1983 05 10 PCC E PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINPA A regular meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California May 10, 1983 1. CULL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. 3. HEARINGS A public hearing, regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amended No, 1, and its related environmental negative declaration, a request for a 60-unit statutory condaminium project on 15.8 acres located on the east side of Avenida Bern-udas at Calle Sinaloa, Desert Club of La Quinta, Applicant. 1. Report from Associate Planner. 2. Nation for adoption. I B A public hearing regarding the abandonment of Avenida Bermudas between Avenue 50 and the La Quanta Stormwater Channel and the related environ- mental negative declaration. 1. Report from Associate Planner. 2. Motion for adoption. 4. 5. COMMIT CALENDAR A. Az,roval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Anril 12, 1983. BUSEgESS A. J g R:�viea of Plot Plan No. 83-012, a request to construct a single family house on a lot located on the west side of Avenida Diaz, south of Calle Chillon, Norval Holmes, Applicant. cp"a 1. Renrt from Asso-, to Planner. 41V 2. P'rtion for adont,o:. F:evlew of Plot Pl,m 83-�1�, a reG,:eS-' to CC 5'.L"L1CL a s.jn��e famil . house on a lot lo:at�� on the �.'est side of 4venida Navarro, north of C'alle Arropa, Brian Cullen, Applicant. 1. Report from Associate Plarr-ler. W '? o:i for adcption. AGENDA - PLANNING CCMMISSICXQ May 10, 1983 Page Two. C D CU Review of a request for a one-year extension of time in which to file a final map for Tentative Tract Map No. 14496, Anden Corporation, Applicant. 1. Report from Associate Planner. 2. Notion for adoption. Review of a City Council amend7nt to the proposed amendient to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding the temporary habitation of recreation vehicles on residential lots. 1. Report from Associate Planner. 2. Notion for adoption. 6. ADJOURrZMENT SLB:dmv RE: ITEM NO. / DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING h- 9( Pak a,4-d MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: THORNBURGH THORNBURGH C0^2IISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS / IMKAMP - pm vP Jzv'^^ vz KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS DISCUSSION: J-el & ROLL CALL VOTE: CO'24ISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGE UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: ITEM NO. p ? DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING /IMYAI,T ' KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY m THORNBURGH THORNBURGH 7,vd 1014 AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO G04 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairmen and Members of the Planning Commission From: The Associate Planner Date: May 10, 1983 Subject: Changes in the Proposed Plans for Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amended No. 1. The attached staff report was based on the review of the proposed development plans which were submitted by the applicant approximately two weeks ago. After staff had completed this report, the applicant formally submitted the amended set of plans. The following items are changes from the previous plan reviewed by staff in the report and the exhibits which are attached for your review: * Trie setbacks of the buildings from the eastern and western property boundaries have been changed. * A secondary access onto Avenue 52 has been added. No information is available on whether either access will be gated. * The row of parking spaces are setback the minimum required three feet from the northern property boundary (the report incorrectly stated five feet). * The number of parking spaces in the northern portion have been reduced from 98 to 94. Regarding the number of parking spaces which are covered, 58 of the total 135 spaces will be covered by carports. The following items were not addressed in the staff report yet warrant a mention: * The tract boundaries, which are marked by the dark blue line on the map, in- clude property which the applicant still has not received authorization to include. This property includes: a 36 foot wide strip along the southern boundary of lot 2 which is in the public road right of way; the well site which is labeled as "Not a Part" yet is included within the project boundary. * The map incorrectly identifies the Southern California Water Company fee a,nership land as an easement (a letter from the Water Company to the Applicant has been attached for your information). ly9l � Pri Eq�N,P SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA N ATLY? COMPANY 3625 WEST SIXTH STREET . LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA �»020 - TELEPHONE (213) 36G-7800 April 12, 1983 Mr. Thomas Thornburgh The Desert Club of La Quinta Post Office Box 925 La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mr. Thornburg: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of Friday, April 8, 1983, in which we discussed the problem you face in developing your tentative tract map. No. 19203 because of the existence of a 10 foot fee ownership strip belonging to our Company along the southerly line of Lot 1 of the old Desert Club tract which Lot is approximately 77 x 136, and the fact that we have a 6-inch discharge line from our Desert Club No. 4 well running in this fee ownership to what was formerly Desert Club Drive and thence our main runs northerly in Desert Club Drive. As I understand it from our conversation that portion of Desert Club Drive, which is within the limits of your tentative tract No. 19203 has been vacated as a public street, however, we still have our discharge line located in it. As we discussed, if you would agree to deed to us a 10 foot strip along the easterly line of Lot 1 running from the southerly to the northerly boundaries so that our discharge line could be relocated within this 10 foot strip, and if you would pay for the relocation of our discharge line not only into this 10 foot strip along the easterly line of Lot 1, but also westerly in Calle Amigo back to the existing main in Desert Club Drive. We can then in exchange, deed to you the portion of our existing fee o-.rnership along the southerly boundary of Lot 1 running easterly to Desert Club Drive. Mr.,Thornburgh -2- April 12, 1983 As I explained to you on the phone, because everything we own is pledged under the Indenture of our First Mortgage Bonds, we have a rather cumbersome procedure and a rather substantial amount of red tape that I have to go through in order to effectuate the release of real property from the lien of the Bond indenture, and we have to charge you an additional $600 for processing this Release. If this letter fairly states our conversation and if you wish to agree to the procedure outline and have us start moving forward with the engineering plans, etc., please sign, date and return the extra copy of this letter which is attached. This then will serve as our authorization to proceed in a timely manner. Very truly yours, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER CO1PAN1 C`, I , S�� "-T C. L. Stuart Vice President CLS/ier APPROVED�csc.�c DATE J MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA :3, A. 0 T1iE�� To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Carrrdssion From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: May 10, 1983 Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19203, a Request to Divide 13.5 Acres into Two Lots for the Purpose of Constructing 60 Condc[rdnium Units, The Desert Club of La Quinta, Applicant PECOZ1,1ENDATION Staff recacmends that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amended No. 1, in accordance with Exhibit A, and adopt the Negative Declaration for the environmental assessment, based on the following findings and subject to the conditions of approval. BACKGROUND Project Description The Applicant is requesting approval to divide 15.8 gross acres into two lots, with 60 statutory condominium units proposed on Lot 1 and the existing Desert Club develop- ment on Lot 2. A statutory condominium project is the type of develognent in which a person buys either that portion of the building containing his dwelling or the "airspace" enclosed within the walls of the dwelling, without owning the property on which the unit stands. The state law requires that a tract map be approved for all condominium projects. In addition, the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 requires compliance with certain standards as stated in Section 18.5 of that ordinance (see attached Exhibit "D"). The following major changes were made in the original development proposal: * The six, one-story buildings and two, two-story buildings with a total of 61 units has been changed to eight, two-story buildings with a total of 60 units. * T;he location or orientation of the buildings has been changed from the previous plan which shaved buildings along both sides of the can on open space area to a design with the buildings located along the north side of the common area. * Concerning the two buildings located in the southwest corner of the condominium project on Lot 1, the setback fra-n tie Avenida Bermudas right of %.,ay has been increased from 15 feet to 40 feet. * The parking plan has been changed, adding a second row of parking along the north side of the housing and deleting a row of parking in the sout. th.ost corner of Lot 1. 0 sTaF REppRT - pL8,r1NING COMMISSION May 10, 1983 Page Two. * The access to the new Avenue 52 on the north boundary has been eliminated. * The floor plan for the two -bedroom unit has been increased from 1,059 square feet to 1,220 square feet. The size of the one -bedroom unit has been decreased from 750 square feet to 700 square feet. The three-bedroan units remain the same at 1,344 square feet. * The design of the open space area has been changed by reducing the area of the pond and deleting the hot pool. Property Ownership A concern of staff addressed in the March 22, 1983 report to the Commission was that the project area included two parcels not owned by the Applicant. The Applicant has recently purchased one lot and obtained permission from the owner of the second lot to include their land in this plan. ANALYSIS Consistency With The Zoning Tne property is currently zoned R-3-4,000, General Residential, requiring 4,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit with a minimum dwelling size of 1,200 square feet. Regarding the density of the project, the proposed development is consistent with the zoning requirement. However, the proposed unit sizes are inconsistent with the minimum dwelling size requirement. As currently planned, the one -bedroom unit will have approximately 700 square feet of total area (measured from the exterior of the walls) and 640 square feet of floor living area. Section 18.11 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance requires that all dwellings have a minimum of 750 square feet of floor living area. This base standard applies to residential development in all the zones. The Applicant has stated that he intends to apply for a variance from this requirement. In order to grant this variance, the Commission and Council must make the finding that due to the shape, size, topography or other special circumstances, the enforcement of this requirement would deprive the Applicant of the rights enjoyed by the owners of other residentially zoned property. It is staff's opinion that this finding cannot be justified for this property and therefore no variance could be granted. The only other option available is for the City Council to approve an ordinance amendment reducing the minimum floor living area of all residential dwellings to 640 square feet. Site Plan Design ,As shoon on Exhibit "A", the Applicant proposes to locate the bulk of the parking and to structures parallel to the northern site boundary and the new alignj-,�_-nt o= ',venue 52. For the 630-foot length of the parcel, the buildings will be located r a straight line 15 feet apart, with a 15-foot setback from the east property line and a 59-foot setback from the west property line. The setback of these buildings from the new Avenue 52 right of way ranges from 45 feet for the westernmost building to 70 feet for the easternmost building. This setback area will be developed vdtn a 25-foot-wide driveway and two rows of parking totalling 9E spaces, an uininc; �.ieed amoLnt of w1nich will be in carports. The remaining two buildings containinc; the '.0 0 1, d 0 STAFF RL?ORr - PLk-,'NING Oa%7,IISSION May 10, 1983 Page Three. Site Plan Design (Cont'd) smallest units will be located adjacent to the existing tennis courts and pool area of the Desert Club with a 40-foot setback from Avenida Bermudas. Additional parking is proposed adjacent to the cacmon open area and Avenida Bermudas. Regarding this site plan or layout of the proposed development, staff has the following concerns: * The project is oriented with its back or rear to Avenue 52, which will be the major traffic corridor for the cove area. The appearance of the project from the street is the same concern which was addressed on the Landmark Land Company project approved on Avenue 50, a road which will have far less traffic than Avenue 52. * Although the overall density of the project may not be incompatible with the adjacent R-1 single family residential zoning located to the north, east and west, the concentration of buildings along the north boundary creates an appearance of very high density development. This could be incompatible with the surrounding log -density single family housing development. * The nearly solid wall of buildings could adversely affect the view from the houses along the north side of Avenue 52, which will most likely be oriented southward to enjoy the view of the cove's mountains. These t-wo-story units could dominate this view for the adjacent residents. * By locating the parking area only the minimum required 5 feet back from the property lines, the six -foot -high wall which must be constructed to screen the parking will be built on the property lines along Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas. * The location of the main entrance off Avenida Bermudas is not consistent with the future circulation pattern. The most common travel route for the residents returning home will be south on Washington Street and then west on Avenue 52. The proposed location of the entrance will result in the residents having to turn left at Avenida Bermudas and left again to enter the project. Building Design The staff has the following concerns regarding the proposed building and carport designs: * Concerning the rear view along Avenue 52, the caricination of the height, rectangular shape, flat straight lines of the roof, and flat building face or wall with only two rows of winc,07::s will create a sense o-r greater bulk and mass than other development in the area. * The view from Avenue 52 of the central stain-.ays for each building and the stair -ways connecting the buildings emphasized the fact that this is a high density develo_xnent. STP.FF REpopT - PLANTNING COiVISSION may 10, 1983 Page Four. * The appearance of the two, one -bedroom buildings emphasizes the fact that this is a high density development with smaller unit sizes. Although this may be considered caqDatible with the two existing hotel buildings to the south, the design fails to address the fact that these are single family condominium units rather than hotel units. * The Applicant intends to cover the parking along Avenue 52 with carports. This would result in the view from Avenue 52 being of a six -foot -high wall and the roof of the carport. CONCLUSION There are three options open to the Commission. First, it could approve the project, including all the plot plans, floor plans and elevations, and condition thislayout appprroval to the extent necessary to address all their concerns regarding the project and design. The conditions would also require the approval of an ordinance amendment reducing the minimum floor area to 640 square feet. Staff does not recta mend this option because it could involve conditioning the project to such an extent that it would result in the City redesigning the project. The second option would be fur the Commission to approve the basic tract map showing the creation of two lots and the proposed density of 60 dwellings on lot one. Since the state law does not require either the site plan or the building plans to be filed in conjunction with this tract map, the Commission could require that new development and building plans be submitted for their review and approval prior to the Applicant recording the final map. Staff recomrends this option which would allow additional time for the Applicant to develop an alternate design which addresses the previously stated concerns. This option would still allow the Commission to review the proposed site and building plans as part of the original approval. This option could also satisfy the Applicant's stated desire to receive at least preliminary approval of the project as soon as possible. The third option open to the Commission is to continue consideration of this project. Staff recacmends that the project be approved as suggested in Option Two and forwarded to the City Council for their review of the design. CONDITIONS - PLANNING C.'OMMISSION TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19203, AMENDED NO. 1 The Desert Club of La Quinta May 10, 1983 Page Five. This approval is subject to the following conditions: The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to the requirements of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "A", unless modified by the conditions listed below. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the La Quinta City Council approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. 1. Prior to recordation of the final map for Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, the Applicant shall submit the following plans for review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council: a. A site plan designating the locations and dimensions of all structures, parking areas, driveways, open space areas and recreational facilities. The Applicant shall also provide area calculations, including total area involved, recreational and open space areas and lot coverage. b. Floor and elevation plans, including information on the exterior materials to be used. The Commission and City Council may conditionally approve the above plans and proposed designs; these conditions of approval will then be attached to and became a part of the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 19203. streets and Easements 2. The Applicant shall be required to dedicate and improve the following public right of ways in accordance with the City's adopted street standards and subject to the approval of the City Engineer: a. Avenue 52: Dedication and installation of full improvements, including concrete curb, gutter, minimum four -foot -wide sidewalk and connecting A.C. pavement, in accordance with the adopted Avenue 52 Specific Plan. A minimum 40-foot-wide part width shall be improved. b. Avenida Benmadas: Dedication and installation of full improvements, including concrete curb, gutter, minimum four -foot -wide sidewalk and connecting A.C. pavement, of the 44-foot half width in accordance with City Standard No. 108. C. Street adjacent to the south boundary of Lot 2: Dedication and full improvements, including concrete curb, gutter, minimum four-foot-.:ide sidewalk and connecting A.C. pavarent, of the 30-foot half width in accordance with City Standard 104, Section "B". d. The installation of a minimum 24-foot-wide roadway constructed of temporary A.C. paving between the eastern tract boundary and the existing Avenue 52 roadway, in accordance with the adopted Avenue 52 specific Plan. 0 CONDITIONS - PLANNING COMMISSICN TIIVTATIVE TRACI MAP NO. 19203, AMENDED NO. 1 The Desert Club of La Quinta May 10, 1983 Page Six. 3. All dedications shall be free from all encLu&rances as approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney. 4. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for non-exclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney. 5. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided £ran the tract map boundary to a City maintained road in accordance with the City Standards and subject to the City Engineer's approval. 6. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall provide for the marking of a bicycle lane in accordance with City Standards along the south side of Avenue 50 and the east side of Avenida Bermudas. 7. If any grading is proposed, the subdivider shall submit one print of a comprehen- sive grading plan to the City of La Qdinta Surveyor's Office. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Department of Building and Safety prior to commencement of any grading outside of the maintained right of way. 8. The subdivider shall submit three (3) copies of a soils report to the City Engineer. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Miscellaneous 9. water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth by the Riverside County Health Department. Dry sewers shall be installed to facilitate connection to the community sewage system when constructed. 10. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and any additional provisions set forth by the City Fire Marshall. 11. The project shall be annexed to CVWD LTprovement District No. 55 for sanitation service. 12. Any delinau_ent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. 13. Street trees shall be planted along all public road frontages. A landscaping, lighting, amenities, trash storage, walkway layout and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscape plan shall include a substantial number of full-size trees. A minimum of one tree per unit shall be planted and maintained. All mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted or screened from view. No final inspection or occupancy shall be given by the Building Department to this project until the aforementioned approve plans and construction shall have been completed. _i j b ` 11 CONDITICL\iS - PLANNING CUv IISSION TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19203, X4ENDED NO. 1 The Desert Club of la Quinta May 10, 1983 Page Seven. 14. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, the developer shall construct a six -foot -high decorative block wall along the north, east and west boundaries of Lot 1. Plans showing the location and design of the wall, the landscaping of the setback and right of way areas and the location of the four -foot -wide sidewalk shall be submitted to and approved by the City Department of Community Development prior to the issuance of any permits. These plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review. 15. The parking areas shall be surfaced in accordance with City Standards and appropriately lined and striped. 16. Prior to recordation of the subdivision map, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Department the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the open Space/Recreation areas and private roads shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose of the approval. a. The document to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; C. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division. The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final subdivision map is recorded. A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance cost shall be established and contin- uously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encunnbrance other than a first deed of trust, provided deed of trust is made good faith and for value and is of record prior to such the lien of the homeowners association. 17. Tract phasing, including any proposed ccumn open space area improvement phasing, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. 18. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies within the City of La Quinta or those agencies the City contracts with to provide these services: * Environmental Health * Fire Protection * Road Department City Engineer * Planning Department * Water Quality Control Board 47 * Coachella Valley Water District Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. ®\ i l SECTION 18.3. COUNTY TO BE Fi-•LD HAP` Any person Ask ho to obtain a permit or an, Val of obtains, or files an application i any ?'nd under the provisions of this ordinanXissce the Count harmless from any liability or claim oncluding any cla- s of the applicant, arising out of tthe permit or roval, or the denial thereof, or arof heldny cvooid by any pe on seeking to have a g P by a court law. SECTION 4. SPECIAL STUDIES ZONES', GEOLOGIC REPORT REQUIREMENTS. (a) in ddition to the requ' ments of this ordinance, all plicants, for a ecific plan of land use, condi •onal use Perm' , public use permit, plot plan o evelopmen Ian or certificate of occupancy approval, for a p ject, as defined in Riverside County ord anc o. 547, within a special studies zone delinea by the State Geologist Section 2621 seq. of the Public Re �X/yI/3 shall comp wit all of the provisio: side Coun Ordinan\e No. 547, and no to shall be grai � approvalsubject the accord ce with the p ` visions thereo: (b) No plication subject to he provisii --- 'tion shall be considere s comple__- --- - nd the time limitations for processing an applica- tion shall not begin to run, un—l all requirements under Ordinance No. 547 have bee completed. SECTION 18.5. Planned residential with the hereinafter planned residential ply with, such addit .... ..oA f-n ha necessar STANDARDS FOR N ED RES r developments sha e constructed in accordance listed requirements. In addition thereto, developments shall be sub ect to and shall com- ional conditions and requirements as are `deter- «; v,i A with the commun in which it is proposed to be locatea. (1) A subdivision map, prepared substantially in accor-- ance with the conditions of approval thereof and the require;n.ents of this section, shall be reccrde' pursuant to Ordinance No. 460. (2) DENSITY, 0"\ ?or c A!7D HEIGHT LIMITATIONS. == than 40% of the net area of a project shall be used for open area or recreational facilities, or a bination therc-of. The net area of a project =_Nall all streets, drives and be determined U_, excluding _ aute:nobile storage areas. The total number e= dwellinn units in a project shall not exceed that which would be permitted if the project were a =tanaard lot develo�.ment. The height of buildings shall not exceed that which is permitted in the zone ir,w„ ch the project is located. The -maxir:IYm-perm-tted_Eens- t` and height limits ma _be redsced i_ it is c_t_- '.red 3-16-82 ® t ., to be necessary 'or a n'.anr development o �.�r achieve_compatability with the area_in which the `c-c: development is located. det�rMel (3) yARD SETBACKS. Building setbacks from a project's exterior streets and boundary lines shall be the same as those prescribed by the zone in which the cated. In no case shall such building project is lo setbacks for any project be less than those pre- scribed in the R-3 Zone. The minimum building set- - - - back from interior drives shall be ten feet. (4) STREETS. Streets, which may be permitted to be private, shall be required in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 460. (5) RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. The number of dwelling units in one building shall not exceed two in the R-1 Zone and all other zones that permit planned residential developments as an R-1 use, or eight dwelling units in one building in the R-2 and R-2-A Zones. The number of dwelling units in a buildingin e Zone and all other zones that permit planned resi- dential developments as an R-3 use shall not exceed that permitted by the R-3 Zone development standards. Residential buildinas shall have a minimum ground floor living area of 1000 scuare feet and each dwel- ling unit in a building shall have the minimum floor diving area required by Section 18.11 of this ordir.a:�ce] - --_(6) RECREATIONAL BUILDINGS. Recreational, public assembly _ and similar buildings may be permitted within a pro- - jest if they are intended for the primary use of -- persons resiat ding within the project and are e°ties so as not to be detrimental to adjacent p P MAINTENANCE OF co! AREAS. A community association nity with the un?ualified right to assess the ow^e_-s cf the dwelling units for all maintenance, operat:ona_ -_and other costs of the common areas and facilit es and the community association shall be establishes and continuously maintained. The association shall _ _have the right to lien the units of the owners who _default in one payment of their assessments. file association's lien shall not be subordinate to any other than a deed of trust or m.orLgage enc-ambran_e o record made -in good faith and for value which is of - to the recordation of the lien or file associa- prior ` tion:--pr'-or to recordation of the final suiDdivis" n developer shall submit for ap*�rovai the map;" the _ ate' deciara`_`o.. ova^ants, conditions for the _project. The approved declaration ' shall be recorded at the time of the recording of the final subdivision map. 3-10-82 104 (8) TRASH AREAS. Adequate enclosed trash pickup areas, convenient to the residents which they are intended to serve, shall be provided in the project. (9) SCREENING. A six-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed on any project boundary line where the adjacent property is zoned for a lower residential density than that zone in which the project is located. (10) WALKWAYS. Five-foot wide paved pedestrian walkways shall be installed between the dwelling units and the recreational areas of the project. (11) ACCESS. Vehicular access openings into a project shall be limited to one for each 400 feet of public street frontage; however, all projects shall be permitted two access drives regardless of the amount of frontage. (12) PARKING. Automobile storage space required shall be as determined at the time of issuance of the conditional use permit; however, in no event shall there be less than 1.5 parking spaces for each one and not less than 2.5 spaces for each bedroom unit unit with two or more bedrooms. The required park- ing spaces shall be provided entirely within the development. Public street parking and tandem parking shall not be counted in this requirement. SECTION 18.6. PLANNED P.ESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS - SENIOR CITIZENS. 1, When it is proposed by an apolicant that occupancy of a planned residential development be limited to senior citizens, the application for the land division shall include the statement that the develop-ment is proposed to be limited to a SEn'c= Citizen Planned Residential Development. 2. Senior Citzen Planned Residential Developments shall be constructed in accordance with all of the d^eiop- and the ment re_� ;rz .eats Section 18.5 _ additional provisions: g a, The overall deveioc,nent shall be desi ease of use by persons of advanced age- ease No building shall be constructed that exceeds t.:o -1a-ez l05 _JU 61! ® 0 ITEM NO. 13 1 DATE t. /y f PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: �GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS I KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: THORNBURGH THORNBURGH CO'�DffSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - KLIMKIEWICZ - REILLY - THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA t3 To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Caimission From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: May 10, 1983 Subject: THE PROPOSED ABANDON'= OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA STOR*nTER CHANNEL AND AVENUE 50, LANDMARK LAND CO1,TANY, APPLICANT RECON41ENDATION That the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council adoption of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 83-005 and approval of the request to abandon that portion of the Avenida Be=das as shown on Exhibit "A" in accordance with the following findings. Background and Analysis Tne Applicant, Landmark Land Canpany, requests that the City abandon that portion of the Avenida Bermudas right of way which extends from the south side of the La Quinta Stormwater Channel northward to Avenue 50. The right of way between Calle Tampico and the Stortrwater Channel will remain. This request is in accordance with the condition of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 18767 which requires that this abandonment be approved prior to the recordation of the final map. The reasoning behind the abandonment is the following: With respect to circulation, the extension of Avenida Bermudas to Avenue 50 is not needed since Calle Tampico with its 100-foot-wide planned right of way is capable of handling the traffic between the central business district and Eisenhower and Washington Streets; Avenida Bermudas has been abandoned in the La Quinta Country Club area and, it is unlikely that the roadway will be extended over the Sto_rtrater Channel. This right of way was established in 1959 as a result of the 1912 Act, which requires 60-foot-wide access easements along all section lines. This portion of Avenida Bermudas is not shown on the Circulation Element of the La Quinta General Plan. The General Plan provides for traffic on the existing Avenida Bermudas to be directed along Calle Tampico to Eisenhower and Washington Streets; abandonment of that portion of Avenida Bermudas north of the Stor ��zwater Channel would ;De consistent % h this adopted General Plan. Neither Riverside County nor La c,7uanta have spent funds developing or maintaininc: t is portion of Avenida Be dos. Tnere is no existing road along this right of waa.- nor has there been an established and passable road within the past five years. Abandon, nt of this portion will not create landlocked parcels without access. The two owners of the adjoining narcels ( k Land Company and Anden Corooration) are in favor of the abandonment. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CO NIISSION May 10, 1983 Page Two. On the basis of findings contained in Environmental Assessment No. 83-005, staff has tentatively determined that approval of this request will not have a significant impact on the environment and has tentatively prepared a negative declaration. Findings 1. The proposed abandonment is consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. 2. No funds have been spent by the City or County developing or maintaining this right of way. 3. No road is existing nor has the right of way been developed with a passable roadway within the past five years. 9. Abandonment of this portion of Avenida Bermudas will not deprive any parcel of access. 5. Approval of the request will not have a significant effect on the environnent. Conclusion and Recmv endation Based upon the above findings, staff recacmends that the Planning Commission reccrnend to the City Council adoption of the Negative Declaration and approval of the abandon- ment of that portion of Avenida Bermudas in accordance with Exhibit A. WWWre r- t (i 2 f) 11 ITEM NO. DATE 4 15--110 -83 PLANNING COnMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP -1 IEWI REILLY THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COPIMffSSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO 6211 PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California April 12, 1983 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 4 A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He then called upon Commissioner Pat Reilly to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Commissioners Reilly, Goetcheus, Imkamp, Klimkiewicz and Chairman Thornburgh. Absent: None. Also present were City Manager Frank Usher, Associate Planner Sandra Bonner, Building Official Phil Goggins and Secretary Donna Velotta. 3. HEARINGS A. The first item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract t,ap No. 19203 and the related negative declaration regarding environmental impact, a request for a 61-unit statutory condominium project on 15.8 acres located at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52, The Desert Club of La Quinta, Applicant. This item had been continued from the March 22nd meeting. Chairman Thornburgh advised all those present that this request would be once again continued to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on May 10, 1983. He then asked staff if they had anything further to report on this agenda item. 1. City Manager Frank Usher stated that staff had no further information to report regarding this request and requested that the Planning Commission move to continue Tentative Tract Map No. 19203 and the related negative declaration regarding environmental impact to the next regular meeting to be held May 10, 1983. 2. Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to continue this request. Commissioner Goetcheus moved that this hearing be continued to Tuesday, May 10, 1983 at 7:00 p.m., a requ]ar meeting of the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Reilly. Unanimously adopted. B. Tne second item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding Conditional Use Case No. 83-002, a request for an off -site sign advertise g a subdivision 'cc be located 500 feet north of the intersection of Eisei�o»er Drive and F;ashk,gton Street, Anden Corooration, A.policant. This item had been continued from the ,larch 22nd meeting. Cha Iran Thornburgh advised all those present that this request has been with- dra%an by the applicant. Dili VG6��. 0 MOTES - PLANNING COMAISSION April 12, 1983 Page Two. 1. Chairman Thornburgh explained that this withdrawal by the Applicant is due to the Planning Conmissicn's support of joint advertising signs for the subdivisions in La Quinta. He explained that Michael O'Rourke, Vice President of Anden Corporation, has stated that he will work with the City in developing such a sign system. C. The third itan on the agenda was a public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding height and setback require- ments for walls and fences. This item was continued from the March 22nd meeting. Chairman Thornburgh called upon staff for their report. 1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner stated that the current zoning ordinance is ambiguous about requirements for fences constructed for single family dwellings. She noted that Riverside County's policy has been to allow 6-foot fences on property lines. It has been staff's policy since January 1983 to limit the height of fences in front yards. Ms. Bonner then presented exhibits in the form of diagrams to demonstrate the reasons for the height limitations in front yard setbacks and on corner lots. She stated that staff is recommending that behind the 20-foot setback, the fence height be limited to 3, feet. The purpose for this front yard restriction is visibility when backing out of a driveway so that the driver can see other cars and/or pedestrians that may be moving along the street and also to provide security by providing police and neighbors a view of the house at all times. Ms. Bonner noted that this was staff's recacuendation for inside lots. Associate Planner Bonner went on to discuss corner lots. She stated that it is hard to be fair with regard to corner lots due to the way the houses are sited and whatnot. Ms. Bonner stated staff is recarmending the same require- ments be applied to corner lots. Staff is recommending that a 6-foot fence be limited to behind the front setback and behind the side setback and that fencing in any area in the front adjacent to the road be limited to 3, feet. Again, the concern here is visibility. Another concern brought up by the Planning Commission and applicants with regard to fence height limitations and setback requirements were small lot sizes in the cove area. They felt there should be some variations here because the 31z foot height limitation within the front yard setback may be too stringent. Ms. Bonner then reported a caller's concerns to the Planning Commission as he was unable to attend this hearing. The caller felt that 6-foot fences should be allowed on property lines where there were existing 6-foot fences to either side. Nis. Bonner then stated tnat staff is recarnending that the Planr,ina Commission adopt this proposed ordinance at-nendment or amend it accordingly. Chairman Thornburgh then opened this hearing for public coat t. The following persons were heard: G%3 MINVPES - PLANNING CONTLTSSION' April 12, 1983 Page Three. * John Bund (John Robert Bund Associates), 54-865 Avenida Alvarado, La Quinta, presented the Planning Camdssicn and staff with diagrams displaying his concerns on this subject. He felt that it is very important to people that they be able to use their entire lot to their advantage. He stated that fences were required for privacy and safety for those residents with swinTning pools, etc. He noted that right now in most areas there is an existing paved 12-foot driveway on existing streets and from that paved driveway to the property line is a residual of 18 feet, which he felt more than adequate for the City's use. He stated that he had been informed by City Council that the streets, especially in the cove area were not going to get any wider than they are presently. Mr. Band stated his point being that if property lines are 18 feet from the street, he did not see how a 6-foot wall in the front would harm anyone with regard to visibility. City Manager Usher stated that reasonably speaking and looking ahead, we should plan on having a paved roadway width of 40 feet which would provide for two, 12-foot moving lanes and two, 8-foot wide parking lanes on the sides of the street. Rhat is done with the remaining 10 foot right of way on each side is another matter. There may be sidewalks or there may not, etc. He stated if we do not plan on the 40 foot roadway width, there will not be a provision for on -street parking which is generally needed in most R-1, single family lot areas. Mr. Bund then went on to sav that he felt if we widened the streets, we would open ourselves to speeders. He felt the streets we have now keep driving speeds down. * Paul Morway, 77-395 Calle Durango, La Quinta, agreed with Mr. Bond's cacments and referred to two letters that he had submitted to the Planning Cotmission regarding his concerns. Be feels that 6-foot fences should be allowed in the front yard area. He went on to note that as a newly incorporated City we are attempting to create laws to protect our community and that the Commission is attempting to upgrade La Quinta into a more than desirable area. Therefore, he is hopeful that with the Planning Commission and the citizens working together this will eventually all fall into place. Mr. Nrorway feels that a very important factor in determining fencing require- ments is the way the house is sited on the lot. He stated he has driven all through the community and counted 204 intersections and 880 corner lots, of which 589 corner lots are undeveloped. This gives La Quinta a lot of roan to direct builders and new hone construction so that houses face the right direction on their lots. * Bill Greer, Attorney, 9^5= �^iilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 asked if fences are to be built inside property lines and to what eaten chairman Thornburgh advised bar. Green to stop in at the Planning Depar, TP-nr, office and staff would give him the information required to build a single family house. ® 0 MDM,ES - PLANNING CaM1ISSI0N April 12, 1983 Page Four. * Steve Mannebach, 53-605 Juarez, La ¢iinta, stated he agreed with the speakers prior to him, but had one note to add. He felt that cars parking on the street near driveways would also cause a lack of visibility as they are higher than the 3'-foot fences referred to. * Janet Denier, 52-215 Madero, La Quinta, addressed the problem of children. She felt that children would be able to easily climb over a 31�-foot wall. She felt that a 6-foot wall should be allowed in the front yard in order to protect children from outside harm. * Dean Blackford, 77-770 Calle Temecula, La Quinta, Granted to know the current restrictions for fencing around pools. There being no further public cmment, Chairman Thornburgh closed the hearing to the public at 7:55 p.m. Chairman Thornburgh carmiented that he felt if he owned an inside lot and owners to either side built 6-foot walls in their side yards all the way to to the property lines, it would make his 50-foot lot look smaller than it really was. He felt this to be unfair to lot owners who did not want 6-foot walls. Commissioner Goetcheus felt that after speaking and listening to many people in La Quinta on this subject, the majority of then want 6-foot walls. He felt that regardless of what the City feels on the aesthetic value, a lot of people will be disappointed if they cannot build their walls. Chairman Thornburgh stated that as a Planning Commission it is their job to do the best thing possible for the co mtunity as a whole. They should look around at the effects on traffic, neighbors, safety, etc. and keep the security of all in mind. He felt that the Commission should look at the possibility of variances for corner lots. CaTunissioner Reilly stated that after thinking of every aspect (corners, inside lots, double lots, etc.) because the lots are unusually small, she feels that there are circumstances that do not apply to larger lots. That Ding, the right to everyone for privacy and security. She feels that everyone has the right to use as much of their land as possible. ccrimiSsioner Reilly would like the Commission to have the right of design review. She also felt that we should give individuals the right to appeal because of certain needs. She recomTe1ded that where visibility is a problem, the use of wrought iron fencing should be considered. Commissioner Judy Imkar*m stated she eas in favor of allo.aing 6-foot fences in front yards. She stated she felt sympathy for the property owners of these small lots and felt the 20-foot setbaci: require::_nt in front yards was too much. Camassioner 7mkamm stated that we have a unique ca munity with unique people living in it and they should be a11a.,ed to work with as much of their lot as possible. rI. AdIk qP 0 rJINUTES - PLANNING CCW--ISSION April 12, 1993 Page Five. Commissioner John Klimkiewicz stated that he could not vote for something that would limit people from being allowed to put up 6-foot walls on their property lines. After a short discussion regarding the variance procedure, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion. GpmdiLissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to recommend to the City Council adoption of the proposed ordinance amendment to allow 6-foot fences or walls to be built on property lines. Cormissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Notion to approve was adopted with Commissioners Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz and Reilly voting aye, and Commissioner Imkamp and Chairman Thornburgh voting nay- D. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to section 21.36 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding Home Occutaations. Chairman Thornburgh called for the report from staff. 1. Associate Planner Bonner noted that staff had no further statements to add to the staff report submitted to the Planning Cannission on this subject. She stated that staff recomTended that the Planning Ccnmission recommend to City Council approval and adoption of the proposed ordinance amendment to Section 21.36 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A". Commissioner Reilly asked if this ordinance, as presented, would cover the breeding of animials, the parking of buses or other commercial vehicles overnight. Associate planner Bonner explained that the breeding of animals is covered by Animal Control by which they limit the number of animals that can be allowed in a residential zone. Therefore, in answer to commissioner Reilly's question, this ordinance amendment does not address this topic as a hone occupation. As far as parking commercial vehicles at a residence overnight, this proposed amendment states in Exhibit "A", Item No. 7, that there shall be no dispatching of persons or equipment to or from subject property, including the use of conmercial vehicles which operate to and from the premises. Also, Item No. 8 goes on to say no vehicles or trailers except those normally incidental to residential use shall be stored or parked on the site. After a short discussion, Chairman Thornburgh opened this to public c y rne:t. There being none, he called for a motion. Co mission=r Reilly Wade a motion to rececend to the City Coancil approval and adoption of this proposed amendment to Section 21.36 c= the N,unicipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 in accordance with the attached Es:hibit "A". Commmissioner Klimciewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. 02E ArA ® W MINUTES - PLANNING CW•4ISSION April 12, 1983 Page Six. E. The fifth item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding a proposed amendment concerning the temporary use of recreational vehicles and trailers within the City. Chairman 'Thornburgh called for a report from staff. 1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner explained that the reason this proposed amendment is being introduced is due to the fact that more and more people are bringing in RV's and parking then in their vacant lots and also bringing then in and parking them in connection with other residences. Our Ordinance se currently has no restrictions for this type of RV use. Ms. Bonner expl that the proposed amendment will provide for the public's health, Y and general welfare, it will provide standards for the temporary use of recrea- tional vehicles within the City and will provide effective and equitable means to enforce the ordinance. Therefore, staff recarmiended that the Planning Commission recommend approval and adoption of the amendment adding Section 18.411 "Recreational Vehicle, Temporary Use", to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348, in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A". After a short discussion regarding the contents of the proposed amendment, the L'arrassicn requested that Item a.l, in Exhibit "A" be added to as follows: a.1. This temporary accessory use is permitted only on a residentially zoned lot with an existing occupied dwelling or dwelling under construction. Chairman Thornburgh opened this item to public comment. There being none, he called for a motion. Commissioner Imkamp made a nation that the Planning Commission recarmend to City Council approval and adoption of the amendment adding Section 18.41, "Recreational Vehicle, Temporary Use", to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A". Commissioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted- F. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 18766, a request to divide a 15.5+ acre parcel into three lots for the purpose of constructing 32 statutory condominiums, Landmark Land Conpany, Applicant. Chairman Thornburgh called for the report from staff. 1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner explained that the applicant has requested this hearing be continued to the regular Planning CaTmission meeting of November 8, 1983, when seasonal residents have returned for their winter stay. Ms. Bonner explained that this request will be readvertised at the appropriate time for the November 8th meeting. 4. CONSENT CALF DAR Moved by Commissioner Reilly, seconded by Commissioner Goetc eus to adopt the Consent Calendar, approving t_he unutes of P-larch 22, 1983 as su'anitted. .�;i 627 fib MIIVUTES - PLANNING COMISSIGN April 12, 1983 Page Seven. A. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 1983 were approved as submitted. Unanimously adopted. 5. BUSINESS A. Chairman Thornburgh explained the first agenda item under new business was a review of Plot Plan No. 83-010, a request to construct a single family house on a lot located on the west side of Avenida Morales south of Calle Sinaloa, Nick Slowik of Silkwood Homes, Applicant. He then requested staff's report. 1. Associate Planner Bonner stated that the house is consistent with the City's adopted standards, that it is ccrrpatible with surrounding development and that it will not adversely affect the environment. Staff was therefore recornending that the Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No. 83-010 as shown on the Exhibits and in accordance with attached conditions. Chairman Thornburgh then invited carmTents from the applicant. Bill Green, Attorney, 9454 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA, spokesman for Silkwood Homes, asked about the cost of the bond required for curb and gutter. Associate Planner Bonner advised Mr. Green that it is $1,000 (face amount) for 50 feet. Chairman Thornburgh then opened the hearing to public corruneint. There being none, he closed the public hearing and called for a motion. 2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-010 in accordance with Exhibits and attached conditions. Commissioner Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. B. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next agenda item under new business was a review of Plot Plan No. 83-011, a request to construct a single family house on the east side of Avenida Obregon south of Avenida Montezuma, Nick Slowik Of Silkwood Hones, Applicant. He then requested staff's report. 1. Associate Planner Bonner stated that the house is consistent with the City's adopted standards, that it is compatible with surrounding development and that it will not adversely affect the environment. Staff was therefore recommending that the Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No. 83-011 as shown on the Exhibits and in accordance with attached conditions. In view of t1 e fact that this house is the same plan as the prior request from Silkwood Homes, Chairman Tiornburgh called for a motion. 2. Chairman Thornburgh made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-011 in accordance with Exhibits and attached conditions. Comissioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. G 2 4 MLv'UFES - PLANNING CCMMISSION April 12, 1983 Page Eight. c. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner explained that this item was a report regarding the Avenue 52 Specific Plan given to the Planning Commission for information only and therefore no action was necessary. D. Associate Planner Bonner explained that this item regarding a joint off -site advertising sign for subdivisions was a background report. She stated that the Carmission's favorable response to same met with a happy response from Anden Corporation and Landmark Land Ccm aany. There being no further items of agenda to cane before the Planning Commission, Chairman Thornburgh called for a motion to adjourn. Ccsrmissioner Reilly moved and chairman Thornburgh seconded to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on May 10, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. The regular meeting of the Planning Cammission of the City of La Quinta, CA was adjourned at 10:10 p.m., April 12, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. G2 ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: Y �4 MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ EILL SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO'•!MI S S IONERS : GOETCH---- EUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: THORNBURGH THORNBURGH AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO To: From: Date: Subject: El MEMORANDUM S, A . CITY OF LA QUINTA The Honorable Chairman and Menbers of the Planning Omission Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner ro May 10, 1983 PLOT PLAN NO. 83-012, a Request by Norval Holmes to Construct a Single Family House along Avenida Diaz, South of Calle Chillon That the Planning Cerrmission approve Plot Plan No. 83-012 as shown on the Exhibits, in accordance with the findings and subject to the attached conditions. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a single family house on a 100-foot wide lot located on the west side of Avenida Diaz 150 feet south of Calle Chillon (see attached _location map). The house will be the Applicant's home. Siting The sitting of the house is consistent with the other homes in the area. Although it will be a larger building than the existing houses, its appearance of size and bulk will be canpatible. The setbacks are in conformance with the requirements. Floor Plan The total floor area of the building is 4,530 square feet. The plan shows 2,880 square feet of livable area, a 1,056-square-foot basement and a 594-square-foot garage. The basement is intended for storage and will also provide a natural means for cooling the house. Regarding the floor plan, the house complies with the City's adopted standards. The design provides more than the minimum 1,200 square feet of livable area, three bed- rooms with clear dimensions greater than 10 feet, three full bathrooms and an attached double -car garage with a connecting door into the house. Exterior Design. The building height is 163; feet high, which is below the sa:L= 17-foot height limit imposed by the zoning. The building will have white stucco exterior walls and a peaked roof covered with spanish tile. The roof eaves are tw*o-feet wide. This design is compatible with the surrounding houses wnich have stucco exteriors and peaked roofs. The types of roofing materials on the existing homes is a mixture of Spanish tile, gravel or rock and asphalt shingle. A_:{ Gil ® 0 STAFF REpOi2P - PLANNING COI v1ISSION May 10, 1983 Page Two. Additional Con¢rents A detailed landscaping plan will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. This plan will indicate the three outdoor water spigots and two trees which are required.by the City. Staff has determined that this project is exeupt from the requirements of CEDA and a Notice of Exemption has been filed. FINDINGS 1. The request is consistent with the zoning. 2. The design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards. 3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development. RECC[ )MENDED MOTION Based upon the findings, the Planning Coc¢nission recai=ds approval of Plot Plan No. 83-012 in accordance with the Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. 0 STAFF REpOpT - PLA%NING CCDIMTSSION May 10, 1983 Page Three. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 83-012, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, con- templated by this approval which is begun within the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit and have approved a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and apaLing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two 15-gallon street tree?* The plan shall indicate the irrigation system (if proposed) and -the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with the City Community Development Department for the installation of the required street improvements along Avenida Diaz, including curb, gutter and connecting pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $2,000, which shall be submitted to and accepted by the City of La Quinta Community Development Director and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. 8. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 0 �I I CALLS C N I LL ON PLOT PLAN 83-012 Vi* ® 0 ITEM NO. S U DATE S-/D —g,3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 9,�-v(- MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ ILLY THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CoP,24TSSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — IMKAMP — KLIMKIEWICZ — REILLY — THORNBURGH — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccrrmission X n� From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: May 10, 1983 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 83-013, a Request by Brian Cullen to Construct a Single Family House on the West Side of Avenida Navarro, North of Calle Arroba RECCM,1ENDATION That the Planning Comission approve Plot Plan No. 83-013 as shown on the Exhibits, in accordance with the findings and subject to the attached conditions. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS The Applicant is proposing to construct a single family house on a 50-foot-wide lot located on the west side of Avenida Navarro, 150 feet north of Calle Arroba (see attached location map). The house will be the Applicant's hone. siting The siting of the house is consistent with the other homes in the area and is in compliance with the setback requireirents. The hone will have the same general appearance of size and bulk as the surrounding houses. Floor Plan The floor plan of the house complies with the City's adopted standards and the zoning requirements. The 1,444 square feet of livable area exceeds the 1,200 square foot minimum requirement of the zoning. The design includes three bedrooms with clear ditrensions greater than 10 feet, two full bathrooms and an attached double -car garage with a connecting door into the house. Exterior Design The house will have stucco walls and a peaked roof covered with spanish tile. Tiie roof eaves are 18 inches in accordance with tine standards. The height of the house from the ground is 15i feet, below the maximum 1i-foot height limit of the zoning. The garage will have stucco walls and a slanted roof scre_ned by parapets. A sun deck will be built on top of this roof; the stairs %%ill be inside the garage. The height of the garage from grade is 121-, feet. The exterior design and the stucco walls will be consistent �•iith the existing hones in the area. Although the adjacent homes all have roofs covered with rock or gravel, the proposed the would be compatible. STAFF REPORT - PIANNINC CON1MISSION May 10, 1983 Page Two. Additional Comments A detailed landscaping plan will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. This plan will indicate the three outdoor water spigots and two trees which are required by the City. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA and a Notice of Exemption has been filed. FINDINCS 1. The request is in compliance with the zoning and development standards.. 2. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development. RECCMAE NDED MOTION Based upon the findings, the Planning Commission recoTends approval of Plot Plan No. 83-013 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. SLB:dmv ST.7vFF REPORT - PLANNING CON]MISSION May 10, 1983 Page Three. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The develoament of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 83-013, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, conte plated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit and have approved a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minJJMM of two 15-gallon street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system (if proposed) and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with the City Community DevelopKTent Department for the installation of the required street improvements along Avenida Navarro, including curb, gutter and connecting pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $1,000, which shall be submitted to and accepted by the City of Ia Quinta Community Develognent Director and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. 8. Refuse containers, bottled gas container and air-conditioning unit shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 9. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies: * Riverside County Health Department * City Fire 1,7arshall E El FIDfl S G No�sc. Hovge, ioo o' fioU3G NDUSG Hvu S c cI�ZZE 19RROS19 PLOT PLAN 83-013 030 ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING S. 4 - r - f 109� MOTION BY: OETLitEU IMKAMP REILLY �11SECOND BY: f JGIIEU!f IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: THORNBURGH THORNBURGH CO`MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - KLIMKIEWICZ - REILLY - THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 040 wy4u'"\e.G� OF TftE��S MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA E 5. C. To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: May 10, 1983 Subject: EXTENSION OF TIME IN WHICH TO FILE A FINAL MAP FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14496, ANDEN CORPORATION, APPLICANT RECOnM=ATION That the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of a one-year extension of time it). which to file a final map for Tentative Tract Map No. 14496 to Mav 20, 1984. Background The Applicant, Anden Corporation, is requesting a third one-year extension of time in which to file the final map for Tentative Tract Map No. 14496 (Santa Rosa Cove). The Applicant has previously filed final maps on three (3) of the seven (7) tract phases. If this extension is approved, the Applicant will have until May 20, 1984 to file maps on the remaining phases. The request is consistent with the Municipal Land Division Ordinance, which allows the City to approve a one-year extension of time. It is also in compliance with State law which provides for five years from date of original approval to file a final subdivision map . Findings 1. The Applicant has made substantial progress in complying with the requirements of approval necessary to file the final subdivision maps. 2. The request is in compliance with the Municipal Land Division Ordinance and State law. SLB:dMv RE: a Ul-, ITEM NO. rr DATE S %® - Ci 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING i L�-L (22,�,Q MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ REILLY THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ EILLY THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP -- - - KLIMKIEWICZ - REILLY THORNBURGH - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccnrdssion From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner Date: May 10, 1983 Subject: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL LAND USE ORDINANCE NO. 348 REGARDING THE TEMPORARY USE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND TRATfFRS WITHIN THE CITY. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Conmission report to the City Council that it supports the change in Section 18.41 (a) (5) allowing up to 45 days total for any recreation vehicle used for temoorary habitation to remain at a residence. At their April 19, 1982 meeting, the City Council reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment approved by the Commission which would permit the temporary habitation of recreational vehicles in residential zones (see attached Exhibit A). The Council amended Section 18.41 (a) (5) to increase the total time any recreation vehicle could remain at a residence from two (2), two -week periods, or portions thereof, to a total of 45 days, with any single visit not to exceed two (2) weeks. The Council amended this section in order to make the ordinance rrore equitable for the resident. As previously written, this section allowed a resident only two permits (or two visits by people with recreational vehicles) per twelve-mnth period. The Council determined that this was too restrictive and thus would encourage residents not to comply with the ordinance. The Council concluded that the change to 45 days total would be consistent with the intent of the ordinance while still being fair to the resident. SLB:dmv n4') ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING THERETO REGULATIONS RELATING TO HABITATION OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. The city council of the City of La Quinta, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 (which was adopted by reference by this city council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) hereby is amended by adding thereto a new section, to be numbered SECTION 18.41, and reading as follows: SECTION 18.41. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE, TEMPORARY USE. Except when in a validly established recreational vehicle park, recreational vehicles may be used for temporary habitation on residentially zoned property only in accordance with the following subsections. A recreational vehicle is defined as any vehicle designed and used for temporary habitation, including motor coaches, travel trailers and camper shells. (a) Requirements. (1) This temporary accessory use is permitted only on a residentially zoned lot with an existing occupied dwelling, provided that the Director of Community Development may issue a special permit to use an RV vehicle at a construction site for supervisory or guard personnel where it is determined such use would not adversely affect surrounding areas. (2) The recreational vehicle shall not be used as either a primary or accessory dwelling by the resident or owner of the lot on which it is parked. (3) The vehicle shall be parked out of the public right of way on the driveway or in the side- vard of the dwelling. (4) The vehicle must be self-contained; no water, sewer or electrical connections are permitted. The operation of electric generators is not permittedi. (5) A recreational vehicle may remain on a property a maximum period of fourteen (14) consecutive days, with the total time any recreational vehicle may remain at a residence not to exceed forty-five (45) days within anv twelve-month period. r; /� ORDINANCE NO. (6) Only one (1) recreational vehicle used for temporary habitation is permitted at any one time. (7) The use shall comply with all additional conditions reasonably required by the City to protect the public's health, safety and general welfare. (8) The residents of the dwelling located on the parcel where the recreational vehicle is parked shall be responsible for ensuring compliance of the vehicle with the require- ments of subsections (a) and (b) and shall be subject to any and all enforcement actions by the City for violations of municipal ordinances and codes relating to such recreational vehicle use. (b) Permit Procedure. (1) Application. Prior to moving the vehicle onto the site, the owner of the property or the vehicle shall obtain a "temporary use license from the City Department of Community Development. The application shall include the following information. a. Address of dwelling where vehicle will park. b. Name and address of vehicle owner/user. C. Number of persons habitating vehicle. d. Authorization of resident and/or property owner permitting the temporary use. e. Description (make, model, year and color) and license number of vehicle. f. Location on the lot where vehicle will park. (2) Permit. After review of the application by the appropriate City Staff, a permit may be granted for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) consecutive days. False, fraudulent or misleading information on the• application is grounds for denial. The permit shall be displayed in open view on the vehicle. (3) Fees. A nonrefundable fee of ten dollars ($10.00) is required at the time of application. 04; ORDINANCE NO. (4) Revocation of Permit. A permit can be revoked if it is determined by the City that the use as conducted is creating a nuisance or in violation of the Municipal codes. The vehicle shall be removed from the premises within twenty-four (24) hours of issuance of the notice of revocation. (5) Enforcement. The vehicle shall cease being used for temporary habitation and be removed from the property upon expiration or revocation of the permit, otherwise it shall be in viola- tion of this ordinance. Every day that a violation continues to exist, shall be deemed a separate violation subject to criminal prosecution or other appropriate legal action. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was of the City Council held on this by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: approved and adopted at a meeting day of 1983, 00 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: t �'4 -4iq!- CITY MANAGER ,,,CITY ATTORNEY 04`�