2007 11 13 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La QUirha, CA
November 13, 2007
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Alderson who asked Commissioner Barrows to lead the
flag salute. Chairman Alderson introduced Robert Wilkerson to the
Commission and asked him to give a short history of himself.
B. Present: Commissioners Katie Barrows, Jim Engle, Paul Quill, Robert
Wilkinson, and Chairman Ed Alderson.
C. Staff present: Assistant City Manager Doug Evans, Planning Director Les
Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Manager
David Sawyer, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, Assistant Planner
Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of
October 9, 2007. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Engle/Quill to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Conditional Use Permit 2007-106; a request of PetSmart #1230 for
consideration of a request to allow two outdoor metal containers for the
temporary storage of seasonal merchandise at the rear of the building
from October 15, 2007 through January 4,2008 for the property located
at 79-375 Highway 111, within the Centre at La Quinta Shopping
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Eric presented the information
C:\Documents and Senings\cwalker\local Settlngs\Temporary Internet Files\OLK5B\l1-13-07 .doc
Planning Commission Minutes
November 13, 2007
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Planning Department.
2. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill noted the containers were at least screened
and the applicant had responded to the City's letter in regard to
storage containers during the holiday season. Planning Director
Les Johnson noted this was the first request staff had received
from any of the retail stores, but the applicant did place the
containers before receiving approval. Code Enforcement is
working with staff to continue to resolve the problem staff faces
each year. Commissioner Quill asked how long this store has been
open. Staff stated approximately three years. Commissioner Quill
stated this again is a business that is newly constructed and here
they are asking for additional space for seasonal sales. Staff
stated they have been inquiring of the major stores of their
seasonal needs during discussions prior to approval by the
Commission and/or Council.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. The
applicant declined to speak.
4. There being no other public comment, the public hearing was
closed and open for Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Barrows asked if staff's letter clearly states that a
permit is required before the storage containers can be placed on
site. Staff stated yes, but they could enhance on the letter and
send it out earlier next year to encourage compliance.
6. Chairman Alderson asked that on the major businesses he would
request this issue be addressed during the application and approval
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Engle/Barrows to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-044 approving Conditional Use Permit 2007-106
as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Wilkinson and
Chairman Alderson. NOES: Commissioner Quill. ABSTAIN:
None. ABSENT: None.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 13, 2007
B. Site Development Permit 2007-892; a request of Tarlos & Associates for
consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for a 7,000 square
foot restaurant to be located south of Highway 111, southwest corner of
Depot Drive in the Komar Desert Center.
1. Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Planning Department
2. Chairman. Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Engle commended the applicant on the architecture
and landscaping of the building.
3. Commissioner Quill asked if they were approving the landscaping
plan as well. Staff clarified only the landscaping around the
perimeter of this building. The Center's landscaping has already
been approved. The applicant is only responsible for the pad site
itself. Commissioner Quill asked about the color combination; are
they more compatible with the Center than the exhibits show.
Staff stated they are similar colors and do blend with the Center.
4. Commissioner Wilkinson noted the service container should be
better screened.
5. Chairman Alderson agreed the trash container is right up front and
even though he notes there isn't a better location, it should be
better screened. Had there been any discussions regarding moving
the building further to the east. Staff stated the pad was designed
without knowing the tenant. Planning Director Les Johnson noted
the number of times staff had met with the applicant regarding the
design and layout of the building and this was the best alternative
for this site. Chairman Alderson asked about the on-site drainage.
Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer stated the drainage was reviewed
at the time the Center was approval. It is a vault that is self
6. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Mark Waver, representing Tarlos & Associates, stated he was
available to answer any questions.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 13. 2007
7. Commissioner Quill asked if the signage was part of the
application. Staff stated no, there would be a separate sign
program for the entire Center brought forward at a later date.
8. Commissioner Barrows stated she would like to see more vertical
landscaping along the walls. Mr. Waver, landscape architect for
the project, explained the landscape plan.
9. Chairman Alderson noted the masonry columns on the building and
asked if this was similar to what was approved for the Mimi's
Restaurant. Mr. Waver stated it should be as this was discussed
with staff. Planning Director Les Johnson stated they were
assured the material would be consistent, but the color may be
10. Commissioner Quill noted the materials and colored boards were
not provided. Mr. Waver stated they had originally been submitted
but with all the changes they have made, they were unable to
obtain all the new samples.
11 . There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman
Alderson asked if there was any other public comment. There
being no public comment, the public hearing was closed and open
for Commission discussion.
12. Commissioner Engle stated he likes the architecture and
13. Commissioner Barrows stated she is not seeing the conditions
recommended by the Architecture and Landscaping Review
Committee. Staff stated the applicant has already added them
into their plans so staff did not add them to the conditions.
14. Commissioner Quill stated there is no condition that there will be
consistency with regard to the colors and materials. Staff noted it
is contained in the Specific Plan for the Center. Should the
Commission desire, conditions could be added to this permit.
Commissioner Quill asked that a condition be added to reflect this.
15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Engle/Quill to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-045 approving Site Development Permit 2007-
Planning Commission Minutes
November 13, 2007
892, as recommended and amended:
a. Condition added: The materials shall be consistent with the
remainder of the Center.
ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Quill, Wilkinson,
and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Zoning Code Amendment 2007-094; a request of the City for
consideration of an Amendment to Title 9, Chapter 9.60 of the La Quinta
Municipal Code to modify the City's density bonus and affordable
housing incentives in accordance with State law.
1 . Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Planning Manager David Sawyer presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Planning Department
2. Chairman Alderson asked if this was a mandate would it also
encourage the developers to provide affordable housing within
their market rate homes. Planning Director Les Johnson clarified
that the City is required to meet its allocation of affordable units.
Even though this ordinance is relatively new and a lot to
understand, it does provide an opportunity for the City to meet its
obligations in regard to housing.
3. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill asked where you find the definition for very
low-, low-, and moderate-income. Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston stated it was within the State Health and Safety
regulations. It is usually less than 50% of the median for the
County they live within. Commissioner Quill asked if the City had
the ability to define that number for the applicant. Also, is this
verbatim from the Government Code. Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston stated yes, because essentially we are not able
to deviate from it except in very few areas. Commissioner Quill
clarified that even if this was not adopted it was a State law.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated yes. There has
been a lot of discussion within several communities and the
decision was made to conform to it to avoid confusion.
Commissioner Quill asked for the definition of equity sharing.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated the City's
Planning Commission Minutes
November 13, 2007
Municipal Code and the practice of the City is to require equity
sharing despite the recent changes and this has been done
through deed restrictions for affordable uses. The change with
this Code section is that with respect to moderate-income for sale
for common interest units there is now a requirement under State
law that there be an equity sharing agreement. The owner if he
sells it they are allowed to recoup their purchase price, any
improvements they have put into it, and 50 percent of the
appreciation. The Agency would receive the other 50 percent to
continue funding affordable housing. Commissioner Quill asked if
there was the ability to reduce two development standards; is
that the developer's choice or the City's. Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston stated the way the law is written the developer
would indicate how many affordable units they intend to build
they are entitled to "X" number of incentives. This is the
minimum number they are allowed, the City can grant more. It is
their option to request, and the City is restrictive in what it can do
to deny their request. Should the City not want to grant their
request, the City must make findings to show that it would be a
significant adverse impact to the community. Discussion
4. Chairman Alderson asked if this applies to the current affordable
housing we have in place. Assistant City Attorney Michael
Houston stated there is a difference in the equity sharing
agreements between what the City does as compared to what the
Agency does. What this statutory change does is a circumstance
desires to take advantage of density bonus incentives and has
with respect to the equity sharing agreements, has moderate-
income for sale or common interest development. The revised
equity sharing agreements only applies to moderate-income
households. The distinction is that if you buy a home from the
Agency and you sell it, the Agency will receive all the profit. In
addition, the Agency has the first right of refusal to purchase the
property to keep it within the affordable housing covenants. The
difference is this is an incentive to get developers to provide the
City with more moderate-income units.
5. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if there was any public comment. There being no public
comment, the public hearing was closed and open for
Commission discussion.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 13, 2007
6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows/Quill to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2007-046, approving Zoning Code Amendment 2007-
094, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Engle, Quill, Wilkinson,
and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Chairman Alderson gave a review of the City Council meeting of
November 27, 2007 and the Chamber Workshop meeting.
B. Commissioner Quill asked what alternative the City has to enforce major
stores from placing the storage containers behind their stores for the
holiday season. Planning Director Les Johnson stated the Planning
Department is working in conjunction with the Code Compliance
Department to act upon the violations as soon as they are seen.
C. Planning Director Les Johnson introduced David Sawyer who has been
hired as the Planning Manager for the City and stated he has been a great
addition to the staff.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows/Quill to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular
meeting to be held on November 27, 2007. This regular meeting was adjourned at
8:18 p.m. on November 13, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,