1985 11 12 PCAGENDA PLANNING CCY nSSICN - CITY OF LA QUINPA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California November 12, 1985 7:00 p.m. A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARIIJGS A. La Quinta General Plan and Environmental Impact Report/Master Environmental Assessment, to consider the Hazards, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources, Community Development, Infrastructure and Housing Elements of the proposed General Plan. (Continued) 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. 4. CCNSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 22, 1985. B. Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of November 4, 1985. 5. BUSINESS A. Plot Plan No. 85-205, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Vallejo, 200' south of Calle Chillon; Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. B. Plot Plan No. 85-207, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Bermudas, 250' south of Calle Monterey; Kam Construction, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. C. Plot Plan No. 85-208, a request to construct a sinqle-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Juarez, 250' north of Calle Sonora; Chris Dvorak (D&C, Inc.), Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. D. Plot Plan No. 85-209, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Juarez, 200' south of Calle Durango; Chris Dvorak (D&C, Inc.), Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. E. Plot Plan No. 85-212, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Velasco, 50' north of Calle Madrid; Alan and Sharon Richmond, Applicants. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. F. Plot Plan No. 85-215, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the west side of Avenida Velasco, 100' north of Calle Madrid; Richard Cendali, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. G. Plot Plan No. 85-216, a request to construct a single-family dwelling on the east side of Avenida Diaz, 200' south of Calle Sonora; Ronald Pickaar, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for Adoption. 6. M I N U T E S PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA An Adjourned Meeting Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. November 4, 1985 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Cormuinity Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL A. Director Stevens called the roll. Present: Community Development Director Lawrence L. Stevens Absent: Commissioners Brandt, De Gasperin, Moran, Walling and Chairman Thornburgh 3. HEARINGS 5. BUSINESS There being no quorum present, Director Stevens adjourned this meeting to the next regular Planning Ccnrdsslon meeting on November 12, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. The adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 7:10 p.m., November 4, 1985, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. 11 ryI, I �I11� •r MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Conn iunity Development Department Dale: November 8, 1985 Subject: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS TO BE DISTRIBUTED General Plan materials and maps will be distributed to you on Saturday, November 9. Minutes from the meeting of October 22 will be distributed on Tuesday, November 12. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Planning Co miission From: Commmity Develogrent Department Date: November 12, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-205 Location: East Side of Avenida Vallejo, 200' South of Calle Chillon Applicant: Rick Johnson Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family House Intended for Sale. BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Current, Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre); Proposed Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwellings/acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwelling, 17' Height Limit, 1200 Square Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a 75' x 100' lot located in the subdivided cove area along the east side of Avenida Vallejo south of Calle Chillon. Development is very sparse in the immediate vicinity; of the 24 lots on this block 6' lots are developed with 4 houses. The block across Avenida Vallejo to the west has only 2 houses on 3 lots. Approximately 160' east of the project site are two houses also being constructed by Rick Johnson. Regarding the appearance of the surrounding development, the houses are basically the typical California Ranch and modern Spanish styles. Two of the houses have second stories. All the houses have gable roofs, with the roof pitches ranging from 1 and 12 to approximately 5 and 12. The roofs are covered with Spanish Tile, rock or gravel. Stucco is the predominant. siding material. Concerning siting, as indicated by the information on existing area development approximately one-half the houses are located on lots larger than the average 50' x 100'. For those homes built on larger lots, the houses are designed with the long axis parallel to the street. 4. Environmental Assessment: This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is intending to sell the house. This house has been presold. STAFF REPORT -PLANNING COMUSSION November 12, 1985 Page 2. This is a different design than the houses the City has previously approved for the Applicant. Regarding the floor plan, although the layout of the living area is similar to the previous plans, the size has been increased from 1592 to 1682 square feet. The garage has also been offset to increase the house's width. The exterior dimensions are 47' x 67', versus the 40' x 64' dimensions of the Applicant's other floor plan. The house will have three bedrooms, each having clear dimensions exceeding ten -feet, and two baths. The garage is attached with a connecting pedestrian door into the house. Laundry facilities will be located with the garage, which will be 24-feet deep to provide adequate space. Concerning the exterior, the house will have beige stucco siding with %rood accent on the front. The gable roof with a 4 and 12 pitch will be covered with brown concrete tile. Overall height of the structure will be 14' feet. The house will be sited on the 75' x 100' with a 5-foot wide sideyard on the south and a 23-foot sideyard on the north. The front -setback will be 20-feet and the rear -setback will be 13-feet. STAFF CcwUMS AND ANALYSIS The Applicant has received 37 previous approvals for construction of single-family houses. Of these approvals, 23 homes have been completed, 8 are under construction and 6 are in plan check. All of these homes were presold prior to approval and none are vacant. Therefore, this request complies with the City's adopted policies regarding the limitation of plot plan approvals if the Applicant has unsold vacant hones in the City. The overall design of the house, including floor plan, height and siting, complies with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and the City's adopted policies. Regarding compatibility with existing development, the buildings width and the change in exterior design, including the addition of a second window on the front elevation, substantially increase the house's appearance of size and bulk. The proposed design is therefore compatible with the adjacent houses which are built on parcels with the same or wider width as the Applicant's lot and which are larger houses than are typically found in the Cove area. The use of stucco siding with wood accents and a tile roof are also an attractive design feature. Staff conmends the Applicant on introducing an alternative house plan for construction in the cove. FINDINGS 1. The proposal is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The request is consistent with the standards of the R-1*++ Zone and the City's adopted policies for single-family houses. 3. The proposed design is compatible with existing area development. 4. Approval of the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the enviornment. 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMUSSION November 12, 1985 Page 3. Based upon the above findings, the CMT=ity Develofinent Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-205 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. Bonner Principal Planner SIB/psn Atchs: 1. Plot Plans Review Map 2. Conditions 3. MKhibits A, B and C I � / Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Commmity Development Director THIS APPROVAL IS Sl&7WT TO 1He MIDWING OONDITIQdIr! 1. 'hone development of the site shall be in confcrmance with the i�diibits A, 8 and C oontained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-205 , unless otherwise amennded by the following conditions. 2. 'fie approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become mill and void and of no effect whatsoever. 8y °use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside ODu my Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quanta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. M-ie plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Oertificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. 'h►e heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 8. 4he driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. 7he Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for ` plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° OomuLu ty Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Ccu minty Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 12. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall provide documents showing that Lot -line Adjustment No. 620 as approved by Riverside County was recorded, or apply for and obtain approval of a lot -line adjustment from the City of La Quinta. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA GUINTA TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Cmmunity Development Department Date: November 12, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-207 Location: west side of Avenida Bermudas, 250' South of Calle Monterey Applicant: Kam Construction Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Property Owner's Residence BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Current -Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings per acre); Proposed -Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwellings per acre). Current and Proposed Circulation Elements designated Avenida Bermudas as a Secondary Arterial (88-foot right-of-way). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One -Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a 50' x 105' lot located in the subdivided cove area on the west side of Avenida Bermudas 250' south of Calle Monterey. Of the 24 lots in this block, six (6) are built on with four (4) hares. There are two basic styles of houses on this block and the adjacent lots; older style hares with flat or slightly pitched roofs covered with gravel and having wood or stucco siding, and the more modern California Spanish style which is the same as that proposed by the Applicant. Approximately one-half of the surrounding hones are built on two lots, with the remainder built on single lots. 4. Environmental Assessment: This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant, a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a house which will be the property owner's personal residence. The Applicant has received one previous approval to construct a single-family house (also with the same design), on Avenida Vallejo south of Calle Nogales. Plans for this house are currently in plan -check and construction has not begun. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION November 12, 1985 Page 2. The house will have approximately 1400-square-feet of living area with a 156-square-foot open courtyard and a 160-square-foot covered porch area at the front of the dwelling. The house will have three bedrooms, all having interior dimensions exceeding or equal to 10-feet, two baths and an attached double -car garage. The garage is separated from the dwelling by the open courtyard; the pedestrian door enters into the yard, which is not fenced. The gable roof will have a 4 and 12 pitch and will be covered with red concrete tile. All roof eaves will be 24". The exterior walls will be white stucco, with the eaves and other trim painted dark brown. The overall height of the structure will be 15i feet. The rear yard and the south side yard will be enclosed with a 6-foot-high wood fence. The house is sited east -west facing Avenida Bermudas. The home will have a 20-foot front setback, 15�-foot rear setback, and 5-foot sideyard setbacks. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The proposed size, height and setbacks are in compliance with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. Although the garage has a pedestrian door, it enters onto the frontyard rather than connecting directly into the house because of the location of the courtyard. Staff recommends that the roof eave along the south side of the garage be extended to 4-feet, (as is shown on the elevations) to provide adequate coverage for the walkway. With this minor modification, the floor plan of the house will comply with the requirement and intent of the single-family house standards. Regarding compatibility, the house's Spanish type design will be consistent and compatible with the surrounding existing :houses. The house's size, width and bulk is similiar to or conpatible with the existing housing in the area. The construction of the dwelling on the lot will be consistent with existing houses which are built on a mixture of one and two lot sites. Avenida Bermudas is designated as a Secondary Arterial with an 88-foot right-of-way. Although there is only a 30-foot half -width right-of-way along the west side of Avenida Bermudas, no additional right-of-way will be required from this Applicant. This is because the Crystal Canyon development along the east side of Avenida Bermudas will dedicate additional right-of-way above that required to provide adequate space for a Secondary Arterial roadway. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and the City's adopted standards. 2. The building design is compatible with surrounding development. 3. Approval of the project will not have an adverse effect on the environment. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CU44ISSICN November 12, 1985 Page 3. Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-207, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: -ZK z C;L Sandra L. Bonner Iawrence L. Stevens, AICP Principal Planner Community Development Director SLB/psn Atchs: 1, conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C THIS APPROVAL IS S ® 70 THE FULLOWIN6 CONDITIQd-0 1. The development of the site shall be in Conformance with the Exhibit's A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No.85-207 , unless amended by the following Conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial Construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to oCnpletion. 3. 11ater and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fite Oode as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15--gallen, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in aeoordanoe with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be omcealed by fencing or landscaping. 6. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan Bieck: ° Riverside County Health Department • City Fire Marshal ° Co munity Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter fran Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 12. The roof eave along the south side of the garage shall have a minimum four (4) foot overhang. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccnmission From: Community Development Department Date: November 12, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-208 Location: Fast Side of Avenida Juarez, 250' North of Calls Sonora Applicant: Chris Dvorak, D&C, Inc. Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale fUT«?i eei1T0711 a 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Mini= Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a typical 5,000-square-foot, vacant lot within the La Quinta Cove area. Of the 24 lots within the project site block, five are built upon. Neighborhood architecture consists of a variety of housing styles ranging from Conventional to Spanish design. All but one house within the block contains sloping roof designs. The house on the northeast corner of Calle Durango and Avenida Juarez contains a flat, shed type roof design. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exenmtion will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. The Applicant is also requesting approval for a second house, Plot Plan No. 85-209, on the northerly adjoining lot to this site. The house has over 1300-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrooms, two baths, and an attached, two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door and hallway. The house is to have a silver-gray stucco exterior siding with a darker "Cape Cod" gray wood trim. To add variety and attractiveness to the house, a combination red and white brickwork facing is provided along the street front of the house. The house will incorporate a 4 and 12 pitch sloping roof composed of brown composition shingles. The eaves extend out 30". The landscaping plan indicates a lawn with several landscape amenities such as two large Brazilian Pepper Trees and five smaller trees. The maximum house height at roof peak is 17 feet. The setbacks are as follows: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION November 12, 1985 Page 2. Front Setback - 20 Feet Off Avenida Juarez ° Side Setbacks - 5 Feet ° Rear Setback - 17 Feet 8 Inches STAFF C0M1ENTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed house has a typical "California Ranch" style design. The house is to be sited canpatibly with other houses on the block with the east -west orientation. The house's attractive brick facing and landscape design should be an asset to the neighborhood. A major concern of Staff's is the development of the same designed house on the adjacent lot (Plot Plan No. 85-209), which might create a honogenious effect on the neighborhood. The Applicant has made an effort to change the designs between these houses. For example, the proposed house has a brick facing and different landscaping design. The Plot Plan No. 85-209 house, without brick facing, incorporates a tile roof and is sited on a larger 75-foot-wide lot. Colors between these houses also vary. To further vary the design of these houses, Staff recamiends that the Applicant redesign one of the house's floor plans to shift the garage siting from the south to the north side of the lot. This could easily be accomplished through minor revisions to the plan. With these variations in the plan, the overall development would be appropriate in providing varying architectural character to the neighborhood. The overall design, roof style, mass, bulk and height of the proposed house is compatible with neighboring development. Bedroom No. 3 is identified as not meeting the minimise 10-foot clear dimension standard of the City. The floor plan shall be redesigned to comply with this minor criteria. Except for the bedroom size deficiency, the proposed house's floor plan ca mlies with the R-1*++ Zoning and the City's minimm standards for single-family dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area developrent contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF RBCODM'ENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department reccunends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-208 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Gary W. Price Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Associate Planner Community Developrent Director GWP:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C 2HIS APPROVAL IS SUC TO M FUUMIM CCNDrrICO 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Dchibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-208 , unless otherwise mended by the following omditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By °use" is meant the begbUdng of substantial canstructicn, not including grading, conta plated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to oanpletion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in aoeordannee with the requirements of the Riverside ODunty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of la Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materialsing a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. 4he plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and planets shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. 'fie heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. S. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete eorawcsting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan ceeck: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Qom inity Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 0 r 11 CONDITIONS (Continued) PLOT PLAN NO. 85-208 12. The floor plan shall be redesigned to provide a 10' clear minimum dimension in bedroom No. 3. 13. The Applicant is encouraged to shift the garage siting from the south to the north side of the lot in either Plot Plan No. 85-208 or Plot Plan No. 85-209 to provide for siting variation in the neighborhood. I'I�IV rF-o /1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA 11 TO: The Honorable Chairman and N�.mbers of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: November 12, 1985 SUbject: PLAT PLAN NO. 85-209 location: East Side of Avenida Juarez, 200' South of Calle Durango Applicant: Chris Dvorak, D & C, Inc. Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Sale r.MR-4 e 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a 7,500-square-foot vacant lot within the La Ouinta Cove area. Of the 24 lots within the project site block, five are built upon. Neighborhood architecture consists of a variety of housing styles ranging from Conventional to Spanish design. All but one house within the block contain sloping roof designs. The house on the northeast corner of Calle Durango and Avenida Juarez contains a flat shed type roof design. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. The Applicant is also requesting approval for a second house, Plot Plan No. 208, on the southerly adjoing lot to site. The house has over 1300-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrooms, two baths, and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door and hallway. The house is to have an off-white "Eggshell" stucco exterior siding with a dark brown wood trim. The house will also incorporate a 4.90 and 12 pitch roof composed of "Hacienda Red' roof tile. The eaves extend out 30". The landscaping plan indicates a lawn with two 15-gallon Mulberry trees. The maximum house height at roof peak is 17-feet. The setbacks are as follows: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CaMIISSION November 12, 1985 Page 2. Frontyard Setback - 20-feet Rearyard Setback - 17-feet 8-inches Sideyard Setback - 5-feet (Southerly) 30-feet (Northerly) STAFF C MMENTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed house has a typical "California Ranch" style design. Although existing development in the area generally sites houses on 5000-square-foot lots, the proposed house is to be sited on a 7500-square-foot lot. The house is off -set to the southern lot side to take advantage of a 30-foot wide northerly sideyard. The house is sited compatibly with surrounding development. The house's attractive design and tile roof will be an architectural upgrade to the neighborhood. A major concern of Staff's is the development of the same designed house on the adjacent lot (Plot Plan No. 85-209) which might create a homogenous design effect on the neighborhood. The Applicant has made an effort to change the designs between these houses. For example, the proposed house has a red tile roof and a different landscape design. The Plot Plan No. 85-208 house incorporates a birch detail facing onto Avenida Juarez and contains a brown ccuposition shingle roof. To further vary the design of these houses, Staff reccmnends that the Applicant redesign one of the house's floor plans to shift the garage siting from the south to the north side of the lot. This could easily be accomplished through minor revisions to the plan. With these variations in the plan the overall development would be appropriate in providing varying architectural character to the neighborhood. The overall design, roof style, mass, bulk, and height of the proposed house is compatible with neighboring development. Bedroom No. 3 is identified as not meeting the minimum 10-foot clear dimension standard of the City. The floor plan shall be redesigned to comply with this minimum criteria. Excpet for the bedroom size deficiency, the proposed house's floor plan complies with the R-1*++ Zoning and the City's minimm standards for single -family -dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING M4USSION November 12, 1985 Page 3. W�ADWWNIDI IN Based upon the above findings, the Connunity Develogrent Department reccmwnds approval of Plot Plan NO. 85-209 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: G w.�� - o`er. k4��- Gary W. Price Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Associate Planner Community Development Director GAP/psn Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C 2HIS APPROJAL IS S 70 THE MOL DWING OONDITI 1. 'hhe develagment of the site shall be in confamwice with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No.85-209 , unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. Z. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall baoane null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By °use" is meant the beginning of substantial oonstruction, not including grading, oantemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in a000rdanoe with the standards of the Uniform Fire Axle as adopted by the City of la Quints. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a miniman of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground masted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. S. 11he driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. 2he Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to mAnitting these plans to the Building Department for ` plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Develcprent Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 12. The floor paln shall be redesigned to provide a 10-foot clear minimum dimension in Bedroom No. 3. CONDITIONS Page 2. 13. The Applicant is encouraged to shift the garage siting from the south to the north side of the lot in either Plot Plan No. 85-208 or Plot Plan NO. 85-209 to provide for siting variation in the neighborhood. ViCITY OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccnmissicn From: C=n unity Development Department Date: November 12, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-212 Location: West Side of Avenida Velasco, 50' North of Calle Madrid Applicant: Alan and Sharon Richmond Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Personal Residence BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot M_ininnnn Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a typical 5,000-square-foot, partially vegetated, vacant lot located within the La Quinta Cove. The neighborhood is representative of the Cove with vacant lots and scattered housing. Of the 24 lots within the project site's block, nine have been built on, two are currently being constructed on, and 13 are vacant. Existing development in the neighborhood consists of conventional California Ranch and Spanish flavored developfent. The two houses currently under construction are typical Rick Johnson houses with stucco siding and sloping asphalt shingle roofs. The majority of the existing development on the block have stucco sidings with sloping gravel composition roof designs. However, three houses have wood sidings, one has a flat roof and one has a file roof. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house for his personal residence. The Applicant's representative Earl Krepelin, has received two previous approvals for single-family houses within the Cove. One house is complete and the other is currently under construction. Mr. Krepelin sulsnitted five applications for single-family houses, including this proposal, concurrently with the same arrangement. All five houses embody the similar California Ranch design and are all adjacent to each other (refer to attach- ment one). The Applicant is requesting approval, at this meeting, for a single- family house directly to the ;north of the site (Plot Plan No. 85- 215). The other 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCWISSION Novenber 12, 1985 Page 2. houses, Plot Plans Nos. 85-211, 85-213 and 85-214, have been scheduled for future Planning Comnussion review pending receipt of lot ownership verification from the various Applicants. This house has approximately 1,400-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrooms, each exceeding 10-foot clear dimensions, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door. The house will incorporate a 12 x 4 pitch sloping roof composed of asphalt shingles. The roof eaves extend out 24". The maximum house height is 14 feet. The setbacks are as follows: ° Front Yard 20 Feet ° Rear Yard 13 Feet ° Side Yards 5 Feet STAFF CCMENT'S AND DISCUSSION The house embodies a conventional California Ranch type architecture with stucco siding and a sloping roof design. The Applicant did not submit a plan for the house's exterior color scheme. Staff recarmends that the house's colors match those of the neighborhood, which are earthtone, yet subtly vary from those colors planned for the adjacent proposed houses. As indicated previously in this report, the Applicant is proposing to build four other houses, of similar design, adjacent to each other. The Applicant's repre- sentative, Earl Krepelin, has agreed to provide minor alterations to the exterior of the other houses to add architectural variety to the neighborhood. The Applicant should modify his plans to include varying roof designs, contrasting architectural design features and differing landscape designs between these houses: ° Plot Plan No. 85-211 ° Plot Plan No. 85-212 ° Plot Plan No. 85-213 ° Plot Plan No. 85-214 ° Plot Plan No. 85-215 These more extensive design modifications shall be subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department. It is Staff's concern that this approval will set the pace for the other proposed houses which may contribute to giving the neighborhood a harogenious design appearance problem. With the requirements set forth in the conditions of approval, the proposed house will be cmpatible with neighboring development with regard to roof style, mass, bulk and house height. The proposed house's floor plan complies with the R-1*++ Zoning and the City's adopted minimum standards for single-family dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCWISSION Noveuber 12, 1985 Page 3. Fy�y :,aw�u'uia�.ne •� Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department reco vends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-212 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. G�w.X-�-' Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director THIS APPRDVAL IS SGECT TD WE FCi,IDWING CONDITA 1. The development of the site shall be in ooifcnnanoe with the Exhibits A, 8 and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-212 , unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall boom a mill and void and of no affect whatsoever. By •use• is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, oontmsplatsd by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to oampleticn. 3. 113ter and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Unifomm Fire Code as adopted by the City of Ia Quinta. S. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minima of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan .hail indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. She heating and cooling mechanical equ4mmt shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 8. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan dneck: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° OmmzdtY Develcwont Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified school District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. CONDITIONS (Continued) PLOT PLAN NO. 85-212 12. That an exterior color scheme of the house be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. Prior to building permit issuance for Plot Plan No. 85-212, the Applicant or responsible party shall submit to the Co comity Develorxnent Director for review and approval, specific information or details on stucco color, texture, trim, roof design, and other design features which will vary the appearance fran the nearby dwellings having the same design which include Plot Plans Nos. 85-211, 85-213, 85-214 and 85-215. a w X cc W LAND USE REVIEW CALLE CHILLON I S I I j7 I i i i ! � I PLOT PLAN NO. 85-215 PLOT PLAN NO.85-211 PLOT PLAN NO.85-212 PROD PLOT PLAN ; NO.85-214 I PLOT PLAN NO.85-213 IECT SITE R16 CALLE MADRID ATTACHMENT NO. 1 1 �,, C,y / R MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Conmission From: Ccm=ity Development Department Date: November 12, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-215 Location: west Side of Avenida Velasco, 100' North of Calle Madrid Applicant: Richard Cendali Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for Personal Residence BACKGROUND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Mininann Dwelling Size). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is a typical 5,000-square-foot, partially vegetated, vacant lot located within the La Quinta Cove. The neighborhood is representative of the Cove with vacant lots and scattered housing. Of the 24 lots within the project site's block, nine have been built on, two are currently being constructed on, and 13 are vacant. Existing development in the neighborhood consists of conventional California Ranch and Spanish flavored development. The two houses currently under construction are typical Rick Johnson houses with stucco siding and sloping asphalt shingle roofs. The majority of the existing development on the block have stucco sidings with sloping gravel composition roof designs. However, three houses have wood sidings, one has a flat roof and one has a file roof. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the require- ments of the California Enviramnental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single -fan -Lily house for his personal residence. The Applicant's representative Earl Krepelin, has received two previous approvals for single-family houses within the Cove. One house is complete and the other is currently under construction. Mr. Krepelin suhmitted five applications for single-family houses, including this proposal, concurrently with the same arrangement. All five houses embody the similar California Ranch design and are all adjacent to each other (refer to attach- ment one). The Applicant is requesting approval, at this meeting, for a single- family house directly to the south of the site (Plot Plan No. 85-212). The other STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION November 12, 1985 Page 2. houses, Plot Plans Nos. 85-211, 85-213 and 85-214, have been scheduled for future Planning Commission review pending receipt of lot ownership verification from the various Applicants. This house has approximately 1,400-square-feet of usable living space with three bedrooms, each exceeding 10-foot clear dimensions, two baths and an attached, two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door. The house will incorporate a 12 x 4 pitch sloping roof composed of asphalt shingles. The roof eaves extend out 24". The maximum house height is 14 feet. The setbacks are as follows: Front Yard 20 Feet ° Rear Yard 13 Feet ° Side Yards 5 Feet STAFF COv2VMTS AND DISCUSSION The house embodies a conventional California Ranch type architecture with stucco siding and a sloping roof design. The Applicant did not submit a plan for the house's exterior color scheme. Staff recommends that the house's colors match those of the neighborhood, which are earthtone, yet subtly vary from those colors planned for the adjacent proposed houses. As indicated previously in this report, the Applicant is proposing to build four other houses, of similar design, adjacent to each other. The Applicant's repre- sentative, Earl Krepelin, has agreed to provide minor alterations to the exterior of the other houses to add architectural variety to the neighborhood. The Applicant should modify his plans to include varying roof designs, contrasting architectural design features and differing landscape designs between these houses: ° Plot Plan No. 85-211 ° Plot Plan No. 85-212 ° Plot Plan No. 85-213 ° Plot Plan No. 85-214 ° Plot Plan No. 85-215 These more extensive design modifications shall be subject to review and approval of the Comninity Development Department. It is Staffs concern that this approval will set the pace for the other proposed houses which may contribute to giving the neighborhood a homogenious design appearance problem. With the requirements set forth in the conditions of approval, the proposed house will be compatible with neighboring development with regard to roof style, mass, bulk and house height. The proposed house's floor plan collies with the R-1*++ Zoning and the City's adopted minimum standards for single-family dwellings. FINDINGS 1. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION November 12, 1985 Page 3. Based upon the above findings, the Comunity Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-215 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. G�� tt).o Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director 2MS APPROVAL IS ACT 70 NE FCH.LOWING CONIDITIOM 1. 'hoe development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C Contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 85-215 , unless otherwiBe amended by the following ooditions. 2. 2he approved plot plan shall be used within boo years of the approval dates otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect wdjatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside Cotnty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in acoordenee with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of Ia Quints. 5. Prior to the issuanne of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minium of two (2)0 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Oocupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable oondition for the life of the approved use. 6. 'one heating and cooling mechanical prnT nt shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. B. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Community Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 'ill' CONDITICNs (Continued) PLOT PLAN NO. 85-215 12. That an exterior color scheme of the house be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. Prior to building permit issuance for Plot Plan No. 85-215, the Applicant or responsible party shall submit to the Community Develognent Director for review and approval, specific information or details on stucco color, texture, trim, roof design, and other design features which will vary the appearance fran the nearby dwellings having the same design which include Plot Plans Nos. 85-211, 85-212, 85-213 and 85-214. LND USE REVIEW 0 cc W cc m W CALLE CHILLON i F i t I i PLOT PLAN PRC NO. 85-215 PLOT PLAN PLOT PLAN NO.85-211 NO.85-212 PLOT PLAN ; PLOT PLAN NO.85-214 I NO.85-213 IJECT SITE Ram CALLE MADRID ATTACHMENT NO. 1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Community Development Department Date: November 12, 1985 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-216 Location: East Side of Avenida Diaz, 200' South of Calle Sonora Applicant: Ronald Piekaar Request: Approval to Construct a Single -Family Dwelling Intended for His Personal Residence. RA(:KCPd)i7ND 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 Dwellings Per Acre). 2. Zoning: R-1*++ (One Family Dwellings, 17' Height Limit, 1200-Square-Foot Minimum Dwelling Size). 3. Existing conditions: The project site is a vacant 5000-square-foot lot within the La Quinta Cove. The project site block is predominately developed with 16 of the 24 lots being constructed upon. The neighborhood architecture varies from Spanish Style to Navajo Indian Bungalow Design. The majority of the houses on the block are situated on single 5,000-square-foot lots. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house for his family's personal residence. The house has approximately 1200-square of usable living space with three bedrooms, two baths, and an attached two -car garage with a connecting pedestrian door. The house is to have an off-white beige stucco exterior with brown trim. The house will incorporate a combination gable/hip roof design camposed of brown concrete tile. The eaves extend out 24". The setbacks are as follows: ° Front setback - 20-feet off Avenida Diaz ° Rearyard setback - 10-feet ° Sideyard setbacks - 5-feet (Northerly) 15-feet (Southerly) STAFF REPORT - PINING CO4MIISSICN November 12, 1985 Page 2. STAFF CaMMETPS AND DISCUSSION The proposed house has an attractive design embodying a "Danish Style" octagon front elevation and a brown concrete tile covered roof. The combination gable/hip roof design will provide a needed architectural variation in the neighborhood. With regard to compatibility, the bulk and mass of the house will fit in well with the -surrounding development. Although the house is only 30' wide, being setback to the south 15-feet from the north property line, this is not expected to create a siting or width compatibility problem in the neighborhood. Siting the house in this way will maximize the usable open space of the developed lot. In viewing the submitted elevation plans, it is difficult to determine the actual structure height (pad to roof peak). On the , scale, the plans indicate a height of 18-feet. on the 1/8 scale, the plans indicate a height of 17-feet. Pursuant to City's policy and based on height compatibility concerns with existing neighboring development, the proposed house shall be limited in height to 17-feet. With regard to the floor plans, bedroom No.s 2 and 3 do not comply with the City's adopted standard of 10-foot clear dimension. The bedroom's westerly wall corners are cut -back due to the design. In redesigning the floor plan to meet the minimum standards, the Applicant shall not deviate substantially from the original octagonal wall design of the house. It is staff's opinion that the floor plan can easily be redesigned, in terms of expanding the house's width, to accomrodate the City's minimum bedroom dimension requirements. The garage's internal dimensions do not comely with the Building Department's minimum standard of 20' x 20' clear dimension. It is recommended that the Applicant expand the garage to a 20' width and 24' depth to meet the minimum standards for FHA insured financing. FINDINGS The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. 2. The request is consistent with the requirements of the R-1*++ Zone and goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The building design is compatible with the area development contingent upon the conditions of approval. STAFF RECCUMNIDATION Based upon the above findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 85-216 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditional 'Ill 11 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMUSSION November 12, 1985 Page 3. Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP/psn Atchs: 1. Conditions 2. Exhibits A, B and C APPROVED BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Ccumnity Development Director ' THIS APPRMAL IS SUB7EZT 70 WE MMWING CONDITIO 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No.85-216 , unless otherwise wended by the following conditions. 2. 7the approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; Otherwise, it shall beoame null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to oompletion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside CoMty Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of Ia Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimmm of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation systen and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted, or screened entirely by the roof structure. 7. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. B. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement (a 2" x 4" header) to the existing street pavement. 9. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshal ° Community Development Department, Planning Division ° Desert Sands Unified School District 10. The Applicant shall pay a school develcprment fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agree- ment as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. A letter from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that these fees have been paid shall be presented to the Comunity Development Department, Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. The structure shall have a Class "A" roof covering. 12. Building height of the proposed house shall not exceed 17-feet as,measured from the building pad to roof peak. CDNDITIONS Page 2. 13. BedroonLs No. 2 and 3 shall be expanded in size to ccinply with the mininum 10-foot clear dimension standard of the City. The overall house design shall not be changed substantially in ccuplying with this requirement. 14. The internal garage dimension shall comply with the Building Department's minimum 20' x 20' clear dimension standard.