1985 10 22 PCAGENDA PLANNING O"USSICN - CITY OF IA QUrM A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California October 22, 1985 7:00 p.m. v • • 0 pr A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS A. Street Vacation No. 85-008, a request for the City to vacate a 29±-foot-wide strip along the easterly and southerly portions of the existing 100-foot-wide right-of-way for Eisenhower Drive between San Vicente Street (east) and Avenida Fernando (south); La Quinta Golf Estates Commnity Association, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. B. Plot Plan No. 85-186, a request to construct a private frontage road with controlled access gates at San Vicente Street and Coachella Drive, with an alternate plan showing an additional access gate adjacent to Eisenhower Drive and north of Avenida Fernando (south). The Applicant is also requesting installation of a perimeter wall and landscaping within the remaining Eisenhower Drive public right-of-wav; La Quinta Golf Estates Comtunity Association, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. C. Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 ("Duna La Quinta"), a request to divide 6.74 acres on the west side of Washington Street, 800' south of Avenue 50 into 20 lots for the development of custom single-family housing; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. D. General Plan Amendment No. 85-007, a request to amend the land Use Element of the La Quinta General Plan from "High Density Residential" (10-20 dwellings per acre) to "General Commercial" on approximately six (6) acres. (NOTE: The Planning Commission has recently adopted a revised City-wide General Plan which changes all "General Commercial" Land Use Designations in the general project site vicinity to "Village Commercial"); Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. E. Change of Zone No. 85-017, a request for a zone change from R-2-3350 (Multiple -Family Residential) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) on approximately six (6) acres. This request was submitted concurrently with General Plan Amendment No. 85-007 and Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment Plo. 2, to permit commercial development within a portion of the "Duna La Quinta" Specific Plan; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. F. Specific Plan No. 83-001, AmmenlTent No. 2, a request to amend a portion of land (approximately six (6) acres) within the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan project area from apartment/condominium land uses (13 dwellings per acre maximum) to General Commercial; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. 0 AGENDA - PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 2. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 8, 1985. B. Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of October 10, 1985. 5. BUSINESS A. Plot Plan No. 85-202, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Rubio, 200' north of Calle Sonora; Gilbert Sherk, Applicant. 1. Report fran Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. B. Plot Plan No. 85-206, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Carranza, 150' south of Calle Potrero; Thomas Dorsey, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. RE: ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7: ao / MOTION BY: BRA�NDT DE SPE GARIN MDRAN wXLLING THORNBURGH �. SECOND BY: I `�1'/ DE GASPERIN MORAN MU LING THORNBURGi DISCUSSION ROLL CALL:* CO=SSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT LIZ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO ITEM NO. J, '4 DATE /d - Z Z - E PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: ,Gktej vQ 8S� O D MOTION BY: t31/ +ANui' DE CSPERIN MORAN IN TAOR[ID SECOND BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN WALLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COP2IISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT 41 BRANDT — DE GASPERIN — MORAN — WALLING — THC[MURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUIMTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Cam unity Development Department Date: October 22, 1985 Subject: STREET VACATION NO. 85-008 - PORTION OF EISENHOWER DRIVE Location: Portion of the Easterly and Southerly Sides of Eisenhower Drive Between San Vicente (East) and Avenida Fernando (South) Applicant: Ia Quinta Golf Estates Ccmamity Association Request: To Abandon a 29±-Foot-Wide Strip of the Existing Eisenhower Drive Right -of -Way to Allow for Construction of a Private Frontage Road and Perimeter Wall. 1. General Plan a. Land Use: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre); Proposed General Plan - I.ow Density Residential (2-4 dwellings/acre). b. Circulation: Eisenhower Drive, Major, 100-foot right -of -clay; Proposed General Plan - Primary Arterial, 100-110-foot right-of-way. c. Ccffmnity Design Element: Proposed General Plan designates Eisenhower Drive as a "Primary Image Corridor" with minor entry nodes having secondary gateway design treatment at its intersections with Washington Street and Calle Tampico. 2. Zoning: R-l* (One -Family Dwellings, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: La Quints Golf Estates No. 1 is a 155-lot, land sale subdivision which was approved by Riverside County in 1959. As shown on the attached area map, 89 lots are located in the area of Avenida Fernando. The remaining 66 lots are located along six other streets accessing directly off Eisenhower Drive. Adjacent to the east of this tract, with access from Avenida Fernando, is La Quinta Golf Estates No. 2, a 30-lot subdivision, which will also be behind the fence. Development of these subdivisions is on a lot -by -lot basis. Of the 185 lots located within the proposed fencing and gates, 104 lots are developed. All the streets within the tract have 60-foot right-of-ways and are private streets which were not accepted for dedication by the County. Coachella Drive is one of two accesses to the La Quinta Country Club "Islands" development, located adjacent to the east. An entry gate is located along Coachella Drive easterly of Avenida Fernando. Club La Quinta, a gated condominium project with 18 units, is located at the southeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and the southerly extension of Avenida Fernando. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 2. At the time this tract was recorded, Riverside County accepted the necessary road dedication for the ultimate 50-foot, half -width of Eisenhower Drive adjacent to the tract. Eisenhower Drive is a 26-foot-wide, paved street between the south extension of Avenida Fernando and San Lucas. Between San Lucas and San Vicente, the paved roadway is approximately 56-feet wide and was improved in conjunction with the Laguna De La Paz development. Eisenhower Drive at both ends of the Ia Quinta Golf Estates No. 1 tract is fully developed to ultimate standards with curb and gutter. The current traffic load is 5600 vehicles per day. The interior private streets have 60-foot right-of-ways with approximately 24-foot-wide, paved roadways with no curb or gutter. The majority of the private streets are in poor condition. Avenida Fernando west of Eisenhower Drive is a private road providing access to the La Quinta Hotel Tennis Club, the "Tennis Club Villas" project and the Santa Rosa Cove development. 4. Environmental Assessment: An environmental assessment was prepared by Staff and it was tentatively determined that the project would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. The main concern was traffic safety and circulation. Mitigation measures attached to this approval will avoid the possible traffic hazards. 5. Description of Request: The La Quinta Golf Estates Comnnumity Association is requesting the City to vacate a 29±-foot-wide strip of the existing 100-foot-wide Eisenhower Drive right-of-way in order to provide for adequate area to construct a private frontage road and a perimeter wall. All public road improvements would be constructed within the remaining 71-foot right-of-way. The project would extend along the easterly and southerly sides of Eisenhower Drive between San Vicent Street (east) and Avenida Fernando (south). 6. Comments from Other Agencies: a. City Engineer: See Plot Plan No. 85-186 for comments regarding improvement design. b. City Fire Marshal: No comment. Fire Department's concerns are addressed on Plot Plan No. 85-186. c. City Comnnu-iity Safety Coordinator: Comments are addressed on Plot Plan No. 85-186. d. Riverside County Sheriff: No comment. e. General Telephone: Existing GTE facilities are located within the existing street right-of-way. Easements will be required to cover those locations. f. Cometnts were requested, but not received from Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas Company and La Quinta Property Owners Association. 7. Com¢ents from the Public: Attached are letters received commenting on the proposed project. 8. Related Approvals and Actions: a. Plot Plan No. 85-105, approval to install an access gate on Coachella Drive east of Eisenhower Drive. The Planning Commission deferred decision on STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 3. perimeter fencing extending between the two extensions of Avenida Fernando until the Applicant could contract with a consultant to consider alternative methods to restrict access and provide for a perimeter wall into the La Quinta Golf Estates subdivision. b. Plot Plan No. 85-186, a request submitted concurrently with Street Vacation No. 85-008 to construct a private frontage road with controlled access gates at San Vicente Street and Coachella Drive (the alternate plan shows an addi- tional gate which may be located at Avenida Fernando (south). The Applicant also requests installation of a concrete block perimeter wall and landscaping within the Eisenhower Drive public street right -of -Fray for the entire length of the project. c. A request submitted concurrently with Street Vacation No. 85-008 for the City to agree to form an assessment district and to fund the improvements to Eisenhower Drive, including the installation of new street improvements, modifications to existing improvements adjacent to Laguna De La Paz, installa- tion of traffic striping and signs, construction of a perimeter wall and installation of landscaping. d. The Applicant has obtained a building permit and has completed approximately 80% of the entry gate construction on Coachella Drive, as was permitted by approved Plot Plan No. 85-105. STAFF C(YMENTS AND ANALYSIS Purpose of Request The Applicant is requesting the City to vacate a 29±-foot-wide strip of the Eisenhower Drive right-of-way in order to provide adequate space for the construction of a private frontage road, access gates and a perimeter wall. No acquisition of right-of-way along the west side, or a shifting of the roadway to the west, is proposed. The Applicants' stated intent is the following: ° Traffic safety would be improved by limiting direct access to Eisenhaaer, which will reduce cross traffic and eliminate vehicles backing onto Eisenhower from adjacent houses. ° Construction of the wall will provide a sound buffer for noise generated by traffic on Eisenhower Drive. ° Construction of the wall and guard gates will inprove security within the subdivision by restricting access. Regarding the first two items, the frontage road and noise barrier could be constructed without vacating the public righ-of-way; this is the approach which is being discussed for the Highland Palms area adjacent to Washington Street. However, the Applicants' desire to maintain the frontage road as a private street and to install access gates necessitates the street vacation since these improvements are not permitted within a public right-of-way. 0 STAFF REPOIU - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 4. In considering this request, several essential determinations should be made including: ° Consistency of the proposed abandonment with the General Plan. ° Demonstration that the portion of the road proposed for abandonment is not needed for future use. ° Evidence of public benefit of proposed abandonment. ° Carpliance with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The following is a brief ccnparison of the proposal with the current and proposed General Plan Street Standards: Eisenhower hive Eisenhower Drive Proposal Current Genl. Plan Proposed Genl. Plan Designation No Change Major Highway Primary Arterial Width ROW 71' 100' 100' - 110' ** Width Curb to Curb 52' 78' 82' No. Travel Lanes Four Four Fbur Avg. Width Travel Lanes 12' 12' 12' Width/Pkg Lanes None 8' 8' Width/Median 4' 12' 18' Width/Parkways 71, 12' 12' 14' * Avenida Bermudas between Avenue 52 and Calle Tampico ** Standards given for 110' right-of-way ison* Avenida Bermudas Secondary Arterial 88' 64' Four 12' 8' None 12' As indicated by the chart, approval of the street vacation as proposed would have the following effects on the design of Eisenhower Drive: ° No change to the number or average width of the travel lanes ° Deletion of a center median area for left -turn lanes • Deletion of the parking/emergency breakdown lanes, which would also delete on -street bicycle riding ° Reduction of parkway area along southerly and easterly side of Eisenhower Drive, which would delete a sidewalk on this side ° Mile the proposed General Plan would upgrade Eisenhower Drive to provide for a wider median, the vacation request would essentially downgrade the street to secondary arterial status If the General Plan standards are viewed literally as the minimum standards allowed for streets within the City, then the proposal would not be consistent. If the General Plan standards are viewed as a guideline, with the determination of consistency being based upon functional criteria with regards to the ability of the proposed street design to serve the intended purposes (e.g., handle a minimum traffic level), then the proposal could be considered consistent if the changes recc mended in Plot Plan No. 85-186 are implemented. Staff recarcnends that this latter approach be used. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 5. Regarding the effect of the proposed changes on the ability of Eisenhower Drive to function as a major traffic link within the southern portion of the City, the modified design would still be able to safely handle the projected 23,000 vehicles per day traffic load since no change is proposed for the number or average width of the planned four lanes. The reduction of the number of intersections with side streets would reduce the area of cross traffic and thereby should improve traffic flow. The proposal would also eliminate vehicles backing onto Eisenhower Drive from the lots located between the two extensions of Avenida Fernando. Deletion of the parking/emergency breakdown lanes, although not ideal, would not create a traffic safety hazard. The resulting elimination of on -street bicycle riding is not a change from the present standards; CALTRANS recommends, and the City has followed a policy in the past, that high traffic major and arterial roads have a separate off- street bicycle/pedestrian path. This is based upon the fact that it is a safety hazard for both the bicyclist and the motorist to allow on -street bike lanes on busy roads. Regarding the center median (from a traffic viewpoint only) the plan does not provide space for any left -turn pockets from Avenida Fernando (south) to the main entrance at Laguna De La Paz. As discussed in the Staff Report on Plot Plan No. 85-186, additional right-of-way must be acquired to provide a left -turn lane at the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando (north) for a central access to the undeveloped property located to the west. However, the modified plan will not provide adequate space for a left -turn pocket at the westerly secondary entrance to Laguna De La Paz without substnatial modification to the existing street, parkway and gate improvements. For the other areas, the proposed 4-foot-wide median is of adequate width to provide for separation between opposing traffic. Regarding the reduction of the parkway area along the southerly and easterly side of Eisenhower Drive, this would effectively result in the deletion of a sidewalk along this side. However, the plan still allows the standard parkway width for a sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. Pedestrian access to Eisenhower Drive will also be restricted by the proposed perimeter wall, and any access gates could be located so that foot and bike traffic could safely cross to the paths on the opposite side of the street. Sidewalk/bike path improvements along the westerly and northerly side of Eisenhower Drive could be adequate to serve the anticipated traffic, though the sidewalk/path width may need to be increased to safely handle two-way bike and pedes- trian traffic. In conclusion, regarding consistency with the General Plan traffic and circulation plans, the proposal could be considered consistent from a functional viewpoint if the modifications to the street plan as reco ended in Plot Plan No. 85-186 and this conditional street vacation are implemented. Noise As discussed in the noise study prepared for the proposed General Plan, the noise levels along Eisenhower Drive will increase significantly as traffic increases. These levels are anticipated to exceed those standards recommended in the plan at ultimate buildout; therefore, some type of noise buffer is warranted. The concept of the proposed perimeter wall is consistent with the noise portion of the General Plan if it is designed to act as an effective noise barrier. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 6. The effect of the noise buffer on the proposed street vacation is as follows. As was demonstrated by the design of the noise buffers along realigned Avenue 52, a six -foot -high, garden -type block wall may not be an adequate buffer. If a substantially higher wall is required, the proposed 93-2' separation between the curbs of Eisenhower Drive and the frontage road may be too narrow to allow for construction of a combina- tion berm/block wall barrier as approved for Avenue 52. Therefore, the results of the site specific noise study may result in the need to increase the width of the separation between the two roads if a combination berm/block wall is necessary or desired. Community Desi The proposed General Plan designates Eisenhower Drive as a "primary image corridor" between Washington Street and Calle Tampico. As one of the main entryways into the south City area, special design treatment is reconmended. In addition, the upgraded street standards would provide for a median wider than current standards. The proposed plan also formalizes the City's past policy of requiring a minimum 20-foot average wall setback from property line along major roads; adding the 12-foot parkway area provided in the standard street design, this provides for an average 32-foot-wide parkway. As proposed, the Eisenhower Street plan is not consistent with the above policies. The 6'-foot-wide, planted strip between the wall and curb is the same amount of landscaping as was required by Riverside County in front of La Quinta Hotel and is substantially lower than current City policy. The reduced wall setback may also tend to emphasize the narrow width of the parkway. Although a strict requirement for an average 32-foot-wide parkway area would be unrealistic, the parkway should be increased from the proposed plan to allow the planting of landscaping in a pattern other than a straight narrow row. This could also help reduce the lopsided appearance of the street which would result from having substantial parkways along one side and a narrow parkway along the other side. Regarding the deletion of the median area, although it may not be essential fron a traffic safety viewpoint, it is a very irportant part of the urban design concept of the proposed General Plan. As discussed within the document and illustrated on the attached exhibit from the plan, image corridors along the major roads are planned with special entry design treatment at major intersections. The main circuitous route into and out of the village center area will be on Washington Street, Calle Tampico and Eisenhower Drive. As discussed in the plan text, this main loop would serve to lead people to and out of the village center area, but would also visually tie together the walled and gated projects with each other and with the other neighbor- hoods in the City. This was a major concern voiced during the early development stages of the General Plan, especially regarding Eisenhower Drive where the discrepancy between:the development north and south of the flood channel had created both a visual and psychological split in the city. Deletion of the median, in addition to the narrowing of the roadway area, would result in a street which is only approximately 1-foot wider than that existing on Avenida Bermudas between the post office and the curb next to La Quinta Realty. Allowing a substantial section of Eisenhower Drive to be developed at this reduced standard would substantially weaken the visual effect of the proposed image corridor/entryway concept. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMNIISSION October 22, 1985 Page 7. NEED FOR FUTURE USE OF VACATED PORTIONS As discussed within the previous section, there is a future need for a wider right- of-way than the proposed 71-feet. Since the proposed street plan is essentially a "bare -bones" design, addition of any of the following design features would require a larger portion of the existing 100-foot wide right of way for these future improvements. ° If full -width medians are required (minimum 10-foot-wide raised planter median or a minimum 12-foot-wide painted median) the curb -to -curb distance must be increased from 52-feet to 64-feet. This figure includes the minimum width which must be added to the adjacent travel lanes if a raised median is proposed. ° If a full -width median is not required, then left -turn lane pockets must be created at Avenida Fernando (north) and the westerly secondary entrance to Laguna De La Paz at Santa Ursula Street. Curb -to -curb width mist be increased from 52-feet to 64-feet. • If parkway/emergency breakdown lanes are required, the curb -to -curb width mist be increased by 16-feet. ° If the parkway width along the east and south side is increased, then the overall right-of-way mist be increased accordingly. As noted above, the minimum that the proposed right-of-way must be increased is 12-feet in the areas of the left -turn pockets. The public right-of-way can be increased from 71-feet by the following means: • Redesign or relocate the private frontage road to reduce the amount of area proposed for vacation • Acquire additional right-of-way along the opposite side of the road; in essence, shift the public right-of-way westward A problem arises in the area adjacent to Laguna De La Paz. Although there is a need for a portion of the public right-of-way proposed for vacation, particularly in the area of the future left -turn pocket, obtaining this right-of-way would require substantial changes to the existing street improvements and landscaping at Laguna De La Paz. Based upon the previous discussion, Staff has concluded that there is future need for a larger portion of the existing 100-foot-wide right-of-way than the 71-feet proposed by the Applicant. PUBLIC BENEFITS OF PROPOSAL The discussion of project benefits revolves around three main issues; traffic safety, noise and aesthetics. Traffic Safety One of the Applicant's justifications for the need of this project is that the reduction in the number of streets intersecting with Eisenhower Drive and the elimina- tion of vehicles backing from their hones onto this major street will benefit both the general public and the project residents with improved traffic safety. While in general the idea of reducing areas of cross traffic reduces the chances of collisions, Staff questions whether the request for a frontage road along the entire project boundary is the only reasonable solution to improving traffic safety. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 8. Regarding the area of the cul-de-sacs, it is Staff's conclusion that the improvement to traffic safety by having the cul-de-sac versus the current street design does not warrant the vacation of 29-feet of public right-of-way. The basis for this is the following: ° The hazard of vehicles backing onto Eisenhower from these houses can be easily avoided by having the houses access the side streets. of the 15 lots with Eisenhower Drive frontage, 8 are developed, 1 with a tennis court; 6 of the 7 hones' garages access the side roads, with the garage of single remaining house sited so as to permit a structural change to change its driveway access. ° The current street standard provides for adequate width for left -turn acceleration and deceleration lanes to ensure safe turning into and out of these side roads. ° The turn radius of Eisenhower Drive provides adequate sight distance for safe turning movements. ° The amount of cross traffic from these hones does not warrant a change from the above described street improvement plan. With the exception of San Vicente Street, with 16 lots, all the cul-de-sacs have only 10 lots. The cul-de-sacs in themselves do not create a significant traffic hazard. ° The traffic accident reports from July, 1982, to June, 1985, report only two accidents in this area (no injuries), one from an attenpted U-tuLn and one from a vehicle on the wrong side of the road. Based upon the above facts, it is Staff's conclusion that adequate traffic safety can be provided without modifications to the current street plan by improving the street to its ultimate standard to ensure safe turn movements, requiring all new hares to access the side streets and requiring one existing hone to modify its garage and driveway. The benefits gained by the frontage road over those obtained by these means is not significant enough to warrant the street vacation in this area. Regarding the area adjacent to the two extensions of Avenida Fernando, there are 17 lots with frontage on Eisenhower, with only 5 able to obtain access from side streets. This area is very similar to the Highland Palms Subdivision on Washington Street, where a frontage road is proposed as a public project. In both instances, the traffic hazard created by cars entering and leaving these houses, often times backing onto the street, is significant enough to warrant a frontage road. There are no other reasonable or feasible methods of reducing this hazard to an acceptable level without a major change to the subdivision's interior road and access design and/or to the existing houses. As discussed in the Staff Report on Plot Plan No. 85-186, Staff is reconnending changes to the design to minimize the amount of right-of-way necessary to be vacated or compensating for the right-of-way needed for the frontage road. Noise As stated previously, a noise barrier will be necessary at some point in the future as traffic increases on Eisenhower Drive. Construction of a wall and berms can be accommodated with the existing right-of-way without a street vacation. Also, in the area of the cul-de-sacs, the current right-of-way allows additional width over that if the street were vacated for the construction of a noise barrier. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 9. Aesthetics Approval of the vacation as proposed would not benefit the general public by improving the appearance of the street. The reduced right-of-way would allow significantly less landscaping than under the plan in effect. In addition, the past comments of sore nEnbers of the public, City Council and Planning Commission have indicated that the construction of a project perimeter wall in itself is not an improvement to the street- scape, but rather the design of the wall and the landscaped parkway area are important factors. Public Benefits - Conclusion Balancing the above considerations, Staff makes the following conclusions regarding the public benefits resulting from the proposed street vacation: ° In the area adjacent to Avenida Fernando, the increase in traffic safety for the general public by eliminating the need for frontage lots to directly access Eisenhower off -sets the changes to the right-of-way. ° Possible modifications to the access road design and to the overall right-of-way can reduce the visual impacts of the project on the development and landscaping of the public right-of-way. ° In the area of the cul-de-sacs, any possible improvements to traffic safety over the current standards and associated actions discussed in this section do not outweigh the benefits and level of traffic safety the general public would enjoy with the current right-of-way. COMPLIANCE WITH CEQA Approval of this project as amended would not result in a significant adverse impact to the environment. Any impacts on traffic circulation and safety can be mitigated by conditioning the approval of the street development plan for Plot Plan No. 85-186. CCNCLUSIONS 1. The proposed vacation would result in the Eisenhower Drive right-of-way being decreased 29-feet and the curb -to -curb width being decreased 26 feet. The number of travel lanes would remain at four, but the parking lanes would be deleted and the median and parkway area reduced. 2. The carrying capacity of Eisenhower should not be adversely effected. 3. If the proposal is modified to provide adequate width for left -turn lanes, then the proposed vacation would be consistent with the General Plan Circulation Element policies and standards for traffic safety. 4. The vacation would not result in hazards to pedestrians or bicyclists if paths are constructed across the street and access points and crossings are restricted. 5. Although the installation of a perimeter wall/noise barrier is consistent with the Noise Policy section of the General Plan, its installation is not dependent upon the vacation of the public right-of-way. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 10. 6. The proposed reduction of right-of-way width and the resulting street plan for Eisenhower Drive would eliminate the opportunity for the future construction of a median planter and would result in a 6'-foot-wide, landscaped area adjacent to the perimeter wall. 7. The design treatment which could be provided on Eisenhower Drive within the proposed street width if 29-feet are vacated is not consistent with the intent of the image corridor/entryway plan of the General Plan. 8. As indicated by the essential need for additional right-of-way to provide for left turns and the probable need for additional width to allow more landscaping than proposed plan allows, the conclusion is that at least a portion of the right-of-way proposed for vacation is needed for future use. 9. In the area of the cul-de-sacs, adequate traffic safety can be provided by improvement of Eisenhower Drive to current standards, by requiring new hares to access fran the side streets and by requiring future modification to the garage and driveway of one existing hone. 10. In the area of the cul-de-sacs, the distance between Eisenhower Drive and the houses is adequate for the construction of a noise barrier. Additional parkway area could also be provided within the current street plan by restricting on - street parking in order to increase the width of this parkway area. 11. In the area adjacent to Avenida Fernando, 12 lots have no alternative than to directly access Eisenhower Drive. This creates a safety hazard for both residents and the general public from vehicles backing onto the public streets. 12. Taking into consideration the existing access/street design and the subdivision design, there is no reasonable and effective alternative to providing a frontage road in the area of Avenida Fernando. 13. Any adverse aesthetic effects of the frontage road are off -set by the benefit of improved traffic safety for the general public. Undesirable visual impacts could be reduced by acquiring additional right-of-way along the opposite side of Eisenhower Drive (which is undeveloped), the same approach as proposed for the Highland Palms area on Washington Street. 14. The mitigation measures related to traffic safety and circulation, as contained in the conditions of approval for Plot Plan No. 85-186, will mitigate any possible adverse environmental effects of this project as amended. FINDINGS 1. If constructed in accordance with the conditions of approval on the street vacation and plot plan applications, the proposed street vacation would be functionally consistent with the Circulation Plan and Policies of the General Plan. 2. The vacation of the right-of-way and the development of public and private street improvements can be brought into compliance with the Conminity Design Element of the General Plan if developed in accordance with the conditions of approval for the street vacation and plot plan. 3. The general public would not receive traffic safety or visual benefits to warrant the proposed frontage road adjacent to the cul-de-sac area. The current street standard and restrictions on driveways accessing Eisenhower will adequately ensure traffic safety. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CUrMIISSION October 22, 1985 Page 11. 4. The project residents and the general public would benefit from the increased traffic safety resulting from the construction of a frontage road between the extensions of Avenida Fernando. 5. Approval of the vacation and project design in accordance with the conditions of approval will not have an adverse environmental impact. RECOMENDATION TO PLANNING C04M9ISSION Based upon the above findings, and subject to the recommended annts and conditions of approval, the Co aunity Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolution determining that Street Vacation No. 85-008 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. RECOTM'MATION TO CITY COUNCIL Based upon the above findings, the Comiunity Development Department recommends that Street Vacation No. 85-008 be approved in accordance with Exhibit "A", as amended, and subject to the attached conditions of approval. /a L. Bonner Principal Planner SLB:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibit (Staff Reconnrendation) APr B /J/ Q Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Comninity Development Director OWDITIONS OF APPROVAL STREET VACATION NO. 85-008 October 22, 1985 1. Said portions of the public street right-of-way ordered vacated and abandoned are those portions of Eisenhower Drive as shown on Exhibit "A" and as amended by the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the street vacation plan. 2. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Plot Plan No. 85-186. 3. That portion of Eisenhower Drive right-of-way proposed for vacation between the north side of Avenida Fernando (north) right-of-way and the projects east boundary at San Vicente Street as shown on Exhibit "A", shall be deleted and shall be retained as public right-of-way. 4. That portion of Eisenhower Drive right-of-way approved for vacation between the northeasterly boundary of Avenida Fernando (north) and the southerly boundary of Avenida Fernando (south) shall be amended as follows, in accordance with the provisions of approved Plot Plan No. 85-186: a. For that section of the frontage road designed for one-way traffic, the width of the vacated portion shall be reduced from 29-feet to 25-feet. b. For that section of the frontage road designed for two-way traffic, the width of the vacated portion shall be increased from 29-feet to 33-feet. c. The area to be vacated at the northeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando shall be modified where required to allow for public street intersection improvements in accordance with City standards. d. That portion of Eisenhower Drive at the intersection of Avenida Fernando (south) is deleted from this vacation approval and shall remain as public right-of-way. 5. Additional public right-of-way shall be acquired along the westerly side of Eisenhower Drive to couply with the following standards: a. Provide a minimum 88-foot wide right-of-way with a minimum 64-foot curb to curb distance to allow for construction of four (4) travel lanes, a 10 to 12-foot wide center median and two 12-foot wide parkway areas. b. Provide additional right-of-way to construct transition improvements as needed in the areas between the existing and modified public street alignments. 6. The Applicant shall submit engineered street improvement plans for Eisenhower Drive, as amended by the requirements of this approval and that for Plot Plan No. 85-186, to the City Engineer for review and approval. a. The plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and a Registered Traffic Engineer. b. The plans shall indicate all traffic control devices, including but not limited to street stripping and traffic signage. 0 t i i V 1 w VACATE t a IL NGTON s 0 ti ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT� MDRAN V9JLING••a •G DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO i MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA 40 "'3, O To: The Honorable Chairman and Dim1bers of the Planning Cotmission ROM Comunity Develognent Deparbient Cate: October 22, 1985 Subject: Plan PLAN No. 85-186 Location: The Easterly and Southerly Sides of Eisenhower Drive Between San Vicente Street (East) and Avenida Fernando (South) Applicant: La Quinta Golf Estates Community Association Request: Approval to Construct a Private Frontage Road with Access Gates and a Perimeter Wall Along the Eisenhower Drive Frontage of La Quinta Golf Estates Subdivision 1. General Plan: Refer to the Staff Report for Street Vacation No. 85-008. 2. Zoning: Refer to the Staff Report for Street Vacation No. 85-008. 3. Existing Conditions: Refer to the Staff Report for Street Vacation No. 85-008. 4. Environmental Assessment: Refer to the Staff Report for Street Vacation No. 85-008. 5. Description of Request: The La Quinta Comm mity Association is requesting approval to construct a 24-foot-wide, private frontage road parallel to Eisenhower Drive between San Vicente Street (east) and Avenida Fernando (south). Access gates are proposed at San Vicente Street and Coachella Drive, with an additional alternative access gate provided adjacent to Eisenhower Drive north of Avenida Fernando (south). These gates will provide private access for the residents of both this project and of the existing walled La Quinta Country Club area. A perimeter wall would be installed between the frontage road and Eisenhower Drive. This request was submitted concurrently with Street Vacation No. 85-008, a request to vacate a 29-foot-wide portion of Eisenhower Drive, and with a request for the City to consider possible alternative means to fund the public improvement portion of this plan. As shown on Exhibit "A", the Applicant is proposing to locate the private road and wall improvements within the 29-foot-wide area requested for vacation. The public street improvements would be modified from the current standards to allow for their construction in the remaining 71-foot-wide public right-of-way. The Applicant is not proposing to acquire any additional property for the public right-of-wav to conpeisate for the area proposed for vacation. AFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION tober 22, 1985 Lge 2. Regarding the proposed private improvements, the 24-foot-wide frontage road would allow two-way traffic with no on -street parking. Additional right-of-way will be acquired by the Applicant to provide for cul-de-sac areas within the subdivision. Resident entry gates are proposed at the two and possibly three locations mentioned previously. TWO additional emergency access gates are proposed between the extensions of Avenida Fernando. The perimeter wall is shown outside the public right-of-way. The Applicant has requested that the cost of wall construction and perimeter landscaping be paid by the City or by other public means, if possible. The public street improvements to Eisenhower Drive include four travel lanes, a four -foot -wide, painted median, and 12-foot and 7-foot-wide parkway areas. Costs of these public improvements are proposed to be paid by the City and the property owners across Eisenhower Drive adjacent to the property site. Comments from Other Agencies: a. City Engineer: Frontage Road - (1) Minimum 32' width required for two-way road with parallel parking on one side; (2) Cul-de-sacs shall have, at a minimum, a 28' turn radius for passenger cars or a radius as required by the Fire Marshal, whichever is larger. Eisenhower Drive - (3) If full -width medians required, (minimum 10'-wide if raised planter, 12'-wide if painted), minimum curb -to -curb distance shall be 64' with no on -street parking; (4) For sections with left -turn lane requirements, the minimum curb -to -curb width is 641. (5) The City should consider relocation of the main access to the undeveloped property to the west. (6) Alternative gate detail for Avenida Fernando (south) is not acceptable due to traffic safety concerns. (7) Access to the Club La Quinta development must be provided from Eisenhower Drive. b. Refer to Staff Report for Street Vacation No. 85-008 for other comments. Public Comment: Refer to the letters attached to Street Vacation No. 85-008. Related Approvals and Actions: a. Plot Plan No. 85-105, approval to install an access gate on Coachella Drive east of Eisenhower Drive. The Planning Commission deferred decision on perimeter fencing extending between the two extensions of Avenida Fernando until the Applicant could contract with a consultant to consider alternative methods to restrict access and provide for a perimeter wall into the La Quinta Golf Estates Subdivision. b. Street Vacation No. 85-008, an application submitted concurrently with Plot Plan No. 85-186 requesting vacation of a 29±-foot-wide portion of the existing Eisenhower Drive right-of-way to allow construction of a private frontage road and perimeter wall. c. A request submitted concurrently with Street Vacation No. 85-008 for the City to agree to form an assessment district and to fund the inprovenents to Eisenhower Drive, including the installation of new street inprovements, modifications to existing inprovements adjacent to Laguna De La Paz, installa- tion of traffic striping and signs, construction of a perimeter wall and installation of landscaping. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 3. d. The Applicant has obtained a building permit and has completed approximately 80% of the entry gate construction on Coachella Drive, as was permitted by approved Plot Plan No. 85-105. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS This analysis will be limited to the discussion of the proposed improvements in the Avenida Fernando area. Staff's recommendation for Street Vacation No. 85-008 was that vacation of the right-of-way in the area of the cul-de-sacs be denied. Frontage Road The following are the major design points regarding the proposed frontage road: ° The proposed 24-foot-wide frontage road is adequate size to handle two-way traffic with no parallel parking. Since there are no areas for the residents to park other than on their own property, one would anticipate difficulty with enforcing a ban on on -street parking. Therefore, Staff recommends that the width be increased to a minimum of 32 feet for two-way traffic and parking on one side. ° The proposed cul-de-sacs do not provide adequate turning area for trucks or passenger cars. In accordance with the City Engineer's requirements, Staff recommends that the cul-de-sacs' outside radius be increased to a minimum of 28 feet, with any additional modifications provided to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Fire Marshal. Location and Design of Entry Gates Under the previous approval granted for Plot Plan No. 85-105, which proposed only perimeter fencing and not a frontage road, the Applicant received approval to construct an access gate on Coachella Drive. A stipulation of this approval was that the gate could not became operational until the Association submitted and received approval of an acceptable perimeter wall plan. After this partial plot plan approval, the Applicant chose to begin construction on the Coachella Drive gate. The following are the major design points regarding the proposed gates (including emergency gates on cul-de-sacs): ° The Eisenhower gate is located and designed to provide adequate stacking space for vehicles waiting to enter the project. No change to the design is required. ° Provisions should be made to allow for the future construction of a resident access gate at Avenida Fernando (north) which would allow for consolidation with the access point for the property located across the street to the west. This would also acccimadate the future installation of a traffic signal at this intersection, if needed. ° Regarding the Avenida Fernando (south) gate design, there are conflicts with the Club La Quinta project located at the southeast corner of this intersection. This project's Association has gone on record with the City as being opposed both to having their current access from Eisenhower Drive on Avenida Fernando (south) blocked or to being included within the proposed perimeter. The City Attorney has recommended that the access on Avenida Fernando (south) remain open and ungated until such time that Club La Quinta residents agree to the change in access. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 4. In addition, the Alternate Gate Detail as shown divides the Club La Quinta project. Two units, which a e located along Avenida Fernando to the east, are included within the proposed wall. Staff recc mrends that the gates be relocated so that their access on Avenida Fernando (south) is not blocked, unless the owners agree to their inclusion within this project. In addition, the proposed alternate design of the entry to the frontage road from Avenida Fernando (south) Rust be redesigned to prevent serious traffic safety conflicts. As designed, southbound traffic on the two-lane frontage road is directed towards oncoming northbound traffic on Eisenhower Drive. Also, traffic leaving the frontage road must make a 180-degree turn to get northbound on Eisenhower Drive. Perimeter Wall As discussed in the Staff Report for Street Vacation No. 85-008, there is a concern about the small setback between the curb of Eisenhower Drive and the proposed perimeter wall. The reccnu ended increase to the public right-of-way would provide a wider parkway area and allow additional landscaping to break up the appearance of the wall. CONCLUSIONS 1. The frontage road adjacent to the area of the cul-de-sacs is not consistent with the findings and reconnendations for Street Vacation No. 85-008. 2. The plot plan design as amended by the conditions of approval for Street Vacation No. 85-008 and the attached conditions provided for adequate traffic safety for project residents and the general public by eliminating direct access from houses to Eisenhower Drive. 3. With minor modifications, the frontage roads will be of adequate width to safely handle the anticipated traffic and to accormbdate parking needs. 4. The entry gates, when designed and constructed in accordance with City standards and the conditions of approval, will provide safe and adequate access to the project. 5. The Eisenhower Drive right-of-way, which developed in accordance with the require- ments of Street Vacation No. 85-008, will provide an acceptable parkway area of 12 feet to provide additional area for landscaping adjacent to the wall in accordance with the intent of the Comity Design portion of the General Plan. 6. Approval of the project will not result in significant adverse environmental impacts; measures mitigating possible impacts on traffic safety and circulation have been incorporated into the conditions of approval. 1. Plot Plan No. 85-186 as amended is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The proposal as amended is consistent with the provisions of Street Vacation No. 85-008 STAFF REPORT - PIANNING COb9NIISSION October 22, 1985 Page 5. 3. The proposal when constructed in accordance with the conditions of approval will provide for safe and adequate traffic circulation within and adjacent to the project. 4. Approval of this request as amended will not result in significant adverse impacts on the environment. L•NV.11Wa aK�uiui��U: �n The Community Development Department reconmends that the Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No. 85-186 in accordance with Exhibit "A" as amended and subject to the attached conditions. 2 Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner APPROVED BY• "1--- 044-' lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLOT PLAN N0. 85-186 October 22, 1985 Page 1. 1. The development of this project shall conform with Exhibit "A" as contained in the Connunity Development Department's file for Plot Plan No. 85-186 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the plot plan. 2. Development of this project shall be in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. Prior to the issuance of any grading, building or encroachment permits, the Applicant shall comply with the provisions of Street Vacation No. 85-008 and the street abandonment shall be complete and in effect. 4. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun within the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. Streets and Access Gates 5. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the approved use, the Applicant shall submit street improvement plans for Eisenhower Drive to the City Engineer for review and approval. The plans shall indicate all street improvements and striping necessary to provide the following requirements: a. Eisenhower Drive shall have a minimum 88-foot-wide right-of-way with a minimum 64-foot, curb -to -curb distance to allow for construction of four (4) travel lanes, a 10- to 12-foot-wide center median and two, 12-foot-wide parkway areas. b. Provide left -turn pockets on Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive and Avenida Fernando (north) with a minimum stacking area of 100 feet. c. Acceleration and deceleration lanes on Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive shall be provided in accordance with the City Engineer's requirements. d. Provisions shall be made for the future construction of acceleration/ deceleration lanes and traffic signals on Eisenhower Drive at Avenida Fernando (north) . e. Transition improvements shall be provided as needed in the areas between the existing and modified public street alignments. f. The plans shall indicate all traffic control devices, including but not limited to street striping and traffic signage. g. The plans shall be prepared and certified by a Registered Civil Engineer and a Registered Traffic Engineer. 6. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans for the private frontage road to the City Engineer for review and approval in accordance with the following requirements: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLOT PLAN NO. 85-186 October 22, 1985 Page 2. a. The frontage road shall have a minimum 32-foot-wide curb -to -curb width to provide adequate area for two-way traffic and parallel parking along one side. This width may be reduced if the road is redesigned for one-way traffic and parallel parking along one side. b. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum outside turn radius of 28 feet or as otherwise required by the City Fire Marshal, whichever is greater. c. The street shall be improved to City standards. d. The plans shall indicate all traffic control devices, including but not limited to street striping and traffic signage. e. The plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer in conjunction with a Registered Traffic Engineer. 7. The access gates shall be constructed in accordance with the following requirements: a. The Coachella Drive gate may continue to be constructed by the Applicant under the provisions of the previous approval of Plot Plan No. 85-105. b. The Applicant shall submit plans to the City Engineer for review and approval complying with the requirements for the Avenida Fernando (south) gates. (1) Access to the entire Club La Quinta project from Eisenhower Drive along Avenida Fernando (south) shall be provided unless that project's Property Owners' Association notifies the City in writing that they agree to be included in and have access through the La Quinta Golf Estates Conurunity Association's project as approved under Plot Plan No. 85-186. (2) The design and construction of access gates and/or a cul-de-sac shall be in accordance with City requirements. (3) The access gate along Eisenhower Drive north of Avenida Fernando shall be modified in accordance with City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer to provide for adequate traffic safety and future intersection improvements. c. Emergency access gates shall be provided on the frontage road cul-de-sacs in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer. d. All gates shall be equipped with automatic gate openers activated by an emergency receiver as required by the City Fire Marshal. e. The plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. f. All required private street improvements, including the provision of pavement striping and traffic signage, shall be complete, as determined by the City Engineer, prior to the operation of the access gates. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLOT PLAN NO. 85-186 October 22, 1985 Page 3. Wall and Landscaping 8. Prior to the preparation or submittal of perimeter wall or landscape plans, the Applicant shall contract with an Acoustical Engineer to prepare a site specific noise analysis for Eisenhower Drive adjacent to the project site. The height, design and location of the perimeter wall shall conform with the recommendations of the acoustical study, as approved by the City Ca amity Development Department. 9. Prior to the issuance of building or encroachment permits, the Applicant shall submit a detailed perimeter wall and landscape plan to the Cormunity Development Department for review and approval. Said plan shall indicate the following: a. Location and design of perimeter wall as required by Condition No. 9 of this approval. b. Species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials. c. Irrigation systems. d. Location and specifications of any exterior lighting proposed. e. The design and materials of the entry gates. 10. The landscape plan shall include consideration of the following design aspects: a. Relocation, if necessary, of existing palm trees within the public right-of-way to the new Eisenhower Drive parkway area. b. Provisions for the installation of "up lights" at the bases of the palm trees. c. Selection of the type, size and spacing of the planting materials to provide for visual variety and year-round color. d. Limitation of the height of planting materials to 42-inches in the corner cutback areas of intersections to prevent blocking of sight distance for motorists. ITEM NO. DATE PLL%AANNING COMMISSjS�IION MEETIINNJG MOTION BY: BRANDY SECOND BY: BRANDT DISCUSSION: DE GASPERIN MORAN WLING DE GASPERIN MORAN <24INOTHORNBURGH THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO YES ABSTAIN NO ABSENT PRESENT yrc iii' �t i MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA El ,�5. C. To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: October 22, 1985 Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 21123 - "Duna La Quinta" Location: West Side of Washington Street, 800' South of Avenue 50 Applicant: Landmark Land Company Requests Division of 6.74 Acres into 20 Lots for Custom Single -Family Housing Development . ef1ra-M7Oii.N-i1 1. General Plan a. Site: Specific Plan No. 83-001 (Duna La Quinta), designated for condominium development with a maximum allowable density of five (5) dwelling units per acre. b. Surrounding Area: Duna La Quinta generally surrounds the site except to the west. Zb the north - non -designated La Quinta Storm Channel. To the south is designated for condominiums and apartments with a maximum allowable density of thirteen (13) dwelling units per acre. To the east is designated for condo- miniums with a maximum density of five (5) dwelling units per acre. Outside of Duna La Quinta, and to the west of the site, the land is designated for General Commercial uses. 2. Zoning a. Site: R-2-8,000 (Multiple -Family Residential, 8,000-Square-Foot Minimum Lot Size Per Dwelling Unit). b. Surrounding Area: Within Specific Plan No. 83-001; R-2-3350 (Multiple -Family Residential) to the south, R-1 (General Residential) to the north within the La Quinta Storm Channel, and R-2-8,000 (Multiple -Family Residential) to the east. The property to the west of the site is zoned C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a portion of the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan project. The 6.74-acre site is vacant, located on the southern bank of the storm channel, overlooking a golf course and condominiums to the north, vacant land and Washington Street to the east, and vacant land to the south and west. Developed portions of Duna La Quinta, with the exception of the golf course, are generally located to the north of the site across the storm channel. Of the 979 housing units approved in Specific Plan No. 83-001 (Duna La Quinta), 103 have been developed through various tract approvals as follows: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 2. ° Tract No. 18767 - Landmark Land Company - 77 condominiums on 27 acres, all units completed. ° Tract No. 20158 - Clark Development Corporation, 54 oondominiums on 8.7 acres, 10 units completed. ° Tract No. 20218 - William G. Young, 16 condominiums on 4.3 acres, all units completed. Main access to the site is from Avenida Los Verdes (private street) through the storm channel, and finally to Avenue 50. A secondary access route is provided to the south of the site to Calle Tampico. Public improvements and services have been established at Duna La Quinta and will be extended to the site. 4. Environmental Considerations: An Environmental Impact Report (SCH #83061305) was prepared on the overall specific plan and was certified on April 10, 1984. This EIR adequately addresses the environmental impacts associated with Tentative Tract No. 21123. Mitigation measures added to the entire Duna La Quinta project responds to all potentially significant impacts including traffic and circulation, air quality, water resources, and public services and utilities reducing their impacts to a level of minor significance. Pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Section 15153, the previous EIR may apply to the proposed project if circumstances of the project are essentially the same as those addressed in the EIR. The proposal will actually result in a reduction of environmental impacts from that which was previously approved for the site. The site was previously approved for a density of five (5) units per acre, whereas the proposed project proposes a substantially lower 2.97 units per acre. 5. Other Related Actions: a. Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna La Quinta", approval of 1277 dwelling units on 266 acres, oriented around the La Quinta Hotel Golf Course. Approved May 15, 1984. c. Change of Zone Case No. 84-006, a change of zone to implement the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Approved May 15, 1985. d. General Plan Amendment No. 84-003, requesting General Commercial at Avenue 50 and Washington Street and at Calle Tampico. Denied May 15, 1984. e. Tentative Tract No. 18767, approval for 77 condominium units on 77 acres, Phase 1 of Duna La Quinta. Approved February 2, 1983. f. Tentative Tract No. 20158, approval of 54 condominium units on 8.7 acres, Phases 2 and 5 of Duna La Quinta. Approved July 17, 1984. g. Tentative Tract No. 20218, approval of 16 condominium units on 4.3 acres, Phase 4 of Duna La Quinta. Approved July 17, 1984. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 3. h. General Plan Amendment No. 85-007, requesting approval of General Commercial land use designation for a 6-acre site within Duna La Quinta. Pending Planning Commission review - scheduled for hearing on October 22, 1985. i. Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2, requesting approval to amend six (6) acres within Duna La Quinta from apartment/condominium land uses (13 dwellings per acre maximum) to General Camamexcial. Pending Planning Commission review - scheduled for hearing on October 22, 1985. j. Change of Zone No. 85-017, requesting approval for a zone change from R-2-3350 (14ultiple-Family Residential) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) on approxi- mately six (6) acres. Pending Planning Commission review - scheduled for hearing on October 22, 1985. 6. Project Description: The project consists of the subdivision of a portion of Duna La Quinta Specific Plan project into 20 estate -type lots for the purpose of development of custom single-family housing. The tract is to be developed on 6.74 acres with all lots facing north onto a portion of the La Quinta Stormmwater Channel. The proposed project density is 2.97 units per acre which is substantially less than which is currently approved for development on the site. The original Specific Plan concept approved up to five (5) units per acre equivalent to an ultimate site buildout of 33 units. Avenida Los Verdes, the main private street access to the tract, extends through the storm channel and branches out to the east and west to serve the south portions of the lots (refer to tract map, Exhibit A). Lot sizes within the tract range from 11,400 square feet to 21,950 square feet in area. The following is a breakdown of lot sizes: Lot Numbers Lot Sizes (Approx.) ° 13 thru 19 11,400 Sq.Ft. ° 2 thru 8, 11, & 12 12,000 Sq.Ft. ° 10 14,100 Sq.Ft. ° 9 14,700 Sq.Ft. ° 1 15,800 Sq.Ft. ° 20 21,950 Sq.Ft. Lot widths are generally between 95 and 100 feet with exception to the odd -shaped and lots which have 70 to 80-foot widths. Lot depths are generally 120 feet. The Applicant has indicated that the lots will sell for $100,000 and up depending on size and location. Although not shown on the map, the Applicant has indicated that a 6-foot-high wall will be constructed along the south side of the access street across from the lots. 7. Comments Received: • The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer as follows: a. Interior private streets shall be fully improved to City Standards with a minimum road section of 3" asphalt concrete on 4" class 2 aggregate base. Minimum centerline horizontal curve radius shall be for a 25 mph design speed (i.e., 230' min. radius). Utility easements along lot frontages shall be provided. STAFF REPORT - PIANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 4. b. Grading plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Slope grades to be no steeper than 2.1. Hydrology and hydraulic calculations (for City Engineer approval) shall be submitted. Building pads shall be protected from 100-year storm. c. A standard offset cul-de-sac (with 90' diameter per Fire Marshal) shall be provided at the end of hots A and B. d. A plan indicating proposed parking and traffic control along the private road system shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department. Final street typical section shall be as per requirements of City Engineer (32' minimum curb -to -curb width for parking on one side only). e. Cul-de-sacs shall be no longer than 550' long unless provided with an emergency "all-weather" alternate access or other appropriate fire protection as approved by the City Fire Marshal. f. The water, drainage and sewer disposal system shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and the Coachella Valley Water District. • The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Fire Marshal: a. Fireflow requirement is 1500 GPM for two-hour duration at 20 psi residule pressure available from Super (6" x 4" x 2'") hydrants located at intersections, if possible, but in no case more than 250' from any building. Water improvement plans to be submitted to Fire Marshal for approval. b. Proposed development exceeds cul-de-sac limits. Emergency access extension must be all-weather. A canbination of cart path and turf block, edged by low curb is acceptable where the golf course may be crossed. The minimum accept- able otherwise is compacted, graveled roadway. c. Cul-de-sacs should be 90' diameter. • Ca:emity Safety Coordinator: The primary concern of this department is the access road. If the road from Avenue 50 is not bridged or has large culverts installed, the secondary access road off Calle Tampico should be an all-weather road to be used during flood conditions. • Coachella Valley Water District: This area is shown to be subject to shallow flooding and is designated Zone A3, on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. These regulations provide for the payment of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appro- priate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrange- ments have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 5. • Desert Sands Unified School District: Please require agreement between developer and DSUSD to pay fees before approval. Fees to be paid at time of building permit. Project will impact school district. • General Telephone Company: GTE will provide service from Avenida Los Verdes north of the flood control channel. • Chamber of Conuerce: They have reviewed the plans and have them on file for reference. • The following agencies were requested to respond on this project, but did not: Imperial Irrigation District Riverside County Sheriff's Department • No written comments have been received from the public. The notices of hearing were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site and contiguous property owned by the Applicant a minimum of ten (10) days prior to this public hearing. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS Consistencv with Specific Plan No. 83-001 Originally, the Duna La Quinta project was envisioned, as approved, to be a self- contained, planned development with a mix of attached condominiums, single-family detached condominiums, and apartments oriented around a golf course and other recreational amenities. To date, approximately 103 condominium units have been developed within Duna La Quinta, all being located on the north side of the La Quinta Storm Channel, west of Washington Street. The proposed tract will be a southern development continuation of the Specific Plan, Phase 3. The original Specific Plan concept was to retain a large portion of the project for single-family, estate development south of Tampico and west of Adams Street. However, this portion of the Specific Plan was deleted with approval of Amendment No. 1 of the Specific Plan on April 16, 1985. As previously mentioned, the project site was approved for attached condominiums of up to five (5) dwelling units per acre. The project proposes a reduction in density to three (3) dwellings per acre. Generally speaking, a downward reduction in density, particularly of this nature, should be considered to have a consistent relationship with the Specific Plan. A reduction in density is actually a benefit to the community in terms of a lowering in cumulative environmental impacts associated with the Duna La Quinta project. With regard to design consistency, all housing units on any of the parcels of Tract No. 21123 shall undergo separate review to assure architectural design integrity with the overall Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Prior to City plot plan review and approval for each house within the tract, all plans shall gain approval from the Duna La Quinta Master Developers Architectural Review Committee. A major concern of Staff is the building height within Tract 21123. Any development which occurs here will clearly be seen from many areas of the City. Tall buildings will also dominate the design appearance of the Duna La Quinta project as the overall STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COM6IISSION October 22, 1985 Page 6. /I tract is elevated approximately,50-feet higher than the average elevation of Duna La Quinta. Based on the conditions of approval for the Duna La Quinta project, no portion of any structure on top of the La Quinta Stormwater Channel shall exceed one story or 29 feet, measured from the levee grade. It is recommended that the Applicant take even more stringent measures to minimize building heights within this tract. Overall, the proposed project is consistent with the concept and intent of the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan No. 83-001, as amended. The project is expected to both compliment the aesthetics and provide more residential variety in Duna La Quinta. Circulation Considerations Main access to the tract is from Avenida Los Verdes, a private north -south alignment, traveling from the main entrance gate of Duna La Quinta at Avenue 50. This 36'-wide, neighborhood street travels through the storm channel and ends at the project tract site. A 32'-wide street branches to the east and west to directly serve the tract's lots. Both residential branch streets end in 75-foot-diameter cul-de-sacs. Although the tract map indicates that the branch streets are to have a lower elevation than lot grades, the Project Engineer has indicated that the streets will be brought up to similar lot grades. Due to the low density development proposed for the project, conflicts between pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles will be minimized. Street widths are adequate to handle circulation of vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles. Overall, the main circulation plan for Tentative Tract No. 21123 is consistent with Specific Plan No. 83-001, as amended, and is adequate for the needs of the Duna La Quinta project. A secondary emergency access easement is provided at the extreme westerly portion of the tract. This route will provide emergency access to and from the site, via Calle Tampico, in case of flooding over main access through the storm channel. This access should be improved to an all-weather crossing route to assure proper emergency access to project site at all times. This route shall be subject to the improvement require- ments of the City Engineer and City Fire Marshal. Energy Considerations The proposed tract orients lots generally north -south, which connotates an energy inefficient building design, having the same building orientation. Hoover, the lots are in excess of 11,000 square feet with no less than 95-foot lot widths. Therefore, building orientation can be designed into the lots with east -west orienta- tion emphasis to minimize building sun exposure. Staff will review building siting and orientation with regard to solar efficiency when houses are proposed for these lots. All houses proposed on the subdivision shall canply with energy -related requirements at the time of building permit issuance. Tract Site and Design Since the Applicant intends to develop the site with estate -type housing, it follows that minimum design criteria should be established. This design criteria should maintain the estate -type development theme throughout the tract. As previously discussed, the lots within Tract No. 21123 are quite large giving owners of the lot the ability to be very flexible with the design of their custom house. The following minimum design criteria should be applied to assure that the estate -type development concept is maintained within Tract No. 21123: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCHMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 7. Setbacks: a. Front Yard Setback ...... 25 feet from street frontage property line to building. Comment - This minimum setback requirement will assure that the streetscape will be visually attractive with landscaped open space. b. Sideyard Setbacks... 5 feet from side property line for buildings not exceeding 17 feet in height as measured from pad elevation to roof peak. For each one foot height increase, or fraction thereof, in excess of a building height of 17 feet, the sideyard setback shall be increased by 2 feet. Comment - This requirement encourages the design of low profile development. Staff has identified a concern for building height since the tract is built upon the embankment of the La Quinta Storm Channel. Lower building heights will minimize the visual impact the project will have on Duna La Quinta and the surrounding areas. c. Rear Yard Setback ...... 10 feet (pursuant to the R-2 Zoning code of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance). The estate -type development theme of Tentative Tract No. 21123 should concentrate design to maximize the use of open space and create expansive landscaped areas. Therefore, maximum lot criteria should be applied as follows: ° In no case shall more than 35 percent of any lot be covered by buildings. Comment - This requirement will allow for an adequate 3,850 square feet of gross floor area to be built on the smaller 11,000-square-foot lots. The requirement will also assure that the estate lots will be appropriately developed as estate lots. Lot sales and hone construction within the tract are expected to be sporatic. To maintain a pleasant environment within the tract during development and partial occupancy, all lots should be properly covered with landscaping and/or groundcover and maintained as such. Miscellaneous Considerations Overall, the design and improvements of Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 is consistent with the goals and intent of the current and new City-wide La Quinta General Plan. The proposed tract map complies with the requirements and standards of the Municipal Zoning and Land Division Ordinance. The plan is expected to benefit the Duna La Quinta project as well as the community at large in terms of offering more of a variety of housing opportunities. Conclusions 1. The proposed overall density, without the inclusion of golf course open space amenities of 2.97 units per acre, is consistent with the General Plan, zoning and the Specific Plan. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION October 22, 1985 Page B. 2. The envircrmmtal impacts associated with the proposed project have been adequately addressed in the Environmental Impact Report. Mitigation measures added to the project, through conditions of approval, will reduce any potentially significant environmental impacts to a level of insignificance. The proposed project will actually have an incremental reduction in environmental impacts from that which was originally approved for the site as the density has been reduced from 5 to 2.97 dwelling units per acre. 3. The proposed circulation system will provide for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles within the project. FINDINGS 1. That the proposed Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. That the design and improvement of Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed project at an overall density of 2.97 units per acre. 4. That the design and improvements applicable to Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or injury to fish or wildlife or their habitat. 5. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through the project since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 7. The project is consistent with and fully complies with the standards of the Municipal Zoning and Land Division Ordinance. 8. The environmental impacts associated with the proposed project have been adequately addressed in the certified Environmental LTpact Report prepared for the entire Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. The significant impacts presented by Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 will be appropriately mitigated through conditions of approval for this project to the extent feasible. 9. At time of development of any residential unit on Tentative Tract Map No. 21123, building orientation, design and landscaping will be designed for maximum energy efficiency to the greatest extent feasible. 10. The City of La Quinta has adopted Specific Plan No. 83-001 and associated Specific Plan 83-001, Amendment No. 1, in which this project is a part of, and that Tentative Tract Map No. 21123, as conditionally approved is consistent in concept and design with said Specific Plan. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMNIISSION October 22, 1985 Page 9. 11. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision will not result in violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Coachella Valley Water District and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. STAFF Based on the above conclusions and findings, the Comwnity Development Department recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 in accordance with Exhibit "A" and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: BY - Gary W. Price Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Associate Planner Co uunity Development Director GWP:dmv Atch: Conditions of Approval Exhibit "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21123 OCTOBER 22, 1985 General 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 shall caiply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of I.a Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Cotmunity Development Department. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contenplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits aril/or clearances from the following public agencies: ° City Fire Marshal • City Engineer ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Coachella Valley Water District ° Riverside County Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified school District or Coachella Valley Unified School District (as appropriate) Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. Soils and Geology 5. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall submit a grading plan for review and approval by the City Engineer. 6. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 7. The Applicant shall develop all roads applicable to Tentative Tract No. 21123 in conformance with City standards and with the design standards specified in Specific Plan No. 83-001 (Duna La Quinta) as conditionally approved and subject to approval of the City Engineer. 8. All roadways within Tentative Tract No. 21123 shall remain private and shall be maintained as such. 9. The following modification shall be made in the circulation plan: a. A standard offset cul-de-sac (with 90' diameter per Fire Marshal) shall be provided at the end of Lots A and B or alternatives may be provided subject to review and approval of the City Fire Marshal and City Engineer. �� tlll i:f al CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21123 OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 2. b. A plan indicating proposed parking and method of traffic control along the private road system shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department. Final street typical section shall be as per requirements of the City Engineer (32' minimum curb -to -curb width for parking on one side only). c. Cul-de-sacs shall be no longer than 550' long unless provided with an emergency "all-weather" alternative access or other appropriate fire protection as approved by the City Fire Marshal. d. The common area between the south tract boundary and the private streets (Lots A and B) shall be designated as Lot "D". e. Emergency access gate(s) shall be provided at Lot A (and other locations if required by the Fire Marshal). The design, location and installation of these gates are subject to review and approval of the City Fire Marshal and the Community Development Department. Public Services and Utilities 10. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. Prior to issuance of any building permit within Tentative Tract No. 21123, the following conditions shall be met/certified to, except that the Fire Marshal may approve alternate means of compliance where deemed appropriate and equivalent to these standards: a. Fireflow requirement is 1500 GPM for 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual pressure available fran Super (6" x 4" x 2'") hydrants located at inter- sections if possible, but in no case more than 250' from any building. Water improvement plans to be submitted to Fire Marshal for approval. b. Emergency access extensions shall be improved to all-weather. c. Cul-de-sacs shall be 90' diameter. 11. The Applicant shall ccnply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District as follows: a. The water and sewage disposal system for the project shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and CVWD. b. Men there are identified conflicts, the City will withhold the issuance of any building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. c. Tentative Tract No. 21123 shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of the Coachella Valley Water District for Sanitation Service. 12. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Imperial Irrigation District prior to issuance of any building permits within the tract. 13. All utility improvements shall be installed underground. schools 14. In order to mitigate impacts on public schools, the Applicant shall comply with the following: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21123 O=ER 22, 1985 Page 3. a. Prior to recordation of the final nap, the Applicant shall enter into an agreement to pay School Mitigation Developer Fees with the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD). b. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall provide the Director of Community Development with written clearance from the DSUSD stating that the per unit impact fees have been paid. Management 15. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose of this approval: a. The document to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded, and c. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division. The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final subdivision map is recorded. A homeowners' association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the homeowners' association. Archaeology 16. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualifier) archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. Noise 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, building setbacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be used to reduce noise impacts from existing and future nearby streets to within State standards. Tract Site and Design 18. Development of the project site shall comply with Exhibit A pursuant to Community Development Department's Tentative Tract Map No. 21123 file as conditionally approved. The following setback criteria shall be applied to site design: a. Front Yard Setback - 25 feet (measured from street frontage property line to building, no walls greater than 36" in height ��1P -yr^'" shall be permitted within this setback area.) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 21123 OCMBER 22, 1985 Page 4. b. Sideyard Setback - 5 feet (measured from side property line to building pad. For buildings exceeding the height of 17 feet as measured from building pad to roof peak, each one foot height increase in excess of 17 feet, or fraction thereof, the sideyard setback shall be J increased by 2 feet.) The following buildable lot area shall be applied to Tentative Tract No. 21123: ° In no case shall more than 35 percent of any lot be covered by buildings. 21. All lots shall be maintained with appropriate landscaping/groundcover. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for any house within Tentative Tract Map No. 21123, landscaping/groundcover shall be installed. Type of planting, method of installa- tion, and maintenance techniques shall be subject to plan approval by the CoRmmity Development Department. 22. No portion of any structure within Tentative Tract Map No.,21123 shall exceed one sto or 29 feet as measured from the levee grade. 2 Y I -4 /sue 23. All roof-nted equipnen �l een"ed from view at all sides by design of the house. All ground -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view by methods approved by the Co unity Development Department. 24. All housing development within Tentative Tract No. 21123 shall require approval of a plot plan, pursuant to Section 18.30 of the Municipal Land Use ordinance, prior to issuance of a building perntit(s). Miscellaneous 25. The Applicant shall submit a plan for perimeter fencing (south side wall) for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to final map recordation. 26. Applicant shall submit plans for street lighting, if any, along roads for review and approval by the Community Development Department- - 27. the shall caply with the provisions and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. ITEM NO. DATE /a-tea-�S PPLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN � TH0IMURGH SECOND BY:� DE GASPERIN MORAN 4VLLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO"MSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO iTr- � i III I 1 CITY OF LA OUINTA .3. D. To: The Honorable Chairman and Menbers of the Planning Ccnmission From: Community Development Department Date: October 22, 1985 Subject: Cj=PAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 85-007 Location: Northeast Corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive Applicant: Landmark Land Company Request: Change of General Plan Land Use Designation from High Density Residential (Maximum 13 Dwellings/Acre) on Approximately Six (6) Acres to General Commercial. 1. General Plan: a. Site: Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna La Quinta"; High Density Residential (10-20 D,aellings/Acre). b. Surrounding Area: To the west - High Density Residential (10-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre); to the east - General Commercial; to the north - Specific Plan No. 83-001 designated for High Density Residential (Maximum 13 Dwelling Units Per Acre); and to the south - High Density Residential (10-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre). c. Proposed Draft General Plan: The site is designated for Village Commercial in the City's new General Plan. Surrounding proposed land use designations include Village Commercial to the west, High Density Residential (8-16 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the east, Village Commercial and Low Density Residential (2-4 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the south, and Village Commercial and Medium Density Residential (4-8 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the north. d. Streets: Calle Tampico - providing the main access to the site, is designated a "Major Arterial" with a 100' right-of-way in the current General Plan. The proposed Draft General Plan designates Calle Tampico as a "Primary Arterial" with 110' right-of-way. The Draft General Plan also designates Calle Tampico as a "Secondary Image Corridor" and a "Ceremonial Street" to be treated as an attractive entryway into the City's downtown area. 2. Zoning: a. Site: R-2-3350 (Multiple -Family Residential). Change of Zone Case No. 85-017 has been filed concurrently with this application. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CO[M7ISSION OCIOBER 22, 1985 Page 2. b. Surrounding Area: C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) to the west; R-2-4000 (Multiple -Family Residential) to the east and south; and R-2-3350 (Multiple - Family Residential to the north. 3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant and generally flat containing native vegetation including creosote brush, tumbleweeds. All areas directly adjacent to the site are vacant. At the southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive is a small multiple -family dwelling. Approximately 350 feet to the west of the site, along Calle Tanpico, are several small comercial buildings, including a restaurant, pharmacy and convenience market. Water, sewer, electricity and gas services are available to the site. Calle Tampico, adjacent and to the south of the project site, is currently maintained with a 60' right-of-way. 4. Environmental Considerations: An Environmental Inpact Report (SCH #83061305) was prepared on the overall Specific Plan and was certified on April 10, 1984. This EIR adequately addresses the environmental imppcts associated with the proposed project. Mitigation measures added to the entire Duna La Quinta Project, in addition to those added to this project, respond to all potentially significant impacts, including traffic and circulation, air quality, water resources, and public services and utilities reducing their impacts to a level of insignificance. Pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, the previous EIR may apply to the proposed project since the circumstances of the project are essentially the same as those addressed in the EIR. Although the project site was addressed in the EIR for commercial development, the site was conditionally approved for High Density Residential, up to 13 dwelling units per acre. 5. Related Actions: a. Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna La Quinta", approval of 1,277 dwelling units on 266 acres, oriented around the La Quinta Hotel Golf Course. Approved May 15, 1985. b. Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 1, "Duna La Quinta", approval of a reduction in both dwelling units, to 979 units, and acreage to 179 acres. Approved April 16, 1985. c. Change of Zone No. 84-006, a Change of Zone to implement the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Approved May 15, 1984 (NOTE: Zoned site to R-3-3350 for ultimate condo/apartment development). d. General Plan Amendment No. and Washington Street and e. Tentative Tract No. 18767, Phase 1 of Duna La Quinta. f. Tentative Tract No. 20158, Phases 2 and 5 of Duna La g. Tentative Tract No. 20218, Phase 4 of Aetna La Quinta. 84-003, requesting General Commercial at Avenue 50 at Calle Tampico. Denied May 15, 1984. approved for 77 condominium units on 77 acres, Approved February 2, 1983. approval of 54 condominium units on 8.7 acres, 2uinta. Approved July 17, 1984. approval of 16 condominium units on 4.3 acres, Approved July 17, 1984. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCWISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 3. h. Tentative Tract No. 21123, requesting approval of 20 estate lots on 6.74 acres, within a portion of Duna La Quinta, Phase 3. Pending Planning Commission review scheduled for hearing on October 22, 1985. 6. Description of Request: The project proposes to amend the La Quinta General Plan Land Use Designation on six acres from High Density Residential (10-20 Dwellings Per Acre) to General Cotmercial within the "Duna La Quinta" Specific Plan project area. Landmark Land Company, the Applicant, is requesting this amendment to the General Plan in conjunction with Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2, and Change of Zone No. 85-017. The Applicant intends to develop the site with various commercial uses,.including 66,000 square feet of office/coriercial, 15,000 square feet of medical office, and 9,000 square feet of restaurant space. This request for an amendment to the General Plan, if approved, would permit the site to be used for general commercial uses. 7. Camnments Received a. City Engineer - All previous conditions (Specific Plan No. 83-001, Change of Zone No. 84-006 and Parcel Map No. 19730) shall apply as appropriate require- ments for traffic and noise studies may be imposed at the time of site development. b. City Fire Marshal - No comment. c. Coachella Valley Water District - A portion of this area is shown to be subject to shallow flooding and is designated Zone A3 on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. These regula- tions provide for the payment of certain fees and changes by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of the Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. d. Southern California Gas Company - No comment. e. General Telephone Company - No comment at this time. Facilities can be provided when required. f. No written comments have been received from the public. The notices of hearing were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the site and contiguous property owned by the Applicant a minimum of ten (10) days prior to this public hearing. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 4. ANALYSIS This proposed General Plan Amendment relates to both the current General Plan and the new City-wide General Plan, which received "conceptual approval" last week. This application has been submitted in conjunction with Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2, and Change of Zone No. 85-017. This report will analyze the effect of this proposal as it relates to the new General Plan. RELATIONSHIP wlTi-I THE GENERAL PLAN The project proposes an amendment to the current General Plan land Use Map from High Density Residential (10-20 Dwellings Per Acre) to General Commercial on six acres. The new City-wide General Plan would dictate all commercial land uses within the Downtown, including the project site, to be designated for "Village Commercial". The "Village Commercial" land use concept would place special emphasis on development of the Downtown area. Assuming that this proposal is approved, the new General Land Use Designation should be applied, especially since that concept has received conceptual approval from the Planning Ccnmdssion and City Council. As you are aware, in 1984, the Planning Connission recommended denial on the same request on the same site. It should be noted that development plans were less firm at that time. Subsequently, the City Council supported that recommendation based on the following findings: ° That the request for six acres of commercially designated land is inconsistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. ° That there is currently an over -abundance of undeveloped, commercially designated land in the immediate area of the proposed amendment. ° That neither the buildcut rate nor the City's population growth rate warrant an increase in the commercial area at this time. Based on the recent growth trends and patterns both within the downtown and the City at large, these conditions are changing. For exanple, a 5200-square-foot office building is currently being constructed on Calle Estado. A large number of residential development projects in the City are currently in more substantial development stages than they were eighteen months ago. Although only 8 percent of the commercially designated downtown area is currently developed, this is expected to change substantially in the near future. The THK Market Study lends credence to this conclusion. The new City-wide General Plan contains a policy aggressively supporting improvements to the downtown including infrastructure development as a means of enhancing potential commercial development. The proposed project could act as a significant first step in introducing new commercial activity in the downtown, as well as an assist to extending needed infrastructure and services into the area. LAND USE CONSIDERATIONS The proposed General Plan Amendment would extend commercial uses of the La Quinta downtown area to the east along the north side of Calle Tampico. Based on a survey of commercial zoned and general planned properties in the downtown area, conducted by Staff on July 12, 1985, there is a total of 61 acres planned for commercial uses. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 5. The proposed project would expand this total to 67 acres. The project site is adjacent to co maercially planned and zoned land to the west. 'Therefore, the proposed project is a logical and contiguous extension of the downtown's development. In a strict land -use sense, the project as proposed is appropriate. CIFU=ION CONSIDERATIONS Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive serve as access to the project site. The new City-wide General Plan designates Calle Tampico as a Primary Arterial with a 110' right-of-way. Desert Club Drive, in both cases, is classified as a Local Street with a 60' right-of-way. As indicated in the Duna Ta Quinta Specific Plan Traffic Study, the project will generate approximately 5,165 daily vehicle trips. At the time the study was conducted, existing traffic volumes on Calle Tampico were as follows: ° Calle Tampico - Daily Vehicle Trips East of Eisenhower Drive 1,607 West of Washington Street 3,000 These figures are expected to have been increased to date. However, with Calle Tampico being fully improved to both General Plan classifications, main access to and from the project site should not be a problem. Primary Arterials, such as Calle Tampico, have capacity rates of 24,000 vehicle trips daily at Level of Service Capacity "C". Level "C" represents an acceptable "average condition" for urban travel. With regard to street design, the new City-wide General Plan designates Calle Tampico as a "Major Ceremonial Street Corridor" which will provide a main entrance into the downtown area. The General Plan does not designate local streets. 'There may, however, be some need to extend Desert Club Drive north of Calle Tampico to service as a local collector for the proposed development and other expected development in the area. This matter is, however, best resolved with the Specific Plan or with development plans. 1. The requested commercial use of the project site is consistent with the new La Quinta General Plan and the Village Commercial concept envisioned therein. 2. The proposed amendment to the General Plan is a logical and contiguous extension of ca Teroial uses in downtown La Quinta. 3. The proposed General Plan Amendment should not create any significant circulation problems to the existing surrounding areas. FTNDTNC.q 1. Approval of a land use designation of Village Commercial is consistent with the goals and policies of the new City-wide General Plans. 2. Expansion of comrercial land east of Desert Club Drive on the north side of Calle Tampico is logical and contiguous to existing commercial development within the La Quinta downtown area. STAFF REPOKP - PLANNING OWUSSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 6. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan as amended in Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2. 4. Circulation aspects of the proposed project are consistent with the new City-wide General Plan. 5. Approval of this request will not result in a significant impact on the environment since all potential significant impacts of the project have been mitigated to a level of minor significance. Based upon the findings, the Conymnity Development Department recommends approval of General Plan Amendment No. 85-007, as set forth in attached Exhibit "A". G a--- '7�' L4) Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atch: Exhibit "A" APLi' ' B� Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Co maunity Development Director H a ITEM NO. DATE /g-zz-�S PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRAN T DE GASPERIN MORAN M%UING THORNBURGH SECOND BY: BRANDY DE GASPERIN MDRAN MkUING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO"2ISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — DE GASPERIN — MORAN — VgaLING — THO[MURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA Z. E. TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Ccimnmity Development Department Date: October 22, 1985 Subject: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 85-017 Location: Northeast Corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive Applicant: Landmark land Company Request: A Change of Zone from R-2-3350 (Multiple -Family Residential) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) 1. General Plan: a. Site: Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna la Quinta"; High Density Residential (10-20 Dwellings/Acre). b. Surrounding Area: To the west - High Density Residential (10-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre); to the east - General Commercial; to the north - Specific Plan No. 83-001 designated for High Density Residential (Maximum 13 Dwelling Units Per Acre); and to the south - High Density Residential (10-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre). c. Proposed Draft General Plan: The site is designated for Village comrercial in the City's new General Plan. Surrounding proposed land use designations include Village Commercial to the west, High Density Residential (8-16 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the east, Village Commercial and Low Density Residential (2-4 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the south, and Village Comrercial and Medium Density Residential (4-8 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the north. d. Streets: Calle Tampico - providing the main access to the site, is designated a "Major Arterial" with a 100' right-of-way in the current General Plan. die proposed Draft General Plan designates Calle Tampico as a "Primary Arterial" with 110' right-of-way. The Draft General Plan also designates Calle Tampico as a "secondary Image Corridor" and a "Ceremonial Street" to be treated as an attractive entryway into the City's downtown area. 2. Zoning: a. Site: R-2-3350 (Multiple -Family Residential). STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CU�MISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 2. b. Surrounding Area: C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) to the west; R-2-4000 (Multiple -Family Residential) to the east and south; and R-2-3350 (Multiple - Family Residential to the north. 3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant and generally flat containing native vegetation including creosote brush, tumbleweeds. All areas directly adjacent to the site are vacant. At the southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive is a small multiple -family dwelling. Approximately 350 feet to the west of the site, along Calle Tampico, are several small commercial buildings, including a restaurant, pharmacy and convenience market. Water, sewer, electricity and gas services are available to the site. Calle Tampico, adjacent and to the south of the project site, is currently maintained with a 60' right-of-way. 4. Environmental Considerations: An Environmental Impact Report (SCH #83061305) was prepared on the overall Specific Plan and was certified on April 10, 1984. This EIR adequately addresses the environmental imppcts associated with the proposed project. Mitigation measures added to the entire Duna La Quinta project, in addition to those added to this project, respond to all potentially significant impacts, including traffic and circulation, air quality, water resources, and public services and utilities reducing their impacts to a level of insignificance. Pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, the previous EIR may apply to the proposed project since the circumstances of the project are essentially the same as those addressed in the EIR. Although the project site was addressed in the EIR for co miescial development, the site was conditionally approved for High Density Residential, up to 13 dwelling units per acre. 5. Related Actions: a. Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna La Quinta", approval of 1,277 dwelling units on 266 acres, oriented around the La Quinta Hotel Golf Course. Approved May 15, 1985. b. Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 1, "Duna La Quinta", approval of a reduction in both dwelling units, to 979 units, and acreage to 179 acres. Approved April 16, 1985. c. Change of Zone No. 84-006, a Change of Zone to implement the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Approved May 15, 1984 (NOTE: Zoned site to R-3-3350 for ultimate condo/apartment development). d. General Plan Amendment No. 84-003, requesting General Camiercial at Avenue 50 and Washington Street and at Calle Tampico. Denied May 15, 1984. e. Tentative Tract No. 18767, approved for 77 condominium units on 77 acres, Phase 1 of Duna La Quinta. Approved February 2, 1983. f. Tentative Tract No. 20158, approval of 54 condominium units on 8.7 acres, Phases 2 and 5 of Duna La Quinta. Approved July 17, 1984. g. Tentative Tract No. 20218, approval of 16 condominium units on 4.3 acres, Phase 4 of Duna La Quinta. Approved July 17, 1984. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 3. h. Tentative Tract No. 21123, requesting approval of 20 estate lots on 6.74 acres, within a portion of Duna La Quinta, Phase 3. Pending Planning Commission review scheduled for hearing on October 22, 1985. 6. Description of Request: The project proposes to change the zoning on a six -acre portion of the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan project area from R-3-3350 (Multiple Family Residential) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Crnmercial) for the purpose of development of a commercial center. Landmark Land Company, the Applicant, is requesting the zone change in conjunction with General Plan Amendment No. 85-007, and Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2. Approval of this proposal would implement the above mentioned projects and also allow for a broad range of commercial uses to occur on the site pursuant to the C-P-S Zone. 7. Cam[ments Received a. City Engineer - All previous conditions (Specific Plan No. 83-001, Change of Zone No. 84-006 and Parcel Map No. 19730) shall apply as appropriate require- ments for traffic and noise studies may be imposed at the time of site development. b. City Fire Marshal - No co mient. c. Coachella Valley Water District - A portion of this area is shown to be subject to shallow flooding and is designated Zone A3 on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. These regula- tions provide for the payment of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of the Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. d. Southern California Gas Company - No comment. e. General Telephone Company - No comment at this time. Facilities can be provided when required. f. No written comments have been received from the public. The notices of hearing were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the site and contiguous property owned by the Applicant a minimum of ten (10) days prior to this public hearing. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 4. ANALYSIS This zone change request is associated with the concurrently submitted General Plan Amendment No. 85-007 and Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2, applications. Approval/denial of this zone change case should be made based on determinations made on these cases consistently. Major considerations and analysis of the Applicant's requests are addressed in the corresponding General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment Staff Reports. Approval of this zone change will open the six -acre site to a broad range of permitted, conditional, and accessory commercial/office uses as listed in Section 9.50 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance (refer to Exhibit "B", attached). This zone change will also permit development on the site in accordance with the specific development standards associated with the C-P-S Zone. However, substantive design requirements to the project are incorporated in the conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2, and will be incorporated in subsequent project plan approvals for the site. The Applicant is requesting the zone change to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Cc mercial) to implement development of a downtown connercial complex. In reviewing all current zoning categories listed for application in the Municipal Land Use Ordinance (County Ordinance which the City has adopted), the C-P-S Zone was found to be the correct commercial zone for downtown commercial properties. Assuming that the related general plan amendment for the site is approved, for general commercial, the appropriate zoning designation is C-P-S. C-P-S zoning is the best available zoning district to be consistent with the new City-wide General Plan Land Use Designation "Village Commercial" at this time. Approval of the overall project, including this zone change, will replace the use of six acres of High Density Residential, currently zoned R-2-3350 (potential for 72 dwelling units) with general commercial uses. CONCLUSIONS 1. The requested zone change from R-3-3350 to C-P-S for six acres at the specified location within the Duna La Quinta project area is appropriate and consistent with current City practice. 2. Appropriate comrcial zoning is dependent upon decisions associated with General Plan Amendment No. 85-007. FINDINGS 1. Approval of the zone change to C-P-S for six acres at the specified location within the Duna La Quinta project area is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan as amended in General Plan Amendment No. 85-007. 2. The proposed zoning will be compatible with the surrounding area. 3. Approval of this request will not result in a significant impact on the environment since all potential significant impacts of the project have been mitigated to a level of minor significance. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 5. Based upon the Findings, the Co miulity Development Department recommends approval of Change of Zone No. 85-017 as set forth in attached Exhibit "A". G�w.�, Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP: dmv Atch: Exhibits "A" and "B" A`PPR= BY: C 'PR ' O-Z19 /— Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP CMV=ty Development Director WAS3 A CALLE TANPI00 EXHEN T A ® ARTICLE IXb C-P-S ZONE (SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) The following regulations shall apply in all C-P-S Zones: SECTION 9.50. USES PERMITTED. (a) The following uses are permitted, only in enclosed buildings with not more than 200 square feet of outside storage or display of materials appurtenant to such use, provided a plot plan shall have been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance: (1)Ambulance services (2)Antique shops (3) Appliance stores, household (4)Art supply shops and studios (5)Auditoriums and conference rooms (6)Automobile parts and supply stores (7) Bakery goods distributors (8)Bakery shops, including baking only when incidental to retail sales on the premises (9) Banks and financial institutions (10) Barber and beauty shops (11) Bars and cocktail lounges (12) Bicycle sales and rentals (13) Billiard and pool halls (14) Blueprint and duplicating services (15)Book stores and binders (16) Bowling alleys (17) Catering services (18) Ceramic sales and manufacturing for on -site sales, provided the total volume of kiln space does not exceed sixteen (16) cubic feet (19) Cleaning and dyeing shops (20) Clothing stores (21) Confectionery or candy stores (22) Costume design studios (23) Dance halls (24) Delicatessens (25) Department stores (26) Drug stores (27) Dry goods stores (28) Electrical substations (29) Employment agencies (30)Escort bureaus (31) Feed and grain sales (32)Fishing and casting pools 51 „ C1 Ss on 10-23-80 �- (33) Florisehops (34)Food markets and frozen food lockers (35) Gift shops (36) Hardware stores (37) Household goods sales and repair, including but not limited to, new and used appliances, furniture, carpets, draperies, lamps, radios, and television sets, including repair thereof (38) Hobby shops (39) Ice cream shops (40)Ice sales, not including ice plants (41) Interior decorating shops (42) Jewelry stores with incidental repairs (43) Labor temples (44)Laboratories, film, dental, medical, research or testing (45) Laundries and laundromats (46) Leather goods stores (47)Liquor stores (4B) Locksmith shops (49) Mail order businesses (50)Manufacturer's agent (51)Market, food, wholesale or jobber (52)Massage parlors, turkish baths, health centers and similar personal service establishments (53)Meat markets, not including slaughtering (54) Mimeographing and addressograph services (55)Mobilehomes, provided they are kept mobile and licensed pur- suant to state law, used for: a. Construction offices and caretaker's quarters on construction sites for the duration of a valid building permit, providing they are inconspicuously located b. Agricultural worker employment offices for a maximum of 90 days in any calendar year c. Caretakers or watchment and their families provided no rent is paid, where a permitted and existing commercial use is estab- lished. Not more than one mobilehome shall be allowed for a parcel of land or a shopping center complex (56) Music stores (57) News stores (58) Notions or novelty stores (59) Nurseries and garden supply stores (60)Offices, business (61) One on -site operator's residence (62) Paint and wall paper stores, not including paint contractors (63) Parking lots and parking structures (64) Pawn shops (65)Pet shops and pet supply shops (66) Photography shops and studios and photo engraving (67) Plumbing shops, not including plumbing contractors (68)Poultry markets, not including slaughtering or live sales 52 10-23-80 (69) Printers or publishers (MPuce markets R o and television broadc o ing studios (72) Recording studios (73) Refreshment stands (74) Restaurants and other eating establishments (75) Schools, business and professional, including art, barber, beauty, dance, drama, music and swimming (76) Shoe stores and repair shops (77) Shoeshine stands (78) Signs, on -site advertising (79) Sporting goods stores (80) Stained glass assembly (81) Stationery stores (82) Stations, bus, railroad and taxi (83) Taxidermist (84) Tailor shops (85) Telephone exchanges (86) Theaters, not including drive-ins (87) Tobacco shops (88) Tourist information centers (89) Toy shops (90) Travel agencies (91) Typewriter sales and rental and incidental repairs (92) Watch repair shops (93) Wedding chapels (94) Wholesale businesses with samples on the premises, but not to include storage (95) (Delete) (96) (Delete) (97) Gasoline service stations (98) Golf cart sales and service (99) Hotels, resort hotels and motels (b) Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit. The follow- ing uses are permitted provided a conditional use permit has been granted pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.28 of this ordinance: (1) Automobile repair garages, body shops, spray painting shops (2) Automobile sales and rental agencies (3) Boat sales, rentals and services (4) Car washes (5) Drive-in theaters (6) Equipment rental services, including rototillers, power mowers, sanders, power saws, cement and plaster mixers not exceeding 20 cubic feet in capacity and other similar equipment. (7) Heliports (8) Liquid petroleum service stations, provided the total capacity of all tanks shall not exceed 10,000 gallons (9) Mortuaries 9-4-81 53 (10)Salerental, repair, or demons tratiolof motorcycles, scooters, or motorbikes of two horsepower or greater (11)Animal hospitals (12)Sports and recreational facilities, not including motor -driven vehicles and riding academies, but including archery ranges, athletic fields, beaches, golf driving ranges, gymnasiums, miniature golf, parks, playgrounds, sports arenas, skating rinks, stadiums, and commercial swimming pools (13) Tire recapping (14)Tire sales and services, not including recapping (IS)Trailer and boat storage (16) Travel trailers, mobflehomes and recreational vehicles sales and service (17)Truck sales and services (18) Trucks and trailers; the rental of trucks not over 19,500 pounds gross weight, with body not to exceed 22 feet in length from the back of the cab to the end of the body; and the rental of trailers not exceeding 6 feet in width or 22 feet in length (19) Underground bulk fuel storage (20) Mini warehouse structures (21)All uses permitted in subsection (a) that have more than 200 square feet of outside storage of display of materials (c) Accessory Uses Permitted. An accessory use to a permitted use is allowed, provided the accessory use is established on the same lot or parcel of land, and is incidental to, and consistent with the character of the permitted principal use, including but not limited to: (I) Limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, packaging, treat- ing and incidental storage related thereto, provided any such activity shall be in the same line of merchandise or service as the trade or service business conducted on the premises and pro- viding any such related activity does not exceed any of the fol- lowing restrictions: a. The maximum gross floor area of the building permitted to be devoted to such accessory use shall be 25 percent. b. The maximum total horsepower of all electric motors used in connection with such accessory use shall be 5 horsepower. c. The accessory use shall be so conducted that noise, vibra- tion, dust, odor, and all other objectionable factors shall be reduced to the extent that there will be no annoyance to persons outside the premises. Such accessory use shall be located not nearer than 50 feet to any residential zone. d. Accessory uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building. SECTION 9.51. PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. Planned Com- mercial Developments are permitted provided a land division is approved pur- suant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 460. 54 10-23-80 0 SECTION 9.52. COMMERCIAL SPECIFIC PLAN REQUIRED. (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, no commer- cial building or use shall be constructed on a parcel that is 15 acres in size or greater, and no permits or approvals shall be issued by any department of the County for such construction, unless the applicant has applied for, and received final approval of, a Commercial Specific Plan pursuant to the provisions of Govern- ment Code Section 65450, et seq, and Section 2.3 et seq. of this ordinance. A proposed commercial use shall not be broken into smaller units to avoid the requirement to file an application for a Commercial Specific Plan, and an application for a plot, plan may be denied on the basis that it is part of a larger commercial pro- posal that requires the applicant to file an application for a specific plan. (b) A Commercial Specific Plan shall comply with all the standards re- quired for approval of a commercial plot plan. In addition thereto, no Commercial Specific Plan shall be approved unless it is found that there will be no adverse effect upon the public health, safety and welfare of the general community, including such factors as the availability of employees and affordable housing for such em- ployees and a demonstrated need for a commercial center. The following additional standards of development shall apply to those projects subject to the Commercial Specific Plan requirement: MA minimum 159E of the site shall be landscaped and automatic irrigation shall be installed. (2)A minimum 50-foot building setback shall be required on any boundary where the commercial property abuts a residential zoned property. Twenty (20) feet of the setback shall be land- scaped unless a tree screen is included, wherein the land- scaping may be reduced to 10 feet. The balance of the setback may be used for automobile parking, driveways or landscaping. Block walls, or other appropriate fencing, may also be required. (3)All outside storage, and all trash, loading and service areas, shall be screened by structures or landscaping -and located to minimize noise or odor nuisance. (c) Whenever a comprehensive Commercial Specific Plan or phase thereof has been approved and is in effect, the requirement for a subsequent plot plan or conditional use permit for certain uses may be modified or waived. This determination shall be made as part of the approval of a specific plan, provided that a detailed site plan and all required development standards are included as a part of the final approval of a specific plan. (d) The requirement for a Commercial Specific Plan may be waived by the Planning Commission upon a finding by the Commission that the proposed commercial use consists of infilling of an existing 55 10-23-80 commerel area. An application to wate a Commercial Specific Plan shall be made in writing to the Planning Director, prior to filing an application for a specific plan, stating fully the reasons therefor and accompanied by a fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance. The application shall be placed on the regular agenda of the Planning Commission as a discussion matter for the determination of the Commission. If the Commission approves the waiver, the applicant shall be permitted to file an application for any required plot plan, conditional use permit or land division. SECTION 9.53. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall be the standards of development in the C-P-S Zones: (a) There is no minimum lot area requirement, unless specifically required by zone classification for a particular area. (b) There are no yard requirements for buildings which do not exceed 35 feet in height, except as required for specific plans. Any portion of a building which exceeds 35 feet in height shall be set back from the front, rear and side lot lines not less than two (2) feet for each foot by which the height exceeds 35 feet. The front setback shall be measured from the existing street line un- less a specific plan has been adopted in which case it will be measured from the specific plan street line. The rear setback shall be measured from the existing rear lot line or from any recorded alley or easement; if the rear line adjoins a street, the rear setback requirement shall be the same as required for a front setback. Each side setback shall be measured from the side lot line or from an existing adjacent street line unless a specific plan has been adopted in which case it will be measured from the specific plan street line. (c) All buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet is specifically permitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance. (d) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance. (e) All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from the ground elevation view to a minimum sight distance of 1,320 feet. ADDED EFFECTIVE: July 19, 1967 (Ord. 348.517) AMENDED. EFFECTIVE: 5-30-74 (Ord. 348.1327) 4-21-77(Ord.348.1564) 6-20-74 (Ord. 348.1340) 4-12-79(Ord.348.1688) 7-25-74 (Ord. 348.1349) 7-26-79(Ord.348.1702) 11-13-75 (Ord. 348.1476) 10-23-80(Ord.348.1879) 12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481) 3-5-81(Ord.348.1926)) 9-4-81 (Ord. 348.2000) 9-4-81 56 ITEM NO. cJ DATE %8 — 2 Z gS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN KULING THORNBURGH SECOND BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MURAN wALLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO"!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — DE GASPERIN — MORAN — VPLLING — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUANTA S. F TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Camtnission From: Community DeveloFnient Department Dote: October 22, 1985 Subject: SPDCIFIC PLAN NO. 83-001, AMIIVDD= NO. 2 Location: Northeast Corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive Applicant: Iandmark Land Oompany Request: An Amendment to the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan No. 83-001 to Allow 90,000 Square -Feet of Floor Area of Specified Commercial and Office Related Uses on Approximately Six (6) Acres. 1. General Plan: a. Site: Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna la Quinta"; High Density Residential (10-20 Dwellings/Acre). b. Surrounding Area: To the west - High Density Residential (10-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre); to the east - General Commercial; to the north - Specific Plan No. 83-001 designated for High Density Residential (Maximum 13 Dwelling Units Per Acre); and to the south - High Density Residential (10-20 Dwelling Units Per Acre). c. Proposed Draft General Plan: The site is designated for Village Commercial in the City's new General Plan. Surrounding proposed land use designations include Village Ca wrcial to the west, High Density Residential (8-16 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the east, Village Commercial and Low Density Residential (2-4 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the south, and Village Commercial and Medium Density Residential (4-8 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to the north. d. Streets: Calle Tampico - providing the main access to the site, is designated a "Major Arterial" with a 100' right-of-way in the current General Plan. the proposed Draft General Plan designates Calle Tampico as a "Primary Arterial" with 110' right-of-way. The Draft General Plan also designates Calle Tampico as a "Secondary Image Corridor" and a "Ceremonial Street" to be treated as an attractive entryway into the City's downtown area. 2. Zoning: a. Site: R-2-3350 (Miltiple-Family Residential). SPAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION OM"BER 22, 1985 Page 2. b. Surrounding Area: C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) to the west; R-2-4000 (Multiple-Fanily Residential) to the east and south; and R-2-3350 (Multiple - Family Residential to the north. 3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant and generally flat containing native vegetation including creosote brush, tumbleweeds. All areas directly adjacent to the site are vacant. At the southwest corner of Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive is a small multiple -family dwelling. Approximately 350 feet to the west of the site, along Calle Tampico, are several small commercial buildings, including a restaurant, pharmacy and convenience market. Water, sewer, electricity and gas services are available to the site. Calle Tampico, adjacent and to the south of the project site, is currently maintained with a 60' right-of-way. 4. Environmental Considerations: An Environmental Impact Report (SCH #83061305) was prepared on the overall Specific Plan and was certified on April 10, 1984. This EIR adequately addresses the environmental imppcts associated with the Proposed Project. Mitigation measures added to the entire Duna La Quinta project, in addition to those added to this Project, respond to all Potentially significant impacts, including traffic and circulation, air quality, water resources, and public services and utilities reducing their impacts to a level of insignificance. Pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, the previous EIR may apply to the proposed Project since the circumstances of the project are essentially the same as those addressed in the EIR. Although the project site was addressed in the EIR for commercial development, 1the site`�rasrcondetionally approved for High Density Residential, up g per 5. Related Actions: a. Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna La Quinta% appal of 1,277 dwelling units on 266 acres, oriented around the La Quinta Hotel Golf Course. Approved May 15, 1985. b. Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 1, "Duna La Quinta°, approval of a reduction in both dwelling units, to 979 units, and acreage to 179 acres. Approved April 16, 1985. c. Change of Zone No. 84-006, a Change of Zone to implement the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Approved May 15, 1984 (NOTE: Zoned site to R-3-3350 for ultimate condo/apartment development). d. General Plan Amendment No. 84-003, requesting General Commercial at Avenue 50 and Washington Street and at Calle Tampico. Denied May 15, 1984. e. Tentative Tract No. 18767, approved for 77 condominium units on 77 acres, Phase 1 of Duna La Quinta. Approved February 2, 193. f. Tentative Tract No. 20158, approval of 54 condominium units on 8.7 acres, Phases 2 and 5 of Duna Ia Quinta. Approved July 17, 1984. g. Tentative Tract No. 20218, approval of 16 condominium units on 4.3 acres, Phase 4 of Duna la Quinta. Approved July 17, 1984. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCM IISSION OCTOBER 22, 1985 Page 3. h. Tentative Tract No. 21123, requesting approval of 20 estate lots on 6.74 acres, within a portion of Duna La Quinta, Phase 3. Pending Planning COnTlissiOn review scheduled for hearing on October 22, 1985. 6. Description of Request: The project proposes to amend Specific Plan No. 83-001 to allow comuercial and office related uses on an approximately 6-acre site which is currently specified for apartment/condaminium uses (maximum 13 dwellings/acre). The specified camercial and office related uses include the following: ° 36,000-square-feet floor area office/Camiercial Building 30,000-square-feet floor area Office Building ° 15,000-square-feet floor area Medical Office Building ° 9,000-square-feet floor area Restaurant Landmark Land Company, the Applicant, is requesting this amendment to the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan, in conjunction with General Plan Amendment No. 85-007 and Change of Zone No. 85-017. The Applicant is requesting approval in concept of the specified uses and project design layout as it relates to the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. Detailed archi- tectural design, internal circulation, landscaping, and signage will be reviewed and approved separately through the City's development plan review process at a 7. Canments Received a. City Engineer - All previous conditions (Specific Plan No. 83-001, Change of Zone No. 84-006 and Parcel Map No. 19730) shall apply as appropriate require- ments for traffic and noise studies may be imposed at the time of site development. b. City Fire Marshal - No comment. C. Coachella Valley Water District - A portion of this area is shown to be subject to shallow flooding and is designated Zone A3 on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. These regula- tions provide for the payment of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. This area shall be annexed to Irrprovement District No. 55 of the Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. d. Southern California Gas Company - No cannent. e. General Telephone Cerrpany - No comient at this time. Facilities can be provided when required. f. No written camuents have been received from the public. The notices of hearing were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the site and contiguous property owned by the Applicant a minim = of ten (lo) days prior to this public hearing. 0 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 18, 1985 Page 5. STAFF COMMENT AND ANALYSIS This report will first analyze the request as it relates to both the current General Plan and the new City -Wide General Plan. The remainder of the report will concentrate on the physical issues related to the Project including land use, circulation, site design, and building design. The conditions of approval for this project will be in the form of major and minor adjustments, as well as additions, to the existing set of conditions relative to Specific Plan No. 83-001 and it's Amendment No. 1. GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CONSISTENCY In reviewing this proposed amendment to the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan, it is important not only to analyze the change in terms of its effect on the site and surrounding areas, but, to also review its overall impact on the related Specific Plan and General Plan. A reduction in approximately six acres of High Density Residential (10- 20 dwellings/acre) will reduce the buildable residential potential of the Specific Plan by 120 dwellings to gain consistency between the Specific Plan and the underlying General Plan Land Use Designations within Duna La Quinta, densities must be transfered from the project site to other portions of Duna La Quinta. Based on the original Specific Plan Staff report, a maximum of 1146 dwellings would be permitted if the 6-acre commercial center was approved. According to Exhibit "A" of this proposal, 1,199 units would be permitted, an excess of 53 dwelling units. To gain consistency between The Specific Plan, as proposed to be amended, and the General Plan, density allow- ances must be redistributed through the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. One way to redistribute density is to transfer the excess density to other already existing or currently developing projects in Duna La Quinta. In combining Duna (Tract No. 18767, 77 units completed), Duna Gardens (Tract No. 20158, 54 units approved), and Villa Vista (Tract No. 20218, 16 units), a deficiency in density of approximately 32 units is yielded. In other words, Duna La Quinta, in these portions, was under -built, according to maximum allowable density by 32 units. Adding Tentative Tract No. 21123 (20 single family lots, Planning Com- missions Hearing of October 22, 1985), which provides a 15 unit density deficiency, the cumulative density would yield 47 units. There still remains a 6 unit discrepancy between Specific Plan and General Plan land use density consistency. In transferring this deficiency over to Phase 9 of the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan, the maximum density permited on this 57 acre portion should be reduced from 4.4 to 4.2 dwellings per acre for a maxiumum allowable 240 units. Assuming these changes are made to the overall Specific Plan, consistency in terms of land use, will be maintained between the Specific Plan and the General Plan. *(Refer to Staff Recommended Density Table). In reviewing land use compatibility of the project with surrounding existing and planned development, the proposed project was found to be a logical and contiguous extension to the Downtown extension to the Downtown Area (refer to the Staff Report for General Plan Amend- ment (No. 85-007) to the north and east of the project site, the land is general planned and zoned for high density residential. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 18, 1985 Page 6. To minimize impacts of the proposed project onto the northerly and easterly adjacent properties various measures should be considered. Appropriate setbacks should be provided from all singe -story buildings from surrounding uses and public streets. Those may also vary de- pending on the height of the one-story building. Additional setbacks are appropriate from all two-story buildings. This is particularly important when considering the relationship with adjacent residential was to the north and east. A fence or wall is necessary along the easterly and northerly pe- rimeter of the site should be heavily landscapted with spreading shade tress with height and spacing designed to achieve effective screening as soon as possible. CIRCULATION CONSIDERATIONS As indicated in the staff report regarding General Plan Amendment No. 85-007, the traffic generated by this project will appoximately double existing traffic levels. However, given that Calle Tampico, the main access to the site, is improved to street design standards of the new General Plan (Primary Arterial), the project will not create a circu- lation problem within the vicinity (refer to Staff Report for General Plan Amendment No. 85-007). Your development plan approval of the proposed project, the Applicant will be required to improve the streets adjoining the site. The traffic monitoring program required as part of the Duna La Quinta Specifc Plan may warrant additional improvements. With regard to ingress and egress for the project site, Exhibit "B" indicates the provision of three (3) entrances along Calle Tampico in addition to the extension of Desert Club Drive which provides two driveways into the project site. According to the new General Plan intersections shall be spaced a minimum of 1200 feet. Including Desert Club Drive and the three proposed driveways along Calle Tampico, there are a total of four (4) potential intersections within 566 feet. It is Staff's recommendation that Desert Club Drive be designated as a 60' local street and improved to a half street at project frontage. Since Calle Tampico is designated as a Primary Arterial in the new General Plan, this street should be improved consistent with the plan (refer to the Staff Report for General Plan No. 85-007). However, the project site should be limited in the number of driveways off Calle Tampico. The location of median cuts should be reviewed carefully as part of the development plan process. ON -SITE CIRCULATION The Downtown area should be developed to emphasize pedestrian orien- tation. Additional provisions should be added to the parking area such as pedestrian paths, to provide more opportunities for the pe- destrian and minimize conflicts between pedestrian and vehicles. A more detailed review of the parking area and on -site circulation will be done during the development review phase of the project. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 18, 1985 Page 7. SITE PLAN LAYOUT AND REVIEW OF BUILDING DESIGN: Since the proposed project is strategically located at a major entrance to the downtown critical review of the site layout and building design should be given. A Downtown Architectural Study is currently being conducted by consultants to determine by consultants to determine architectural guidelines for the Downtown. Assuming that these guide- lines are adopted prior to plot plan review of this project, the project shall be developed consistent with these standards and shall take precedence over the following design guidelines. There shall be a bermed and landscaped buffer along Calle Tampico. A greater buffer area should be required where structures greater than one-story and/or 20 feet are placed proximate to Calle Tampico. Parking areas shall be encouraged to be located to the rear of the project site or should be adequately screened along public streets. Screening methods could include either a garden wall and/or lowering the grade of the parking area below street level. Building materials of the project should probably consist of earth - tone colored plaster exterior siding and mission tile roofing. All sides of a structure should be designed with architectural interest and common materials provide . Varying roof lines should be provided for architectural interest and variety, particularly along the street- scape. These conditions of Specific Plan Approval have been required to implement the design and architectural concept of the Village Com- mercial Land use designation of the new General Plan. It is expected that with these conditions, as guidelines to review future submitted plot plans for the project, that the site will be developed as the new General Plan intended. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Specific Plan, as amended, with six (6) acres of commercial 90,000 square feet commercial/office floor area), 979 dwelling units permitted is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, which a maximum of 1146 units on 246 acres. 2. The allowance of six acres of commercial, which replaces six acres of High Density Residential (10-20 dwellings per acre) will result in a reduction in density permitted in Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 of the Specific Plan as previously approved. 3. The Specific Plan, as amended, is consistent with the Zoning C P- S, as recommended for approval for change of Zone No. 85-017. 4. That utility services including water, sewer, electric, gas, and telephone service shall be extended to the site which can be provided service to nearby development. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 18, 1985 Page 8. 5. Although the project could have a significant impact on the environment, all identified significant impacts associated with the project in the related Environment Impact Report, have been mitigated to a level of insignificance. 6. This proposal is consistent with the goals of the overall Duna La Quinta Specific Plan and will be compatible with the adjacent "Oak Tree West" Specific Plan. 7. Compatibility of this project is assured by the use of building height and architectural restrictions included within the conditions of approval. 8. Perimeter treatment will include proper consideration of the policies contained within the new City -Wide La Quinta General Plan regarding parkway treatment, vistas into the project, and perimeter landscaping treatment. 9. The project will generate substantial traffic, approximately 5,165 vehicle trips per day, which will require improvements to adjacent streets and intersections. 10. Building Design and Parking Lot Design will be reviewed at the time of application for development approval to ensure compatibility with City Standards and other area development 11. That a Downtwon Architectural Study and Architectural Guidelines are being developed and these will take precedence over the conditions of approval, relative to project design standards, if adopted before project development. FINDINGS 1. The Specific Plan, as amended, is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan as recommended for approval by the Community De- velopment Department. 2. The Specific Plan is consistent with the zoning as recommended for approval for change of zone No. 85-017. 3. The Specific Plan is consistent with the adopted La Quinta Re- development Project No. 1 plan. 4. There are no physical constraints which would prohibit develop- ment of the site as proposed. 5. Public Services and utilities can be provided to the development. 6. Although the project could have significant adverse impact the environment, the mitigation measures agreed to by the Applicant and incorporated into the conditions of approval mitigate these project impacts to levels of insignificance. on will STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 18, 1985 Page 9. 7. The Specific: Plan, as amended, will be compatible with existing and anticipated area development. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the Findings, the Communicy Development Department recommends approval of Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment 1, 2, in accordance with Exhibits "A", "B" and "C", as amended, and subject to the attached conditions of approval. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BYi///� Gary W. Price Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Associate Planner Ccm=ity Development Director H CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-001 AMENDMENT NO. 2 October 22, 1985 1. The Applicant shall coyly with Exhibits "A" and "B" of Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2, the combined Environmental Impact Report and Specific Plan document for "Duna La Quinta", all changes made to the Specific Plan in Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 1, and the following conditions which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. The Applicant shall comply with the Condition of Approval for Specific Plan No. 83-001 as adopted by Resolution No. 84-34 on May 15, 1984, and as amended by Resolution No. 85-37 as adopted April 16, 1985, unless otherwise modified by the following. a. Condition No. 25, as adopted by Resolution No. 84-34 is revised as follows: "The allowable density for Phase 7 shall be thirteen (13) units per acre for a maximum of 429 units." b. Condition No. 24, as adopted by Resolution No. 84-34, shall be deleted. c. Condition No. 22, as adopted by Resolution No. 84-34, is revised as follows: "The maximum allowable densities of Phases 2 and 5, as identified on Exhibits A (as contained in the file for Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2) and B shall be six (6) units per acre for a maximum of 54 units combined." d. condition No. 23, as adopted by Resolution No. 84-34, is revised as follows: "The maximum allowable density of Phase 4, as identified on Exhibits A (as contained in the file for Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2) and B shall be 3.2 units per acre for a maximum number of 16 units." e. The maximum allowable density for Phase 1, as identified on Exhibits B and A (as contained in the file for Specific Plan Amendment No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2) shall be four (4) units per acre for a maximum of 77 units. f. The maximum allowable density for Phase 3, as identified on Exhibit A (as contained in the file for Specific Plan Amendment No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2) and B, shall be three (3) units per acre for a nkximum of 24 units. g. The mLximlIIn allowable density for Phase 9, as identified on Exhibit A (as contained in the file for Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2) and B, shall be reduced from 4.4 to 4.3 units per acre for a maximum number of 247 units. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPBCIFIC PLAN NO. 83-001 AMENDMENT NO. 2 October 22, 1985 Page 2 3. In conjunction with the review and approval of required Plot Plan application(s) by the Planning Commission and City Council, the site and building design considerations shall be evaluated and appropriate conditions related thereto shall be established: a. Determination of appropriate setbacks for one and two-story buildings from adjacent residentially -zoned property and public streets. b. Determination of appropriate buffers including fences and/or walls and landscaping between the proposed uses and adjacent residential property. c. Development of appropriate methods to screen parking areas from adjacent public streets. d. Determination of appropriate driveway access standards and median cut location. 4. The Downtown Study and Architectural Design Guidelines currently being prepared for the City will take precedence over the following conditions, in the event that project development occurs after City adoption of the said study and guidelines: a. Building materials of the project shall consist of earthtone colored plaster exterior siding and mission tile roofing. All sides of the structure must be designed with architectural interest and commn materials provided. b. Varying roof lines should be provided for architectural interest and variety, particularly along the streetscape. 5. Desert Club Drive, along the project frontage, shall be developed as a local 60-foot wide .street with appropriate offers of dedication and half -street improvements at the time of development. 6. Calle Tampico shall be improved as a "Secondary Image Corridor" and a "Ceremonial Street" consistent with the General Plan. N J ro x ko m J m to a w N r y b] c) n n n n n n n cn n n tr °a ° ° ° tj � a � eltl � z 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 ci 0 � � o En G a ro P- c-i n m fi m m G r m m r N Jy A. N O Ql w N 01 r n 4P co N -3 J Ul W 01 U1 00 lD to to C�7 k r N w •X N lfl O N J N N In co r J r O %O OD O 0 U1 N N ll1 J � Q z r H off co w O n r+ r N N a >C r •P �N r r N W J �P J lo l0 O U1 Ol JP lD J N , z H rH m w ao to l ill �J ® EXN k 131 SPECIFIC PLAN 83-001 WiA LA QUINTA MA: 1. The Applicant shall crnply with Exhibit "A", the combined Er Report and Specific Plan document, and Exhibit "B", the Spec land Use Some y Map, for Specific Plan No. 83-001, and the conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the specific plan. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use ccntemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain any required zoning and land division approvals in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinances. Soils/Geology 3. The Applicant shall comply with the latest Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of la Quinta. The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the underlying geologic conditions. olocgy/Water Conservation 4. Prior to the approval of final tract maps, the approval of zoning permits, or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a hydro- logical analysis for approval by the city engineer which will indicate the method and design to protect the proposed development from the 100-year flood. This plan shall be consistent with the p u-posep of any similar plans of the Redevelopment Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. 5. Prior to approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water conservation plan which will indicate: a. Methods to minimize the consumption of on -site water usage, including water saving fixtures, drought -tolerant and native landscaping, and programs to minimize landscape irrigation. b. Methods for minimizing the effects of increased on -site runoff and increased groundwater recharge, including the construction of on -site collection and groundwater retention basins. c. Methods for minimizing the amount of groundwater pumped out for on -site irrigation, including the use of reclaimed water. 6. If buried ruins are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. Air Quality 7. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the city engineer. SPIrIFIC PLAN 83-001 - DUNA IA QUINPA Page 2. B. At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plans for any zoning approvals, the Applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed uses include provisions for non -automotive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private autanobiles. This may include golf cart path systems, bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the specific plan. 9. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for on -site bus shelters as required by the Planning Director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the specific plan. 10. the Applicant shall encourage and support the use of Sunline van/bus service /Dial -A -Ride/ jitneys between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, Thermal), and other regional land uses. Traffic and Circulation 11. 50th Avenue, Washington Street, Adams Street, Calle Rondo and Avenida Ultimo, contiguous to the project, shall be developed in accordance with their general plan designations and the La Quinta municipal design and structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or zoning approval in conjunction with the phased implementation of the specific plan. 12. Adams Street between 50th and 52nd Avenues shall be inproved to part - width standards with minimun 3-2-foot-wide pavement, provided that the Applicant may request a Specific Plan Amendment to reconsider the status of Adams Street at a future date prior or in conjunction with, approval of tentative tracts for Phases B and 9. 13. In owner to facilitate mitigation of cumulative traffic impacts of this and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program. This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are net for major roadway irprove- ments. Upon determination of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. Funding of this program may be by fee programs that assess new development and/or users on a pro-rata or fair -share basis, formation of assessment districts, acquisition of State or Federal road funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the need. The Applicant shall agree to pay the designated pro-rata share that the City may establish to fund off -site roadway improvements and traffic signalization on an "as warranted" basis. 14. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance With the design standards specified in the specific plan and the structural standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or zoning approval area in conjunction with the phased implementation of the specific plan. All roadways within the specific plan area shall remain private. SPECIFIC PLAN 83-001 - DUNA LA QUINTA Page 3. 15. Calle Norte (the north -south internal street connecting 50th Avenue and Calle Tampico west of Washington Street) between Phases 3 and 7 shall be gated to restrict through traffic, but shall provide for emergency access. At the request of the Applicant, this shall be reconsidered at the time of pertinent tentative tract approvals and may be revised provided that any redesign does not direct all traffic towards 50th Avenue. 16. Calle Norte shall be a continuous, loop -type road connecting through Phases 2, 4 and 5 to the remainder of the internal private road system. 17. The access onto the north side of Calle Tanpico near Desert Club Drive shall either be aligned with Desert Club Drive or be relocated easterly an appropriate distance in order to minimize traffic conflicts. Noise 18. Prior to building permit approval, building setbacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce noise impacts from nearby existing and future roadways to within State standards. 19. Prior to approval of precise development plans or tentative tract maps, the Applicant will demonstrate that residential structures satisfy the State's indoor criterion. WnPre exposed to noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or cmubinations of these measures. 20. Requirements for the installation of solar water heaters shall be deter- mined by the City on a uniform city-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall comply with the requirements current at the time of construction. 21. All tentative maps and development plans shall be designed to ansure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. To the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. Land Use 22. The maximum allowable densities of Phases 2 and 5, as identified on Exhibit B, shall be eight (8) units per acre for a maximum number of W'P' 52 and 20 units, respectively. 23. The maxima m allowable density of Phase 4, as identified on Exhibit B, shall be reduced fran ten (10) units per acre to five (5) units per )o' acre for a maximum number of 25 units. 24. The six -acre comnmercial area shown on Phase 6 on Exhibit B shall be deleted. JIV i,i SPECIFIC PLAN 83-001 - DUNA LA QUINPA Page 4. 25. The allowable density for Phases 6 and 7 shall be thirteen (13) units 031A per acre for a m3ximun of 78 units and 429 units, respectively. 26. The maximum allowable density of Phase 9, as identified on Exhibit B, shall be reduced from 5.6 to 4.4 units per acre for a maximum number of 251 units. 27. The land use designations stated within the land use summary on Exhibit B shall be changed from "residential" to "residential/oondaninium", with the exception that Phase 7 shall be designated as "condaminium/apartment" and Phase 6 shall be designated as "apartment". 28. Height limitations shall be imposed as follows: a. No portion of any structure on top of the La Quinta Stonrwater Channel shall exceed one story or 29 feet, as measured from the levee grade. b. All structures shall be limited to two stories not to exceed 35 feet. 29. Any apartments constructed within Phases 6 and 7 shall provide a minirmm of one covered parking space for each unit with one or fewer bedrooms and two covered parking spaces for each unit with two or more bedrooms. 30. If the apartment portions of the project include any three -bedroom units, adequate provision shall be made for recreational open space within the project. 31. The following setbacks for walls, fences and structures shall be required to provide for parkways along public streets. a. wall setbacks from 50th and 52nd Avenues, except where walls now exist on 50th west of Washington, shall be based upon the design of tracts adjacent to said roadways and shall be subject to City review and approval. b. A mininan of two 5' x 80' recessed cutouts, one being in the Phase 5 portion and the other being in the Phase 4 portion, shall be provided along Washington Street for the perimeter wall. The wall, sidewalk and landscaping shall be installed by December 31, 1984, or by the recordation of future tracts (for development) on Phase 4 or 5, whichever occurs first. In conjunction with these irrprove- ments, the Applicant shall also provide landscaping (i.e., lawn) in the future right-of-way between the existing paving for Washington and the future curbline. c. A minvmun 10-foot setback from the public right-of-way of Adams Street (if designated as a public street). SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-001 - MM LA QUINM Page 5. d. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits or approval of any tentative maps or other required zoning approval, the Applicant shall submit plans to the Planning Department for review and approval demonstrating that there is adequate setback of street, utility and structural improvements to provide for the setback of project perimeter walls along public roadways in accordance with the City's adopted parkway standards in effect at the time of approval for said permits, unless the standards stated in (a) and (b) are lesser than the adopted parkway standards. Public Services and Utilities 32. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirenents of the Uniform Fire Code and the La Quinta mmucipal Code in effect at the time of development. 33. Domestic water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District in effect at the time of development. The Applicant shall annex the project site to Improvement District No. 55 to obtain permanent wastewater treatment services. 34. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of Imperial Irrigation District: a. Applicant shall provide a minimum 330 foot by 330 foot site for an electrical substation on, or adjacent to, the development at Calle Tampico and Adams street as approved by Imperial Irrigation District, the City, and the Applicant; or shall provide, or participate in, other facilities acceptable to Imperial Irrigation District and the City. This shall be resolved prior to recordation of Phase 3. b. The Applicant shall provide a landscaped earthen berm around the perimeter of the substation as shown on the attached exhibit. c. Any relocation of existing overhead power facilities within or adjacent to the project shall be per District regulations applicable to the said conditions thereof. 35. All overhead utility lines located along the perimeter Public roadways, with the exception of high voltage power lines of 66 KA and above, shall be installed underground. 36. The Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified school District in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the La Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. 37. Landmark understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal improvement and facilities needed as a result of the emulative impact of such new development; and that City is in the process of pre- paring and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be SPECIFIC PLAN No. 83-001 - DUNA LA QUINPA Page 6. inposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thorough- fares and bridges and traffic signalizaticn; that City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Landmark agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and fran time to time amended by the City. To the extent Applicant constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure, it shall receive appropriate credit, as determined by the City Council. If said fee shall include financing of permanent or tsnporary school facilities, Condition No. 34 (school developnent fee) shall be deleted. Misoellaneous 38. Prior to the issuance of grading permits or the approval of tentative tract maps or other required zoning approvals, the Applicant shall submit a phasing schedule and map for the entire project, which shall include the phasing of off -site infrastructure, to the Planning Director for review and approval. 39. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets & Highways Code, Section 5820 et seg.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets & Highway Code 22500 et seq.) to implement maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and on -site lighting within all commonly main- tained driveways, parking areas# greenbelts, private streets, and other improved oo em ownership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said improved oamon areas until such time as the City Council determines that, by default of the haneowners association, a need for maintenance work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assess- ment upon the real property. At the request of the Applicant, this shall be reconsidered and may be deleted at the time of tentative tract approvals. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. October 8, 1985 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL A. Principal Planner Bonner called the roll. Present: Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner Absent: Commissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 5. BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no quorum present, Principal Planner Bonner adjourned this meeting to an adjourned meeting on October 10, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the Citv of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 7:10 p.m., October 8, 1985, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. MINUTES �. PLANNING COMMISSION -CITY OF LA QUINTA An Adjourned Meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California October 10, 1985 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Camdssion meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Thornburgh called upon Commissioner Moran to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Cumdssioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling and Chain Thornburgh Absent: None Also present were Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna M. Velotta. 3. HEARINGS Chain Thornburgh introduced the only item of hearing as follows: A. La Quinta General Plan and Environmental Impact Report/Master Environmental Assessment, to consider the Hazards, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources, Camiunity Development, Infrastructure and Housing Elements of the proposed General Plan. (Continued) Chairman Thornburgh called for a report from Staff. 1. Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens informed the Planning Commission that he had not yet conpleted the revision of the text for the General Plan. He further advised that after having spoken with Chairman Thornburgh earlier this date and due to the fact that the Commission has a joint meeting with the City Council and General Plan Advisory Committee on October 14 regarding this matter, they felt it could be worthwhile to review the Planning Commission's convents and points on the issues expected to be discussed at the joint meeting, so the Commission would be prepared in a meaningful manner. Chairman Thornburgh distributed a list of persons who attended both the Commission and City Council meetings. These were persons who had concerns or requests with regard to the proposed General Plan. He felt a review of the list to reaffirm the Commission's views would be helpful in attending the joint meeting as one voice. After a lengthy discussion period covering each of the areas of concern that had been presented at earlier meetings, the Planning Commission unanimously agreed on all areas except the downtown commercial area. Chad rmian Thornburgh and Commissioner Walling, supported by Commissioner Moran, agreed that "Village Commercial" should be expanded east of Desert Club Drive and south to the new alignment of Avenue 52. Pm�r �� Coissioner De Gasperin the extra commercial land and ' Cawdssioner Brandt felt that Desert Club Drive should be designated as a boundary between commercial and residential use. 7� There being no need for a motion regarding this matter, Chairman Thornburgh closed the discussion. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Conmissioner Walling made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of September 24, 1985. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. 0 MINUTES - PLANNING ODMISSION October 10, 1985 Page 2. 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 24, 1985, were approved as submitted. Unanimously Adopted. 5. BUSINESS 2 There being no further items of agenda to come before the Planning Ccuuassion, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Ccmdssioner Walling made a motion to adjourn to a special study session to be held October 14, 1985, at 3:00 p.m., at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Conmissioner De Gasperin seconded the motion. Unanimously Adopted. The adjourned meeting of the Planning Ccnmission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 9:15 p.m., October 10, 1985, in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ITEM NO. //W, $ � DATE A - 2Z -SS RE: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING /o ? �a l/ol7S MOTION BY: BRANDT SECOND BY� DISCUSSION: MORAN VaUrU THORNBURGH DE GASPERIN MORAN %%LLING THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN WALING THOtMURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT — — — — YES NO ITEM NO. DATE P�LLANNING COMMISSION MEETING e a MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN WALLING THORNBURG-I SECOND BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN WALLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO"fi1iSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT — DE GASPERIN — MORAN --- — WALLING — THOEMURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM 0 -so As _ry CITY OF • UINTA TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Omission From: Community Develogrent Department Cate: October 22, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-202 Location: West Side of Avenida Rubio, 200' North of Calle Sonora Applicant: Gilbert Sherk Request- Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for His Personal Residence 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Duelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The project site is a 50' x 100' lot located in the subdivided cove area on the west side of Avenida Rubio, approximately 200' north of Calle Sonora. Of the 22 lots within the project site's block, 15 are built upon single lots. Surrounding development consists of a variety of housing styles, including Conventional California Ranch and Spanish Mission design. Approximately 200' north of the project site is a large hacienda style house on three lots completely walled in. In addition to this house, several other houses on this block incorporate Spanish flavored designs with red tile roofs. The majority of the houses on the block have stucco sidings. All houses on the block contain sloping roofs with varying roof materials, including gravel and composition shingle. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exertion will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for his personal residence. The house has approximately 1200-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrooms, each exceeding 10-foot dimensions, two baths, and an attached,' two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door. The house is to have a beige stucco exterior with dark brawn wood trim. The house will incorporate a sloping roof composed of white composition shingles. The roof eaves extend out 24". The setbacks are as follows: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 2. Front Yard 20 Feet ° Rear Yard 10 Feet Side Yards 5 Feet (Southerly) 17 Feet (Northerly) The maximum house height is 12.5 feet. STAFF COWS N'`S AND DISCUSSION Bedroom No. 3 of the proposed house has 10' x 10' dimensions, however, with doorway and hallway designs, this bedroom does not provide for the minimum required clear 10' x 10' internal dimension. Pursuant to the City's adopted standards for single- family dwellings, the Applicant shall redesign his floor plans to meet the minimum internal bedroom clear dimension standards of 10, x 101. All other design aspects of the house comply with the R-1*++ Zoning and the City's adopted standards for single-family dwellings. However, the 16.5' x 18' clear garage dimensions, as proposed, do not comply with minimum City building standards. The Applicant shall revise his plans to meet the minimum 20' x 20' clear internal garage dimensions (including designing additional space for washer, dryer, furnace and water heater). The house is to be sited in an east -west orientation set back to the south as much as possible to take advantage of a large, 17-foot northerly sideyard. The actual house design is rather bland with little attempt to provide for architectural compatibility with neighborhood development. The house has a low and narrow profile with a height of 12.5 feet at roof peak and a 28.5-foot building width fronting Avenida Rubio. In surveying existing development in the vicinity, the house seers incompatible with regard to overall design, siting, mass, bulk and landscaping. It is possible that the proposed house would have a detrimental effect on neighboring development. The house has a narrow width of 28 feet as compared to other houses in the neighborhood having 35 to 40-foot widths. The house's height is only 12h feet as opposed to nearby development which has between 15 and 17-foot heights. The siting of the house to the south will create an unusually wide north sideyard. Finally, the mass and bulk of the house is comparibly small with neighborhood development. The house has very little to offer in terms of architectural design details or amenities. Pursuant to City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 12, architectural aspects of the develop- ment must be compatible with, and not detrimental to, the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, the proposed house should be completely redesigned to be made compatible with surrounding development. Attached for your reference are photos of existing houses to the north and south of the project site. Both houses have attractive archway entrances with highlighted detail and several landscaped amenities. Redesign of the proposed house should include enlarging width and height of the house, siting the house more to the center of the lot, providing more architectural details such as an archway entrance or providing brick facing along the street frontage, and providing more landscaping amenities to make the house compatible with nearby develop- ment. Staff recommends that the Applicant be required to make these design changes subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION October 22, 1985 Page 3. FINDINGS 1. That the project will not have a significant inpact on the environment. 2. That the project, if redesigned as set forth in the conditions of approval, is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The proposal is compatible with the area development contingent upon ccnpliance with revisions set forth in the conditions of approval. STAFF RECOMMEVIIATION Based upon the above findings, the Com mity Development Department recarmends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-202 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C 3. Photos of Neighboring Development APPROVED BY:,,(/p Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Camnmity Development Director THIS APPROVAL IS SU&r TO DM M IUWINC ComITIU S 1. The development of the site shall be in oonformanee with the Fkhibits A, 8 and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-202pss otherwise emended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial ommtruction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in a000rdanoe with the requirements of the Riverside Omxmty health Deparbnent. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quints. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the frant yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimnn of two (2), 15-gallcn, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan cbeck: ° Riverside County health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, - PLOT PLAN NO. 85-202 (Cont'd) 12. The Applicant shall redesign floor plans to comply with the City's minimNm 10' x 10' clear internal bedroom dimension standard. 13. The Applicant shall revise plans to comply with the City's minim= 20' x 20' clear internal garage dimension standard. 14. The Applicant shall redesign plans to cause the proposed house to be compatible with surrounding development in terms of overall architectural design, siting, mass, bulk, and landscaping. Redesign shall include enlarging width and height of the house, siting the house to the center of the lot, providing more architectural details, and providing more landscaping amenities to make the house compatible with nearby development. 0 SOUTHERLY ADJACENT HOUSE HOTO OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT NORTHERLY ADJACET HOUSE PLOT PLAN NO. 85-204 ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MOTION BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAN WALLING THOR BURGH SECOND BY: BRANDT DE GASPERIN MORAp WALLING THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO*24ISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT BRANDT - DE GASPERIN - MORAN - WALLING THOtMURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO l' I'. MEMORANDUM 5 13 CITY OF LA QUINTA n il' To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Omission From: Community Development Department Doe: October 22, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 85-206 Location: Fast Side of Avenida Carranza, 150' South of Calle Potrero Applicant: Thomas Dorsey Request:-. Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Personal Residence 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (one Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a typical 5,000-square-foot, partially vegetated, vacant lot in the La Quinta Cove. The neighborhood is primarily vacant with some scattered housing. of the 23 lots on the project site block, five houses are built upon. The house directly adjacent and north of the site is built on three lots with a large side yard facing onto the site. Three other houses on the block are built on two lots. The remaining house, which faces onto Avenida Ramirez, is built on a single lot. Existing architecture in the neighborhood consists of a combination of Desert and Spanish designs. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for his family's personal residence. The house contains a little over 1200-square feet of living area with three bedrooms, each exceeding 10-foot clear dimensions, two bathrooms and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door. The house will incorporate a 12 x 4 pitch sloping roof composed of Spanish Tile. The roof eaves extend out 18". The maximum house height is 13.5 feet. The setbacks are as follows: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CONIlIISSION October 22, 1985 Page 2. ° Front Yard 20 Feet ° Rear Yard 14 Feet ° Side Yards 5 Feet STAFF COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed house is quite attractive with rectangular symmetry boxed out window and wood facia details. The tile roof should fit well into a neighborhood which is dominated with red tile sloping roof designs. The house is to be sited in a east -west orientation. The Applicant's proposal should be compatible with neighboring development. The Applicant did not submit a plan for the houses exterior color scheme. Staff recommends that the house's colors match those of the neighborhood which are earth -tone sidings and red or brown roof tile. Prior to submittal of plans to the Building Department, the Applicant should submit for review and approval an exterior color plan to the Planning Division. The house's garage does not meet the minimum building standard of the City of 20' x 20' clear internal floor dimension. The garage plans should be redesigned to meet this standard. The proposed house's floor plan complies with the R-1*++ Zoning and the City's adopted minimum standards for single-family dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the ccffm pity Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-206 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. 2-1' . . Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP/psn Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director THIS APPROVAL Is SLAT TO THE FOQ.LOWIM CONDITIDtW 1. The development of the site shall be in eonfam ante with the Exhibits Al B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. , unless otherwise ameded by the following conditions. 2. Tthe approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By muse" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two—year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to ompletion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a mininn of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. the plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 12. That the internal garage dimensions of the house have a minimum of 20' x 20' clear dimension. 13. That an exterior color scheme of the house be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Division prior to building permit issuance.