2007 08 28 PC Minutes
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A regular meeting held at the la Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, la Quinta, CA
August 28, 2007
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Rick Daniels, Paul Quill, and
Chairman Ed Alderson. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Quill to excuse Commissioner Engle. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planners
Wallace Nesbit and Andrew Mogensen, Associate Planner Jay Wuu,
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Alderson asked that a presentation on the City Hall expansion
be added to the agenda. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner
Barrows/Quill to add Item D-a presentation on the City Hall expansion to
the agenda. Unanimously approved.
A. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
July 24, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Sign Application 2007-1158; a request of Coronel Enterprises, Inc. for
consideration of an Amendment to an existing Sign Program for the
Durango Building to allow an increase in sign agenda, change in sign
color and to allow for gator foam lettering for the property located at 51-
105 Avenida Villa.
P:\Roports PC\2007\9-11-07\8-28-07 Minutes.doc
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2007
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Daniels asked the durability of the material
proposed. Staff explained it had been used previously in the City
and there have been no maintenance issues to date.
Commissioner Daniels asked if maintenance of the sign could be
addressed if it became a problem. Staff stated it would be
required to be maintained and Code Compliance would be called if
there were problems.
3. Chairman Alderson asked if all the requirements for the sign are
met per the Zoning Code, why is this application before the
Commission? Staff clarified the Zoning Code requires any
revisions to an existing Sign Program be agendized as a public
hearing before the Commission.
4. There being no further questions of staff, the applicant not being
present, and no other public comment, the public hearing was
closed and open for ,Commission discussion.
5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Daniels/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 2007-014
approving Sign Application 2007-1158, as recommended.
Unanimously approved
B. Tentative Tract Map 34968, Site Development Permit 2007-888 and
Conditional Use Permit 2007-104; a request of East of Madison, LLC, for
consideration to subdivide 14.5 acres into 19 numbered lots and one
lettered lot ("The Madison Club Villas"); approval of special product
types; and architectural and landscaping plans to construct the villa units,
located at the southwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 52, within
The Madison Club.
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning Department
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill asked for clarification on the use of the lake.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2007
Staff asked that the applicant answer that question.
Commissioner Quill asked the width of the flag lot shared
driveway. Staff stated it was 20 feet wide and is a common use
or reciprocal easement.
3. Commissioner Daniels asked if the project would be phased. Staff
stated it will be phased starting at the southern end of the
property, near the Clubhouse. Commissioner Daniels asked staff
to identify, on the adjacent tracts, where the existing houses were
located and where the lots were vacant. Also, why is the
Commission concerned about lots that are vacant. Planning
Director Les Johnson stated the homes on the north half of the
Carmela project are constructed and occupied as well as most of
Rancho Santana. Commissioner Daniels asked how many of the
adjacent lots to the east are built. Staff indicated the location on
the map. Discussion followed regarding what currently exists at
the site and site distances between the tracts. Commissioner
Daniels asked why the perimeter landscaping was being required
prior to building permits being issued. Planning Director Les
Johnson stated the perimeter landscaping is not a direct part of
this application. It is independent and staff recognized that it
needs to be installed and mature before occupancy to help soften
the impact on the adjacent tracts. Commissioner Daniels asked
what views the current homeowners in the adjacent tracts have.
Staff stated the City's position has not been to address views, but
the impact of the Villa units on the adjacent homes.
4. Commissioner Quill asked if any of the Carmela homes were
approved for two-story homes. Staff stated they have a second
. story outdoor sky-deck with a height limitation of approximately
28 feet.
5. Commissioner Daniels asked if Carmela could come back and
request two-story homes. Staff stated yes, they could apply.
Staff's opinion was that by requiring the perimeter landscaping to
be installed prior to building permit issuance, the landscaping
would soften the differential in the heights between the two
6. Chairman Alderson asked if any meetings had taken place between
the developer and the adjacent tracts and if there were any issues.
Staff stated it was their understanding the meeting went well.
Chairman Alderson asked if the lake was part of the storm drain
system. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated yes. Chairman
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2007
Alderson asked if the Fire Department had reviewed the project
and had any concerns. Staff stated their comments were included
in the conditions of approval. Chairman Alderson asked if the
clustered units would have one central trash area for trash pick-up.
Staff stated the applicant would need to address this. Chairman
Alderson stated the biggest concern does seem to be the site line
between the tracts. To him it is important to see the landscaping
installed early to help shield the adjacent property owners.
7. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
John Gamlin, the applicant, gave a presentation on the project. He
explained how the trash disposal would be handled. In regard to
the lake it is part of the golf course irrigation. In regard to the
conditions, they would like to ask that Condition No. 40 of the
Tract Map, where it references storm water falling on-site within
the development, that it be clarified to refer to The Madison Club
and not the Villas. Condition No.6 of the Site Development
Permit should be deleted. This tree is already in use throughout
the overall project and they would like to continue using this
species. In regard to Condition No.7, they would request it be
deleted. He went through a slide presentation on the perimeter
landscaping as it related to the adjacent tract lots directly affected.
8. Commissioner Daniels asked if they wanted the landscaping
condition changed to require the perimeter landscaping on the
berm as each phase was constructed. Mr. Gamlin stated they
would prefer to have all the landscaping installed prior to a
Certificate of Occupancy being issued.
9. Commissioner Quill asked if they could accept a condition that the
landscaping be installed prior to a Certificate of Occupancy for
Lots 1-4.
10. Commissioner Quill asked the water source. Mr. Gamlin stated
they have two allocations from the canal and one for ground
11 . Chairman Alderson asked the source of the fountains in the
courtyards. Mr. Gamlin stated he is unsure, but it should be a
common area meter.
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Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2007
12. Commissioner Quill asked if there was any other public comment.
Ms. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, 81-824 Contento Street, within the
Carmela project, noted she did not receive notification of the
public hearing even though they are within the noticing area. Her
concern is the height and massing of the 19 homes with each
home being two stories in height and significantly higher than their
development and Rancho Santana. The proposed landscaping
appears to be more of a forest planting rather than a desert
landscaping. It is her belief that the massing of the units and
proposed plant palette will adversely affect their home. Lastly,
what will happen behind the wall next to the CVWD well site. Will
the wall be eight feet or six feet and how will the accesses be
13. Mr. Tom Berry, 81-609 Hidden Valley Road, stated he did not see
any problem with the project. He did buy his home in Rancho
Santana for the view, but this project is very attractive.
14. Chairman Alderson asked if Mr. Gamlin would like to address the
concerns raised. Mr. Gamlin stated that the density of this project
and how it is laid out is offset by how far it is set back from the
adjacent tracts; this will reduce any impact on the adjacent tracts.
Relative to the berm and landscaping, they have spent an
exhaustive amount of time on their perimeter landscaping. Their
landscape budget is based on what their water allotment is from
CVWD and their requirements are very restrictive. In regard to the
well site, CVWD has required them to provide an access on both
ends of the site.
15. Commissioner Quill stated the pads adjacent to the well site are at
an elevation of 84 and the well site is 88 which is a four foot
difference. The well site elevation should be reduced to allow the
wall to be eight feet. He would recommend the pad elevation of
the well site shall not exceed 84 feet.
16. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other
public comment, the public hearing was closed and open for
Commission discussion.
1 7. Commissioner Quill stated that in other project approvals, the
Commission has restricted adjacent single-story homes to not have
two-story homes abutting them. In this instance there is an
extensive setback to buffer the height differential. The
landscaping is not typically what he would like to see in the
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2007
desert. but as long as the landscaping along Humboldt is installed
prior to occupancy of the first house, it is acceptable. He does
have a concern about the 32 foot height of the units.
18. Commissioner Daniels stated they have previously addressed
height differences between projects by increasing the setbacks and
he does believe this will address the concerns here. The Madison
Club has built nothing but excellent products and he believes it is
an asset to the community.
19. Commissioner Barrows stated she is concerned about the water
usage and believes that putting a bunch of trees in between the
two projects is not a solution.
20. Chairman Alderson stated the problem of two-story units next to
one-story units has been and will be a continual problem. He does
believe the setback is sufficient to offset the concern. This is a
double-edged sword; the landscaping is not what is typical to the
desert, but it does buffer the site line between the adjacent tracts.
In regard to staff's recommendation for the removal of the Pepper
trees he has no concern.
21 . Commissioner Quill noted this project is a single-loaded product on
the street. Staff needs to make sure that disclosures are being
made by the developers that a development could be built adjacent
to their project and their view of the mountains could be lost.
22. Chairman Alderson asked if staff could explain why the
Fitzpatricks were not notified of the public hearing. Staff stated
the standard protocol was followed and as the Fitzpatricks were a
new resident, it could be a timing issue with the County records.
23. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Daniels/Quill to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-035 recommending approval of Tentative Tract
Map 34968 as recommended and amended:
a. Condition added: The well site pad shall not exceed 84 feet
in elevation adjacent to the Carmela pads.
b. Condition 40; Amended to state that the drain water shall
come from the Madison Club
c. Condition 57: Amended to state "prior to a Certificate of
Occupancy of the first building."
Planning CommissIon Minutes
August 28. 2007
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Daniels, Quill, and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows. ABSTAIN:
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Engle.
24. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2007-036 approving
Conditional Use Permit 2007-104 as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Quill, and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows. ABSTAIN:
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Engle.
25. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2007-037 approving Site
Development Permit 2007-888 as recommended and amended:
A. Condition No.5: Amended to prior to a Certificate of
Occupancy of the first building.
B. Condition NO.6: Deleted
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Daniels, Quill, and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Barrows. ABSTAIN:
None. ABSENT: Commissioner Engle.
A. Discussion of landscaping policies in regard to water features and turf
usage. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen gave a staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the-Community Development Department.
1 . Commissioner Quill stated he has no objection to reducing the
City's coefficient to be equal to what the City of Palm Desert is
requiring. He would highly support moving this recommendation
to the City Council.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if we moved forward with this
requirement, could the landscaping proposed by The Madison Club
be approved.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28, 2007
3. Commissioner Quill stated no, it would not be allowed, but they
could achieve the same affect with a different plant palette.
4. Commissioner Daniels stated he believes we are reaching or limit
on bringing the "Oregon" environment to the desert. He would
like to see further evaluation for golf courses and sited examples
where water usage has been decreased and been very affective.
The lack of turf does not equate to the lack of quality on a course.
5. Planning Director Les Johnson explained that the staff report was
focused on a response to the Commission's request to re-evaluate
the water standards. Staff is looking for direction as to how much
more aggressive the Commission would like staff to be in
evaluating landscaping plans.
6. Commissioner Daniels stated the policy direction in the staff report
is a good direction to start. He would continue developing the
policies, but get it moving forward to get it adopted.
7. Planning Director Les Johnson stated that during the General Plan
Update, these issues as well as other issues will be addressed.
8. Commissioner Quill asked if the points brought forward by staff
were sufficient or should it be taken even further to reduce the .5
co-efficient. If it were changed to .5 it could require the City to
hire a staff member to do landscaping calculations. It is under
discussion by CVWD, but it is very early in the process. In his
opinion, it would not pass Council. He would recommend taking
the five water feature issues and the four policy points at this time
to work toward a stricter water ordinance. The turf use for open
space areas would have a dual purpose.
9. Commissioner Barrows stated she thought the "no turf" option
was already a policy. She would also like to move forward with
the .5 co-efficient requirement, even recognizing that this would
require changes. but to move forward to begin the process. She
would also like to have a statement that water features should not
be overused. She would hope that when this is presented to the
Council the visual presentation is included to show how a project
can be successful with a .5 co-efficient requirement.
10. Commissioner Alderson asked if the plant palette could be more
'" -- ---
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28. 2007
11 . Commissioner Daniels stated there should be some flexibility to
allow landscape architects to achieve their design purposes. He
would recommend that it be brought to the local architects, and
the community as well as the City's Architecture and Landscape
Review Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council.
12. Chairman Alderson asked about the PM 10 requirements. Staff
stated it was being discussed and staff will bring it back to the
Commission as well as addressing the water feature and turf
B. Discussion of a multi-use trail on Madison Street between Avenue 58 and
Avenue 62.
1 . Principal Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning Department.
2. Commissioner Quill stated he believes this is important to make
sure the access can be made to have this trail connection. When
the next development is up for approval a multi-purpose trail
should be required on the west side of Madison Street.
3. Chairman Alderson asked if this was within the right-of-way.
4. Commissioner Quill stated it is within the required setback and the
developer is not required to dedicate any land.
5. Staff stated discussions had been held with the Travertine
developers that could result in a loop around that project via
Avenue 62 to tie back into the trail.
6. Commissioners directed staff to prepare a General 'Plan
Amendment amending Exhibit 3.10 requiring a multi-purpose trail
from Avenue 58 to Avenue 62 on the west side of Madison
Street, across the levy and westerly back to Jefferson Street.
C. Staff gave a review of the City Council meeting of August 7, 2007.
D. Review of the City Hall expansion. Planning Director Les Johnson
reviewed the City Hall expansion plans with the Commission.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 28, 2007
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
regular meeting to be held on September 11, 2007. This regular meeting was
adjourned at 9:35 p.m. on August 28,2007.
Respectfully submitted,
La Quinta, California