1983 02 08 PCi!UI A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QDINTA A regular meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California February 8, 1983 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL„ p�'c 3. tF—E RINGS 7:00 p.m. 1 � A./ A public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Hap No. 18766, for property located on Eisenhower Drive, southerly from Avenue 50, Landmark Land Company, A✓plicLnt. 1. Report from the Planning Staff. 2. Motion for continuance. B A public hearing regarding Conditional Use Case No. 83-001, a request to install an off -site sign advertising subdivision sales on property located at the southeast corner of Eisenhower Drive yea and Avenue 50, Anden Corporation, Applicant. I��Jv 1. Report from the Planning Staff. 2. Motion for approval. 4. CONSENT CAIrIND R Qn n y �� Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of January 11, 1983 nG 1� hi I _(by �-� and Minutes of the adjourned meeting of January 2_5, 1983- fi JV 6t`l 43 5. BUSIYESS 6. ADJOURM?9;14T ITEM NO. DATE ` r' 3 PL:ANNIl1G CO"IMISSTON MEETING RE:-- A10Ti0N hY: GOETCHPIUS IMIK-*11? KIAI,KIEtdICZ RFILb THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS Ii•9C -lp KLIS1}:IEidICZ REILLY THORI�BIJRGH DISCUSSi.ON:_---- ROLL CALL VOTE: CO) - J;O:"'-RS: AYE NO ,S.-.'-.IN PRESENT GOETCHLUS -- -- ".liK. Al✓iP -- -- -- — - — KL1:'KJ i_WICZ -" - — - - -- I2EILLY - -- --- — - — TEoF.'�BLRGH ... - - --- -- — --- LINANI'iOUSLY Ali0i'IED: YES__ NO __ 41 ITEM NO DATE PLANNING C0.41ISSION MEETING HE MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMfK NP KLI`1KIEWICZ REILLY SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS T�K MP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY DISCUSSION: ----- ------ -- ROLL ROLL CALL VOTE: CO='`iISSIO\P.RS: GOETCHEUS T rK.,Np KLTax 1:)A ICZ REILLY THORNBURGII L'r::LNli90USLY ADO-PTED AYE NO YES %_BST? IN 21 ES\T THORtiBURGH THORNBURGH TIRESENT ITEM NO. �l DATE PLANNING C0.-2111ISSION MEETING RE: --- MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS llfKkl'P K1,11VIEWICZ EILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUUSSf,� IrLKklllm KLP`1KIl?WICZ THORNBU/�RGH 1)1 SCUSSIO\:��`j�1�v� -� - `�/�. RREILLY G'-� C�L, /'M. ROLL CALL VOTE: CO`STSSICL�6R5; AYE NO ABSTAIN P.BSENT P-PESFNT GOETCHEUS --- --- L"7�AMP ---- -- - - -- -- KLII•fKIPW7CZ .. - --- - - -- ---- RE.ILLY _ -- - - THOR.NBURGH - --- --- UV-ANIMGUSI,Y P�JOP'IFD: 'IES_ __ NO �mmT o� U � CF'�f OF TfIE°w MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA 11 To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner Date: February 8, 1983 3. As Subject: Tentative Tract Map No. 18766, Landmark Land Company — A Request to Divide 15.5 Acres Into Three Lots for the Purpose of Constructing 32 Statutory Condominium Units The applicant, Landmark Land Company, has requested that the Planning Commission continue consideration of this case to the March hearing. Approval of this request would provide additional time for both the staff and applicant to review the proposal. RECOA?CNDATION That the Planning Commission continue Tentative Tract Map No. 18766 to the Mec�lY 1983 hearing. SLB:dmv ITEM NO. 3 13 DATE "V' q- PL_NNNING (CCOO•�L*1IgSSTON MEETING RE: ---- _ _—� ® MOTION BY: GOET.CHEUS Ih1KAIKI) KLIMKIEh'ICZ REILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: EU GOETCHS I^_KAMP KLT',fKIE'::I/CZ REILLY THORNBURGH DISCi'SSTON: e�.z"we— Vx8_ g� -- ROLL CALL VOTE: CO''.^11��a-��..^�n3S: AYE NO GOETCIIEUS --- TMKAAiP - — -- -- KLI ' ,] r', i CZ -. — - - REILEY THORSBL3GH _� _ — ABSTAIN . i;S-NT PRESENT UNAJ I210USLY ADOPTED: YES - -- 10. -- 0 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission 3 o t_ * From: Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner Date: ]February 81 1983 Subject: Conditional Use Case No. 83-001, A Request by Anden Corporation to Install an Off -site Sign Advertising the Original Sale of a Subdivision The applicant is reouestin .approval to install an off -site sign at the southeast co'_'ner of :'mil seZ'10:;er Drive and Avenue 50 for the r)lar Dose of advertising home sales iv_thin the .Manta Rosa Cove de �elopment. The dimensions of the proposed sign are 6 foot by 10 foot with an overall height of 11 feet. The Municipal Land Use Ordinance allows off -site subdivision signs advertising the original sale of a subdivision provided a conditional use permit is approved (see attached excerpt _`rom ordinance). T .2e applicant recently obtained approval to install an on -site morn meat sign in front of the guard house for Santa Rosa Cove, -..inch is located across Eisenhower Drive from the site of the proposed off -site sign. The approved monument sign has an overall length of 18 feet with an average height of 3 feet and will be visible to traffic travelling along Eisenhower Drive. In addition, there is an e)dsting ;:all -mounted identification sign at the south side of the project entrance which is visible to vehicles travelling westward on =venue 50. ADDrODrlateness of the Proposed Sign Staff suggests that the Planning Commission first discuss the issue of ..`nether an off --site advertising sign should be permitted at the proposed location. Although the lend use ordinance permits a raytim m of two off -site signs, the PLP ing Commission has the authority to determine if the proposed sign is an appropriate t :.par, y use "or the location. One option the Commission may wish to discuss is the limiting or prohibition of off -site advertising signs for individual develop- ments, and instead have a smaller number of monument signs listing a number of developments. This means is used within the City of Rancho ldrage which has a °9;ode1 Homes Tour", with large monument signs nroviding the names and directional a_:ows for residential oevelonnc-ats within the vicinity. These signs are-nstalled and maintained by the local Che_nber of Cor_erce. 'ihis approach has the advantage that as the number of residential developments increase, the number of signs -will not significantly increase. The Honorable Chairman end Members of the Planning Commis February 8, 1983 Page Two. Size of the Proposed Sign If the Commission determines that it supports the installation of the proposed sign at this location, then the proposed design and size of sign should be reviewed next. The applicant is requesting approval of a sign with a 6 foot by 10 foot sign face and an overall height of 11 feet. The sign face will be white with green and gold lettering. As a means of comparison, the following is a list of existing subdivision signs along Eisenhower Drive south of Avenida Fernando: a Club La Quinta, 3' by 51, height from curb is 6J' • La Quinta Hotel, 3' by 51, height 6' ion • Santa Rosa -Cove Models, 4' by 81, height is 11' • La Quinta Hotel Golf Club, 3' by 41, height 7' • La Quinta Country Club, 7' 10n by 1' 417, height As shown by the list above, there are no existing signs having a sign face area comparable to the 60 square feet requested by the applicant. Staff recommends that the size of' the proposed sign be reduced to 3' by 5' on the grounds that it would be consistent with other signs in the vicinity. In addition, since two on -site signs for Santa Rosa Cove will be located directly across Eisenhower Drive from the proposed site, the main purpose of this sign is directional. Therefore, a sign —aller than that requested would be appropriate. Concerning the design of the sign face, Staff has no objection to the proposed layout. However, a reco=endation is that the background be painted a subtle earthtone color rather than white. This use of an ear-thtone background is desirable because although the sign's viyDse is to attract attention, it should be subtle because it is located within a residential area. Also, colors other than white will show the dirt less and give the sign a neater appearance over the course of time. The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission February 81 1983 Page Three. Conditions of Approval 1. The development of the site shall be in accordance with the approved exhibits as contained in the file for Conditional Use Case No. 83-001. 2. The sign shall be located a minimum of ten feet back from property lines and shall not interfere with the line of sight of motorists. qr g/ 3. The sign face shall be no larger than,3�'bykl�and have an overall height from grade ofj7'feet. 4. The sign face shall be painted in accordance with Exhibit C using an earthtone background color approved by the Planning Commission or Director of Community Development. 5. Prior to installing this sign, all existing advertising signs for Santa Rosa Cove shall be brought into compliance with Section 19.6 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance. Proof of this compliance shall be presented to the City Planning Division prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. The sign shall not be artificallly lighted. 7. The sign shall be maintained in good repair. 8. The use hereby approved by this permit shall terminate on February 8,.19&5-. 9. The applicant shall sign an agreement with the City, secured by a $100 cash bond, assuring the removal of the sign within the allowed time period. The bond and agreement shall be filed with the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. RE: ITEM NO DATE PLAN�N�JRI GCO'ITUSSION MEETING f2M �J�C v _ MOTION COETCHEUS I4TYN:1PK7:I;f� EILLY TAORNAURGH SECOND BY: .BY: GOETCHEUS (1MKAMP / KLI?`K7hiJICZ REILLY T110t:NBURGH DIscliSSiON: ----------- ROLL CALL VOTE: CO'S.iiSSJO`a,t.S: AYE NO r. S1AIN AP.SENI PRESENT GOETUEUS I24:AMP -- - -- — KI IXK 11',141 CZ -- _ -- --- -- RFI-LLY __— --- ----- U^�IileIMOUSLY :`:DOPIER: YES__-- ® M I N D T E S AM PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calla Estado, La Quinta, California January 11, 1983 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. The flag salute was led by Commissioner Imkamp. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Goetcheus, Imkamp, Klimkiewicz, Reilly and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: None 3. HEARINGS: A. The City Manager explained the Public Hearings regarding a Change of Zone and Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 and related Environmental Assessments #16680 and 16633 for property on the southerly side of Avenue 50 between Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. The City Manager introduced Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, who presented the staff report regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 and Change of Zone Case No. 3379, which recommended approval of the Change of Zone and approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 18767, subject to various amendments to the conditions. Chairman Thornburgh invited comments from the Applicant, Landmark Land Company. Kevin Manning, Planner for Landmark Land Company, addressed the Commission explaining the concerns presented by staff and the Commission, and further discussed various staff conditions for this tract. Chairman Thornburgh opened the hearing to public comment. Comment was heard from the following persons: 1. Audrey Ostrowsky, 77-400 Calls Sinoloa, La Quinta, referred to her letter written to the City Manager and members of the City Council wherein she requested that all major construction be halted immediately until a time frame has been scheduled for completion of the sewer plant. She also expressed concern regarding the heavier traffic flow that would be generated from this project. The City Manager E=.xplained that we had received satisfactory arswars from the Coachella slater District and from the California Water Resources board, which supervises the suitability of the temporary treatment facility; that it is sufficient and has the capacity to serve both those properties which are presently on the lines and those properties, including this development, which will be on the line at the completion of the development. The City Manager stated he received an estimate from the California Resources Board indicating an additional capacity of at least 1,000 dwelling units and this particular project is for an 82 dwelling unit capacity. 2. Bill Bird, P.O. Box 837, La (':zinta, expressed his concern re density. Re qu::�ti.oned the developer as to why they felt they had to build two-story traits, instead of one story, above dike level. Chairman Thornburgh explained that the density re this project is excellent and felt it was not a problem, per plans submitted. Kevin Manning, Planner for Landmark Land Company, explained that the acreage involved is 26.8 and zoning allows for 134 units on the property and Landmark is putting up 50 units less than what is allowed by the density on the property. 3. Dick Matlock, 77-965 Lego Drive, La Quinta, questioned whether or not the density figures included the golf course also. Chairman Thornburgh explained that we use the total acreage of the project to determine density. :/ 8 MINUTES - Planning Commission January 11, 1983 Page Two. Andy Vossler, Landmark Land Company, explained the density is 4.6 on the acreage that is in Lot 1, which is the condominiums. The density figured on Lot 1 and Lot 2 is 3 per acre, so the maximum density any way you figure is 4.6 per acre. 4. Roxie Yessayien, 49-055 Avenida Anselmo, La Quinta, questioned the number of units on the dike compared to the number of units across from them. 5. Juanita Gayer, 49-845 Lego, La Quinta, questioned why the bedrooms in the units to be built on the dike had to be on the third story. She felt they could be on the street level and living quarters on top of the dike for scenic view purposes, thus making a two-story instead of three-story unit. She felt the three-atory structures would block the scenic view from the Lagos, where she resides. Andy Vossler, Landmark Land Company, in answer to the above, requested permission of the Commission to present profile plats for their and the public's view. He stated this profile makes it very clear that from the Lagos, you will not be able to see the units on the dike and the units on the dike will see the units closest to Avenue 50. 6. Adele Bremlett, 49-885 Lago Drive, La Quints, asked if this project was going to extend all the way to Eisenhower Drive. Chairman Thornburgh advised that it would not extend that far. 7. Rupert Yessayien, P. 0. Box 251, La Quints, stated he had no objections to this project and felt it would be an asset to the Community complementing Landmark Land Company on the quality of their projects. He was primarily concerned with the landscaping of the project, feeling that we are being faced with a water shortage here in the desert. He felt that less land- scaping or a desert --type landscaping should be more appropriate than requiring more green belts that take much irrigation, therefore depleting our water supply. He also felt that the sewage problem mentioned previously may pose a problem eventually. There being no further public comment, the Chairman closed the public hearing. After discussion regarding various tract map conditions of approval, the following changes to the conditions were approved. NO. 1„ Changed to Read: 50th Avenue road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. N0. 5„ Changed to Read: Street trees shall be planted along all public road frontages. A landscaping, lighting, amenities, trash storage, walkway layout and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscape plan shall include a substantial number of Hill size trees. A minimum of one tree per unit, no smaller than. the height of the unit adjacent thereto shall be planted and maintained. All air-conditioning units sha11 be ground mounted. No final inspection or occupancy shall be given by the Building Department to this project until the aforemen- tioned approved plans and construction shall have been completed. 30. 7. (From Road Department Letter) Delete. NO. 24. Changed to Read: The entrance street shall be expanded to provide for two access lanes and one exit lane, with a median for security facilities and gates, if applicable. The gates shall be located to provide a minimum two -car storage as measured between the gate and the curb face along Avenue 50. The design of street, gates and entryway shall be submitted to and approved by the City Community Development Department and City Engineer prior to the issuance of any development permits. MINUTES - Planning Commission January 11, 1983 Page Three. FOR THE RECORD: With regard to Condition No. 24 previously written, Chairman Thornburgh stated that the Commission can require that the entryway and location of gates be redesigned or relocated at the time the adjacent property is developed. Andy Vossler, Landmark Land Company representative, agreed to this requirement. Change of Zone Request from R-2-8000, R-1 and R-5 to R-2-8000 and R-5: After a shoat discussion, it was moved by Commission Imkamp and seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewiez to approve this request. Unanimously approved. Due to the fact that the Commission and Applicant could not agree entirely with Condition No. 15 in regard to setback requirements, the Commission agreed to review an alternative theory; that being a reduction in the width of Avenue 50. Landmark Land Company agreed to submit a preliminary street plan showing this theory to the Commission. Therefore, s motion was made by Commissioner Imkamp and seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz to continue consideration of Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 to an adjourned regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held Tuesday, January 25, 1983, at 7:00 p.m., in Commission Chambers. Unanimously approved. 3B. The City Manager explained that the Applicant, Landmark Land Company, has requested a continuance of the Public Hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 18766, so they may submit further exhibits to staff. Therefore, Co_smissionar Imkam_p moved and Commissioner Klimkiewicz seconded that this hearing be continued to Tuesday, February 8, 1983, at 7:00 p.m., a regular meeting time of the Planning Commission. Unanimously approved. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Commissioner Goetcheus, seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimously approved. A. The Minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 1982, were approved as submitted. 5. s11SI'�SS SESSION A. The City Manager explained the proposed revisions to the proposed ordinance regarding Valet Parking. Chairman Thornburgh op=ned the hearing to Public Comment. David Irwin, Attorney representing LandUmark Land Company, stated that he had no problem with the modifying of an ordinance and applying it to new applications, but to take an ordinance such as this one and assume it to be retroactive was disagreeable to him. Com-issioner Reilly stated that .she cou.ld see no reason for the Planning Commission to concern itself with the logistics of the disposition of patrons' vehicles unless failure of the Commission to intervene would result in some hazard or abuse to the public. Co; missi.oner Kli.-__iewicz stated t at he could not-m-cport an ordinance that did not solve .a problem and feels that it is 'onnecessary interferc.ce in private enterprise. Chairman Thornburgh closed the Public Hearing. A motion was then rade by Commissioner Goetcheus and seconded by Commissioner Reilly to reco:Lmend to City Council to reject this proposed ordinance. Roll Call AYES: Commissioners Goetcheus, Imkamp, Klimkiewicz and Reilly NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Chairman Thornburgh Ydy% PES - Planning Commission January 17-, 1983 Page Four. • 1 IP. Elul �Y The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quints. vas adjourned to the meeting of January 25, 1983, at 7:00 P.M. at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calls Estado, La Quinta, California. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 10:25 P.m-, January 11, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calls Estado, La Quinta, California. M I N U T E S PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA An adjourned meeting held at the La Quints. city Hall, 78-105 Calls Eatado, La,Quinta, California January 25, 1983 7100 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. The flag salute was led by Commissioner Imkamp. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commiussioners Goetcheus, Imkamp, Reilly and Chairman Thornburgh Absent: Commissioner Klimkiewicz Moved by Commissioner Imkamp, seconded by Commissioner Goetcheus, to excuse Commissioner Klimkiewicz. Unanimously adopted. 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 5. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager explained that the hearing regarding Zone Change 3879 and Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 had been ruled upon with approval at The Planning Commission meeting of January 11, 1983. This meeting is being held as the Planning Commission requested a continuance of the above regular meeting to further study additional information to be submitted to them by the applicant, Landmark Land Company, for property located on the south side of Avenue 50, between Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street. The City Manager then introduced Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner, who presented two reports outlining the tract and a synopsis of the various planning conditions. 1. Sandra Bonner presented the staff report addressing the concerns of the Planning Commission which resulted in this continued session so that a more thorough study could be made of the building heights, design of entryway, additional landscaping along Avenue 50 and the location and design of the wall. Based upon the findings presented to the Commission by Ms. Banner, staff recommended that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 in accordance with Exhibits Al B, C and D and subject to conditions of approval, as amended. In Ms. Bonner's report, she stated that she met with the City Engineer and his findings with regard to the redesign of the roadway along Avenue 50 met with his approval, that it would increase safety and be in the best interests of the community. Chairman Thgrnb;;srgh invited comments from the Applicant, Landmark Land Company. Kevin Manning, Planner for Landmark Land Company, addressed the Coarlission expressing Landmark's thanks to staff and the commission for their diligence in processing this application and for their input at the initial hearing. Chairman Thornburgh opened the meeting to public comment. Bill Camm, 49-847 Coachella Drive, La Quinta, President of the Islands Homeowner's Association, expressed his concerns regarding the narrowing of Avenue 50 by 6 feet, no bike paths, and the wall setback at the entrance of this project. He was also concerned that this project request could be brought before the Commission to conclude about its adequacy without having filed the General Plan for the develop- ment of this entire area. Juanita Gayer, 49-845 Lago, La Quints, stated she agreed with Mr. Camm's comments and also wanted to know why there had not been a future traffic count. MINUTES - Planning Commission January 25, 1983 Page Two. Kevin Manning, representative of Landmark Land Company, responded to Mr. Camm's concerns stating that Condition No. 26 provides for a bike golfcart path along the south side of Avenue 50. Regarding Mr. Cam's question re the setback of the wall at the entryway of the project, Mr. Manning stated that their plan provides for a tapering back of the wall to alleviate any traffic situations. Mr. Manning stated that the 6 feet of roadway Mr. Carom referred to is being used for an additional 6 foot setback. In answer to Mrs. Gayer's question, Mr. Manning stated that at the time of initial presentation of this project to the County of Riverside Planning Department, the County Staff felt there was no need for an additional traffic survey as Landmark was going to be conditioned to widen the road. Commissioner Klimkiewicz arrived to take his seat on the Commission at this time. Mr. Camm then asked if the bike/golfcart path would be inside or outside of the planned roadway. The City Manager replied that the bike/golfcart path would be within the planned roadway. He fu:-ther commented in answer to Mrs. Gayer's concern of a traffic count for future use. With present usage, there seems to be no reason for a count at this time. Ultimately, there will be traffic control devices, funded by the applicant through development fees, located at the intersection of Washington & 'venue 50, Eisenhower & Avenue 50 and Eisenhower and Washington Street. The types of devices and times when they are to be placed at these locations depends on some traffic engineering surveys which are just now being started. The City Manager further stated for the Planning Commission and public informa- tion, the City Co-azcil has already expressed a concern regarding the traffic impact at Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street, with a strong desire to have some type of stop signing at least initially there. We have not yet established sufficient funds for a traffic signal at that location, but what we will probably be putting in are stop signs with flashing red lights at that three -a -ay intersection. Go_yn.issioner Reilly questioned if the changing o£ the ro d:'ay would cost t e City anything end a'so astiad if there :3ould be :ny advantage to having desert type landscaping in lieu of cinat Landmark was reouesting as far as saving space, thus not making it necessary to have such a large setback. Staff adri sea Co missionsr Rai-lly that there world be no cent to the City for the redesign of the ro.d ;_y, Co)urissioner Tho-mb advised her there was no advantage to having desert type landscaping. Mr. Ca*�m requested to know if the bike/go Lrcart path would be used for ._ -,ay traffic. The City Manager replied that this would be true and that it is permiss_ble. Audrey Ostrcwski, 77-400 Calls Sinoloa, La 0,uinta, asked if the bike/goifcart path were one and the same and if so, she felt that this was a dangerous si"¢ation. staff advised that the path would be used for both types of ve'nicls travel. Commissioner Imkamp wondered if the security gate was to come all the way out to the public right of way and requested more information with regard to this gate area. Kevin Manning of Landmark Land Company further explained the security gate area with regard to landscaping and the wall design. Chairman Thornburgh requested that the Commission be shown the landscaping plan when it is presented to staff, just as a point of review. MINUTES - Planning Commission January 25, 1983 Page Three. Commissioner glimkiewicz commented that he would like to see developers give serious consideration to the desert type of landscaping using plants indigenous to this area which use less water. He stated he finds it more practical now when we are all worried about water shortages. Commissioner Goetcheus congratulated the applicant for this subdivision which he felt appropriately nice for La Quinta. He felt, however, that it would not be appropriate for this Commission to change the plan of the 76-foot wide roadway. He felt that they would be giving away road- way that the county thought was necessary. Commissioner Goetcheus stated that he would not be in favor of reducing the 76 feet that we are pledged to retain. Chairman Thornburgh stated that he would like to commend staff and Landmark Land Company for coming up with a solution when the Commission requested a larger setback for Avenue 50. Originally, the county only required a 12-foot setback, but after our incorporation when this pro- ject had to come before the La Quinta Planning Commission, we felt the setback inad&q ate. Therefore, for the City to get what we wanted and Landmark to get what they want is of benefit to us all. There being no further public comment, Chairman Thornburgh closed the public hearing. After a short discussion regarding the tract map conditions of approval, the following change to Condition No. 15 was approved. NO. 15. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, the developer shall construct a six -foot -high decorative block wall along Avenue 50 which will be no less than 18 feet from the curb face. Plans showing the location and design of the wall, the landscaping of the setback and right of way areas and the location of the four - foot -wide sidawalk shall be submitted to and approved by the City Department of Community Development prior to the issuance of any permits. These plans shall be presented to the Planning Cv-:_issien for their review. 2. Co: _rdssio, ier,'-�_=�np a ade a ;_iotion to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 in acco_-dance with the approved Exhibits A, B, C and D, and subject to conditions of approval as amended. Commissioner iilimkiewicz seconded this motion. This motion was approved on a vote of 4 ayes and one nay. B. The City Manager explained that the second item on the agenda was Plot Plan 83•-001, a request for a golf course equipment storage facility on property located at the southeast corner of Avenida Ultimo and the Washington Street Bridge embankment, L n mesk Land Ce*apenv, Applicant. The City Manager stated that after a concers tion , the City Attorney, it was apparent that the type of approval needed for this plot plan is administrative and therefore up to him to ;cake the final approval. However, a public administrative hear- ing is required, but having misunderstood the requirements of the code, we eet this application up for a Planning Commission hearing. Therefore, we will 1!ear cc..=eats at this meet ing and get an advisory co±- eat from the On. The The City Manager f=Miaer explained that the establishment of an equip-:=_nt storage facility at this location has been approved by the City Council. A public hearing was held by them where it was determined that the location of this building, being adjacent to the golf course, was appropriate. The applicant has come to us with a request in three regards: 1. Location of gasoline pumps to be used solely for the fueling of maintenance equipment, which will be stored in this facility. 2. The reduction of required parking spaces from 8 to 6. 3. Change in roof structure from flat to peaked. This will be strictly a storage building. No Air-conditioning units or other items will be placed in or on the building. MINUTES - Planning Commission January 25, 1983 Page Four. Commissioner Goetcheus commented that we have received several letters in regard to this request from property owners in the area who seem to feel that the value of their property would be reduced in value should this be approved. The City Manager explained that when the golf course was built, the property values increased and as this facility is basically necessary to maintain that very golf course, he did not feel that the property values would decrease. In answer to other questions, the City Manager stated that this building would house lawnmowers, tractors, related 6� ��✓ golf course equipment and tools inside the building only. He further commented that the two fuel pumps stored only 500 gallons each, 1 for diesel and 1 for regular gasoline, and that the pumps were necessary to prevent having to bring in a fuel truck onto the premises. The �j Fire Marshall from Riverside County and our own Safety Coordinator have reviewed these plans and approved them. e c Acommissioner Imkamp requested to know why the large door and the green- belt at the rear of facility were necessary. l�rt�d Kevin Manning, Planner for Landmark Land Company, stated that the large door is for the purpose of having a truck enter the building to empty the septic tank. Further, the greenbelt would be very much reduced due to the fact that staff is requesting that the parking spaces remain at 8 instead of 6. pp J� Commissioners Imkamp and Reilly both commented that they would rather see this building on the golf course area rather than across the street as they did not feel that this was "adjacent" to the golf course. C. Sandra Boner, Associate Planner, presented the staff report regarding Plot Plan 83-003, a request for construction of a single-family dwelling on property located at 53-1,60 Avenida Rubio, Bruce Hatton, Applicant. She explained the factors to be considered in reviewing the proposed house's compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. These included siting, bpi ding design, building nater-'als and 12-n_dscaping. Based on the find-ings of these factors, staff recommends that the P1:_Ining Co mission approve this plot plan. After a short discussion period regarding the conditions Of approval, the following change to Condition No. 6 was approved. T.ro. 6. The applicant shall be req:,_rad to post a cash bond, perfor-ance bond or ether financial arranbenent acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer, with the City Co:'mu_,ity De-aalopyant Department for the installation of to required street improvements along Avenida Rubio, including curb, gutter and connecting pavement. The ano-mt of this cash boy d shall be . 2,000, wkiich shall be suS- aitted to end accepted by the City of La Quintals Director of Comunity Development and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit. Commissioner Goetcheus made a ;notion to approve PJ.ot Plan 83 003 subject to Conditions of approval as amended. Cc: issicner Reilly seconded the .1 U _on. unani-,ously : &opted. 6. AD,i OUIL'NT The adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Le. Quints. ,Ms adjourned to the meeting of Tuesday, February 8, 1983, at 7:00 p.m., in La Quints. City Hall, 78-105 Calls Estado, La Quinta, California. The adjourned meeting of the Planning Co=ssion of the City of La Quanta was adjourned at 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 25, 1983, at La Quints. City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ITEM NO. DATE "7- %r PLANNING COMIISSION MEETING RE: -- MOTION BY: GOEICI3EUS I,,KA*4P KLI>SKIEi,'ICZ REILLY SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS l"^P�AMP Y.LI"iK7EWlCZ REILLY DISCUSSION:_ —"— ROLL CALL POPE: 'P'11 ORNBURGH THORNBURGH CO`"nSSrOIIcRs: AVE p ., S1A1N },BELT SENT GOETCHEUS --- �— — KLIZK1I;iICZ — - — --- REILLY - — -- _ — T!!0R^;BLRGH -- --- UNi�.'Ili90L'SLY eDOt'TED: YL'S NO ITEM NO DATE PLANTING COi,MSSION MEETING RE: —— MOTION BY: tOETCHEUS TMK/I�P KLIMKIEIdICZ REILLY THORNBURCH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS i,LQI.Mp KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY TH�'B__UBS1I� DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO':NI SS IOSERS : GOETTCHEUS i L1i•ti:.-1 ildi.CZ REILLY T-KRNBURGH U:2IUILI.fOU-SLY ',DOPi'ED: ,BSTAIN NO ABS;=1T PRESENT