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1982 08 23 PC
A G E N D A Planning Commission - City of La Quinta The inaugural meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. August 23, 1982 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute. 2. OATH OF OFFICE A. Administration of Oath of Office by the City Clerk. 3. ROLL CALL 4. HEARINGS 5. CONSENT CALENDAR 6. BUSINESS SESSION A. Review of standards relative to the development of single-family residences in the R-1 Zone. B. Proposed resolution regarding time and place of regular meetings. 7. ADJOURNMENT ^01 Item No. � /4 Date va 5 18 L PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Re: Motion by: Imkamp Goetcheus Second by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reilly Thornburgh Reilly Thornburgh Klimkiewicz Klimkiewicz ROLL CALL VOTE AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Imkamp — Goetcheus — Klimkiewicz — Reilly 7.0 1.1 00" Thornburgh — AM Item No. 0? , /i , A Date 0 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Re: Motion by: Imkamp Goetcheus Second by: Imkamp Goetcheus f„�,rl, ��nvr�Yaf.th Reilly Thornburgh Klimkiewicz Reilly Thornburgh Klimkiewicz ROLL CALL VOTE AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Imkamp -- Goetcheus — Klimkiewicz — Reilly — Thornburgh — .i_il. .- 803 Item No. 3 . Date '? ��I i PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Re: n► ) A. Motion by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reil Thornburgh Klimkiewicz Second by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reilly Thornburgh limkiewicz ROLL CALL VOTE AYE -AI6' ABSTAIN ABSENT — Imkamp Goetcheus Klimkiewicz Reilly Thornburgh Allk /� Item No. 6. A . Date _ �13 A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Motion by: Imkamp Goetcheus Second by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reilly - Thornburgh _ Klimkiewicz Reilly Thornburgh Klimkiewicz i ROLL CALL VOTE AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Imkamp — Goetcheus — Klimkiewicz — Reilly — Thornburgh — �o-ED,�.�.z.weto � ao� � .� cLre� •,ate vl�o� (m`1"A , yw iw4 'twn/n 13�`f ba L vr. 3 m fr.ata n p \ rnAIWt Am -j-w\ EJ'/- 41i� "1 rl /1C Z� : i D lM� A Zo, O- CLZ6,D ,. emu, i GQ2CVt J Sol�ci Crru UjlrnC Q �Am dZ �ee.s� (ext�AA�) door (1 � at la2ci b . CV4a,. 0 0 JV IMi.�V✓ill Y�J� �1� kv-i v 0-L- C�J � �.1tr�(-G.t1 (.U�✓- GE"A�D�� 1/�'-� i/.�.at1��h . (� /I�-(C . r 006 n objpA fA.a,n. Z-caA c a- pit , 4-0 " L"VI q_x Ctl.>O 6j k.ay- a- e J� �� �, .�r. avti ,/L� �J 1.2 a Fly .� u.,�d c., �► u o�o ; I1 o�nA E W 0`4wrdl/la i Tty �0 unir-� rn� 007 RECEIVED AUG j CL u n+a- cc h 71 1 r23 Co mice, 1 G� WI ; n Ylee414ea'tt- w, +1� P� j �G-C�( T4LOkCjl1I7�Y1G''1v YY)) ✓1of ' J )-�t� GfJYt G cFP-f = U T� f)q 1 he ci�j 7�t )7 q'' T Gi �I YY akv- 5e-tn SL '1 tom e uorYl Do) Q y' laz'l ( K c, 1 1 i I S A S vn, ._ fa7 n I pa.rK bLe I n -4'ke &RiceS J -69 C vyl, c,Cp f. �c3e^, C`� ku , lla ccAl/eclL S��ll,n�� a rec 'Is G- � -n e a� se+ +0 cc u Y �an , l� E 0 l�Y n a4 Cc G vt t c� 1'e it 5 at �-TP--vi cL 6`t i- 5� Serve Luslvmers ar tke uOa � Ia - e_ lake--7"L-4, 5rrrne o� y� x ym i j k- � 4 `, n K ci. bey. r Joy �4-� ,e Xi i I S Itis� WSv�� 1G'& cr iN"it 11 %t- �U—M-s YYAV-O ) a�� Vt IL. �� hk 5kc,rmf2 n I 51 1Fdr S. w I_ C �r Y t GlDY S �aA'l nn -tz) i�� e A) a reo--s S �o-� 1J� (2-(JYY�Ii� c7h �� �c �i P.;[- r u-Stq. V bilI� wly CFeI LCtiMe �tPiF "in� � 3S! �lGLGe. Scwe wa.nU%r.d 6mcLI1 h�seS G� Svnck-LI �c fSJ, C) 's V 8Loant 00 _i Alk See. -�LrA -Qad,, (�-cLri St&y Vier a.5 h eet-A e - JJrr (-} �J lG1 JL, tA. I �k vwt- .ril'�!`�-� C7YGL'f j pY1 n bns n esS�s e cv-,7 .4;-r� bI y 6L nci e,ka n�� 4--e- vnj;< Lr--- Q- f ee p -Ho s e- w e- ek ayl ' •4- vkjct yl- •t- ra cG� c>Y1 � rn Jc iJ w5 n es S ; - r +- e- pcVyl OZ:> L Ni�r� s, 2y �C� IIE +V) Se-rv— I` G 1"l v)+i -y} hJ © J f� (!O.Yt" man,,+ci "r, t n3 p'jan-Ls i n a4�'aepn-i ci4zs 6�tu-,U i � W e I e � i �evn YY1Geh L�ac�zi re_Ca SSevr 6 (e� � h n 'Irn WHo Solar k-ea+i r)q J acuSc�-� hs or wkm-. ever I DcaAe- ((� 5cDo �ol f marts 0-111 c-L,t=in+LmIi-e� c�-u-+vmo61 I -es. S kv-,�� we ` i CeK Se Ca- r+S -I c Se ©n. r j--0 ad S --t-- tMa.�z c.j:)prcpk(,,Jer Ian -es ? %��G ,Cry+, I di rt-�arm'iI% i �i d in l d SU Je � 1 O-r Ise+'s Lug v� a larmems' MarkaT. Your -fa4 eill d lu s a ® � ll A�e, e,Acc;- -aje� kn--se -lrzii is 1 n t9itr M&LLai'oons 7 009 B) '50, +) mere 0511 I i & VV,r- k)" a, n-t i rl i cl a I -a, I Pm,e vi+ cc re -a . C!% arse J I � �-, +'he Lo-Ve — 6 eve rno ran In e e-o- J d 6 \/e. t o r 2 Ca r qa ralqzf.. br.Ve"r Yne-r-e `- Lan 3 ors LA,n3n,a ej pe-r»mi fpcJ r� � � ✓1 o-n _ o�-P�'G�-�-i n CU Gir ���t' �t t� {- GS �t,�rcp �2., r�-v, I •� i s of trre, n a n u, �c+urev r�I M o d vJ a r l� 0� 5 i »3 , s (/Y�-$`ry'� C4G 071 00411 W-1,ve -6 b e- '_1; 010 El 14 August, 94? TO: Frank Usher, City Manager of La <iuinta Members of th.e Planning Advisory Committee FROM: Judith Imkamp, Member of the Planning advisory Committee REFERENCE: Suggestions for criteria for plot plan approval regarding Ordinanced2 SECTION 'I d. Architectural Aspects 1. minimum two (2) car garage 2. Access door to garage in addition to one (1) double or two (2) single 1.,;ide garage doors . Cement driveway 4. Gabled roof 5. Exclusion of shake roofs di)_e to fire hazzard F. Minimum requirements for outside mall material (to be determined) 7. Minimum roof overhang of two (2) feet B. Landscaping and Developement 1. Outside water spigots of four sides of house 2. All utilities should be available to the property_ line including sewage connections or septic tanks 3. Rear yard enclosed wi.tn minimum fire (5) foot fencing (quality to be determined.) 4. Minimum setback and side yard requirements (to be Determined) 01 PAGE 2 C. Justification for devel_opement ". If the developer is applying for four (/-) or more plot plans approvals he must have no vacant homes for sale at the time of application in L Quinta, and ?. If the developer is applying for four (LI) or more plot plan approvals he must submit an Environmental Impact Report for the number of single family dwellings he intends to build at that time in La Quinta 012 Suggestions for La Cuinta Housing Standards�Cy�� John Klimki.ewicz Minimum 1200 Sq. rat. living area Plus 2 car garage(apprex. 450 sq. ft.) Plus approx.100 sa. ft. concrete patio (or mvre'i, covered Minimal landscaping requirements: landscaping should make use of low moisture vegetation (cactus,desert trees etc.) Use only plants and trees indigenous to desert environment(cactus plants, smoke, palo verde, mesquite trees, etc.) Structure should be low profile(no Eastern style two—story or split— levels) Elevation— compatible with area (desert, southwestern, Spanish, etc.) Exterior— appropriate materials(rock, masonry, stucco, etc,) no clapboard siding,for example appropriate colors(sand, beige,tan,etc.) no bright or pastel colors Roof slight; peak or flat materials— rock or tile Insulation— more than minimal requirements Electric service— more than minimal requirements Provsion should be made for use of swamp coolers and ceiling fans in addition to or instead of A/C Security upgrades should be standard, not optional( solid core doors, deadbolts, window locks,exterior lighting, etc.) boy Floorplans should make most efficient use of square footage Builders and developers should be encouraged to make the most efficient and creative use of the 50x100 ft. lots in the Cove area (creative designs, zero prop,rty lines, common walls, common drives and open areas, use of 2 or more lots for single residence, etc.) Our housing stadards should be kept reasonable. If we require too much of a new home builder, then the new home buyer will get a better home than I've got. �i low HONG GUIDELINES P. 1 PR ROOFING: A -Frame or other residence designs with sharply pitched roof suitable for heavy snow loads are not appropriate for La Quinta. If sharp pitching is suggested for load bearing under tile roofing, that roof must be redesigned to comply with above so that load is carried in structu- ring of walls. Roofing should be as light in color as possible to de- flect heat. Shake roofing murt be of the fire proof sort. Tile roofing must be devised so that tiles are secured to the maximum possible degree and there must be sheathing beneath the tiles to prevent interior damage in the event of storm damage to the roof. In no event may a house foundation be placed below grade whether to minimize overall height in order to comply with existing code on heights or for other reason. DOORS: All exterior doors, excepting sliding glass doors but in- cluding doors leading from house to garage, must be of solid wood, framed in metal, and wide enough for wheel chairs. All exterior doors must have deadbolts in place before occupancy. All exterior doors must have peephole installed before occupancy. Every house must have its principle entrance on the side of the house facing the street of its legal address. WINDOWS: Recommended: Thermopane glass on all windows. "Lights" or windows immediately adjacent to exterior doors must be glazed in plexiglass or other non -breakable matn# - ial to discourage burglarizing. WATER USE: Shower heads and toilet tanks size must be water conserv- ing. LIGHTING: Every house must have an outside light over every exterior door. If under -the -eaves downlighting spots are chosen, there should be such a light on all four sides of the h ouse. STREET NUMBERS: A reet numbers, posted on the house before occupancy, are the responsibility of the builder and must be clearly visible from the front of the house. RECE�VE� p1�G � 9 i9a2 014 ® 0 HUUSING GUIDELINES P. 2 P R FENCING OR WALLS: Every house ought to have some portion of side or rear yard enclosed for protection of children, containment of pets and concealment of clothes lines. South and West extremities of properties on the bajada should be walled to a height of no less than three feet against minor flooding with footings two to three feet deep, but in any case no wall should have footings less than two feet deep. GARBAGE: Garbage cans must be stored in a concealed manner, with suitable fencing if necessary. BOTTLE G.c.S: Bottled gas tanks stored outside the house must be concealed, behind fencing or heavy planting. SITE PRE- PARATION: Before pouring the slab the groWid immediately under the slab and a margin of three to four feet around the slab area, should be cleared of all boulders to a depth adequate for the location. (The higher up in the cove, the more frequent and larger the boulders). Seismic action in this area causes boulders even under slabs to "bubble up" and cause disruptions in struc- ture and makes foundation planting difficult. In preparing the site, every effort must be made to preserve native flora especially around the periphore. I£ possible natives located in the center or the buil- ding site should be preserved for transplanting. ORIENTATION: Orientation of buildings must take advantage of passive solar principles to maximum degree and exteriors should be painted in the lightest possible colors. LANDSCAPING: Builder must install, befure occupancy but only just prior to occupancy, not less than a basic, minimal land- scape plot, either conventional or desert landscaping, with appropriate automatic means for maintaining non drought resistant planting. In any case,planting of drought resistent natives, such as palo verde and mes- quite, is to be encouraged. Builders should also be encouraged to planu in sucn a way as to provide shading of east, south and west sides of house. Landscaping should ta',e into account those strips of land not within the legal boundaries of the lot but owned by the city and bordering the street, at least to the extent of grading and clearing it in presentable manner of rocks and brush. Avoid planting too close to cess pool and septic tank which should be located on the street side of the house for easy access. 01:� HOU,jING GUIDELINE P. 3 PR LIVING SPACE: ReVersing a controversial concept only fairly re- cently debated, I think we ought to allow reduc- tion of minimum size to 1000 sqt ft. for houses of no more than two bedrooms. This will encourage possibility of vacation use rather than year round thereby minimizing use of utilities and will allow for more space around houses on 5U X 100 foot lots. In no case may garages be carpeted to be included in minimum allowable size or be used for living spacer carpeted or not. PLACEMENT: Wherever a builder is constructing more than one unit at the same time in the same block, he ought to build on alternating rather than adjacent lots if available, vary set backs and "flop" plans, es- pecially in the case of repeated use of identical floor plans. N.B. Every suggestion here is based on conclusions arrived at through sorry experience or observation4 or just about. TO: MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING ADVOSORY COMMITTEE FROM: Thomas Thornburgh DATE: August 16, 1982 REF: CITY ORDINANCE #12 R-1 PLOT PLAN APPROVAL Section H1 "A". The architectural aspects of the development will be compatible with and not detrimental to, the surrounding neighborhood. 1. Each plan submitted will have to be carefully evaluated and a determination made as to the compatibility within its area. 2. Some of the items to be evaluated: set backs, side yards, rear yards, square footage of livable area, garage or car- port, roof pitch/and or design, single story or two-story, overhangs and overall appearance. "B''The landscaping for the development will be compatible with the surround neighborhood and will be suitably maintained as represented after completion of the project. 1. Landscaping plan will be submitted with each plan. Auto- matic sprinklers or equal should be considered mandatory. 2. Personal taste in landscaping will be encouraged as long as good coverage and maintenance are assured. 017 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Planning Advisory Committee REF: Recommendations for Various Departments Building Safety - All exterior doors be solid core and have a dead bolt lock on each. All residents have a night light over each door on a timer. (There are safety precaution ordinances presently in effect that can be referred to and considered.) Energy Saving Plans If the City accepts the Building Code of Riverside County, we should look at its insulation requirements, its sun screens and requirements for solar swimming pools, etc. The Planning Commission when appointed, should discuss the problem of 50' x 100' lots in The Cove area and try to determine creative ways to enhance building by grouping lots together. Example: Zero property line, side yards could be used if acceptable planning adhered to. 01 , -y Item No. ( a . Date T /1311 L PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Re: V Motion by: ]:mkamp Goetcheus Reilly Thornburgh Klimkiewicz Second by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reilly Thornburgh Klimkiewicz ROLL CALL VOTE AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Imkamp — Goetcheus — Klimkiewicz — Reilly — Thornburgh -- d 9 Item No. "I Date y /2a/f 7i PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Re: Motion by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reill Second by: Imkamp Goetcheus Reilly "'SY A.r`i. Thornburgh Klimkiewicz ornb Klimkiewicz ROLL CALL VOTE AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Imkamp Goetcheus ✓ — Klimkiewicz I/ Reilly — Thornburgh 0� n