1984 06 14 PCA G E N D A
A regular meeting to be held at the
La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,
La Quinta, California
June 14, 1984 7:00 p.m.
A. Flag Salute
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10, 1983.
B. Approval of the minutes of the adjourned meeting of May 24, 1983.
A. Review of Plot Plan No. 83-021, a request to install a mobile home on a
double --wide lot located at the northwest corner of Avenida Diaz and
Calle Temecula; Thomas and Marguerite Murphey, Applicants.
1. Report from Associate Planner.
2. Motion for Adoption.
B. Review of Plot Plan No. 83-020, a request to construct a single-family house
on a lot located on the west side of Avenida Alvarado, 50 feet north of
Calle Colima; Bruce Hicks, Applicant.
1. Report from Associate Planner.
2. Motion for Adoption.
C. Review of Plot Plan No. 83-022, a request to construct a single-family
house on the west side of Avenida Herrera, 200 feet south of Calle Potrero;
Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant.
1. Report from Associate Planner.
2. Motion for Adoption.
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A regular meeting held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
May 10, 1983
7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Pro Tem Judith Imkamp called the Planning Commission to order at
7:00 p.m. She then called upon Tan Thornburgh to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present: Commissioners Reilly, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz and Chairman Pro Tem
For the Record: Chairman Tan Thornburgh was present as a member
of the audience due to the fact that Planning Commission was
reviewing a proposed project submitted by him.
Absent: None
Also present were City Manager Frank M. Usher, Associate Planner Sandra L.
Bonner, City Attorney Ray Ott and Secretary Donna Velotta.
A. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp explained the first item on the agenda was a public
hearing regarding Tentative Tract No. 19203, Amended No. 1, and its related
environmental negative declaration, a request for a 60-unit statutory condo-
minium project on 15.8 acres located on the east side of Avenida Bermudas at
Calle Sinaloa, Desert Club of la Quinta, Applicant. She then called for a
report from staff.
1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner explained that several changes have been
made in the original development proposal. They are as follows:
* The six, one-story buildings and two, two-story buildings with a total
of 61 units has been changed to eight, two-story buildings with a total
of 60 units.
* The location or orientation of the buildings has been changed from the
previous plan which showed buildings along both sides of the common open
space area to a design with the buildings located along the north side
of the cor on area.
* Concerning the two buildings located in the southwest corner of the
condominium project on Lot 1, the setback from the Avenida Bermudas
right of way has been increased from 15 feet to 40 feet.
* The parking plan has been changed, adding a second row of parking along
the north side of the housing and deleting a row of parking in the south-
west corner of lot 1.
® 9
May 10, 1983
Page ally
* The access to the new Avenue 52 on the north boundary has been
* The floor plan for the two -bedroom unit has been increased from
1,059 square feet to 1,220 square feet. The size of the one --bedroom
unit has been decreased from 750 square feet to 700 square feet. The
three -bedroom units remain the same at 1,344 square feet.
* The design of the open space area has been changed by reducing the
area of the pond and deleting the hot pool.
Ms. Bonner went on to explain that the above changes were from proposed
development plans submitted to the Planning Department approximately
two weeks prior to this hearing. After staff had completed the report
of these changes, the Applicant formally submitted an amended set of
plans. The following items are changes from the previous plan reviewed
by staff in the report and the exhibits which were given to the Planning
Commission for their review.
* The setbacks of the buildings from the eastern and western property
boundaries have been changed.
* A secondary access onto Avenue 52 has been added. No information is
available on whether either access will be gated.
* The row of parking spaces are set back the minimum required three
feet from the northern property boundary (the report incorrectly
stated five feet).
* The number of parking spaces in the northern portion have been
reduced from 98 to 94. Regarding the number of parking spaces which
are covered, 58 of the total 135 spaces will be covered by carports.
A concern of staff addressed in the March 22, 1983 report to the
planning Commission was that the project area included two parcels not
owned by the Applicant. However, since that report was given, the
Applicant has purchased one lot and received permission from the owner
of the second lot to include their land in this plan.
Ms. Bonner stated that with regard to the density of the project, the
proposed development is consistent with the current zoning (R-3-4,000).
However, the proposed sizes of the units are inconsistent with the
minimum dwelling size requirement. With the amended set of plans, the
Applicant has increased the size of the one -bedroom units to 750 square
feet once again. To allow for this size unit, the Planning Commission
would have to approve a Change of Zone, as the current single family
cWellings in the cove area require 1,200 square feet of living area.
Associate Planner Bonner went on to explain other concerns of staff
with regard to this proposed development. With regard to Site Plan
Design, the following concerns were noted:
May 10, 1983
Page Three.
* The project is oriented with its back to Avenue 52, which will be
the major traffic corridor for the cove area.
* The overall density is not incampatible with adjacent R-1 zoning
to the north, east and west; however, the concentration of buildings
along the north boundary creates an appearance of very high density
development. This could be incompatible with the surrounding low -
density single housing development.
* The nearly solid wall of buildings could adversely affect the view
from the houses along the north side of Avenue 52, which will most
likely be oriented southward to enjoy the view of the cove's
mountains. These two-story units could doninate this view for the
adjacent residents.
* By locating the parking area only the minimum required 5 feet back
from the property lines, the six -foot -high wall which must be con-
structed to screen the parking will be built on the property lines
along Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas.
* The location of the main entrance of Avenida Bermudas is not
consistent with the future circulation pattern. The most caTmon
travel route for the residents returning hone will be south on
Washington Street and then west on Avenue 52. The proposed location
of the entrance will result in the residents having to turn left at
Avenida Bermudas and left again to enter the project.
With regard to Building Design, the following concerns were noted by
* Concerning the rear view along Avenue 52, the combination of height,
rectangular shape, flat straight lines of the roof, and flat. building
face or wall with only two rows of windows will create a sense of
greater bulk and mass than other development in the area.
* The view fran Avenue 52 of the central stairways for each building
and the stairways connecting the buildings emphasized the fact that
this is a high density development.
* The appearance of the two, one -bedroom buildings emphasizes the fact
that this is a high density development with smaller unit sizes.
Although this may be considered compatible with the two existing
hotel buildings to the south, the design fails to address the fact
that these are single family condominium units rather than hotel
* The Applicant intends to cover the parking along Avenue 52 with
carports. This would result in the view from Avenue 52 being of a
six -foot -high wall and the roof of the carport.
Ms. Bonner noted the following items which were not addressed in the
staff report to the Planning Commission:
May 10, 1983
Page Four.
* The tract boundaries, which are marked by the dark blue line on the
map, include property which the Applicant still has not received
authorization to include. This property includes: a 36-foot-wide
strip along the southern boundary of Lot 2 which is in the public
road right of way; the well site which is labeled as "Not A Part"
yet is included within the project boundary.
* The map incorrectly identifies the Southern California Water Ompany
fee ownership land as an easement (a letter fran the Water Company to
the Applicant is in the file).
In conclusion, Ms. Bonner stated that there are three options open to
the Commission. First, it could approve the project, including all the
plot plans, floor plans and elevations, and condition this approval to
the extent necessary to address all their concerns regarding the project
layout and design. The conditions would also require the approval of an
ordinance amendment reducing the minimum floor area to 640 square feet.
Staff does not recam-end this option because it could involve conditioning
the project to such an extent that it would result in the City redesigning
the project.
The second option would be for the Commission to approve the basic tract
map showing the creation of two lots and the proposed density of 60
dwellings on Lot 1. Since the state law does not require either the site
plan or the building plans to be filed in conjunction with this tract map,
the Commission could require that new development and building plans be
submitted for their review and approval prior to the Applicant recording
the final map. Staff recommends this option which could allow additional
time for the Applicant to develop an alternate design which addresses the
previously stated concerns. This option would still allow the Commission
to review the proposed site and building plans as part of the original
approval. This option could also satisfy the Applicant's stated desire
to receive at least preliminary approval of the project as soon as possible.
Ms. Bonner noted the third option open to the Commission is to continue
consideration of this project. Staff recommends that the project: be
approved as suggested in option Two and forwarded to the City Council for
their review of the design.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp then invited comments from the Applicant.
Tc m Thornburgh, 49-452 Avila, La Qsinta, Applicant, went through the
concerns mentioned above by staff explaining why the plans were csawn up
and presented to the Planning Departire-nt as they had been, with regard to
density, parking, building design, etc. He stated that by building the
condominiums, they would be totally upgrading the Desert Club with new
lawns, new streets, etc. He noted that the cost of this project would be
approximately five million dollars and that out of the 60 units proposed,
they already have 35 verbally sold. All of the units are being built with
solar systems for water heating, heating and air conditioning. This will
be one of the first developments with a solar system of this type in the
May 10, 1983
Page Five.
Chairman pro Tan Imkanp then opened the hearing to public cement.
Bob Lotito, 712 Eugene Road, Palm Springs, CA, Civil Engineer for this
project, explained that the two reasons that water company property was
shown on the tract map presented were (1) to make clear the transfer of
property to the water company and (2) to keep their walls on the outside
of this property instead of on the inside. He stated that if this pre-
sented a problem to the Planning Commission, they could remove this area
frcrn the tract map. Mr. Lotito further noted that a letter was received
from the water canpany, which was presented to the Planning Deparcrent,
giving their permission for Mr. Thornburgh's use of their property for
this project.
Chain Pro Ten Imkamp questioned Mr. Thornburgh as to whether he had
talked again to Mr. Stuart of Southern California Water Company since the
presentation of the letter noted above and/or had he pursued the ;procedures
cited in said letter as far as the legalities of the transferral or use of
water company land.
Mr. Thornburgh stated that nothing had changed since his last conversation
with Mr. Stuart.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp made mention that she had a concern with the fact
that walls were to be built on the property lines with no setbacks for
landscaping. Also, if carports are considered structures, why was there
only three feet between the block wall to the carport instead of the 10
feet required for setbacks.
Mr. Lotito went on to state that whatever our City Engineer requested of
the project, they would comply with those conditions.
He further noted that he has known Mr. Thornburgh for sane 20 years and
has worked with him in other counties knowing him to be a pretty successful
builder. This being based on the fact that he does quality work and takes
a personal interest in his projects. He stated that after he left the
study session on May 9th, he felt that he could not believe what he had
heard there. The reason for this was that he very rarely heard a positive
statement being made. Even when a positive statement was attempted, it
was a double negative. He stated he felt that he was wishing they were
being judged by a true architectural design review board which would mean
Torn's project being reviewed by his peers and therefore receive some fair
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp responded to Mr. Lotito's last remark by stating
that the Planning Commission was trying to treat Mr. Thornburgh as they
would any developer and not with favoritism because they do know him
personally. She stated that they would not want to be criticized for
showing such poor judgment. She hoped that Mr. Thornburgh was not taking
this as a personal affront against him, but that the Commission was trying
to be objective and perhaps by doing so may come across overly harsh.
May 10, 1983
Page Six.
Cameron Marshman, 53-955 Avenida Velasco, La Quinta, stated that he
admired anyone who tried to change the environment. He noted that
this was his positive statement. He went on to state that when they
voted a little over 13 months ago to incorporate, he had the feeling
that houses would look better and be bigger and that none would be
built that we thought looked cheap. His concerns with this particular
project were the fact that it looked like a motel as far as the design
and the fact that the buildings were two -stories which he thought had
been ruled out when we became a city. He was also concerned with the
density and the size of the one -bedroom units. He stated that 750
square feet of living space appalled him.
There being no further ccmrents from the public, Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp
called upon the Commission for their comments.
Pat Reilly requested the height of the carport and was informed that it
would be nine feet high. Her further concerns were with regard to the
750 square foot, one -bedroom units and the projected size of Avenue 52.
She felt that this project should be continued until all the reports
were in on the Avenue 52 project.
John Klirrkiewicz was concerned about the 750 square foot, one -bedroom
units, the site design, building -design, setbacks, and he also would
like to see the report on the Avenue 52 project. He felt that this
project should be studied further.
Paul Goetcheus felt that the houses presently being built in La Quinta
were of a price range that a lot of people who would like to live in
the desert area could not afford. For this reason, he felt this project
would make this housing available to those people. He stated he is more
concerned with quality than quantity. He stated he would also like to
see architectural drawings.
Chairman Pro Tem 7mkamp had several concerns which are listed below:
° Where density is located.
° Believes architectural treatment could be better.
° Would like to see a report on Avenue 52 from the City Engineer.
° Would like to find out what the situation is on old Avenue 52.
° Would like to see application for abandonment of Desert Club Drive
stare moving through its processes.
° If we put the property line where Mr. Thornburgh wants it and if
the road shown on the bottom of the tract map is to be moved, she
erants to see the two other property owner's signatures listed as
owner/developer on the tract map before the project is ok'd.
° When Avenue 52 goes through to the north of the project, it will
be a main thoroughfare and she feels that the main orientation of
this project does not recognize this fact.
° Carports should be 10 feet back from the property line.
° Design is not aesthetically pleasing for the density.
May 10, 1983
Page Seven.
° Concerned with the line between the two projects and the tennis
° When the lot split occurrs, she would like to be assured that the
people who have memberships in the Desert Club are afforded the
same facilities as when they purchased their membership.
° Would like to see Avenida Bermudas canpleted the entire length to
old Avenue 52.
° Feels there are too many questions unanswered to go along with this
project as it stands, therefore she would like to continue this
project for further study.
With regard to the statement by the Applicant that the Water Company
has given Mr. Thornburgh permission to use their land, Chairman Pro
Tem Imkamp asked Associate Planner Bonner if she had spoken with Mr.
Stuart of the Southern California Water Company.
Ms. Bonner replied that she had spoken with Mr. Stuart the previous
Friday and again this date. She noted that Mr. Stuart stated he had
not given such permission. His only contact with the Applicant was
by phone on April 8th and their conversation was "generalized subject
to agreement based on information to be provided by the Applicant".
Such information had not been received to this date. Mr. Stuart stated
when the information and a $600 application fee is received, it would
go to the Board of Directors (possibly in July) and the earliest this
property could change hands would be in September irregardless when
this project meets approval.
Mr. Thornburgh asked Ms. Bonner if she specifically asked Mr. Stuart
if he would sign the tract map.
Ms. Bonner responded that she specifically asked Mr. Stuart when this
property would switch over and whether he had care to any agreement
about the use of the property or approved the use of the property and
he stated he had not, nor did he have the authority to do so.
After further discussion, it was decided that each mummer of the
Commission should prepare a list of conditions they felt should be
attached to this request and submit same to staff by Friday, May 13th.
Staff would then collate the conditions and present them in the staff
report at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp made a motion to continue this hearing to an
adjourned meeting to be held on May 24, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner
Klimkiewicz seconded. Unanitrously adopted.
B. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp introduced the second item on the agenda as a public
hearing regarding the abandonment of Avenida Bermudas. She called for the
report fran staff.
May 10, 1983
Page Eight.
1. Associate Planner Bonner stated this is a request by Landmark Land Company
that the City abandon that portion of Avenida Bermudas right of way which
extends from the south side of the La Quinta Stormwater Channel northward
to Avenue 50. she noted that this road has never been improved nor has it
been passable within the past 5 years. The City or County have not paid
any money to improve or maintain the road in that time. The extension of
Avenida Bermudas to Avenue 50 is not needed since Calle Tampico is capable
of handling all traffic between the central business section and Eisenhower
and Washington Streets, so abandoning would have no effect. Ms. Bonner
advised that this request is in accordance with the conditions of approval
for Tentative Tract Map 18767 which requires that this abandonment be approved
prior to the recordation of the final map.
Chairman Pro Tem 7mkamp called upon the Applicant for cammeents.
Kevin Manning, representative of Landmark Land Company, P. 0. Box 1000, La
Quinta, stated that Ms. Bonner had capsulized their exact intent. He advised
that Anden Corporation, who owns property adjacent, was informed and agreed
to the abandonment, as it is being done primarily to develop the Tentative
Tract. He noted that Landmark expects to begin construction of 23 units on
this tract by the middle of June.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp opened the hearing to public comment.
Paul Donley, 1830 Port Ashley, Newport Beach, CA, acting as a representative
for Frances Hack who owns some commercial property adjacent to this requested
abandonment area, wondered what the impact of this abandonment would be on
Mrs. Hack's property.
There being no further public commnent, Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp closed the
public hearing. She then called for comments from the Commissioners..
Commissioner Reilly requested to know who awns the property in question now
and, if abandoned, who will own it and how will this transaction affect it.
Kevin Manning, Landmark Land representative, explained that this property is
an easement and what happens is that the City Council will do a summary
abandonment. He further explained that the property would be developed.
Ray Ott, City Attorney, further explained that the entire title of the property
will revert to Landmark Land Ccnpany free and clear of the easement, so that it
will be like any other piece of property Landmark owns. He stated that most
roads and streets are easements. About the only time that you find they are
owned in fee by a public agency is when the public agency bought the land in
the first place. Most streets are not bought, they are dedicated.
There being no further comments, Chairmran Pro Tem Imkamp called for a motion.
2. Commissioner Goetcheus made a motion to recommend to the City Council adoption
of the negative declaration and approval of the abandonment of that portion of
Avenida Bermudas in accordance with Exhibit A. Commissioner Klimkiewicz
seconded the motion. Unanizrously adopted.
May 10, 1983
Page Nine.
Moved by Camdssioner Goetcheus, seconded by Ccnvdssloner Klimkiewicz to adopt
the Consent Calendar, approving the minutes of-May-lD, 1983 as submitted.
A. The minutes of the regular meeting of Ma , 1983 were approved as
submitted. Unanimously adopted. j'2/
A. Chairman Pro Tan Imkamp explained the first item under new business as being
the review of Plot Plan No. 83-012, a request to construct a single family
dwelling on a 100-foot-wide lot located on the west side of Avenida Diaz,
150 feet south of Calle Chillon; Norval Holmes, Applicant. A report from
staff was requested.
1. Associate Planner Bonner reported that the house is consistent with the
zoning, its design is in compliance with the City's adopted standards
and it is compatible with surrounding development. Staff is therefore
recormending that the Planning Cotanission approve Plot Plan No. 83-012
as shown on the exhibits, in accordance with the findings and subject
to the attached conditions.
After a short discussion, it was agreed that due to the fact this home
was being built on two lots, condition No. 5 should be revised to require
two (2) 15-gallon street trees per lot.
2. Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-012 in
accordance with exhibits and attached conditions, as amended. Commissioner
Goetcheus seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
B. Chairman Pro Tem DA,amp explained the next item under new business as being
a review of Plot Plan No. 83-013, a request to construct a single family
dwelling on a 50-foot-wide lot located on the west side of Avenida Navarro,
150 feet north of Calle Arroba. She then requested the report from staff.
1. Associate Planner Bonner stated the house is in canpliance with the zoning
and development standards and is coupatible with surrounding development.
Therefore, staff recam-ends that the Planning CoTnission approve Plot Plan
No. 83-013 as shown on the exhibits, in accordance with the findings and
subject to the attached conditions.
2. Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-013
in accordance with exhibits and subject to attached conditions.
Cmudssioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
C. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp explained the third item as a request for an extension
of time in which to file a final map for Tentative Tract Map No. 14496, anden
Corporation, Applicant. She then called upon staff for further comments.
May 10, 1983
Page Ten.
1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner stated that the Applicant is requesting
a third, one-year extension of time in which to file the final map for
Tentative Tract Map No. 14496 (Santa Rosa Cove). The Applicant has
previously filed maps on three (3) of the seven (7) tract phases. She
noted that if this extension is approved, the Applicant will have until
May 20, 1984 to file maps on the remaining phases. This request is in
car-pliance with State Law which provides 5 years from date of original
approval to file a final subdivision map and is also in canpliance with
the Municipal Land Division ordinance. Therefore, staff recatanends that
the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of a one-
year extension of time in which to file a final map for Tentative Tract
Map No. 14496 to May 20, 1984.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp invited Garments from the Applicant. He had no
coirnents so she called for a notion.
2. CaTaaissioner Goetcheus made a motion to recannend to the City Council
approval of a one-year extension of titre in which to file a final map
for Tentative Tract Map 14496 to May 20, 1984. Commissioner Klink:iewicz
seconded the notion. Unanimously adopted.
D. Chairman Pro Tem Imkamrp explained the last item on the agenda to be a proposed
amendment to the Municipal Land Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding the temporary
use of recreational vehicles and trailers within the City. She then requested
comments from staff.
1. Associate Planner Bonner inforned the Comnission that this proposed
ordinance has been returned to the Planning Commission by the City Council
for their convents. City Council amended Section 18.41(a)(5) to :increase
the total time any recreational vehicle could remain at a residence fran
two (2), two -week periods, or portions thereof, to a total of 45 days,
with any single visit not to exceed two (2) weeks. This was done to make
the ordinance rrore equitable for the resident. The City Council determined
that the previous writing of this section allowed a resident only two (2)
permits, or two (2) visits by people with recreational vehicles per a
12-rmnth period, which they felt was too restrictive and thus would
encourage residents not to comply with the ordinance. The Council concluded
that the change to 45 days total would be consistent with the intent of
the ordinance while still being fair to the resident. Therefore, staff
recarmends that the Planning Commission report to the City Council that
it supports the change.
Chairman Pro Tem Inkamp called for co rnents fran the Commissioners.
Commissioner Klimkiewicz stated that he felt the first writing was more
to his liking. He did not care for the idea of seeing a recreational
vehicle parked in a driveway for a nonth and a -half.
Cannissioner Goetcheus agreed that the original writing was what the
Commission had requested and he has not changed his mind.
Commissioner Reilly stated she was in agreement with the change requested
by the City Council.
May 10, 1983
Page Eleven.
2. Chairman Pro Tern Imkamp made a motion to accept the change in Section
18.41(a)(5) allowing 45 days total for any recreational vehicle used
for temporary habitation to remain at a residence. CanTaissioner Reilly
seconded. Comm ssioners Cruetcheus and Klimkiewicz were not in favor
of the change.
City Manager Frank Usher presented the Ccaraission with a proposed Resolution
regarding study sessions.
Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a mention to adopt the proposed Resolution.
Chairman Pro Tan Imkamp seconded. Unanimously adopted.
There being no further items of agenda to cane before the Planning Cormission,
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp called for a mention to adjourn.
Chairman Pro Tem Imlkamp made a motion to adjourn to the meeting of May 24, 1983,
at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
Seconded by Comdssioner Klimkiewicz. Unanimously approved.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, CA was
adjourned at 9:45 p.m., May 10, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Call.e Estado,
La Quinta, CA.
U_( µ
An adjourned meeting held at the La Quinta
City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta,
May 24, 1983
7:00 p.m.
A. Chairman Thornburgh called the Planning Commission meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. He called upon Commissioner John Klimkiewicz to lead the flag
A. Chairman Thornburgh requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll:
Present: Commissioners Reilly, Goetcheus, Klimkiewicz, Imkamp and Chairman
Absent: None
Also present were City Manager Frank Usher, Associate Planner Sandra L.
Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta.
At this point, Chairman Thornburgh turned the meeting over the Chairman Pro Tan
Imkamp, as the Commission was again reviewing a project submitted by him.
A. Chairman Pro Tem Imkarrp explained the first item of agenda to be a public
hearing which had been continued from May 10, 1983 regarding Tentative Tract
Map No. 19203, Amended No. 1, and its related environmental negative declara-
tion, a request for a 60-unit statutory condominium project on 15.8 acres
located on the east side of Avenida Bermudas at Calle Sinaloa, Desert Club
of La Quinta, Applicant. She then called for corunents from staff.
1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner advised the Planning Commission that in
response to their concerns stated at the May loth meeting, the Applicant
submitted a revised set of site and building plans. These plans address
the concerns outlined in the staff report and also comply substantially
with the recommended conditions of approval. Normally a developer waits
until after approval of the tentative tract map before redesigning the
project to comply with the conditions of approval. Then the redesigned
or final map is submitted to the City Council for its review and approval.
In this case, the Applicant voluntarily chose to submit the revised plans
prior to tentative approval as a means to demonstrate to the Planning
COimnission and City Council that by complying with the conditions of
approval, the final design of the project will alleviate the concerns
mentioned in the staff report. Unfortunately, Ms. Bonner explained that
these plans were submitted to staff the same day as the Planning Cormission
packets were delivered (5-20-83) for this meeting. Therefore, there was
inadequate time for staff to review the plans and receive conments from
other agencies. She went on to explain that since the Applicant did not
support a continuance of the hearing to June to provide additional time
- ()', 77
® 40
May 24, 1983
Page Two.
for staff review, the Amended No. 2 tract map and building plans were
given to the Commission for their information only.
Ms. Bonner again explained the options open to the Commission with
regard to the requested 750 square foot, one -bedroom units. One option
is a change of ordinance and another is a request for zone change for
this particular property only. The Applicant is willing to take either
Associate Planner Bonner continued to go through sere of the major condi-
tions explaining why they were being addressed.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp then requested carments fran Mr. Thornburgh, the
Tam Thornburgh, 49-452 Avila, La Quinta, CA, stated that he approved and
accepted 19 of the conditions presented him, but had questions on some of
the others. He stated that he did not care to be annexed into the
Coachella Valley Water District, but if he had to he would. He questioned
the condition of full improvements on Avenida Bermudas adjacent to the
development and new Avenue 52. He stated that in order to get his subdivi-
sion map approved by City Council, he would request them to record these
into lots and he would put up a bond to complete all of his offsite
improvelrents within one year. Then when he breaks ground and before he
can get an occupancy permit or move anyone in, all of the offsite work
must be completed.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamrp opened the hearing to public cement.
John Cody, 77-895 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, who is the architect for
Mr. Thornburgh's project, explained the layout of the colored renderings
presented which addressed the conditions outlined in this staff report.
Associate Planner Bonner asked Mr. Cody about the two laundry roans that
were planned and wandered, now that there are stackable washers/dryers
that can be set in a 3' x 3' area, if the Applicant would consider pro-
viding for these types of applicances within each condominium runt.
Mr. Cody stated that they can incorporate this into the units (Mr. Thornburgh
stated that he wanted this to be done), but requested that the two buildings
shown as laundry rooms on the plot plan be allowed to remain and be used as
storage areas for lawn equipment, pool equipment, etc.
Audrey Ostrowsky, 77-400 Sinaloa, La Quinta, CA, was very concerned that
she was not notified of this project and this meeting, as she owns some
property close to the Desert Club. She was also upset that something as
important as this was being discussed at 10:00 p.m. With regard to the
project, she stated her concerns with density, the traffic that would be
generated, the two-story buildings, sewage problems, etc.
May 24, 1983
Page Three.
Cameron Marshman, 53-955 Velasco, La Quinta, CA, stated his concern
that staff seemed to be talking about this proposed project as an
accanplished fact. He also voiced his objection to the 750 square foot,
one -bedroom units.
Joe Connors, 77-545 Arroba, La Quinta, CA, stated his concerns about the
750 square foot, one -bedroom units and also with the parking area for the
project with regard to how the traffic will flow.
James Rae, 53-805 Alvarado, La Quinta, CA, wondered why all offsite
improvements could not be done at the same time as the project was being
built so it would all be tied together.
As there were no further cacaneits from the public, Chairman Pro Ton Imkanp
closed the public hearing.
After sane discussion, the Commission determined that the conditions be
added as follows:
5.b. Changed to Read-
Avenida Bermudas: Dedication and installation of full improvements,
including concrete curb, gutter, minimum four -foot -wide sidewalk and
connecting A.C. pavement, of the 44-foot half -width in accordance with
City Standard No. 108 for that portion immediately adjacent to Lot 1;
and that bonding for the same type of improvement be provided for the
portion fronting Avenida Bermudas consisting of the frontage of Lot 2
with improvement required to be done within two (2) years or the bond
will be exorcised.
5.c. Delete.
15. Delete.
25. Added:
Prior to recordation of the final map, City Council will adopt a
Change of Zone to R-3-4000.
2. Commissioner Klimkiewicz made a motion to recommend approval of
Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amended No. 1, in accordance with
findings noted in the staff report and subject to the attached
conditions. Commissioner Reilly seconded the motion. Unanimously
This portion of the meeting was chaired by Chairman Thornburgh.
A. Chairman Thornburgh explained the first item under new business as the review
of Plot; Plan No. 83-015, a request to construct a single family house on a
lot located on the west side of Avenida Herrera betvEeen Calle Tecate and
Calle Potrero, Rick Johnson Construction, Applicant. O i 7
May 24, 1983
Page Four.
He then called upon staff for comments.
1. Associate Planner Sandra Bonner stated that this house is in
compliance with the zoning, it complies substantially with the City's
adopted standards for single-family houses. She explained to the
Commission that the Applicant had requested a roof covering of asphalt
shingles, however this was not consistent with surrounding homes so
staff was requesting a change to rock or gravel. Based on these findings,
staff is therefore recommending that the Planning Commission approve
Plot Plan No. 83-015 in accordance with exhibits and subject to the
attached conditions.
Nick Ortega, 45-456 Aladdin Street, Indio, CA, representative of the
Applicant, stated that the Applicant would prefer asphalt shingles,
but would go along with the change to rock or gravel if required to
do so. He also noted a change in the plans for square foot livable
area from the original 1,356 feet to 1,520 feet.
After a brief discussion, it was agreed to change Condition No. 9
to read as follows:
9. The roofing material shall be rock or gravel.
2. Commissioner Imkamrp made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-015 in
accordance with exhibits and attached conditions, as amended.
Commissioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
B. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next item under new business as a review of
Plot Plan No. 83-016, a request to install a modular home on a 50-foot wide
lot located on the east side of Eisenhower Drive, 250 feet north of Calle
Colima, L. D. McMachen, Inc., Applicant. He called upon staff for their report.
1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that this request is consistent
with the zoning, it complies substantially with the City's adopted
standards for single-family houses and is compatible with the
surrounding development. Therefore, staff recommends that the
Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No. 83-016 in accordance with
exhibits and subject to the attached conditions.
Joe Connors, 77-545 Calle Arroba, La Quinta, CA, questioned the size
of the one bedroom being below the required standard.
Audrey Ostrowsky, 77-400 Sinaloa, La Quinta, CA, concerned about the
fact that this house was modular.
L. D. McMachen, Applicant, 74-855 Joni Drive, Palm Desert, CA, stated
that a crane can pick the prebuilt portions of these modular :homes up
without them caning apart. You cannot do that with a stick house.
2. Commissioner Goetcheus made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-016
in accordance with exhibits and attached conditions. ConTaissioner
Imkamp seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
May 24, 1983
Page Five.
C. Chairman Thornburgh explained the next item of business as a review of a
Plot Plan No. 83-017, a request to construct a single-family house on a
50-foot-wide lot located on the east side of Avenida Ramirez, 50 feet north
of Calle Chihuahua, Zeke Martinez, Applicant. He called for a report from
1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that if the house is built in accordance
with the condition of approval requiring 1,200 square feet of living space,
it will be in compliance with the City's adopted zoning and design require-
ments. As the plans are now, there is only 1,140 square feet of livable
area. Also, if the roofing material is changed as recommended, the design
and appearance will be compatible with the surrounding houses. Therefore,
staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No.
83-017 in accordance with exhibits as amended and subject to conditions.
After a short discussion, it was determined that Condition No. 10 regarding
roofing materials would be deleted.
2. Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-017 in
accordance with exhibits as amended and subject to conditions as amended.
Chairmen Thornburgh seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
D. Chairman Thornburgh presented the next item explaining it is a review of Plot
Plan No. 83-018, a request to construct a single-family house on two lots
located at the southwest corner of Avenida Montezuma and Avenida Vallejo,
Angelina "Kiki" Haynes, Applicant. He call for comments from staff.
1. Associate Planner Bonner stated that it is staff's opinion that although
the proposed structure will be the first split-level house in the vicinity,
the design, combined with the large lot and setbacks will make it compatible
with existing development. She further advised if the roof height is
reduced as required by the conditions of approval, the house will be con-
sistent with the City's zoning and design requirements and also, the proposed
house is compatible with surrounding development. Therefore, staff is
recammendi.ng that the Planning Commission approve Plot Plan No. 83-018,
in accordance with exhibits and subject to the attached conditions.
After a short discussion, it was determined that Condition No. 5 should
be amended to require six (6) 15-gallon street trees be required due to
the fact that the home was being built on two lots, one of which is a
corner lot.
2. Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve Plot Plan No. 83-018 in
accordance with exhibits and subject to conditions as amended.
Commissioner Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted.
E. Chairman Thornburgh explained the last agenda item was a proposed amendment
to the Municipal Iand Use Ordinance No. 348 regarding the location and height
of walls and fences. He called upon Associate Planner Bonner for staff's
1J .L 9
May 24, 1983
Page Six.
1. Associate Planner Bonner explained that at its May 17th hearing,
the City Council approved the proposed ordinance amendment as shown
on the attached exhibit. The Council now has referred this ordinance
back to the Planning CaRmissicn for its review and report on the
following changes:
° Fences shall be set back five (5) feet from the front property
line, with the setback area landscaped.
° The ordinance shall not apply to the height of vegetation or
° on corner lots, no fence over 3, feet in height shall be
permitted within the 20-foot corner cutback area.
° The height of the fences shall be measured from the level of
the natural grade.
Staff recormends that the Planning Commission report to the City
Council that it supports the proposed changes in Section 18.40,
an amendment to the Municipal Land Use ordinance No. 348.
2. After discussion, Commissioner Imkamp made a motion to report to
City Council the Commission's support of all changes except the
first. She moved that the fences be kept on the property line,
taking out the five (5) foot setback requirement. Camdssioner
Klinkiewicz seconded the motion. Chairman Thornburgh voted nay.
• i�
There being no further items of agenda to core before the Planning Comnission,
Chairman Pro Tern 7mkamp called for a motion to adjourn.
Chairman Pro Tem Imkamp made a motion to adjourn to the meeting of June 14, 1983,
at 7:00 p.m., in La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA.
Seconded by Commissioner Klimkiewicz. Unanimusly adopted.
The adjourned meeting of the Planning Comnission of the City of La Quinta, CA was
adjourned at 10:55 p.m., May 24, 1983, at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,
La Quinta, CA.
RE: iL ✓lam
y "'� •
d n13 0 2 /
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner
Date: June 14, 1983
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 83-021, a Request to install a mobilehome on a
Double Lot Located at the Northwest Corner of Avenida Diaz and
Calle Temecula, Thomas and Marguerite Murphey, Applicant.
The applicant is requesting approval to install a mobilehome on a 100 foot square
lot located at the northwest corner of Avenida Diaz and Calle Temecula. Mobile -
homes are permitted within the R-1 Zone provided that they comply with all the
zoning and design standards which are applied to all single-family dwellings.
The robilehome will be the applicants's home.
The double -wide mobilehome is "T" shaped, with the front and narrowest end (24 feet
wide) facing east towards Avenida Diaz. The applicant proposes to have a double -car
detached garage, with the driveway entering Avenida Diaz. Because of the location
of the garage and the shape of the mobilehome, the dwelling may have the appearance
of size and bulk which is comparable with other homes in the area. Staff suggests
that the Commission consider requiring that the garage be placed adjacent to the
mobilehane so that the width of the mobilehome as viewed from Avenida Diaz will be
The proposed mobilehome complies with the setback requirements by having a 20 foot
front setback, a 16 foot rear setback, a 35i foot setback from Calle Temecula and
a 5 foot sideyard setback.
Floor Plan
The house has approximately 2015 square feet, which exceeds the zoning requirement.
The house conforms substantially with the City's adopted standards. The design in-
cludes two bedrooms with ten foot clear dimensions and two full baths. The garage
is detached and therefore has no connecting door into the house. The Ccnrrdssion
must make the finding that the house conforms substantially with the intent of the
Exterior Desi
The rrobilehome has wood textured metal lap sidling. The existing homes within the
surrounding area have stucco or sheet vood siding. The Commission may make the
finding that the mobilehome's siding is compatible with the surrounding homes,
or the Commission may require that the siding be changed to either stucco or real
OJ 2
June 14, 1983
Page Two
Exterior Design (continued)
The mobilehcme has &,,slightly pitched roof (3 and 12) with 24 inch wide eaves. No
information was available at the time this report was written regarding the type
of roofing material. The pitch of the roof may be compatible with the surrounding
homes which have a wide range of roof styles and pitches.
Additional Comments
The landscape plan shows gravel ground cover with twelve 40-gallon trees. The
conditions of approval will require the submittal of a more detailed landscape
plan showing the required three water spigots and the landscaping along Calle
Plot Plan No. 83-021 was determined to be exempt from the requirements of CEQA
and staff has filed a Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk.
This approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. The development of the site shall be in conformanoe with the Exhibits A, B and
C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 83-022, unless otherwise amended by
the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By ,use,,
is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading,
contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is
thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit and have
approved a detailed landscaping plan for the front yard showing the species, size,
location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two,
15-gallon street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system (if proposed)
and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. All trees and
plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use.
6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other
financial arranacinent acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with
the City Community Development Department for the installation of the required
street improvements along Diaz and Temecula,i-ncluding curb, gutter and connecting
pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $1,900, which shall be suYmitted to
and accepted by the City of La Quinta Coarunity Development Director and City
Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted as shown
on the plan.
S. Refuse containers, bottled gas container and air-conditioning unit shall be
concealed by fencing or landscaping.
9. Prior to suiinitting the plans to the Building official for plan check, the
Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following auencies:
* Riverside County Health Department
* City Fire Marshall
10. The mobilehome shall be installed on a permanent foundation with the base of
the mobilehome level with the pad grade.
The garage shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of
ITEM NO. __V -'-
REILLY .- -- "-
. Y
B.� s
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Sandra Bonner, Associate Planner
Date: June 14, 1983
Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 83-020, a Request to Construct a Single -Family House on
Avenida Alvarado north of Calle Colima, Bruce Hicks, Applicant.
The applicant is requesting approval to construct a house on one lot located along
the east side of Avenida Alvarado, fifty feet north of Calle Colima. The applicant
has stated that the house will be his home.
The siting of the house is consitent with both the zoning and the existing develop-
ment in the surrounding area. The applicant proposes a 25 foot front setback, an
18; foot rear setback and two 5 foot sideyard setbacks. The house has a similar
appearance of bulk as the adjacent houses.
Floor Plan
The house will have 1271 square feet with an overall height of approximately 15 feet,
both of which are consistent with the zoning. The design is in substantial conformance
with the City's adopted standards. The house will have three bedrooms, two full baths
and an attached double -car garage with a connecting door into the house. While two
of the bedrooms comply with the clear dimensions requirement, the bedroom/den has one
dimension of 91, feet. Staff recommends that this roan be brought into compliance.
Exterior Design
The house will have stucco walls and a peaked roof covered by asphalt shingles.
Portions of the eaves are only 16 inches wide, which is below the minimum 18 inch
requirement. Staff recommends that the approval be conditioned to require minimum
18 inch wide eaves. Regarding the roofing material, 13 of the 18 houses on the block
have tile roofs, 2 have asphalt shingle roofs and three have rock or gravel roofs.
In addition, the two houses to the rear or east of the site have tile roofs. The
Commission may wish to consider whether the proposed asphalt shingle roof is com-
patible with the surrounding development.
Additional Items
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant will submit a landscaping
plan for approval.
Plot Plan No. 83-020 was determined to be exempt from the requirements of CEQA and
staff has prepared a Notice Of Exemption.
June 14, 1983
Page Two
1. The proposal is consistent with the zoning.
2. If the house is constructed in compliance with the conditions of approval, it
will be in compliance with the City's adopted standards.
3. Based upon the a mission's determination regarding the roofing material, the
house's appearane is compatible with the existing surrounding develoFent.
4. Approval of this request will not have a significant adverse impact on the
Based upon the above findings, the Commission recomainds Approval of Plot Plan
No. 83-020 in accordance with the Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached
Page Tnree.
This approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. The development of the site shall be in conformance
wits theothExhibits A, B and
C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 83-020,
amended by
the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall bey null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use"
is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading,
contelmiated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is
thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3 water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
ing permit, the Applicant shall submit and have
5. Prior to the issuance of a build
approved a detailed landscaping plan for the front yard showing the species, size,
location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two, proposed)
15-gallon street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation ssystem (if
and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigo
. All trees and
olants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use.
6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other
Financial arrangement acceptable pa the t1ty forAttorney
the installation ofCity gthe required
the City Coi e'unity Development Department curb, gutter and �nnecting
street improvements along Alvarado including
pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $1000, which shall be submitted to
and accepted by the City of La Quinta Co rnmznitY Development Director and City
Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. The heating and cooling mechanical eauiFanPnt shall be ground mounted as shown
on the plan.
8. Refuse containers, bottled gas container and air-conditioning unit shall be
concealed by fencing or landscaping.
9. Prior to suYmitting the plans to the Building Official for plan check, the
Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies:
* Riverside County Health Department
* City Fire Marshall
10. All roof eaves shall be a minimum depth of 18 inches.
11. All bedrooms shall have minimum ten foot clear dimensions.
ITEM NO. `� • C
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Comrdssion
From: Sandra L. Bonner, Associate Planner
Date: June 14, 1983
Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 83 f11iJ; A Request to Construct a Single -Family House
on a Lot Located on Avenida Herrera, South of Tecate, Rick Johnson
Construction, Applicant.
The applicant is requesting approval to construct a single-family house on a single
lot located along the west side of Avenida Herrera, 200 feet south of Calle Potrero
(see attached locational map). The house will not be the applicant's hone. The
house is the same design as a previously approved house of the applicant's which
will be constructed adjacent to the north.
The siting of the house is consistent with the other homes in the area and is in
compliance with the setback requirements. The home will have the same general
appearance of size and bulk as the surrounding homes.
Floor Plan
The proposed house is consistent with the existing zoning and City requirements.
It will have 1356 square feet of living area. The design includes three bedrooms
with clear dimensions greater than 10 feet, two full bathrooms, and an attached
double -car garage with a connecting door into the house.
Exterior Design
The house will have stucco exterior walls and a peaked roof covered with rock.
The eaves will be 24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum required 18 inches.
The height of the house from the ground is approximately 162 feet, which is in
accordance with the zoning. This is consistent with existing homes in the area,
which include a mixture of architectural styles with wood or stucco siding, and
peaked roofs with gravel or rock.
Additional Comments
A detailed landscaping plan will be required prior to the issuance of a building
permit. This plan will indicate the three outdoor water spigots and two trees
which are required by the City.
June 14, 1983
Page Two.
Staff has determined that approval of this house will not result in an impact on
the environment and that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA. A
Notice of Exenption has been filed by staff.
1. The request is in compliance with the zoning.
2. The proposed house complies with the City's adopted standards for single-family
3. Approval of the project will not have an adverse environmental impact.
iE • - 10 § �� • •
Based upon the findings, the Planning Commission recommends approval of Plot Plan
No. 83-022 in accordance with the Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached
I J 1
June 14, 1983
Page Three.
This approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and
C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 83-022, unless otherwise amended by
the following conditions.
2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use"
is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading,
contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is
thereafter diligently pursued to completion.
3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the
Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit and have
approved a detailed landscaping plan for the front yard showing the species, size,
location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two,
15-gallon street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system (if proposed)
and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. All trees and
plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use.
6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other
financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with
the City Community Development Department for the installation of the required
street improvements along Avenida Herrera including curb, gutter and connecting
pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $1,000, which shall be sulanitted to
and accepted by the City of La Quinta Commmity Development Director and City
Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted as shown
on the plan.
8. Refuse containers, bottled gas container and air-conditioning unit shall be
concealed. by fencing or landscaping.
9. Prior to submitting the plans to the Building official for plan check, the
Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies:
* Riverside County Health Department
* City Fire Marshall
® o
TO: Planning Commissioners:
Judith Imkamp
Patricia Roilly
Paul Gnetcheus
John Klimkiewicz
FROM: P a u 1 and Angela Morway
77-395 Calle nurango
May 25, 1983
You are to be commended on standing your ground concerning the
placement of walls and fences at the Tuesday. May 24th Planning
Commission meeting.
We were pleased that our commissioners remained open-minded and
40 responsive to their community firstmost.
It is reassuring to have a Planning Commission whose first concern
is to their community, and pursue their responsibilities with such
a high degree of commendable diligence.
Cordially and Respectfully,
Paul and Angela tlorway
R E C E I V E 0
MAY 2 61983
City of La Quinta
P. 0. Box 351
L& Quinta, Ca 92253 MY 30, 1983 RECEIVE D
MAY 3 11983
Paaders oiorpoint City of La Quinta
She Daily rinm
P. 0. Boz Dewar M
Indio, Ca 92201
Dear sir:
on Tuesday evening, Jun3 Tth, the La Quinta City Council will be considering for
approval a 60-unit condominium and housing developmat (sow 2-storey) adjacent
to the Desert Club of La gvdmU which is to be developed by the Chairman of the
La Quint& Planning Commission.
This project seems a bit hurried. Iussdiately before the last meeting of the Planning
Commission (MV 24th) the project had its orientation changed to face relocated
Avenue 52 rather than Bermudas. A different style of architecture had been decided
upon. A different location bad been sot for the structures on the property and the
property had a different boundary line. All of those changes were so now that a
proper plot plan hadn't been available for the city Engineer to look at prior to the
meeting. Sharefore the Planning Comaission approved the project without the approval
of the plan by either the city Bneinoer or tho County Road Dzpart=at.
significant guantions for the La Quints City Council are:
(1) Is this the time for a tiVM ZOE% CHA=?
(2) Ds we not still have 100 to 200 Oz80LD small, affordable, "
"spocuUtive" houses?
(3) Will 60 Condos, soms 2-storey, and of the T50 sq. ft. size, and
&11 under the required 1200 sq. ft. size be appropriate on only
15.8 acres?
(4) Is a densely -packed condo-ha=a developasat in keeping with the
hom3s Dorth of the new Avenue 52?
(5) Are "saptie tanks" (our only available sevage disposal system)
suitable for such done and concentrated develaPM3nt?
(6) Are T50 sq. ft. condos compatible vith vhat is certain to be
spacious and ambient hosza on the Fritz Burns Estate property
iiatolq to the south of the Desert Club of La Quints?
Yours sincerely,
Audrey Ostrwsky
Tel. ro. 564-4483
78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246
June 13, 1981
Patricia Reilly
P.O. Box 1044
La Quinta, California 92253
Dear Mrs. Reilly:
With reference to your letter to the City Council of
May 31, 1983, a review of the Rules and Procedures of the
Planning Commission and the La Quinta Municipal Code indi-
cates that your term of office on the La Quinta Planning
Commission will be completed on June 30, 1983.
The City Council has directed that applications be
distributed for interested persons who may wish to serve
on the Planning Commission.
The Council appreciates your service to t'.�e City of
La Quinta during the past year.
very truly yours,,
Frank M. Usher
City Manager
cc: City Council
Planning Commission
_ N
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