1983 03 08 PCs AGENDA PLANNING CODM'IISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California March 8, 1983 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. A. Flag Salute j,2 ROLL CALL HEARINGS A public hearing regarding Change of Zone Case No. 83-001, for property located on the west side of Eisenhower Drive, southerly from Avenue 50, Landmark Land Company, Applicant. �3. Report from Associate Planner. Motion for Adoption. iZ- A public hearing regarding the following proposed Resolution: Proposed Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COM'fISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY. // Report from Associate Planner. ✓L. Motion for adoption. '4 • CONSENT CALENDAR .,A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 8, 1983. 5. BUSINESS A. other 3.J` �O1 ITEM NO. DATE I �yPLAN/NING COMMISSION MEETING RE: � i L2/A-U r l/ MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CW,fMI S S IONERS : GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED IMKAMP MKIEWICZ J REILLY IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY �,10 THORNBURGH THORNBURGH AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO a 002 .i� l m ITEM NO DATE 2-9- F3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: ju- ex c2�L MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH DISCUSSION• ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — INKAMP — KLIMKIEWICZ —/ REILLY — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO .iW 003 ITEM NO. c / DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY % THORNBURGH SECOND BY: CGOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO^MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — IMKAMP — KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 004 1 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccnmission From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: March 8, 1983 Subject: Change of Zone Case No. 83-001, A Request by Landmark Land Company to Rezone .51 Acres from R-2 (Multiple Family Residential) to R-5 (open Space Combining Zone - Planned Developments) IN. �uyI 1 9u � That the Planning Covassion recommend to the City Council approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-001 in accordance with the findings and as shown on Exhibit "A". The applicant is requesting a Change of Zone from R-2 (Multiple Famdly Residential) to R-5 (open Space Combining Zone - Planned Developments) on .51 acres. The site is bounded by the Santa Rosa Cove development on the north, Eisenhower Drive on the east and the La Quinta Stormwater Channel and golf course on the south and west. The surrounding zoning includes W-1 to the south and west, R-2-8000 to the north, and R-5 and R-2 zoning to the east. Under the original Specific Plan No. 121-E, Eisenhower Drive was proposed to cross through the flood channel as a surface street rather than over the channel via a bridge. Therefore additional land along the north and south banks of the waterway was set aside to provide for more gradual grades on the banks of the channel to accombdate the roadway. Thus, this site was zoned W-1 (Watercourse and Waterways). When the bridge was built instead, the channel was constructed with steeper banks thereby leaving excess land adjacent to the bridge approaches which was no longer needed for the waterway. When Specific Plan 121-E was revised in 1982, the site was redesigned as Multiple Family Residential, and through Change of Zone 3491;_it was rezoned from W-1 to R-2. The applicant now intends to sell this excess land to a party owning the adjacent condominium units located within the Santa Rosa Cove development. To accorplish this, Landmark Land Company has filed Tentative Parcel Map No. 19168 in -conjunction with this zoning request. Analysis Although the site is adjacent to Eisenhower Drive, access to the street is restricted by a block wall. The site is separated from the nearby condominiums to the north by a small strip of R-5 zoned common area belonging to the Santa Rosa Cove development. 005 MMRANDUM - The Honorable Chairnian and Members of the Planning Coamission March 8, 1983 Page Two. sis (Cont'd) The applicant intends to obtain an easement from Anden Corporation to provide access between the site and the adjacent condominium which will be owned by the same party. A concern of staff was that since access is restricted, the site would be inappropriate for uses other than accessory recreational structures such as a swimming pool. In addition, the visual aspects of the construction of a house was considered by staff. If a dwelling was built on this lot, the southward views of the three adjacent condamini.um units could be blocked. Therefore, staff requested that the development on this site be limited to recreational uses with limited low- lying structures which will not block the views from the adjacent dwellings. The proposed R-5 zoning would provide this assurance. Findings 1. The zoning is consistent with Specific Plan No. 121-E Revised and the General Plan designation of Medium Density Residential. 2. The proposed zoning is compatible with the surrounding zonings. 3. The proposed zoning would be compatible with the adjacent existing development. Conclusion and Recaamendation Based upon the above findings, staff recaanends that the Planning Caamission approve Change of Zone Case No. 83-001 in accordance with Exhibit A. SLB:dmv (, /P 1jrl Af %n �41 007 MOTION Moved by Crnmi.ssioner 61 1/4 seconded by Ccn[nissioner To Recacmend to the City Council approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-001, and approval of a Negative Declaration regarding environmental impact. r 00„ MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: March 8, 1983 Subject: Change of Zone Case No. 83-001, A Request by Landmark Land Company to Rezone .51 Acres from R-2 (Multiple Family Residential) to R-5 (open Space Combining Zone - Planned Developments) That the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-001 in accordance with the findings and as shown on Exhibit "A". Background The applicant is requesting a Change of Zone from R-2 (Multiple Family Residential) to R-5 (open Space Combining Zone - Planned Developments) on .51 acres. The site is bounded by the Santa Rosa Cove development on the north, Eisenhower Drive on the east and the La Quinta Stormwater Channel and golf course on the south and west. The surrounding zoning includes W-1 to the south and west, R-2-8000 to the north, and R-5 and R-2 zoning to the east. Under the original Specific Plan No. 121-E, Eisenhower Drive was proposed to cross through the flood channel as a surface street rather than over the channel via a bridge. Therefore additional land along the north and south banks of the waterway was set aside to provide for more gradual grades on the banks of the channel to accommodate the roadway. Thus, this site was zoned W-1 (Watercourse and Waterways). Mien the bridge was built instead, the channel was constructed with steeper banks thereby leaving excess land adjacent to the bridge approaches which was no longer needed for the waterway. When Specific Plan 121-E was revised in 1982, the site was redesigned as Multiple Family Residential, and through Change of Zone 3491,-it was rezoned from W-1 to R-2. The applicant now intends to sell this excess land to a party owning the adjacent condominium units located within the Santa Rosa Cove development. To accomplish this, Landmark Land Company has filed Tentative Parcel Map No. 191E8 in -conjunction with this zoning request. Analysis Although the site is adjacent to Eisenhower Drive, access to the street is restricted by a block wall. The site is separated from the nearby condominiums to the north by a small strip of R-5 zoned common area belonging to the Santa Rosa Cove development. E E MEMORANDUM - The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission March 8, 1983 Page Two. Analysis (Cont'd) The applicant intends to obtain an easement from Anden Corporation to provide access between the site and the adjacent condominium which will be owned by the same party. A concern of staff was that since access is restricted, the site would be inappropriate for uses other than accessory recreational structures such as a swimming pool. In addition, the visual aspects of the construction of a house was considered by staff. If a dwelling was built on this lot, the southward views of the three adjacent condominium units could be blocked. Therefore, staff requested that the development on this site be limited to recreational uses with limited low- lying structures which will not block the views from the adjacent dwellings. The proposed R-5 zoning would provide this assurance. Findings 1. The zoning is consistent with Specific Plan No. 121-E Revised and the General Plan designation of Medium Density Residential. 2. The proposed zoning is compatible with the surrounding zonings. 3. The proposed zoning would be compatible with the adjacent existing development. Conclusion and Recommendation Based upon the above findings, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Change of Zone Case No. 83-001 in accordance with Exhibit A. SLB:dmv MOTION Moved by Camdssioner Seconded by Commissioner To Recarmend to the City Council approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-001, and approval of a Negative Declaration regarding environmental impact. ITEM NO. �� p DATE �� o (� PLANNINGCOMMISSIONMEETING RE: Y4ze- n-70�v V%_O�d'1�---a2�C/ MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS /% " ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED ✓ LriKAI� KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH �IMKAMP KLIMKIEWIC REILLY THORNBURGH AYE NO ABSTAIN V — YES NO ABSENT PRESENT / T ti C��OF TflE��S MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner Date: March 8, 1983 Subject: Adoption of a General Plan RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission reconyrend to the City Council adoption of the Riverside County Cove Communities General Plan, Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan and Circulation Element, as amended, and adoption of the Negative Declaration. Background and Analysis Prior to the City's incorporation, development within La Quinta was reviewed by Riverside County under one of two adopted general plans. The area west of Washington Street was addressed by the Cove Communities General Plan, while that area east of Washington Street was included within the Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan. In addition, the Riverside County Circulation Element addressed the general standards for the roadways within our City. Although state law allows a newly incorporated city up to 30 months to adopt a general plan, it is appropriate for the City to adopt a general plan at this time in order to provide additional guidance for development within both the current City limits and the proposed Sphere of Influence. Also, an adopted general plan is required prior to the prezoning of land for the purpose of annexation. Circulation Element e1 After review of the Riverside County Circulation Element, the planning staff and City l/.Engineer�concluded that the plan adequately addresses the needs of the City. Staff n,��� recommends one amendment to the plan however; Calle Tampico west of Eisenhower Drive �^ should be reduced from a "major" street with a 100-foot wide right of way to a "local" 1bfp�street with a 60-foot right of way. The basis for this is that the traffic along this rry portion does not warrant a 100-foot wide street, especially in light of the fact that its northern boundary will remain in golf course use and not be developed into resi- dential lots. The "local" designation would have the same width as the existing neighborhood residential streets throughout the City. As previously mentioned, the City is covered by both the Cove Communities General ,Plan Land Use Element and the Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan Land Use Element. 1` Staff recamrtends the consolidation of these two land use elements with the following n amendments: t ° ,k f° X The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Staff Report - Adoption of a General Plan Page Two. 1. For that area west of Washington Between Fred Waring Drive and the Whitewater River Channel, change the designation from High, Medium and Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential. The purpose for this is to eliminate high density uses along Washington Street and to make La Quinta's General Plan compatible with Indian Wells' General Plan. 2. For that area east of Washington Street to the midsection line (which is in line with Washington Street south of Highway 111), change the designation from High, and Very Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Staff recommends that high density uses, which may include apartments, offices and hotels, be limited to the Highway 111 corridor area. 3. That the designation be amended from Very Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential for the following areas: Between Fred Waring Drive and Miles Avenue; from Adams Street alignment one-half mile to west; between Miles Avenue and the Whitewater River Channel; from Dune Palms Road one mile to the west; between Westward Ho Drive and the Whitewater River Channel; from Dune Palms Road east to the Indio city limits. The purpose for this is to make the General Plan consistent with existing development within the area. 4. For that area between Fred Waring Drive and Westward Ho Drive from the Adams Street alignment to the Whitewater River Channel, amend the designation from Very Low Density Residential to Very Low Denisty Residential/Planned Developments. The purpose for this is to ensure that future developments are consistent with the adjacent Bermuda Dunes Country Club and the Indian Springs Country Club areas. 5. For that area between Highway 111 and the Whitewater River Channel, from Washington Street to Jefferson Street, from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial. The current designation allows quasi -commercial uses such as offices and hotels. In addition, Riverside County has approved commercial zoning within this area. The commercial designation would not be a substantial change from the previous plan and would provide a more logical and appropriate land use designation. This area will be included within the proposed "Highway 111 North Specific Plan Area". 6. For that area generally 1,000 feet south of Highway 111 between Washington Street and the Indio city limits, amend the designation from Medium and Low Density Residential to General Commercial. The purpose for this is the same as mentioned in the above amendment. In addition, the wider area will allow for development other than strip commercial and aid in the development of a secondary road access system needed to concentrate and funnel traffic from Commercial businesses along Highway 111 in lieu of each lot having direct highway access. This area will be included within the proposed "Highway 111 - South Specific Plan". 7. For that area south of the above mentioned commercial area and the Avenue 48 alignment from Washington Street to Jefferson Street, from Very Low and Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential. This designation would provide for a suitable buffer between the commercial area and the lower density Figgie Corporation development to the south while still being consistent with existing area development. 01> The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Staff Report - Adoption of a General Plan Page Three. General Plan Text Staff recommends that the Commission adopt the general plan text of the Cove Communities General Plan, excluding the plan's circulation element. Additional Comments An environmental assessment was prepared on this project and staff has tentatively determined that it will not have a significant impact on the environment and has tentatively completed a negative declaration. Prior to any development within the proposed Highway 111 Specific Plan Areas, additional environmental review as deter- mined necessary will be conpleted. Findings 1. The proposed General Plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of La Quinta. 2. The proposal is consistent with the existing and proposed development within the area. 3. The proposed plan will provide for the logical and orderly growth of the City. 4. The proposed General Plan will not have a significant impact on the environment. Based upon the above findings, Staff recommends the adoption of the Riverside County Communities General Plan, Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan and the County Circulation Element, as amended, and adoption of the negative declaration. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner Date: March 8, 1983 Subject: Adoption of a General Plan RECU4VTVDATICN That the Planning Conani.ssion recommend to the City Council adoption of the Riverside County Cove Communities General Plan, Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan and Circulation Element, as amended, and adoption of the Negative Declaration. Background and Analysis Prior to the City's incorporation, development within La Quinta was reviewed by Riverside County under one of two adopted general plans. The area west of Washington Street was addressed by the Cove Communities General Plan, while that area east of Washington Street was included within the Coachella-Thenmal-Indio General Plan. In addition, the Riverside County Circulation Element addressed the general standards for the roadways within our City. Although state law allows a newly incorporated city up to 30 months to adopt a general plan, it is appropriate for the City to adopt a general plan at this time in order to provide additional guidance for development within both the current limits and the proposed Sphere of Influence. Also, an adopted general pan required prior to the prezoning of land for the purpose of annexation. Circulation Element After review of the Riverside County Circulation Element, the planning staff and City Engineer concluded that the plan adequately addresses the needs of the City. Staff recommends one amendment to the plan however; Calle Tampico west of Eisenhower Drive should be reduced from a "major" street with a 100-foot wide right of way to a "local" street with a 60-foot right of way. The basis for this is that the traffic along this portion does not warrant a 100-foot wide street, especially in light of the fact that its northern boundary will remain in golf course use and not be developed into resi- dential lots. The "local" designation would have the same width as the existing neighborhood residential streets throughout the City. As previously mentioned, the City is covered by both the Cove Communities General Plan Land Use Element and the Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan Land Use Element. Staff recommends the consolidation of these two land use elements with the following amendments: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Staff Report - Adoption of a General Plan Page Two. 1. For that area west of Washington Between Fred Waring Drive and the Whitewater River Channel, change the designation from High, Medium and Loa Density Residential to Low Density Residential. The purpose for this is to eliminate high density uses along Washington Street and to make Ia Quinta's General Plan ccmpatible with Indian Wells' General Plan. 2. For that area east of Washington Street to the midsection line (which is in line with Washington Street south of Highway 111), change the designation from High, and Very Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Staff recommends that high density uses, which may include apartments, offices and hotels, be limited to the Highway 111 corridor area. 3. That the designation be amended from Very Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential for the following areas: Between Fred Waring Drive and Miles Avenue; fran Adams Street alignment one-half mile to west; between Miles Avenue and the Whitewater River Channel; from Dune Palms Road one mile to the west; between Westward Ho Drive and the Whitewater River Channel; from Dune Palms Road east to the Indio city limits. The purpose for this is to make the General Plan consistent with existing development within the area. 4. For that area between Fred Waring Drive and Westward Ho Drive from the Adams Street alignment to the Whitewater River Channel, amend the designation from Very Low Density Residential to Very Low Denssty Residential/Planned Developments. The purpose for this is to ensure that future developments are consistent with the adjacent Bermuda Dunes Country Club and the Indian Springs Country Club areas. 5. For that area between Highway 111 and the Whitewater River Channel, from Washington Street to Jefferson Street, from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial. The current designation allows quasi -commercial uses such as offices and hotels. In addition, Riverside County has approved commercial zoning within this area. The commercial designation would not be a substantial change from the previous plan and would provide a more logical and appropriate land use designation. This area will be included within the proposed "Highway 111 North Specific Plan Area". 6. For that area generally 1,000 feet south of Highway 111 between Washington Street and the Indio city limits, amend the designation fran Medium and Low Density Residential to General Commercial. The purpose for this is the same as mentioned in the above amendment. In addition, the wider area will allow for development other than strip commercial and aid in the development of a secondary road access system needed to concentrate and funnel traffic from Commercial businesses along Highway Ill in lieu of each lot having direct highway access. This area will be included within the proposed "Highway 111 - South Specific Plan". 7. For that area south of the above mentioned commercial area and the Avenue 48 alignment from Washington Street to Jefferson Street, from Very Low and Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential. This designation would provide for a suitable buffer between the commercial area and the lower density Figgie Corporation development to the south while still being consistent with existing area development. 11 The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning CO[Tud ssion staff Report - Adoption of a General Plan Page Three. General Plan Text Staff recommends that the Comussion adopt the general plan text of the Cove Co mninities General Plan, excluding the plan's circulation element. Additional Comments An environmental assessment was prepared on this project and staff has tentatively determined that it will not have a significant impact on the environment and has tentatively completed a negative declaration. Prior to any development within the proposed Highway 111 Specific Plan Areas, additional environmental review as deter- mined necessary will be completed. Findings 1. The proposed General Plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of La Quinta. 2. The proposal is consistent with the existing and proposed developmient within the area. 3. The proposed plan will provide for the logical and orderly growth of the City. 4. The proposed General Plan will not have a significant impact on the environment. Based upon the above findings, Staff recommends the adoption of the Riverside County Cammunities General Plan, Coachella -Thermal -Indio General Plan and the County Circulation Element, as amended, and adoption of the negative declaration. Oi,4 MOTION Moved by Commissioner Seconded by Cannissioner To adopt Resolution No. P.C. , A Resolution of the Planning Conmission of the City of La Quinta, California, Approving A General Plan for the City. ROLL CALL: AYE NO Commissioner Reilly _ Commissioner Goetcheus c/ Commissioner Klimkiewicz Commissioner Imkamp Chairman Thornburgh rUN.INWs.INd Moved by Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner To adopt Resolution No. P.C. d- 3 - , A Resolution of the Planning Comission of the City of La Quinta, California, Approving A General Plan for the City. ROLL CALL: AYE NO Commissioner Reilly Commissioner Goetcheus Commissioner Klimkiewicz Commissioner Imkamp Chain Thornburgh n')9 ITEM NO. 2 DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: CGOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP- K�WICZ REILLY DISCUSSION: THORNBURGH THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - KLIMKIEWICZ - REILLY THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 021 ITEM NO. DATE 3 d PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 114 MOTION SECOND BY: BY: GOETCHEUS GOETCHEUS IMKAMP IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY REILLY THORNBURGH THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO�!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — IMKAMP "— KLIMKIEWICZ — REILLY — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO If3 22 I ITEM NO DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: � (yU�1 J MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS) IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH DISCUSSION• ROLL CALL VOTE: C0=SSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO %pos D AMENDMENTS To GENEML PLAN FRED WARING DR. h i MDX LDR VLDp- �� o L P, / ILES AVE. � Q LDR LBlt '' I UM STOP/1 !� j 1:ATER WA T CI rY OF /ND/AN WELLS I _.J 0 GEN VL Dot VL ® R F;'EST li ARD fY. /// q- VLOR HO DR // VISTA GRA I 4 B TH. AVE. cl TY OF�I z5TH. 'Vc • - CITY OF LA Q✓//i TA . dE�Y Low DENSITY REST lnm-TI AL 10-3 dvlac.re) LOW DFC51TY REStDENTIAt- (3-5 MEDpup) DmsrrY kESI UaNTIRL 15-10 `C' GEMC109L d i v lIG n r) , ,