2008 03 12 IAB Minutes
March 12, 2008
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 4:30 P.M. by Vice-Chair Rassi, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Members Ross, Moulin, Park and Rass;
Chairperson Deniel
John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia,
III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - (This is the time set aside for public comment
on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.)
Mr. Falconer requested that the handouts submitted by Board Members Rassi,
Ross and Moulin, be added and discussed under Section V, item B.
Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2008/09 Investment Policy.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that the Section
reviewed and redlined by Board Member Rassi was included in the agenda
packet for the Board's review.
In response tei Board Member Ross, Board Member Park advised that he did not
have a handout for the Board's review, but during the discussion of the
investment policy, would have a verbal update.
Approval of Minutes of Meeting on February 13, 2008 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Board Member Rassi advised that Section X of the investment policy was
not assigned for his review but was assigned to the entire Board for
review. Staff to amend meeting minutes to reflect change.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to approve the minutes
of February 13, 2008, as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Mr. Falconer reviewed the City's approval process for a trade and advised
that the City Manager does at times question a trade. Mr. Falconer
further advised that this approval process is unique to the City of La
Quinta due to the Wymer incident.
Board Member Park stated that he feels that the sentence is reading as if
the City Manager was approving the trade.
Mr. Falconer clarified that the City Manager approves the investment of a
category and not a "specific" investment (i.e. approval of commercial
paper, not GE commercial paper); he approves the parameters of a trade.
General discussion ensued regarding the reading of the sentence and the
Board suggested possibly elaborating on the sentence for more clarity. In
addition it was suggested by Board Member Ross upon rewording of the
sentence, that the sentence be placed under Section VII "Delegation of
Authority. "
Mr. Falconer advised leaving the sentence within its current Section.
It was consensus of the Board that Board Member Park attempt to
rewrite the sentence and present it at the next scheduled meeting.
Board Member Moulin stated that he felt that the underlining of specific
sentences be eliminated from the policy and suggested either placing in
bold or italic text.
In response to Board Member Park, Mr. Falconer advised that Section XIII
"Interest Earning Distribution Policy," item B, that the general fund
management fee of 5% derives from a one time journal entry charged on
a yearly basis, which is typical for most cities to do.
Board Member Park advised that upon his review of Section 18, there
were no recommended changes but asked Staff to elaborate on the
"Arbitrage Requirement."
Mr. Falconer stated that the City has to perform arbitrage cal~ulations for
the IRS to ensure that excess interest income earnings on bond proceeds
are remitted to the IRS. Mr. Falconer also stated that the City does not
maintain bond reserve funds, but instead maintains a surety bond.
In response to Board Member Park, Mr. Falconer advised that the City
has never had to pay any excess fees to the IRS.
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Board Member Park shared with the Board his discussion with
Chairwoman Deniel, Board Member Park stated that he feels Sections
eight and fourteen should be integrated, with Chairwoman Deniel
disagreeing. Chairwoman Deniel asked Board Member Park to defer this
issue to Board Member Moulin. Board Member Park also shared
Chairwoman Deniel's justification for not combining the sections: 1) she
felt that they were two different topics with one Section evolving around
the personal affairs of the employees of the city and 2) the other
establishing proceeds for internal controls and external order. She felt
that by reorganizing the two sections they would follow one after the
other achieving clarity and simplicity, again asking that this be deferred to
Board Member Moulin.
Board Member Park advised that he felt there were some redundancies.
Board Member Moulin asked where there were redundancies and Board
Member Park reiterated that he feels that the two Sections could be
integrated and will forward his notes to Board Member Moulin for his
In response to Board Member Rassi, Board Member Ross advised that the
roman numeral numbering in the policy was correct.
Board Member Ross suggested they discuss his four page handout at this
Board Member Ross advised of the review of page 9 and the suggestion
by Board Member Moulin to integrate a table within this particular Section
of the policy and a change to the title.
Board Member Moulin suggested that Section X's title be changed to
"Permissible Deposits and Investments," with an additional column added
to the table and labeled "restrictions."
Board Member Ross advised that this is a condensed table from Appendix
A on page 19 of the existing policy, using the first column, with the use
of two additional columns, in addition to adding a column for restrictions.
Board Member Moulin advised that the objective of the table is to reflect
the investments the City can invest in, as authorized by city code.
Board Member Ross advised that the Appendix A would remain within
the policy due to the informative information it provides.
Board Member Ross advised of the following changes:
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Page 4: Section IV "Objectives" item 1.
"Diversification" and integrated it into item 1
language to reflect the change.
"Safety" deleted item 4
with a modification to the
Page 5: Credit Risk-Third bullet point was deleted due to the integration
into item 1.
Item 2. Liquidity: slight modification to the wording, anticipated cash
needs replaced operating requirements.
Item 3. Yield: Deleted existing language and replaced with the first
paragraph of Section XV Benchmark, which is almost a duplication of
yields existing paragraph. Additional language was incorporated from a
memo dating back in August of 2007 from Board Member Moulin.
Page 6: Deleted item 4 Diversified Portfolio.
Board Member Ross advised of a conversation at a previous. meeting as
to the placement of the professional portfolio management firm within
the policy and further advised that he had no suggestions at this time.
Board Member Moulin advised that at the previous meeting there were
drastic changes to be made to the investment policy and Chairwoman
Deniel advised at that time she would review and make those changes.
Board Member Moulin asked the Board if Chairwomen Deniel had a
chance to make those changes.
The Board discussed recommended changes presented at a previous
meeting by Board Member Moulin. (Board referred to previous handout.)
The discussion at that time was in reference to safety, liquidity and yield.
Board Member Moulin advised that the current policy begins with a
"General Purpose" and proposed using the language from the
Government Code, Section 53600.5.
Board Member Rassi advised that terms, Safety, Liquidity and Yield are
used largely by the Municipal Treasurers Association and suggested
leaving the terms within the policy as follows: "Safeguard Principal"
Safety; "Safeguard Principal" Liquidity and "Safeguard Principal" Yield.
Board Member Moulin read Government Code Section 53600.6 for the
Board and advised that the government codes uses the term "Safeguard
of Principal" not the term "Safety."
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
General discussion ensued among the Board as to whether or not the
terms should remain within the policy or use the proposed language from
the Government Code as suggested by Board Member Moulin.
Board Member Ross advised that also discussed previously was Board
Member Moulin's recommendation to add the term "deposit" in Section II
Investment Policy.
Board Member Moulin advised that he had also made suggested title
change to Section II-Delegation of Authority, to read just "Authority" and
also incorporated language from Government Code Sections 35607 and
35068. Board Member Ross concurred with the recommended title
Board Member Park asked if "Approval" might be a better word versus
the word "Authority." Mr. Falconer asked if this would be a better title
for this section. No comments were made.
Board Member Moulin advised of his recommendation to change the
Objectives section to Section III, which places the investment risks into
the safeguard section. He further advised that it was discussed possibly
incorporating the language from GASB 41 .
Staff will follow up to find out if the language from GASB 41 can be used
with the city's policy.
Board Member Moulin advised of a modification to the language in item 2
"Provide Liquidity" second sentence to include the term "to satisfy all
obligations," in lieu of "anticipated cash needs."
In response to Board Member Park, Board Member Moulin advised that
the wording prior was "operating requirements" which he felt was too
Mr. Falconer advised that the Board keep in mind there are times that
Staff will have liquidity needs that are not always budgeted, if an
opportunity arises the City would like to take advantage of these
opportunities. Therefore he would like to the Board to keep in mind that
these opportunity are not always anticipated and they are "extra-
ordinary" not ordinary.
Board Member Ross advised that this could be expressed with terms
such as obligations, demands, needs or requirements.
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Mr. Falconer advised that the term "demand" used in government is
usually a formal term, such as demand register, which usually is a
reference to warrants or checks.
Board Member Moulin asked if the term demand within the forth
sentence would be appropriate used. Mr. Falconer replied yes.
Board Member Park suggested possibly using the term "opportunity."
Board Member Ross advised that he would attempt to rewrite the
Board Member Rassi advised that the third sentence uses the term
"anticipated demands" and feels this term suffices.
Board Member Moulin referred to the last page of his handout, item 3
Earn of Market Rate of Return, and advised that he had taken wording
from the "Benchmark Section and incorporated into item 3 and also
added the term "risk-based market rate of return."
Board Member Ross asked if Chairwoman Deniel had comments to the
changes. Board Member Moulin replied no.
Board Member Ross advised that the term "budgetary cycle" was
eliminated from this section.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Board Member Ross and Mr.
Falconer reviewed the budgetary cycle for the Board.
Board Member Moulin advised that since the budgetary matters affect
liquidity and he suggested adding a paragraph into the budgetary section
regarding liquidity.
Board Member Ross advised that he agrees with the term "budgetary
cycle" and would like to incorporate back into the policy. Board
In response to Board Member Ross, Board Moulin advised that he
referenced code section 53607 and 53608 for consideration as footnote
within the policy. He further advised that this would help with the
continued delegatio.n of authority.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that he would
provide a copy of the resolution at the next scheduled meeting.
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Board Member Moulin asked if there were any comments to the section
of comparative rate of return. Board Member Moulin advised that he
propose eliminating the Benchmark section and incorporate into
comparative rate of return.
Board Member Ross asked Board Member Moulin if he would like to use
the wording he proposed back in August. Board Member Moulin replied
yes. Board Member Ross advised that he had one slight change to the
recommendation, adding the word "the" to page 6 of the handout.
Board Member Moulin advised that along with Chairwoman Deniel, that
there should be other comparatives added.
Board Member Ross advised that the wording reads: the Treasurer may
use these, changing the word "for" to "and," other published rates of
return that the Treasurer deems appropriate. Board Member Ross asked
if the comparatives could be excluded from within the policy and only
included within the reports generated by the Treasurer.
Mr. Falconer stated that he feels it should be spelled out within the policy
and will forward some additional comparatives for the Board's review.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Board Member Ross advised that
the rate of return has been placed under the section of yield.
General discussion was ensued by the Board regarding the change of
NASD to FINRA. Board Member Rassi referred to his handout and read
the portion referencing the change.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to continue the
discussion of the Fiscal Year 2008/09 Work Plan Investment Policy to the
April meeting.
C. California Municipal Treasurer's Conference - San Francisco, CA April 23
- 25, 2008
Mr. Falconer advised that the City does provide for one staff member and
two Board Members to attend the annual CMT A conference. He
presented the Staff Report advising that the Annual California Municipal
Treasurers Association Conference will be held April 23 - 25, 2008 in
San Francisco, California.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board of his tentative travel plans.
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Board Member Rassi advised that he would be interested in attending the
conference and further advised that there are no registration fees for
retired sustaining members.
Board Member Ross advised he might be able to attend and will notify
Staff by Thursday, March 13th.
Board Member Park advised that if Board Member Ross was unable to
attend that he would be willing to attend.
Board Member Moulin stated that he feels that Chairwoman Deniel should
attend the conference.
Mr. Falconer suggested that Staff send an email to Chairwoman Deniel to
see if she would like to attend.
Ms. Orrantia advised that in order to meet the early registration deadline,
she would need to know the names of those Board members who will be
attending by Friday, March 14th.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members MoulinlRoss to approve
two Board member to attend the CMTA Conference in San Francisco,
California on April 23 - 28, 2008. Motion carried unanimously
A . Month End Cash Report
Mr. Falconer advised that the selective interest rates on page 7 could be
considered as possible benchmarks by the Board for the six-month T-Bill
and LAIF, with a current one, two and five year benchmark Treasury
Note and bond.
Board Member Moulin suggested adding a three year.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that he refers
to the six month on page 3 of the report.
Noted and Filed
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Report
Board Member Ross asked if Staff was at it's maximum investment level
in LAIF.
Investment Advisory Board
March 12, 2008
Mr. Falconer advised that currently the City's portfolio is at $191 million
with $31 million in LAIF, with a little more room to invest in LAIF, with
the current 25% restriction.
In response to Board Member Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that with the
current yield curves, he would prefer to invest in LAIF.
In response to Board Member Rassi, Mr. Falconer advised that the City
has two LAIF accounts with an $80 million maximum for both.
Noted and Filed
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Ross to adjourn the meeting
at 6:27 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Vianka Orrantia,
Senior Secretary