2008 Proofs of Publication - Bids
l'tU. ~:l1;)1
Project No. 2006-09
Avenue 54 Median Island
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Cltv of La Quinta
(City) at the Office of the City Clerk \ocaled at 78-495
Calfe Tampico, P.O. Box 15Q11 La Quinta, California,
92253 untiI2:00 P.M. on wednesday. Janua!}" P
30, 2008 at which time they will be publicly opened
and read for pertorming work as follows:
The proposed landscape Improvements will rehabilitate
the existing landscaping to Include Installing new
drought tolerance landscape, drip Irrigation, and me-
dian Island lighting. The landscape parette IS based on
the City Council approved 'desertscape' theme for pri-
mary Image corridOrs. Refer to Sections 3000 and
4000 for more Infonnallon.
nlis project shall be completed within 60 working days
from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Time
for the commencement and completion of the work IS
Important, and IS to be of the essence of the Contract
The successful bidder should plan to order any long
lead time equipment items Immediately following "No-
tice of Award"
A pre-bid conference will be held Monday,
January 14, 2008 at 11:00 A.M. at the La
Qulnta Civic Center In the North Conference
Room. AI_,h not mandatOI"'(. It I. hIghly -
recommenQ8dthat aUDOtiiilliI bidders iHind
tnls Dre-bld conterenC8,_~
County of Riverside
1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eigbteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk ofa
C?MPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
prmted and puhlished In the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has heen
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation hy the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside State of
. '
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed Is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than Don pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
Decemher 31", 2007 January 8",2008
e r:1ans and sDeClflca-
lte are res nslble
o a unta Pii6fJC
Bidding procedures are prescribed In the Project Spec-
ifications. Bids shall be executed upon the forms bound
and made a part of said Specifications. Bid security In
an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total
bid dollar amount and conforming to t1ie prescribed bid-
ding procedures is required to lie submitted With each
bid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, 1f
awarded the conlract) fail to enter Into the same, or
fails to furnish in a timely manner the bonds and/or
proof of insurance The City reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. and to waive any Irregulamles in the
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code
Section 6707, each bid submitted In response to this
Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid Item, adequate
sheeting, shonng, and braCing, or equivalent method,
for the protection of life and 11mb in trenches and open
excavation, which shall conform to applicable safety or-
ders. By Ustin1thls sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action dOes no convey tort liability to the City, its con-
sultants, and their employees, agents, and sub-
Pursuant to Section 1nObel. seq, of the California la-
bor Codel the successful idder shall pay not less than
the ~revading rate of per diem wages as determined by
the Director of the Caltlomla Department of Industrial
Relations. Copies of such prevailln9.- rate of per diem
wages are on file at the office of the City Clerk and Will
be made available to any Interested party on request.
Pursuant to Public Contract Coda Section 22300, for
momes earned by the Contractor and Withheld by the
City to ensure tile performance of the Contract. the
Contractor may, atlls option, choose to substitute se-
cunties meellng the requirements of said Public Con-
tract Code Seelion 22300
All bidders shall be licensed under the prOVISions of
Chapter 9, DiVISIOn 3 of the Business and Professions
Code of the State of California to do the type of work
contemplated In the project. In accordance With provI-
sions of California Public Contract Code Section 3300,
the City has determined that the General Contractor
shall possess a valid Class C27 (Landscape Con-
tractor) License at the time that the bid IS submitted.
However, the contractor performing the electncal work
shall possess a C-10 (Electrical Contractor) license.
Failure to possess the specified license(s) shall render
the bid as non-responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a La-
bor and Materials bond in the amount equal to one
hundred percent (100%) of the Contract pnce, as well
as a Faithful Performance Bond, In the amount equal.
to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with Its bid a statement set-
ling forth its experience on the forms Included In the
Bid Proposal The contractor(s) that Installs the syn-
thetic turf and aluminum edging shall have demonstrat-
ed experience WIth at least six projects each exceeding
a 1,000 square feel of synthetic turf, and six projects
each exceeding 200 lineal feet of aluminum edging.
Telephones WIll not be available to bidders Bid forms
received atter the designated time Will not be accepted.
Bidders and their autnorized agents are InVited to at-
No bidder may Withdraw Its bid for a period of sixty (60)
days aller the date set for the opemng of bids.
~J~~B.r~nA~<:nn_p.E.. Date:_
AIl In the year 2007 and 2008
1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct,
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __10", -- day
No. 0679
Project No. 2005-02
Avenue 52 Brldge Improvements
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Quinta
(Citv) at the Office of the City Clerk localed at 78-495
Calle TamplCO, P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, California,
92247, unfil 2:00 P.M. on April 3, 2008 at whIch
time they Will be publicly openea and read for pertorm-
ing work as follows.
The project tS located on Avenue 52 approximately
one-quarter mile east of Jefferson Street. The pro-
posed improvements Will widen the existing roadWay
approaches, and bridge across the Coactiella Canal
from 2 to 4 lanes (861set In width), Including, oot not
limited to, bridge Widening, street improvements. curb,
gutter, sidewalk and median island improvements with
landscaping. All project work and incidental lIems to
complete tne project shall be pertormed In accordance
with the project plans and specdrcatlons contained
herein. All the above tasks are to be completed in a
workmanlike manner, leaving the project site In a safe
neat and presentable condition. Refer to Sections'
3000 and 4000 for more Information.
This is
County of Riverside
This project shall be completed Within 225 working
days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed.
Time for the commencement and completion of the
work is Important, and is to be of the essence of the
Contract The successful bidder should plan to order'
any long lead trme !9ulpment Items immediately follow-
Ing "Notice of Award .
Complete sets of the bJddmg documents may be pur.
chased online from Plan Well Enterpnse at lfle follow-
ing address: www.ocblnc,com and click on the Plan
Well Enterprise hyperllnK.
A pre-bid conference will be held Thursday,
March 20, 2008 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Quints
Civic Center In the North Conference Room,
Altho~h not mandato~, It /s --h!9.hly recom-
mend that all DOten al bidders affencrtfiJS
~Id conference.
Bidding procedures are prescribed In the Prol'ect Spec-
ifications. Bids shall be executed upon he forms
bound and made a part of said Specifications. Bid se-
cunty in an amount not less than ten percent (10"10) of
the fatal bid dollar amount and conforming to the pre-
scnbed bidding procedures is required to De submitted
with each bid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the
brdder, if awarded the contract, fail to ellter into the
same, or falls to furnIsh in a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the r19ht
to reject any or all bids. and to waive any irregularities
in the bids
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code
Section 6707 eaCh bid submitted In response to this
Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid item, adeQuate
sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method,
for the protection of I"e and limb in trenches and open
excavationl which shall conform to applicable safety or-
ders. By listing thiS sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action does nof convey tort liability to the City, Its con.
sultants, and their employees, agents, and sub-
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for
mOnies eamed by the Contractor and withheld by the
City to ensure tne pertormance of the Contracf, the
Contractor may, at rls opffon, choose ro substrtute se-
currtres meeting the requirements of said PubliC Con-
tract Code Secfion 22300.
All bidders shall be licensed under the J'rovisions of
Chapter 9, DIVision 3 of the BUSiness an Professions
Code of the Stale of California to do the type of work
contemplated in the project. In accordance with provi-
sions of California PublIC Contract Code Section 3300,
the City has determined that the General Contractor
shall possess a valid Class A (General Engineering
Contractor) license at the bme lhat the bid IS submit-'
ted. Failure to possess the specified license(s) shall
render the bid as non.responSlve.
The successful bidder WIll be required to furnish a la-
bor and Matenals bond in the amount equal to one
hundred percent /100"10) of the Contract pnce, as well
as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal
to one hundfed percent {100%} of the Contract pace.
Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement set.
ting forth ItS experience on the forms Included in the
Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms
received after the designated time will not be accepted
Bidders and their auttiorlzed agents are Invited to at.
No bidder may withdraw Its bid for a period of Sixty (60)
days after the date set for the opening of bids.
App",v" By, O.te,
Tfrilothy R.Jonasson, P.E.. ~
Public we.~s Director/City Engineer
PubllshecP8y: Date:
Veronica Monteclno, CMC, City Clerk ~
Published: 3/10, 3/17108
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and puhllshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation hy the
Superior Court ofthe County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 19S5. Case
Numher 191236; thatthe notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
March 10", 17",200S
All in the year 200S
I certify (or deciare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __IS", - day
/()"!_ 0(.,
No, 0680
SEl..'TION 1100
ProJect No. 2il06..09
Avenue 54 Median Island
landscape Improvements
SEALED BIDS Will be received br.lhe City of La QUlnta
(Cltv) at the Office of the City C ark located at 78-495
r CaIre Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La QUlnta, California,
92253. unW 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 2,
2008 at which lime they wdl be publicly opened and
read for performing work as follows'
The proposed landscape improvements Will rehabilitate
the existing landscaping to include installing new
drought tolerance laru:lscape, dnp Irngatlon, and me.
dlan Island lighting. The landscape parene is based on
the City CounCil approved 'desertscape' theme for pri-
mary Image corridors. Refer to Sections 3000 and
4000 tor more Inlonnatlon .
This project shall be completed Within 60 working days
from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed Time
-for the commencement and completion of the work is
important, and IS 10 be of the essence of the Contract.
The successful bidder should plan to order any long
lead time equipment items Immediately following "No-
tice of Award"
County of Riverside
Ail In the year 2008
A pre-bid conference will be held Thursday,
March 20., 2008 at 2:00 P.M. at the La Qulnta
Civic Center. I" the North Conference Room.
Alth~u3h not mandato[h' It lL!lIA_tlly recom.
men e tnat all DOten' al bldde~itfenatffi8
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be pur-
chased online from Plan Well Enterpnse at the follow-
ing address' WINW.ocbmc com and click on the Plan
Well Enterprise hyp~-
Bidders who obtain IheJ~lans and st:!eclflca-
lions from tfie -cI 's WeDS/te are -iii iOiiiI6I8
JOrCOrffiicn e 0 unta u c
or ent at tor IIst-
nonsro anoers ss
SOS re8R9nS e sr 00 n an
iCJmi)~----anv adderidiims~a8sOC1atecfWlffi
theDfO ct,
Bidding procedures are prescnbed In the Protect Spec-
Ifications Bids shall be executed upon he forms
bound and made a part of said SpeCifications Bid se-
cuntv in an ampunt not less than ten percent (to%) of
the fotal bid dollar amount and conforrmng to the pre-
scribed bidding procedures is required to fie submitted
With each bid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the
bidder, if awarded the contract, fail to enter Into the
same, or fails to fumish in a timely manner the bonds
and/or proof of Insurance The City reserves the nght
to reject, any or all bids, and 10 waive any irregularitIes
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code
Section 6707, each bid submitted In response to this
Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid item, adequate
sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or eqUIValent method,
for the protection of life and limb in trenches and open
excavation, which shall conform to applicable safetY or-
ders. By listing thiS sum, the bidder warrants that Its
action does nof convey tort liability to the City, its con.
sultants, and their employees, agents, and sub-
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and puhlished In the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24,1988. Case
Numher 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaUer
than non pariel, has been published in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
March 10th, 17tb, 2008
of--- March --------, 2008
Pursuant to Section 17706el. seq., of the Califomia la.
bOr Code, the successful idder shall pay not less than
the prevailing rate of.per dIem wages as determined by
the Director of the California Department of Industrial
Relations. Copies of such prevailing rate of per diem
wages are on file at the office of the City CierI( and Will
be made available to any Interested party on request
Pursuant to PubliC Contract Code Section 22300, for
momes earned by the Contractor and withheld by the
City to ensure the performance of the Contract, the
Contractor may. at lis option, choose to substitute se-
curities meeting the requirements of said PubliC Con-
tract Code Secfion 22300.
All bidders shall be licensed under the provIsions of
Chapter 9, DIVISion 3 of the Business and Professions
code of the State of Califorma to do the type of work
contemplated In the proJect. In accordance With proVI-
sions 0 California PubliC Contract Code Section 3300,
the City has determined that the General Contractor
shan possess a valid Class C27 (Landscape Con -
tractor) license at the time thatlhe bid is submitted.
However, the contractor performing the electncal work
shall possess a C-10 (Electrical Contractor) license.
Failure to possess the specified license(s) shall render
the bid as non-responsive.
The successful bidder Will be reqUired to furnish a la.
bor and Materials bond In the amount equal to one
hundred percent (100%) of the Contract pnce, as well
as a Faithful Perlormance Bond, in the amount equal
to one hundred percent (1 00%) of the Contract price
Each bidder shall submit With Its bid a statement set-
tmg forth Its experience on the forms Included In the
Bid Proposal The contractor(s) that installs the syn-
.......... . -" ... .wllnitlUm_edain9.J;hall have demonstrat-
- 8OOI:.H.".O'''Kl...-.'-......NO--~-
~B9G6 VO 3NI^~S 1JBSe(J 8 U/Jds Wl8d
ooe 318 l:lO l::j3l.N30 3N/.Al::j1 DOll
3NIV1B 't3HlOHOa:lO S30l.:l:l0 MY"!
....., NaS OSi iN'",a H 0 ~O1l00
JOf .~:h:lb~~~ e~s~ju~I~~~^:J6~t~Jg~ l~~~~
-oJd s~ Junoooe JO UOIJl~d AU9 10 JO masse ~:J::~
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury thatthe
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __18th, - day
No. 0870
Profect No. 2001-07 A
Highway 111 Street Improvements
SEf'LED. BIDS will be received b~ the City of la
QUlnta ICity) at the Office of the City Clerk located at
78-495 Calle Tamplco, P.O. Box 1004 La Qulnta Cali-
Thi forma, 92247-1504, until 2:00 P.M.' on Thurs'~
April 17, 2008 at which time they will be pUbJidy
opened and read for pertormlng work as follows.
The project is located along Highway 111 within the
City of L..8. Quinta, between Mams Street and Jefferson
!3tree~ The' project will widen the existing roadway to
lis ultimate General Plan configuration. The propOsed
Improvements Include the placement of new pavement
the construction of new curb and gutter, slgmng and
stnplng, new and/or modified traffic signals and other
appurtenances and improvements All prOlect work and
incidental items to complete the project shall be per-
formed In acco~ance with the plails specHlcations,
and other prOVISions 01 the contract All the above im-
provements are to be constructed in a workmanlike
manner, leaving the entire prpject in a neat and t:!r&-
sentable condition. Refer to sections 3000 and 4000
for more Information.
This project shan be completed within t40 workmg
days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed:
TIme for the commencement and complebon of the
work is Important, and Is to be of the essence of the
Contract. The successful bidder should plan to order
any long lead lime ~ulpment items Immediately follow-
Ing 'NoflCe of Award .
A pre-bid conference Will be held Thursday! April
03, 2008 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Quints CIVic Cen-
ter In the North Conference Room. Althouah not man-
dator\'r.lt is hlohlv recommended that all ootentlal bld-
Clers anenel tillS ore-bid conference.
Complete sets of the bidding dOCUments may be pur-
chased onllne from Plan Well Enterprise at tile follow-
Ing address: www.ocbinc.com and click on the Plan
well Enterprise hypenlnk.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the PrOject Spec-
ificatIOns. Bids shall be executed upon the forms bOund
and made a part of said SpeCifications. Bid security In
an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total
b[d dollar amount and COOforming to 1he pf8scnbed bid-
ding procedures is required to 159 submitted with each
bid, as a guaranty to be fortelled should the bidder, If
awarded the contractl fall 10 enter Into the same, or
fails to furnish In a timely manner the bonds and/or
proof of insurance. The City reserves the nQht to reject
aflY or all bJds, and to waive any irregulaiilles in the
Pursuant to the proVISions of CalifornIa Labor Code
Section 670'l1 each bid submltled In response to thiS
Invitation to tild shall contain, as a bid item adequate
sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equivalent mefhod
for the protection of life and 11mb in trenches and open
excavation, which shall conform to appllcable safety or.
de~. By listing this sum, the ~!dder warrants .that Its
action does nof convey tort liability 10 the City, its con-
sultants, and their employees, agents, and sub-
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. S6Q., of the California la-
bor Coder the successful bidder shall pay not less than
the prevailing rate of per dIem wages as determined by
the Director of the Caldornia Department of Industnal
Rala\l<ms. These wage rat~ are available from the
California Department of Industrial Relations' Internet
web site at hlto:/Iwww.dlr.ca.aov.
, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for
mOnies ~arned by the Contractor and withheld by the
City to ensure lfie pertonnance of the Contracf, the
Contractor may, at its option, choose to substitute se-
cunties meeting the requirements of said Public Con-
tract Code Secfion 22300.
All bidders shall be licensed under the J'rovisions of
Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business an Professions
Code 01 the S.tate of C~lfomia to do the type of work
contemPlated In the project. In accordance with provi-
sions of California Publlc Contract Code Section 3300
the City has determined that the General Contractor
shall possess a valid Class A (General EngIneering
Contractor) license at the lime that the bid is submif-
ted. Failure to possess the speclhed Ilcense(s) shall
render the bid as non-responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a la-
bor and Materials bond in tile amount equal to one
hundred. percent (100%) of the Contract pnce, as well
as a Fallhful Performance Bond, In the amount equal
10 one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit With its bid a statement set.
ting forth lls expenence on the forms Included in the
Bid Proposal.
TelephOlles will not be available to bidders. Bid fonns
receIVed after the designated time wilt not be accepted
Bidders and their autliorized agents are Invited to at-
No bidder may withdraw Its bid for a panod of sixty (60)
days after the elate set for the opening of bids.
ADproved By, Date.
Timothy A. Jonasson, P E.
Publ1c Works DlrectorlCity ~glneer
Published By' Dale'
Veronica Montecmo. CMC,
City Clerk
Publ'-hed: 3124, 3/31108
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over tbe age of eighteen
years, aDd not a party to or interested in the
ahove-entitled matter. I am the principal cierk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and puhlished in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation hy the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24,1988. Case
Numher 191236; thatthe notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
tban non parlel, has been pubUshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
March 24"', 31", 2008
All in the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing Is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this __2nd, - day
~, No. 1985 SECTION 1100 - - ~ - -
Avenue 58 Rehabilitation Improvements
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the Onited Statea and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above•entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pubOshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper hea been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24,1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not sroa8er
than non panel, has been pub8shed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
June 10t", 16M, 2008
All in the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penahy of perjury that the
foregoing is true and torrent.
Dated at Palm Spriags, California this ---18'b, -day
of--- Juae ---> 2008
Si afore ^
Proieci No. 4007.188
Avenue 58 Pavement Rehabilitation lmprovements
Qum~a1Ca1C )et°maon~amalC5it6y4C~Qwc~t~als P
tom a592 47-150p4f until 2:Wz M ~ on Tu
opened endreed for pertmomling workyae tolbwaplgY
espehsfiapon~re w pav m nt~construalon lo~new ~nrL
and gorier, tum~snmg anrj pl~dr~g asphaltconcrete
pavement, signing end std in9•I, entl oMer eDpurtenan
tlems to cumuplate M DroI~P aha I be perlodime~dan erel
contents with Me plans, speclficabons, entl other pro-
Nsions of Me coMrad. All the above improvemems are
entireropprgsedcln alrnieelvantl paresentablencpntl'NOn.gRa-
ter ro Sec~ons 3000 end 4000 for more Inrormatian.
This oruled shall De comPleteO wahin 90 woddng days
from the date specdled in Me Notice ro Proceed. Time
for Me commencement end compleaon of Me work Is
imlrorlant, entl is to ba M Me essence h 81e Contract.
The successful bitlder should plan to abler any long
lead time eqyuipment Gems ImmedieroN idloviing'No-
rice of Award'.
ComPlero sets of Me bidtlinsl documehs may be ua
mcmhg a~dtlreas evrww.aPCbinc./we77mEemiaWRCli~dcaon MedPle
weBEMerpdse hypedink.
p rebid coMererwe will be heltl Thursday dune 19,
2009 el 10'00 A.M. et Ma La Oulnta Civic Oenter in the
NorM Coherence Room. Altlwu h not mandato Nis
hl'gP recom peen e9dC Mat a ante i arm a en
Sediuon 6707 eOPCh DiC submmed ~m responserro ohrs
Invitation io did shell contain. es a bid Item, adequate
sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equiveleM m
for Me rotechon of life aiM Ilmb m trenches end open
ezcavaCion, whwh shell conform ro epplMable safety or-
ders. ey I~sbng his sum, the bidtler wartants that as
edion doeentl Neir emDlq'eesry a9erlt ~I end sb-
PureueM to Section 1770, et. seq , of the C~dless N
bur VCotle, the suaessful bldtler shall pay
Me orirereilorgoi the t alilomla DepadmeM of Innd~del
Relations. These wage rates are available from Me
web s tl el fli~ 9Avww.dlr.ca ov. el Relations' IMemet
Pursuant to Publw Conired Code Section 2476pp0yy, for
Coy ro ensure t~heM&e~mencer ofnihe tConltrecf, Me
Conoecror marr~gyg, at I option, choose to subsliroro se-
jrect CodaSecOOn 223q(xl.remeMS of said Public Con-
All Didtlere shell, be licensed under the PPS ~~a
Chapter 9, Drviswn 3 0l the Business arw
Cade h Me State of Caldorme to do the type of work
contemolatetl m the Prof In eccortlarwa wOh 77row~-
sions otf Caldomia Public Contrail Code Section 3300
Me City has detennine0 Mat the Generel Contredai
shell possess a valid Class A Generel Engmeedng
Contreclpr) License et the,time at Me, bitl is subm -
renCeFihle till a$pnon ~nsrve~m~ Iwensels) shell
The successful bidder will be requeetl to fumish a La-
bor and Material's1 bond in Me amount equal ro one
ssnarFal~fu PedOmmn)oe iBOnd,~ntihe aznou~M equal
to one huMred percent (100%) of Me CoMred Price.
Each bidder shall submit with Ns bid a, statement aet-
ting roru, its ezpenence on Me forms included in Me
Bid Proposal.
rerlav eA efier the de is gnat led~t~me willdnot b~a Ba~piad.
Bidtlers end Meu authonzed agents ere invaetl ro at-
days aOer Meytlate set l°rrelhe~oPening ~Idhs sizy i60)
po~roved~B : Date:
iT moMY R. donesson, P.E.
Publw Works Director/City i:ngineer
Published B : Dale:
Ctiy Clerk ontedno, CMQ
Published: &10, &16108
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States end a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and Dot a party to or interested is the
abovecntltled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a Bewapaper of geoerel circulatlon,
printed and pubOshed in the city of Pahn Spriaga,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general clrculatloo by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is s printed copy (set iD type sot smaller
than noD panel, bas been pub8shed iD each regular
and eotlre issue of said newspaper and not iD any
supplement thereof oD the following dates, to wit:
August 18th, 2008
All in the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penaky of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Pelm Springs, California t61s -18tb, ---day
of August , 2008
Sig re
This is space for County Clerks Filing Stamp
Proof of PubBcatlon of
No. 2925
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat Ue fdbwingg persons
have been nomineted for the oMCes designated to lre
OIkM at me General Municlppeel ElecWn ro be held in me
Ciry W La Ouinta on Tuestley, November 4, 2008.
oro cone
ote r ~
/afC Clerk
los siguientea candidates hen side rrominados ppaere be
cargos qua saran awpedos en m Elecdon Munlupel
General que'terMre lugar en le Ciudad tla La Winre, el
din mertes.4 de raviembre de 2008.
o per uno
ote per no men a os
lal8ecretarlo (a(Munldpal
Facha: 15 a aSosto, Qe 2008
PUBLISHED: Aueust 18.2008
County of Riverside
Eisenhower Drive Pavement Rehabilitation
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
abovecntitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pubOshed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a Dewspaper of general circulation by [he
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been pubOshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
August 12`", 20tb, 2008
All in the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penaky of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correM.
Dated a[ Palm Springs, California this ---20m, -day
of--- August -, 2005
e -~~~
Elaenhower Drive P vanes gehnbllHaHOn a
Mlac. Street Improvements
/CC1CaaEA) e°mpeDOHw~ of trhe Cila0yo4Clerk IoGleo et 78u495
922~47T1504~cuntP 0:00 A.M. ion FNde~y, S8P ama-
ber 5, 20b8 al which time they wilt be publicly
openetl end reatl for periorming work as follows:
Complete sets of the bitldinp tlocumems may beW r-
chasetl online Irom Plan Well Enrerprise at me tollow-
inp address: www.ocbinc.im and click on the Plan
Well Emerprise hyperiink. _
A pre-bitl conference will W heltl Thursday,
August 21, 2008 at 10:00 A.M. at the La Guima
Civic Center in the North Conference Room Although
not mandetorrvv, rt is highly recommendetl that all poten-
tial biddersettend this pre-bid inference.
enNoi proof of insuran~~ The Cny reserves the right
to re)em any or ell bids, and to waive any Irtegularihea
in the bids.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Cotle
Secnon 8707 each bid submittetl In response to this
Invitation to did shall intain, es a bid item, etlep~at~
sheeting, shoring, antl bracing or equivalem me9hod,
forme protection of Ida antl limb in trenches and open
excavation, which shall inform to applicable safety or-
ders. By listing this sum, the bidder wartants that its
action tloes not invey tort liability to the Qty, iLS con-
sultants, and their employees, agems, end sub-
Pursuam to Semion 1770 et. seq , of me California La-
bor Cotle, the suiessful 6idtler shall pay not less man
me prevailing rate of r diem wages as deteitninetl by
me Director of the Ca~ldomie Department b Industrial
Relations. These wage retes are available from me
Celifomia DepeR~mwewntror Industrial Relations' Internet
web site at hMtFtnn
Pursuant to Public Cantrect Code Section 22300, for
monies earned by the Comredor antl wimheltl by me
City to ensure me rtormance of the Contred, Me
Contractor may, at its option, choose to substlNte so-
curitres meetingg the requirements of saitl Public Con-
irecl Cotle Section 22300.
All bidders shell be licensed under the provisions of
Chapter 9, Drv~sion 3 of me Business antl Professions
Cotle of the State of CelHamie to do the type of work
intemplaled in me project In accordance wlm provi-
sions of Caldomia Public Contmd Cotle Section 3300,
the Qty has determined mat the General Contractor
shall possess a velitl Class A (General Engineering
Contractor) License at the time that me bid Is submit-
ted. Failure to possess the speclhetl liinse(s) shall
render me bid as non-responsive.
The suiessful bitltler will be required to famish a La-
bor end Materiels bond in the amount equal to one
huntlred perint (100 %) of ilia Contract pots, as well
as a FeR iul Pe ortnani Bong In the amount equal
to one hundretl percent (100%) of the Contrem price.
Each bidder shall submR with its bid a statement set-
Hn9 forth Rs experience on the forma included in the
Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidtlers. Bid tortes
reserved after me designatetl time will not be acceptetl
Bidders and then authorizetl agents are invRetl to at-
No bitltler may withdrew ns bid for a period of sixty (60)
days after [he tlate set for the opening of Dids.
Approved 8y: Date
Timomy R. Jonasson, P.E.
Public Works Director/City ~nglneer
Puhlished By: ~ Date:
Veronica Montecino, DMG,
City Clerk
PubllaMd: 8112, SP20/08
This protect shall be impletetl within 30 working days
Irom the date specified In the Nobi to Proceatl. Tma
for the commencement and completion of the work is
important, end is 1o ba of the essence b me Connect
The suiessful bitlder should plan to order any long
lead time epmpment rtema immediately follovnng 'No-
lice of Award'.
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-eatttled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pub8shed in the city of Palm Springa,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California undec the date of March 24,1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set is type not smaller
than non panel, has been pub8shed ID each regular
and eottre issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the fo0owing dates, to wit:
August 18tb, 25m, 2008
All iB the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under peaaky of perjury that the
foregoing is true and torrent.
Dated at Palm Springs, CaOfornia tbis -26m, -day
of---- August ------, 2008
No. 2918 ~ -_ -- -_ _
SEC710N t100 1
Project No. 200807
PM10 Control and Temporary Parking Lot at
SllverRock Resort
3EALE(D (y BIDS will 6e recehre Idry Ne City of La
78u4 5 Celle Tampico P p~fBpx 1604~Lar0uinmt,~Celi-
2008 ~ e1210:00~A4.id: efwhic~ime th~epytwmber W8o-
Illy openetl and reatl for pedortning work as bllows:
The proposed improvements will provltle vapere8ve
stabillzabon for 183 acres of uMevelo7ed land within
SiNediack Reson. The services to oe prowded in-
clude, but may rwt be limited to, minor greding, weed
removal, planting b bedey seed (123 acres), plantln99
me t~mporery rking area with rye grass (epprozl-
matety 40 acres~entl lemporery Inigation.
All project work and inddental Items to complete the
protect shall be pedartned in accordance with the
plans, spepfcatlona, and other provisions M the car.
rect. All the above improvements are to he constructed
in a workmanlike manner, leaving die entire project In a
neat and presemeble candPoOn. Refer to Section 3000
for more information. ,
This protect shall be cam~~letetl wahin 120 conseculNe
calendar dove from me tlate apecitleLLip,ihe Notice ro
Proceed Time for the commencement end completion
of me work w important, ant is to be M the essence of
the Comract. The succasalul bdder should plan to or-
der any long lead time eriuipment aems Immetliatety
folbwsng'NOtice of AweM
Complete aete of the bidding tlocumeMS ma be Vur-
chased online tram Plan Well Enierpdse et the follow-
ing atldress: www.Jpreooragrephia.camand click an the
Plan Well Enterpnse h dank. Plans and SpeUfica-
ticnsare also evallaDle for viewing online at iha City of
La OuiMe website end can ba downbaded at no cost..
go to ~on_ta orgbubliu~vorks om and click on
e'Bu gn o ypa ibcl~-
Pureuant to Secton 1770, et. seq., of me Calilomia La-
bor Cotle, me successful Mdder shall pay not less man
me prevailing reb of per diem wages as determined by
me Ireclor M the Idomla Department of Indusldal
Relations. Co ' W such pmvailing refs of per diem
wages are an ii le atttre oRCe of the Cadyy Clerk and well
be made evadable b any Interacted partyourequesl.
Pureuam to Public Contact Cotle Section 22300, for
monies eernetl by the Contractor end wimheld by me
Cdy ro ensure the pedormance of me Contract me
ContaMOr may, at its option, chawe to substitute sa
cpnties meeting the repuiremenis of said Public Con-
tract Code Section 22300.
All bdders shall be licensed under me roviaions of
Codas of Me Statenof Cal~mia M duo the~rype b~xrork
contemplated in ins projem.
The successful bldder will be required to famish a l~-
bor and Metenals bond in me amount Bpual to one
huntlretl percent f100%) of me Contrecl pdca, es well
as a Poi tut Pe ormanca Bond, In the artauM equal
to one hundred percent (100%) of iha Contrecl price.
Each bidder shall submit with Ifs bid a statement aet-
BngPform ks ezpederwe on the forms inclutled In me
iitltl roposel.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid fomre
rece vetl aher me tlesigneted tlma will not De accepted.
Bidders end their aumorized agents are invked to at-
No bidder may withdraw as bid for a periotl of sizry (80)
days a8er the date set for the openn,g of Mds.
Approveyyd By: Date:
PublehWOrka Direetoi/Clry Engineer
Publishetl By: Date:
veronica Moreeclno, CMC, Clry Clerk
Publlahatl: ari8, tY252008
Pursuant tc the provisons M CalOomia Labor Code
Section 8707, each bid submMetl In response to mis
Invaetlon to Bid ehMl contain, as a bid dam, adeBppuate
sheeting, ahodng, end bradng, or equNelaM me1hoQ
forme GroteMion of life end IimD in benches ant open
ezcavagon, which shall conbrm tc applbable eatery or-
dare. ey listing This sum, the Ndder werrenLS that ire
actlon does not convey tad liability to the City, its con-
auliants, end Nair employees, agents, end sub-
No. 3281
Fred Warlng Drlve Street Improvements
Washington Street to Adams Street
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I em over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and pub0shed in the city of Pahn Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of [he County of Riverstde, State of
CaOfornia under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non parcel, has been pubOshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not iD any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
September 23rtl, 30t", 2008
All io the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, CaBfomia this -30'", --day
of--- Septemb ----, 2005
Signature ~-~_-
9is pays from the date spleclfled in Ithe Nof erko
Proceetl. Time for the commencement and com-
elssancefoi tfWe ContrecL nThe successful bidder
should plan to order any longg leatl time equippment
ttems immedifltety following "NObce of Awartl'
Complete sets of the bitldinpp tlocumenis may be
urchased online from Plen P/eil En2arprise et the
~Ilowing adtlress: www.ocbir~c.com and click on
the Plan Well Emerynse hypetlink
Eey October 2 2009 awt 110:00 A.IN. at the
La Ouinta Civic Center in the North Con-
ference Room. Atthou h not mantlato~r it
la hlghl~ecommen t t e ~otenilaT
bTrlaere enen3 fDfa pra-b cT~oTrenae, . -
i na ary reserves I
any or ell bids, antl to waive any
the beds.
In re-
as a
- noun equal [o one huntlred percent (160%) of
the Contraq pnce.
Each bitltler shall submit with tts bitl a statement
setting forth fts ex adence on the forms included
In the Bitl ProposaP
Telephones well not be available to bidtlers. Bids
forms recervetl after the designated hma well not
be accepted. Bidders antl then authorized agents
are invited to adentl.
No bidder may withtlraw its bitl for a period of sixty
(60) tlays attar the date set for the opening of bids,
ATpProved By: Date
Imothy R onasson, P.E.
Public y arks DirectorlCiry engineer
PiiALeMer10... -
No. 3297
Prolxf No.2W&07
PM10 Control and Temporary Parking Lot
SilverRock Resort
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or ieterested to the
above~ntitltNl matter. I am the principal clerk of a
COMPANY a Dewspaper of general circulatlon,
printed aad pub8shed in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulatlou by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
Cadfornia under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed to a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than Dou parcel, has been pub8ahed in each regular
and entlre issue of said newspaper end not in any
suppkmeat thereof oB the following dates, to wit:
September 26'", October 1", 2008
All in the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penahy of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated et Pelm Spriags, California this -1", -day
of October , 2008
SEALED BIDS will be received by the Cfry of La
Quints (ciryl et me OINca of the CNy Clerk locates gt
at 78.495 ,Calla Tampico, P.O. z 1504, La p
Duinte Celiromla 92247-1504, unfit Wadnea•
whyich time May xil~ be~ kNY opener aaiMMreeE
for pertorming work as follows:
Tha p seE improvemema wNl provide vegem-
iwe s IIITegon for 7113 acres of undevebpetl
lantl within SINerRack Resort. a0 acres m die veg
eteuve stablitratlon wIN 6e using rye gress to pro-
Nde a pedchlg area ror special events In January
entl Maroh 2009 Tha eervkea ro be provideQ in-
clude, but may not be IimNed ro, minor grading,
ramble weed mingatan, biting the wit in me beney
areas, planting of beney seed (123 acres), pleM-
Ing metemporary paddng arw wbh rye prase (ap
proximately 40 acres), end tempoary Imgatlon
All prated work and InrideMal dens to complete
the prated shell be ppeedormed In eaoMence with
the plans, apealkaeons, wd other provisbns of
the condad. All me shove improvements are to Da
wnstmdetl In a workmanlike manner, Ieavinna0 th -
enere prged in a nisei and presentable cwNdlon.
Relsr to Sedlon 3000 for more IMarma-
This protect shell be completed wlmin 120 tonseo-
Wve Galan daYS7~e tempo~te spedlled~ mmst _
Notlce to Proceed. r/ poaadddi
ba completed by January 16. 2009.TIme for the
commencement end comVletlon d Me work is im-
porMM entl tr ro be of the essence o1 the Con-
tract. 4tle aucCesdul blcMer should plan ro order
any long INaod~dmof Aewu~me9M items immetleleytely
Cobmwp+le~[~lir a 4rombPlan We~EMerp a et MB
theoPlan Well Enary~se~ypgni^COm end clkk an
PCode sedb n8707~eacnsbM aubmilmroretl In~rer
spouse ro mss Immadon m Bid shell contain, as e
hltl ism, adequate shegtin0, shodng, wd Dredrg
or epulveleM metlwQ for ttFhe prat , on d INe and
limb in trenches and open ezcavebon which shall
comortn to applicable safety oroere. ~y listing this
wm, me bidder wartants that Bs wtlon does not
convey tort liability tome City, its cansullanls, and
weir employees, agents, eM wh-mnsuNants.
Pursuant to Sectlon 1770, d. of the Calilor-
nla Labor Cotle, tlta succassfu~~dder shall pay
wt leas then me prevailing refs of per tllem wagges
as tletermNred Dy the Director M the Celiromla Ua
parbnent d Industnel Relatlons. Cowes d ouch
prevailingg rate of pper diem wages ere on file el the
otfae of me City Glerk w0 will De matle awilleGe
ro arty inrorestetl party on regwest.
Purwant ro Pwlic CgMred Cods SeNw 72300
for monle9 eametl by MB CoMrector end withheld
by the CIry to ensure the perlomlence d th Con-
tract, the Comrador maY, et its option choose ro
~tP~ s~nd~~Cmotl~eing~m~re~u~ments of
All bWtlars shall Da Ikensetl untler dla proNNOna
of Chapter 9 Division 3 of lire Business and Pro-
fessions Code of me State of CelNOmle ro d0 me
type d work contemplated in dre project.
The successful bidder will be requiretl to M1/mish a.
Labor entl Marerlals bond in me amount equal to
one hundred peroent f1 WY) of me Comma Drae,
es well as a FeMfu Pedonnance Born In the
amount equal to one hundretl percent (1SON.) d
the Comred puce.
Each bidder shah submN vnm its bid a stmament
setting forth its experience on me forms includetl
m Me &d Proposal. ,
Telephones will not be aveilebb ro bidtlere. BM
forms received Aker ga tledgneted tlrrle wNl rat
be emepted. Bidders end then wtlarizetl agents
are hrvdetl ro atteM.
No bidtler may wNhdrew ib bid for a pedod d sixty
(60) days after Me data set br me opening of bide.
gy; Date:
Imomy R. Jonesson, P.E.
Publk Wanks Dlredar/CNy ~nglneer
Published By: Date:
Veronaa Momedra, DMC, City Clerk
PuMlehatl: 9rl6, 1W7/0a
County of Riverside
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of
the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or interested in the
above~ntitled matter. 1 am the princtpal clerk of a
COMPANY a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the city of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, and which newspaper has been
adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of
California under the date of March 24, 1988. Case
Number 191236; that the notice, of which the
annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller
than non panel, has been pubOshed in each regular
and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit:
November 17`", 24`", 2008
All in the year 2008
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at Palm Springs, California this ---25t°, -- day
of---- NovembgL -------------, 2008
Na 4059
INVrranoN To Bio amp
Proloct No. 2008-05
Sand Volleyball Court at Adams Park
i SEALED BIDS will ba received by the City of Le~
Oumta (Cary at the Otnpoce of the Ci Clerk located
Oulnta4Cel~mlla, 92253untll t0:00x A;M4~on
Friday, December 5 2005 at which time they
will be publMAy opened and reatl for pertorming
work as follows:
levball court at ArodamslPancg IThe o lec~willdalsol
Complete sets of the biddingq documenLS may be
purohased online from PMn Plell Enterprise et the
fallowing address: www.oUNnc.com and clrolc on
the PMn Well Emerpnse hypedink
or tans to tmnisn in a ume manner me oonas
andar proof of insurance. a City reserves the
right to reject any or all bids, end to waive any u-
Pursuant to the provisions of Celaomia Labor
Code Section 6707, each Mtl submittetl in re-
sponse rothis Inwtabon to Bid shall contain, as a
bid item, adequate sheetlnp, slwring, antl bmang
or equivalent methotl, for the protection ai lae end
hmb m trenches and open excavation which shall
conform to applicable sateN okers. ~y listing this
sum, iha bidder wenanb that its aMion does not
convey ion Ilebilay to the CM rts consultants, and
Nair employees, agents, and subconsuaants.
Pursuant ro Publk Contract Code Seaton 22300
for monies eametl by Ne Contractor and wimheld
by the City ro ensure the pertormance of the Con-
Ired, Me Dontredor may,, et Its option, chcose to
subsMUte securities meeting the requuemerns of
said Public Contract Code Seaton 22300.
Each bitlder shall submit wah its bid a stolen
sarong forth iP e~edence an Me forms inclu
in the Sid Pro se.
Telephones will not be available to bidders.
forms received after the designated time will
be accepted. Bidders and taelr euthodzed a9i
are Invited ro attend.
No bidder may withdraw hs bW tar a period of e
(80) days shat the tlate set for me opening of t
Approved By: Date
17mothy N. yanasson, P.E.,
Public Works Director/Ciry Engineer
Publishes By: Date:
Veronica Montecino, CMC
City Clerk -
Puallshed: 11p7, 112N08