices/Storage 803 Women's Lockers/Lounge 4,802 Restrooms Men's Lockers/Lounge 9,757 Restrooms Kitchen 3,471 Board Room (30 seats) 711 Foyer/Lobby 1,892 Offices 1,131 Miscellaneous Circulation 2,423 Mechanical/Storage 1,038 Total 39,154 GOLF CLUB AREA ANALYSIS MAY 8,1985 Page Two DWER LEVEL PGA WEST ffices ## rill Dining 1,857 rill Kitchen 1,294 itchen Rec/Stor./Mech./Emp 3,988 estrooms 567 ag Storage (1,150 bags) 2,322 art Storage (220 Carts) 12,849 -o Storage 966 :airs/Circulation 315 !chanical ## TOTAL (24,158 Gross) BUILDING TOTAL 621413 Included in Kitchen Rec./Stor./Mech./Emp. PGA WEST MMIS CLUBHOUSE MAY 13, 1985 ENTRY/RECEPTION 590 sq. ft. UMGE & BAR 740 sq. ft. 31 SEATS DINING ROOM 1,822 sq. ft. 76 SEATS KITCHEN/STORAGE/OFFICE/NECH. 1,301 sq. ft. MEN'S LOCKERS/TOILETS/SHOWERS 800 sq. ft. 80 HALF SIZE LOCKERS WOMEN'S LOCKERS/TOILETS/SHOWERS 870 sq. ft. 70 HALF SIZE LOCKERS PRO SHOP/HOSTESS 1,620 sq. ft. PRO OFFICES/STORAGE 840 sq. ft. CIRCMATION 195 sq. ft. TOTAL PROQ AREA = 8,778 sq. ft. OUTSIDE COVERED AREA = 2,500 sq. ft. TOTAL COVERED AREA = 11,278 sq. ft. E CCNDITICNS OF APPFOM S�IFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 MAY 15, 1984 1. The Applicant shall comply with Ekhibit "A", the plan document for Specific Plan No. 83-002, and the following oonditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the specific plan. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain approval of plot plans and tentative maps in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal land Use and Land Division Ordinances. Soils/Geology 3. The Applicant shall comply with the latest Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of la Quinta. The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the under- lying geologic conditions. 4. A more detailed geotechnical study will be conducted to establish site - specific geotechnical parameters for engineering design of the planned structure locations at the time tentative subdivision or parcel maps are prepared. The recommendations of this report, as well as those of the structural engineer (far mid -rise development sites) and city engineer shall be ce¢Qlied with prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. Avdrology/Water Conservation 5. Prior to the approval of final tract maps, the approval of zoning permits, or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a hydro- logical analysis for approval by the city engineer which will indicate the method and design to protect the proposed development from the 100-year flood. This plan shall be consistent with the purposes of any similar plans of the Padevelop mnt Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. 6. Prior to the approval of tentative maps or development plans, the Applicant shall design and provide information demonstrating that should there be a breach in the embankment of either Lake Cahuilla or the Coachella Canal, the development design will provide for the channelination or dispersal of the waters in such a way so as to prevent a serious safety threat to the residents of the nearby structures. 7. Prior to approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water conservation plan which will indicate: a. Methods to minimize the motion of on -site water usage, including water saving fixtures, drought -tolerant and native landscaping, and programs to minimi2e landscape irrigation. b. Methods for minimizing the effects of increased on -site runoff and increased groundwater recharge, including the construction of on -site collection and groundwater retention basins. 00NDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SPBCIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 2. c. Methods for minimizing the amount of groundwater pumped out for on -site irrigation, including the use of reclaimed water from the new sewage treatment plant to be constructed and the use of irriga- tion water fran the Coachella Canal. Wildlife 8. Cottonwoods, sycamore (Plantarms Racerosa), mesquite, palms (Washingtonia Filifera)8 and/or native, compatible plantings shall be planted as part of the golf course layouts. Plantings of this type would be beneficial to wildlife habitat values and could offset loss of prairie falcon foraging habitat. 9. Wherever possible, native, drought -tolerant, desert plant species shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan for the entire project area. Rhe landscape architect who produces the development (site) plan should have experience in landscaping with desert species. The Living Desert Reserve, the Horticultural Department of the College of the Desert in Palm Desert and Desert Water Agency can provide valuable assistance in: a) recormiending experienced experts in desert species; b) identifying nurseries that have been successful in large-scale propagation of the type necessary for this project; c) reoaanending appropriate trees, shrubs, and annual and perennial herbaceous species; or d) providing contacted experts to the developer's landscape architect. 10. Drip irrigation shall be used wherever possible to irrigate plantings to reduce the demand for water in landscaping and to ninu=e the need to eliminate unwanted weedy species that beccme established from wind- borne seed. 11. In April or May, 1984, the Applicant shall engage a qualified consultant to determine the activity of the prairie falcon eyrie located 1/4 mile north of the project site. Based upon findings and rename ndations coritained within the consultant's report, appropriate measures shall be developed to allow enhancement of habitat on the project site compatible with golf course development. 12. If buried remains are encountered during developrent, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. Air Quality 13. Rb the extent practical, major earth movement for each of the golf courses shall occur before adjacent residential constructicn is completed. 14. Rhe Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal lode and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the city engineer. OOMITIMS OF APPROVAL - SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 3. 15. At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plot plans, the Applicant shall demnstrate that the proposed uses include provisions for non -automotive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private automobiles. This may include golf cart path systems, bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the Specific Plan. 16. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for on -site bus shelters as required by the planning director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the Specific Plan. 17. The Applicant shall encourage and support the use of Sunline van/bus service /Dial -A -Ride/ jitneys between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, Thermal), and other regional land uses. Traffic and Circulation 18. 54th Avenue, 58th Avenue, Airport Boulevard and Madison Street contiguous to the project shall be developed in accordance with their General Plan designations and the La Q=ta and/or Riverside County design and structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or develop- ment approval in conjunction with the phased implementation of the Specific Plan. 54th Avenue, 58th Avenue and Madison Street shall be constructed to minimum three-quarter (3/4) width improvement standard. 19. Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall construct and improve Madison Street between 54th and 52nd Avenues, or provide adequate financial security (i.e., letter of credit), with a mini,mn 32-foot-aide pavement, in accordance with the applicable County and/or City standards. In addition, the Applicant shall submit a pavement evaluation study on existing Madison Street between 52nd and 50th Avenues to the city engineer and County Roads Department for review and approval, to determine required pavement repairs and/or improvements which will be installed by the Applicant prior to the closure of Jefferson Street. 20. Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall fund and install the necessary off -site pavement mprovemnts to Madison street between the project's southerly boundary and 58th Avenue, and to 58th Avenue between the project's easterly boundary and Madison street in accordance with the requirements of the city engineer and the applicable County and/or City standards. The Applicant shall subunit a pavement evaluation study to the city engineer and County Roads Department for their review and determination of the required pavement improvements which shall be installed. 21. Prior to tract map or development approval, the Applicant shall submit a tentative time schedule for the closure of Jefferson as it relates to the phased implementation of the Specific Plan. This schedule shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Council. CaU)ITICNS OF APPROVAL - SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 4. 22. Zhe Applicant shall assure the costs associated with abandonment of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard within the Specific Plan area. 23. In order to facilitate mitigation of cumulative traffic impacts of this and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program. finis program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are net for major roadway improve- ments. upon deteraination of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. Funding of this program may be by fee programs that assess new development and/or users on a pro-rata or fair -share basis, formation of assessment districts, acquisition of State or Federal road funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the need. The Applicant shall agree to pay the designated pro-rata share that the City may establish to fund off -site roadway improvements and traffic signalization on an "as warranted" basis. 24. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance with the design standards specified in the Specific Plan and the structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or development approval area in conjunction with the phased implementation of the Specific Plan. All roadways within the Specific Plan area shall remain private. 25. If Riverside County amends its General Plan to change the status of Madison street between 50th and 58th Avenues from a secondary to a major highway and changes its road standards to require landscaped medians in major highways for surrounding uninoorporated areas by October 31, 1984s, Madisan Street between 54th and 58th Avenues shall be improved as a 100-foot- wide major highway including provision for landscaped medians and Jefferson Street between 52nd and 54th Avenues shall be widened to ac=mudate four travel lanes. If the above -referenced County actions occur, then Condition No. 19 will have no force and effect. Noise 26. Prior to building permit approval, building setbacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce noise impacts from nearby existing and future roadways to within the State standards. 27. Prior to approval of precise development plans or tentative tract maps, the Applicant will de unstrate that residential structures satisfy the State's indoor criterion. Mv--re exposed to noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or oombinaticns of these and similar measures. 28. Prior to approval of building permits for the cam ercial center, the Applicant shall demonstrate that all structures meet State interior noise standards for commercial uses as defined in the State guidelines. OF APPROM - SPIrIFIC PIAN NO. 83-002 Page 5. 29. Requirements for the installation of solar water Beaters shall be determined by the City on a uniform city-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall omply with the requirements current at the time of construction. 30. All tentative maps and development plans shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. Tb the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. Land Use 31. The project shall be subject to staff review for conformance to established City land use ordinances and policies, and will be subject to public review at hearings of the Planning Commission and City Council. 32. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, construction of the golf course or approval of tentative maps or development plans within 1/8 mile of the park, the Applicant shall submit plans showing the buffer area between any structure and the property boundary of the Lake Cahuilla County Regional Park. These plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. 33. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits or approval of any tentative maps or development plans, the Applicant shall submit plans to the Cm mmity Development Department for review and approval demonstrating that these is adequate setback of proposed future golf course, street, utility and structural improvwents to provide for the setback of project perimeter walls along public roadways in accordance with the City's adopted parkway standards in effect at the time of application for said permits. - 34. Height limitations shall be as shown in the Specific Plan, except as follows: a. The portion of the area designated for six -story (72 feet) height south of the Airport Boulevard alignment shall be deleted. b. A31 residential units shall be limited to a maximum of two stories, not to exceed 35 feet. c. The hotel ccmplex and related buildings within the Village Core shall be limited to a maximum height of four stories. 1i.1! E COMITICNS OF APPROVAL - SPECIFIC PLAN No. 83-002 Page 6. 35. The area east of Madison Street shall be developed at a maximan average density of 3 units per acre for a total of 480 units. 36. The comme=ial area shall be reduced to a maximum total of 20 acres for the future development of a commercial center and offices. 37. Applicant is encouraged to maintain all land, within the property boundaries, in agricultural production until such land is graded for development, provided that such agricultural production is economically feasible. In the event said undeveloped land is not continued or placed in agricultural production, Applicant shall plant and maintain said land in appropriate ground cover to prevent dust and erosion and to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment. Public Services and Utilities 38. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform FireCode in effect at the time of development and the following additional provisions: a. Applicant shall dedicate a one -acre, fire station site within the project boundaries to the City, at a location to be determined by the City in consultation with the Applicant. b. Applicant shall design, construct and equip the fire station to Riverside ooamty Fire Department specifications and City standards and codes. c. Phased construction of the station shall be subject to approval by Riverside County Fire Department and the City Fire Marshall. A station shall be constructed prior to the start of building construction. d. The Applicant shall purchase and equip the station with a 1,250 gallon/minute engine fitted for future attachment of a telesquirt as required, and a squad or paramedic unit in accordance with Riverside County Fire Deparment specifications. e. The station shall be equipped with an engine to fire department specifications prior to the start of framing construction. The station shall be equipped with a telesquirt unit prior to the construction of buildings which are three stories or greater in height. f. abe Applicant shall agree to participate in an assessment district for financing operations, maintenance and personnel costs, providing that said district includes other assessable property if served by said district. g. All buildings over 30 feet or over 2 stories in height shall be required to provide built-in fire protection. This requirement shall remain in effect until December 31, 1984, or until the City adapts its revisions to the Uniform Fire Code, whichever occurs first. CONDITIMS OF APPFOVAL - SPBCIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page 7. h. City shall enter into a reimbursement agreement with Applicant, whereby City shall agree to reimburse to Applicant those costs of fire station construction and equipment, which are properly attributable to service recipients located outside the project boundary. 39. The Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the Ia Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. 40. To fund improvements to lake Cahuilla, the Applicant shall pay the amount of $50,000 to the City. This contribution is specifically intended to mitigate the closure of Jefferson Street. 41. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District for the provision of domestic water and sanitation service. The Applicant shall annex the project site to Improvement District No. 55 to obtain adequate permanent wastewater treatment services. 42. The Applicant shall canply with the following requirements of Imperial Irrigation District: a. Applicant shall provide a 2.5-acre site for an electrical substation on, or adjacent to, the development at a location approved by Imperial irrigation District, the City, and the Applicant; or, shall provide or participate in, other facilities acceptable to Imperial Irrigation District and the City. b. Any relocation of existing overhead power facilities within or adjacent to the project shall be per District regulations appli- cable to the said conditions thereof. 43. All overbead utility lines located along the perimeter public roadways, with the exception of high voltage power lines of 66 KV and above, shall be installed underground. 44. To fund the cost of a special cam -unity services project/facility to be determined by the City, the Applicant shall pay the amount of $1,000,000 to the City. This amount will be paid in five (5) equal, annual payments on the first day of each calendar year o =coming January 1, 1985. Miscellaneous 45. Landmark understards that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal improvement and facilities needed as a result of the emulative impact of such new development; and that City is in the process of pre- paring and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements CMMITICNS OF APPROVAL - SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002 Page B. and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thorough- fares and bridges and traffic signalization; that City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Landmark agrees to pay said fee or fees in the apt and at the time enacted and from time to time amended by City. 4h the extent Applicant constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure (i.e., fire statical), it shall receive appropriate credit, as determined by the City Council. If said fee shall include financing of permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition 39 (school development fee) shall be deleted. 46. Prim to the issuance of grading permits or the approval of tentative tract maps or plot plans, the Applicant shall sukmit a phasing schedule and map for the entire project to the Planning Director for review and approval. 47. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets 6 Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets 6 Highway Code 22600 et seg.) to implement maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and on -site lighting within all commonly maintained driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets, and other improved common ownership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said imprwed carrion areas until such time as the City Council determines that, by default of the homeowner's association, a need for maintenance work and establish- ment of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assessment upon the real property. At the request of the Applicant, this shall be reconsidered and may be deleted at the time of tentative tract approvals. ITEM NO. ff. DATE � % PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: (.67211'i BR,fvD r 3 &-R01/ MOTION BY: d� pjp,jIW, &Wf MORAN THORNBURGH E lTflSPE/1� SECOND BY: �r D WRAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION:'��, - ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — KLINIICIE%gICZ — MORAN — WALLING THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 0 M I N U T E S PLANNING CU44ISSION - CITY OF IA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California May 28, 1985 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. He called upon Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Coimiissioners Nbran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Chairman Thornburgh advised that two Commissioners had recently resigned and City Council would be selecting replacements at their meeting of June 5th. Also present were Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Gary W. Price and Secretary Donna Velotta. 3. HEARINGS A. Commissioner Moran made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Walling to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 1985. 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 1985, were approved as submitted. Unanimously Adopted. 5. BUSINESS Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as follows: A. Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, Amended No. 1, reconsideration of a proposal to divide 132+ acres into 109 lots with 19 single-family dwellings on individual lots and 528 conlommiumu units on the remaining lots on the south side of Avenue 54, along the proposed alignment of PGA Boulevard; Sunrise Company, Applicant. He then called for the Staff Report. 1. Associate Planner Cary W. Price explained that the Applicant, the Sunrise Company, proposes a revision in unit mix to a previously Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract Map No. 20717. He noted that the revisions include an increase in 36 dwelling units (the Staff Report shows 26 which is a clerical error) with a cumulative total of 547. This is ccnpared to the previous total of 511 fran the previous map. He stated that as explained in the Study Session, the most significant increase in the revision is the 88 Fourplex West Type -A units and the decrease of 48 Fourplex Fast Type-B units. Parcels 22 through 27, as previously proposed containing 64 Type-B units, have been revised to incorporate 88 Type -A units within Parcels 22 through 28; a net increase of 24 units. This was done by the Applicant to provide more affordably priced, smaller units within the Stadium Golf Course. With regard to density, Associate Planner Price advised that the revised map has a slightly higher overall density of 4.13 units per acre as compared to 3.86 units per acre on the old map. He advised that the 4.13 figure has been revised from 4.06 noted in the Staff Report due to the addition of 10 units noted earlier as the result of clerical error. MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION May 28, 1985 Page 2. Associate Planner Price stated that overall, the proposed revisions to the tract map and changes in the conditions of approval are, in Staff s judgment, acceptable, and therefore, the intent of the Specific Plan has been achieved through the tract map design. Staff reco miends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, Amended No. 1, subject to the conditions of approval previously recommended by the Planning Commission with the following revisions: Condition No. 15.b revised to read as follows: "15.b. That the minor residential collector street serving Lots 22 through 32 be continued and improved to an all-weather street to connect into the residential island portion of the project (Lots 33 through 110) prior to building permit issuance on Lots 22 through 32." Subsection b. to be added to Condition No. 31 as follows: "31.b. A change in the total number of units shall not exceed 10% of the approved total of 547, shall be deemed compatible with approved unit designs, and shall be consistent with the overall character of the project." Chairman Thornburgh called upon the Applicant for any comments. Jim Resney, Vice President of Sunrise Company, the Applicant, advised he felt Staff did an excellent job explaining the revisions in the Staff Report and at the Study Session. He stated he would answer any questions of Staff or the Commission at this time. There being no questions, Chairman Thornburgh called upon the Commission for their comments. Commissioner Walling felt the densities had not been affected by the revisions and felt the actual site has been inproved by the changes. He stated he was in agreement with the request. Commissioner Moran stated she felt comfortable with the revisions. Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Commissioner Walling made a motion based on the findings in the Staff Report, recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 20717, Amended No. 1, subject to the conditions of approval previously recanrended, as anended. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. B. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next item of business as Plot Plan No. 85-155, a request to construct a single-fa¢nily dwelling on the south side of San Timoteo Street, approximately 380' east of Avenida Fernando; Robert Ricciardi and Associates, Applicant. Iie called for the Staff Report. 1. Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner explained that this house will be located in the La Quinta Golf Estates II, Subdivision. It will be built for the personal residence of the property owner. It is similar to other houses in the area. Ms. Bonner noted that the floor plan and height of the building complies with the City's adopted standards. However, the plan as proposed does not comply with the City's adopted setback requirements which prohibit pool and other mechanical equipment in the setback areas. Staff recommends the addition of a condition requiring all mechanical equipment to be relocated outside of the front 20' setback and the sideyard 5' setbacks. In addition, the site plan indicates that the garage encroaches one-half foot into the front yard setback. Staff recamiends that approval be conditioned to prohibit any encroachment into the setback. MINUTES - PLANNING CCIISSIO May 28, 1985 Page 3. Ms. Bonner advised the Planning Caimission of a new condition which has been added due to the response of a change in the Building Code. The new condition, Condition No. 11, which is requiring all structures to have a Class "A" roof covering is being added as a standard for all single-family dwellings. A point of concern is that the Applicant is proposing to extend some of the concrete walkways and driveway out to the street. Since this is a private street and the road right-of-way in essence belongs to the property owners' association, we have added a condition that any improve- ments within the San Timoteo Street right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the La Quinta Golf Estates Commmity Association prior to issuance of building permits. Ms. Bonner stated that this concluded the Staff Report. Staff is recommending approval based on the findings in the Staff Report and subject to the conditions, as amended. Chairman Thornburgh asked Ms. Bonner if a proposed house is to be located on a private street are we not requiring the same code requirements that we do on non -private streets. In other words, would we allow then to build right up to the property line or build within their 20-foot setback because it is a private street. Ms. Bonner advised that they would still have the sane setbacks (they being the homeowners' association) and, in fact, they are more strict than the City regarding their setback requirements. They have the same building restrictions on the lot; the only differences are that in the Cove, we require an asphalt connecting driveway between the property line and the existing street because we anticipate in future to have concrete curb and gutter, where in this location they already have a 28' wide street and everyone has concrete driveways out to the street. Instead of going through an encroachment permit with the City where we approve anything in the right-of-way, the property owners' association takes over that responsibility. Ms. Bonner advised the Cmrdssion that because of this, Condition No. 8 should be amended to read as follows: "8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete to the existing street pavement." There being no further comments, Chairman Thornburgh requested a motion. 2. Commissioner Walling made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 85-155 based on the findings in the Staff Report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C, and subject to the conditions of approval, as amended. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. Chairman Thornburgh called upon Staff to report on the next three items of business which were as follows: C. Plot Plan No. 85-158, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Villa, 50' south of Calle Tula; Desert Design and Development, Applicant. D. Plot Plan No. 85-159, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Rubio, 250' south of Calle Temecula; Desert Design and Development, Applicant. E. Plot Plan No. 85-160, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Carranza, 150' north of Calle Tecate; Desert Design and Development, Applicant. 1. Associate Planner Price advised the Ccnmission that Staff had two concerns regarding these three hares. First, the 24" perimeter roof truss is massive, delineating trite detail. Tb avoid this visual problem, a tile detail treatment or a smooth texture, dark -colored detail should be incorporated between the relief lines of the roof truss. Secondly, the perimeter wall should be a required portion of the project. The wall should be coated with a colored plaster to match the exterior color of the house. Based on 0 MINUTES — PLANNING COM4LSSION May 28, 1985 Page 4. the roof truss and wall treatment requirements, the proposed house will be camhpatible with the surrounding development. Therefore, Staff is recatending approval of Plot Plans Nos. 85-158, 85-159 and 85-160. There being no discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-158, 85-159 and 85-160 based on the findings in the Staff Report and in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C, and subject to conditions of approval. Commissioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. Chairman Thornburgh called upon Staff to report on the last two items of business which were as follows: F. Plot Plan No. 85-164, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero, 180' south of Calle Sonora; Jim Reed, Applicant. G. Plot Plan No. 85-165, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero, 130' south of Calle Sonora; Jim Reed, Applicant. 1. Principal Planner Bonner explained that Mr. Reed is a new developer in our City. He has done most of his building on the coast. These two homes are located on larger, 6,773-square-foot lots in the Cove area. Mr. Reed will be changing the exterior design of the hones by using a different color scheme; one house will be yellow with white trim and the second will be gray with a brown roof. These homes comply with the City's standards and are consistent and compatible with the surrounding houses. Therefore, Staff is riecaumending approval of Plot Plans Nos. 85-164 and 85-165. There being no cauments, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. Commissioner Moran made a motion to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-164 and 85-165 based on the findings in the Staff Report, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to attached conditions. Commissioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. Principal Planner Banner advised the Planning Commission that there were two more items of discussion not shown on the Agenda. First, the appointment, if the Commission wished to do so, of a Commissioner to the Downtown Planning Advisory Committee to replace John Klimkiewicz who had resigned his place on the Planning Commission, therefore no longer eligible to serve on the DPAC. After a short discussion, the Canaission decided to postpone discussion of this matter to the next meeting, June 11, 1985. Ms. Bonner advised that the second item was a review of the Washington Street Specific Plan. The Commissioners stated that they agreed with the general focus and direction of the report and recaumended no substantial changes. They had no cauments on the exhibits, although they requested to see the overall plan/aerial photos again which show the problem areas, proposed changes, etc. Specific items which the Commission requested additional clarification aryl/or detail in the draft plan were the following: ° How will access be provided to the Point Happy Ranch property? Need overall plan of area from church to Highway 111 so that relationship between all the access points and frontage roads can be properly assessed. ° Will the noise barrier along the west side of Washington Street be extended the full length between Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50? While the Commissioners recognized the space constraints as Washington Street nears the La Quinta Stormwater Channel bridge, they wanted consideration of ways to provide noise walls for the Montero Street area. FEDA ES - PIANNING CCMnSSION May 28, 1985 Page 5. ° Will interim improvsnent plans be provided? ° What will the standards be for the proposed develogruent within Indian Wells south of Fred Waring? Will our plans be canpatible with those of Indian Wells? ° Will the plan establish design standards for walls along Washington Street? Of concern is whether the plan will set specific criteria for providing wall openings for views into projects. ° Regarding landscaping, will the plan establish a palette of plant materials to allow the developers flexibility? Will the plan set specific criteria for the size and spacing of street trees? The Ccanission requested that the draft report include reductions of all the exhibits and that an overall index map be provided for the details and cross sections. There was no further discussion on the matter. There being no further items of Agenda to cane before the Ca[mission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Walling made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of June 11, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Chairman Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. The regular meeting of the Planning Cannission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 8:05 p.m., May 28, 1985, in the Ia. Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: CBS 1 d6a 86S-/64 8S11'"e-A Js-/63 �.5-'1�6.7� B/r4.0 o i GsfsptRIli MOTION BY: 4GrbT=qiiHU5 VAU ING � MORAN THORNBURGH OeflAIJ T E fl "Qgff') SECOND B WALLING MORAN THORNBURGH DISCUSSION:',�lBS- /z / — �o Qo ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — KLDIKMIICZ — MORAN — WALLING — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 0 To: From: Date: Subject: Location: Applicant: Request: BACKGROUND MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA allINTA The Honorable Chairman and timbers of the Planning Commission Cammunity Development Department June 11, 1985 PLC7P PLAN No. 85-161 West Side of Avenida Rubio, 150' South of Calle Temecula Rick Johnson Construction Approval to Construct a Single -Family House for the Purpose of Sale 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential. 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 5,000-square-foot site is located within the subdivided Cove on the west side of Avenida Rubio, 150 feet south of Calle Temecula The neighborhood is typical of Cove development with a mix of single-family houses and vacant lots. of the 24 lots within the site's bloom, five houses have been built with the remainder of the lots vacant. All existing houses on the block have sloping hip and gable type roofs ranging in design from California Ranch to Spanish style. 4. Environmental Considerations: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15303 of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder contingent upon approval of the project. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval for 13 other single-family dwellings this year. Nine houses have been ccnpleted, four are under construction and, according to the Applicant, all have been pre -sold. In addition to this request, the Applicant is requesting approval for two other single-family houses this meeting. Also, the Applicant has submitted two other applications for single-family house approvals for the Planning Camission meeting of June 25, 1985. STAFF REPOW - PLAMING C VMSSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. The house has over 1300-square-feet of usable living space with three bedxnans, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door into the house. Exterior materials will consist of a light brown stucco with brown trim and a tan -colored composition shingled roof. Maximinn building height is 16.5 feet. The roof eaves extend out 24". The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yard - 20 Feet ° Rear Yard - 16 Feet ° Side Yards - 5 Feet STAFF CCtMIMS AND DISCUSSION The proposed house is characteristic of the Applicant's previous develogrmts which embody a typical "California Ranch" flavored architecture. The floor plan, exterior design, and setbacks comply with the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. The house is sited on a single lot with an east -west orientation which is compatible with the neighboring development. The overall design, roof style, mass, bulk and height of the proposed house is compatible with nearby development. 1 1 DIM 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF RDCONANIDATION Based upon the above findings, the Comtunity Development Department reconvends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-161 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:(hu Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C •• M Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Commmity Development Department THIS APPBOM IS SLWECT 70 7HE FCLLdWDG CONDITIONS: 1. The develcjmient of the site shall be in confoaaance with the Ddnibits A, 8 and C oontaiasd in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-161 , ualess otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning Of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to oampleticn. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in a000rdanoe with the requirements of the Riverside Oounty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Oode as adapted by the City of la Quints. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building pehmit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertifica of Oocupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. 7the heating and cooling mpalw is l equipuent shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. e. 4he driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to sutmitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: • Riverside County Health Department • City Fire Marshal • namnnity Development Department, Planning Division • Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 0 -MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mailman and Menbers of the Planning Ccnrission From: Camwuty Development Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: Plor PLAN No. 85-162 Location: Southeast corner of Calle Ensenada and Avenida Diaz Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House for the Purpose of Sale BMXGR0WD 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential. 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minin n Dwelling Size) . 3. EKisting Conditions: The 7,000-square-foot site is located within the subdivided Cove at the southeast corner of Calle Ensenada and Avenida Diaz. The neighborhood is typical of Cove development with a mix of single-family houses and vacant lots. Of the 24 lots within the site's block, six houses have been built with the remainder of the lots vacant. All houses on the block have sloping roofs, three of which have red tile roofing material. 4. Environmental Onsiderations: the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CE7QA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEDA guidelines. A Notice of EXamption will be filed with the County Recorder contingent upon approval of the project. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval for 13 other single-family dwellings this year. Nine houses have been caTgleted, four are under construction and, according to the Applicant, all have been pre -sold. In addition to this request, the Applicant is requesting approval for two other single-family houses this meeting. Also, the Applicant has submitted two other applications for single-family house approvals for the Planning Ommission meeting of June 25, 1985. 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CO;rA'iISSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. The house has over 1300-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrorns, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door into the house. Exterior materials will consist of a off-Ahite stucco with brown trim and a tan -colored composition shingled roof. Maximxn building height is 16.5 feet. The roof eaves extend out 24". The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yana - 20 Feet ° Rear Yang - 16 Feet ° Side Yards - 26.39 Feet from Calle Ensenada 5 Feet south interior side STAFF C(�PENPS AND DISCUSSION The proposed house is characteristic of the Applicant's previous developments which embody a typical "California Ranch" flavored architecture. The floor plan, exterior design, and setbacks comply' with the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. The house is sited on a single lot with an east -west orientation which is compatible with the neighboring development. The overall design, roof style, mass, bulk and height of the proposed house is compatible with nearby development. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF RECM40MATION Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department r+eoommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-162 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: C4..,. ///�i� e '"-- Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Developnent Department I. dune development Of the site abnall be in Canfarmanoe with the bddbits A, 8 and C Contained in the file for Plot Plan No.85-162 , unless otherwise amended by the following oonditiocns. 2. 'fie approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval dates otltmdm, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By `use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, Corte plated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in a000rdanoe with the standards of the thufarm Fire Code as adapted by the City of la Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minim= of two (2). 15-gallon, street trees. 'one plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertificate of Occupancy. the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling madlianieal equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. iiefuse containers and battled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 8. 4he driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. 1he Applicant shall obtain clearances amid/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: " Riverside County Health Department " City Fire Marshal " Community Develop ent Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. 7he Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a Wilding permit. 11. 7ne structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Menbers of the Planning Commission From: Comn[nu uty Develgment Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: PIO1' PLAN NO. 85-163 Location: West Side of Avenida Carranza, 250' South of Calle Colima Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction. Request: Approval to Construct a single -Family House for the Purpose of Sale BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential. 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Misting Conditions: The 5,000-square-f00t site is located within the subdivided Cove on the west side of Avenida Carranza, about 250' south of Calle Colima. The neighborhood is typical of Cove development with a mix of single-family houses and vacant lots. of the 23 lots within the site's block, five houses have been built with the remainder of the lots vacant. Three of these houses incorporate sloping red tile roofs. One house, to the rear of the site, is two stories and has a wood mansard type roof. The other existing house is sited on two lots having a California Ranch style architecture. 4, Environmental Considerations: The project is categorically exenpt frun the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CBQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CL7QA, guidelines. A Notice of Dcenption will be filed with the County Recorder contingent upon approval of the project. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval for 13 other single-family dwellings this year. Nine houses have been completed, four are under construction and, according to the Applicant, all have been pre -sold. in addition to this request, the Applicant is requesting approval for two other single-family houses this meeting. Also, the Applicant has submitted two other applications for single-family house approvals for the Planning commission meeting of June 25, 1985. STAFF REPORT - PLhMING COMMISSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. The house has over 1300-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrooms, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door into the house. Exterior materials will consist of a off-white stucco with brown trim and a tan -colored asphalt shingled roof. Maximnmm building height is 16.5 feet. The roof eaves extend out 24". The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yard - 20 Feet e Rear yard - 16 Feet ° Side Yards - 5 Feet STAFF CQ UNTS AND DISCUSSICN The proposed house is characteristic of the Applicant's previous developments which enbody a typical "California Ranch" flavored architecture. The floor plan, exterior design, and setbacks comply with the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. The house is sited on a single lot with an east -west orientation which is compatible with the neighboring development. The overall design, roof style, mass, bulk and height of the proposed house is compatible with nearby development. 1 17, iTUW 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF RDIDATICN Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-163 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Q:��::�. Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APP BY: C�� "Ilp, Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Department 1. 2he develq meet of the site dhall be in conformance with the Ddlibits A, 8 and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-163j, mess otherwise amended by the following condition. 2. 2he approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; othezwiae, it shall beoare null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, canbwVlated by this approval whidn is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to OMPleticn. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside Oomty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the uLifamn Fire oode as adopted by the City of la Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building pe mit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. the plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable omditicn for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. s. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. 7he Applicant small obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the m,;nd *g Department for plan check: " Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Oomaunity Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building peninit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. Ire structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. ® 0 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Cmrunity Development Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-168 Location: Southwest Corner of Avenida Velasco and Calle Colima Applicant: Jeffrey Larson Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House 4M. @ Wo 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing C editions: The 100' x 100' site is located in the subdivided cove area at the corner of Avenida Velasco and Calle Colima. The adjacent lots are all vacant. The houses in the area have the typical California style archi- tecture. All the houses have stucco siding and pitched roofs with varying slopes. The roofing materials are varied, with the majority of the homes having roofs covered with gravel or concrete tile. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the house for his private residence. The site will be created by merging two 50' x 100' lots. The driveway will enter onto Calle Colima. The setbacks from both the adjacent streets are 20 feet. The westerly setback is 10 feet and the southerly setback is 12 feet. The house will have 2040 square feet of livable area with three bedrooms and two baths. Each of the bedroans have dimensions exceeding 10 feet. Although the garage is separated from the dwelling by a 10-foot-wide patio area, it is connected to the house by the roof. The garage has a pedestrian door which leads onto the patio area. A gate and wall between the garage and house provide security for the interior yard area. ri a STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCbMSSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. The home is modern Spanish style. The overall height is approximately 13' feet. The walls will be covered with white plaster and have bro m-stained, wood trim. The roof will have a 3' and 12 pitch and be covered with red concrete tile. Roof eaves range from 3 to 5 feet wide. STAFF CONID= AND ANALYSIS The house's floor plan and height are consistent with the City's adopted policies and the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone. Although the garage's pedestrian door does not enter directly into the house, it does exit onto a covered patio which is within the fenced yard. Therefore, it complies with the Planning Commission's past policy. Regarding setbacks, the Municipal Land Use Ordinance requires a 20-foot front, 10-foot rear, 10-foot street side and 5-foot interior side setbacks. The ordinance prohibits roof eaves from extending more than three feet into the required setback areas. In addition, no mechanical equipment can be located within the setback areas. These setback requirements and related restrictions can only be waived by approval of a variance since it is an ordinance requirement. As currently proposed, the setbacks for the house are as follows: North: 20 Feet (5' Eave) South: 12 Feet (7' Eave)* East: 20 Feet (3' Eave) West: 10 Feet (5' Eave) * Air-colditioning equipment is located 9±' from property line. In order to ccmply with the above mentioned setback requirements, the Applicant has two options. First, modify the roof so that eaves do not extend more than three (3) feet into the required setback areas; or, reduce the east -west dnrenciol of the house by decreasing the patio width from 10 to 8 feet. Other modifications may also be possible. Staff recommends that this plot plan approval be conditioned to require compliance with the setback requirements, thereby leaving the method to obtain compliance to the Applicant's discretion. Regarding other siting considerations, the driveway enters onto Calle Colima, an east -west street. Since the garage is set back 20 feet, there will be adequate space to park in the driveway without extending into the right-of-way. Both the driveway (to Colima) and the sidewalk (to Velaseo) show concrete and related improve- ments within the public right-of-way. Only temporary or unsubstantial improvements are being allowed in the right-of-way pending future street widening. Lastly, the Applicant will be required to obtain approval of a parcel merger prior to issuance of the building permit. Regarding compatibility with area developnent, the design and materials are comparable with other existing homes in the area. Although the size of the hone is larger than the adjacent houses, it is compatible. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CO MISSION June 11, 1985 Page 3. FrOINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building design is ccnpatible with area development. 3. 1he project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. STAFF RECONAENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Departmnt recarmends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-168 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Sandra L. Principal Planner SLB:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: /CL- / x4i.� Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Caimunity Development Director 1. ow development of the site shall be in conformance with the Htdiibits A, 8 and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-168 , Was= otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. lie approved plot plan shall be ussa within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall beoaae mill and void and of no effect whateeever. by "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, amtsTleted by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ampletion. 3. water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in socordanoe with the requirements of the Riverside Oocmty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provides in accordance with the standards of the Unuifcma Fire Ooae as adopted by the City of La Quinta. S. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gaper►, street trees. the plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of 00 4wi,-- the Applicant . shall install landscaping in accordance with the approves lWw T plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and Cooling ,,,a,.m„ iCa equipment shall be ground mmmtsd, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be cmxx algid by fencing or landscaping. S. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete Ct1rg p8v�1�1t (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. Concrete drive y ancT walkway inprovenents within the right -of -gray shall be deleted. 9. 11he Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the enilding Departmment for plan A I : ° Riverside sty Health Department ° City Fire marshal • pmanmity Development Department, Planning Division o Desert sands unified School District 10. Rhe Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined ed by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Oannmity Development Department,, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building pernut. 11. The structure shall have'a Class "A" roof covering. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Page 2. 12. The house shall have minimum 20-foot front, 10-foot rear, and 10-foot street and 5-foot interior side setbacks. Roof eaves shall not extend more than three (3) feet into the required setback areas. No mechanical equipment shall be located in the setbacks. 13. The garage shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the right-of-way line. 14. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall apply for and obtain approval of a parcel merger. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Ommmity Development Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 85-169 Location: West Side of Eisenhower Drive, 50' North of Calle Durango Applicant: van and Waddy McDaniel Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House for Personal Residence BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential. 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (one -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located within the subdivided Cove on the west side of Eisenhower Drive just north of Calle Durango. The neighbor- hood is typical of Cove development with primarily vacant lots and scattered single-family housing. Of the 24 lots within the block, there are only six houses. Existing development in the area consists of a variety of housing styles ranging fran California Ranch to Spanish designs. All houses on the block have sloping style roof structures. Two of the homes incorporate a Spanish tile roof. 4. Environmental Considerations: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder contingent upon approval of the project. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is intending to construct the proposed single-family house for a personal residence. The proposed house embodies a modern contemporary design with a flat roof. The house has 1650 gross square feet (1550 net square feet usable floor area) with three bedrooms, two full baths, and a double -car garage. The roof height deviates from a low of 9.5 feet to a high point of 12.5 feet due to varying roof lines. The house proposes to contain several amenities, including a central atrium and an outdoor hot tub. The house utilizes vast portions of fixed glass and windows along all elevations. A connecting pedestrian door is provided between the garage and dining/living roan areas of the house. A perimeter wall with an unspecified height is provided. The setbacks are as follows: 2 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCM IISSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. ° Front Yana - 20 Feet ° Rear Yana - 10 Feet ° Side Yards - 5 Feet STAFF CCtZ=S AND ANALYSIS The floor plan and setbacks comply with the City's adopted standards for single- family houses and the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone. The proposed perimeter wall, as indicated in the canbination site and floor plan, is not indicated in the elevation plan. The wall shall meet the City wall standards and should be covered with a stucco exterior to match the house. A separate wall plan shall be suhutted for review and approval by the Community Development Department (Planning Division) to assure proper canpatibility. The house is sited on a single lot as are all other houses on the block. Therefore, the proposed house is campatibly sited with neighboring development. The proposed house has a low -profile, flat roof unlike nearby development which generally has typical sloping gable and hip type roofs. However, unlike many flat roofed houses in the area, the house incorporates varying roof lines, which in Staff's opinion will create a very attractive house and generally upgrade the existing develop- ment in the area. The house does not meet the minimum 18" roof eave requirement pursuant to La Quintals adopted residential development standards. Requiring the minimum 18" roof eave on this house would definitely detract from the attractive, architectural design concept of the house. The major intent of requiring a large roof eave on a house is to provide for shading to minimize sun exposure and increase energy efficiency. Energy efficienty of the house shall be assured in the plan check stages of the project as the Building Department will assure that the house will conform to the State energy standards. Therefore, in this case, it is recamiended that no roof eaves be required on this house. The house utilizes a symetrical design concept with various rectangular features including inlaid, fixed glass and rough -sawn wood incorporated into an earthtone, oatmeal beige stucco exterior. Overall, the house is expected to create architectural variety in the neighborhood while remaining coalpatible with surrounding development with regard to design, mass and bulk. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone regarding the floor plan and setbacks. 4. The building design is campatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. ® 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCWISSION June 11, 1985 Page 3. STAFF RECaHMESIDATION Based upon the above findings, the Camiunity Development Department recamiends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-169 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. IJ 1MAZ 7U) l`Li Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: /�/ // llv— Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Camunity Development Director 1. Yens develapmant of the site shell be In confoamanoe with the bduibits Al H and C Contained in the file for Plot plan No. 85-169 , Wows otheXWJBe amended by the following oandit.J acns. 2. The appm ved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date: otherwise, it Shell became mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. By 'use" is meant the beginning of substantial Construction, not including grading, oantwq)lated by this approval which is begun with the to -year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to Coepletion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shell be installed in accordance with the requiramts of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uaifoam Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quinta. S. Prior to the issuance of a building peewit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for, the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimsm of two (2)0, 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Cecu;RuY- ,the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. tine heating and 000litg nedlonical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. S. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete o=teetang pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. Sue Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or penmits F the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for Plan check: " Riverside County Health Department " City Fare Marshal " Com vdty Dmelopwnnt Department, Planning Division Desert Sams Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and an effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Saris Unified Sdwol District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Deparbmennt, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. ll. The structure shall have a On "A" roof covering. THIS APPFUVAL IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Page 2. 12. That the proposed perimeter wall shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Division. The wall shall meet the City's standards for wall oonstruction and shall be coated with a stucco exterior colored to match the house exterior. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Menbers of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO.'85-172 Location: West Side of Avenida Madero, 230' South of Calle Monterey Applicant: Sandra L. Bonner Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Personal Residence. BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential. 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (Single -Family Dwellings, 17-Foot Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 7500-square-foot lot is located in the subdivided Cove area on the west side of Avenida Madero, 230' south of Calle Monterey. The surrounding area is mostly vacant with some scattered single-family homes on single lots. Predominant features are stucco siding and peaked tile roofs. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is proposing to construct a single-family dwelling for use as a personal residence. The house has 1,511-square-feet of usable living area, with three bedrooms each exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with pedestrian access leading into the house. The building will have Navajo white stucco, brown trim and red unglazed mission tile on a peaked roof with 18" eaves. The same plot plan has been proposed for two adjacent properties and to add variation, the Applicant proposes to reverse the plot plan as shown, construct a three-foot, stuccoed wall to form a patio near the front door and utilize different colors and roofing material. The house has a 20-foot front setback, a 69-foot rear setback and five-foot sideyard setbacks. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CORUSSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. STAFF CONANTS AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house complies with the R-1*++ Zoning requirements and the City Is adopted mininaun standards for single-family homes. Regarding the compatibility of the house's design with surrounding development, the overall design and roof style are consistent. Almost all of the surrounding homes share the same roof design and materials as this proposal. The house's size and bulk are comparable to that of surrounding hones. FIMINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and the goals and objectives of the Ia Quinta General Plan. 2. The building design is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant impact on the envirormient and is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). • S •, ' O71 I •11 Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-172 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. P ARID BY. 9.& Tamara J. Campbell Assistant Planner TJC:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: �j� g�• �//c Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Camunity Development Director 1. the development of the site shall be in ooafm moe with the Ddnibits A, e and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-1720 unless otherwise amended by the following conditionns. 2. the approved plot Plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. sy "use' is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, Conte plated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. hater and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in aowrdanoe with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quints. S. Prior to the iseuanoe of a building permit, the develaper shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a ndni n Of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. tine plan shall indicate the t gatiai system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of oowpancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. Ow heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be grannd mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. e. 'ihe driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic eonrxete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. 2w Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits fran the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan dredc: ' Riverside County Health Department ' City Fire Marshal • Cmmvdty Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. 7ne Applicant shall pay a school developnent fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Oouacil and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Oo m =ty Development Department, Building d; ng Division, prior to issuance of a bAlding permit. 11. 7ne structire shall have a Class 'A" roof covering. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Coumnity Development Department Date: June 11, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO.' 85-173 Location: West Side of Avenida Madero, 230' North of Calle Colima Applicant: Thomas Hartung Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Personal Residence. 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings per acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (Single -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 7500-square-foot lot is located in the subdivided Cove area on the west side of Avenida Madero, 230' north of Calle Colima. The surrounding area is mostly vacant with some scattered single-family homes on single lots. Predominant features are stucco siding and peaked tile roofs. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exeption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is proposing to construct a single-family dwelling for use as a personal residence. The house has 1511-square-feet of usable living area, with three bedroans each exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with pedestrian access leading into the house. The building will have white .stucco and brown concrete tile shingles on a combination peaked and dutch roof with 18" eaves. The same plot plan has been proposed for two adjacent properties and to add variation, the Applicant proposes to add decorative brick veneer to the front of the house and has changed the roof design to a dutch style on one portion of the roof. The house has a 20-foot front setback, a 69-foot rear setback and five-foot sideyard setbacks. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCNAIISSION June 11, 1985 Page 2. STAFF COMMM4TS AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house complies with the R-1*++ Zoning requirements and the City's adopted minimun standards for single-family homes. Regarding the compatibility of the house's design with surrounding development, the overall design and roof style are consistent. Almost all of the surrounding hones are on single lots and have similar roof designs and materials. The house's size and bulk are coparable to that of surrounding hones. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building design is ccupatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant impact on the environment and is categorically exempt fron the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Based upon the above findings, the Camu city Development Departwnt recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-173 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: � BY: Of Tamara J. Campbell Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Assistant Planner Community Development Director TJC:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C THIS APPRUM IS SLWECP TO 2M FCEI DWIM COPIDIT OMS 1. The development of the site shall be in amft mane with the E diibits A; 8 and C Contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-1730, %mess Otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use' is meant the beginning of substantial Construction, not including grading, Conteaplated by this approval WdCh is began with the twD-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requiremennts of the Riverside oi=*y Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Oode as adopted by the City of La Qmmta. S. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a deU red landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a miniman of two (2), 15-cjallen, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertifieate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. e. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete ooa'uneeting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. mm Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits iron the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan Check: ° Riverside Oounty Health Departmennt ° City Fire Marshal ° sty Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. Uhe Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the c=unity Development DePartmmant, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering.