2004 Proofs of Publication - Bids
No 0396
Project No. 2003-07A
CDBG Project No. 4.LQ027
SEALED BIDS wi/! be received by the City Qf La
QUlnta (Cit~) at the Office of the City CierI< locat-
ed at 78-4g5 Calle Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La
QUlnta, California, 92253. until 3:30 p.m. on
Thursday December 16, 2004 at which time they
will be pUblicly opened and read for performing
work as follows:
This project is financed by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (24 CFR, Part
570) CommunIty Development Block Grant pro-
gram and subject to certain requirements includ-
ing payment of Federal prevailing wages, compli-
ance with Section 3 Equal Employment Opportu-
nity Requirement [24 CFA Part 135.581, Executive
Order #11246 and others. The aforementioned is
desCribed In the 'Special Federal ProviSIons" sec-
tIOn of the bid document. Additional information
pertaining to the Federal requirements is on file
wIth the County of Riverside's Economic Develop-
ment Agency.
The project consists of.
A. Downtown lighting Program - InstaHatlon of
new light fixtures on new concrete foundations,
pull boxes, and condUit on Avenlda Bermudas
and Desert Club Drive.
B. Avenida Bermudas Sidewalk Improvements -
Installation of sidewalk Improvements, curb
ramps, Signing, and striping from Avenue 52 and
Calle Estado.
All the above Improvements are to be made In a
workman like manner, leaving the entire project In
a neat and presentable conoltion Refer to Sec-
tions 3000, 3010 and 4000 for more informa-
This prol'ect shall be completed within 60 consec-
utive ca endar days from the date speCified In the
Notice to Proceed. TIme for the commencement
and completIon of the work is Important, and IS to
be of the essence of the Contract The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time
equipment items immediately forroWlng 'Notice of
A pre-bid conference wlll be held on Thursday
December 2, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La
Quinta Civic Center in the North Conference
Room. Although not mandatory, It is highly
recommended that all potential bidders atfend
this pre-bid conference. Among other things,
this meeting will be used to Inform DBEs of sub-
contracting and material supply opportunities
BIdder's attendance at this meeting Will be con-
Sidered in determining the bidder's good faith ef-
fort to obtam DBE participation.
Compiete sets of the bidding documents may be
~urchased at a cost of Thirty-five donars
$35.00) per set and are obtainable from the CIty
nglneermg Office, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tampico, la Quinta, California 92253. No .refund
wlll be made for sets of bidding documents that
are returned. Plans and speCIfications will be
maiied for an additional Ten dollars ($10.00) per
set when paid in advance in the form of a check
payable to the City of La QuJnta. Plans and
Specifications are also available at no cost, in
digital fonnat, and can be downloaded at the
City's website address: www.la~quln-
Bidding procedures are prescribed In the Project
Speclffcations. BIds shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tions. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
IS required to be submitted With each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the same,
or fails to furnish In a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
irregularities in the bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to thiS Invitation to Bid shall contam, as a
bid item, adeQuate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
Ing, or equivalent method, for the protection of
life and limb in trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing thiS sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
pursuant to Section 1770, et seq, of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem waQ-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations CopIes of
such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file
at the office of the city Clerk at the City of La
Quinta and are Included WIthin these project
specifications. The Included prevailing wage Gen-
eral DeCISIOn CA20030036 Modification Number
3, dated 4/02/2004 is presented In Section 3010
at Exhibit B. However, bidders are notified that
the most recent prevailing wage General DeciSion
in effect for Riverside COunty Within 10- days of
~~C: opening will be in force for all project activi-
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over tbe age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am tbe principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pnblished in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and whicb newspaper bas been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
November 24th, 28th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penalty ofperjnry that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California tbis__13th___ day
of------December-------, 2004
------------ ----
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and lIot a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, ofwbich the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non parie), has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
November 27th, December 2nd
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penalty ofperjnry that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this__13tb__ day
Of---~---Dec,~mber_-------'.2004 J~ ^
------------------- --------------------------
Project No. 2001-06
Eisenhower Drive Bridge and
Drainage Improvements
SEAlED BIDS will be received by: the City of La
QUlnta {City} at the Office of the City Cler1c; locat-
ed at 7"8-4'95 Calle Tampico, P.O. SOX 1504, La
Qui~!~ California, 92253, until 3:00 P.M. on
ThullKIay December 16, 2004 at which time they
will be publfcly opened and read for performing
work as follows:
The project is located In the city of La Quinta
consisting of the widening of Eisenhower Drive
from two 10 four lanes from Avenue 50 to approx-
imatelY 700 feet north of Calle Tampico in the
City of La Qulnta. The objectives of the project
are to Improve the level of vehicular s'el"ll'lce on
Eisenhower Drive and to reduce response times
for emergency vehicles. The proposed project
would improve the existing two-lane Eisenhower
Drive to a Primary Arterlal-B roadway designation
IdentifIed as a 100-foot-wlde roadway with four
12- foot-wide travel lanes, a 12-foot-wide median,
7 -foot-wide bike lanes adjacent to the parkway
curb face, and 12-foot-wide parkway meandering
sidewalks and landscaping. In addition to the
street widening, the bridge over the La Qulnta
Evacuation Channel woulo be widened from Its
existing 39 feet 9 inches width to 82 feet to
match 1he realigned paved width of Eisenhower
Drive. To support the wIdened roadway and park-
, way on the east side orE;senhower Drive, a re-
taining wall shall be constructed from the bridge
to approximately 600 feet to the north. Sjgnals at
the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenue
50 will be also modified.
All project work and inCidental Items to complete
the project shall be performed in accordance with
the plans, spedficaflons, and other prOVisions of
the contract. AIf the above tasks are to be com-
pjeted In a workmanlike manner, leaving the pro-
Ject site In a safe, neat and presen1able condition.
Refer to Sectlona 3000 and 4000 for more In~
ThIs project shaH be completed within 310 con-
secutive calendar days from the date specified In
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence-
ment and completion of the work IS Important,
and Is to be of the essence of the Contract. The
successful bidder should plan to order any long
lead time equipment Items immediately.
A pre-bid conference will be held TUesday, De-
cember 7, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Qulnta
Civic Center In the North Conference Room.
Although not mandatory It Is highly recom-
mended that all potential bidders attend this
pre-bid conference.
Complete sets of the bidding documents l!l!lY be
purchased at a cost of Fltty.:flve Dollars ($55.00)
per se1 and are obtainable from the City Engi-
neering OffIce, P.O. Box 1504, 78~495 Calfe Tam-
pico, La QUlnta. California 92253. No refund will
be made for sets of bidding documents that are
returned. Plans and specIfications will be mailed
for Seventy-five Dollars ($75.001 per set when
paid in advance In the form of a check p~yable to
the City of La Quinta. PJana and Specifications
are alSo available at no cost" In digital ronnat
and can be downloaded at this webalte ad-
dress: www.la-qulnta.org\publlcworka
, Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project
Specltrcations. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Speclfica.
tlons. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
is required 10 be submitted with eacli bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter Into the same,
or falls to furnish In a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance. The City reserves the
rIght to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
irregularities In the bi~s.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted In re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid item, adequate sheeting shoring, and brac-
. lng, or equivalent method, Yor the protection of
life and 11mb In trenches and open excavation,
which shalf conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, its
consultants, and therr employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq.\ of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem wag-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Rela110ns. Copies of
such prevaJling rate of~er diem wages are on file
at the office of the C' Clerk and will be made
available to any Interes ed 'party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code SectIon 223001
for monies earned by the Contractor and wlthhelo
by the CIty: to, ensure the pen'ormance of the
Contract, the Contractor may. at Its option,
choose to substitute securities meeting me re-
qUjrements of said Public Contract Code Section
No 9920
La Ps:l:;'~ ~~j.~rJ;~~lve
Water Feature
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
Quinta (CIty) at the Office of the City ClerK locat-
ed at 78-4'S5 Calle Tamplco( P.O. Box 1504, La
QUlnta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on No-
vember 9, 2004 at which time they will be public-
ly opened and read for perform'lng work as fol-
The project consists of the installation of an inter-
active water feature, Including but not limited to,
demolition of existing concrete, connection to ex-
Istin~ water fine on Adams Street, construction of
equipment room, water reservoir, drainage, and
instaffatlon of suriaClng and mechanical equip-
ment for a water play feature, replacement of turi
and Irrigation
All project work and inCidental Items to complete
the project shall be periormed in accordance with
the plans, speCifications, and other provisions of
the contract. All the above tasks are to be com.
pleted In a workmanlike manner, leavmg the pro-
Ject site in a safe, neat and presentable condition.
Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more In-
This project shall be completed within 90 consec-
utive cafendar days from the date speCified In the
NotIce to Proceed Time for the commencement
and completion of the work is important, and is to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time
equipment Items Immedlateiy follOWing "Notlcs"of
A pre-bid conference will be held October 28,
2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Qulnta Civic Cen-
ter in the North Conferenoe Room. Although
not mandatory, it is highly recommended that
all potential bidders attend this pre-bid confer.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
eurchased at a cost of Twenty-five Dollars
($25.00) per set and are obt3.1nable from the City
of La ClUlnta, Public Works/Engineering Depart-
ment at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La QUlnta CA
92253. No refund will be made for sets of bidding
documents that are returned. Plans and specifica-
tions will be mailed for additional Ten Dollars
($10.00) per set when paid in advance In the form
of a check payable to the City of La Qumta
Blddln!;:l procedures are prescribed in the Project
Specifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Specifica-
tions. Bid security In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the preSCribed bidding procedures
is reqUired to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forlelted should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fail to enter into the same,
or falls to furnish In a timely manner the bonds
andJor proof of Insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
Irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the provISions of California .Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to thiS InVitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
Ing, or eqUivalent method, for the protectiol) of
life and limb in trenches and open excavatIon,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By hstll1g thiS sum, the bIdder warrants that Its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, Its
_ consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem wag-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations. Caples of
such prevailing rate of~er diem wages are on file
at the office of the Ci Clerk and Will be made
available to any intere ed party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300,
for monies earned by the Contractor and Withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at Its option,
choose to substitute seCUrities meeting the re-
quirements of said PubliC Contract Code Section
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9 Division 3 of the BUSiness and Pro-
feSSions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the proJect. In ac-
cordance With prOVisions of Califorma Public Con~
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) License at the
time that the bid IS submitted. Water feature shaff
be constructed by a contractor with a valid C53
lIcense for sWlmmlngd'oo! construction. Failure to
possess the specifle license(s) shall render the
bid as non.responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a
Labor and Materials bond In the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price as well as a Faithfui Performance Bond, in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with Its bid a statement
setting forth ItS experience on the forms Included
In the Bid Prooosal.
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-eutitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Nnmber 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
October 13th, 20th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this---ll th -_ day
Project No. 2001-07
Highway 111 Widening and Signal
Modification from La Qulrrta
Center Drive to Adams Street
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Cltv of La
Quinta (City) at the Office of the City ClerK locat-
ed at 18-4'95 Calle Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La
TI Quintal California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on
Thursoay. October 21, 2004 at which time they
:Z~lrk bealf~~~~; opened and read for performing
The work to be done consists of widening of
Highway 111 from La QUlnta Center Drive to Ad-
ams Street approximately 1275 lineal feet. The
improvements consist of curb, new asphalt con-
crete, asphalt concrete overlay, signal modifica-
tions, signing and striping. Air project work and
Incidental Items to complete the prolect shall be
performed in accordance with the prans. Specifi-
cations, and other provIsions contained witliin the
project bid documents. All the above improve-
ments are to be-constructed in a workmanlike
manner, leaVing the entire protect in ~ neat and
presentable condition. Refer 0 Section. 3000
and 4000 for more Information.
This pro/ect shaH be completed within 60 consec-
utive ca endar days from the date specified in the
Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement
and completion of the work is important, and is to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order anrc long lead time
n~~d~~nt Items immedIately folowlng 'Notice of
A pre-bid conference will be held Wednesday,
October 6, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Qulnta
Civic Center in the North Conference Room.
Although not mandatory, it is highly recom-
mended that all potential bidders attend this
pre-bid conference.
! Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~rchased at a cost of Thirty Five Dollars
S.OO} per set and are obtainable from the City
ngineering Office, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tamplco, La Qulnta, California 92253. No refund
will be made for sets of bidding documents that
are returned. Plans and specifIcations will be
malled for an additional Ten Dollars ($10.00) per
set when paid in advance In the form of a check
payable to the City of La Quinta. Plans and
Specifications are also available at no cost}. In
digital format and can be downloaded at mls
;r~:~. address: www.la-qulnta.org\pub-
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project
Specifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Specifica-
tions. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
cOnforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
is required to be submitted with each bid, as a
gut:\ranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the same,
or fails to furnIsh In a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance, The City reserves the
right to reject any or alf bids, ana to waive any
irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted In re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting. shoring, and brac-
Ing, or equlvafent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb In trenches and open excavation,
which shalf conform to appliCable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort Ifabllity to the City, Its
consultants, and theIr employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et, seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem wag-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of
such prevailing rate of~er diem wages are on file
at the office of the Ci Clerk and will be made
available to any intere ed party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300.
for monies earned by the Contractor and withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may. at ItS option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said PubliC Contract Code Section
Counly of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaUer
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
September 25th, October 151
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penally of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this____26th___ day
AU bidders shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9/ Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Coae of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated in the proiect. In ac-
cordance with provisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall eossess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) icense at the
time that the bid is submitted. Failure to possess
the speCified license{s) shall render the bid as
The successful bidder WIU be required to furnish a
Labor and Materials bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price, as well as a Faithful Pertormance Bond, in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with Its bid a statement
settino forth Itl': Axn",rlAn",.. nn thA ,,,........ l......l. ,.-1...-1
)"'-.- .-- CITY OF LA QUlNTA
Project No. 2002-071
SilvarRock Resort On.Slte and
Landscape Improvements for the
Maintenance Facility and Temporary
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Cltv of La
QUints (City) at the Office of the City ClerK locat-
ed at 78-4915 Calle Tampico, La Quinta California.
92253, P.O. Box 1504, 92247 until 10:00 A.M. on
Thursday, September 30 2004 at which time
they wIll be publicly opened and read for perform-
Ing work as follows:
The work to be done consists of site and land.
scape Improvements for the Maintenance Facility
and Temporary Clubhouse.
The Maintenance Facility Improvements consist of
mobilization; claar and grub; grading for site im-
provements; curb and gutter; crushed aggregate
base and asphalt concrete pavement; portrand
cement concrete, Including sidewalk; installation
of sign age, parking and handicap stnping; instal-
lation of storm drain piping and drainage struc-
tures; installation of perimeter block wall and
gates, adjustment of cleanouts to grade; installa-
tion of domestic waterline and appurtenances; In-
stallation of sanitary sewerline, sand/oil separator
and appurtenances, Installation of dry utilities in-
cluding electncal lines and air fines; construction
of landscape Improvements; installation of traffic
control devices required during construction of
the improvements; coordination with other on-site
contractors so as not to Impact other adjacent
work; and all appurtenant work as required by the
plans and specific.atio!)s, . _ _
The Temporary Clubhouse Improvements consist
of mobilization; clear and grub; grading for site
Improvements; curb and gutter; crushed aggre-
gate base and asphalt concrete pavement; Port-
land cement concrete, including sidewalk; Instal-
lation of slgnage, parking and "handicap striping;
Installation of storm drain plplnQ and drainage
structures; Installation of dry utilities Including
electrical lines; construction of landscape Im-
provements; installation of traffic control deVices
required during construction of the improvements;
coordination With other on-site contractors so as
not to Impact other adjacent work; and all appur-
tenant work as required by the plans and specifi-
All project work and Incidental items to complete
the project shall be performed in accordance with
the plans, specifications, and other provisions of
the contract. Dust control Including signage,
chemical stabilization, watering, fencing and a
full-time environmental observer responsible for
dust control shall be Included in the contractor's
bid. All the above Improvements are to be con-
structed in a worknianlike manner, leaVing the en-
tire project in a neat and presentable condition.
Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more In-
ThIS project shall be completed within 60 consec-
utive calendar days from the date specified in the
Notice to Proceed. Time f6r the commencement
and completion of the work IS important, and IS to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead tIme
equipment Items immediately folfowlng "Notice of
Complete sets of the bidding documents !!l~Y be
purchased at a cost of fifty-Five Dolla... (555.00)
, per set and are obtalnabre from the CitY, Engi-
neering Office, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Cal e Tam-
, pica, La Quinta, California 92253. No refund wiff
be made for sets of bidding documents that are
returned. Plans and specifications -will be mailed
for an addItional Ten Dollars ($10.00) per set
when paid In advance in the form of a cneck pay-
able to the City of La QUlnta.
Bidding procedures are preSCribed In the Project
SpeCifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tions. Bid secunty in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
is required to be submitted With each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the same.
or falls to furnish in a timeN manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. 1'he City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
Irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the prOVisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shaU contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
Ing, or equivalent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb in trenches and open excavation,
whIch shaH conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, Its
consultants, and thefr employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq.\ of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem wag-
es as determined by the Director 0 the CalifornIa
Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of
such prevailing rate of ~er diem wages are on file
at the office of the CI Clerk and will be made
available to any interes ed party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 223001
for monies earned by the Contractor and withhela
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am tbe principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
September 9th, 15th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this_24tb___ day
This is space for County Clerk's Fihng Stamp
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ~__17th -~- day
PROJECT NO. LtdC 2004-05
SEALED BIDS wlU be received by the City of La
Culnts (CIty) at the OffIce of the City ClerK locat-
ed at 18495 Calle Tampleo, P.O. SOX 1504, La
aUlnt~ California, 92253, untll 2:00 p.m. on
] Tt,~~r~Hr~e ~~g~~~~~~~:d :~~ea&J f-:;r~e~6Ir~~
_ ing work as follows:
Furnish all necessary materials, equipment, labor,
and Incidentals as required to perform landscape
maintenance duties for median Islands, parkways,
parksr retention basins, and civic facilities. The
work: nvolved Is In the area of the Landscape and
Lighting Assessment District 89-1 consisting of
maintenance and repair of all plant material and
Irrigation. A listing of sites and plans for each
, lanascape maintenance area of responsibility has
been included In the AppendIx section of this
. Specification and Request for Bid.
Complete sets of the specifications and bid docuw
menta Il'!!lY be purchased at a cost of Twenty
Dollars ~O.OO) per set and are obtaInable from
the PubHc Works/En'Pneerlng Department at
b~i~~~n~a~~JGfP~1~' do~u~~~t~ ~~~ ~ ~~m:d
for a Five Dollar ($5.00) mailing fee, per set,
whel'l paid In advance In the form of a check pay-
able to the City. No reful'lds wlll be made for sets
of bidding documents that are returned.
Bidding procedures are prescrIbed In the specIfi-
cations. Bids shall be executed on the forms
bound and made a part of said Specifications.
Bid security, In an amount not less than ten per-
cent (10%) of the total annual bid dollar amount
and conforming to the prescribed bidding proce-
dures, Is required to be submitted with each bid
as a guaranty to be forfeIted should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter Into the same
or faUs to furnish. In a timely manner, the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance. The City reselVes the
right to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
Irregularities in the bids.
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with prOVisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the CIty has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Cia.. C-27 (landscaping Contractorlllcense at
the time that the bid IS subrnltted. Fairure to pos~
sess the specified ficense(s) shall render the bid
as non-responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a
. Payment bond in the amount equal to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the Contract Annual amount.
Telephones utilized for business purposes at the
City facility will not be available to bidders. Bid
forms received after the desiijnated time will not
be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents
are invited to attend the public bId opening.
No bidder may withdraw Its bid for a period of
sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening
of bids.
Bids shall be submitted only in the sealed enve~
lope provided by the City. .
Approved By: Timothy R Jonasson, P .E.
Public Works Director/City Engineer
,Published By. June S. Greek, City Clerk
. PUB: September 3, 9, 2004
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal derk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pnblished in the dty of Palm Springs,
County of Riversid~ and which newspaper has beeD
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Sept 3rd, 9th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjnry that the
foregoing is true and correct.
ThIS is space for County Clerk's Filmg Stamp
tember---------------, 2004
lNO.937~ CITY:' LA Q=N~:
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Cltv of La
Quints (Cltyl at the office of the Cl~ Clerk located
at 78-4'95 Calle Tamplco, La Quints, California,
922530 until 3:00 p.m. 00 Thursday, September
23, 2 04, at whIch time they win be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
. Furnish all necessary equipment, labor, and Inci-
dentals as required to perform lighting mainte-
nance duties for median Islands, parkways, parks,
retention basins and civic -tacllltles. The work In-
volved ls In the area of the landscaping and
Lighting District #89-1 consIsting of maintenance
and repair of all landscape Ugh ling and lighting
electrical systems. A listing of sites lor each Isncf-
scape maintenance area of responsibility. has
been Included in the Appendix section of this
Specification and Request for BId. Site plans will
be provided to the successful BIdder on an as
needed basis.
All questions are to be referred to the Public,
Works Maintenance Manager at (760) 777-7052.
Specifications are available without charge at the
Public WorkslEnglneering Department of City Hall.
Bids shall be submitted only In the sealed enve-
lope provided by the City. Bidding procedures are
prescribed In the Project Specifications. Bids shall
be executed on the forms bound and made a part
of said Specifications. Bid security In an amount
not less than ten percent (10%) o(the total annu-
al bid amount and conforming to the prescribed
bidding procedures is required to be submItted
with each bid as a guaranty to be forfeited should
the bidder, If awaroed the contract, fall to enter
into the same, or fail to furnish In a timely manner
the bonds and/or proof of insurance. The City re-
serves the right to reject any or all bids, and to
waive any irregularities In the bids.
All bidders shall be hcensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code ()f the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the prolect. In ac-
cordance wIth provisions of California Public Con~ I
tract Code, Section 3300, the City has deter-
mIned that the Contractor shall possess a valid
Class C-10 license, at the time the bid is submit-
ted. Failure to possess the speclfled license shan I
render the bid as non-responsive.
Each bidder shall submit, with its bid, a statement
setting forth Its experience on the forms included
In the bid proposal.
Telephones utilized for business purposes at the
City of La Qulnta facilitv will not be avaIlable to
bidders. Bid forms recelved after the designated I
time will not be accepted. Bidders and their aU-I
thorized agents are invited to attend the publiC
bid opening. .
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of
SIXty (60l days after the date set for the opening
of the bfds.
I Approved By: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E.
Public Wor1<s Director/City Engineer
Published By: June S. Greek. City Clerk
PUB: September 3, 9, 2004
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. J am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
priuted and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Sept 3rd, 9th
All iu the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that lhe
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ____17th --- day
Project No. 2002-07J
SilverRock Resort Irrigation Well
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUlnta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 78-495 Calle Tampico, PO. Box 1504, La
Quinta, California, 92253, until 10:30 A.M. on Fri-
day, August 27, 2004 at whIch time they will be
publicly opened and read for performing work as
The proposed Improvements provide for the con-
struction of a High ProductIOn Water Wen wIthin
the City'S SllverRock Resort Golf Course site. In
generar, the project consists of permit fees, mobl-
ThIs Iizatlon and demobilization of drilling eqUipment,
conductor casing, test hole drilling, E-log well,
reaming, casing, gravel packinQ, concrete seal,
concrete pump base, test pumping and well de-
velopment, pumping eqUipment Including motor
and turbine 011 lube pump assembly, electrical
equipment Including 150 HP soft start pumping
plant panel, electrical service to well and contrOl
I panel, discharge assembly and all appurtenances
Including meters. valves. repair couplings, !lttl~gS,
pipe stands, air relief valves, and ductIle Iron
All project work and inCidental items to complete
the project shall be performed In accordance with
the plans, speclflcaflons, and other prOVisions of
I the contract Dust control Including slgnage,
I chemical stabilization, watenng, fencing and a
full-time environmental observer responSible for
dust control shall be Included in the contractor's
bid All the above Improvements are to be con-
structed In a workmanHke manner, leaVing the en-
tire project In a neat and presentable conditIon.
Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more in-
This prolect shall be completed Within 90 consec-
utive ca endar days from the date speCified in the
Notice to Proceed Time for the commencement I
and completion of the work is Important, and IS to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead. time
eqUipment items Immediately follOWing "NotICe of
A pre-bid conference will be held Thursday,
August 19, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. at the Avenue 54
construction trailer on the SilverRock Aesort
project site. Although not mandatoryl it is
highly recommended that all potential bidders
attend this pre-bid conference.
I Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~rchased at a cost of Thirty Five Dollars
5.00) per set and are obtainable from the City
nglneenng Office, POBox 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tamplco, [a Qutnta, California 92253. No refund
Will be made for sets of bidding documents that
are retumed. Plans and specifIcations will be
mailed for an additional Ten Dollars ($10.00) per
set when paid in advance In the form of a check
payable to the City of La Quinta.
Blddln9 procedures are prescribed In the Project
Specifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said SpeCIfica-
tions. Bid secunty In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bLd dollar amount and
conformlrlQ to the preSCribed bidding procedures
IS reqUired to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeIted should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter into the same.
) or falls to furnish In a tImely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance The City reserves the
I right to reject any or all bIds, and to waive any I
Irregularities in the bids
Pursuant to the prOVISions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted In re-
sponse to thiS InVitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bId item adequate sheeting. shoring, and brac-
tng or equivalent method, for the protection of
life' and limb in trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing thiS sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action does not convey tort liability to the CIty, Its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successfui bidder shan pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem waQ-
es as determtned by the DIrector 0 the Califomla
Department of Industrial RelatIons. Copies of
such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file
at the office of the City Clerk and Will be made
available to any interested party on request '
Pursuant to publIC Contract Code Section 22300,
for mOnies earned by the Contractor and withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at ItS option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the .re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section
22300 .
All bidders shaU be licensed under the prOVISions
of Chapter 9, DiviSion 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with prOVISions of Cal1fornia Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall (assess a valId
Class A (General Contractor) icense at the
time that the bid IS submitted In addition, the
_ _ _ _'_0&.. .___..... _____:......... ...ith +h.. ......+..r .......11
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Ang 9th, 14th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __24th --- day
r ~
INV\11\110N 10 BID
Project No. 2OO2-07G
SilverRock Resort Perimeter Parkway
and Entry Road Landscaping
SEALED SIOS wIll be received by the City of La
inta (City) at the Office of the City ClerK locat-
e 78-495 Calle Tamplco, PO. Sox 1504, l.-fl
Qutn California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on Fn-
day A st 27, 2004 at which time they will be
publicly 0 ad and fead for performing work as
The proposed improvements Will Improve the pe~
rimeter parkways and the entry road parkways
associated Wlfh the SilverRock Resort Golf
Th,.s, Course In General the project consists of minor
S gradmg, hardscape Improvements (walks, trails,
walls, gates, fences and pilasters), Irrigation,
planting and lighting Improvements wlthm the
parkways adjacent to Avenue 52, Jefferson Street
and Avenue 54, and along the entry road park-
ways, from the main entry on Avenue 52 to the
temporary clubhouse
All project work and Incidental items to complete
the project shall be performed in accordance With
the plans, specifications, and other provisions of
the contract Dust control including signage,
chemical stabilization, watering, fencmg and a
full-time environmental observer responSible for
dust control shall be Included In the contractor's
bid. All the above Improvements are to be con-
structed In a workmanlike manner, leaVing the en-
tire project In a neat and presentable condItion.
Refer to SectIons 3000 and 4000 for more in-
County of Riverside
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty ofperjnry thatthe
foregoing is true and corre<:t.
.Thls prolect shall be completed within 90 consec-
utive ca endar days from the date specified In the
Notice to Proceed Time for the commencement
and completion of the work IS Important, and is to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
:bldder should plan to order any long lead time
.eqUlpment Items Immediately folfowmg .Notice of
.A pre-bid conference will be held Thursday.
August 19, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. at the Avenue 54
construction trailer on the SilverRock Resort
project site. Although not mandato~. it is
,highly recommended that all potential bidders
attend this pre~bid conference.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~rChased at a cost of Thirty Five Dollars
.00) per set and are obtainable from the City
ngmeenng Office, POBox 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tamplco, La QUinta, California 92253 No refund
wilf be made for sets of bidding documents that
are returned Plans and specIfications Will be
mailed for an additional Ten Dollars ($10.001 per
set when paid In advance In the form of a check
payable to the City of La Qumta.
Bidding procedures are prescnbed In the Project
. Speciffcations. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Speclflca~
tlons. Bid security In an amount not less than ten
1 percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescnbed bidding procedures
IS reqUired to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded the contract, fail to enter into the same,
or fails to furnish In a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance The City reserves the
right to reject any or aU bids, and to waive any
irregularities In t~e bids
Pursuant to the prOVISIons of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to this InVitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting, shOring, and brac-
ing, or equivalent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb In trenches and open excavation,
which shalf conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevalhng rate of per diem wag-
es as determined by the Director of the California
DeJOlartment of Industrial RelatIons Copies of
such prevailing rate of ~er diem wages are on fife
at the office of the Ci Clerk and Will be made
available to any Interes ed party on request
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300.
for mOnies earned by the Contractor and Withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at Its option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
qUirements of said Public Contract Code Section
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and puhlished in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Aug 9th, 14th
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ____24th --- day
All bidders shall be licensed under the prOVisions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
feSSions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated in the project In ac-
cordance with provisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
ttlat the- General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) or Class C27
(Landscaping Contractorl License at the time
that the bid IS submitted l="aUure to possess the
specifl.ed IIcense(s) shall render the bid as non~re-
Th.. ""'r'r'''''''''~'oI hi........... ,.,i11 h.. ..."",i..~ +'" f"....I.,k <>
'-'Ill VI'" L.I'l. ....U..lIl"
Project No. 2002~07F
SilverRock Resort On and Off Site
Street, Water and Sewer Improvements
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUlnta (City) at the Office of the City CierI< locat-
ed at 78-495 Calle Tampico, PO. Box 1504, La
Quinta, Cahfornia, 92247-1504, until 10:00 a.m.
on Monday August 2, 2004 at which time they
WIll be publicly opened and read for perfonnlng
work as follows:
The prOject consists of street widening and wa-
terline Improvements on Avenue 52; on-site road
and wet utility Improvements, and Avenue 54
street Widening, and wet and dry utility Improve-
ments The Avenue 52 Improvements consist of
mobilization; clearing and grubbing; grading for
roadway Widening; curb and gutter; crushec ag-
gregate base and asphalt concrete pavement; re-
moval of asphalt, base, and miscellaneous con-
crete lunclassifled excavatIOn); adlustment of
n'lanho es and valves to grade; Instalratlon of slg-
nage and striping; InstaJlatlon of domestic water~
line and appurtenances; installation of traffic con-
trol deVices required during construction of the
improvements; and all appurtenant work as re-
quired by the plans and specifications.
The on-sIte improvements conSist of mobilization;
grading for roadway improvements, curb and gut-
ter; median curb, crushed aggregate base and
asphalt concrete pavement; adjustment of man-
holes and valves to grade, Installation of slgnage
and striping; installation of domestic waterline and
appurtenances; Installation of sanitary sewer line,
sewer lift station. and appurtenances; Installation
of~ utilities.; Installation of traffic control deviclis
required during coristructlon of the imprOVements; .
coordmatlon With other on-site contractors so as
not to Impact other adjacent work, and all appur-
tenant work as required by the plans and specifi-
The Avenue 54 improvements consIst of mobHlza-
tlon; clearing and grubbing; grading for roadway
widening; curb and gutter, crushed aggregate
base and asphalt concrete pavement; removal of
asphalt, base and miscellaneous concrete (un~
classified excavation); adjustment of manholes
and valves to grade; InstatlatloQ of signage and
striping; Installalion of storm drain improvements,
including catch basins, pipes, drywells and grad-
Ing of retention baSins, installatIon of domestic
waterline and appurtenances, Installation of sani.
tary sewer line and appurtenances; installatIon of
dry utilities; installation of traffic control devices
required during construction of the Jmprovements
and all appurtenant work as required by the plans
and specifications.
All project work. and Incidental Items to complete
the proJect shall be performed In accordance with
the plans, speCificatIons, and other provisions of
the contract. Dust control including Slgnage,
chemical stabilization, watemng, fenCing and a
full-time environmental obselVer responsible for
dust control shall be Included in the contractor's
bid. All the above Improvements are to be con-
structed In a workmanlike manner, leaVing the en-
tire project m a neat and presentable condition.
Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more in-
ThIS project shall be completed within 120 con-
Secutive calendar days from the date speCified In
the Notice to Proceed Time for the commence-
ment and completIon of the work. IS important,
and Is to be of the essence of the Contract. The
successful bidder shouid plan to order any long
lead-time equipment items Immediately followmg
"Notice of Award".
Compfete sets of the bidding documents may be
purchased at a cost of One Hundred Twenty
FivlLD.ollar:s ($125.00J.r"'r ",,,,t MrI..are ahtainabJe
from the City of La Ouinta, Public Works/Engi-
neering, 78-'l-95 Calle Tamplco, La Quinta, CA
92253 No refund will be made for sets of bidding
documents that are returned.
Plans and specifications Will be mailed for One
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per set when
paid in advance in the form of a check payable to
the City of La QUlnta, Public Works/Engineering,
P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92247-1504.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project
Speclffcations. Bids shall be executed upon the
fonns bound and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tions. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescnbed bidding procedures
is required to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded the contract, fall to enter Into the same,
or falls to furnish in a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reselVes the
Tight to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the prOVISions of California Labor
Code SectIon 6707, each bid submItted in re-
sponse to thIS InVitation to Bid shalf contafn, as a
. bid item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
ing, or equivalent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb In trenches and open excavation,
Which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code. the successful bidder shan pay
County of Riverside
I am a citizen ofthe United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
July 19th, 24th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penally of perjury thatthe
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ----9"- day
of-----Augnst---------, 2004
___~W,)I Q ~.fu._
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pnblished in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non parlel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
July lOth, 17th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty ofperjnry that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ___28th --- day
---------------------, 2004
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9, DiviSion 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of Callfotnla to do the
type of work contemplated in the project. In ac-
cordance with provisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) License at the time
that the bid is submitted. Failure to possess the
soeclfled I~~SS~ .s~~L!~r:!g~r J!l~!2.!-d. as non-re-
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUlnta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk locat~
ad at 18~495 Calle Tamplco (92253), P.O. Box
1504, La Quinta, California, 1)2247, until 10:00
a.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 2004 at which Ume
they will be publicly opened and read for perform~
ing work as follows:
This project is financed by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (24 CFR, Part
570) Community Development Block Grant pro-
~ram and subject to certain requirements InclUd-
Ing payment of Federal prevailing wages, compli-
ance With Section 3 Equal Employment Opportu-
nity ReqUirement [24 CFR Part 13"5.58}, Executive
Order #11246 and others. The aforementioned is
described In the 'Special Federal Provl~lons' s~-
tlon of the bid document. Additional Information
pertaIning to the Federal requirements IS on file
With the County of Riverside's Economic Develop-
ment Agency.
The project consists of street rehabilitation and
Installation of a landscaped raised medIan for ap-
proximately 0.75 mIles of Eisenhower Dqve. from
Coacheila Drive to Washington Str.eet wlthm the
City of La Qumta The landscape Impro,":ements
consist of furnishln~ and Installing decorative con-
crete, plantmg, Irrigation and lighting for E\~E!n-
hower Drive including any other ltems or faCIlities
necessary and incidental to complete the Im-
provements as required by the plans, specifica-
tions and other prOVisions of the contract. The
work includes, but is not limited to, concrete In-
stallation, planting, installation of an irrigation ar;'d
lighting system. The street Improvements consist
of the installation of a raised median curb, instal-
lation of concrete curb and gutter, crack sealing
eXisting pavement, cold millmg asphalt concrete
pavement, pavement removal and replacement,
construction of a rubberized asphalt concrete
overlay, Signing and striping and Incidental work
to complete the Improvements as reqUired by the
plans speCIfications and other prOVisions of the
contract. All the above improvement~ are to be
made in a workman like manner, leaVing the .en-
tire prol'ect in a neat and presentable condition.
Refer 0 Sections 3000, 3010 and 4000 for
more infonnation.
ThiS project shall be completed within 120 con-
secutIve calendar days from the date specified in
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence-
ment and completion of the work Is important,
and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The
successful bidder should plan to order any long
lead time equipment Items immediately following
"NotIce of Award'.
A pre-bid conference will be held on July' 14,
2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Qulnta Civic Cen-
ter In the North Conference Room. Although
. hi hi recommended that
settln I ar shall. . r-
in thegJ~rt~r~~o~i~~~~:~~ ~ bid a statem ~~
T alephone . e forms inclUrl.ndt at
form s wtI! n 1a
be agc~ecejved aft~~ be availabla a-
ara jnvit~ae?o ~~ders t~~d df~ignaterg t?~~de~. ard
No b. "end. air authoriZed ~II/ not
Slrlo. Idder may gents
~,/ (60) d WIthdraw .
of tjJds ays after th Its bid '0
. edata rape,
B' set fOr th rOd of
Ids. shall be e Opening
ProVIded b SUbmitted
y the City only in seale
TApproved By" d envelopes
Imothy R .
bif" PUblic 'W~asson,
y Engmaer rks Dlrectorl
PUblished B .
June S G y.
PUB' JUly ri8.\r.'t~og;rk
I' '886'Z~$JO
I Nllenb .a, aJo"S O:lkJ O,L
!"OUlUJOl OUl L66iZ$
. NMOa O.
paOOlnbij 'I~M '81\ . ,,-,',,";
d, dl"'.I'" :A'- "" ,A"
D".~ WFit!~l!~~?1i*
Project No. 2OO2-07H
SilverRock Resort Temporary Clubhouse
SEALED BIDS WIll be received by the City of La
QUlnta (City) at the Office of the City ClerK locat~
ed .at 78-4\:15 Ca/Je Tampico, P.O. EJox 1504, La
QUlnta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M, on
Wednesday. July 14, 2004 at which time they will
~: foYI~~~r opened and read for performing work
In ge'1eral, the work to be done i~cludes the reha~
bllitatlon/remod.ellng of an approximately 2,650
square foot eXJsting ranch hQusa for use as a
t~mporary golf clubhouse/future conference cen-
ter, and construction of an approXimately 500
square foot new restroom bUilding adjacent 10 the
eXlstmg ranch house. The work mcludes providing
all labor, materials, equipment and services nec~
essa'Y to complete the job
AU project work and InCidental Items to complete
the project shall be performed in accordance with
the plans, specifications, and other provIsions of
the contract. All the above tasks are to be COm-
pleteq In. a workmanlike manner, leaVing the pro~
~ct site In a safe, neat and pre.~entable condition
fO~r:;~t~gn~ectlons 3000 and 4000 for more in~
This project shall be completed within 160 con_
secutIVe calendar days from the date speCified in
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence_
ment and completion of the work is Important
and IS to be of the essence of the Contract. The
successful bidder should plan to order any long I
lead time equipment Items Immediately following
'NotIce of Award".
A pre-bid conference will be held Wednesday,
JIJn9 30, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Qulnta
Civic Center in the Study Session Room. AI-
thou9h not mandatOa!' it Is highly recom-
~r:~i~dc~hn'~':~te~ten ial bidders attend this
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
purchased at a cost of One Hundred Twenty I
Five Dollars ($125.00) per set and are obtalnabf'e
from the BUilding and Safety Office, P.O. Box
1504,78-495 Caire Tamplco, La QUints, California
92253. No refund will be made for sets of bidding
~ocuments that are returned. Plans and sEecifica~
tlons Will be mailed for One Hundred Fifty Dol-
lars ($150.00) per set when paid In advance In
~~In~~rm of a check payable to the City of La
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project
SpeCifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tIons. Bid secunty in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
Is reqUired to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded the contract, fall to enter into the same
or falls to furnish In a timely manner the bonds
~ndlor proof of insurance. The City reserves the
fight to reject any or aU bids, ana to waive any
Irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the provIsions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to thiS Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bId Item, adequate sheeting, shOring, and brac-
i!lg, or equivalent method, lor the protection of
life and 11mb In trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applIcable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action does not convey tort liability to the City Its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shaff pay
not Jess than the prevailing rate of rer diem wag-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of
such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file
at the office of the City Clerk and Will be made
available to any interested party on request.Pur-
suant to Public Contract Code Section 22300 for
monies earned by the Contractor and withheld by
the City to ensure the performance of the Con-
tract, the Contractor may, at its option, choose to
substitute securities meeting the reqUirements of
said Public. Contract Code Section 22300
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in tbe
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
June 26th July 2nd
All iu the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
~l) OJq;
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ____20th --- day
:~~~~~=~~==~=~~- 20~4 ______
All bidde~~.balicermed ~...............~
;, 1
iSNOdnOJ S9NIA\lS 3JIA"ll3S .eaJ9
Project No. 2004-01
HighwlW 111 Landscafle.Modlflcations
Adjacent to LO's Steekhouse
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
Qulnta (Cltvl at the Offlce of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 7l1-.f!:l5 Calle Tamplco P.O. Box 1504, La
Qulnta.! California, 92253, unth 10:30 A.M. on July
14, 2u04 at which time they w11l be publicly
opened and read for perfonnlng work as follows:
The project Is located on the southeast corner of
Highway 111 and Washington Street, adjacent to
LG's Sfeakhouse, and Is part of the City's Art in
Publlc Places Program. The proposed lmprove-
ments shall modify and upgrade the existing land-
scapelhardscape theme to enhance other recently:
Installed artistic features. In general, the Items of
work shall consists of the removal and replace-
ment of landscapIng. Irrigation, sidewalk ameni-
ties, and other Incidental Items necessary to com-
plete the Improvements in accordance with the
plans, specifications and other provisions of the
I All project work and Incidental Items to complete
the project shall be perlonned in accordance with
the project specifications contained herein, and
other provisIons of the contract. All the above
tasks are to be completed In a workmanUke man-
ner. leaving the project site In a safe, neat and
presentable condition. Refer to Section 3000 for
more Information.
A copy of the CIty's Encroachment Permit Issued
by. C8ItranS Is provLded In ApP.!'ndlx B. The Con-
tractor shall be fully responsible for complying
with the terms set forth by Encroachment Pennit
No. 08-04-N-LC-0136, Including obtaining a du-
plicate pennit In its name.
This project shall be completed within 4S consec-
utive calendar days from the date specified in the
Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement
and completion of the work is important, and is to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time
equipment Items Immediately foUowing "Notice of
A pre-bid conference will be held on June 25,
2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Quints Civic Cen-
ter In the North Conference Room. Although
not mandatory, It Is highlY recommended that
all potential bidders att8na thIs pre-bid confer-
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~urchased at a cost of Twenty-FIve Dollars
$25.00) per set and are obtainabre from the City I
nglneering OffIce, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tamplco, [a Quinta, California 92253. No refund '
Will be made for sets of bidding documents that I
'are returned. Specifications Will be mailed for
Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00) per set when paid In
advance in the form of a check payable to the
City of La Quinta. Plans and Specifications are
also available at no cost In drgltal fonnat and
can be downloeded from the Department's
web ~age at the City's webslte: www.la-quln~
Bidding procedures are prescribed In the Project
Speclfrcatlons. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of saId Specifica-
tions. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conformIng to the prescl'ibed bidding procedures
Is required to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder. If
awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the same,
or faUs to furnish In a tllnely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
Irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the provlsfons of California Labor
Code Section A7!)7 Aach bid submitted in 1e-
SP';lnse to thIs Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
Ing, or equivalent method, lor the protection of
life and 11mb in trenches and oreen excavation,
which shall CQnfonn to appllcab e safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, Its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to PubliC Contract Code Section 22300-.:
for monies earned by the Contractor and withhelo
by the City to ensure the performanoe of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at Its option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9 DIvision 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of CalifOrnia to do the
type of work contemplated In the prolect. In ac-
cordance with proVisions of Callforriia Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) or Class C-27
(Landscape contractorl' License at the tune that
the bId is submitted. Fai ure to possess the speci-
fied Ilcense(s) shall render the bid as non-respon-
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk ofa
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
June 20th, 25th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and conect.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __-6th - day
of-----July----------------, 2004
The successful bidder will be required to fumlsh a
Labor and Materials bond In the amount equal to
~!J~A h~~~!,~~ f..e~c~~tk~ '?~~~n~J~:' ~~~~af~
Project No. 2000-06
Municipal Library
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUlnta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 78-4g5 Calle Tampico, P.O. BOl( 1504, La
Quinta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on
Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at which time they will
be publicly opened and read for perfonning work
as follows:
The project site IS located within the La Qumta
CIVIC Center Campus, north of the Senior Center
and west of City Hall. In general, construction of
the La Qulnta Municipal Library Includes a 20,000
square foot tilt up concrete bUilding shell of which
10,000 +/- square feet Will be finished, furnished
and equipped for use. The interior of the unfin-
ished space will include rough WIring:, lighting, dry
wall, etc. Mass grading of the project site was
completed during the construction of the CIVIC
Center Campus Improvements. The eXisting park-
Ing lot Will be modified to allow for handicap
parkmg and access by servlc~ and emergency
vehicles. All project work and InCidental items to
complete the project shall be performed In accor-
dance with the plans, specifications, and other
provisions of the contract. All the above tasks are
to be completed In a workmanlike manner, leav-
InQ the project site In a safe, neat and present-
able condition. Refer to Division 3000 and Divi-
sion 4000 for more information.
This project shall be completed within 304 con-
tlve ce:ten~ from the date specified in
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence-
ment and completion of the work IS important,
and IS to be of the essence of the Contract The
successful bidder should plan to order any long
lead time equipment items Immediately follOWing
"Notice of Award".
A pre.bid conference will be held Tuesday, -
June 29, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Quinta
Civic Center in the Building and Safety Confer.
ence Room. Although not mandatory! It is
highly recommended that all potential bidders
attend this pre-bid conference.
Complete sets of the blddmg documents may be
purchased at a cost of One Hundred Twenty
Five Dollars ($125.00) per set and are obtainable
from the Department of Building and Safety Of-
fice, P O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La
Qumta, California 92253. No refund will be made
for sets of bidding documents that are returned.
Plans and speCifications will be mailed for an ad-
ditional Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per set
when paid In advance In the form of a check pay-
able to the City of La QUlnta.
Bidding prodedures are prescribed In the Project
SpeCifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bOllnd and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tions. Bid security In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
is reqUired to be submitted With each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the same,
or falls to furnish In a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
Irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the prnvlslons of Califorma Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to thiS Invitation to BId shall contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting, shOring, and brac-
Ing, or eqUIvalent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb in trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing thiS sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq, of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of fer diem wali;!-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations. Caples of
such prevailing rate of !;.er diem wages are on file
,at the office of the Ci Clerk and Will be made
available to any Interes ed party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300\
for monies earned by the Contractor and wlthhela
by the City to ensure the performapce of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at ItS option,
choose to substitute secuntles meeting the re-
quirements of said Publ1c Contract Code Section
All bidders shall be licensed under the prOVISions
of Chapter 9, DIVISion 3 of the Business and Pro-
feSSions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contempiated In the ~roject. In ac-
cordance With proviSions of California PubliC Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shal possess a valid
Class B (General Contractor) license at the
time that fhe bid is submitted. ~allure to possess
the specified Iicense(s) shall render the bid as
The successful bidder will be reqUired to fumlSh a
Labor and Materials bond In the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price, as well as a Faithful Performance Bond, in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price. .
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above.entitled matter. I am the principal clerk ofa
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
June 21st, 27tb
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __-6th_ day
of-- <<d~~ 3~~
This is space for County Clerk's Fihng Stamp
County of Riverside
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUinta (City} at the office of the City Clerk located
a1 78-495 Calle Tamplco, La Quinta. California,
92253, until 3:00 p.m. On Thursday, Jury 1, 2004,
at which time they wi!! be publicly opened and
read for performing work: as follows:
Furnish all necessary equipment. labor, and Inci-
dentals as reqUired to perform lighting mamte-
nance duties for median Islands, parkways, parks,
retention basins and CIVIC facilities. The work in-
volved is In the area of the Landscaping and
Lighting District #89-1 consisting of maintenance
and repair of all landscape Ilghtmg and lighting
electrical systems. A listing of sites for each land-
scape mamtenance area of responsibility has
been included In the AppendiX section of thiS
SpeCIficatIOn and Request for Bid. 'Site plans will
be prOVided to the successful Bidder on an as
needed basis.
All questions are to be referred to the Public
Works Maintenance Manager at (760) 777-7052.
Specifications are available without charge at the I
Public Works/Engineering Department of City Hall.
Bids shall be submitted only in the sealed enve-
lope provided by the City. Bidding procedures are
preSCribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shaU
be executed bn the forms bound and made a part
of said Specifications. BId security in an amount
not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid
amount and conforming to the prescnbed bidding,
procedures Is required to be submitted with eacfl
bid as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bid-
der, If awarc:ted the contract, fall to enter Into the
sarne, or fall to furnish In a timely manner the
bonds and/or I'roof of insurance. The City re-
serves the rlgh to reject any or all bids, and to
waive any irregularities In the bids.
All bidders shall be licensed under the provIsions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with prOVISions of California Public Con-
tract Code, Section 3300, the City has deter-
mined that the Contractor shall possess a valid
Class C-10 license, at the time the bid is submit-
ted. Failure to possess the specified license shall
render the bid as non-responsive.
Each bidder shall submit, with its bid, a statement
setting forth Its experience on the forms Included
In tha bid proposal
Telephones utilized for business purposes at the
City of La Qulnta facilIty Will not be available to
bidders Bid forms received after the designated
time will not be accepted. Bidders and their au-
thOrized agents are Invited to attend the publiC
bid opening.
No bidder may Withdraw Its bid for a periOd of
SIXty (60) days after the date set for the opening
of the bids.
I am a citizen ofthe United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or intere~te~ in the
above-entitled matter, I am the prmcIpal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
June 9tb, 13th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ____29'h__ day
of-----June------------, 2004
c;(JJJJ~ dl-gl~~ _____
Approved By: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E.
Public Works Director/City Engineer
Pu6}ished By' June Grook, CIty Clerl-i,
PUB: June 9, 13, 2004 ~
This is space for County Clerk's Filing Stamp
No 8353
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
Quinta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 78-4~5 Calle Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La
QUints, Callforma, 92253, until 2:00 p.m. on
Thursday, July 1, 2004, at which time they will be
r6l~~~ opened and read for performing work as
Furnish all necessary materials, equipment. labor,
and incidentals as required to perform landscape
maintenance duties for median Islands, parkways,
parks, retention baSinS, and CIVIC facIlities. The
work Involved IS in the area of the Landscape and
lighting Assessment District 89-1 consisting of
maintenance and repair of all plant material and
irrIgation. A listing of Sites and plans for each
lanClscape maintenance area of responsibility has
been included in the Appendix section 0 this
Specification and Request for Bid.
There Is a pre-bid conference on Monday,
June 14, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall
North Conference Room. Although not manda-
tory, It is highly ~commended that all poten-
tlar bidders attend this pre-bid conference.
Please refer any questions to James Lindsey,
Maintenance Manager at (760) 777-7052,
Complete sets of the SpecifIcations and bid docu-
ments m?y be purchased at a cost of Twenty
Dollars ($20.00) per set and are obtainable from
the Public Works/Engineering Department at
78-495 Calle Tampico, PO. Box 1504, La QUlnta,
California 92253. Bid documents can be mailed
. for a Five Dollar ($5.00) mailing fee, per set,
when paid In advance In the fonn of a check pay-
able to the City. No refunds Will be made for sets
of bidding documents that are returned. Bidding
procedures are prescribed In the speCifications.
Bids shall be executed on the forms bound and
made a part of said Specifications Bid secUrity,
in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of
the total bid dollar amount and conforming to the
prescribed bidding procedures, is reqUired to be
submitted with each bid as a guaranty to be for-
feited should the bidder, If awarded tne contract,
fall to enter Into the same or falls to furnish, In a
timely manner, the bonds and/or proof of Insur-
ance. The City reserves the right to reject an~ or
all bids, and to waive any irregularities In the bids.
Ail bidders shall be licensed under the prOVIsions
of Chapter 9, DIVISion 3 of the Business and Pro-
feSSions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated in the proJect. In ac-
cordance with prOVIsions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class C-27 (Landscaping Contractorlllcense at
the time that the bId IS submitted. Falfure to pos-
sess the specified license(s) shall render the tnd
as non-responsive.
The successful bidder Will be required to furnish a
Payment bond in the amount equal to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the Contract amount.
Telephones utilized for business purposes at the
City faCIlity will not be available to bidders Bid
forms received after the desl~nated time Will not
be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents
are Invited to attend the public bid opening
No bidder may Withdraw ItS bid for a period of
sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening
of bids
Bids shall be submitted only In the sealed enve-
lope provided by the City.
Approved By: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Date:
Public Works Director/City Engineer
Published By: June S. Greek, City Clerk Date:
PUB' June 4, 9, 2004
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Nnmher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
June 4tb, 9tb
All in the year 2004
1 certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ___25tb -- day
of----June------------~, 2004
Project No. 2004-03
Fiscal Year 200312004 Slurry Seal
and Rerrtriplng Program
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
Quinta (CIM at the OffIce of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 78-4~5 Calle Tampico, P.O. Sox 1504, La
Qulnta, California 92253, untll 10:00 A.M. on
June 3, 2004 at which time they will be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
The project consists of furnishing and applying
slurry seal and restrlpinQ on various street pave-
ments within the City of La Qulnta and all other
Items and facilities necessary and incidental to
complete the Improvements as reqUired by the
project s~eclficatlons, and other provisions of the
contract. The work Includes, but 1s not limited to
1 cleaning of streets to receive slurry seal and
pavement striping. as directed by the City Engi-
neer. All proJecf work and incidental items to
complete the project shaU be performed in accor-
dance with the project specifIcations contained
herein, and other provisions of the contract. AU
the above tasks are to be completed In a work-
manlike manner, leaving the project site in a safe,
neat and presentable condition. Refer to Sec-
tions 3000 and 4000 for more Information. A
complete .lIstlng of project locatIons and limits Is
provided In APpendiX B.
This project shaH be completed Within 45 consec-
utive calendar days from the date specified in the
Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement
!'l{ld completion of the worle: IS Important, and is to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead-time
equipment Items immediately following "Notice of
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~rchased at a cost of Thirty-Five bollars
.00) per set and are obtalnabr~ from the City
ngineering OffIce, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tampico, [a Quinta, California 92253. No refund
Will be made for sets of blddlnd documents that
are retumed. Specifications wlff 5e mafled for Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per set when paid In advance in
the form of a check payable to the City of La
Bidding procedures are prescribed In the Project
Specifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Specifica-
tions. Bid security In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
is required to be submitled with each bid, as a
guaranty to ge forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter Into the same,
or fails to furnish In a tlmelv manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submltled in re-
sponse to this InvitatIon to Bid shall contain, as a
bld Item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
ing, or equivalent method, -for the protection of
life- and Ifmb In trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that Its
aCtlon does not convey tort liability to the City, Its
consultants, and thefr employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300
for monies esmed by the Contractor and withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, lhe Contractor may, at Its option,
choose to slJbstitute securities meeting the re-
qUirements of said Publlc Contract Code Section
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with provisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shan possess a valld
Class A (Oeneral Contractor) C12 (Earthwork
and Paving Contractor) and}or C321Parklng
and Highway Improvement Contracto Ucense
at the time that the bid is submitted. allure to
possess the specified Ilcense(s) shall render the
bid as non-responsive.
The successful bidder Will be required to furnish a
Labor and Materials bOnd In the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price, as well as a Faithful Perlormance Bond, in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with Its Old a statement;
setting forth Its experience on the forms Included '
In the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid
forms received after the designated time Will not
~~e ,~~~~~e~o ~~~~~ and their authorized agents
I No bidder may withdraw Its bid for a period of
, sl~ (60) days after the date set for the opening
of bids.
~proved By: Is! T7mothy R. Jonasson, P.E.
Public Works Director/City Engineer Date 5-10-04
County of Riverside
I am a citizen ofthe United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California nnder the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Nnmber 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
May 16th, 23rd
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penally ofperjnry that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ____7th --- day
of----------J une~----------~-.------., 2004
g"I->II<>I-....-II:I.". leI /,..... C' r.:....../.. /",-,.., f"O'A"_
Project No. 2002-070
SilverRock Resort Maintenance Building,
Lake Pump House and Comfort Stations
SEALED BIDS wiff be received by the City of La
Qulnta (CiM at the Office of the Citv Clerk locat-
ed at 7'8-4"95 Calle Tampico. P.O. aox 1504, La
QUlnta, California, 92253, until 10:30 A.M. on
May 27, 2004 at which time they will be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
In general, the work to be done consists of con-
struction of an approximately 10,000 square foot
maintenance bUilding, two (2) golf course comfort
stations. and a lake pump house, including all la-
bor and matenals associated with said structures.
Site Improvements including p,arking lots, land~
scaplng and perimeter walls will be done by oth~
era. Air utllltles will be brought to within 25' of the
structures by others.
All project work and InCidental items to complete
the project shall be performed in accordance with
the plans, specifications, and other provisions of
the contract. All the above tasks are to be com-
p.,leted In a workmanlike manner, leaving the Rro-
~~~es~t~olnS~~~~~8n~~~~n~.fJem6a~~~ ~~~~ i1~~
This project shall be completed within 120 con-
secutive calendar days from the date speCified in
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence- ,
ment and completion of the work Is Important,
and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The
successful blddar-should plan to order any long
lead time equipment Items immediately following
"Notice of Award".
County of Riverside
A pre-bid conference will be held Wednesday,
May 19, 2004 at 11:00 A.M. at the La Quinta
CiVIC Center In the Study Session Room. Al-
though not mandatory, it is highly recom-
mended that all potential bidders attend thIs.
pre-bid conference.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
~urchased at, a cost of Twenty Five Dollars
$25.00) per set and are obtainable from the
u'ildlng and Safety Office, P.O. Box 1504,
78~495 Calle Tamplco, La Qulnta, California
92253. No refund will be made for sets of bidding
documents that are returned. Plans and specifica~
tions wUI be mailed for Ten Dollars ($10.001 per
set when paid in advance in the form of a cneck
payable to the City of La Quinta.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project
SpeCIfications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Specifica-
tions. Bid security In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed blddmg procedures
is requIred to be submitted with each bId, as a
guaranty to be forfeited shouid the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter into the same,
or falls to fumish In a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, ana to waive any
Irregularities m the bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bld Item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
ing, or eqUivalent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb in trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to appllcat:lle safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that Its
actIon does not convey tort 'lability to the City, its
consuitants, and theIr employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770. et. se'bl of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful ldder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem wag-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations. Caples of
such prevailing rate of ~er diem wages are on file
at the office of the Ci Clerk and will be made
available to any Interes ed party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300,
for monies eamed by the Contractor and withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at Its option,
choose to substitutfj securities meeting the re-
qUirements of said Public Contract Code Section
. 22300.
I am a citizen ofthe United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
May 17'"
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury tbat the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this -1"- day
of June ,2004
All bidders shali be licensed under the provisions
of Chapter 91 Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
feSSions Coce of the State of California to do the
type of war\( contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with provisIons of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class B (General Contractor) License at the
time that fhe bid is submitted. ~ailure to' possess
the speclfle~ license(s} shall render the bid as
The successful bidder will be required to furnish "a
Labor and Materials bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price, as well as a Faithtul Performance Bond. in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit With Its bid a statement
setting forth Its experience on the forms Included
In the Bid Proposal.
Project No. 2OO2-07E
SilverRock Resort Golf Cart Bridges
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
Quinta (Cltx) at the Office of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 1'8-495 Calle Tamplco, PO. Box 1504, La
QUlnta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on
May 27, 2004 at which time they will be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
The project consists of construction of three sin-
gle span golf cart bridges each consisting of a
prefabricated steel truss superstructure With cast-
In-place reinforced concrete d~ck slab, supported
on reinforced concrete abutments on spread foot-
All prolect work and inCidental Items to complete
the project shall be performed In accordance With
the plans, specifications, and other provISions of
the contract. All the above tasks are to be com-
pleted In a workmanlike manner, leaVing the pro-
Ject site in a safe, neat and presentable condition
"Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more in-
ThiS prolect shall be completed Within 75 consec-
utive ca endar days from the date specIfied In the
Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement
and completion of the work IS Important, and IS to
be of the essence of the Contract The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time
eqUipment items Immediately foflowlnt the "Notice
of Award".
County of Riverside
.A Dre-bjd-COnferenoa ""ill h.. '1eItI 'Yad~
~ 19,~ 9:00 a.m. at the La Quinta Civ-
ic Center in the North Conferel'lce Room. Al-
though not mandatory, it is highly recom.
mended that all potential bidders attend this .
pre-bid conference.
Complete sets of the blddifl.9 documents may be
~urchased at a cost of Twenty-Five Dollars
$25.00) per set and are obtaInable from the City
ngineenng Office, PO. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle
Tamplco, [a QUlnta, California 92253. No refund
Will be made for sets of biddlnQ documents that
are returned. Plans and specifications will be
mailed for Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00) per set
when paid In advance In the form of a check pay-
able to the City of La Quinta. Plans and Specifi-
cations are also available at no cost, in digital
format and can be downloaded at thiS website
address: www.la-quinta.org\publicworks.
Bidding procedures are prescribed In the Project
SpecIfications. Bids shall be executed upon the
fOrms bound and made a part of said Specifica-
tions. Bid securitv In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescnbed bidding procedures
IS required to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter mto the same,
or fails to furnish in a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
Irregularities In the bids.
Pursuant to the prOVISIons of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to this InVitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid item, adequate sheeting shonng, and brac-
Ing, or eqUivalent method, ror the protection of
life and 11mb In trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders
By listing thiS sum, the bidder warrants that ItS
action does not convey tort liability to the City, ItS
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to SeCtion- 1770, et.seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less that the prevailing rate of per diem wa9-
es as determined by the Director of the California
Department of Industrial Relations COPI~S of
such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file
at the office of the Cltv Clerk and will be made
available to any Interested party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300,
for monies earned by the Contractor and withheld
by the City to. ensure the performa~ce of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at ItS option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section
All bidders shall be licensed under the prOVISions
of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Pro-
feSSional Code of the state of California to do the
type of work contemplated in the proJect. In ac-
cordance With provisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the C1tr has determined
that the General Contractor shal possess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) or Class B (Build-
ing Contractor) License at the time that the bid
IS submitted. Failure to possess the specified 11-
cense(s) shall render the bid as non-responsive.
The successful bidder Will be reqUired to furnish a
Labor and Material bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent (~OO%) of the Contract
price, as well as a Farth~ul Performance Bond, In
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement
setting forth its experience on the forms Included
In the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid
fnrm!'l. r'J'I!t':AIVAd after the desianated time will not
I am a citizen of the United States and 8 resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and Dot a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and publisbed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; thatthe notice, ofwbicb tbe
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
tban non parie~ has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
May 11",16"
All in the year 2004
1 certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this -1"- day
This is space for County Clerk's Filing Stamp
County of Riverside
lam a citizen ofthe United States and a resident oC
tbe County aforesaid; I am over the age of eigbteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
abovlHOntitled matter. I am the principal clerk ofa
printerllfthe, DESERT SUN p'mLISHlNG
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation, -----,,_
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by tbe
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
CaliCornia under the date oC March 24, 1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, oCwhich the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
ProoC oC Puhlication oC
May 12th
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty oC perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, CaliCornia this -25"- day
oC-May ,2004
No 6202
SECTiON 1100
Project No. 2002..Q70
SlIverRock Resort MaIntenance Building, Lake Pump
House and Comfort Stations
SEALED BIDS Will be receIVed by the City of La Quinta (City)
at the Ofhce of the City Clerk. located at 78.495 Calle
Tamplco, PO Box 1504. La Quinta, California. 92253, until
10:30 A.M. on May 27, 2004 at which time they Will be pub-
licly opened and read for performing work as follows
In general, the work to be done consists of construction of an
approxlmafely 10,000 square foot mamtenance building, two
(2) golf course comfort
stations, and a fake pump house, Including all labor and
matenals associated with saId structures SITe improvements
including parking lots, land,sc8plOg and perimeter walls Will
be done by others All utilities Will be brought to within 25' of
the structures by others
All project work and inCidental Items to complete the project
shall be performed 10 accordance with the plans, speclfica.
tJons, and other prOVISions of the contract. All the above
tasks are to be completed 10 a workmanlike manner, leavlOg
the project site In a safe, neal and presentable condition.
Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more Information.
This project shall be completed wlthlO 120 consecutive ca!-
endar days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed
Time for the commencement arn:! completlOl1 01 the work: is
Important. and.ls to be of the essence of the Contract The
successful bidder should plan to order any iong lead time
equipment items Immediately fOllOWing "Notice of Award"
A pre-bld conference will be held Wednesday, May 19,
2004 at 11:00 A.M. at the La Qulnta Civic Center In the
Study Session Room. Althouah not mandatorY It Is
hlahlv recommended that all DOtenll!1 bidders atlimd
this Dre--bJd conference.
Complete sets of the blddmg documents may be purchased
at a cost of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) per set and are
obtainable from the Building and Safety Office, PO. Box
1504,78-495 Calle T'amplco, La QUlnta, California 92253. No
refund will be made for sets of bidding documents that are
returned. Plans and specifications Will be mailed for Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per set when paid In advance In the form of
a check payable to the City of La Quinta
Bidding procedures are prescnbed 10 the PICj9Ct
SpeCificatIons Bids shall be executed upon the forms bound
and made a part of said SpecificatIOns Bid secunty m an
amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid dol-
lar amount and conforrmng to the prescribed blddmg proce,
dures IS reqUIred to be submitted wrth each bid, as a guar-
anty to be forfeited should the bidder. If awarded the con-
tract, fall to enter mto the same, or falls to furnish In a timely
manner the bonds and/or proof of insurance The City
reserves the nght to reject any or ali bids, and to waive any
Irregulanbes In the olds
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code Section
6707. each bid submitted m response to thiS InVitation to Bid
shall contain, as a bid Item, adequate sheeting. shonng, and
bracmg, or eQuivalent rnethod, for the protection of life and
limo m trenches and open excavation. which shall conform to
appbcable safety orders By listing this sum, the bidder war-
rants that ItS action does not convey tort liability to the City.
Its consultants, and their employees, agents, and sub-con-
Pursuant to SectIOn 1770, et seq, of the California Labor
Code, the successful bidder shall pay not less than the pre-
vailing rate of per diem wages as determmed by the Director
of the California Department of Industrial Relations. Copies
of such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the
office of the City Clerk and will be made available to any
mterested party on request
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies
earned by the Contractor and withheld by the City to ensure
the performance of the Contract. the Contractor may. at ItS
option, choose to substitute secuntles meeting the reqUire-
ments of said Public Contract Code Section 22300
All bidders shall be licensed under the proVISions of Chapter
9, Division 3 of the Busmess and ProfeSSions Code of the
State of Califorma to do tile type of work contemplated in the
project In accordan~ With prOVISions of California PubliC
Contract Code Section 3300. the City has determined that
the General Contractor shall possess a valid Class 8
(General Contractor) License at the time that the bid IS sub-
mitted. Failure to possess the specified llcense(sj shall ren.
t!Qt the bIt! as non-responsIve.
The successful bTdder wilrbe reqLrr,edT6lUmTsh a~T1U
Mateflals bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the Contract pnCEl, as well as a Faithful
Performance Bond. In the amount equal to one hundred per-
cent (tOO%) of the Contract pnce
other such claflficallon which modifies, changes, increases
or decreases the scope of
work, reqUires Is~uance of an addendum by the City for the
interpretation to become effective
The City reserves the nght to postpone the date and lime for
receWlng and/or openmg of bids at any time poor to the date
and time established in the InVitation to Bid Postponement
notices shall be mailed to plan holders of record in the form
of addenda.
All bids. IrrespectIVe of any irregulantles or IntormalttlEls, il
received on time, will be opened and pub!icly read aloud al
the time and place set forth in the InVitation to Bid Bidders,
their representatives and other mterested persons may be
present at the opening and reading of bids.
Any bids received after the lime for receivmg and opening
bids as set forth In the InVitation to Bid or as postponed by
addenda Will be considered nonresponsive and WII! not be
opened. Any such bids Will be returned unopened to the
The public readmg of each bid will Include at least the fol-
A Name and address of bidder
B. The total amount of bid
C. The nature and amount of the secunty furnished WIth the
Bids shall be made on the blank forms In this manual and
must be submitted at the time and place stated In the
InVitation to Bid All blanks In the bid forms must be appro-
priately filled in and alf pnces must be stated In figures All
bids must be submitted In sealed envelopes prOVided by the
City It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that rts
bid IS received In proper time. Any bid received after the
scheduled closmg time for receipt of bids Will be returned to
the bidder unopened City shall not be responSible for errors
or omissions m the bId Bidders shaH wnte thalr names on
each bId torm at the space proVided
If the bid IS made by an IndiVidual, hls/her name, signature,
and post office address must be shown, if made by a firm or
partnership, the name and post office address of the firm or
partnership, a list of the partners. and the signature of at
least one of the general partners must be shown, If made by
a corporallon, the bid shall show the name of the state under
the laws 01 whIch Ihe corporation IS chartered, the name and
post office address of the corporation, and the tlUe of the per-
son who signs on behalf of the corporation If the bid IS made
by the corporatIon, a certified copy of the bylaws or resolu-
tion of the Board of Directors of the corporation shall be fur-
nished shOWing the authonty of the officer Signing the bid to
execute Contracts on behatf of the corporation If the bid is
made by a JOint venture, the bid shall be signed by a repre-
sentative of one of the jOint venture firms Additionally, the
bid shall Include a copy of the resolution or agreement
empovoenng tlie lepresenlalive to execute the bId and bind
the JOint venture
The bId submitted must not contain any erasure, interlln-
eations, or other corrections unless each such correction is
suitably authenticated by affiXing in the margin Immediately
opposite the correction the signature or signatures of the
person or persons submitting the bid.
Changes m or additions to the bid form, recapitulations of
the work: bid upon, alternative bids. or any other modifica-
tions of the bid form which are not specifically called for In
the Contract Documents may result in rejection of the bid
by the City, as not being responsive to the Invitation to BId
No oral or telephOniC modification of any bid submitted Will
be considered.
Modificallon ot a bld already roc91\led WIll be ctmSldered only
If the modification IS received pnor to the tIme established for
receiving bids Modifications shall be made m writing. exe.
cuted. and subrnltted m the same form and manner as the
In accordance with PublIC Contract Code 5t03, Within five
days after the opening of bids, a bidder may wrthdraw ItS
bid proViding the bidder can ~stabhsh to the City's satIsfac-
tion that a mistake was made m prepaflng the bid A bidder
deSiring 10 Withdraw shall give written notice to the Crty,
specifying, in detali, how the mistake occurred and how the
mistake made the bid matenally different tlian It was intend-
ed to be ,Withdrawal will not be permitted for mistakes
reSllltlng-from errorsm JUdgment or carelessness In
inspecting the srte of the work or 10 reading the Project
Each bidder shalt subrnlt with ItS bid a statement setting forth Addenda Issued dUring the lime of bidding shall become a
ItS AXmmF>n"", nn Ih", fnrm" ,nt"l"rlerl ,n Ihe I'l,rl Drn",..",,1 ~~.. ~ '''A -'__..___,_ ...____L_~ L_~_'___ .___ _,_ _ .
Failure to fist subcontractors may' rencler the Old non?
responsIVe and may be grounds for rejectIon of the bid
Failure to comply with the provIsions of the GaUforrua
"Subletllng and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act" shall
make the Contractor subJect to the sanctions as set forth In
the Act
No person, firm, or corporation, under the same or different
name. shall make, fife, or be Interested In more than one bid
for the same work unless alternate bids are calted for A per-
son. firm, or corporation may, however. submit sub-propos-
als or quote pnces on mali:mals to more than one bidder.
The City may reject the bids of the known participants In
such collUSion Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section
7106. bidders shall execute and furnish with their bids
Pursuant to the proVIsions of California Labor Code Secllon
6707, each bid suomltted shall contain, In the bid item indi-
cated. the amount Included in ItS bid for adequate sheeting,
shonng. and bracing, or eqUivalent method, for the protec-
tion of Me and 11mb in trenches and open excavation, which
shaff conform to applicable safety orders. By listing thiS
sum. the bidder warrants that as action does not convey
tort liabIlity to the Crty, ItS consultants, and their employees,
agents, andsub-consullants
Pursuant to PIOVISlO\)$ of the Labor Code Section 1770, et
seq, of the State of California, the Director of the
Department of Industnal Aelatlons has ascertained the pre-
vailing rate of per diem wages of the locality In which the
Work IS to be performed and applicable to the work to be
done Copies of these wage determinations are on fife With
Bidders shall promptly notify the City, In wntlng, about all
the claSSifications of labor not listed in the prevailing wage
determlna!lons but necessary tor the penormance of \he
As proVided by Sections 4551 and 4552 of the California
Government Code, In submitting a bid to the City. the bidder
offers and agrees that II the bid IS accepted, It Will assign to
the City all rightS. title, and Interest in and to all causes of
action It may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15
U.S.C Section 15) or under the CartWright Act (Chapter 2
[commencing With SectIon 16700] of Part 2 of DIVISion 7 of
the BUSiness and Professions Code), arising from purchas-
es of goods, materials, or services by the bIdder for sale to
the ClIy pursuant 10 the bid. Such assignment shaff be made
and become effective at the time the City tenders final pay-
ment to the bidder.
No aSSignment by the Contractor of any contract to be
entered into hereunder, or any part thereof. or of funds to be
received thereunder by the Contractor, Will be recognized by
City unless such assignment has had prior approval of Crty
and the Surety has been given due notice of such assign-
ment In WfltlnQ and has com.ented thereto in wrrtlng
The City reserves the right to reject all bids for any reason
The City further reserves the nght to reject any bid: which IS
non-responsive, Incomplete, obscure, or Irregular, which
omits a bid on anyone or more of the required bid items;
which does not contain satisfactory documentation of the
bKideI's quahllcations as reqUired by Section 1110-t6.0.
OUALlFICATION OF BIDDER; WhiCh, In the City'S opiniOn,
the unll prices, are unbalanced, which is accompamed by
msufficient or Irregular bid securrty; or, which IS from a bidder
who has previously failed, on a contract 01 any nature, to per-
form propelfy or to complete II on time. The City reserves the
fight to waive Irregulanties
The successful bidder, Simultaneously wrth the execution of
the Agreement, WI" be leql..l\fed \0 iurmsh a Payment Bond
on forms proVided by the City in an amount equal to one hun-
dred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, a F8lthful
Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred
(100%) of the Contract Pnce, and the WORKER'S COM-
Said bonds shall be secured from a surety company satis-
factory to City.
The form of Agreement, as proVided In Section 1300, which
the successful bidder as Contractoc will be ceqUlred \0 exe-
cute, and the forms of bonds as prOVided In.SectIons 1310
ahd 1320, which It Will be reqUIred to furnish, Shall be care-
fully examined by the bIdder
W!l:hln sixty (60) ,days after the time 0:' oP.nnng of the bids,
the- City-v.,11 ad bid ,~, ..... ..""~,,,l ~ vkl, ki ,~I ~ll Ide er
with the consent of the bidders and their sureties to extend
the time In which the City may act. The acceptance of a bid
will be evidenced by a notice of award of Contract In wnt-
Ing. delivered in person or by certified mall to the bidder
whose bid IS accepted No other act 01 City WIll constitute
acceptance of a bid The award of Contract shall obligate
No 7854
Project No. 2000-06
Municipal LibralY
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUlnta (City) at the Office of the City ClerK locat-
ed at 78-4~5 Calle Tamplco, P.O. Box 1504, La
QUlnta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M. on
May 13, 2004 at which time they will be publIcly
opened and read for performing wo(k as follows:
The project site is located within the La QUlnta
CIVIC Center Campus, north of the SenIor Center
and west of City Hall In generai, construction of
the La Quinta Municipal Library Includes a 20,000
square foot tilt up concrete bUilding shell of whIch
10,000 +/- square feet Will be finished. furnished
and eqUipped for use. The Interior of the unfin-
Ished space Wlli Include rough wiring, lighting, dry
wall, etc. Mass grading of the project site was
completed dUring the construction of the CIVIC
Center Campus Improvements. The existing park-
Ing tot Will be- modified to allow "for handIcap
parking and access by service and emergency
vehicles. All project work and InCidental Items to
complete the prOject shall be performed In accor-
dance with the plans, specifications, and other
proviSions of the contract. All the above tasks are
to be completed In a workmanlike manner, leav-
ing the project site In a safe, neat and present-
able condition. Refer to Division 3000 and Divi-
sion 4000 for more information.
ThiS project shall be compieted Within 304 con-
secutive calendar days from the date speCified In
~th&---Notlce to Proceed. l1r:na..for.. com~ment
and completion of the work IS Important, and IS to
be of the essence of the Contract The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time
eqUipment Items immediately follOWing "Notice of
A pre-bid conference will be held Thursday,
April 22, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Ouinta
Civic Center in the City's Study Session Room.
Although not mandatory, it is highly recom-
mended that all potential bidders attend this
pre-bid conferenc::e.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
purchased at a cost of One Hundred Twenty
Five Dollars ($125.00) per set and are obtainabie
from the Department 'of BUilding and Safety Of-
fice, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, La
QUlnta, California 92253. No refund Will be made
for sets of blddlnij documents that are returned.
Plans and speCifications Will be mailed for
Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per set when paid
in advance In the form of a check payable to the
City of La QUlnta. Plans and Speciflc::ations are
also available at no cost, in digital format and
can be downloaded from the City's website:
Bidding procedures are preSCribed In the Project
SpeCifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tIons Bid secunty In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the preSCribed bidding procedures
IS reqUired to be submitted With each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the same.
or falls to furnish In a tJmely manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. and to waive any
Irregularities in the bids.
Pursuant to the proviSions of California Labor
Code Sectlo'1 6707, each bid submitted In re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid Item, adequate sheeting, shOring. and brac-
Ing, or equivalent method, for the protentlon on
life and limb in trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to appJJcable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that ItS
action does not convey tort liability to the City, Its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et.seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wag-
es as determined by the Director of the California
Department of Industrial Aelatlon!> Copies of
such prevalflng rate of ~er diem wages are on fJle
at the office of the CI Clerk and Will be made
available to any Interes ed party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300,
for monies earned by the Contractor and Withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at Its option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said PubliC Contract Code Section
County of Riverside
I am a citizen ofthe United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court ofthe County of Riverside, State of
California nnder the date of March 24, 1988. Ca.e
Nnmher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
May 11th, 18tb
All in the year 2004
1 certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Spring., California this ---llth--- day
of--------May-------------------- 2004
All bidders shalf be licensed under the provIsions
of Chapter 9, DIVISion 3 of the BUSiness and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with provisions of Cailfornia Pubilc Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the Generai Contractor shal possess a valid
Class B (General Contractor) LIcense at the
time that the bid Is submitted. ~ailure to possess
the speclfJed ilcense(s) shall render the bid as
The successful bidder will be reqUired to furnish a
'Labor and Materials bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price, as ~eli as ,a. Falthl~_I. _~~~.?~Il2~~9:_~?nn~o~_~
Project No. 2OQ4.Q2
City 01 La Quinto Tralllc Signal
LED Lamp Retrofit
SEALED BIDS will be receIved b:i the City of La
Qulnta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk locat-
ed at 78-495 Calle Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La
Qulnta. California, 92253. until 10:00 A.M, on Fri-
.aYI April 16, 2004 at whIch time they will be
pub Icly opened and read for performing work as
. follows:
The project will retrofit 26 traffic signals wlth!n the
CIty of La Qulnta. The project consists of the re-
moval of the existing Incandescent traffIc signal
lamps (red, yellow and green) and pedestrian
modules and Installation of LED replacement
modules. All project work and Incidental items to
complete the project shall be performed In accor-
dance with these specifications, and other provi.
sions of the contract. All work is to be completed
in a workmanlike manner, leaving the project site
in a safe, neat and presentable condition Reter
to Sections 3000 and 4000 tor more Informa-
this project shall be completed within 45 con sec.
utive calendar days from the date specified in the
Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement
and completion of the work Is Important, and Is to
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order anrc long lead time
~~u~~~nt Items Immediately fol oWing "Notice of
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
purchased at a cost of Twenty Dollars ($20.00)
per set and are obtainable from the City Engi~
neering Office, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tam-
pica, La Quinta, Califomia, 92253. No refund will
be made for sets of bidding documents th~t are
returned. Project specifications Will be mailed for
Ten Dollars j$10.oo) per set when paid In ad-
vance In the orm of a check payable to the City
of La Qulnta.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project
Speclfrcations. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Specifica-
tions. Bid security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
Is reqUired to be submitted WIth each bid, as a
guaranty to be for1elted should the bidder, If
awardeo the contract, fall to enter into the
same,or fails to furnish in a tlmely manner the
bonds and/or proof of insurance. The City re-
serves the nght to reject any or all bids, and to
waive any Irregularities in the bids.
Pursuant to the provIsions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted !n re-
sponse to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bld item, adeQuate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
ing, or eqUivalent method, for the protection of
life and 11mb in trenches and open excavatfon,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders.
By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action does not convey tort liability to the City, Its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300,
for monies earned by the Contractor and WIthheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at its option,
choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said PublIC Contract Code Section
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisIons
of Chapter 9 Division 3 of the Busmess and Pro-
fessions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the project. In ac-
cordance with provisions of California Public Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the Citr has determined
that the General Contractor shal possess a valid
Class A fGeneral Contractor) LIcense at the
time that the bid is submitted. f'allure to possess
the specified license{s) shall render the bid as
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a
Labor and Materials bond in the amount equal to
one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract
price, as well as a Faithful Performance Bond, In
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the Contract price.
Each bidder ~haH submit with its bid a statement
setting forth its experience on the forms included
In the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid
forms received after the desiQnated time wHl not
be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents
are inVited to attend.
No bidder may withdraw Its bid for a period of
si!<fy (60) days after the date set for the opening
of t)ids.
~proved By:/sI T7mothy R. Johasson, P.E.
Public Works Director/City Engineer Date: 3/12/04
Published By:/s1 June S. Greek, City Clerk
Date: 3/17/04
PUB: Mo/Ch 21, 28, 2004
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter.) am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
March 211" 2Stb
All in the year 2004
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ----13th--- day
of---April------, 2004
Project No. 2002.09
Federal Aid Project No. CML 6164(009)
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La
QUlnta (CIty) at the Office of the City Cieri< locat-
ed at 78-4'~5 Calle Tamplco, P.O Box 1504, La
Quinta, California, 92253, until 10:00 a.m., March
4, 2004 at which time they will be opened and
read for performing work as follows:
Scope ~f work:
The project is located Within the east 12 foot
parkway and 20 foot lanoscape set back on
Washington Street from Miles Avenue south ap-
prOi<imately 1,350 Unear feet and withIn the south
12 foot parkway and 20 landscape foot set back
from Washington Street east approximatley 2,000
LF. The proposed Improvements are intended to
mitigate l'M-10 by stabilizing the existing park-
ways and landscape set backs on Washington
Street and Miles Avenue. The proposed Improve-
ments wilt be completely Installed within City
owned right-of-way. In general, construction will
consist of clearing and grubbing, grading, furnish.
lng and -installlng stabilized "fines", decorative
rock/boulders, plantmg and irrigation, application
-of environmentally approved polymer based soil
stabiUzer, and other Incidental work necessary to
complete the Improvements.
'., All of the above improvements are to be made In
a workman like manner, leaving the entire project
In a neat and persentable condition.
ThiS project is to be completed Within 90 consec-
utive calendar days from the date specified In
the Notice to Proceed. Time for commencement
and completIon of the work is important, and IS to -
be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time
equipment Items Immed18tely follOWing 'Notice of
A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m.
on Thursday, February 19, 2004 In the North
Conference Room. Although not mandatory, it is
highiy recommended tat all potential bidders at-
tend this pre-bid conference. This meeting is to
inform DBEs of subcontracting and material sup-
ply opportunities. Bidder's attendance at thiS
meetlng will be considered In determining the bid-
der's good faith effort to obtain DBE partiCipation.
ThiS project has a goal of 4% for disadvantaged
business enterprise (DBE) particlpatlon~
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
obtalrled for $65.00 from the City Engineering Of-
fice, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La
Qumta, California 92253. No refund will be made
for sets of bidding documents that are returned.
Plans and specifications wlll be mailed for $10.00
per set when paid in advance in the form of a
check payable to the CIty of La Qumta. The pro-
ject plans and specifications are also available,
at no cost, In digital format and can be down.
loaded at the following website address:
planseto3111. Bidders who obtain the plans
and specifications from the City's website are
responsible for contacting the CitY of La Quin.
ta Public Works Department at \?60)771-7078
for listing on the groJect plan ho dars list. It Is
the s61e responsi IIity of the bidder to obtain
and acknowledge any addendums associated
Bidding procedures are preSCribed In the Project
SpeCIfications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said Speclfica~
tions. BId security in an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures
Is teqiured to be submitted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fails to enter into the same,
or falls to furnish in a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance. The C;;rtv reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
Irregulanties in the bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor
Code SectIon 6707, each bid submitted in re-I
sponse to thIS Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and brac-
ing, or equivalent method, for the protection of
life and limb In trenches and open excavatIon,
which shaH conform to applicable safety orders.
By hstln.g this sum, the bidder warrants that its
action does not convey tort liabilty to the City, Its
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to provisions of the labor Code SectIon
1770, et.seq., of the State of California, the Direc-
tor of the Oepartment of Industrial Relations has
ascertained the prevailing rate of per diem wages
of the locality In which the WorK is to be per-
formed and applicable to the work to be done
The project Is partially funded with Congestion
Mitigation Air Quality Program (CMAQ) funds. As
such, the Contractor and Sub-Contractors shall
comply with the Davis-Bacon Fair Labor Stan-
dards Act (40 USC a-276 a-5), and the implemen-
t tation regulatIOns Issued pursuant thereto (2.9
CFR Section 1, 5) and any amendments thereof.
. ... __,.... ___..._..__... th", I='""",,,,rl'll Pre-
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation
printed and ~ubl~shed in the city of Palm Sprin~s,
Co.unty of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adJud~ed a newspaper of general circulation by the
SuperIOr Court of the County of Riverside State of
California under the date of March 24, 1985. Case
Number 191236j that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
February Sth.14th
I certi~y (~r declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregomg IS true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this -------- day
____________________________________ :!UL
Signature - ----------
pursuanllO r-UUIU.. vu,,"Q...., ~~-- ------
for monies earned by the Contractor and withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at its option,
choose to substItute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section
S Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination
in employment practices on the basis of race,
color, natIonal origin, ancestry, sex, or religion Will
SEA also be required. The City hereby affirmatively en.
aUln sures that minority business enterprises Will be af-
ed a forded fun opportunity to submit bids in response
Quin to this notice and WIll not be discriminated
against on the basis of race, color, national orlQin,
da~, ancestry, sex, or religion In any conSideratIon
ro~I~1 leading to the award of contract.
This project is subject to the "Buy America" prOM
The visions of the Surface Transportation Assistance
gPfr act of 1982 as amended by the lnterrnodal Sur-
b~ 1 face Transportation EffiCIency Act of 1991.
ma?erial, Irrigation lines, miscellaneouS matenal,
and the abandonment/removal of at least seven
existing water wells, rough gradIng of an eighteen
hole tournament golf course, rough grading of the
project entry road: establishing buildable pads for
the clubhouse, half-way houses, maintenance fa-
cility and hotel/commercial area; and dust control
indudlnQ Slgnage, chemical stabilization, water-
Ing, fenclnQ and a full-time environmental observ-
er responsible for dust control. All project work
and lI"\cidental items to complete the project shall
be performed In accordance with the plans, spec-
Ifications, and other prOVIsions of the contract All
the above improvements are to be constructed In
a workmanlike manner, leaving the entire RroJect
In a neat and presentable condition Refer to
Sections 3000 and 4000 for more Information.
ThiS project shall be completed within 120 con-
secutive calendar days from the date specified In
the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commence-
ment and completion of the work is Important.
and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The
City Intends to award the construction contract
on January 20, 2004 The successful contractor
sha'n execute the contract, provide performance
and payment bonds, and mobilize Within 14 cal-
endar days from the date Of the "Notice of
Award". If the contractor falls to mobilize Within
the stated 14 calendar days, the City WIll reject ItS
bId and award a contract to the 2nd lowest re-
..,sponslve bidder.
A preMbid conference wll be held Monday..z. Jan-
uary 12, 2004 at 10:00 A,M. at the La ",uinta
Civic Center in the North Conference Room.
Although not mandatory, it is highly recom-
mended that all potential bidders attend this
pre-bid conference.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be
purchased at a cost of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per
set and are obtainable from the City Englneenng
Office, P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tamplco, La
Qumta, California 92253 No refund Will be made
for sets of blddin,9 documents that are returned.
-p-tans am:t-sp:eclflcations will be mailed for -ren
Dollars ($10.00) per set when paid In advance in
the form of a check payable to the City.
Bidding procedures are prescnbed In the Project
Specifications. Bids shall be executed upon the
forms bound and made a part of said SpeCifica-
tions. Bid security In an amount not less than ten
percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount and
conforming to the prescnbed bidding procedures
Is reqUired to be submItted with each bid, as a
guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, If
awarded the contract, fall to enter Into the same,
or fails to furnish in a timely manner the bonds
and/or. proof of insurance. The City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
irregularities in the bids.
Pursuant to the prOVisions of California Labor
Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in re-
sponse to this InVitation to Bid shall contain, as a
bid item, adequate sheeting, shOrIng, and brac-
mg, or equlvarent method, for the protection of
life and ilmb In trenches and open excavation,
which shall conform to applicable safety orders
By listing this sum, the bidder, warrants that ItS
action does not convey tort Ilablllty to the City, ItS
consultants, and their employees, agents, and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et seq., of the Califor-
nia Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay
not less than the prevailing rate of rer diem waQ-
es as determined by the Director 0 the California
Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of
such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file
at the office of the City Clerk and Will be made
available to any Interested party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300,
for monies earned by the Contractor and Withheld
by the City to ensure the performance of the
Contract, the Contractor may, at ItS option,
choose to substitute secuntles meeting the re-
qUirements of said Public Contract Code Section
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation
printed and published in the city of Palm Sprin~s,
CO,unty of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adJud?ed a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
December 27th, January 3rd
All in the year 2003 & 2004
I certify (or declare) nnder penalty of perjnry that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this -------- day
of------Jannary----------------------, 2004
All bidders shall be licensed under the prOVisions
of Chapter 9, DIVision 3 of the Business and Pro-
feSSions Code of the State of California to do the
type of work contemplated In the prolect. In ac-
cordance With proviSions of California PublIC Con-
tract Code Section 3300, the City has determined
that the General Contractor shall possess a valid
Class A (General Contractor) License at the
tIme that the bid Is submitted. J=allure to possess
the specified license{s) shall render the bid as
The successful bidder shall be reqUired to furnish
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