1984 06 12 PC11 'AGENDA PLANNING:COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California June 12, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. HEARINGS 7:00 p.m. A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-010, a request by Psomas and Associates to change the existing zoning from R-1-12,000/Planned Development to R-1-10,000/Planned Development to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with a proposed tentative tract. 1. Report from Staff. /� (/�14j\4A 2. Notion for Adoption. �yvJ B. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, a request for approval of a 140-unit, detached, single-family dwelling, planned residential development located at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road; Psomas and Associates, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. C. Change of Zone Case No. 84-011, a request by Norris and Grayson, Inc./ Rufus Associates to change the existing zoning from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000. / 1. Report from Staff. ��� J/ 1` 2. Motion for Adoption. D. Tentative Tract Map No. 20052, a request to approve a planned residential development for that portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 13640 (Laguna De La. Paz) not recorded, consisting of 336 units on 69.7 acres, located at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive; Laguna De La. Paz, Ltd./M.B. Johnson, Applicant. / 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for Adoption. Tentative Tract Map No. '20158, a request for approval of a 48-unit, statutory condominium project on a 6.4-acre site located on the north side of the La Quinta Stormwater Channel west of Washington Street; Jack L. Clark Enterprises, Inc., Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. y J V V 2. Notion for Adoption. AGENDA - PLANNING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b �Z,A. Approval of minutes from regular meeting of May 8, 1984. S. BUSINESS A. Plot Plan No. 84-041, Revised, a request for approval of a revised / plan for a previously approved single-family house located on the west side of Avenida Diaz, 250 feet south of Calle Madrid; Michael Head, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for adoption. B. Plot Plan No. 84-042, a request to construct a single-family house on a single lot on the west side of Avenida Diaz, 300 feet south of " Calle Madrid; Michael Head, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for adoption. c. Plot Plan No. 84-044, a request to appeal a condition of approval for a previously approved single-family house located on the north- west corner of. Avenida Martinez and Calle Ensenada; Thurston and Joan Pendley, Applicants. 1. Report from Staff. D. 2. Motion for adoption. Plot Plan No. 84-059, a request to construct a single -fanny house on a single lot on the east side of Roudel Lane approximately 180 feet south of the end of the street; Chris Caras, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Motion for adoption. Plot Plan No. 84-0600 a request to construct a single-family house on a single lot on the northwest corner of Avenida Carranza and Calle Tecate; David Caygill, Applicant. 1. Report from Staff. 2. Notion for adoption. 6. ADJOURNMENT ..l ._ I iJ 610, 9e ITEM NO.�- 7-1 DATE 6 2 ,J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 1 RE: MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SATJS THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS THORNBURCD DISCUSSION: � ROLL CALL CO*S4ISSIONERS: AYE GOETCHEUS IMKAMP THORNBURGH v SAI,AS KLIMKIEWICZ _✓/ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES_ NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT NO ITEM NO. DATE 6 ! z PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING a* MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS c�� KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP THORNBURGH SALAS KLIMKIEWICZ 0 ,-) p THORNBURGH THORNBURGH AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA n_r To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-010 Location: Northwest Corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road Applicant: Psomas and Associates Request: Approval of a zone change from R-1-12,000/Planned Development to R-1-10,000/Planned Development to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with proposed Tentative Tract Map No. 20016 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. General Plan a. Site: Very Low Density Residential/Planned Residential Development. b. Surrounding Area: Very Low Density Residential/Planned Residential Development to east, west and north; Iow Density Residential to south. 2. zoning a. Site: R-1-12,000/Planned Development b. Surrounding Area: R-1-12, 0 0 0 /Planned Development to north, east and west; R-1- to south. Planning Commission recommended, on May 8, 1984, to change the zoning on property adjacent to the north of the site to R-1-10,000/Planned Development. 3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant with gently rolling sand dunes. The adjacent properties are all vacant, with the nearest development being a mobile hone park located approximately one-half mile to the west and several single-famtily houses located approximately one -quarter mile to the south. The terrain of the land adjacent to the site is gently rolling sand dunes. Miles Avenue is an existing tw>rlane, paved road. This street is designated as a major highway (100' right-of-way) and will ultimately have four travel lanes with a 12-foot-wide, painted, center turn median. Dune Palms Road is a paved, two-lane road which terminates at the project's northern boundary. The road is in very poor condition. This street is designated as a secondary highway and will ultimately have four travel lanes with no center median. Water and sewer can be provided to the site by extending currently proposed lines approximately one-half mile. other urban services and utilities are also available to the site. ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMM/hSSION ^MEETTING RE: jr % 4j # % oo I (o (.G,�^� y�cSLa•dC l / /'_i�-o-ivLd-tY MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS MKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALi1S THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: [ " e� ROLL CALL VOTE: CO!fISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — IMKAMP — THORNBURGH — SALAS — KLII.IKIEWICZ — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QU1NTA To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: TMATIVE TRACE' MAP NO. 20016, AMENDED NO. 1 Location: Northwest Corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Read Applicant: P.samas and Associates Request: Approval of a 140-vnit, detached, single-family dwelling planned residential development on a 33-acre parcel. 1. General Plan a. Site: Very Iow Density Residential/Planned Residential Development. b. Surrounding Area: Very Iow Density Residential/Planned Residential Development to the north, east and west, Low Density Residential to the south. 2. Zoning a. Site: R-1-12,000/Planned Development (Change of Zone 84=010, requesting R-1-10,000 filed concurrently with this tentative tract Map)- b. Surrounding Area: R-1-12,000/PD to north, east and west (Change of Zone 84-008 to R-1-10,000 recoimiended for approval by Planning Commission on property adjacent to site/s northern boundary), R-1 to south. 3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant with gently rolling sand dunes. The adjacent properties are all vacant, with the nearest development being a mobile home park located approximately one-half mile to the west and several single-family houses located approximately one -quarter mile to the south. The terrain of the land adjacent to the site is gently rolling sand dunes. Miles Avenue is an existing two-lane, paved road. This street is designated as a major highway (100' right-of-way) and will ultimately have four travel lanes with a 12' wide painted center turn median. Dime Palms Road is a paved, two-lane road which terminates at the site's northern boundary. This road is in very poor condition. This street is designated as a secondary highway (88' right-of-way) and will ultimately be extended northward to Fred Waring Drive and have four travel lanes with no center median. ( J. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. water and ;ter services can be provided to the site by extending currently proposed lines a distance of approximately one -quarter to one-half mile. other necessary public services and utilities are also available to the site. 4. Envirorunental Assessment: An Initial Study Environmental Assessment has been prepared for the project and it has been determined by staff that the project could have a significant effect on the environment as a result of the develop- ment of urban uses within the habitat area of Coachella Valley's fringe -toed lizard (a designated rare and endangered species). In addition, Desert Sands Unified School District has stated that the project will adversely impact schools which are currently overcrowded. These impacts can be adequately mitigated by the conditions of approval to be placed on the tentative tract; therefore, a negation declaration can be adopted for the project. 5. Project Description: The Applicant is proposing a statutory (air -space) condominium project having 140 detached, single-family residences. The project has one main collector loop street (36' wide) with smaller loop streets and cul-de-sacs (24' wide) along which the houses are generally clustered. The Applicant proposes a large central recreational area with 6 tennis courts -and a swimcdnq pool. Three smaller recreational areas, each with a swimming pool, are also proposed. The main entrance to the project is from Miles Avenue and a secondary or energency entrance is located along Dune Palms Road. Three house designs are proposed. Plan "a" is a two-bedroom/two-bath unit with 1175 square feet (gross); plan "b" is a twv-bedrom/twcrbath dwelling with 1450 square feet (gross); and plan "c" is a three-bedroom/two-bath unit with 1450 square feet (gross). All the units have attached, double -car garages. All the dwellings are one story in height (19' - 201) and spanish style. The exterior walls have stucco siding and the roof is covered with spanish tile. None of the units have roof eaves. 6. Comments Received from other Agencies: a. City Engineer - All public and private streets to be constructed to City standards. Submit grade studies for Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road. Submit hydrology study, soils report and grading plan for review and approval. All building pads shall be protected from 100-year storm. Sewer and water systems to be constructed to meet City and CVWD standards. obtain Fire Marshall approval of water plan. Provide all necessary improvements. Place all utilities underground. Submit record map for approval. b. City Fire Marshall - Install hydrants per City standards with minimum 1500 GPM fire flow for 2-hour duration. Submit water system plans for approval. Cul-de-sac turning circle shall have at least 75' diameter. No cul-de-sac shall be longer than 550' without approved alternate access. Prior to arrival of conbustible materials on site, fire protection shall be in. place and/or operating. .11, I J _ STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 3. c. Ooachella Valley Water District - Reports that site is safe from stornwater flows except in rare instances and is designated as Firm Zone C on the Federal Flood Insurance Rate Map. The District will provide domestic water and sanitary sewer service to the project; however, the Applicant moist pro- vide additional facilities for the District's expansion of the water system. The Applicant shall annex the site to CVWD Improvement District No. 55 for sanitation service. d. Imperial Irrigation District - The Imperial Irrigation District has existing overhead primary distribution and transmission facilities located on the same poles on the east side of Dune Palms Road and the south side of Miles Avenue. These overhead power facilities would be tapped and extended under- ground into the proposed new subdivision to provide service to the project. The District will require 10-foot P.U.E.'s on both sides of all interior streets and a 10-foot P.U.E. along the north and west sides of subject project from Dune Palms Road to Miles Avenue. e. Southern California Gas Company - No cocment. f. Desert Sands Unified School District - The schools are currently operating over capacity. The developer shall be required to pay an impact mitigation fee. g. Coachella Valley Ecological Reserve Foundation - The site is located within the Coachella Valley fringe -toed lizard habitat area. The Applicant shall prc.,Jide mitigation in accordance with the conditions of the mitigation agreement to be approved by the City Council. h. Cocments were requested, but not received from the County Health Department, General Telephone and the La Quinta Chamber of Co[merce. STAFF COM,=S AND ANALYSIS Regarding the general unit layout, although the nUIUMnm setback from the public streets is 20 feet, the cluster design and the large parkway with meandering wall will maintain. the appearance of lower density residential. The wall will have a minimum average setback of 20 feet from Miles Avenue and 10 feet from Dune Palms Road. The units will be sited so that all driveways are a minimum length of 20 feet to provide for guest parking. The four recreation areas are sited so that the residents are within reasonable walking distance of the facilities. The central portion of the project within the main circular collector street allows for residents to cross through this area along pathways located in the open space or greenbelt area. The Applicant will be required to submit a plan delineating pedestrian pathways and routes. The circulation plan as proposed is adequate to safely handle the anticipated traffic. All the streets will be private roads with access restricted by gates at the project entrances. The entrance from Miles Avenue has two access and two egress lanes, a center median, adequate stacking space for eight vehicles, a turnaround STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 4. area for vehicles denied entrance, and acceleration/deceleration lanes. There is adequate sight: distance along Miles Avenue to provide for safe access and egress to the project. The emergency access from Dune Palms Road provides a 24-foot-wide road. Both gates will have receivers for the emergency transmitters of the Riverside County Sheriff and Fire Departments to provide emergency access into the project. Regarding the design of the units, with the exception of the substandard dimensions of two bedrooms in unit "c", the proposed houses comply with the requirements of Ordinance 38 as follows: ° Average dwelling size for the overall project exceeds 1000 square feet. ° The multi -bedroom dwellings have more than 900 square feet of livable area. • The buildings have more than 1000 square feet of ground floor area. ° With the exception of unit "c", all bedroom have minimum width and depth dimensions of 10 feet. Minor changes to provide minimum 12' x 20' interior dimensions for the single -car garages and minimum 20' x 20' interior dimensions for the double -car garages are necessary. In addition, the buildings should have minimum 18-inch roof eaves as typically required for single-family houses 3n the R-1 zone. CONCLUSIONS 1. The requestis consistent with the propospA R-1-10,000 zoning and the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The design and density of the project is campatible with proposed and existing residential developments within the vicinity. 3. The terrain of the site is physically suitable for the proposed 140-unit development and the site can be adequately served by the necessary public utilities and services. 4. The conditions of approval will adequately mitigate any possible significant impacts on the Coachella Valley fringe -toed lizard and on the public schools. The project will have no significant adverse impacts on the environment. 5. The proposal will have approximately 65% open space arear which exceeds the m;n;nLun 40% requirement for planned residential developments. 6. The design provides for the dwellings to be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the perimeter public streets. The siting of the buildings in clusters will help to maintain the appearance of lower density residential development. 7. The perimeter wall will be set back a minimum average of 20 feet from Miles Avenue and 10 feet from Dune Palms Road. The wall's meandering design and the increased parkway area will help enhance the project's low density appearance. STAFF PEPOIU - PLANNING COMNffSSION June 12, 1984 Page 5. 8. The design of the project's private street system will be adequate to safely and efficiently handle the project's anticipated traffic flow both entering and traveling within the project. 9. The proposed recreation areas will be adequate to accomiodate the needs of the residents. 10. With minor changes, the proposed dwellings will be in compliance with the requirements of municipal ordinance No. 38 regarding the size of dwellings within planned residential developments. FINDINGS 1. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the La Quints General Plan. 2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 3. The subject site is physically suitable for a 140-unit, planned residential developmant.with a density of four units per acre. 4. The design of the subdivision and its related improvements are not likely to cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat provided that approval conditions related to mitigation measures for the fringe -toed lizard are conplied with. 5. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause public health problems nor would they conflict with existing public easements. 6. The location and appearance of the proposed dwelling units are compatible with the area in which the 140-unit, planned residential development is located. 7. The proposal to provide approximately 65% of the site as usable open space area substantially exceeds the minimum requirements for planned residential develop- ments. 8. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. STAFF PECGNVENDATIM Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department reconmends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, subject to the attached conditions. CONDITIONS General 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, shall comply with standards and requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. I ' STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COWISSION June 12, 1984 Page 6. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension as provided for by the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. Tract phasing plans (if any), including any proposed phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Community Development Department for review and approval. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: ° Riverside County Environmental Health Department ° City Engineer ° City Fire Marshall o C.cmzdty Develop m nt Department, Planning Section ° Desert Sands Unified School District Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Building Section at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. Building Design Review 5. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with approved Exhibits A B and C as contained in the Community Development Department's file for Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, and the following Wuditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the tentative tract map. 6. The floor plans (Exhibit "B") for unit "c" shall be revised to provide all bedrooms with minimum 10-foot width and depth dimensions and a minimum 100 square feet of livable area. 7. The floor plans (Exhibit "B") shall be revised to provide the single -car garages with minimum 12' x 20' interior dimensions and the double -car garages with minimum 20' x 20' interior dimensions. Streets, Grading and Drainage 8. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: a. Miles Avenue, Dune Palms Road and all interior private streets shall be constructed to meet City standards with a minimum grade of 0.20% and a minimum section of 23�" A.C. on 4" of class 2 base. b. The Applicant shall dedicate any additional required rights -of -way along Dune Palms Road and shall provide a corner cutback at the intersection of Dune Palms Road and Miles Avenue, in accordance with City standards. s- r STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COM[IISSION June 12, 1984 Page 7. c. Prior to final map recordation, the Applicant shall submit grade studies for Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road to the City Engineer for review and approval. d. The project entrance on Miles Avenue shall have acceleration and deceleration lanes and a left turn lane in accordance with City standards. e. The Applicant shall submit soils report and grading plan to the City Engineer for review and approval. f. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit a hydrology study to the City for review. All pads shall be protected from a 100-year storm. 9. The Applicant shall submit detail plans showing the location and design of the entry gate and gatehouse (if any) to the ccnminity Development Department for review and approval. All gates shall have a City approved radio receiver which will accept signals from the emergency transmitters of the Riverside County Sheriff and Fire Departments and which will activate the gates to provide emergency access. 10. The Applicant shall install street lighting as required along Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road in accordance with a street lighting plan approved by the Community Ievelopment Department. upon installation, ownership of the lights shall be transferred to the City. 11. A plan showing proposed parking along the private road system shall be submitted for review and approval by the Coimunity Development Department. The plan shall designate any "no parking" areas and indicate the method of identifying then. 12. A plan showing non-autamtive means of transportation within the project, including bicycle and pedestrian paths, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Cam=ity Development Department prior to final nap recordation. Public Services and utilities 13. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshall in accordance with Municipal Ordinance No. 7 and as follows: a. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the following conditions shall be met/certified to: (1) Fire Hydrants - Install super fire hydrants located no less than 25 feet nor greater than 165 feet from any portion of exterior walls of proposed building(s), spaced 320 feet apart, as measured along approved vehicular travelways. Installation shall be on a water system capable of delivering 1500 GPM fire flow for a twD-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure in accordance with Ordinance No. 7, Section 10.301c. 1 �; STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 8. (2) Developer shall furnish two copies of water system plans to the Fire Department for review and approval. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant types, location and spacing; the water system shall meet fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and approved by the water company with the following certification: "I: certify that the design of the water system in Tentative Tract Ne. 20016 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." (3) Prior to arrival of combustible materials on the construction site, the above (1) fire protection must be operating. (4) Provide written certification from the water company that hydrants will be installed and will produce the required flow. b. Cul-de-sac turning circles must have a minimum, unobstructed, 75-foot, turning diameter. c. Cul-de-sac streets shall be no longer than 550 feet unless alternate emergency access is provided in accordance with the requirements of the City Fire Marshall and City Engineer. 14. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and of Coachella Valley Water District. 15. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District as follows: a. Domestic water and sanitation service shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District. b. The developer shall provide land on which to locate additional facilities for the expansion of the water system. These sites shall be shown on the tract map as lots to be deeded to the District for such purpose. c. The area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of CVWD for sanitation service. 16. The Applicant shall provide all necessary easements for public utilities. All on -site utilities shall be placed underground. 17. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of LqDerial Irrigation District as follower: a. The Applicant shall provide 10-foot-wide public utility easements on both sides of all interior streets and a 10-foot-wide public utility easement along the north and west sides of the project site from Dune Palms Road to Miles Avenue. r d` STAFF REPORT - P:CANNING COMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 9. b. Electric service shall be extended underground from adjacent power facilities into the site. 18. As mitigation for the impact on the public schools, the Applicant shall comply with the following: a. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall complete a school impact mitigation agreement with Desert Sands unified School District. b. prior to the issuance of any building permits for construction of dwellings, the Applicant shall provide the City Coimninity Development Department with written clearance from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that the per -unit impact fees have been paid. Management 19. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Departnmt the following docmnents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose of this approval: a. The docimient to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; and c. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division. The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final subdivision map is recorded. A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encimibrance other than a first deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the homeowners association. 20. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets and Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Street and Highways Code 22600 et seq) to implonent maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and on -site lighting within all commonly only maintained driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets, and other improved common ownership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said improved cam = areas until such time as the City Council determines that, by default of the homeowner's association, a need for maintenance work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assessment upon the real property. 6 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CONDUSSION June 12, 1984 Page 10. Miscellaneous 21. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall provide for mitigation of the impact on the fringe -toed lizard by complying with require- ments of the mitigation agreement as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of recordation. 22. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit plans showing the location and design of the project perimeter walls or fences, the landscaping of the setback and right-of-way areas, and the design and location of the sidewalks to the Community Development Department for review and approval. The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable condition for the life of the project. a. The wall shall have an average setback from the public right-of-way of 20 feet along Miles Avenue and 10 feet along Dune Palms Road. Said wall shall be designed to enhance the appearance of a low -density project. b. The Applicant shall install an 8-foot-wide, meandering, bicycle/pedestrian path along Miles Avenue and a 6-foot-wide, meandering, pedestrian walkway along Dune Palms Road. 23. Desert or native plant species and drought -resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscaping Plans for the project and the public street parkways. 24. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of such new development; and that City is in the process of preparing and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction to fund ti-ie following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thoroughfares and bridges and traffic signalizaticn; that City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Applicant agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from time to time amended by the City. If said fee shall include financing of penTwient or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 18 (school development fee) shall be deleted. PREP F31Z� Sandra L/Bonner Lawrence L. Stev/end{'s�,�AICP Principal Planner Planning Director SLB:dmv ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HE MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS a KL/IMKIEWICZ SALAS DISCUSSION: ?/ -.0 THORNBURGH THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: CO=SSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - THORNBURGH - SALAS - KLIAfKIEWTCZ - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO 1 III' AI^ i MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA O.UINTA .3. co To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Omission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-011 Location: South side of 50th Avenue, One -quarter Mile East of Adams Street Alignment Applicant: Morris and Grayson, Inc./Rufus Associates Request: Zone change from A-1-10 to R-2-12,000 on a 79± acre site q•• I is 1 I •• �• • 1. General Plan a. Site: Very Iaa Density Residential (3 or less units/acre). b. Surrounding Area: Very Low Density Residential to east, west and south, Specific Plan No. 127 to the north; Streets - 50th Avenue, Major Highway, ion' wide right-of-way. 2. Zoning a. Site: A-1-10 (Light Agriculture, 10-acre minimum parcel size). b. Surrounding Area: A-1-10, R-1-1, R-1-12,000, R-2-12,000, R-2-4800, R-3 (SP), R-5 (See attached exhibit). 3. Existing Conditions: The site is flat with sandy soil. The site is currently a producing citrus orchard. The properties to the north, south and east are also citrus orchards; the land to the west is in natural sand dunes. 50th Avenue is an existing two-lane, Paved road. Water lines are existing at 50th Avenue and Washington Street and sewer lines are existing on Adams Street and westward on 50th Avenue. Electric distribution lines exist on the portions of the east and west sides of the property and along the north side of 50th Avenue. The site is serviced by underground telephone cable. 4. Environrental Assessment: An initial environmental study of the project was prepared by staff and it was determined tentatively that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. Approval of this zone change request and the ultimate development of the site with i to 1� acre homesites will result in a decrease in agricultural land in production. However, the Applicant has stated that, as with the adjacent proposed hotel site, a substantial majority of the existing orchard will be retained and remain in production. Review of future land division or development plans will include consideration of the design with respect to the preservation and protection of the trees. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. 5. Project Description: The Applicant is requesting a zone change from A-1-10 (Light Agriculture - 10-acre minimum parcel size) to R-2-12,000 (Multiple Family Residential - 12,000 square feet net lot area per dwelling unit). The maximum allowed density for the entire site is 3 units per gross acre as limited by the general plan. The R-2 zoning would allow a maximum of 8 dwellings to be attached or located within a single structure. Although the Applicant has stated that at this time they anticipate future development of the site to be detached single-family dwellings on large lots, the R-2 zoning would allow the developer flexibility to cluster the units as an alternate means.to.retain the orchard. 6. Caaments from Public Agencies: a. City Engineer - No canneit on the zone change request. Conditions will be imposed at such time that a development proposal or land division application is submitted. b. City Fire Marshall - No ccmnent on the zone change request. c. Coachella Valley Water District - The site is considered safe from stormArater flows except in rare instances and therefore has been designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps. Domestic water and sanitation service will be provided to the site in accordance with district regulations. 7. Prior Actions: a. No prior cases on the subject Property- b. The City Council approved Change of Zone Case No. 83-005 on February 7, 1984, granting a change fran A-1-10 to R-3 (Specific Plan) and R-2-12,000 on the 78-acre parcel adjacent'to'the site's eastern boundary. C. The City Council approved Specific Plan No. 82-001 (Duna La Quinta) on May 15, 1984, allowing residential development immediately west of Adams Street at densities of approximately 4 to 5.5 units per acre. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The requestedzoning density is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan designation of the site. The site is physically suitable for development at 3 units per acre and all necessary utilities are available to the site. The proposed zoning is consistent with both existing zoning and proposed development in the area which includes Aura La Quinta to the west, Figgie development to the north and the Orchard Spa and Resort Hotel to the east. The R-2 zoning will permit the developer to cluster units in order to maximize the number of citrus trees to be retained on the site. Future development plans will be reviewed to help ensure that the majority of the trees will be retained and that the rural - agricultural atmosphere of this area is maintained or enhanced. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 3. CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposed R-2-12,000 zoning is consistent with the general plan designation of Very Low Density Residential Q or less units per acre). 2. The terrain of the site is flat and is not subject to flooding. 3. All necessary services are existing at or available to the site. 4. The Applicant has stated that the design of the future development of the site will provide for the retention and continued upkeep of the substantial majority of the existing citrus trees. 5. The zoning is consistent with the existing zoning and proposed developments within the vicinity and is a logical expansion of the urban area within the city. 6. Approval of the zone change and the subsequent development of the site will result in a reduction of agricultural land in production; however, a substantial portion of the orchard will be retained and remain in production. FINDINGS 1. The zoning is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The zoning is a logical expansion of the urban area based upon area zoning, approved develcEm nts and existing utilities and services. 3. The zoning is consistent with City goals and policies regarding the future development of the rural - agricultural area east of Adams Street. 4. Approval of the request will not result in a significant adverse impact on the enviromnent. Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department reccumends approval of Change of Zone Case No. 84-011 frown A-1-10 to R-2-12,00o in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A". PREPARED BY: Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner � : . rBY QC� L.�stevens, AICP Planning Director O I-- F I C-I A L Z O NI NO R-2-3000—7 M A P NO. 41 THIS MAP ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO 348 208 WILL IAAf E. ✓ONES CHAIRMAN r `I 1�\`il J ` BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY CALIFORNIA JJ JUU1.1963 A-I-5 R-2-4800 A-1-5 A 110 W 5P 12.E R-2-480071t1— Fill" R_I-12,000 Z3 7 _ R 5 rn� ✓ ` R 5 R-2-4300 -29000. CZ3119 F j' A-I-10 jC// A-1-5 R -2-4 f100 R-2-480�0 A-1-5 R-1- P) Z369 112,00 CZ 2547 5P A-1-10 DJN La 9u9, IA-1-10 a-I-10 R-1- I CZ 2964 �IA-I D A-1-IO - i r�i AAAC s A-i-10 a. R-A-21/ A-I-10 R-A Fcz,.5 A-1-2 21/2 m CZ2987 635� w it-A- zu:,; A-1-2 /R-A-21/4 ! cz 2BB7 cz 297e o. A-I-10 ' -1-41/2 j CZ 3181 A-1 W-2-i0 R T 6Z 3567 _ A-1-10 1! R-A !i cz 2 A-I-10 -- ll CURRENT ZONING CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-011 Norris and Grayson/Rufus Associates F., ,p-I" I t� o,_,_w oA'tw7 1M/JtN14 i7AM7 1�b'Jbi1 0 a 00 w (;RAYMOHI: )N\'I:STDIL'NT GO1t1101i A-1_10N 1111s1 (irrloP: 11ox 1' GAltMM..GAl.1Vo1(NIA ("')­1 M,Iw i'r:u l:v, G. EXHIBIT "A" -- Application to City of La Quinta, California SUBJECT: NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT We are proposing to develop a resort complex at La Quinta, California, to be called THE ORCHARD AT LA QUINTA. The owners will be Rufus Associates, a California limited partnership, which is directed by its General Partner, a California corporation entitled Morris & Grayson, Inc. President of Morris & Grayson in Lawrence A. Spector, who developed the Ventana Inn in Big Sur in 1975. Project Director is Mr. Christopher B. Keehn of Carmel, California. It was designed by Kipp Stewart. Our proposal is for a 60-unit resort hotel, a restaurant serving the public for luncheon and dinner, and an adjoining fitness spa on the hotel premises. The property is on 50th. Avenue, one -quarter mile West. of Jefferson in La Quinta. The spa, hotel and restaurant will occupy 30 acres of a citrus and date orchard, with the central theme embracing the concept of preserving the orchard as part of thdesign r plan. \ The restaurant will be open to the general public and will feature both a regular menu ("cuisine gourmand") and a special diet menu ("cuisine minceur"). The fitness spa will feature a full range of hydrotherapy systems, exercise programs, and stress reduction activities, including a gymnasium, exercise pool, massage, facials, beauty salon, aerobics, yoga and dance classes. The hotel will feature fifty single guestrooms with private terraces, four one -bedroom suites, and six villas, all set within the existing citrus orchard. There will be an outdoor theatre for guests featuring films, musical and dramatic entertainment and lectures; a guest library building for reading and study; an extensive swimming pool area near a breakfast loggia, and various onsite sports activities. An adjoining 120 acres will be developed as a Phase Two homes/homesite residential park, also set within an existing date and citrus orchard which will be carefully preserved. Residential homesites will range from half -acre to 13 acre sites, with limitations as to cleared site space, design and controls. Ownership will include The Orchard's spa, hotel and restaurant facilities' use, and embrace a 24-hour walled security system, 24-hour paramedics, and all hotel services available, including daily maid and food service to the residences, maintenance, landscaping, design and construction of custom homes, .,J ll / r + V Page Two plus rental, leasing and re -sale services to homeowners and their guests. Guests will have available for their use the tennis and golf facilities of The La Quinta Hotel Tennis Club and the La Quinta Golf Club of Landmark Land Company's. They will also be able on a signature basis to use the La Quinta Hotel dining room, the dining rooms at the Tennis Club and the Golf Club, and there will be an Orchard private tram service to Palm Desert and Palm Springs daily for guests. It is anticipated that the project would have groundbreaking in the .third quarter of 1984, and open for business within twelve months thereafter. ITEM NO. �• �, DATE PLANNINGCOMMISSION MEETING am MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ DISCUSSION: -LooSy ROLL CALL VOTE: COP! IISSIONERS: AYE NO GOETCHEUS — IMKAMP — THORNBURGH — KLIPIKIEWICZ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES SALA.S HO BU (: A ) THORNBURGH ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT NO i �04 w MEMORANDUM �- CITY OF LA QUINTA s To The Honorable chairman and Members of the Planning Camdssion From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject. Tentative Tract Map No. 20052 Location: Northwest Corner of Washington street and Eisenhower Drive Applicant: Laguna De La Paz, Ltd., M. B. Johnson Properties Request: Approve a planned residential development for that portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 13640 (Laguna De La Paz) which has not been recorded, consisting of 336 units on 69.7 acres. 1. General Plan a. Site - Low Density Residential (3-5 units/acre) and Medium Density Residential (5-10 units/acre). b. Surrounding Area - North and west, Low Density Residential and open space and planned develotane<its (3 or less units/acre); south, Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential; east, Specific Plan 127 (Figgie). c. Streets - Washington Street, Arterial (110' rights -of -way), specific plan road; Eisenhower Drive, Major (100' rights -of -way). 2. Zoning a. Site - R-l* (one Family Dwelling, minimum 1200 square foot dwelling size); R-2*-8000 (Multiple Family Residential, 8000 square feet net lot area per unit, minimum 1200 square foot dwelling size). b. Surrounding Area - North, R-1** (One Family Dwelling, 80' minimum frontage minimum 9000 square feet lot area per dwelling), R-l+ (One Family Dwelling, minim.un 1600 square feet dwelling size, 8000 square foot minimum lot size); west, R-1*; south, R-1*, R-2*-8000; east, R-2-3000, R-2-4,800, R-5. 3. Existing Conditions: Under the previous tract approval, the entire site Was rough graded. Currently, the site is irrigated and planted with rye to minimize blowing dust. The adjacent property to the north and east is vacant. The property to the west has been subdivided and the lots are served by paved roads and water; all the lots are vacant and under caimon ownership. The site will receive water and sanitary sewer service from Coachella Valley Water District. improvement plans have been approved by the City for the extension of these lines along Washington Street frcm 50th Avenue to the project's northern boundary. installation of these improvements will begin within one month. Electric and telephone lines are existing along the east side of Washington Street and will be extended underneath the roadway tothe1 site. ® 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMUSSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. Regarding the streets, the Applicant has bonded for the required half -width improvements to both Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive in conjunction with the final map approval of Tract 13640-1. In anticipation of the improvements to the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive, the city has completed plans for the street widening and installation of curb and gutter at the southwest corner to tie in with the adjacent existing curb and gutter. Also, provisions will be made for the permanent _installation of a traffic signal. The installation of the street improvement at the southwest corner will be performed at the City's cost in conjunction with the Applicant's work along the north side of Eisenhower Drive. 4. Environmental Assessment: Staff prepared an initial environmental study on the proposed project. The project will adversely impact the public schools which are currently operating at or over capacity. As mitigation, the conditions of approval require the developer to pay a per -unit school mitigation fee to Desert Sands Unified school District. Under the previously approved tract map, the developer completed rough grading on the entire site, during which time approxi- mately one-half million cubic yards of fill was imported to the site in order to raise the building pads. Since this tentative tract map is a continuation of an ongoing project begun in 1979, and the site has been substantially altered by significant grading, staff is not recameending that the developer be required to pay a mitigation fee for the lrL�pact of the project on fringe -toed lizard habitat area. No other possible significant adverse environmental impacts were identified. Therefore, staff tentatively prepared a negative declaration with the mitigation required for the impacts on the public schools. 5. Project Description: This application is a resubmu ttal of a new tract map on those portions of the Laguna De La Paz project (Tentative Tract Map 13640) for which final.maps have not been recorded. The total project has 396 dwellings on 96 acres. Tentative Tract Map No. 20052, consisting of only phases 4 through 10, contains 336 on 69.7 acres. The entire project has 11 clusters of units oriented around a central open space area having a 6-acre lake, a swimming pool, 9 tennis courts and a recreation building. At the center of each housing cluster is a common open space area with a swimming pool. The clusters are sited so that the lots are set back a minimimm of 10 and 20 feet from the Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive rights - of -ways. This site plan will allow for the construction of a meandering wall with a parkway having a minimum average width from street curbline of approxi- mately 25 to 50 feet. The on -site circulation system provides one major loop collector street (36' wide) with narrower local streets (32' wide) serving each cluster. The two entrances to the project will be from Eisenhower Drive. Each entrance will provide a four -car minimum stacking space and a turning area for vehicles denied access. Regarding the dwellings, two basic unit types are proposed. on the outside or exterior lots of each cluster are detached single-family houses with a zero sideyard setback. This allows for the maximum amount of space on each lot for a private yard. on the interior lots, there is a mixture of attached or duplex - type units and detached units. The three types of detached units are Unit No. 1 with 1641 square feet and 2 bedroaasl21i baths, Unit No. 2 with 1888 square feet STAFF REPORT - PI,AMING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 3. and 3 bedroaus/3 baths, and Unit No. 3 with 1967 square feet and 3 bedrooms/ 3 baths. 'These units are Spanish style, one-story buildings with stucco exterior walls and peaked roofs covered with Spanish tile. The three types of attached or interior units are Unit No. 4 with 1462 square feet and 2 bedrooms/2 baths, Unit No. 5 with 1602 square feet and 2 bedrooms/den/ 2 baths, and Unit No. 6 with 1700 square feet and 3 bedrooms/2 baths. These attached units are modern, southwest style, one-story buildings with stucco siding and flat roofs with parapet walls. All the units have attached, double -car garages. 6. Prior Actions a. Initial approval of the planned residential development was granted under Tentative Tract Map No. 13640 and Conditional Use Case No. 2262, which were approved by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors on August. 14, 1979 and septenber 4, 1979, respectively. In conjunction with these cases was Variance 1370 (approved September 4, 1979) allowing for zero sideyard setbacks. The tentative tract map approval of the planned residential development expires August 14, 1984. b. The site was rough graded under a grading permit issued by Riverside County in 1980. One-half-milliun cubic yards of dirt was imported to the site in order to raise building pads. c. The final tract maps for phases 13640-1, 2 and 3 have been approved and recorded. The Applicant has also posted bonds with the City for installation of water, sewer and street improvements for Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive along the entire project boundary. d. All building plans have been reviewed and approved by the City Building Department; 57 building permits have been issued by the City. 7. Comments By Other Agencies a. City Engineer - The City Engineer has stated that the conditions of approval will be the same as on the Tentative Tract Map No. 13640 currently in effect. b. City Fire Marshall - The water improvement plans for the entire project have been ,approved by the Fire Marshall for fire flaw and hydrants. There are no additional cements. c. County Health Department - Domestic water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Riverside County Health Department and Coachella Valley Water District. An acceptable agreement having to do with the maintenance and operation of the recreationalfacili- ties must be approved and recorded. d. Coachella Valley Water District - The site is considered safe from storm water flaws except in rare instances. However, the runoff from the adjacent mountains can cause serious damage to improvements. The design of interior drainage works should include provisions for solving the problem. This area is designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. The site has already been annexed to CtimWD Dprovement District No. 55 for sanitation service. '^v STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CCMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 4. e. Imperial Irrigation District - The district will extend underground service to the subdivision from the existing overhead line along the east side of Washington Street. The estimated demand of 8,064,000 kilowatt hours per year t:) serve the project will increase the peak demand on the existing Marshall Substation resulting in additional requirements for generation, transmission and distribution facilities. Due to present loading on the Marshall Substation, it would not be possible to serve this project during the summer of 1984 nor the sunnier of 1985 if the proposed new La Quinta Substation is not on line by June of 1985. f. Southern California Gas Company - No comment. g. Desert Sands unified School District - The District has commented that all new residential projects will adversely impact the schools which are. currently overcrowded. The developer will be required to agree to pay to the District a per -unit mitigation fee. h. Caanents were requested, but not received from General Telephone and the la Quinta Chamber of Commerce. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The design of both the project layout and the buildings is the same as previously approved by Riverside County prior to the City's incorporation. The density of the project is approximately 4 units per acre. The location of the units in eleven clusters helps to maximize the amount of cammon open space and to further reduce the appearance of density. The clustering also allows for the creation of send - public neighborhood recreational areas at the center of each cluster. The setback of the lots from the adjoining public street varies with two clusters set back fran Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive rights -of -ways of ten feet and the remaining clusters set back a minimum of twenty feet. (The buildings themselves will be set back ten to fifteen feet fran the rear property line of each lot.) Because of the siting of the buildings in clusters, the majority of the units will be set back further fran the street. As shown on the site plan (Exhibit "D"), the wall will be constructed adjacent to the clusters, thereby providing substantial setbacks from the street curbline and also providing for views from the street into the greenbelt areas between the clusters. Regarding the siting of the buildings on the lots, the use of the zero lot line arrangement, whereby the unit is sited adjacent to the side property line, maximizes the amount of usable yard space for each residence. Privacy is maximized by designing the dwellings so that there are no windows along the zero lot line wall. Staff strongly supports this design feature. The units are set back a minimum of ten feet from the interior streets. This setback is consistent with the City's requirements. It has been staff's policy to recommend a twenty -foot setback from the street to allow adjacent space for a vehicle to park in the driveway without protruding into the street. Since there is no space to shift the unit back on the lot and also since this tract map is essentially a. resubmittal, staff is not recommending a change in the setback. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COVMSSION June 12, 1984 Page 5. The street width will allow for guest parking on one side of the residential loop streets. Concerning the unit design, the size of the units greatly exceeds the minimum size requirements as specified in Ordinance 38. The dwellings comply with the City's adopted standards for single-family dwellings with the exception that the Spanish style detached units have no roof eaves. Since this application is essentially a resub ittal, and the building plans have been approved and peimnits issued on 57 units by the City, staff is not recommending that the eaves be required. The overall design of the units is consistent with the existing and proposed develop- ment within the vicinity. Regarding circulation, the on -site system will safely and adequately handle automobile traffic within the project. The main entrance to the project will have a gatehouse, stacking area for a minimum of seven automobiles and a turn -around area for vehicles denied access. The secondary access will have a key -operated gate with stacking space for four auto cbiles and a turn -around area. The City approved street inprove- ment plans for Eisenhower Drive do not include acceleration or deceleration lanes at the entrances. The posting of the street for no parking at the entrances will provide adequate space for vehicles entering and exiting the project. The project site plan (Exhibit "D") shows meandering walkways along all the project boundaries and also within the greenbelt/open space area between the clusters of units. As designed, pedestrians and bicyclists can travel throughout the project with only limited travel on the streets. CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposed density of 4 units per acre is consistent with the R-l* and R-2*-8000 zoning and the La 4uinta General Plan designations of Low and Medium Density Residential. 2. The design and density of the project is compatible with proposed and existing residential developments within the vicinity. 3. The terrain of the site is physically suitable for the proposed planned. residential development and the site can be adequately served by the necessary public utilities and services. 4. The conditions of approval will adequately mitigate any possible significant adverse impacts on the public schools. 5. The project site was rough graded with approximately one -half -mullion cubic yards of dirt imported to the site. The property, therefore, was not potential habitat area for the fringe -toed lizard at such time that the current mitigation fee system was being developed. 6. The total. project will have approximately 40% open space area, which is consistent with minimum requirement for planned residential developments. 7. The design provides for the dwellings to be set back a minimim, of 10 to 20 feet from the perimeter public streets. The siting of the buildings in clusters will help to maintain the appearance of lower density residential development. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COM`'fISSION June 12, 1984 Page 6. 8. The perimeter wall will be set back a minimum of 25 feet from Washington Street and 25 feet from Eisenhower Drive curblines. The wall's meandering design and the increased parkway area will help enhance the project's low - density appearance. 9. The design of the project's private street system will be adequate to safely and efficiently handle the project's anticipated traffic flow both entering and traveling within the project. 10. The design provides adequately for the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrians and bicyclists. 11. The proposed active recreational facilities consisting of 12 swimming pools, 9 tennis courts and clubhouse facilities will be adequate to accoTiodate the needs of the residents of the project. 12. The proposed dwellings are in compliance with requirements of nmicipal ordinance No. 38 regarding the minimum size of dwellings within planned residential developments. FINDINGS Based upon the above conclusions, are the following findings: 1. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The design and improvement of the proposed project is consistent with the standards and requirements of the Municipal Land Division ordinance. 3. The subject site is physically suitable for a 396-unit, planned residential development with a density of four units per acre. 4. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause public health problems nor would they conflict with existing public ease- ments. 5. The overall siting plan and design of the proposed dwellings are compatible with the area in which the planned residential development is located. 6. The project will have approximately 40% of the net site area as open space or recreational areas, which complies with the minimum requirements for planned residential developments. 7. The approval and construction of the project proposed under Tentative Tract Map No. 20052 is a continuation of a previously approved planned residential development. Several years ago, under the previous approval, substantial grading was performed on the entire site, thereby eliminating any potential wildlife habitat area for the fring-toed lizard. / f 1 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMSSION June 12, 1984 Page 7. 8. Provided that the developer collies with the conditions of approval requiring a school impact mitigation agreement with Desert Sands Unified School District, the project will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. STAFF RECU4,1EMATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recoimends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 20052, subject to the following conditions: General 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 20052 shall comely with standards and requirements of the State SUbdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension as provided for by the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. Tract phasing plans (if any), including any proposed phasing of public improve- ments, shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contem- plated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: ° Riverside County Environmental Health Department ° City Fire Marshall ° Cacm mity Development Department, Planning Section • Desert sands unified School District Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Building Section at the tine of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. Building Design Review 5. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with approved Exhibits A, B, C, and D as contained in the Community Development Department's file for Tentative Tract Map No. 20052 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the tentative tract map. 6. All one-story structures shall be located no closer than 10 feet. apart. Streets, Grading and Drainage 7. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: -1" ( J') ® 0 STAFF REPORT - PLAMING COTMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 8. a. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties fran damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement or by both. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final map and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement" - no buildings, obstructions or encroachments by land fills are allowed. The protection shall be as approved by the City Engineer. b. The subdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all off -site drainage flawing onto or through the site. In the event the City Engineer permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Municipal ordinance No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities as approved by the City Engineer. c. Major interior streets shall be improved in accordance with City Street Standard No. 105, Section A (36-foot modified). d. Minor interior streets shall be improved in accordance with City Street Standard No. 106, Section A (32-foot modified). e. Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive shall be improved in accordance with the approved street plans on file with Tract 13640-3. rYO St�Ynuckles shall be constructed throughout the land division. g. Corner cutbacks in conformance with City Street Standard No. 805 shall be shown on the final map and offered for dedication. h. Lot access shall be restricted on Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive with the exception that all streets shall be either coincident or a minim n of 220-feet centerline to centerline along Eisenhower Drive and so noted on the final map. i. The land divider will provide a left -turn lane on Washington Street at �l�(86.)rihe the intersection with Eisenhower Drive as approved by the City Engineer. plicant shall install a raised center median island, including land-pg and irrigation, within the half -section right-of-way of Washington L Street adjacent to the property, or participate in the assessment district dUr' for the installation of a center median on Washington Street. The median island shall be installed at such time that the street improvements for n Washington Street are installed by the owner of the property adjacent to the east. 9. The location and design of the entry gates and gatehouse shall comply with the approved entry plans for Tentative Tract Map No. 13640 on file with the Camnmity Development Department. All gates shall have a City approved radio receiver which will accept signals from the emergency transmitters of the Riverside County Sheriff and Fire Departments and which will activate the gates to provide emergency access. _J i J ? STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 120 1984 Page 9. 10. A plan showing proposed parking along the private road system shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department. The plan shall designate any "no parking" areas and indicate the method of identifying them. 11. The Applicant shall install street lighting as required along Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive in accordance with a street lighting plan approved by the Community Development Department. Upon installation, ownership of the :Lights nl �� shall be transferred to the City. Z. The pathway system for the parkways within the project shall be installed in conformance with Exhibit "D". Public Services and Utilities 13. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshall and the Uniform Fire Code, as adopted by the City. 14. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and Coachella Valley Water District. 15. The Applicant shall provide all necessary easements for public utilities. All on -site utilities shall be placed underground. 16. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of Imperial Irrigation District as follows: a. Electric service shall be extended underground from adjacent power facilities on Eisenhower Drive. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall provide written clearance to the City Building Division that Imperial Irrigation service can serve this development. y_yy17 1 new utilities and existing overhead utility lines (if any) adjacent to the tract boumdary along the perimeter of public roadways, with the exception of high voltage power lines, of 66 KV and above, shall be installed underground. 8. As mitigation for the impact on the public schools, the Applicant shall comply with the following: V1 a. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall complete a school impact mitigation agreement with Desert Sands Unified School District. b. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for construction of dwellings, the Applicant shall provide the City Community Development Department with written clearance from Desert Sands Unified School District stating that the per -unit impact fees have been paid. , STAFF REPORT - PLANNING DEPAY04 NT June 12, 1984 Page 10. 19. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the Comuzdty Development Department the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose of this approval: a. The docixnent to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; and c. Managen-nt and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division. The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final subdivision map is recorded. A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encu[Tbrance other than a first deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the homeowners association. 20. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets and Highways Code, Section 5820 et seg.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Street and Highways Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and on -site lighting within all ccmmnly maintained driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets, and other improved carrion ownership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said improved camnn areas until such time as the City Council determines that, by default of the hcmeoaners's association, a need for maintenance work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assessment upon the real property. Miscellaneous 21. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit plans showing tree location and design of the project perimeter walls or fences, the landscaping of the setback and right-of-way areas, and the design and location of the sidewalks to the Commodity Development Department for review and approval. The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable condition for the life of the project. a. The wall shall be installed as shown on Exhibit "D" on file with Tentative p Tract Map No. 20052. (r Ob TheApplicantshall install an,8�foot-wide, meandering, bicycle/pedestrian path along Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 11. 22. Desert or native plant species and drought -resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscaping plans for the project and the public street parkways. 23. Prior to the issuance of building permits for dwellings constructed adjacent to Eisenhower Drive and washington Streets, the Applicant will demonstrate that residential structures satisfy the State's indoor criterion. Where exposed to noise levels in excess of State standards, Applicant shall install special design features such as double -glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting, increased insulation, weatherstripping, or combinations of these measures. 24. During construction, the developer shall ensure proper blowsand and dust control measures are implemented. These measures shall include, but not be limited to the use of irrigation during grading and construction and the planting of appropriate temporary ground cover for graded, but undeveloped portions. 25. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of such new develo.puent; and that City is in the process of preparing and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thoroughfares and bridges and traffic signalization; that City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Applicant agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from time to time amended by the City. If said fee shall include financing of permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 18 (school development fee) shall be deleted. PREP BY:_ Sandra L. Bonner Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Principal Planner Planning Director M • i A nx ITEM NO. DATE 6_/z- 8�/ PLANNINGG CCOOMM,IS�S,ION MEETING MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP IIMKAMP KLIMK�I/EWICZ c DISCUSSION: (�fiy1�1C /` Z� /e7 THORNBURGH THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS — IMKAMP — THORNBURGH — SALAS — KLIMKIEWICZ — UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM 3.. CITY OF LA QUINTA To: '[he Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Conuission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 20158 Location: North Side of La Quinta Stormwater Channel, West of Washington Street Applicant: Jack L. Clark Enterprises, Inc. Request: Approve a 48-unit statutory condominium project on a 6.4 acre site. Staff reco miends that consideration of Tentative Tract Map No. 20158 be continued to the July 1.0, 1984 Planning Ccninission meeting. The Applicant, has agreed to the continuance in order to provide additional time to make necessary changes in the proposed site developu ent plan. Also, the Applicant is now in the process of purchasing the parcel adjacent to the east and intends to include this additional land in the amended site plan and tentative tract map. PR/ BY;,, A er pal Planner B//k— Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Planning Director 3 ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING "V A S MOTION BY: GOETGHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SAIAS THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO',!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - THORNBURGH - SALA.S - KLT14KIEWICZ - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO M I N U T E S P_:.z:L'r; C(M4ISSICN - CITY OF LA CUIM i A Ftqular bkz:ting Held at the La Quin L, City Hall, 78-105 Calle hStado, La Quint.,, California Mre 8, 1984 7:00 p.i,. 1. CALL TO ORDLR A. Chairman Klirkiewicz called the Planning Comission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He these called upon Chaiz� Salas to lead the flag salute. �&a.,M 2. MLL CALL A. Chairman Klimciewicz requested the roll call. The Secretary called the roll: Present: Ocumissio<ners Goetcheus, Innkenp, Thornburgh, Salas and Chairman K12mkiewicz Absent: None Also present were Planning Director Iawnenw L. Stevens, Principal Planner Sandra L. Bonner and Secretary Donna Velotta 19J11 71 - 1110"1 Chairmen Klimkiew= advised that the following two hearings before the Planning Commission were regarding the Horizon Palms project, Cameral Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms", Applicant. He noted that the hearings world be held concurrently as follows: A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-008, a request by General Management Corporation dda "Horizon Palms" to change the existing zoning from R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with a proposed tentative tract. B. Tentative Tract Map No. 19903, a request to subdivide a 40.4 gross acre site into 168 lots for the purpose of constructing a 160-unit, single-family, planned residential development, located at the south- west corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms load alignment; General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms", Applicant. Chairman Klimkiewicz then called upon staff for their reports. 1. Larry Stevens, Planning Director, advised the CCEMISSiOn that the request of the Applicant was to change the zoning from 12,000/PD to 10,000/PD so as to change the planned residential developent density. This change is necessary in order to approve the tentative tract 19903, which is the second portion of the Apolicant's request. The general plan designates the area as Very Low Residential and existing zoning is R-1-12,000. The general plan technically limit: the property to 3 units per acre or less. However, after reviewirc this situation, the Canty, in adopting its general plan recentl}, has increased the densities to the north in the Bermuda Durres area be 2 to 8 units per acre. There are also several warty approved projects in the area that generally run about 5 units per acre. As a result, after discussing this matter with the Applicant, staff has ca=rea that it would be appropriate to charge the zoning without a general plan amendment, in that the adjustment would he a minor incr.-use in density generally consistent with surroundinc projects and generally consistent with other goals and policies o: the plan. in return for this adjustment, there has been a fairly significant increase above the minimum open space requirements fro:. the 40% required to approximately 70%. Also, some increase in set- backs, both within and along the perimeter of the project, to facilitate the appearance of a lea density project. MIMYZES - PLANNING CIJWISa(C May 8, 1984 Page 2. Staff is remmesding that the change of zone be appxoveah <:. requested, subject to the four findings in the staff reoor+ ar. subject to Exhibit "A" Planning Director Stevens moved on to the second portion of thu. hearing, which was the Tentative 'Tract Map No. 19903. He rotes] thatthis tentative map establishes the Planned Residential Developmnt for 160 units. Them are two minor concerns raised in the IIrvisorrxntal Assess t. The first relates to the fringe - toed lizard and the second relates to the Desert Saxds School District's oven:ruding. Both of these concerns are being mitigat through the conditions of approval. Planning Director Stevens briefly described the design of the project. He further stated that staff sees little problem with the proposed plans. There are couple of minor corners in the interior roar] system design and location of driveways and the emergency access road, wduch can be adequately resolved within the conditions of approval and any changes would be minor. The proposed unit sizes are less than the standard specified in Ordinance No. 38, in that more than 40% of the units are less than 1000 square feet. The proposer] project appears to meet the additional criteria specified by Ordinance No. 38, in that the ana11 units be dispersed, and that the open space be substantially increased, and that the unit design be reasonably compatible with the surrounding area. The one excep- tion is that the Unit #1 design reeds to be mortified either to increase its size to the 900 square foot minimum or to reduce it to one bedroom. planning Director Stevens :oterl he warld make a minor adjustment in the recaaresdations relative to the latter reference. Planning Director Stevens stated that staff is reco rnmalisg appova= of the Tentative Tract Map No. 19903 based upon the nine findings in the staff report, with the following adjustments. Basal upon onments at the study session held on May 7th, staff prepared two additional conditions. One is that there be a plan for a non- autorotive means of transportation within the project, and the other is to encourage use of desert plant species and drought - resistant plant materials for landscaping within the pro)ect. It is also necessary to make a modification in Condition No. 6 to stow that the Applicant could go to a one -bedroom unit if they wish to maintain something close to the 900 square feet. Conditior. No. 10 should be corrected to mad: "....part -width right-of-way. standards, The remaining coiditiohs are unchanged. Staff recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 19903 subject to the nine findings in the staff report and subject to the conditions, as amended. Cvai Klimkieaicz requested cements from the Planning Crnmission. Commissioner Imkanp requested an explanation of the "PD" notation after the zoning designations. Planning Director Stevens explained that this notation means "Planned Development" and it has been applied to all of the annexation area. He advised that he felt this meant the City was encouraging planned residential develcpmnts them via the zoning, as opposed to standard single-family subdivisions. These was further discussion regarding lighting inside the project, the entryway into the project, size of streets in the interior and emergency exits. Chairman Klimkiewi.cz requested the Applicant's presentation. Bob Saunders, Hallmark Engineering, 1071 S. Palm CanYom Drive, Palm Springs, CA, spoke as representative for the General Management Corporation who is the Applicant. Mr. Saunders stated that they dereur with staff's report mimrnti, - I'1.M84IM CDMISSICJ Miy 8, 1984 Page 3. regarding the request for ttu: zone change and its approval. In reward e. conditions of concern for the tract map, he stated the Applicant nan n' problem with staff's modificatim of Condition No. 6. They am favorim the 900 square foot unit. Also, the Applicant has no problem with tnh request for acceleration/deceleration lanes and is agreeable to working Out the desi and approvalof same with the City Engineer. He stated that the emergency exit on Dune Palms world be handled as a crash gate for m,rgency use only. 'there will be only one primary ingress/egress to fly-- project. Mr. Saunders requested an expanded explanation of Conditiorv- Nos. 26 aryl 2a, to which Planning Director Stevens responded. Mr. Saunder: then turned tic podium over to the Applicant's landscape architect. Michael Buecino, landscape Architect for the Applicant, 340 S. Farrell, Palm Springs, CA, presented a brief background resume of his company. In response to the request that native materials be used in this project, W. Baceim stated they want to use such materials all along the outside ring between the mad and the property line, with palm trees, flo rs, etc.. to be used inside the project. He stated that the Applicant feels the loot road going all around the project could be used as a bike path# walking pa-. etc. They do not see a need to create a new system for that use wtruch wvu- weave through the unit clusters, as it world omprcmise what the Applicant was trying to achieve for this project. The entryway has been designed sc that, in future, a gatehouse and gates can be added if desired. At presen_, the Applicant does not wish to install gates/gatehouse, but wants a broad, welomfng entry. ch "mar. Klimsiewicz opened the meeting for public comment. L. E. Harringl. , 79-040 Montego Hay Drive, Bermuda Ames, CA, informed the planning Crnmission that he owned the 40 acres to the east of this project. He commented on the traffic situation on Fred Waring Drive and asked rnIoctine regarding a security wall around the project and the water/sewage source. Mr. Harrington's questions were answered by Planning Director Stevens and the Applicant. Mr. Harrington was satisfied with the responses and stated he felt the project was very attractive and wished the Applicant success. As these were no further public co meats, 0 noun Klimkiewicz closed the public hearing. The Plarvunrj C mmissicha had several quP tuons for the Applicant regarding the pedestrian walkways and lighting within the project, and the number of pools/jaahzzis throughout the project. At the end of this discussion, Ch)� Klimk fe cz called for a motion. 2. Cmmfssioner Thornburgh made a notion to approve Change of Zone Case Nb. 84-008, based upon findings in the staff report and in accordance with Exhibit A. Commissioner Imkanp seconded the motim. Unanimously adopted. 0b,, donee Imkammp made a motion to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 19903 based upon findings in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval, as revised. Commissioner Salas seconded the motion. Unanimously adopted. C. Chairnnn Klirkiewicz explained the next public hearing to be Tentative Tract Map No. 19987, a request to subdivide a 32.3-acre parcel into 163 lots for the purpose of constructing a 162-unit, single-family, planned residential development, located in the southwest corner of Westward Ho Drive and Aube palms Road; Don yang/Harry Schloss et al, Applicants. He then called for staff's report. 1. Plarming Director HteVseS advised the Comussi that the project is a 32-acre site designated in the general plan as Iva Density Residential, and is zoned R-1. Cuuliticros have been incorporated to resolve concerns over the fringe -toed lizard habitat and the Desert Sands schools current overcrowded situation. He noted that MDZUIlS - PIANNING O"USSI0ii luy £, 1984 page 4. the Applicant is proposing 162, 2 and 3-u uiii unau wal. attached garages. 'There will he_ two units per structure usuuu zero lot line concept with the "postage statp" subdivision des;::.. Planning Director Stevens stated that staff had discussion with the Applicant to make clear the fact that the internal roads wore, in fact, private streets and the City did not want them offered for dedication nor would they intend to accept than. with regard to the entryway into the project, the Applicant states there is adequate provision for stacking. It was noted that the Applicant is requesting a lesser setback fc- the perimeter wall than staff has reconnended. Staff is ruccrm, ending that the two-bedrccn units' elevation be upgraded along the street frontage, eliminatin. the flat roof. It was noted here that the Applicant is willing tc make that adjustment. 'Mere was discussion by staff with the Applicant regarding the use of the Whitewater Storm channel as recreation area and also what world be the appropriate number of swimming pools for the project. Planning Director Stevens stated that staff's recommendation, basal on the seven findings in the staff report, is that the Tentative Tract [hip be approval subject to the 27 condition in the report, with the addition of the land- scaping condition and the condition regarding internal circulation system for pedestrians, etc., and with the adjustment to Co ditror. No. 6. There was a short discussion between staff and the Commission regarding staff's request for two additional pools in the project, and traffic Concerns. Chairman Klimkiewicz then called upon the Applicant for his presentation. Harry Schnitz, Planning Consultant, 45-900 Paseo Coronado, Indian Wells, spoke as representative for the Applicants, Don Young/Barry Schloss. Mr. Schmitz began his presentation by cornerding staff for the excellent job they did on the conditions of approval. It was felt that a great deal of thought had been put into than. He went on to advise the Commission the_ the Applicants were in concurrence with the modification of Condition No. :. Mr. Schmitz responded to Commissioner Thornbuxgh's concern of a possible traffic problem being created if the entryway was too close to the one go, into the mobile home park across Dune Palos Raid. He noted that they Pave complied with City standards, therefore no traffic problems should be incurred. Mr. Schnitz stated that the Applicant has no objections to the two new conditions regarding landscaping and an internal non -auto rotive poems of transportation within the project. He stated that they have „mission from CVWD, under permit, to use the portion of the Stornwater Channel adjacent to the project for recreational purposes. Therefore, the' - feel that Condition No. 27 should be deleted. Chairman Kliukiewicz greed the hearing to public oament. As there were no consents, he closed the public hearing. There was a short discussion betwoc n the CammissiOmnlS regarding the numbe of pools that should be required in the project, the use of the wash as recreational area - especially the use by motorcyclists and four -wheelers, uhich causes a lot of dust to fly, etc. Chaarian Klimkievicz then called for a motion. 2. Commissioner Thornburgh made a motion, based upon the Findings in the staff report, to approve Tentative Tract MaP No. 19987, subjec to the conditions of approval, as revised. Commissioner Silas seconded the motion. Unanusously adopted. 4. CC[Mrl CAi,UMR lotion made by Commissioner 'Thornburgh, seconded by Commissioner Lnkartp tc approve the minutes of meetings held Mar& 13, 1984, March 27, 1984, and April 10, 1984. n 8J MINM S - PIANHING CCAN'SSIM My 8, 1984 Page 5. A. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 13, 1984 were apunrn- as sulmitted. Unanimously adopted. B. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of March 27, 1984 were appmvn: as summitted. Unanimously adopted. C. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 10, 1984 were approved as submitted. Unanimously adopted. 5. BUSMSS A. Chairman Klimkiewicz introduced the item of business as Plot Plan No. 84-056, a request to construct a single-family house at 53-395 Avenida Juarez, a single lot along the east side of Avenida Juarez, 200 feet north of Calle Colima; fbser Donley, Applicant. He requested the report from staff. 1. Planning Director Stevens stated that the dwelling is in ocupliarce with applicable development standards if constructed in accordance with plans submitted and the conditions of approval, and the desigr. is cospatible with existing development in the surrounding neighbor- hood. 'lberefore, staff recanmonds that the Planning Coamission approve this request. 2. Crmissioner 7hornlurgh made a motion, based upon the Findings in the staff report, to approve Plot Plan No. 84-058 in accordance wit. lldribits A, B and C, subject to the conditions of approval. ommissico r Sales seconded the notion. [nnanimm,cly adopted. 6. AD.IQIIMWr These being no further items of agenda to cone before the Planning Cormissio n, Chairman K1imkiewicz called for a notion to adjourn. C rm ssimer Imkamp mile a motion to adjourn to a regular meeting on June 12, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in Ia Quints City Hall, 78-105 Calle Fstado, Ia Quinta, CA. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Ia Quinta, California, was adjourned at 8:35 p.m., may 8, 1984, at the Ia Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Fstado, Ia Quinta, CA. ITEM NO. S • y DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING "MR MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS �y IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ DISCUSSION: v� SALAS THORNBURGH SALAS ,THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - THORNBURGH - SALAS - KLIMKIEWICZ - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO QMEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA CF'�OF TRE��S To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Caremission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: PLOT PLAN No. 84-041, REVISED Location: West Side of Avenida Diaz, 250' South of Calle Madrid Applicant: Michael Head Request: Approve a revised plan for a previously approved single-family house. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS The Applicant is requesting approval of a revised design for a house previously approved by the Planning Commission on January 10, 1984. The revised plan is canponent-type housing whereby the walls are pre -built in sections at a factory and then assembled at the site. (This is different than modular housing whereby assembled sections of the dwelling are moved onto the site.) The house is intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval for two (2) other houses in the City, both of which are now under construction, and will be completed within one month. No information was available at the time this report was written regarding how many of these homey are sold. The Applicant is also requesting approval of a single- family house on the adjacent lot to the north (Plot Plan No. 84-042). siting The siting or location of the house is consistent with both the existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will have a 20-foot front yard setback, 5-foot sideyard setbacks and a 15-foot rear yard setback. The vast majority of houses within the immediate vicinity are built on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant. Design of the Structure The floor plan meets the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. The louse has approximately 1230 square feet of livable area, three bedrooms with dimensions exceeding ten feet, two full baths and an attached double -car garage, with a connecting door into the house. Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is approxi- mately 14 feet, which is below the 17-foot height limit imposed by the zoning. The house will have stucco covered exterior walls. The roof will have a 4 and 12 pitch and be covered with tile. The roof eaves are 24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18-inch requirement. STAFF REPORT •- PLANNING CONUSSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most common being the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible and con- sistent with the existing houses within the vicintiy. The Applicant is proposing to construct a second house with this same design on the lot adjacent to the south. To provide variety, the layout of the dwelling will be flipped and other different ornamental features will be varied (e.g., color of stucco siding); the conditions of approval will require that these minor modifi- cations be specified and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Additional Camrents Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA and a Notice of Exemption has been filed. Findings 1. The request is consistent with the zoning. 2. The design is in corripliance with the City's adopted standards. 3. The proposed house is comPatible with the surrounding development. MOTION Based upon the findings, the Planning Commission recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 84-041, Revised, in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: i anV Bo ei r Principal Planner Zziyzk- Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Planning Director 2 THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-041, Revised, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved, a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation systcmm and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall .install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond or other financial arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with, the City CcuouLity Development Department for the installation of the required street improvements along Avenida Diaz, including curb, gutter and connecting pave- ment. The amount of this bond shall be $1,000, which shall be submitted to and accepted by the City of La Quinta Ccanm=ty Development Director and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. 8. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 9. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement to the existing street pavement. 10. All exterior walls shall have stucco siding. 11. Prior to the issuance of a building permit on Plot Plan No. 84-041, the Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department for review and approval specific information or details on siding color and texture, trim and other architectural features which will vary from the appearance of the adjacent dwelling to be constructed by the Applicant under Plot Plan No. 84-042. 0 CONDITIONS - Pier PIAN NO. 84-041 June 12, 1984 Page 3. 12. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: ° Riverside County Health Department ° city Fire Marshall ° Conuunity Development Department, Planning Division SLB:dmv ITEM NO. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ ( / THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO'!MISSIONERS: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT GOETCHEUS IMKAMP THORNBURGH SALAS KLE IKIEWICZ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES NO MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Co mission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: pion PLAN No. 84-042 Location: Wst Side of Avenida Diaz, 300' South of Calle Madrid Applicant: Michael Head Request: Approval to construct a single-family house. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS 5. B. The Applicant previously sul nitted plans for a pueblo -style house on this lot, but later withdrew the plans fran consideration prior to an action by the Planning Connission. The house is the same design as proposed by Plot Plan No. 84-041 to be located on the lot adjacent to the north, with the exception that the floor plan and elevations are reversed from that as shown on the plans. This is canponent-type housing whereby the walls are pre -built in sections at a factory and then assembled at the site. The house is intended for sale. The Applicant has received approval for three other houses in the City, one of which is before the Planning Carmission for approval of a revised plan (Plot Plan No. 84-041) and two of which are under construction and will be completed within one month. Staff has no information on whether or not these houses have been sold. Siting The siting of the house is consistent with both the existing development in the area and the zoning requirements. The house will have a 20-foot front yard setback, 5-foot sideyard setbacks, and a 15-foot rear yard setback. The large majority of the houses within the imrediate vicinity are built on a single lot as is proposed by the Applicant. Design of the Structure The floor plan Deets the City's adoptedstandardso sArds for area,gle-fandly U"ree bedroohouses. 'Ale house has approximately 1230 square dimensions exceeding ten feet, two full baths and an attached double -car garage with a connecting door into the house. Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is approxi- mately 14 feet, which is below the 17-foot height limit imposed by the zoning. The house will have stucco dovered exterior walls. The roof will have a 4 and 12 pitch and be covered with tile. The roof eaves are 24-inches wide, which exceeds the minimum 18-inch requisenrrnt. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. The surrounding area has a variety of house styles, with the most commn being the California Ranch Style similar to that proposed by the Applicant. Roofing materials also vary between rock or gravel, asphalt shingle and tile. The proposed house's design and materials are consistent with the surrounding, existing dwellings. The structure's height, bulk and shape are also compatible and consistent with the existing houses within the vicinity. The Applicant is proposing to construct a second house with this same design on the lot adjacent to the north. To provide variety, the layout of the dwelling will be flipped and other different ornamental features will be varied (e.g., color of stucco siding); the conditions of approval will require that these minor modifi- cations be specified and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Additional Comments Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA and a Notice of Exemption has been filed. Findings 1. The request is consistent with the zoning. 2. The design is in c-anplianoe with the City's adopted standards. 3. The proposed house is compatible with the surrounding development. C MA•.UIU15 11 7D V • Based upon the findings, the Planning Camnission recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 84-042, in accordance with Exhibit A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPAW BY: Sandra L. Bonner��J_ Principal Planner APPBY: QA" Lawrence L.Sttevens, AICP Planning Director ® 0 ..� a . . • 1 •• n 9..� 1. The develgX ent of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-042, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall became null and void and of no effect whatsoever. Ey ,.use,, is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall submit and have approved a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of two (2), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation system and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall install landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All trees and plants shall be maintained in viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond or other financial arrange- ment acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with the COMmIn1tY Developrm,it Department for the installation of the required street improvements along Avenida Diaz, including curb, gutter and connecting pavement. The amount of this bond shall be $1,0o0, which shall be submitted to and accepted by thhe City of La Quinta Community Development Director and City Manager Prior issuance of a building permit. 7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. B. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 9. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete and have asphaltic concrete connecting pavement to the existing street Pavement. 10. All exterior walls shall have stucco siding. 11. Prior to the issuance of a building permit on Plot Plan No. 84-042, the Applicant shall submit to the Conrmu—aty Development Department for review and approval specific information or details on siding color and texture, trim and other architectural features which will vary from the appearance of the adjacent dwelling to be constructed by the Applicant under Plot Plan No. 84-041. ® 0 COMITICNS - pu)T PLAN No. 84-042 June 12, 1984 Page 2. 12. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies prior to submitting these plans to the Building Department for plan check: o Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshall ° Conrunity Development Department, Planning Division SLB:dmv J ITEM NO. �. DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SANS THORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SALA.S THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: CO"IMISSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP THOPAIBURGH SAT AS =1KIEWICZ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT YES NO 0 a Q. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA OF Ttff-�6 To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: PLAT PLAN NO. 84-044, APPEAL OF CONDITION OF APPROVAL Location: Northwest Corner of Avenida Martinez and Calle Ensenada Applicant: Thurston and Joan Pendley Request: Request to delete condition of approval requiring heating and cooling mechanical equipment to be ground mounted. 1. General Plan: Loa Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre) 2. Zoning: R-1* (one Family Dwellings, 1200 Square Foot Mininaun Dwelling Size, 17-Foot Height Limit) 3. Existing Conditions: The 50' x 100' lot is located within the existing subdivided Cove area. 4. Description of Request: The Applicant is requesting the deletion of the following condition of approval: 7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. The Applicant has stated that the reason for the request is that the plans do not allow space within the house for the air-conditioning unit. The Applicant wishes to install a combination air-conditioning and heat pump unit with approximate dimensions of 6' x 4' x W. 5. Prior Approvals and Actions: ° Plot Plan No. 84-044, a single-family house intended for the Applicant's residence, was approved by the Planning Commission on January 10, 1984. ° Since January, 1983, with the first plot plan applications for residences, the Planning Cormission has required that heating and cooling mechanical equipment be ground mounted and not mounted on top of the roof. STAFF COW'>ErF1'S AND ANALYSIS The house, as approved, has a flat roof with parapet walls along the front and sides; no parapet wall is on the rear or north side of the house. Single mansards are along portions of the front and along the street side (as required by the Planning Commission). Thus, the roof is visible from the northerly or uphill direction fron the house. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING C MMISSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. The Applicant is proposing two alternative designs to screen the unit, which is 3� feet high. Both are boxes 6' x 4' x 3''. During earlier discussions with planning and building department staff, the Applicant discussed installing and raising the parapets and mansards to screen the view of the unit from all sides; the Applicant has stand that he does not support this approach due to the increased building costs. To ground nnun.t the air-conditioning unit, a forced air unit (i.e., furnace) is installed within a small closet within the unit; 2�' x 3' is generally the adequate space needed. The air-conditioning unit is then installed on a concrete pad outside. Because of the minimal amount of space required within the dwelling for the forced air unit, and the ample yard space for the air-conditioning unit, staff reccnVends that the Applicant comply with the original condition of approval. In addition, the screening as proposed by the Applicant would tend to draw attention to the roof mounted equipment. Lastly, in the interests of equity, it may be unfair to have required all other residences approved by the City have ground mounted mechanical equipment while deleting the requirement for this house on the grounds that the Applicant does not want to do it. STAFF RECU4, MATION Staff recanrends that the Planning Cannission deny the appeal requesting deletion of Condition of Approval No. 7 for Plot Plan No. 84-044. PREPARED BY: Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner AP0^Y / 1 , Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Planning Director ECEIVED MAY 2 2 1984 Thurston H. & Joan E. Pendley 84-591 Via Hermosa Coachella, CA 92236 May 22, 1984 City Of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Sandra L. Bonner, Principal Planner Dear Ms. Bonner: We are submitting these screen wall drawings for the purpose of obtaining approval for a roof top mounted air conditioner. The house plans do not allow space within house for air conditioning unit. Sincerely, Thurston H. Pendley I j `' 3,7 --s2 6 � el m y/s r e� w Q) ITEM NO. 5, D, DATE 6 - 1 Z - 8 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RE: MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ SAAAL�/LLAASSTHORNBURGH SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP KLIMKIEWICZ Z� THORNBURGH DISCUSSION: ROLL CALL VOTE: COMMISSIONERS: AYE NO GOETCHEUS - IMKAMP - THORNBURGH - SAI „S KLIMKIEWICZ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: YES ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT NO L'. i MEMORANDUM 5. �- y CITY OF LA QUINTA C`n'�>OF Tfff���s To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: PLOT PLAN NO. 84-059 Location: Fast Side of Roudel Lane Approximately 180 Feet South of the End of the Street Applicant: Chris Caras Request: Approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. 1. General Plan: Low Density Residential (3-5 dwellings/acre). 2. Zoning: R-1 (One Family Dwelling) 3. Existing Conditions: The 61' x 139' lot is within an existing subdivided area located on a small hill adjacent to the west side of the Indian Springs Country Club. Because of the higher terrain, the house will be visible from the country club area. There are currently five (5) houses along Roudel lane with the remainder of the lots being vacant. Two of the houses are large dwellings sited parallel to the street and have stucco siding and tile or shake roofs; one is an octagon -shaped house with lath siding and a gravel roof, and two houses are approximately 22-feet wide with a bend or dogleg in the midsection, which increases their appearance of width. These two homes have stucco siding and tile roofs. Roudel Lane is a paved, local street which terminates approximately 180-feet north of the site. Curbs and gutters are existing on a portion of the street. All necessary services are available to the site with sewage disposal being handled by a septic system. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exert from the require- ments of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of the Request: The Applicant, who is a contractor, is requesting approval to construct a single-family house intended for sale. The Applicant has no other plot plan approvals for houses within the city. The overall dimensions of the house are 22-feet wide and 80-feet long. The house will be constructed from 4-inch thick concrete wall panels, which will be stuccoed. The roof will have a 3 and 12 pitch and be covered with tile. The overall height of the building is 12 feet. As shown on the north elevation, the house has no swinging front door, but rather has sliding glass doors only. 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CUICSSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. The floor plan shows three bedrooms, with bedrooms 2 and 3 having 9'6" clear dimensions. There are 1-3/4 baths. The attached double -car garage has a connecting door into the house. Note that the elevation incorrectly refers to the gate adjacent to the garage as leading into a "courtyard". The Applicant is proposing only one section of wall along the west side of the house and no other wall is proposed so as to enclose the sideyard and create a courtyard. No central air-conditioning or heating is proposed; two (2) wall -mounted heating and cooling units will be installed, one in the family room and one in the master bedroom. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS The stated intent of Ordinance 12 requires review of the design of single- family houses to ensure that the architectural aspects of the development will be capatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Beginning with the first single-family dwelling plot plans reviewed by the City, the staff and Comussion has considered the height, size and bulk of the units. The proposed house is 22-feet wide with only the garage being visible on the front of the structure. Mule there are two existing houses along Roudel Lane which are also approximately 22-feet wide, both of these hares have a bend or dogleg in the middle which greatly enhances the appearance of the structures's width and bulk. In addition, both units have an identifiable, front door visible from the street. The Applicant proposes only sliding glass doors along the north side of the house. It is staff's opinion that the house, as designed, with its long and narrow design, is not consistent or ccnpatible with existing area development. In addition, since the house will be visible from the lower lying country club area to the east (which has an average minimum dwelling size of approximately 1500 to 2000 square feet), the design of the house should have the appearance of greater width and bulk, both from the front and rear of the property. Staff recommends that the Planning ComrLission require that the Applicant redesign the house"to address the above concerns. If the Applicant refuses to redesign the structure, staff recaanends that Plot Plan No. 84-059 be denied. /�� Sandra L. nner Principal Planner SLB:dmv ; AP BY, =4� ZA, Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Planning Director RE: ITEM NO. S. C DATE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ��-06 o / MOTION BY: GOETCHEUS SECOND BY: GOETCHEUS / DISCUSSION � IMK�AMP� /iMKAMP ) KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS THORNBURGH KLIMKIEWICZ SALAS THORNBURGH ROLL CALL VOTE: COPS4TSSIONERS: GOETCHEUS IMKAMP THORNBURGH SALAS KLU,IKTEWICZ UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: AYE YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRESENT - - - NO a OY -- s S C`n'y0F TR69� MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: Planning Department Date: June 12, 1984 Subject: PUJT PLAN No. 84-060 Ioeatien: Northwest Corner of Avenida Carranza and Calle Tecate Applicant: David Caygill Request: Approve a single-family house intended for the Applicant's residence. Siting The house will be constructed on a single, 50-foot-wide, corner lot. As proposed, the house is set back 20 feet from Avenida Carranza and Calle Tecate and has a 10-foot rear yard and 5-foot sideyard. Tote driveway, which is 25-feet long, extends from Calle Tecate. The Applicant has oriented the house southward to take advantage of the view towards the upper cove. Although this site is not consistent with the Planning Commission's previously stated policy regarding the location of garages and driveways, the siting of the house complies with the intent of the policy in that there is adequate space to park a vehicle in the driveway without it extending into the right-of-way. This siting is also consistent with the majority of the hones along Avenida Tecate which also are oriented towards the south. Design of Structure The floor plan is consistent with the City's adopted standards for single-family houses. The hone has 1200 square feet of gross livable area, two bedrooms with minimum ten -foot clear dimensions, two full bathrooms and an attached, double -car garage with a pedestrian door. Concerning the exterior of the house, the overall height of the building is approxi- mately 13 feet, which is below the maximiun 17-foot height limit of the R-1 zoning. The house will have stucco exterior walls. The roof will have a 4' and 12 :pitch and be covered with tile. The width of the roof eaves are 24 inches. The general style of the house is consistent and compatible with the neexisting roof in the area. All the surrounding houses have stucco siding. Regem design and covering, the pitches on the nearby hones range from 3 and 12 to 5 and 12, with the coverings consisting of a variety of rock, gravel and tile. 0 0 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMaSSION June 12, 1984 Page 2. Additional Comments A detailed landscaping plan for the front yard will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. This plan will indicate the three (3) outdoor spigots and four (4), 15-gallon, street trees which are required by the City. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of CBQA and a Notice of Exemption has been filed. Findings 1. The request is consistent with the zoning. 2. If the house is constructed in accordance with the conditions of approval, the design will be in compliance with the City's adopted standards. 3. The proposed house is cmpatible with the surrounding development. RECOrN MED MOTION Based upon the findings, the Planning CaTraission recommends approval of Plat Plan No. 84-060 in accordance with Exhibits A, B and C and subject to the attached conditions. PREPARED BY: � a L. Bonner Principal Planner APP w 8Y. /A. Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Planning Director l J6 0 0 THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The development of the site shall be in conformance with the Exhibits A, B and C contained in the file for Plot Plan No. 84-060 unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant the beginning of substantial construction, not including grading, contemplated by this approval which is begun with the two-year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 3. Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. 4. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the City of La Quinta. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit and have approved a detailed landscape plan for the front yard showing the species, size, location and spacing of all planting materials, including a minimum of four (4), 15-gallon, street trees. The plan shall indicate the irrigation systan and the location of the required three (3) outdoor water spigots. The landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. All trees and plants shall be maintained in a viable condition for the life of the approved use. 6. The Applicant will be required to post a cash bond, performance bond or other financial. arrangement acceptable to the City Attorney and City Engineer with the City Cc mumnity Development Department for the installation of the required street improvements along Avenida Carranza/Calle Tecate including curb, gutter and connecting pavEnent. The amount of this bond shall be $2830 which shall be submitted to and accepted by the City of La Quinta Community Development Director and City Manager prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. The heating and cooling mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. 8. Refuse containers and bottled gas containers shall be concealed by fencing or landscaping. 9. The dwelling shall have a miminnml of 1200-square-feet, livable area. 10. The Applicant shall obtain clearances and/or permits from the following agencies: Riverside County Health Department ° City Fire Marshall ° Community Development Department 11. The driveway shall be surfaced with concrete with asphalt connecting pavement. SLB:dmv