1985 07 09 PCIC AGENDA PIANNING O M4ISSICN - CITY 6F IA QUDM A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California July 9, 1985 A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 7:00 P.M. 3. ELECTION OF NEW CHAIRPI.N AND VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR PLANNING COM`4ISSION' 4. HEARINGS A. Develop mot Agreement No. 85-001, a request by The Grove of La Quinta to enter into a developent agreement pursuant to Section 65854 et seq. of the California Government Code, relative to Specific Plan No. 84-0041 which was approved by the City Council on November 20, 1984. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. 5. CONSENr CALENDAR A. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 11, 1985. 6. BUSINESS A. Plot Plan No. 85-178, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero, 130' north of Calle Colima; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption- B. Plot Plan No. 85-179, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Madero, 180' north of Calle Colima; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption- C. Plot Plan No. 85-184, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Herrera, 100' south of Calle Chillon; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption- D. Plot Plan No. 85-185, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Herrera, 150' south of Calle Chillon; Rick Johnson Ooistruction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. 6. ADJOURNMENT ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: e J MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN THORNBURGH q SECOND BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN ING THORNBURGH I DISCUSSION: OLL CALL CO^!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT - DE GASPERIN - MORAN LIZ- VALLING - THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO ITEM NO. �. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: BRAbW DE CASPERIN C GI IX.SECOND BY: BRAS �P= U DISCUSSION/: L'I, l !!- . /,.,L, x i ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO YES ABSTAIN NO amm ABSENT PRESENT ® //0 �J ITEM NO. `74• 14. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING e MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN WALLING THORNBURGH SECOND BY�DE GASPERIN MORAN KU.LING. THORNBUR3H DISCUSSION: L,U ROLL CALL VOTE: COMKISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — DE GASPERIN — MORAN — WALLING — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccrudssion From: Camunity Development Department Date: July 9, 1985 Subject: DEVEIpPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 85-001 Lccation: Generally Between Avenues 48 and 50 & Washington and Jefferson Streets Applicant: The Grove of La Quinta Request: Zb Enter Into a Development Agreement Pursuant to Government Cade Section 65864 for the Development Project Approved as Specific Plan No. 84-004. 1. General Plan a. Site: A planned development pursuant to Specific Plan No. 84-004 authorizing up to 1500 residential units on approximately 320 acres; two, 18-hole golf courses on approximately 305 acres; and a country club on approximately 28 acres with tennis, swimming and dining facilities and 80 guest cottages for hers and outside guests. b. Surrounding Area: Medium Density Residential (5 to 10 units per acre) and Low Density Residential (3 to 5 units per acre) to the west and north; City of Indio to the east; Low Density Residential (3 to 5 units per acre) and very Low Density Residential (3 or less units per acre) to the south. 2. zoning a. Site: The zoning for the site is I2-2-20,000/PD (Multiple Family Dwellings, 20,000-Square-Feet Net Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit, Planned Residential Development). b. Surrounding Area: R-l* (One Family Dwelling with 1200-Square-Foot Mininuan Dwelling Size), R-2*-8000 (Multiple Family Dwelling with 1200-Square-Foot Minimm Dwelling Size and 4000-Square-Foot Minimum Lot Size) to the west; R-2-9600 (Multiple Family Dwelling with 9600-Square-Foot Net Lot Area Per Dwelling), R-2-2500 (Multiple Family Dwelling, 2500-Square-Foot Net Lot Area Per Dwelling), R-5 (Open Space Combining Zone), A-1-10 (Light Agriculture Camion, 10-Acre Minimiun Lot Size), R-2-12,000 (Multiple Family Dwelling, 12,000 Square -Foot Net Lot Area Per Dwelling), R-1-12,000 (One Fanny Dwelling, 12,000-Square-Foot Minimum Lot Area), R-2-8000 (Multiple Family Dwelling, 8000-Square-Foot Miniumun Lot Area Per Dwelling) to the south. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING C M IISSION July 9, 1985 Page 2. 3. Existing Conditions: The project is located on a site nearly 700 acres in size. The majority of the site is characterized by a varied sandy dune topography with dunes reaching a height of nearly 40 feet. The site is subject to hazards associated with blowsand areas. Existing native vegetation includes mesquite, creosote bush, Russian Thistle and London Rocket, in addition to existing induced citrus tree orchards. The site is also considered to be habitat area for the Coachella Valley Fringe - Toed Lizard, a rare and endangered species. Avenue 50, Jefferson Street and Washington Street, along the perimeter of the project, are improved as two, -lane, paved streets. The Avenue 48 right-of-way is not improved. The Adarns Street right-of-way through the site has been previously vacated by the County. Both Adams Street (improved) and Dune Palms Road (unimproved) proceed northward from the site towards Highway 111. A traffic signal now exists at Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street adjacent to the site. Water and sewer services can be provided to the site by existing lines from existing CVWD facilities in the vicinity. CVWD has stated that the temporary sewage treatment facility has adequate capacity to serve the project at this tine. Electric service is currently available at the site through Imperial Irrigation District, but the Marshall Street Substation near the site is currently operating at or above design capacity. A new substation on Avenue 52, easterly of Jefferson is nearing completion. 4. Errvironmental Assessment: EIR No. 90 was certified by the County of Riverside for the previous specific plan (i.e., Specific Plan No. 127-E) which enocapassed a more extensive development proposal than that which was approved under the current revised specific plan. An EIR Addendum was prepared to consider minor technical changes and certain environmental factors that have been slightly altered from the previous EIR. Mitigation measures from the EIR and Addendum, where appropriate, were included as conditions of approval in the specific plan. The EIR and Addendum were reviewed for adequacy and certified by the La Quinta City Council on November 20, 1984. 5. Project Description: The Applicant is requesting that the City enter into a development agreement relative to Specific Plan No. 84-004. A copy of the proposed development agreement is attached for your review. The proposed agreement would be in effect for ten years, would be subject to annual review, and would provide for an annual payment of $40,000. The purpose of the agreement is to obtain certain assurances from the City concerning zoning, policies, and other regulations to add certitude to the Applicant's long-range planning and financial commitments. The proposed agreement incorporates the previous City approvals and related conditions including the phasing of various public improvements, within its text and strengthens the developers commitment to the project. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION July 9, 1985 Page 3. 6. Other Actions a. Specific Plan No. 84-004, a major revision to the previous specific plan approved by Riverside County in 1979, allowing a maximum of 1500 dwelling units; two, 18-hole golf courses and a country club with 80 guest cottages. b. Change of Zone Case No. 84-014, a change to R-2 to bring the zoning into cacpliance with the specific plan. c. Parcel Map No. 20469, to divide the site into 17 parcels to facilitate phased development. STAFF COfy04TS AND ANALYSIS California Government Code Section 65854 et seq. (copy attached) provides the authority for a local agency (i.e., the City of La Quinta) to enter into a development agreement with a developer. As stated in the law, the basic purposes of a developrent agreement are to: ° Eliminate uncertainty associated with project approvals so that resources can be committed and used in an efficient manner. ° Assure an Applicant that he can proceed based on existing rules, regulations and conditions of approval, thereby strengthening comprehensive planning and reducing costs of development. ° Foster the development of public facilities needed to support new housing. The Oanrnuuty Development Director and City Attorney have been meeting with repre- sentatives of The Grove concerning the proposed development agreement. Numerous modifications have been made to the originally suknitted draft and the attached development agreement is the product of that review process. The proposed developrent agreement includes the following significant features: ° Incorporation, by reference, of the Specific Plan and its related conditions of approval. ° Establishing that setbacks, minimum lot sizes, lot coverage and building height regulations now in effect will apply for the life of the project. ° Establishing that the General Plan now in effect will apply for the life of the project. ° Establishing that no roads will be required beyond those already required by the Specific Plan and parcel map. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CODT4iSSION July 9, 1985 Page 4. ° Acknowledging that the already adopted conditions, fees, changes and dedications are corrprehensive and shall not be added to - except where changes in conditions, fees, etc., are generally applicable to all similarly situated developers. ° Establishing that improvament and construction standards, building codes and development fees now in effect will apply, except where changes are for health and safety reasons or where generally applicable to all similarly situated developers. ° Acknowledging that certain design and site planning reviews still need to be performed. ° Providing for the state mandated annual review and amendment/cancellation clauses. ° Providing for an annual fee of $40,000. ° Establishing various default procedures, legal remedy mechanisms and related technical features. ° Termination of the agreement on December 31, 1995. Subsequent discussion with the Applicant has resulted in concurrence that Section 23 of the agreement (relating to attorney's fees) should be deleted. In general, the proposed develop rot agreement provides advantages for both the City and the Applicant. The Applicant receives a certainty that various regulations and approvals, particularly general plan and zoning, will remain in effect for the life of the project. This allows them the opportunity to plan in a reliable manner for the duration of the project and to know that financial commitments will yield their desired results. The City has, within the agreement, retained the ability to modify certain regulations, fees and related requirements provided that they are applicable to all like developers. For exanple, the adoption of new building codes or changes in the infrastructure fee program would be allowed provided that everyone will be equally subjected to them. In addition, the costly public improve ants (i.e., roads, waterlines, sewer lines, power lines, etc.) are more likely to occur with this agreement because the developer can have more confidence in proceeding with these major commitments knowing that the associated development will be able to occur as planned. Of course, the annual payment, the annual review and the ten-year time limit can provide some inpetus to progress with the project rather than "sitting on" or speculating on the development approvals. It should be evident that the principal beneficiary of a development agreement is the developer and this is what was envisioned when this opportunity was provided for in the law. Nevertheless, these agreements are not one-sided arrangements and the proposed agreement certainly provides significant protection for the interests of the City. The Commission should be aware that it may recommend revisions to the proposed development agreements if it determines that such are necessary. STAFF REPORT - PLAfINING M IISSION July 9, 1985 Page 5. As required by law, the City has established procedures and requirements for the consideration of development agreements (Resolution No. 84-22, copy attached). This establishes hearing, notice and related procedures and authorizes the Planning Ccmission to conduct a hearing and prepare its recomiendation to the City Council. The Ccmdssion is particularly charged with making various findings relative to the development agreement. These relate to: ° General and specific plan consistency • Zoning compatibility ° Health, safety and welfare considerations ° orderly development and good land use practice considerations It should be evident fran the text of the development agreement and its associated exhibits that the agreement will be consistent with the adopted general and specific plans which are applicable to the property. Of course, these are naturally campatible with both the site and surrounding area zoning and the existing and expected land uses in the area. These were major considera- tions in the previous project reviews and have been subjected to extensive public debate in the past (including a recent special election). 1. The proposed development agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs of the La Quinta General Plan and Specific Plan No. 84-004. 2. The land uses authorized and regulations prescribed for in the development agrement are compatible with the zoning and its related regulations now applicable to the subject property. 3. The proposed development agreement conforms with public convenience and the general welfare by providing for extensive public improvements and conforms to good land use practice by encouraging long-range, comprehensive approach to development of a major 700-acre land holding. 4. Approval of this development agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare since adequate provision has been made in previous City approvals to provide for necessary and desirable improvements and since those approvals are incorporated herein. 5. Approval of this development agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of the subject or surrounding property nor the preservation of area -aide property values, but rather will enhance then by encouraging planned, phased growth. 2 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING 00DMSSION July 9, 1985 Page 6. 6. Consideration of this development agreement has been accomplished pursuant to California Government Code Section 65864 et seq. and City of La Quinta Resolution No. 84-22, which govern development agreements. Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Development Agreement No. 85-001, with the deletion of Section 23 (relating to attorney's fees) . Lawrence L. Stevens Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atchs: 1. Development Agreement 2. Government Code Section 65864 et seq. 3. Resolution No. 84-22 1 RECORDED AND REQUESTED BY: THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 73-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Jim Longtin City Attorney FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This Development Agreement is entered into this day of 1985 by and between the City of La Quinta (the "City"), a municipal corporation of the State of California, and The Grove of La Quinta, a California limited partnership ("The Grove"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, due to the lack of certainty in the approval of development projects, there can result a waste of resources, an escalation in the cost of housing, a discouragement in investment and commitment to comprehensive planning which would make maximum effective utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Sections 65864 et seg. were therefore enacted authorizing local agencies to enter into binding development agreements with persons having legal or equitable interes-s in real property for the development of such property; and 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 65865 thereof the City has adopted rules and regulations establishing procedures and requirements for consideration of development agreements; and WHEREAS on November 20, 1984, the City Council approved Specific Plan No. 84-004 (the "Specific Plan") permitting development of The Grove Project (as hereinafter defined); and WHEREAS, a substantial amount of time, effort and coordination was expended by the City's staff. the City Council, and the various governmental agencies of the City to develop the Specific Plan. The entire development proposed for The Grove Project was reviewed extensively with particular regard devoted to the phasing of construction and its effect on public facilities. These issues were addressed in the Environmental Impact Report No. 90 and addendum thereto (the "EIR") and the Specific Plan after thorough study by the appropriate agencies. The City deems the incorporation of the Specific Plan in this Development Agreement and :ts implementation to be the public's best interests; and WHEREAS, The Grove has requested the City to enter into a development agreement pursuant to Government Code Sections 65864 et sect.; and WHEREAS, in the light of the substantial commitments required to be made by The Grove pursuant to the Specific Plan and in exchange for the consideration to be provided to the City as set forth herein, the City desires to give The q Grove assurance that The Grove may proceed with The Grove Project, as described in the Specific Plan, subject to certain existing official policies, rules and regulations for the term of this Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this Development Agreement is consistent with the General Plan for the City and with the Specific Plan, and that The Grove has taken all necessary proceedings and steps in accordance with the City's rules and regulations for its approval; and WHEREAS, on adopted Ordinance No 1985 the City Council approving this Development Agreement with The Grove and that ordinance took effect on 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, with reference to the foregoing recitals, and in consideration of the mutual promises, obligations and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Specific Plan Incorporated By Reference. The Specific Plan, adopted by resolution by the City Council on November 20, 1984, is hereby incorporated herein by reference as though set forth herein in its entirety. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Specific Plan and the provisions of this Development Agreement, the provisions of this Development Agreement shall prevail. 2. Description of Property. The real property (the "Property") which is the subject of this Development 3. Agreement is generally bounded on the north by 48th Avenue, on the south by 50th Avenue, on the east by Jefferson Street and on the West by Washington Street in the City and consists of approximately seven hundred (+ 700) acres, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 3. Interest of Property Owner. The Grove hereby represents to the City that it is the record owner of the Property. 4.• Relationship of Parties. It is understood that the contractual relationship between the parties created hereunder is that The Grove is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. 5 Development of the Property. l Specific Plan, Parcel Map, and PRD. The City shall have the right to control development of the Property, and The Grove s`;all have the right to develop the Property, in accordance with the provisions of (i) the Specific Plan, (ii) Parcel Map 20489 (the "Parcel Map") recorded on at Pages of the Book of Maps in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County, and (iii) the Change of Zone Case 84-014 (the "PRD"), which became effective on January 3, 1985. The City shall allow construction of one thousand five hundred (1500) residential units, two eighteen (18) hole golf courses and a country club on the Property, together with clubhouse, tennis, swimming and dining 4. facilities and eighty (80) quest cottages for members and outside quests in accordance with said project approvals (collectively, "The Grove Project"), subject to the Conditions of Approval (as hereinafter defined). The parties hereto agree that The Grove may construct up to five hundred (500) residential units per year, in addition to the other foregoing improvements which may be constructed at any time. The parties hereby agree that set backs, minimum lot sizes, lot coverage and building height provisions in effect as of the date of this Development Agreement shall control construction of the foregoing project improvements. 5.2 General Plan. The City shall have the right to control development of the Property, and The Grove shall have the right to develop the Property, in accordance with the General Plan in effect as of the date of this Agreement. The City hereby agrees that no road, street, avenue, thoroughfare or highway shall be constructed at any location on the Property, except as required by the Specific Plan and the Parcel Map. 5.3 Conditions of Approval. The Grove's right to construct The Grove Project shall be subject to the conditions of approval (collectively, the "Conditions of Approval") attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by reference herein. Except as otherwise provided herein, the parties hereby agree that the Conditions of Approval attached hereto contain a comprehensive schedule of all conditions, development fees, fees -in -lieu, charges and dedications 672 required to be contributed, paid, or constructed by The Grove in connection with The Grove Project, as well as the manner and timing of such construction, payments or contributions; and except as herein provided, the City shall not impose any additional conditions to the development of The Grove Project in accordance with the Specific Plan, Parcel Map, PRD, and General Plan. The parties acknowledge that in conjunction with The Grove Project, The Grove must obtain approval of further subdivision maps, in accordance with Government Code Sections 66410 et seq., subdividing the Property into individual lots, as contemplated by the Specific Plan. The City agrees that the foregoing limitation on additional conditions shall apply to approval of said maps in addition to other approvals to be granted by the City, except that the City may impose additional conditions to approval of said maps which are not inconsistent with the Conditions of Approval, which do not adversely affect The Grove Project and which are applicable to all similarly situated developers in the City. The City also agrees that except as otherwise provided herein, throughout the term of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, the fees and charges levied by it for any and all public or private improvements, construction, building or development to be payable by The Grove shall be based upon the schedule of such fees and charges in effect as of the date hereof, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and that such fees or charges shall not be increased 3 i. 13 with respect to any development work engaged by The Grove hereunder, except for general increases with respect to all property similarly situated and not specific to The Grove. 6. Cooperation -Costs. The City hereby agrees to consider proposals from The Grove for the formation of assessment districts and/or other assessing mechanisms, at the request of The Grove for the purpose of financing construction of the off -site improvements set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto required to be constructed in connection with The Grove Project. 7. Cooperation -Implementation. The City hereby agrees to promptly and diligently complete all required steps necessary for the implementation of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms hereof, including but not limited to, all necessary public hearings and procedures for the adoption of this Development Agreement. In addition, all permits, certificates, parcel maps, final maps, and subdivision improvement agreements required by the City to develop The Grove Project, including without limitation (i) road construction permits; (ii) grading permits; (iii) building permits; (iv) sewer connection permits, and (v) certificates of occupancy, shall be expeditiously issued by the City upon application by The Grove, provided that The Grove reasonably complies with all of the terms and conditions contained herein. rB 8. Effect of Agreement on Land Use Regulations. 8.1 Existing Rules, Regulations and Policies. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the parties hereby agree that, for the term of this Development Agreement, the rules, regulations and official policies governing the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to development of the Property shall be those rules, regulations and official policies in force at the time of the execution of this Development Agreement, except that The Grove Project shall be subject to such changes in development fees, building codes and construction standards as are (i) found by the City Council to be in the best interests of the health and safety of its citizens, and (ii) generally applicable to all other similarly situated applicants in the City, and except that The Grove Project shall be subject to design and site planning review, including review and approval of structural design, street improvements, signage, walls and landscaping. 8.2 Subsequent Actions Concerning the Property. Subject to the provisions of Section 5 hereof, the City may apply, in subsequent actions concerning the Property, new rules, regulations and policies with respect to the Property, provided that they do not in any way conflict with existing rules, regulations and official policies applicable to the Property or adversely affect The Grove Project, and provided provided that such rules, regulations and policies are applicable to all similarly situated developers in the City. EI 8.3 Subsequent Project Applications. This Development Agreement shall not prevent the City from denying or conditionally approving any subsequent development project application submitted for other real property which is not related to the Property, The Grove Project or this Development Agreement, on the basis of existing or new rules, regulations and policies. 8.4 Subsequent Changes in State or Federal Laws or Regulation. In the event that any subsequent change in the laws or regulations of a federal or state agency prevents or precludes compliance with one or more provisions of this Development Agreement, such provision shall be modified or suspended only to the extent necessary to comply with such new federal or state law or regulation. 9. Periodic Review of Compliance with Agreement. 9.1 Review Procedure. The City shall review this Development Agreement at least once every twelve (12) months during the term hereof. During each periodic review by the City, The Grove shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms hereof. The Grove hereby agrees to furnish such evidence of The Grove's compliance as the City in the exercise of its reasonable discretion may require. Evidence of good faith compliance may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, good faith compliance with the requirements of the Specific Plan. a 9.2 Delay in Effective Date. In the event that the Effective Date of this Development Agreement (which shall be defined as the thirty-first (31st) day after this Development Agreement has been recorded with the Office of the Recorder in Riverside County pursuant to Government Code Section 65868.5) is delayed or the implementation of the Development Agreement is suspended by reason of a court order or a referendum thereon, the term of this Development Agreement shall be extended by such period of time equal to the delay or suspension, but in no event shall all such extensions in the aggregate exceed five (5) years. In the event that the processing of permits under this Development Agreement is delayed or stopped by virtue of a court action or proceeding or referendum thereon, the processing and issuance of permits shall nonetheless continue under the City's land use planning process then in effect as applicable generally to other properties in the City. 10. Releases of Portion of Property from Obligations of Agreement. It is mutually agreed that in order for The Grove to finance and develop The Grove Project as contemplated herein, it may be necessary for City to release portions of the Property from this Agreement. City therefore agrees to release completed portions(s) of the Property from this Development Agreement from time to time promptly upon request by The Grove, provided that, The Grove retains and reconfirms its obligation to City, whether monetary or otherwise, to perform all of its obligations hereunder. 10. 11. Certificate of Compliance. Promptly upon the completion of any major phase or a major portion of any major phase of The Grove Project, the City shall, at The Grove's request, provide The Grove with a Certificate of Compliance. Such Certificate shall be in recordable form and shall be a conclusive determination that The Grove has complied with each of its obligations under this Agreement with respect to such phase or portion thereof. 12. Annual Payment Consideration. Cancellation Option. As and for further consideration to the City for the execution of this Development Agreement, the Grove agrees to pay the City the annual sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000), with the first payment to be made on the Effective Date, and with each annual payment thereafter to be paid on the annual anniversary date of the first payment. The City and The Grove shall each have the option, right and power to cancel and terminate this Development Agreement, without recourse by the other party hereto and without being held in default hereunder, by the nonpayment of the said annual consideration, provided that in the event the City desires to terminate this Agreement it shall first give The Grove written notice thereof and the opportunity to pay said annual consideration as provided in Section 15 hereof. 13. Hold Harmless. The Grove agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, pay all costs and defend the City in any action challenging the validity of this Development Agreement 11. 0 brought by any third party, provided that The Grove shall have the right to choose the legal counsel retained for such purpose. The provisions of this Section 13 shall not apply to the extent such expense, liability or claim is proximately caused by any act of active or gross negligence or fraud of the City, its officers, agents, employees or representatives. 14. Amendment or Cancellation of this Agreement. Except as otherwise permitted herein, this Development Agreement may be amended or cancelled in whole or in part only by the mutual consent of the parties or their successors in interest, in the manner set forth in California Government Code Sections 65865.1, 65867, 65867.5, and 65868. No change, modification, revision or alteration may be made in the approved Specific Plan or The Grove Project except as otherwise expressly permitted herein. The City shall not be in breach of this Development Agreement by reason of any subsequent changes of laws or regulations of another local agency not created or controlled by the City which prevents or precludes compliance by the City or The Grove with this Development Agreement, provided that the City hereby agrees that the City shall not initiate or promote any such change. 15. Procedure upon Default. 15.1 No Waiver. The City shall not be deemed to have waived any claim of default by The Grove if, on periodic review, the City fails to exercise any of its rights hereunder based upon such purported default. 12. 0 15.2 Cure Period. Upon the occurrence of an event of default by either party, the party not in default (the "nondefaulting party") shall give the party in default (the "defaulting party") written notice of the default. The defaulting party shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notice (subject to subsection 15.3 below) to cure the default if such default is curable within such thirty (30) day period. If such default is so cured, then the parties need not take any further action except that the defaulting party may require the nondefaulting party to give written notice that the default has been adequately cured. 15.3 Failure to Cure. Should a default not be cured within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of delivery of written notice thereof, or should the default be of a nature which cannot be reasonably cured within such thirty (30) day period and the defaulting party has failed to commence to cure within said thirty (30) day period and thereafter to diligently prosecute the cure to completion, the nondefaulting party may then take any legal or equitable action to enforce its rights under this Development Agreement. 16. Legal Remedies on Default; No Damages. In the event of default by any party hereunder which is not cured as required by Section 15 above, the nondefaulting party shall have available all remedies at law or in equity not otherwise provided for herein, which remedies shall include, by way of illustration but not limitation, suits for injunctive or 13. declaratory relief, specific performance or relief in the nature of mandamus. All of said remedies shall be cumulative and not exclusive of one another, and the exercise of any one or more of said remedies shall not constitute a waiver or election with respect to any other available remedy. However, in no event shall an action for damages be brought or maintained by either party against the other. 17. Notices. All notices required or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person, by commercial courier or by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the parties as follows: City: City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: City Manager The Grove: The Grove of La Quinta c/o Kelley Properties, Inc. 305 Lytton Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 Attention: William K. Kelley All notices shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Either party hereto may change the address to which notices should be sent in accordance with the provisions hereof. 18. Effect of State, Federal and Other Agency Regulations. In the event that any state or federal law or regulation enacted or adopted after the date of this Agreement, or other action of any governmental entity or improvement district not under the control of City, shall prevent or preclude compliance with or performance with respect to any of the provisions hereof, such provisions 1xv shall be modified or suspended only to the extent and for the time necessary to achieve compliance with such law, regulation, or other governmental action; and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be in full force and effect. Upon repeal or change of such law, regulation or other governmental action or occurrence of other circumstances removing the effect thereof upon this Agreement, the provisions hereof shall be restored to their full original effect. In the event such law, regulation or other governmental action unreasonably delays ability to develop The Grove Project as contemplated herein, The Grove shall have the right and option to terminate this Agreement. 19. Severability. If any provision of this Development Agreement shall be held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Development Agreement shall not be affected thereby, unless the court shall specifically find that the invalid part is so fundamental and essential to the understanding of the parties that the entire Development Agreement shall be invalidated. 20. Time Limits. Time is of the essence. The time limits set forth in this Development Agreement may be extended or shortened only by written consent of the parties. 21. Term of Agreement. The term of this Development Agreement shall commence on the date of this Development Agreement and shall continue, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the terms hereof, until December 31, 1995, on 15. which date this Development Agreement shall automatically terminate. 22. Assignability. The Grove may assign its rights hereunder to any successor in interest who acquires any legal or equitable interest in any portion of the Property; provided, however, that in such event, any such successor shall be bound by all of the terms and provisions hereof applicable to that portion of the Property acquired by it. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties successors, assigns and legal representatives and shall run with the Property. This Agreement shall be deemed to benefit the Property to be developed by The Grove. 23. Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other to enforce any of the terms hereof /or because of the breach by either party of any of the terms hereof, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees and costs and expenses incurred in connection with the prosecution or defense of such action, including any appeal thereof, in addition to all other relief. "Prevailing party" within the meaning of this Section shall include, without limitation, a party who brings an action against the other party after the other party's breach or default, if such action is settled or dismissed upon the payment by the other party of the same allegedly due or performance of the covenants allegedly breached, or the 16. plaintiff obtains substantially the relief sought by it in the action. 24. Agreement is Entire Agreement. This written Agreement, together with the Specific Plan, Tentative Parcel Map, and PRD, contains the sole and entire Agreement between the parties. It supersedes any and all other agreements between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof. The parties acknowledge and agree that neither of them has made any representation with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement or any representations inducing the execution and delivery hereof, except such representations as are specifically set forth herein, and each party acknowledges that it has relied on its own judgment in entering into the Agreement. The parties further acknowledge that any statements or representations that may have heretofore been made by either of them to the other are void and of no effect and neither of them has relied thereon in connection with their dealings with the other. 25. Waiver or Modification of Terms. No waiver or modification of this Agreement or of any covenant, condition or provision herein contained shall be valid unless in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged therewith. Furthermore, no evidence of any waiver or modification shall be offered or received in evidence in any proceeding, arbitration, or litigation between the parties arising out of or affecting this Agreement, or the rights or 17. obligations of any party hereunder, unless such waiver or modification is in writing, duly executed as aforesaid. The provisions of this Section may not be waived, except as herein set forth. 26. Governing Law. This Agreement is made in the State of California and its validity, construction and all rights under it shall be governed by California law. 27. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but such counterparts together shall constitute only one agreement. 28. Severability. Any provision of this Agreement which shall be adjudged to be invalid, void or illegal shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provisions hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 29. Further Documents. Each party hereto agrees to execute such other documents or instruments as are necessary or appropriate to effectuate this Agreement. 18. 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and The Grove have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. ATTEST: ty Cler THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation By Its "The Grove" THE GROVE OF LA QUINTA, a California limited partnership By La Quinta Associates I, a California limited partnership By J.L.M. Real Estate Consultants, Inc., a Colorado corporation By Jack L. Marshall President 19. a ¢ m' s *" m7 ^Cl J — > M x, .dame Slrtr, r.1— E� H I P) 1'1" A„ •:.��/>t/ MU/ YY �� Y.m rat./ � Y . 1. The Applicant shall canply with Exhibit "A", the Specific Plan document for Specific Plan No. 84-004, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the specific plan. 2. Prior to the issuance of a permit for establishment of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain any required zoning and land division approvals in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinances. 3. Approval of this Specific Plan shall be limited to a maximum time period of three (3) years by which time tract (or parcel) maps shall be approved and recorded, and construction in Phase I shall have begun. Time extensions totaling not more than three (3) additional years, submitted in writing prior to the expiration of any approved, may be approved by the Planning Commission. Soils/Geology 4. The Applicant shall comply with the latest Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of La Quinta. The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the underlying geologic conditions. Hydrology/Water Conservation 5. Prior to the approval of final tract maps, the issuance of zoning approvals, or the issuance of permits, the Applicant shall prepare a hydrological analysis for approval by the City Engineer which will indicate the method and design to protect the proposed development from the 100-year flood. This plan shall be consistent with the purposes of any similar plans of the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. 6. Prior to approval of any permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water conservation plan which will include: a. Metes to minimize the consumption of on -site water usage, including water saving fixtures, drought -tolerant and native landscaping, and program to minimize landscape irrigation. b. Methods for minimizing the effects of increased on -site runoff and increased groundwater recharge, including the construction of on -site collection and groundwater retention basins. c. Methods for minimizing the amount of groundwater pumped out for on -site irrigation, including the use of reclaimed water. 7. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures shall be taken. 0 0 APPROVED CONDITICNS - THE GROVE ASSOCIATES '4:r,a 222 I The Applicant shall satisfactorily mitigate archaelogical concerns identified in previously conducted site surveys prior to initiation of grading. A qualified archaeologist shall certify as to the adequacy of mitigation measures prior to issuance of any grading (or related) permits. Lir Quality 1, The Applicant shall utilize blowsand and dust control measures in accordance with the FAmicipaal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Particular care shall be exercised during periods of extreme wind activity. ). At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plans for any zoning approvals, the Applicant shall demonstrate that adequate provision has been made for non- auta motive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private automobiles. This may include golf cart path systems, bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the, specific plan. L. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for bus shelters as required by the CmTm pity Development Director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the specific plan. 2. The Applicant shall encourage and support the use of Sunline van/bus service, /Dial -A -Ride/ jitneys between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, Thermal), and other regional land uses. raffic and Circulation 3. Avenue 48, Avenue 50, Washington Street and Jefferson Street, contiguous to the project, shall be developed in accord with their general plan designations and the La Quinta municipal design and structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or zoning approval in conjunction with phased implementation of the specific plan. These public roads shall be improved to a half -width cc¢xlition. .4. In order to facilitate mitigation of cumulative traffic impacts of this and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program, This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are met for major roadway improvements and traffic signalization. Upon determination of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. Funding of this program may be by fee programs that assess new development and/or users cn a pro-rata or fair -share basis, formation of assessment districts, acquisition of State or Federal road funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the need, The Applicant shall agree to pay the designated pro-rata share that the City may establish to fund off -site roadway improvements and traffic signalization on an as warranted" basis. - 2 - 0 )PROVED CCNDITIONS - THE GROVE ASSOCIATES Uri V. r or i. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance with the design standards specified in the specific plan and the structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or zoning approval area in conjunction with the phased implementation of the specific plan. All roadways within the specific plan area shall remain private. a. The primary loop road shall be widened to a minimum pavement width of 36 feet unless the Applicant demonstrates that adequate provision has been made for sufficient off-street parking to accommodate all needs, including guests, so that on -street parking is not required. b. All other roads shall be widened to a minimum pavement width of 32 feet unless the Applicant demonstrates that adequate provision has been made for sufficient off-street parking to accommodate all needs, including guests, so that on -street parking is not required. c. Applicant shall be responsible to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that grass drainage swales are an acceptable alternative to typical curb and gutter. 6. A card (or similar) operated, resident -accessible gate shall be provided near Adams Street and Avenue 48. A manned gate shall be provided near Dune Palms Road and Avenue 48. The exact locations shall be subject to final approval by the Community Development Department. 7. The construction of Avenue 48 between Washington and Jefferson Streets shall occur prior to beginning Phase II of the project. This construction shall provide for a pavement width of 24-28 feet, but other improvements, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, etc., may be deferred until times specified in the phasing plan. 8. The Washington Street/Eisenhower Drive traffic signal at the project entry shall be modified to accommodate a four -sway intersection. This shall be done entirely at the Applicant's expense and no credit shall be allowed for the infrastructure fee program since these improvements benefit the Applicant's project exclusively, except that credit shall be given for any cost in excess of $25,000. .9. The Applicant shall install a raised center median island, including landscaping and irrigation, as part of road improvements where required by municipal road standards. !0. The Avenue 50 frontage improvement may be deferred, at the Applicant's discretion, to Phase III of the project. U. The location and access to all construction facilities shall be subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department. loise ?2. The Applicant shall agree to participate in the improvement of Adams Street between Avenue 48 and Highway Ill. The amount of participation shall be determined by the City on a pro-rata or fair -share basis. The method of participation shall be determined by the City and may include an assessment district, developer fees, or sane similar funding mechanism. The timing of participation shall be determined by the City based on need. -3- PPROVED CONDITIO:S - THE GROM ASSOCIATES � a rW 3. Prior to building permit approval, building setbacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce noise impacts from nearby existing and future roadways to within State standards. 4. Prior to zoning or tentative tract map approvals, the Applicant will demonstrate that residential structures satisfy the State's indoor criterion. Vdnere exposed to noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or combinations of these measures. - .� 5. Requirements for the installation of solar water heaters shall be determined by the City on a uniform city-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall comply with the requirements; current at the time of construction. 6. All tentative maps and development plans shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. To the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. and Use !7. The maximum allowable number of residential units shall be 1500. The maxim mi number of guest cottages shall be 80. In considering requests for zoning and/or tentative tract approvals for development phases, reductions in the number of allowable units may be made on an "as warranted" basis to assure compliance with applicable regulations and the intent of this specific plan. a. The residential density is established at a gross density of 2.2 dwelling units per acre with a net density not to exceed six (6) dwelling units per acre. !8. Design approval for various structures and buildings within the project shall be subject to the following: a. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for the main clubhouse, tennis and swim club buildings, guest cottage complex and maintenance buildings shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Cb mission and City Council. b. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for residential structures shall be subject to review and approval in the mariner specified by applicable zoning and subdivision regulations in effect at the time. c. Design guidelines and related covenants and restrictions established for the project controlling use, site development, building architecture, landscaping, lighting and related design factors shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Comuission and City Council. - 4 - APPROVED CONDITIONS - THE GROVE ASSOCIATES 29. Building height shall be subject to height limitations specified in the specific plan, except that no building exceeding one story in height shall be allowed within 75 feet of any perimeter property line. 30. Perimeter security walls and fences shall be subject to the following standards: a. Setbacks for perimeter walls from the rights -of -way lines for Avenue 48, Avenue 50, Washington Street and Jefferson Street shall be an average of twenty (20) feet. b. Portions of the perimeter walls shall consider the use of wrought iron (or similar open fencing) to provide views from the street into the project. c. Fencing located on interior property lines may be placed on the property line. d. All fencing designs, including location and materials, shall be subject to City review and approval. 31. Grading shall be subject to the following standards, in addition to those provided for in the uniform Building Code and other applicable municipal ordinances: a. Effort shall be made to minimize unnecessary grading and to preserve and utilize existing land forms to the largest extent possible. b. Grading for the proposed golf course shall take into account the bank heights required to carry the design flow with the necessary freeboard. c. A master grading and drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to any development activity on the site. 32. A master landscape plan, including landscaping of perimeter setbacks and rights -of -way areas, shall be submitted for City review and approval. a. Desert or native plant species and draught -resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into landscaping plans to a large extent. 33. Applicant shall dedicate to the City a ten (10) acre site for park and recreation purposes. The site shall be located on Avenue 50 at the most westerly portion of the subject property thereon. Dedication shall occur in conjunction with recorda- tion of the first final map within the specific plan area. The Applicant may provide park and recreation facilities or related contributions in an alternate manner consistent with the intent of this condition, subject to review and approval by the City Council. Public Services and Utilities 34. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and the La Quinta Municipal Code in effect at the time of development. - 5 - 1PPR VED CCNDITIONS - THE GROVE ASSOCIATES a. The Applicant shall, prior to issuance of building permits, contribute as prepayment of fire mitigation fees $100,000 to assist the City in its needs for a new fire station in the area. This contribution shall be used as a credit for fire facilities fees until those fees exceed the amount of the credit. The Applicant may provide fire mitigation in an alternate manner consistent with the intent of this condition, subject to review and approval by the City Council. If the above contribution is used towards a land puchase, project phasing and payment of fire mitigation fees shall be sufficient to support a payment schedule for said land. b. No cul-de-sacs shall be longer than 550 feet unless provided with alternate fire protection as may be approved by the Fire Marshal. "Grass -Crete" is not an acceptable emergency access surface. c. Provide required minimum fireflow and fire hydrants pursuant to standards in effect at time of development. 35. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. a. The water system shall be installed in accord with District requirements. The District will need additional facilities, which may include wells, reservoirs, and booster pimping stations, to provide for the orderly expansion of its system. The Applicant will be required to provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for these facilities. b. The sanitary sewer system shall be installed in accord with District regulations. The area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 for sanitation service. 36. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Imperial Irrigation District. (NOTE: The District has not commented on this project to date, but has noted in comments on prior projects that existing substation facilities are not, or will not in the near future be, adequate to service proposed developments.) a. provision shall be made to underground utilities to the extent feasible. Generally, all facilities except high voltage lines of 66 KV and above shall be placed underground. b. one existing 92 KV line shall not be relocated to perimeter public roadways without prior review and approval by the City. It is intended that other available alternatives be evaluated prior to said relocation. 37. The Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the Ia Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. - 6 - WPFOVED CONDMONS - THE GROVE ASSOCIATES MEMBER 20, 1984 4iscellaneous 38. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal improvements and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of such new development; that the City is in the process of preparing and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thoroughfares, bridges and traffic signalization; and, that the City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984. Applicant agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from time to time amended by the City. To the extent that Applicant constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure, it shall receive appropriate credit, as determined by the City Council. If said fee shall include financing of permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 37 (school develoment fee) shall be deleted. 39. Prior to the issuance of grading permits or the approval of tentative tract naps or other required zoning approvals, the Applicant shall su>kmit a phasing schedule and map for the entire project, which shall include the phasing of off -site infrastructure, to the Community Development Director for review and approval. 40. The Applicant shall provide for mitigation of the impact on the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard by conplying with requirements of the mitigation agreement as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of development. 41. upon approval of this specific plan, Specific Plan No. 127-E shall becane null and void and be of no further effect. 42. This specific plan approval shall not be effective until and unless Change of Zone Case No. 84-014 is effective. - 7 - CONDITIONS OF ApPRWAL - PARCCL MAP NO. 20469 Decerber 18, 1984 General 1. Tentative Parcel Map No. 20469 shall comgDly with the standards and require- ments of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. Tentative Parcel Map No. 20469 shall comply with the conditions and require- ments of Specific Plan No. 84-004 as in effect at the time of recordation. 3. The final map shall not be recorded until Specific Plan No. 84-004 and Change of Zone Case No. 84-014 become effective. 4. This tentative parcel map approval shall expire two years after the date of approval by the La Quinta Coa minity Development Department unless approved for extension as provided for by the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. Site Plan 5. The final map shall conform substantially with the approved tentative map as contained in the Community Development Department's file for Tentative parcel Map No. 20469 and the following conditions of approval, which oondi- tions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the tentative parcel map. 6. Prior to submittal of the final record map for plan check, the Applicant shall submit a master perimeter wall plan to the Community Development Department demonstrating that the perimeter lots are of sufficient depth to accommodate the perimeter wall setbacks as required by the conditions of approval for specific Plan No. 84-004. 7. Lot 17 (golf course) shall be divided into two lots in accordance with the approved phasing plan for Specific Plan No. 84-004. Streets, Grading and Drainage 8. The Applicant shall dedicate half -width right-of-ways in accordance with their general plan designations for Avenue 48, Avenue 50, Washington Street and Jefferson Street. The construction and phasing of the public street improvements shall be in accordance with the conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 84-004. 9. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance with the design standards specified in the specific plan and the structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract approval in conjunction with the phased implementation of the specific plan. All roadways within the specific plan area shall remain private. 10. due final record map shall designate project entrances at the following locations: a. washisgton Street at Eisenhower Drive b. Avenue 48 at Adams Street c. Avenue 48 near Dune Palms Road d. Jefferson Street approximately 1220 feet south of Avenue 48 e. Avenue 50 at approximately the midway point of the project's frontage along Avenue 50. 0 CCNDITICNs OF APPRMIAL - PARCEL MAP NO. 20469 December 188 1984 Page 2. All other portions of the project's perimeter adjacent to public rights -of -way shall be designated as restricted or no access. 11. Prior to submittal of the final record map for plan check, the Applicant shall submit a preliminary internal street plan to the Community Development Departn-tent and City Fire Marshal for review and approval. The plan shall designate alternate emergency accesses for cul-de-sacs having lengths exceeding 550 feet and shall include a cross-section detailing construction of said emergency accesses. 12. Prior to approval of the final record map, the Applicant shall submit a conceptual master grading and drainage plan for the entire site in accordance with the following requirements of the City Engineer and Specific Plan No. 84-004: a. The plan shall comply with the standards of the Uniform Building code and other applicable PAuiicipal Ordinances. b. Effort shall be made to minimize unnecessary grading and to preserve and utilize existing land forms to the largest extent possible. c. Grading for the proposed golf course shall take into account the bank heights required to carry the design flow with the necessary freeboard. d. The Applicant shall coordinate with developments to the north and submit a master grade plan for Avenue 48. e. The Applicant shall coordinate with proposed developments to the north and submit a plan which considers that drainage from the north and west is channelled to the La Quints Stormwater Evacuation channel. f. All pads shall be protected from a 100-year storm. All drainage shall be contained on the site or channelled to the La Quints Stormwater Evacuation channel. Public Utilities and Services n. ahe Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. a. conceptual master plans for water and sewer facilities on the site shall be submitted for review and approval. b. 'Ihe water system shall be installed in accord with District require- ments. the district will need additional facilities, which may include wells, reservoirs, and booster pumping stations, to provide for the orderly expansion of its system. The Applicant will be required to provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for these facilities. c. are sanitary sewer system shall be installed in accord with District regulations. nm area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 for sanitation service. CaMITICNS Or APPRO AL - PARM MAP No. 20469 Decetrber 18, 1984 Page 3. 14. ahe Applicant shall ccrrply with the requirements of the Imperial Irrigation District. a. Provision shall be made to underground utilities to the extent feasible. Generally, all facilities except high voltage lines of W6 ' and above shall be placed underground. b. The existing 92KV line shall not be relocated to perimeter public roadways without prior review and approval by the City. It is intended that other available alternatives be evaluated prior to said relocation. c. the Applicant shall provide a site for an electrical substation in accordance with one of the two following provisions: (1) Dedicate to Imperial Irrigation District a 330' by 330' site along the south side of Avenue 48, east of Adams Street in accordance with the District's requirements. (2) Prior to approval of the final record map by the la Quinta City Council, submit a deed or other proof of conveyance of property located at an approved alternate site to Imperial Irrigation District in accordance with the District's requirements. eats. 15. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements for utility easements: a. Prior to submittal of the final record map for plan check, the Applicant shall coordinate with all utility ccupanies (including gas, water, sewer and electricity) to ensure that adequate pro- visions are made for on -and -off -site easements for the provision of future facilities. b. At the time of final map submittal, the Applicant shall provide the Cornaa pity Development Department with letters from the applicable utilities stating that adequate provisions for future facilities are provided and that there are no conflicts with other easements. c. All easements shall be shown on the final record map. 16. ahe Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the La Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. 17. The Applicant shall delineate and dedicate a ten -acre park site on the final record map in accordance with City approval, unless other approved alternate recreational facilities are approved by the City as allowed by Specific Plan No. 84-004. Miscellaneous 18. The Applicant shall satisfactorily mitigate archaeological concerns identified in previously conducted site surveys prior to initiation of grading. A qualified archaeologist shall certify as to the adequacy of mitigation measures prior to issuance of any grading (or related) permits. 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PARCEL MAP NO. 20469 December 18, 1984 Page 4. 19. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures shall be taken. 20. Prior to the issuance of grading permits or any disturbance of the land, the Applicant shall provide for mitigation of the impact on the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard by complying with requirements of the mitigation agreement as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of recordation. 21. The Applicant shall demonstrate that adequate provision has been made for non -automotive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private automobiles. 22. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for bus shelters as required by the Community Development Director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the specific plan. 23. Tentative maps shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. To the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. 24. Prior to the issuance of grading permits or the approval of final maps, the Applicant shall submit a phasing schedule and map for the entire project, which shall include the phasing of off -site infrastructure, to the Community Development Director for review and approval in accordance with Specific Plan No. 84-004 and the following condition: a. No lot shall be divided by two or more phases. 25. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide mmicipal improvements and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of such new development; that the City is in the process of preparing and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thoroughfares, bridges, and traffic sig- nalization; and, that the City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984. Applicant agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from time to time amended by the City. To the extent that Applicant constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure, it shall receive appropriate credit, as determined by the City Council. If said fee shall include financing of permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 16 (school development fee) shall be deleted. has satisfactorily verified that the residents and mobilehane owners have been so notified, in. -- the manner prescribed by law or local regulation :Repealer This section shall remain in effect only --until January 1, 1989, and as of that date �"spealed, \ unless a later enacted statute, which is chaptered before January 1, 1999, deletes or extends that date. (Added by Stets. 1982, TI-i397.) Permit expiration .9. Onless an earlier expiration appears on face of the 'permit, any permit which is I ssued a loca-l'agency in conjunction with a tentative ivision map for a planned unit development s 1 expire no sooner than the approved' tentative , or any extension thereof, whichever occurs later. oocal coastal develo t permits issued by a j 'local agency in conjuncti with a tentative subdivision map for a plann t development shall expire no sooner than t approved tentative map, and any extension of the shall be in accordance with the applicable cal coastal program, if any, which is in effect. (Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 990.) Article 2.5. Development Agreements Policy 65864. The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) The lack of certainty in the approval of development projects can result in a waste of resources, escalate the cost of housing and other development to the consumer, and discourage investment in and commitment to comprehensive planning which would make maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public. (b)Assurance to the applicant for a development project that upon approval of the project, the applicant may proceed with the project in accordance with existing policies, rules and regulations, and subject to conditions of approval, will strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, and reduce the econanic costs of development. (a) The lack of public facilities, including, but not limited to, streets, sewerage, transportation, drinking water, school, and utility facilities, is a serious impediment to the development of new housing. Whenever possible, applicants and local governments may Include provisions in agreements whereby 108 applicants are reimbursed over time for financing public facilities. (Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 143.) Authority to enter 65865. (a) Any city, county, or city and into an agreement county, may enter into a development agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property for the development of such property as provided in this article. Every city, county, or city and county, *** mall, upon request of an applicant, by resolution or ordinance, establish procedures and requirements for the consideration of development agreements upon application by, or on behalf of, the property owner or other person having a legal or equitable interest in the property. (b) A city, county, or city and county may recover from applicants the direct costs associated with adopting a resolution or ordinance to establish procedures and requirements for the consideration of development agreements. (Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 751.) Demonstration of 65865.1. Procedures established pursuant to good faith Section 65865 shall include provisions requiring compliance periodic review at least every 12 months, at which time the applicant, or successor in interest thereto, shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement. If, as a result of such periodic review, the local agency finds and determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that the applicant or successor in interest thereto has not complied in good faith with terms or conditions of the agreement, the local agency may terminate or modify the agreement. (Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 934.) Agreement contents 65865.2. A development agreement shall specify the duration of the agreement, the permitted uses of the property, the density or intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes. The development agreement may include conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirements for subsequent discretionary actions, provided that such conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirements for subsequent discretionary actions shall not prevent development of the land for the uses and to the density or intensity of development set forth in the agreement. The agreement may provide that construction shall be commenced within a specified time and that the project or any phase thereof be completed within a specified time. 109 Ll Enforceability Regulations effecting property subject to development agreement Hearings Findings of consistency The agreement may also include terms and conditions relating to applicant financing of necessary public facilities and subsequent reimbursement over time. (Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 143.) 65865.4. Unless amended or canceled pursuant to Section 65868, a development agreement shall be enforceable by any party thereto notwithstanding any change in any applicable general or specific plan, zoning, subdivision, or building regulation adopted by the city, county, or city and county entering such agreement, which alters or amends the rules, regulations or policies specified in Section 65866. (Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 934.) 65866. Unless otherwise provided by the development agreement, rules, regulations, and official policies governing permitted uses of the land, governing density, and governing design, improvement, and construction standards and specifications, applicable to development of the property subject to a development agreement, shall be those rules, regulations, and official policies in force at the time of execution of the agreement. A development agreement shall not prevent a city, county, or city and county, in subsequent actions applicable to the property, from applying new rules, regulations, and policies which do not conflict with those rules, regulations, and policies applicable to the property as set forth herein, nor shall a development agreement prevent a city, county, or city and county from denying or conditionally approving any subsequent development project application on the basis of such existing or new rules, regulations, and policies. (Added by State. 1979, Ch. 934.) 65867. A public hearing on an application for a development agreement shall be held by the *** planning agency and by the legislative body. Notice of intention to consider adoption of a development agreement shall be given as provided in Sections *** 65090 and 65091 in addition to *** any other notice *** required by law for other actions to be considered concurrently with the development agreement. (Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1009.) 65867.5. A development agreement is a legislative act which shall be approved by ordinance and is subject to referendum. A development agreement shall not be approved unless the legislative body finds that the provisions of the agreement are consistent with 110 E 13 Recordation Modification/suspension the general plan and any applicable specific plan. (Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 934.) 65868. A development agreement may be amended, or canceled in whole or in part, by mutual consent of the parties to the agreement or their successors in interest. Notice of intention to amend or cancel any portion of the agreement shall be given in the manner provided by Section 65867. An amendment to an agreement shall be subject to the provision of Section 65867.5. (Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 934.) 65868.5. No later than 10 days after a city, county, or city and county enters into a development agreement, the clerk of the legislative body shall record with the county recorder a copy of the agreement, which shall describe the land subject thereto. From and after the time of such recordation, the agreement shall impart such notice thereof to all persons as is afforded by the recording laws of this state. The burdens of the agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of the agreement shall inure to, all successors in interest to the parties to the agreement. (Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 934.) 65869. A development agreement shall not be applicable to any development project located in an area for which a local coastal program is required to be prepared and certified pursuant to the requirements of Division 20 (ca mencing with Section 30000) of the Public Resources Code, unless: (1) the required local coastal program has been certified as required by such provisions prior to the date an which the development agreement is entered into, or (2) in the event that the required local coastal program has not been certified, the California Coastal Commission approves such development agreement by formal commission action. (Added by State. 1979, Ch. 934.) 65869.5. In the event that state or federal laws or regulations, enacted after a development agreement has been entered into, prevent or preclude compliance with one or more provisions of the development agreement, such provisions of the agreement shall be modified or suspended as may be necessary to comply with such state or federal laws or regulations. (Added by State. 1979, Ch. 934.) III ® RESOLUTION NO. 84-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSID- ERATION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 65864 - 65869.5. WHEREAS, Government Code Sections 65864 - 65B69.5 authorize cities to enter into binding development agreements with persons having legal or equitable interests in real property for the development of such property and authorize the cities to establish procedures for consideration of application of such agreements; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the Planning Department recommend that it is in the best interests of the City of La Quinta to adopt procedures and requirements which would authorize the institution of development agreements; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to do so, and the public health, safety and welfare will be promoted thereby; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta as follows: The procedures and requirements for the consideration of development agreements as set forth in "Exhibit A", attached hereto, and made a part by this reference, are adopted. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta on the 3rd day of April , 1984, and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Baier, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: None. Council Member Henderson. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mayo APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City At orney City Manager EXHIBIT A REGULATIONS ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Table of Articles Article 1 Applications Article 2 Notices and Hearing Article 3 Standards of Review, Findings and Decision Article 4 Amendment and Cancellation of Agreement by Mutual Consent Article 5 Recordation Article 6 Periodic Review Article 7 Modification or Termination Article 1. Applications Section 101 Authority for adoption Section 102 Forms and information Section 103 Fees Section 104 Qualification as an applicant Section 105 Review of application Section 101. Authority for adoption. These regulations are adopted under the authority of Government Code Sections 65864 - 65869.5. Section 102. Forms and information. The Planning Director shall prescribe the form for each application and may require an applicant to submit such information and supporting data as the Planning Director considers necessary to process the application. The applicant shall pay a separate fee. Section 103. Fees. The City Council shall by separate resolution fix the schedule of fees and charges imposed for the filing and processing of each application and document provided for or required under these regulations. The initial fee shall be $5'0'B-'1cr $5 per dwelling unit proposed to be developed, ±i he nl �$K5 Section 104. Qualification as an applicant. Only a qualified applicant may file an application to enter into a development agreement. A qualified applicant is a person who has legal or equitable interest in the real property which is the subject of the development agreement. Applicant includes authorized agent. The Planning Director may require an applicant to submit proof of his interest in the real property and of the authority of the agent to act for the applicant. Section 105. Review of application. The Planning Director shall endorse on the application the date it is received. He shall review the application and may reject it if it is incomplete or inaccurate for processing. If he finds that the application is complete, he shall accept it for filing. The Director shall review the application and determine the additional requirements necessary to complete the agreement. After receiving the required information, he shall prepare a staff report and recommendation and shall state whether or not the agreement proposed or in an amended form would be consistent with the general plan and any applicable specific plan. Article 2. Notices and Hearing Section 201 Duty to give notice Section 202 Requirements for form and time of notice of intention to consider adoption of development agreement Section 203 Failure to receive notice Section 204 Rules governing conduct of hearing Section 205 Irregularity in proceedings Section 201. Duty to give notice. The Planning Director shall give notice of intention to consider adoption of development agreement and of any other public hearing required by law or these rules. Section 202. A (a) Form of notice. intention to consider adoption of contain: form and time of notice onsider adoption of ent agreement. The form of the notice of development agreement shall (1) the time and place of the hearing; (2) a general explanation of the matter to be considered, including a general description of the area affected; and (3) other information required by specific provision of these regulations or which the Planning Director considers necessary or desirable. (b) Time and manner of notice. The time and manner of giving notice is by: (1) Publication. Publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of La Quinta. (2) Mailing. Mailing of the notice to all persons shown on the last equalized assessment roll as owning real property within 300 feet of the property which is the subject of the proposed development agreement. If the number of owners to whom notice is to be mailed is greater than 1,000 the Planning Director may, as an alternative, provide notice in the manner set forth in Section 56854.5(b) of the Government Code. (c) Additional notice. The Planning Director,Planning Commission or City Counci , as the case may be, may -direct that notice of the public hearing to be held before it shad be given in a manner that exceeds the notice requirements prescribed by state law. (d) Declaration of existing law. The notice requirements referred to in subsections (a) and (b) are declar- atory of existing law (Govt. Code Section 65867 and Sections 65854, 65854.5 and 65856 as incorporated by reference). If state law prescribes a different notice requirement, notice shall be given in that manner. Section 203. Failure to receive notice. Lack of receipt by any person entitled to notice required by law or these regulations does not affect the authority of the City to enter into a development agreement. Section 204. Rules governing conduct of hearing. The public hearing shall be conducted as nearly as may be in accordance with the procedural standards adopted under Government Code Section 65804 for the conduct of zoning hearings. Each person interested in the matter shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The applicant has the burden of proof at the public hearing on the proposed development agreement. Section 205. Irregularity in proceedings. No action, in -action or recommendation regarding the proposed development agreement shall be held void or invalid or be set aside by a court by reason of any error, irregularity, informality, neglect or ommission ("error") as to any matter pertaining to petition, application, notice, finding, record, hearing, report, recommendation, or any matters of procedure whatever, unless after an examination of the entire case, including the evidence, the court is of the opinion that the error complained of was prejudicial and that by reason of the error, the complaining party sustained and suffered substantial injury, and that a different result would have been probable if the error had not occurred or existed. There is not presumption that error is prejudicial or that injury was done if error is shown. Article 3. Standards of Review, Findings and Decision Section 301 Determination by Planning Commission Section 302 Decision by City Council Section 303 Approval of development agreement Section 301. Determination by Planning Commission. After the hearing by the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall make its recommendation in writing to the City Council. The recommendation shall include the Planning Commis- sion's determination whether or not the development agreement proposed: (1) is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan; (2) is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use district in which the real property is located; 0 0 (3) is in conformity with public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice; (4) will be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare; and (5) will adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values. Section 302. Decision by City Council. (a) After the City Council completes the public hearing, it may accept, modify or disapprove the recommendation of the Planning Commission. It may, but need not, refer matters not previously considered by the Planning Commission during its hearing back to the Planning Commission for report and recom- mendation. The Planning Commission may, but need not, hold a public hearing on matters referred back to it by the City Council. (b) The City Council shall not approve the development agreement unless it finds that the provisions of the agreement are consistent with the general plan and any applicable specific plan. Section 303. Approval of development agreement. If the City Council approves the development agreement, it shall do so by the adoption of an ordinance. After the ordinance approving the development agreement takes effect, the City Council may enter into the agreement. Article 4. Amendment and Cancellation of Agreement b Mutual Consent Section 401 Initiation of amendment or cancellation by mutual consent Section 402 Procedure Section 401. Initiation of amendment or cancellation. Either party may propose an amendment to or cancellation in whole or in part of the development agreement previously entered into. Section 402. Procedure. The procedure for proposing and adoption of an amendment to or cancellation in whole or in part of the development agreement is the same as the procedure for entering into an agreement in the first instance (Articles 1 through 3). However, where the City initiates the proposed amend- ment to or cancellation in whole or in part of the development agreement, it shall first give notice to the property owner of its intention to initiate such proceedings at least 15 days in advance of the giving of the notice of intention to consider the amendment or cancellation required by Section 202. Article 5. Recordation Section 501 Recordation of development agreement, amendment or cancellation Section 501. Recordation of develo ment agreement, amendment or cancellation. (a) Within 10 days after the City enters into the development agreement, the City Clerk shall have the agreement recorded with the County Recorder. (b) If the parties to the agreement or their successors in interest amend or cancel the agreement as provided in the Government Code Section 65866, or if the City terminates or modifies the agreement as provided in Government Code Section 65865.1 for failure of the applicant to comply in good faith with the terms or conditions of the agreement, the City Clerk shall have notice of such action recorded with the County Recorder. Article 6. Periodic Review Section 601 Time for an initiation of review Section 602 Notice of periodic review Section 603 Delegation to Planning Director Section 604 Hearing Section 605 Findings upon hearing Section 606 Procedure upon findings Section 601. Time for and initiation of review. The City shall review the development agreement every 12 months from the date the agreement is entered into. The frequency of review may be increased either by agreement between the parties or by initiation in one or more of the following ways: (1) recommendation of the Planning Director; (2) affirmative vote of at least three members of the Planning Commission; (3) affirmative vote of at least three members of the City Council. Section 602. Notice of periodic review. The Planning Director shall begin the review proceedrng by giving notice that the City intends to undertake a periodic review of the development agreement to the property owner. He shall give the notice at least 15 days in advance of the time at which the matter will be considered by the Planning Director. Section 603. Delegation to Planning Director. Review shall be conducted by the Planning Director. Section 604. The conduct a hearingatwhichHthe p operty owner 1must demonstrateng Director ) good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement. The burden of proof on this issue is upon the property owner. ITEM NO. �p DATE / g PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN VALLING THORNBURGH SECOND BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN rWALLING THORNBUR3H DISCUSSION ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT - DE GASPERIN - MORAN - ViALLING - THOENBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO ® �D M I N U T E S PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held City Hall, 78-105 Calle California June 25, 1985 ] . CALL, TO ORDER at the La Quinta Estado, La Quinta 7:00 p.m. A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He called upon Commissioner Brandt to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Commissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens and Secretary Donna M. Velotta 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Chairman Thornburgh had a question regarding the stated changes in the conditions noted in the minutes. He asked if the conditions noted a load/unload area in front of the tennis clubhouse. Director Stevens advised that the conditions did note this in Condition No. ll.b., but would check for any other changes that were not mentioned in the minutes and amend them accordingly. A. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Walling, to approve the minutes of June 11, 1985, as amended (if necessary). 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 11, 1985, were approved, as amended, or as submitted if after further review by Director Stevens, no amendment is required. Unanimously Adopted. 5. BUSINESS A. Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as Plot Plan No. 85-143, reconsideration of a request for approval to construct a maintenance facility, including a one-story, 7000-square-foot golf course maintenance building, and a one-story, 2220-square-foot superintendent's residence; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. He then called for the Staff Report. 1. Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens advised that the Planning Commission previously conducted a public hearing on this request and transmitted an approval recommendation to the City Council. The City Council, in turn, at two separate meetings, considered the matter. At the second meeting, the Applicant, principally as a result of comments made by the Council and contacts with the Kennedy family, decided to modify the project. They did so by significantly reducing the size of the project. The new proposal eliminates the one-story, 5380-square-foot homeowner's maintenance building. There have been minor adjustments in the landscaping and related items, particularly around the superintendent's residence which is directly associated with the Kennedy property. The City Council indicated generally, that it supported the revised project based on comments made by the Applicant and the Kennedy family at the hearing on June 18, and then continued their hearing. The Council directed Staff to revise the conditions based on the revised proposal and to seek the Planning Commission's comments on those revised conditions prior to Council's reconsideration on July 2, 1985. Director Stevens stated that the revised conditions are very similar to previous conditions imposed by the Planning Commission. He noted a couple of minor adjustments in the conditions as follows: MINUTES - PLANNING COMMISSION June 25, 1985 Page 2. Condition No. 4 - Staff eliminated reference to the exhibits that pertained to the homeowner's maintenance facility. Added Condition No. 9 - Which requires a fenced and landscaped yard area around the superintendent's residence. The conditions relating to streets and traffic are pretty much the same. The conditions on public services and utilities remain the same. The Fire Marshal will probably reduce the required fire flow noted due to the reduction in size of the revised proposal. Staff did not have an opportunity to review this matter with the Fire Marshal due to the time frame involved. The landscaping, lighting and signing conditions are pretty much the way the Planning Commission proposed them, with revisions. So that the project is not directly across the street from the Kennedy property, the Planning Commission needs to determine whether or not we need Condition No. 17.c. Condition No. 24 was added as there was some misunderstanding as to the precise property lines that existed which were to be developed. The proposed site does not match existing property lines. Therefore, Staff is suggesting that either by parcel merger or lot line adjustment that the property lines match the lines of the development. Director Stevens stated that Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the revised project subject to revised conditions. After discussing the matter, the Planning Commission revised the following conditions: Condition No. 17.c, to be deleted. Condition No. 20 be revised to show "The Applicant..... and intensity of all existing and proposed exterior lighting." Even though this is not a public hearing, Chairman Thornburgh called upon anyone who would like to speak. Tom Kennedy, 77-350 Arroba, La Quinta, spoke stating that he had met with representatives of Landmark and stated his family's concerns. The Applicant has now revised the original project and his family is happy with the new proposal. There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Commissioner Brandt made a motion, based on the original findings in the Staff Report dated May 14, 1985, to recommend approval of Revised Plot Plan No. 85-143 in accordance with Exhibit "A", and subject to attached conditions, as amended. Commissioner Walling seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. Chairman Thornburgh called for the Staff Reports on the next four items of business. Director Stevens identified the items as follows: B. Plot Plan No. 85-170, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 200' south of Calle Monterey; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. C. Plot Plan No. 85-171, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Mendoza, 240' south of Calle Monterey; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. D. Plot Plan No. 85-174, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Juarez, 100' south of Calle Ensenada; Earle W. Krepelin, Applicant. E MINUTES - PLANNING COM3,1ISS1ON June 25, 1985 Page 3. E. Plot Plan No. 85-175, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Eisenhower Drive, 250' south of Calle Sinaloa; Austin Paz, Applicant. Director Stevens stated that all of the requests are consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan, their building designs are compatible with area development and the projects will not have a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, based on these findings, Staff is recommending approval of the plot plans. Commissioner Moran requested Director Stevens to double check the footage of the bedrooms in Plot Plan No. 85-175. She felt they were very "close" to the City's required ten -foot clear dimension standard and felt it should be watched. There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. 2. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion, based on findings in the Staff Report, to approve Plot Plans Nos. 85-170, 85-171, 85-174 and 85-175, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to their attached conditions of approval. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. There was a brief discussion updating the Planning Commission on the progress of the General Plan project by the consultant. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items of Agenda to come before the Commission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Walling made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of July 9, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Commissioner De Gasperin seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 7:35 p.m., June 25, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ITEM NO. A ' (2, �. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: 1�� i �s- / 2 d' s- /7rj, .MOTION BY: BRANDY DE GASPERIN RAN W7ILLING THORNBURGi ECOND BY: ) DE GASPERIN ING THORNBURGi (7S DISCUSSION: Xlo-C �s'/7�7 79 Sly - /94t LJ.,lS7 �fuCT�� ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*24ISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — DE GASPERIN — MORAN — ii.ILING — THGEMURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Cammunity Development Department Date: July 9, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-178 Location: West Side of Avenida Madero, 130' North of Calle Colima Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 150' lot is located in the subdivided Cove area on the west side of Avenida Madero, 130' north of Calle Colima. The area is developed with scattered single-fmiily homes on single lots. There is a variety of roofing materials and house designs. Previous approvals directly adjacent to this proposal shall have tile roofs. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. Rick Johnson has received 29 previous approvals. Twenty (20) hares have been completed, three (3) are under construction, and six (6) are in plan check. This application has been submitted concurrently with three (3) other applications. All of the Applicants houses have been presold and there are no vacant ones. The house has 1592-square-feet of usable living area with three bedrooms, each exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two baths and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door leading into the house. The building will have light brown stucco siding, brown trim, and a brown asphalt shingled, peaked roof. The house has a 20-foot front setback, a 63-foot rear setback and five-foot sideyard setbacks. There are 24" eaves. 0 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION July 9, 1985 Page 2. STAFF COMMU7TS AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house collies with the R-1*++ Zoning requirements of the City's adopted minimum requirements for single-family houses. The Planning Commission, in the past, has held that asphalt shingles are consistent with tile roofs. Based on that prenLise, the overall house design (including materials) is compatible with surrounding homes, both proposed and existing. The house's size and bulk are comparable to that of surrounding dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-178 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. P ARID BY• Tamara Ca�aUell Assistant Planner TC:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APBY- i /kL-- Lawrence L. Stevens AICP Community Development Department 2M APPROVAL IS MA 2D 2M iULIMDOG CONDITIONS:` 1. 2 he development of the site shall be in oonfamence with the Hd:ibits A, 8 and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-178 , Unless Otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Rhe approved plot plan shall be used Within two years of the approval date; othe dee, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial contraction, not including gradingv contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance With the requir'anents of the Riverside county health Department. 4. Fire Protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materialsirg a minimum Of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. 'he plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. Rhe heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mommted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be eonoealed by fencing or landscaping. B. Rhe driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete oomu cling pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Mushal ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. the Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Camussion From. Conamity Development Department Date: July 9, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 85-179 Location: West Side of Avenida Madero, 180' North of Calle Colima Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 150' lot is located in the subdivided Cove area on the west side of Avenida Madero, 180' north of Calle Colima. The area is developed with scattered single-family hares on single lots. There is a variety of roofing materials and house designs. Previous approvals directly adjacent to this proposal shall have tle roofs. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exenption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request. The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. Rick Johnson. has received 29 previous approvals. Twenty (20) hares have been completed, three (3) are under construction, and six (6) are in plan check. This application has been submitted concurrently with three (3) other applications. All of the Applicants houses have been presold and there are no vacant ones. The house has 1592-square-feet of usable living area with three bedrooms, each exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two baths and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door leading into the house. The building will have off-white stucco siding, brawn trim, and a brown asphalt shingled, peaked roof. The house has a 20-foat front setback, a 63-foot rear setback and five-foot sideyard setbacks. There are 24" eaves. 0 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION July 9, 1985 Page 2. STAFF COMTTl'S AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house complies with the R-1*++ Zoning requirements of the City's adopted ndrdmmaan requirements for single-family houses. The Planning Commission, in the past, has held that asphalt shingles are consistent with tile roofs. Based on that premise, the overall house design (including materials) is compatible with surrounding homes, both proposed and existing. The house's size and bulk are comparable to that of surrounding dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and is categorically exempt fron the requirements of the California Envinxmmental Quality Act (CEQA). STAFF RDCCN43tIIMTION Based upon the above findings, the Camamity Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-179 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Comamity Development Department TC:dmnv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C THIS APTiiOVAL IS S 10 7HE tO.LOYiliJG 00AUDITI I. 'Due develcFMOnt of the site shall be in MdaQmenoe with the Bddbits A, 8 and C contained in the file for plot Plan No. 85-179 , unless obise amended by the following Conditions. 2. The approved pia plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. By 'use" is meant the beginning of substantial oonstruction, not including gradinge oantetplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ompletion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside Ootmty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in aoeordanoe with the standards of the Uniform Fire Oode as adopted by the City of Ia Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a derailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimOf two (2), Lregallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the isaunoe of a Certificate of Oocupeny, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 60 the heating and Cooling nedhanica equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse Containers and bottled gas containers shall be Concealed by fencing or landscaping. S. The driveway shall be surfaced with ooncrete and have asphaltic Concrete coma cting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street payment. 9. 7he Applicant stall obtain clearances and/or permits fran the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: " Riverside Oounty Health Department " City Fire Mushal " Cmau pity Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. 7he Applicant shall pay a school develolniennt fee as determined by the Desert sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified school District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the C m xuty Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. 7he structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. n1, MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: July 9, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 85-184 Location: Fast Side of Avenida Herrera, 100' South of Calle Chillon Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. zoning: R-1*++ (one Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minin mi Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located in the subdivided Cove area on Avenida Herrera, south of Calle Chillon. The surrounding houses generally are typical California Ranch style with gable roofs. Siding materials include wood and stucco, and roofing materials are predaninantly gravel with score houses having the roofs. Almost all the houses are built on single lots. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: 1he Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. Rick Johnson has received 29 previous approvals. Twenty (20) hares have been ompleted, three (3) are under construction, and six (6) are in plan check. This application has been submitted concurrently with three (3) other applications, one of which is adjacent to this site. All of the Applicant's houses have been presold and none are vacant. The house has 1592-square-feet of usable living area with three bedrooms, each exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two baths and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door leading into the house. The building will have off-white stucco siding, brown trim, and a brown asphalt shingled, peaked roof. The house has a 20-foot front setback, a 16-foot rear setback and five-foot sideyard setbacks. There are 24" eaves. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION Plot Plan No. 85-184 Page 2. STAFF 0"1EnTPS AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house comply with the R-1*++ Zoning requirements of the City's adopted minimum requirements for single-family homes. Regarding the coupatibility of the house's design, the overall design and roof style are consistent with the surrounding development. The proposed stucco siding is also consistent with the materials on the existing houses. Although none of the surrounding homes have asphalt shingle roofing, in the past the Planning Commission has determined that this roofing material is caTpatible with tile and gravel roofs. Lastly, although the stucco color is different than that on the Applicant's proposed house adjacent to the site, the conditions of approval require other modifications to the architectural features and siting to vary the appearance of these two buildings. The house's size and bulk is similar to the surrounding hares. The Applicant's proposal to construct the dwelling is also consistent with the siting of the existing houses. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building is compatible with area development 3. 'Tile project will not have a significant adverse inpact on the environment and is categorically exenpt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Based upon the above findings, the Ccmtunity Development Department recam ends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-184 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. VvL Sandra L. Ho¢uier/ Principal Planner SLB:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: A7� , ".— Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Ca[[muiity Development Director THIS APPPONAL IS Stht 3 T TO 7HE iWANIM OOh MOMS: 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Bddbits A, 8 and C oontained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-184 , unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall baoome null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including period and is mplated by this approval Iddch is begun ithe two-year thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside Couanty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Unlfonm Fire OD& as adopted by the City of Ia Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2). 15-gallon, street trees. the plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required the,,outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a On tifica of Y shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintAined in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. 73re heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be conosaled by fencing or landscaping. B. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside Oonty Health Department ° City Fire Marshal " Oam u ty Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Commmity Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 1F CONDITIONS (Cont'd) Plot Plan No. 85-184 12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Plot Plan No. 85-184 , the Applicant shall submit to the C Mmmity Development Department for review and approval specific information or details on stucco color and texture, trim and other architectural features which will vary the appearance from the adjacent dwelling with the same design as approved under Plot Plan No. 85-185. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Co►munity Development Department Date: July 9, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 85-185 Location: East Side of Avenida Herrera, 150' South of Calle Chillon Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: F-lk++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minumnn Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located in the subdivided Cove area on Avenida Herrera, south of Calle Chillon. The surrourx1isg houses generally are typical California Ranch style with gable roofs. Siding materials include wood and stucco, and roofing materials are predominantly gravel with sore houses having tile roofs. Almost all the houses are built on single lots. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exenpt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. Rick Johnson has received 29 previous approvals. Twenty (20) hemnes have been oampleted, three (3) A re under construction, and six (6) are in plan check. This application has been submitted concurrently with three (3) other applications, one of which is adjacent to this site. All of the Applicant's houses have been presold and none are vacant. The house has 1592-square-feet of usable living area with three bedro=, each exceeding the 10-foot clear dimension required, two baths and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door leading into the house. The building will have beige stucco siding, brown trim, and a brown asphalt shingled, peaked roof. The house has a 20-foot front setback, a 16-foot rear setback and five-foot sideyard setbacks. There are 24" eaves. 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMUSSION Plot Plan No. 85-185 Page 2. STAFF CCW"M AND ANALYSIS The floor plan, height and siting of the house comply with the R-1*++ Zoning requirements of the City's adopted minimun requirements for single-family homes. Regarding the crnpatibility of the house's design, the overall design and roof style are consistent with the surrounding developent. The proposed stucco siding is also consistent with the materials on the existing houses. Although none of the surrounding homes have asphalt shingle roofing, in the past the Planning Co mdssion has determined that this roofing material is conpatible with file and gravel roofs. Lastly, although the stucco color is different than that on the Applicant's proposed house adjacent to the site, the conditions of approval require other modifications to the architectural features and siting to vary the appearance of these two buildings. The house's size and bulk is similar to the surrounding homes. The Applicant's proposal to construct the dwelling is also consistent with the siting of the existing houses. 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1 Zone and the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The building is caxpatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and is categorically exenpt fran the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEDA) . STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Co m tuty Develop mot Department recatmends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-185 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: J Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner SLB:dmv Atchs: 1. Condition of Approval 2. Exhibits A, B and C APP�ID BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Commuuty Development Director 1. The develcpmsnt of the site shall be in ocnfociannce with the bddbit6 A, 8 and C Contained in the file for plot Plan No. 85-185 , unless other amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become will and void and of no effect whatsoever. By 'use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading. contwpUted by this approval which is begnan with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in a000mdanoe with the s+equiramts of the Riverside Comity Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uhifomn Fire Cc& as adopted by the City of la Quanta. S. Prior to the issuance of a building pewit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system aid the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of omoupancy, the Applicant shall scaping in accordance with the approved lindscape plan. All trees and pla nts nts shall be maintained in viable concUtuin for the life of the approved use. 6. 7tne heating aid cooling mechanical eVipment shall be groan] mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. S. 'The driveway shall be surfaced with omcrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for Plan Check: " Riverside county Health Department " City Fire Marshal " Oomumity Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. 7Yhe Applicant shall pay a school develcpamt fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordanoe with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Oouncil and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sand Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall -be presented to the Ommmity Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. 7lhe structure shall have a Class "A" roof Covering. 0 CONDITIONS (Oont'd) Plot Plan No. 85-185 12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Plot Plan No. 85-185 , the Applicant shall submit to the Oamunity Development Department for review and approval specific information or details an stucco color and texture, trim and other architectural features which will vary the appearance from the adjacent dwelling with the same design as approved under plot Plan No. 85-184.