1985 10 10 PCAGENDA
A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
October 10, 1985 7:00 p.m.
A. Flag Salute
A. La Quinta General Plan and Environmental Impact Report/Master
Environmental Assessment, to consider the Hazards, Cultural Resources,
Natural Resources, Ccmcaumity Development, Infrastructure and Housing
Elements of the proposed General Plan. (Continued)
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 24, 1985.
NOTE: The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission would normally be
held on October 8th, 1985; however, a number of City Staff will be at the
California League of Cities Conference in San Francisco that date, so the
meeting has been moved to the October loth time.
Items for Discussion
October 10, 1985
I. Chris Clark
Miles near Washington and Adams
Carl Meisterlin
.Washington and Miles
Don Young
Dune Palm and Whitewater
Indian Springs
Jeff Decker, Protect Jefferson
Earl Ellison 5 Units per/acre
Marion Ellison Low Density
Sue DeGasperin Traffic Washington not Jefferson
2. Larry Spector
Avenue 50 and Jefferson
Planning Commission
Jefferson West, 50th to 52nd
Oak Tree West
Bill Carver — Vl�') �"`� G"(JCl • $ e s 2
Jefferson and Avenue 52
3. Joe Hammer
Dune Palm and Hwy 111
Frank Murphy
Jefferson and Avenue 48
4. Downtown Plan:
4 Bob Cunard
Bruce Cathcart
Bermudas & Barcelona Z
Desert Club & Tampico
Audrey Ostrowsky Market Study
Pearl Knight Desert Club & La Fonda J ?
Tom Thornburgh Bermudas & Avenue 52
Lee Brandt Tampico, East of Desert Club
Francis Hack Tampico & Bermudas
Jim Altman Tampico & Bermudas J
5. Louie Campagna Mini Park
Stan Sniff Mini Park
6. John Kwake
Foothills Lake Cahuilla
7. Drew Wright
Washington and Sagebrush
8. Point Happy Ranch
Misc. Items:
Richard Roamer Atty.
CITY COUNCIL: Concerns Oct. 1 Meetina.
Larry Allen
Jefferson Commerical
Dale Bohenberger
Tampico Business Corridor/High Density
John Pena
Arch. Review/Downtown
Fred Wolff
Sun Bus/Covered Bus Stops
Mini Parks at Bus Stops in Cove
Walls in Community in year 2000
Judy Cox
Mini Park/Jack Able's opinion
Concern Jefferson Indian Springs
Jefferson Commercial Ave. 50 to 52
Downtown/need expansion now
Lots east side of Desert Club Drive (Dr. Knight)
Zoning Lake Cahilla/Hillside (Mr. Knight)
Prepared by: T.H.K. Associates Inc. 9/27/84
The following is from the Executive Summary:
Shopping Center
Professional Offices
To Accommodate Private Sector
Hospital/Nursing Care Facilities
City Hall, Police Station, Library, Postoffice
and other Community Facilities
30 Acres
27 Acres
8 Acres
65 Acres
15 Acres
15 Acres
Total per study 95 Acres
to /
Q b p 1
A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
September 24, 1985 7:00 p.m.
• •*&2r
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. Chairman Thornburgh led the flag salute.
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present: Conmissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling and Chairman
Absent: None
Also present were Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens,
Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner, Councilmen Pena, Wolff, Bohnenberger,
City Manager Frank Usher, and Secretary Donna Velotta.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of hearing as follows:
A. La Quinta General Plan and Environmental Impact Report/Master Environmental
Assessment, to consider the Hazards, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources,
Ccnmmity Development, Infrastructure and Housing Elements of the proposed
General Plan. (Continued)
He called for the report from Staff.
1. Cormunity Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens explained that the
purpose of continuing the General Plan hearing to this date was to review
the text changes in final form. However, Staff has not had the opportunity
to complete that work due to the press of other work. Therefore, Staff is
recommending that this matter be continued to a special meeting, possibly
October 2 or October 3, and in addition, that the CPAC be invited to that
meeting. Another option would be to continue the matter to the next regular
meeting of the Planning Commission on October 8th.
After a brief discussion period, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Comdssicne:r Walling moved to continue the General Plan hearing to the
next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on October 8, 1985.
Commissioner Brandt seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the next three items hearing items to be heard,
concurrently as follows:
B. General Plan Amemhnent No. 85-006, a request for an amendment to the current
Land Use Element of the La Quinta General Plan from Very Low Density Residential
(3 or less dwellings/acre) to Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre) on
849 acres and to General Commercial on 40 acres; Landmark Land Carnpa ny ("Oak
Tree West"), Applicant.
C. Specific Plan No. 85-006, for a total site of 1020 acres, a proposal for 2245
dwellings on 44:3 acres, a 27-hole golf course and a 18-hole golf course on a
total of 400 acres; a 26,000 Sq.Ft. office complex on 3.5 acres; a 36.5-acre
site with a 200--room hotel, 25,000 Sq.Ft. golf clubhouse facilities (size
unknown); and 115 acres of the site which are undevelopable and will remain
in Natural Open Space; Landmark Land Company ('Oak Tree West"), Applicant.
D. Change of Zone No. 85-016, a request for a zone change to implement the pro-
posed specific plan from A-1-10 (Light Agriculture, 10-Acre Minimum Parcel
Size), W-2-20 (Controlled Development, 20-Acre Minimum Parcel Size), N-A
(Natural Assets), R-1-1 (One Family Dwellings, 1-Acre Minimum Lot Size),
R-1-12,000 (One -Family Dwellings, 12,000 Sq.Ft. Minimum Lot Size), R-1-10,000
(One -Family Dwellings, 10,000 Sq.Ft. Minimum Lot Size), to R-2 (Multiple Family
Residential) on 849 acres, R-5 (Open Space Combining Zone - Residential
Developments) on 115 acres, and C-P-S (Scenic Highway Conmercial) on 40 acres;
Landmark Land Comipany ('Oak Tree West"), Applicant.
September 24, 1985
Page 2.
Chairman 'Thornburgh called for the Staff report.
1. Community Development Director Stevens explained that the three applications
being jointly considered are for the same project. First, is the request to
amend the General Plan and the Applicant's request in that regard is to
designate the property Very Low Density Residential on 849 acres and General
Commercial on approximately 40 acres. The remaining land use designation
of Open Space -Planned Development on 115 acres of mountain would be unchanged.
The second portion of the request is a Change of Zone to remove various
existing zones •- Agricultural, Controlled Development, Natural Assets, and
various R-1 Zones in favor of R-2 zoning on 849 acres of residential and golf
course property;, R-5 on the mountain area and C-P-S on the conmercial requested
in the General Plan Amendment.
The remaining component of the application is the Specific Plan for the 1020
acre site for 2245 dwellings on 449 acres, a 27-hole and a 18-hole golf course
on approximately 400 acres; 26,000 Sq.Ft. office complex on 3.5 acres and a
36.5 acre commercial site with a hotel, golf clubhouse facilities and office
retail facilities, totalling approximately 200,000 Sq.Ft.
Director Stevens explained that normally Staff would give a detailed description
of the project itself at this time, but would defer this to the Applicant's
representative at this time and at the conclusion of their presentation requested
the Applicant to refer the hearing back to Staff to discuss and make their
recommendations. Then the hearing could be opened for any comment from the
Applicant and the public.
Kay Chandler, representative of rand=k Land Company, gave a detailed report
on the proposed project covering the following topics:
° Demographics
° Existing Conditions and Constraints
° Existing General Plan Designations
° Public Services and Utilities
° Circulation
° Fire Station Response Time
° Street Concepts
° Architectural Character
° Land Use Plan
° Phasing Plan
° Proposed Zoning
° Typical Housing
° The 3.5 Acre Office Commercial
° The Golf Clubhouse
° The Hotel Commercial Site
° Hotel/Golf Club Elevations
° Hotel/Golf Clubhouse
° Hotel/Commercial Center
At the ooirmpletion of the Applicant's presentation, he turned the meeting back
to Staff for the completion of their report to the Planning Commission.
Director Stevens advised that Principal Planner Sandra Bonner would present
the Staff recommendations.
Addressing the General Plan Amendment request, Ms. Bonner advised that Staff
is recommending that the Planning Commission be consistent with their previous
recommendations for the new proposed La Quinta General Plan for this area.
Those reconmendations forwarded to the City Council are as follows:
° The majority of the site, with the exception of the northeast corner, be
designated Low Density Residential with the density range of 2-4 units,
which is consistent with the Applicant's proposal, which has an average
density of approximately 2.7 units per acre.
° Only the extreme northeast corner be designated as resort commercial
consistent with the Planning Cormission's previous approval, which would
allow the Applicant to construct his hotel and accessory commercial uses
and the golf clubhouse. In conjunction with this, Staff is requesting
that the Planning Commission not approve the Applicant's request for
commercial at the corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street or for the
complete 40-acre parcel shown at the northeast corner of the site.
° Staff concurs with the Applicant's request to leave the mountain areas
Open Space.
eptember 24, 1985
age 3.
Addressing the CRuange of Zone request, Ms. Bonner advised that Staff is
recommending that the change of zoning be consistent with their reccnuenda-
tions for the General Plan. First, portions of the residential project be
zoned R-2; second, the 20-acre site at the northeast corner of the project
be designated C-T (Resort Commercial), which would allow the uses the Applicant
is proposing that we are recamiending in the Specific Plan report; and lastly,
Staff is recomnending R-5 zoning, which is Open Space Residential Combining
Zone, for the mountainous area for which the Applicant is not proposing any
Ms. Bonner addressed the Specific Plan application next stating that the
Applicant had covered most of the areas regarding the Specific Plan in his
presentation so she would just briefly cover Staff's areas of concern.
° Land Use and Circulation - Staff is proposing to ensure conpatibility
with adjacent property through two means - first, by regulating density
and second, by regulating height. Referring to the Applicant's wall
rendering (Exhibit "B" in the application packet) Ms. Bonner addressed
the areas of concern as the existing single-family area and the Calle
Rondo area, the undeveloped, 40-acre parcels adjacent to Avenue 50 and
the Kennedy Reach property on Avenue 52. Staff is proposing, since the
Applicant is proposing a variety of housing styles with a variety of
densities ranging from estate lots to cluster housing, that density
restrictions be placed only in those areas shown in yellow on the wall
rendering. Staff recommends that the density of these areas should be
limited to 5 units per acre. Ms. Bonner advised that the reason Staff
is using the word "should" is that the plans are tentative - there will
be changes as far as circulation, layout of the golf course and Tentative
Tract Maps we will be getting will be crossing over the lines.
With regard to height, Staff is concerned with height along public
thoroughfares in addition to the areas shown in yellow on the wall
rendering; therefore, it is requested that height limits in the "yellow"
areas and also within 200' of the public thoroughfares (Avenue 52 and
Jefferson Street) be limited to a height of one story or 20'. The
Applicant has agreed to this.
Comnissicner Walling interjected at this point to ask the height limit for
the Resort Commercial zoning.
Director Stevens explained that the Resort Commercial zoning world be excluded
fran the height limit and the exhibit shown in the Specific Plan docurmnt would
be the controlling height in the commercial area. 'Therefore, the four stories
requested for the hotel would be allowable in the commercial area.
Commissioner Walling then asked if the setback on the hotel height is not that
1320' distance, will there be a height setback from the north property line?
Director Stevens answered that Staff does not recommend one because there is a
proposal from the property owner to the north to construct a commercial hotel
of a similar intensity. In addition, he noted that the exhibits that the
Applicant has presented show the hotel on the southerly portion of the site
with the lower level shopping center closer to the Avenue 50 parcel. Therefore,
Staff feels, with. those controls, if the Commission approves it as the Applicant
has requested, that- they would be sufficient. If the Commission approves the
request as Staff has reconmended, then Staff does not feel that the hotel develop-
ment will proceed, mach, if any further, west than the 200-300 roan hotel that
Rufus Associates is proposing.
Principal Planner Bonner continued with the Staff report by citing two more
points of concern regarding land use. She noted that a convent had been made
at the Study Session about perimeter treatment along streets, such as providing
openings. The Applicant has agreed, conceptionally, to that and the conditions
of approval require the Applicant to provide plans for openings and to balance
it out with noise protection for residents.
September 24, 1985
Page 4.
Ms. Bonner stated that the Applicant has agreed, conceptionally, to the
provision of a park. The General Plan designates a neighborhood park in
the vicinity of this project. A change to Condition No. 34 regarding the
park site adds an additional clause stating that the Applicant will provide
for a site for a neighborhood park or "provide for alternative methods to
secure park land in the general vicinity of the project".
With regard to txaffic, Ms. Bonner stated that the Applicant has agreed to
provide for an alternative local street route to the school site, which will
give us an all-ureather crossing from Washington Street to the school and also
provide for emergency access.
In conclusion, Nfs. Bonner stated that based upon the findings in the Staff
Reports for the General Plan Amendment No. 85-006, Change of Zone 85-016 and
Specific Plan No. 85-006, Staff is recommending to the Planning Commission
that they recommend approval to the City Council of this applications, subject
to the conditions and, in addition, that the Specific Plan's approval be subject
to the conditions presented to you.
Chairman Thornburgh requested that Ms. Bonner explain to all those present
what Staff means when they denote the 5 units per acre and the 2.7 units per
acre, etc.
Ms. Bonner advised that the 2.7 is overall density. Overall density is only
that portion of the site that can be developed. In this case, it excludes
the 115 acres of hillside and also excludes 16 acres of roadway. So, overall,
including the golf course and everything that is not proposed for commercial,
the overall density is 2.7 units per acre.
She went on to explain that the 5 units per acre are just the areas proposed
for residential development. If you only consider those areas and exclude the
golfcourse, the hillside, etc., the average density for the entire project is
the 5 units per acre.
At this point, Director Stevens reiterated to the Commission that at the Study
Session he had advised then that Staff and the Applicant had an agreement on
57 of the 59 conditions that were recommended and the two with which there was
a difference related to the amount of commercial (Conditions Nos. 28 and 29).
There is still a. disagreement, of which the Planning Commission is aware, of
the two points of view with regard to the Jefferson commercial corridor and
going with conditions that compliment that decision.
Director Stevens explained the second issue with which there was disagreement
(Condition No. 46.a.) was the requirement to prepay fire mitigation fees of
$232,000 with appropriate credits, etc. He stated that after discussion with
the Fire Marshal and the Applicant, all are in concurrence that the revised
subcondition (46.a.) would be more appropriate given our current state of
knowledge. That. condition essentially says that the infrastructure fee program
is the primary method for the City to secure funding for Fire Station facilities.
The City may, however, in conjunction with reviewing tentative maps and related
zoning applications, request prepayment of fire facilities fees on an "as
warranted" basis if those funds are determined to be necessary to facilitate
needed construction. We have generally asked for prepayment in cases where we
had specific needs. In this case, the issue relates to the potential relocation
of the Avenue 52 Fire Station, whether that will occur as part of Crystal
Canyon and whether any funds need to be forthcoming as a prepayment from this
project to facilitate that movement. Director Stevens cent on to state that
Staff does, however, think the decision as to amount and need can be deferred
to such time as actual development is beginning to occur and tract applications
are requested. Staff feels that will give them reasonable opportunity to solicit
any prepayment fees that are necessary and still allows then to proceed with the
City's capital programs. Staff thinks this is a reasonable compromise and the
Fire Department and Applicant are in agreement with it. Therefore, Director
Stevens informed. the Corwdssion that there is only one issue in disagreement
with regard to this project.
September 24, 1985
Page 5.
Commissioner Walling requested to know if any park locations had been
discussed with the Applicant.
Director Stevens replied that park locations have been discussed with the
Applicant, some of which are within the project area and some are near to,
but outside the project area. Director Stevens stated he thinks there is
a consensus that land rather than fees are necessary and that there are
several reasonable alternatives available, and we have an understanding
that we can, before they get very far in their land planning, come to an
agreement as to a particular site and size and then, as the condition is
written, we would bring it back to the Planning Commission and City Council
for affirmation„
Commissioner De Gasperin requested to know if the PGA West approval included
a hotel.
Director Stevens replied that it was his understanding that a hotel developer
has an option and has maintained, to date, in effect, that option. They do
not have a specific starting date nor do they have a detailed plan approval
prepared. Based on discussions with the Applicant, it may be as much as a
year or two away from a formal commitment and then there would be an 18-month
construction period. Therefore, Director Stevens stated he sees a hotel as
being several years away from happening.
Commissioner De Gasperin asked if there is the possibility of there not being
a hotel here.
Director Stevens replied that he believed there would be a hotel.
Commissioner De Gasperin asked if The orchard project also had a specific plan
approval for a hotel development.
Director Stevens replied that The Orchard project did have approval for a hotel
of a slightly different concept because of its very low density.
Commissioner De Gasperin asked if a convention center on this piece of property
would be consistent with the Planning Commission's present recommendation to
the City Council.
Director Stevens answered that he thought a convention center would fall within
the general definition of Touris Commercial, although the current zoning text
that would subsequently apply does not make provision for that. We would have
to make a text amendment to our zoning code, but he believes the General Plan
category that we talked about of Tourist Cam ercial could reasonably accommodate
a convention center type of use.
There being no further questions of Staff, Chairman Thornburgh opened the public
hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Kaye Chandler, representative for the Applicant, Landmark Land Company,
P. O. Box 1578, La Quinta, CA, spoke again stating that when discussing the
open space or greenbelt windows along Jefferson, he forgot to mention that
one of the 18-holes of the public golf course has been lined up against
Jefferson Street. He pointed out on the wall rendering that they have designated
breaks in the wall where there are view corridors off of Jefferson that would
look over the golf course with views to the mountain. He noted they were also
looking at the course further south on Jefferson where they could place open -
type materials in wall breaks so there would be views into the project.
Lawrence Spector, Rufus Associates, P. 0. Box 867, La Quinta, CA, (The Orchard
at La Quinta project) spoke having concerns about the height and closeness of
the four-story hotel to their approved project. He also requested that the
Landmark Land Company keep them advised of the progress of the project as it
is on property adjacent to The Orchard development.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Thornburg closed the public
hearing at 8:15 p.m.
September 24, 1985
Page 6.
At this time there was discussion clarifying previously discussed issues
such as emergency accesses, the Jefferson Street Parkway concept, traffic
estimates, compatibility of the project with adjacent property proposals,
The Comcrdssion discussed the conditions that the Applicant did not agree
on as follows:
Commissioner Moran - If we place commercial at the proposed site, it will
take away from the downtown area. Then again, the hotel guests would neet
convenient shopping. She feels that perhaps if the commercial area could
be moved closer to Avenue 52, the impact would be only to the owner. She
also feels if left in its current location, the commercial use would present
a problem to The Orchard project which will be on adjacent property.
CcmTdssioner Brandt - Looking at the City's traffic concerns and the protection
of downtown commmercial, she does not feel she could be in favor of additional
commercial along Jefferson Street.
Conmissioner Walling - Feels commercial should be restricted along Jefferson
Chairman Thornburgh - Feels that the Tourist Connercial on Jefferson Street
is adequate as presented on the General Plan.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Commissioner De Gasperin made the following motions:
To approve General Plan Amendment No. 85-006 as recommended and directed
Staff to prepare a Resolution using the findings contained in the Staff
Report and the Exhibit contained in the Staff Report.
To approve Specific Plan No. 85-006 and directed Staff to prepare a
Resolution containing the findings in the Staff Report and referencing
the conditions, as modified by the Planning Commission, including the
200' buffer request, which should be worked into Condition No. 31.
° To approve Change of Zone No. 85-016 as recommended, including the findings
and exhibits contained in the Staff Report, which also includes those
findings that: support a determination of a mitigated negative declaration
both in terms of the findings , the environmental document and the asterisked
conditions, the Commission supports the mitigated environmental document.
Commissioner Walling Seconded the motions. Unanimously Adopted.
Director Stevens informed those present that the City Council hearing for these
applications is scheduled for October 15, 1985.
A. Commissioner De Gasperin made a motion to approve the minutes from the
regular meeting of September 10, 1985, as amended. Commissioner Moran
seconded the motion.
1. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1985, were approved,
as amended. Unanimously Adopted.
Chairman Thornburgh introduced the first item of business as follows:
A. Public Use Permit No. 84-002, a request by Desert Sands Unified School District
for review of landscaping and off -site improvement plans; Desert Sands Unified
School District„ Applicant.
Chairman Thornburgh called for the report from Staff.
September 24, 1985
Page 7.
1. Director Stevens advised the Commission that Staff has been reviewing
more detailed plans prepared by the school district for the elementary
school site, which is the K-2 and 3-5 schools, which will be constructed
on the front 18 acres of their 36 acre parcel. This report evaluates
the off -site improvement and landscape plans as they relate to the
conditions of approval established for Conditional Use Permit No. 84-002.
Within the report, Staff has noted some concerns with regard to perimeter
sidewalks, particularly along Avenue 50. The current plans did not show
a sidewalk. Staff has suggested that it be a meandering sidewalk typical
of our standards elsewhere in the City. Staff has also expressed concern
for the use of chainlink fencing along the Avenue 50 frontage and the lack
of setback, which we require on normal development, along Avenue 52. Staff
has also made a list of detailed comments with regard to the landscaping
plan and suggested that there be some adjustment in locations of trees to
improve the frontage appearance along Avenue 50 and we recommend that the
exhibit submitted by the school district be approved with certain revisions
which are summarized in the eight conditions attached to the Staff Report,
which reinforce a number of our standards. The Comnission should be aware
that, with regard to sane of these standards, our best effort is to encourage
modifications rather than require them. There are limitations to our legal
authority to impose certain standards or requirements on the school district.
That basically relates to some of the on -site improvements like landscaping
and fencing. It is clear that off -site improvements must satisfy our stan-
dards. It is our intention and the reason we use the words "is encouraged"
and "should" and "shall" on several of the conditions to work in our best
effort to maintain those standards we have imposed on other developments,
but Staff cannot assure the Planning Commission of our success in obtaining
that compliance.
Richard Beck, Facilities Planner, Desert Sands Unified School District,
spoke as representative of the Applicant. He noted that the school is
trying to complete the final phases of the plans to go to the State. The
State has all the basic plans and off -site improvement plans; however,
they are waiting for a few final decisions based on property deeds and a
few final improvement drawings. He stated they expect plans to be approved
to go to bid for the site development work probably the first of next month.
Construction for the buildings should be approved by late October and should
go to bid in November. This is for the front portion of the parcel which
will have two elementary schools able to hold 1200 students. Mr. Beck
stated that the Staff Report was very well written and the conditions were
very reasonable. He went on to reiterate what Mr. Stevens had noted earlier
that the school district is immune to requirements of local governments.
Some school districts do not even bring plans to the City Staff. He felt,
however, that it was beneficial to both parties to bring the plans before
the Planning Commission for review and comment. Mr. Beck then gave a more
detailed explanation of the project being proposed. In conclusion, he stated
that the district is agreeable to the majority of the conditions recatmended
by Staff. They had concerns with Conditions Nos. 3 and 7, relating to fencing
and having the landscaping plans reviewed and approved by the County of
Riverside, Office of Agricultural Commission.
Commissioner Walling suggested the possibility of using vines to cover the
chainlink fence, rather than just leave it bare.
Mr. Beck advised that could be a possibility and, if requested, he would
discuss it with the district.
Commissioner Moran requested that the district be cautious of what types
of plants are used because of so many of the children having allergies.
There beingno further discussion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to conceptually approve the landscape
plans and off -site improvement plans relative to Public Use Permit No.
84-002, in accordance with Exhibits "B-1" and "B-2", and subject to the
revisions recommended in the eight conditions of approval. Commissioner
De Gasperin seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
September 24, 1985
Page 8.
Chairman 'Thornburgh introduced the next two items of business as follows:
B. Plot Plan No. 85-198, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Carranza, 150' north of Calle Temecula; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
C. Plot Plan No. 85-199, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the
west side of Avenida Carranza, 100' north of Calle Temecula; Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
Chairman Thornburgh called for the Staff Report.
1. Director Stevens advised the Commission that neither of the projects will
have a significant adverse impact on the environment, the requests are
consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives
of the La Quinta General Plan, and the building designs are compatible with
the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. Therefore,
based on findings, Staff is recommending the Planning Commission approve
both requests.
There was some discussion as to whether this Applicant could cane up
with a different house plan as he has been using the same plan for the
31 previous approvals given him.
Director Stevens stated that on future submittals by Mr. Johnson, he
would direct this information to him in an advisory capacity to see
what his reaction would be.
Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion.
2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion, based on findings in the Staff Reports,
approving Plot Plans Nos. 85-198 and 85-199, in accordance with Exhibits
A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Commissioner Moran
seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted.
• • • • i TU -IN I
There being no further items of agenda to come before the Commission, Chairman
Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn.
Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the
Planning Cbmndssion on October 8, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., to be held in the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 G3Llle Estado, La Quinta, CA. Commissioner Walling seconded the
motion. Unanimously Adopted.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California,
was adjourned at 9:54 p.m., September 24, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall,
78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California.
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N 0 T I C E
(619) 564-2246