1984 06 21 PCpi
An Adjourned Meeting to be held at the
La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado,
La Quinta, California
June 21, 1984 7:00 p.m.
A. Flag Salute
A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-010, a request by Psanas and Associates
to change the existing zoning from R-1-12,000/Planned Development
to R-1-10,000/Planned Development to allow for a planned residential
development in accordance with a proposed tentative tract.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Notion for Adoption.
B. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Armed No. 1, a request for approval
of a 140-unit, detached, single-family dwelling, planned residential
development located at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune
Palms Road; Psomas and Associates, Applicant.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Motion for Adoption.
A. Change of Zone Case No. 84-008, a request by General Management
Corporation dba "Horizon Palms" to change the existing zoning fran
R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD to allow for a planned residential
development in accordance with a proposed tentative tract.
1. Report from Staff.
2. Notion for Adoption.
B. Tentative Tract Map No. 19903, a request to subdivide a 40.4 gross
acre site into 168 lots for the purpose of constructing a 160-unit,
single-family, planned residential development, located at the south-
west corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road alignment;
General Managenent Corporation dba "Horizon Palms", Applicant.
1. Report fran Staff.
2. Notion for Adoption.
V -
ITEM NO. J . /*•
RE: / ^ O ! D Lpiv. rX / / m 02 6 6 /
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Planning Department
Date: June 21, 1984
NO. 1
Location: Northwest Corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road
Applicant: Pscmas and Associates
Request: Approval of a Change of Zone from R-1-12,000 to R-1-10,000 and a
statutory, (airspace) condominium project with 140 detached, single-
family houses on a 33-acre site.
Consideration of the related Change of Zone and Tentative Tract cases was continued
from the June 12, 1984 meeting to allow the Planning Commmission additional time to
review the proposed project design and density. Concern was expressed about project
and area density and for the "tightness" of the site design in several locations.
Applicant's Proposed Redesign
The Applicant has redesigned a portion of the site design to increase the mini=
separation between the rears of some dwelling units from 25 feet to 42 feet. This
was accomplished by the shifting of the locations of the units and the parking bays.
No units were deleted nor were any streets moved.
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1. Denial of the Change of Zone, Redesign of the Project
If the consensus of the Planning Commission is that the density as proposed
(4 units/acre) is inherently inconsistent with the area irregardless of the
design of the project, then the Commission should deny the Change of Zone
request. If the Applicant is willing to redesign the project for a maximum
density of 3 units per gross acre (108 units) or 3.6 units per net acre
(119 units), then consideration of the tentative tract map should be continued
to allow the Applicant time to submit an amended development plan. If the
Applicant is not willing to redesign the development, the Planning Commission
should recommend denial of the tract.
June 21, 1984
Page 2.
2. Approval of Change of Zone, Approval of Project with Redesign
If the consensus of the Planning Commissioners is that the density is
compatible with the area and consistent with the intent of the Very
Low Density Residential/Planned Development general plan designation
of the area, then their discussion should focus on the resolution of
the design problem identified earlier in this report.
The Planning Commission can approve the redesign as proposed or require
additional changes, including the relocation and/or the deletion of units.
A condition of approval can be added requiring that the rear yard separation
between dwelling units be a minimum of 40 feet.
� 3. Revise Change of Zone, Redesign of Project
The Planning Commissiam could consider a zoning someplace between the
existing and proposed zoning such as R-1-11,000. This would allow
130 units on the site (a reduction of 10 units) if the net acreage/zoning
maximums are utilized. The site plan would have to be redesigned and the
matter would have to be continued for that revision unless the Commission
decided to condition the tract map and leave final site plan approval to
the staff.
There has also been discussion concerning the improvement of, or participation
in the improvement of Dune Palms where it crosses the Whitewater Storm Channel
to the south of the project. The following alternate conditions are suggested
if the Commission determines such an improvement to be appropriate for this
1. Provision shall be made to improve Dune Palms Road as it
crosses the Whitewater Storm Channel to protect the road-
way from damage and/or washout during high-water times.
Inprovement plan drawings shall be prepared by a registered
Civil Engineer and be submitted for review and approval by
the City Engineer and the City Council.
a. If the Applicant so requests, the City shall determine
a reimbursement area and establish a reimbursement
program affecting other benefiting properties in the
area and/or may allow an adjustment in its exaction
fees for such improvements.
2. Applicant shall contribute to the cost of improving Dune Palms
Road as it crosses the MAtemrater Storm Channel. Said contri-
bution shall be made prior to recordation of a final map and
shall be based on the estimated cost of the improvements as
determined from a plan prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer
and approved by the City. The amount of the contribution shall
be determined by the City Council.
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June 21, 1984
Page 3.
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See attached Memorandum dated June 12, 1984.
Principal Planner
Atch: Staff Report Dated 6/12/84
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Cxw ssion
From: Planning Department
Date: June 12, 1984
Subject: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-010
location: Northwest Corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road
Applicant: Psomas and Associates
Request: Approval of a zone change from R-1-12,000/Planned Development
to R-1-10,000/Planned Development to allow for a planned residential
development in accordance with proposed Tentative Tract Map No. 20016
:••I •• • 1 1••� •
1. General Plan
a. Site.. Very low Density Residential/Planned Residential Developoent.
b. Surrounding Area: Very loco Density Residential/Planned Residential
Development to east, west and north; law Density Residential to south.
2. Zoning
a. Site: R-1-12,000/Planned Development
b. Surrounding Area: R-1-12,000/Planned Development to north, east and
west; R-1- to south. Planning Conmission recoanended, on May 8, 1984,
to change the zoning on property adjacent to the north of the site to
R-1-10,000/Planned Development.
3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant with gently rolling sand dunes. The
adjacent properties are all vacant, with the nearest development being a
mobile home park located approximately one-half mile to the west and several
single-family houses located approximately one -quarter mile to the south.
The terrain of the land adjacent to the site is gently rolling sand dunes.
Miles Avenue is an existing two—lane, paved road. This street is designated
as a major highway (100' right-of-way) and will ultimately have four travel
lanes with a 12-foot-wide, painted, center turn median. Dune Palms Road is
a paved, two-lane road which terminates at the project's northern boundary.
The road is in very poor condition. This street is designated as a secondary
highway and will ultimately have four travel lanes with no center median.
Water and sewer can be provided to the site by extending currently proposed
lines approximately one-half mile. Other urban services and utilities are
also available to the site.
June 12, 1984
Page 2.
4. Environmental Assessment: An Initial Study Environmental Assessment has
been prepared for the project and it has been determined by staff that the
project could have a significant effect on the environment as a result of
the development of urban uses within the habitat area of Coachella Valley's
fringe -toed lizard (a designated rare and endangered species). In addition,
Desert Sands Unified School District has stated that the project will adversely
impact schools which are currently overcroTded. These impacts can be adequately
mitigated by conditions of approval to be placed on the tentative tract; there-
fore, a negation declaration can be adopted for the project.
5. Project Description: The Applicant proposes to change the zoning from
R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD to allow for a higher density for a proposed
planned residential development. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, a 140-unit,
planned residential development, has been submitted for concurrent processing.
6. Prior Actions/Other Factors
a. The La Quinta Planning Ccmmissicn recently reca:Temded approval of a zone
change fran R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD on the 40-acre parcel located
adjacent to the north of this site with the findings that the proposed
density of 4 units per acre was ca:patible with the area and consistent
with the general plan.
b. In February 1984, Riverside County amended their Canprehensive General
Plan to designate the area north of Fred Waring Drive as an Urban Area
with residential development permitted at densities of 2 to 8 units per
c. Riverside County has recently approved 416 dwelling units on a 77-acre
site at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive.
This would yield a density of 5.4 units/acre.
d. There is a Riverside County approval for a 130-acre project, which is
an expansion of the Bermuda Dunes Golf course development, at the north-
west corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive for 350 dwelling
units at a density of 5.3 units/acre.
There is sane discrepancy between the land use designation of Very Low Density
Residential (3 or less units/acre) and the requested zoning of R-1-10,000
(approximately 4 units/acre). At the time that the city adopted general plan
designations for the annexation area (which includes the subject site), the
County General Plan designated the nearby Bermuda Dunes area as Very Low Density
Residential, but subsequent general plan changes allow for higher densities up
to 8 units per acre. Recently approved projects in the unincorporated area have
densities in excess of 5 units/acre.
It should be noted that, while the zoning being requested for the proposed
project exceeds the stated limits for the general plan land use designation,
the density would generally canply with other goals and objectives of the general
plan and would be canpatible with existing and proposed development in the vicinity.
Furthermore, the design for the planned residential development submitted in con-
junction with this zone change provide for:
I )�
June 12, 1984
Page 3.
° 4 units per care, which is equal to or less than the density of
other approved projects within the area.
° 65% usable open space (defined as those portions of the site not
covered by streets, parking, driveways or structures) which exceeds
the 40% minimum open space requirement for planned residential
° Substantially increased setbacks of the perimeter wall from the
rights--of-way to increase the landscaped parkway area adjacent to
the public streets.
1. All necessary utilities and public services can be provided to the site.
2. The proposed density is carpatible with current La Quinta general plan
designations for the adjacent properties.
3. The proposed density is less than the densities of both existing development
and other approved projects within the vicinity.
4. Although the density would be increased by one unit per acre over the current
zoning, the amount of usable open space within the project with its proposed
design will be 65%, which substantially exceeds the 40% minimum open space
5. The design of the proposed Project Provides for clustering of dwelling units
and substantial parkway areas along the public streets so as to maintain a
low -density appearance.
6. Potential adverse environmental effects can be adequately mitigated by .
conditions to be placed on the development.
1. The proposed zoning and related density is campatible with that of existing
and proposed developments on other property in the vicinity.
2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta
General Plan.
3. Approval of the request and subsequent development of the site in accordance
with specified mitigation measures will not result in a significant adverse
impact on the environment.
Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department reco miends that Change of
Zone Case No. 84-010 be approved as requested in accordance with attached
Exhibit "A".
P� I
SREPandra L. Bonner
Principal Planner
A404 111-
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director _ �.
K co
4 pw
Honorable chairman and Members of the Planning Camdssion
From: Planning Department
Date: June 12, 1984
NO. 20016, AMENDED NO.
Northwest Corner of
Miles Avenue and Dune
Palms Road
Applicant: Psams and Associates
Request: Approval of a 140-unit, detached, single-family dwelling planned
residential development on a 33-acre parcel..
1. General Plan
a. Site: Very Low Density Residential/Planned Residential Development.
b. Surrounding Area: Very Low Density Residential/Planned Residential
Development to the north, east and west, low Density Residential to
the south.
2. Zoning
a. Site: R-1-12,000/Planned Development (Change of Zone t map) , requesting -
R-1-10,000 filed concurrently with this tentative tract map).
b. Surrounding Area: R-1-12,000/PD to north, east and west (Change of Zone
84-008 to R-1-10,000 recommended for approval byPlann Sgg Carmission on
property adjacent to site/s northern boundary), �
3. Existing Conditions: The site is vacant with gently rolling sand dunes. The
adjacent properties are all vacant, with the nearest development being a
mobile home park located approximately one
mile the
to the south
single-family houses located approximately one -quarter
The terrain of the land adjacent to the site is gently rolling sand dunes.
Miles Avenue is an existing two-lane, paved road. This street is designated
as a major highway (100' right-of-way) and will ultimately have -four travel
lanes with a 12' wide painted center tarn median- Dune Palms Roams s road is
two-lane road which terminates at the site's northern boundary• highway
in very poor condition. This street is designated as a secondary g y
(88' right-of-way) and will ultimately be extended northward to Fred Waring
Drive and have four travel lanes with no center median.
June 12, 1984
Page 2.
Water and sewer services can be provided to the site by extending currently
proposed lines a distance of approximately one -quarter to one-half mile.
other necessary public services and utilities are also available to the site.
4. Environmental Assessment: An Initial Study Envirormiental Assessment has been
prepared for the project and it has been determined by staff that the project
could have a significant effect on the envirorznent as a result of the develop-
ment of urban uses within the habitat area of1CoachelllaValley'alis Desert Sands
lizard (a designated rare and endangered spec ).
Unified School District has stated that the Project will adversely impact
schools which are currently overcrowded. These impacts can be adequately
mitigated by the conditions of approval to be placed on the tentative tract;
therefore, a negation declaration can be adopted for the project.
5. Project Description: The Applicant is proposing a statutory (air -space)
cendrminium project having 140 detached, single-family residences. The project
has one main collector loop street (36' wide) with smaller loop streets and
oul-de-sacs (24' wide) along which the houses are generally clustered. The
Applicant proposes a large central recreational area with 6 tennis courts and
a swimming pool, Three smaller recreational areas, each with a swimming Pool,
are also proposed. The main entrance to the Project is from Miles Avenue and
a secondary or emergency entrance is located along Dune Palms Road.
Three house designs are proposed. Plan "a" is a two-bedroan/two-'bath unit
with 1175 square feet (gross); plan "b" is a two-bedroom/two-bath dwelling
with 1450 square feet (gross); and plan "c" is a three-bedroom/two-bath aria es.
with 1450 square feet (gross). All the units have attached, double�c e g The
All the dwellings are one story in height (19 - 20) and sPazu tile.
exterior walls have stucco siding and the roof is covered with spanl
sh None of the units have roof eaves.
6. Cmuents Received from Other Agencies:
a. City Engineer - All public and private streets to be constructed to City
standards. Submit grade studies for Miles Avenue and Dune rev ew and
Road -
Submit hydrology study, soils report and grading p
lan approval. All building pads shall be protected from 100-Year storm.
Sewer and water systems to be constructed to meet city and C'VWD standards.
obtain Fire Marshall approval of water plan. Provide all necessary
improvements. Place all utilities underground. Submit record map for
b. City Fire Marshall - Install hydrants per City standards with minin&n
1500 GPM fire flow for 2-hour duration. Submit water' system Plans for
approval. cul-de-sac turning circle shall have at least 75' diameter.
No cul-de-sac shall be longer than 550' without approved alrnate acceaccess•
Prior to arrival of combustible materials on site, protection
be in place and/or operating.
June 12, 1984
Page 3.
C. Coachella Valley Water District - Reports that site is safe from stormwater
flows except in rare instances and is designated as Firm Zone C on the
Federal Flood Insurance Rate Map' The District will provide domestic water
and sanitary sewer service to the project: however, the Applicant must Pro-
vof the
ide additional facilities for the District's expansionDistrict water
The Applicant shall annex the site to CVWD Imp
rovement sanitation service.
d. 7mnPrial Irrigation District - The Imperial Irrigation District has existing
overhead primary, distribution and transmission facilities located on e
same poles on the east side of Dune Palms Road and the south side of Iles
Avenue. These overhead power facilities would be tapped
ed under-
ground into the proposed new subdivision to provide service to the project.
The District will require 10-foot P.U.E.'s on both sides of all interior
streets and a 10-foot P.U.E. along the north and west sides of subject
project from Dune Palms Road to Miles Avenue.
e. Southern California Gas company - No comment.
f. Desert Sands Unified School District - The schools are
ee currently coperating
over capacity. The developer shall be required
g. Coachella Valley Ecological Reserve Foundation - The site is located within
the Coachella Valley fringe -toed lizard habitat area. The Applicant
provide mitigation in accord:rce with the conditions of the ni.ti.gation
agreement to be approved by the City Council.
h. Comients were requested, but not received from the County Health Department,
General Telephone and the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce.
Regarding the general unit layout, although the miiiumum setback fron the public
streets is 20 feet, the cluster design and the large parkway with meandering wall
in the appearance of lower density residential.
will maintaThe wall will have a
irruTumllnk average setback of 20 feet fran Miles Avenue and 10 feet fr m Duneof 0
Road. The units will be sited so that all driveways are a minimum length
feet to provide for guest Parking.
The four recreation areas are sited so that the residents ntsoare within f the reasonableect l
walking distance of the facilities. he central portion
the main circular collector street allows for residents arrea. ThcegApplicant
area along pathways located in the open space or greenbelt
will be required to sukmit a plan delineating Pedestrian pathways and routes.
The circulation plan as Proposed is adequate to safely handle the anticipated
traffic. All the streets will be Private roads with access restricted by gates at
the Project entrances. The entrance from Miles Avenue has two access and two egress
lanes, a center median, adequate stacking space for eight vehicles, a turnaround
June 12, 1984
Page 4.
area for vehicles denied entrance, and acceleration/deceleration lanes. 'There is
adequate sight distance along Miles Avenue to provide for safe access and egress
to the project. The emergency access from Dune Palms Road provides a 24-foot wide
road. Both gates will have receivers for the emergency transmitters of the
Riverside County Sheriff and Fire Departrrents to Provide emergency access into the
Regarding the design of the units, with the exceptionfwith t then tandarddmentsof
of two bedrooms in Unit "c", the proposed houses comply
Ordinance 38 as follows:
° Average dwelling size for the overall project exceeds 1000 square feet.
° The nulti-bedroom dwellings have more than 900 square feet of livable area.
° The buildings have more than 1000 square feet of ground floor area.
° With the exception of unit "c", all bedroaas have mini mum width and depth
dimensions of 10 feet.
Minor changes to provide minimum 12' x 20' interior dimensions for the single -car
garages anminimum 20' x 20' interior dimensions for the double -car garages are
necessary. In addition, the buildings should have mininnn 18-inch roof eaves as d
typically required for single-family houses in the R-1 zone.
1. The request is consistent with the proposed R-1-101000 zoning and the goals
and policies of the La Quinta General Plan -
The 'The design and density of the project is campatible with Proposed and existing
residential developments within the vicinity.
3. The terrain of the site is Physically suitable for the proposed 140-unit
developmnt and the site can be adequately served by the necessary public
utilities and services.
4. The conditions of approval will adequately mitigate any possible significant
impacts on the Coachella Valley fringe -toed lizard and on the public schools.
The project will have no significant adverse impacts on the environment.
5. The proposal will have approximately 65% open space area, which exceeds the
mininaun 40% requirenent for planned residential developments.
6. The design provides for the dwellings to be set back a minim n Of 20 feet from
the perimeter public streets. The siting of the buildings in clusters will
help to maintain the appearance of lower density residential developTent.
7. The perimeter wall will be set back a minimum average of 20 feet from Miles
Avenue and 10 feet from Dune Palms Road. The wall's meanderingddesign and
the increased parkway area will help enhance the prof
ect's low
_,,, ( C
June 12, 1984
Page 5.
8. The design of the project's private street system will be adequate to safely
and efficiently handle the project's anticipated traffic flow both entering
and traveling within the project.
9. The proposed recreation areas will be adequate to accmurdate the needs of
the residents.
10. with minor changes, the proposed dwellings will be in compliance with the
requirerents of Municipal ordinance No. 38 regarding the size of dwellings
within planned residential developments.
1. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the La Quinta General
2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the
La Quinta General Plan.
3. The subject site is physically suitable for a 140-unit, planned residential
development with a density of four units per acre.
4. The design of the subdivision and its related improvements are not likely to
cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and
wildlife or their habitat provided that approval conditions related to mitigation
measures for the fringe -toed lizard are complied with.
5. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to
cause public health problems nor would they conflict with existing public
6. The location and appearance of the proposed dwelling units are compatible with
the area in which the 140-unit, planned residential development is located.
7. The proposal to provide approximately 65% of the site as usable open space area
substantially exceeds the minimum requirements for planned residential develop-
8. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment.
Based upon the above findings, the planning Department recoimiends approval of
Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, subject to the attached conditions.
1. Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, shall carply with standards and
requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land
Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions.
June 12, 1984
Page 6.
2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the date of
approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension as
provided for by the City of La Quinta Land Division ordinance.
3. Tract phasing plans (if any), including any proposed phasing of public
iirprovenents, shall be sulmitted to the City Engineer and Coimnunity Development
Department for review and approval.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use
contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and/or
clearances from the following public agencies:
• Riverside County Environmental Health Department
° City Engineer
° City Fire Marshall
° Coininity Development Department, Planning Section
• Desert Sands Unified School District
Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be
presented to the Building Section at the time of the application for a
building pennit for the use contemplated herewith.
Building Design Review
5. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with approved Exhibits
A, B and C as contained in the Comnmi.ty Development Department's file for
Tentative Tract Map No. 20016, Amended No. 1, ar3 the following conditions,
which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the
provisions of the tentative tract map.
6. The floor plans (Exhibit "B") for unit "c" shall be revised to provide all
bedroom with minimum 10-foot width and depth dimensions and a minira n 100
square feet of livable area.
7. The floor plans (Exhibit "B") shall be revised to provide the single -car
garages with minimum 12' x 20' interior dimensions and the double -car garages
with minimum 20' x 20' interior dimensions.
Streets, Grading and Drainage
8. The Applicant shall coply with the following requirements of the City Engineer:
a. Miles Avenue, Dune Palms Road and all interior private stregts shall be
constructed to meet City standards with a minimum grade of 0.20% and a
minimum section of 2h" A.C. on 4" of class 2 base.
b. The Applicant shall dedicate any additional required rights -of -way along
Dune Palms Road and shall provide a corner cutback at the intersection of
Dune Palms Road and Miles Avenue, in accordance with City standards.
June 12, 1984
Page 7.
c. Prior to final map recordation, the Applicant shall submit grade studies
for Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road to the City Engineer for review and
d. The project entrance on Miles Avenue shall have acceleration and deceleration
lanes and a left turn lane in accordance with City standards.
e. The Applicant shall submit soils report and grading plan to the City Engineer
for review and approval.
f. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit a
hydrology study to the City for review. All pads shall be protected from a
100-year storm.
9. The Applicant shall submit detail plans showing the location and design of the
entry gate and gatehouse (if any) to the Canmmity Development Department for
review and approval. All gates shall have a City approved radio receiver which
will accept signals from the emergency transmitters of the Riverside County
Sheriff and Fire Departments and which will activate the gates to provide
emergency access.
10. The Applicant shall install street lighting as required along Miles Avenue and
Dune Palms Road in accordance with a street lighting plan approved by the
Ccm-m ity Development Department. Upon installation, ownership of the lights
shall be transferred to the City.
11. A plan showing proposed parking along the private road system shall be submitted
for review and approval by the Camt=ty Development Department. The plan shall
designate any "no parking" areas and indicate the method of identifying them.
12. A plan showing non -automotive means of transportation within the project,
including bicycle and pedestrian paths, shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Comunity Development Department prior to final map recordation.
Public Services and Utilities
13. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshall in
accordance with Municipal Ordinance No. 7 and as follows:
a. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the following conditions shall
be met/certified to:
(1) Fire Hydrants - Install super fire hydrants located no less than 25
feet nor greater than 165 feet from any portion of exterior walls of
proposed building(s), spaced 320 feet apart, as measured along approved
vehicular travelways. Installation shall be on a water system capable
of delivering 1500 GPM fire flow for a twa-hour duration at 20 psi
residual operating pressure in accordance with Ordinance No. 7,
Section 10.301c.
June 12, 1984
Page 8.
(2) Developer shall furnish two copies of water system plans to the
Fire Department for review and approval. Plans shall conform to
fire hydrant types, location and spacing; the water system shall
meet fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed by a registered
civil engineer and approved by the water company with the following
"I certify that the design of the water system in Tentative Tract
No. 20016 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the
Riverside County Fire Department."
(3) Prior to arrival of combustible materials on the construction site,
the above (1) fire protection must be operating.
(4) Provide written certification from the water company that hydrants
will be installed and will produce the required flow.
b. Cul-de-sac turning circles must have a minimum, unobstructed, 75-foot,
turning diameter.
c. Cul-de-sac streets shall be no longer than 550 feet unless alternate
emergency access is provided in accordance with the requirements of the
City Fire Marshall and City Engineer.
14. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the City and of Coachella Valley Water District.
15. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of Coachella Valley Water
District as follows:
a. Domestic water and sanitation service shall be provided in accordance with
the requirements of Coachella Valley Water District.
b. The developer shall provide land on which to locate additional facilities
for the expansion of the water system. These sites shall be shown on the
tract map as lots to be deeded to the District for such purpose.
c. The area shall be annexed to Improven-ent District No. 55 of CVWD for
sanitation service.
16. The Applicant shall provide all necessary easements for public utilities. All
on -site utilities shall be placed underground.
17. The Applicant shall ccpply with the requirements of Imperial Irrigation District
as follows:
a. The Applicant shall provide 10-foot-wide public utility easements
on both sides of all interior streets and a 10-foot wide public
utility easement along the north and west sides of the project
site from Dune Palms Road to Miles Avenue.
June 12, 1984
Page 9.
b. Electric service shall be extended underground from adjacent power
facilities into the site.
18. As mitigation for the impact on the public schools, the Applicant shall comply
with the following:
a. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall complete
a school impact mitigation agreement with Desert Sands unified
School District.
b. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for construction of
dwellings, the Applicant shall provide the City Community Development
Department with written clearance fran Desert Sands unified School
District stating that the per -unit impact fees have been paid.
19. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the
Community Development Department the following documents which shall demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private
streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose
of this approval:
a. The document to convey title;
b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; and
C. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the
unit/lot owners of this land division.
The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the
same time that the final subdivision map is recorded.
A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of
the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established
and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien
the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments.
Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first
deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and
for value and is of record prior to the lien of the hanecnzers association.
20. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under
Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets and Highways Code, Section
5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Street and Highways
Code 22600 et seq) to implement maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and
on -site lighting within all carmnly maintained driveways, parking areas,
greenbelts, private streets, and other improved conron ownership areas. It
is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay
all above costs of maintenance for said improved ccnvcn areas until such time
as the City Council determines that, by default of the homeowner's association,
a need for maintenance work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until
such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assessment upon the
real property. I n
June 12, 1984
Page 10.
21. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall provide for
mitigation of the impact on the fringe -toed lizard by corplying with require-
ments of the mitigation agreement as approved by the City Council and in effect
at the time of recordation.
22. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit plans
showing the location and design of the project perimeter walls or fences, the
landscaping of the setback and right-of-way areas, and the design and location
of the sidewalks to the Community Development Department for review and approval.
The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance
of occupancy permits. Landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable
condition for the life of the project.
a. The wall shall have an average setback from the public right-of-way of
20 feet along Miles Avenue and 10 feet along Dune Palms Road. said
wall shall be designed to enhance the appearance of a low -density
b. The Applicant shall install an 8-foot-wide, meandering, bicycle/pedestrian
path along Miles Avenue and a 6-foot-wide, meandering, pedestrian walkway
along Dune Palms Road.
23. Desert or native plant species and drought -resistant planting materials shall
be incorporated into the landscaping plans for the project and the public street
24. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet
enacted a complete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal
improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of suet,
new development; and that City is in the process of preparing and enacting such
a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction
to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public
safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage
facilities, major thoroughfares and bridges and traffic signalization; that
City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Applicant
agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from
time to time amended by the City. If said fee shall include financing of
permanent or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 18 (school development
fee) shall be deleted.
Sandra L/Bonner Lawr/'�_,en'ue�re_ L. Stevens, AICP
Principal Planner Planning Director
! 7n
ITEM NO. rj . /7, �I JL. P .
t - . -7T TM / 9 9. 3
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Planning Department
Date: June 21, 1984
Location: Southwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road
Applicant: General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms"
Request: Approval of Change of Zone from R-1-12,000 to R-1-10,000
and a 160-Unit Planned Residential Development
The Planning Commission and Planning Department has previously recommended approval
of the subject Change of Zone and Tentative Tract A7ap. On June 5, 1984, the City
Council conducted a hearing on the matter and referred the matter to staff to meet
with the Applicant to reduce the density to that allowed by1 e� g,(estimated�38.
deletion of 20 units) and to change the floor plans to carp y
Since the density issue relates closely to another project now before the Commission
and since these are minor changes in the floor plans from those previously reviewed
by the Oc mission, staff has scheduled the matter for additional discussion. This
is also intended to
minimize the chances of the Commission placing inconsistent
recommendations before the Council on similar projects.
Applicant's Proposed Redesign
The Applicant has redesigned the floor plans for the units and has altered the
mix of the units. The floor plan comparisons are as follows:
Net Floor Area
Gross Floor Area
Net Floor Area
Gross Floor Area
Original Plans
830 Sq.Ft
1225 Sq.Ft.
Revised Plans
904 Sq.Ft.
992 Sq.Ft.
1112 Sq.Ft.
1258 Sq.Ft.
These revisions would comply with the minimums standards of Ordinance No. 38 since
the distribution has been revised so that no more than 40% of the Unit #1 type --
are being used. Some of the bedroom sizes have been altered, but all comply with
the minimum standards.
June 21, 1984
Page 2.
The Applicant has not proposed any reduction in the number of units.
If the Planning Commission desires to revise its prior recacmerr3ation, the following
alternatives are available:
1. Denial of the Change of Zone, Redesign of the Project
If the consensus of the Planning Commission is that the density as proposed
(4 units/acre) is inherently inconsistent with the area irre!3ardless of the
design of the project, then the Commission should deny the Grange of Zone
request. This would be consistent with the City Council action on this matter.
If the Applicant is willing to redesign the project for a maxinum density of
3 units per gross acre (121 units) or 3.6 units per net acre (134 units),
then consideration of the tentative tract map should be con`,dnued to allow the
Applicant time to submit an amended development plan. If ttie Applicant is not
willing to redesign the development, the Planning Conmissicr_- should recommend
denial of the tract.
2. Approval of Change of Zone, Approval of Project
If the consensus of the Planning Commissioners is that the 6ensity is
compatible with the area and consistent with the intent of the Very Low
Density Residential/Planned Development general plan design-1tion Of the
area, then their prior recommendation would stand.
3. Revise Change of Zone, Redesign of Project
The Planning Commission could consider a zoning someplace bet:%,een the existigg
and proposed zoning such as R-1-11,000. This would allow 147 units on the site
(a reduction of 13 units) if the net acreage/zoning maxhmur= are utilized. The
site plan would have to be redesigned and the matter would !�a-ve to be continued
for that revision unless the Commission decided to ccnditicr-- the tract map and
leave final site plan approval to the staff.
of major importance, irregardless of the three alternatives abc, =, is the unit size
and mix. The revisions would comply with minimum standards, bL - staff is of the
opinion that these changes do not yet adequately reflect the cc---r---rns raised by
City Council. Additional floor area increases and changes to YY=oan sizes should
be considered.
There has also been discussion concerning the improvement of, c= -,articiPation in
the improvement of Dune Palms where it crosses the Vhmitewater S Channel to the
south of the project. The following alternate conditions are s:�3ested if the
Commission determines such an improvement to be appropriate for -his Project:
June 21, 1984
Page 3.
1. Provision shall be made to improve Dune Palms Road as it
crosses the Whitewater Storm Channel to protect the road-
way from damage and/or washout during high-water times.
Improvement plan drawings shall be prepared by a Registered
Civil Engineer and be submitted for review and approval by
the City Engineer and the City Council.
a. If the Applicant so requests, the City shall determine
a reimbursement area and establish a reimbursement
program affecting other benefiting properties in the
area and/or may allow an adjustment in its exaction
fees for such improvements.
2. Applicant shall contribute to the cost of improving Dune
Palms Road as it crosses the Whitewater Storm Channel.
Said contribution shall be made prior to recordation of a
final map and shall be based on the estimated cost of the
improvements as determined from a plan prepared by a Registered
Civil Engineer and approved by the City. The amount of the
contribution shall be determined by the City Council.
See attached Ykmranda dated May 8 and June 5, 1984.
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director
Atchs: Memoranda Dated 5/ 8/84 and 6/5/84
To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Planning Conudssion
Date: Tune 5, 1984
Subject: CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-008
Location: Southwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road
Applicant: General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms"
Request: Approval of a Change of Zone from R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/1)D
to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with
a proposed tentative tract.
On May 8, 1984, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed
zone change and unanimously approved the request as set forth in the attached
Memorandum (dated May 8, 1984).
There was only brief discussion among the Planning Commission on issues related to
the zone charge.
Bob Saunders, Applicant's engineer, appeared and indicated concurrence with the
No one else appeared on this matter.
P(R/fARID BY,:y/Q //�^r0/Ij1
Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director
Atch: 1. Memorandum dated May 8, 1984
2. Ordinance
114 a i•ITY COUa/�L ^:EETING
CE 10
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
From: Planning Department
Date: May 8, 1984
Subject: CHANCE of zoNE CASE No. 84-008
Location: Southwest Corner of Fred Flaring Drive and Dune Palms Road
(Future Alignment)
Applicant: General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms"
Request: Approval of a change of zone from R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD
to allow for a planned residential development in accordance with
a proposed tentative tract.
1. General Plan: Very Low Density Residential/Planned Residential Development.
2. zoning: R 1-12,000/PD.
3. Existing Conditions: The terrain of the vacant, 40-acre site is primarily
flat with several low sand dunes. The property to the east, west and south
has similar terrain and is also vacant. The property to the north is within
the Bermuda Dunes Country Club area and is developed with single-family
dwellings which face directly onto Fred Waring Drive. Fred Waring Drive is
an existing, two-lane, paved road and Dune Palms Road is an unimproved, 60'
right-of-way. Sewer and water lines are installed within less than one -quarter
mile of the site and other urban services and utilities are also available to
the site.
4. Environmental. Assessment: An Initial Study Environmental Assessment has been
prepared for the project and it has been determined by staff that the project
could have a significant effect on the environment as a result of the develop-
ment of urban uses within the habitat area of Coachella Valley's fringe -toed
lizard (a designated rare and endangered species). In addition, Desert Sands
Unified School District has stated that the project will adversely impact
schools which are currently overcraded. The Planning Departrm3nt feels that
these impacts can be adequately mitigated by conditions of approval to be
placed on the tentative tract. As a result, a Negation Declaration can be
approved for the project.
5. Project I>escription: The Applicant proposes to change the zoning from
R-1-12,000/PD to R-1-10,000/PD to allow for a higher density for a proposed
planned residential development. Tentative Tract Map No. 19903, a 160-unit,
planned residential development, has been sukadtted for concurrent processing.
( >^
May 8, 1984
Page 2.
6. Prior Actions/Other Factors:
a. Riverside County has recently approved 416 dwelling units on a 77-acre
site at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive.
This would yield a density of 5.4 units/acre.
b. There is a Riverside County approval for a 130-acre project, which :is
an expansion of the Bermuda Dunes Golf Course development, at the northwest
corner_ of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive for 350 dwelling units at
a density of 5.3 units/acre.
c. The City has received an application for a 140-unit, planned residential
development on a 33-acre parcel immediately adjacent to the subject site's
southerly boundary.
d. In February 1984, Riverside County amended their Comprehensive General
Plan to designate the area north of Fred Waring Drive as an Urban Area
With residential development permitted at densities of 2 to 8 units per
There is some discrepancy between the land use designation of Very Low Density
Residential (3 or less units/acre) and the requested zoning of R-1-10,000
(approximately 4 units/acre). At the time that the City adopted general plan
designations for the annexation area (which includes the subject site), the
County General Plan designated the nearby Bermuda Dunes area as Very Low Density
Residential, but subsequent general plan changes (See 6.d. under "Background
Information") and existing zoning (R-1 and R-5) allow for higher densities.
Recent approvals in the unincorporated areas are in excess of 5 units/acre (See
6.a. and 6.b. under "Background Information"). `
It should be noted that, while the zoning being requested for the proposed project
exceeds the stated limits for the general plan land use designation, the density
would generally comply with other goals and objectives of the general plan and
would be compatible with existing and proposed development in the vicinity.
Furthermore, designs for the planned residential development submitted in con-
junction with this zone change provide for:
° 4 units/acre, which is less density than that approved on other
property in the vicinity.
71% useable open space (defined as those portions of the site
not covered by streets, parking, driveways or structures) which
exceeds the 40% minimum open space requirement for planned
residential developments.
° substantially increased setbacks between the dwelling clusters
and adjacent streets and property which serve to maintain the
appearance of a very low density project.
May 8, 1984
Page 3.
In general, the project design subndtted with the tentative tract seems consistent
with goals and policies of the general plan which encourage planned residential
developments with cluster housing to maximize open space and which encourage
development of a variety of housing types with designs which are aapatible with
existing and proposed development in the vicinity.
1. All necessary utilities and public services can be provided to the site.
2. The proposed density is compatible with current Riverside County general
plan designations for the adjacent unincorporated area on the north side
of Fred Waring Drive.
3. The proposed density is less than the densities of both existing development
and other approved projects on nearby property.
4. Although the density would be increased by one unit per acre over the current
zoning, the amount of useable open space within the project with its proposed
design will be 71%, which substantially exceeds the 40% minimum open space
5. The design of the proposed project provides for clustering of dwelling units
and substantial setbacks which will maintain a low density appearance.
6. Potential adverse environmental effects can be adequately mitigated by
conditions to be placed on the development.
1,. The proposed zoning and related density is compatible with that of existing
and proposed developments on other property in the vicinity.
2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta
General Plan.
3. The proposed zoning is comparable with Riverside County's land use designation
and zoning for unincorporated areas north of the subject site.
4. Approval of the request and subsequent development of the site in accordance
with specified mitigation measures will not result in a significant adverse
impact on the environment.
Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department reed Tends that Change of
zone case No. 84-008 be approved as requested in accordance with attached
Exhibit "A".
May 8, 1984
Page 4.
+a• r 24• • •
The Planning Qxwdssion shall, by motion, approve, deny, or continue this zone
change application and shall transmit said reccnuendation to the City Council
for a public hearing.
PREP 77;
Lawrence L. Stevens
Planning Director
The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 4.10 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348
(which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5,
operative Auguist 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Official Zoning Plan
Map No. 30, as; amended, are further amended by rezoning from R-1-12,000/PD
to R-1-10,000/PD, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezon-
ing- on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance,
and which attached map is labeled "Exhibit #1, Change of Zone Case No.
SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force
and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption.
SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after
passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three
public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall
certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and, shall
cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of
posting, to be entered into the book of ordinances of this City.
The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of
the City Council held on this day of , 1984, by the
following vote::
CP► S E NO. 84- DDS
To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: planning Commission
Date: June 5, 1984
Subject: TE�PPATIvE TRACT No. 19903
Location: Southwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road
Applicant: General Management Corporation dba "Horizon Palms"
Request: Approval to establish a 160-unit, single-family, planned residential
development on a 40-acre site.
on May 8, 1984, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed
tentative tract and unanimously approved the request subject to the Findings and
conditions in the attached Memorandum (dated May 8, 1984) with the following
1. Change Condition No. 6 to read as follows:
"6. plans for Unit No. 1 shall be revised to provide a
minimum livable floor area of 900 square feet or to
reduce the number of bedrooms to one."
2. Add Condition No. 8.a. to read as follows:
"a. Provision shall be made for an acceleration and a
deceleration lane at the project entry on Fred Waring
3. Change "half -width" to "part -width" in Condition No. 10.
4. Add Condition No. 30 to read as follows:
"30. Desert plant _ species and s7rought resistant plant
materials shall be incorporated into landscaping
plans within the project. The landscape architect
should have experience in landscaping with desert
5. Add Condition No. 31 to read as follows:
"31. A plan showing non -automotive means of transportation
within the project, including bicycle and pedestrian
paths, shall be submitted for review and approval by
the cmmiumity Development Departnment."
Major points of discussion among the Commission related to this matter included:
° Need to revise floor plans to be consistent with standards
in ordinance No. 38
Need for acceleration/deceleration lane on Fred Waring entry _..,,
June 5, 1984
Page 2.
other minor points raised in the Commission discussion related to the use of
drought -tolerant plant materials and internal pedestrian/bicycle circulation.
Bob Saunders, Applicant's engineer, appeared and inquired about several of the
requirements (phantom assessment district, floor plan revisions, entryway design).
He indicated concurrence with the recommended conditions (as revised).
Michael Buccino, Applicant's landscape architect, appeared and presented information
on the landscaping,.entryway and wall design concepts.
I. E. Harrington, Bermuda Dunes resident, appeared and inquired about water, sewer
and road improvements.
No one else appeared on the matter.
TP BY� L. Stevens, AICP
Planning Director
LLS: dmv
Atch: Mamrandum dated May 8, 1984
OF _
0 Go
To: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccnmission
From: Planning Department
Date: may 8, 1984
Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 19903
Location: :southwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road (Future Alignment)
Applicant: General Management Corporation dba "The Horizon Palms"
Request: Approval to establish a 160-unit, single-family, planned residential
develognent on a 40-acre site.
1. General Plan: Very Low Density Residential/Planned Residential Development
2. Zoning: R-1-12,000/PD. Change of Zone Case No. 84-008 has been filed in
conjunction with this application.
3. Existing Conditions:. The terrain of the vacant, 40-acre site is primarily
flat with several low sand dunes. The property to the east, west and south
has similar terrain and is also vacant. The property to the north is within
the Benmida. Dunes Country Club area and is developed with single-family
dwellings which face directly onto Fred Waring Drive. Fred Waring Drive is -
an existing, two-lane, paved road and Dune Palms Road is an unimproved, 60'
right-of-way. Sewer and water lines are installed within less than one -quarter
mile of the site and other urban services and utilities are also available to
the site.
4. Environmental Assessment: An Initial Study Environmental Assessment has been
prepared for the project and it has been determined by staff that the project
could have a significant effect on the environment as a result of the develop-
ment of urban uses within the habitat area of Coachella Valley's fringe -toed
lizard (a designated rare and endangered species). In addition, Desert Sands
Unified School District has stated that the project will adversely impact
schools which are currently overcrowded. The Planning Department feels that
these impacts can be adequately mitigated by conditions of approval to be
placed on the tentative tract. As a result, a Negation Declaration can be
approved for the project.
May 8, 1984
Page 2.
5. Project Description: The Applicant is proposing 160 residential units on 168
lots using a "postage -stamp" design for 160 residential lots with 8 conmon
recreation lots. The project design shows 7 residential clusters with each
grouped around a landscaped open area which includes a swaonang pool and spa.
There is also a ccm unity recreation facility consisting of a swimming pool,
cabana and 4 tennis courts. The project entry is from Fred Waring Drive
although an emergency access to Arne Palms Road is also proposed. A main loop
street (32' wide) is provided within the project and it serves 6 additional
loop streets (32' wide) for the various residential clusters. Proposed set-
backs are 70' for structures and 18 feet for interior streets along the Fred
Waring Drive frontage and 80 feet for structures and 22 feet for interior
streets along Dune Palms frontage.
Plans subatitted for the dwelling units indicate two types of units, with 80
of each type, will be provided in the project. Unit #1 is a one-story (14' high),
approximately 830 square foot (gross), tw0-bedr0cnVtw0-bath dwelling with an
attached 448 square foot garage. Unit #2 is a one-story (14' high), 1225 square
foot, two-bedrocn✓two-bath dwelling with a family roan and an attached 430 square
foot garage. Both units have a stucco exterior wall treatment with wood trim and
a tile roof. There are two units per structure and they use a zero -lot line
concept with the "postage stamp" subdivision design.
6. Other Factors/Prior Action:
a. Coachella Valley Water District - Reports land safe from stonmwater flaws
except in rare instances and is 'Lone C on flood insurance rate maps. will
furnish sewer and water per District regulations. Shall annex to Improvement
Distract Nos. 58 and 81 for sanitation service.
b. City ]E:ngineer - All public and private streets shall be constructed to City
standards. Submit soils report, hydrology study, grading plan. Protect
building pads fran 100-year storm. Sewer and water systems to meet City
and CVWD standards. obtain Fire Marshall approval. Place all utilities
underground. Need channelization plans for roads.
c. Fire Marshall - Install hydrants per City standards with 2500 gr-m fire flaw
for 2-hour duration. Submit water system plans. Fire protection to be
operational prior to combustible construction.
d. Building Department - None.
e. Southern California Gas CcnpanY - None.
f. Comments were requested, but not received from Health Department, County
Planning Department, Coachella Valley Ecological Reserve Foundation,
Desert Sands Unified School District, Imperial Irrigation District,
General Telephone and Chamber of Commerce -
Both the substantial public street setbacks and theScluster asubdiviiss n design
allow the perimeter security wall to be adequately 9 public
to create an appropriate visual environment- The use of a meandering sidewalk and
security wall will enhance the project appearance. The wall should have an average
setback of 20' fran Fred Waring Drive and 10' fran Dune Palms Road.
May 8, 1984
Page 3.
There are sane additional concerns related to the internal circulation plan that
should be addressed. Two of the proposed intersections (near Lot 15 and near
Lot 144) cane together at unusual angles and could create some traffic conflicts.
The two circle -type intersections (near Lot 120 and near Lot 46) on the main loop
road can also create traffic conflicts. In addition, a number of the driveways
serving individual residences are excessive in length creating difficulty in
backing out of them or are inappropriately located to allow backing out into an
intersection of the private road system. The proposed emergency access road
appears to exceed to 10% maximum slope standard for roadways. Each of these
design concerns can be resolved with minor changes to proposed plans (i.e., road
realignments, change to building pad locations, provision for driveway turnarounds,
The proposed unit sizes are less than the standards established for planned
residential developments in Ordinance No. 38, in that:
- more than 40% (actually 50%) of the dwelling units are less than
1000 square feet of living area; and,
- 80 of the multi -bedroom units are less than 900 square feet of
living area.
Zoning regulations do provide that the number of units less than 1000 square feet
may be increased if:
1. The location and appearance of the units are compatible
with the area in which the development is located.
2. The amount of usable open area substantially exceeds the
40 percent of net area as required by Section 18.5(2).
3. The dwellings having less than 1000 square feet of livable
area are evenly distributed throughout the entire project.
Concerning the first criteria, the siting and the appearance of the units is
compatible with the surrounding area. By grouping two units within a single
structure, the smaller unit size is not apparent and the size of the structure
is comparable to the single-family houses located to the north. Concerning the
open space requirement, the Applicant has calculated that 71% of the site is in
usable open space, which substantially exceeds the minimum 400. Lastly, the
design provides for the even distribution of the project within each cluster
and therefore, within the project as a whole.
However, the smaller units (Unit #1) are less than 900 square feet and contain
two bedrooms. There is no provision to modify this requirement so plans must be
revised accordingly.
1. The proposed private street system within the project will adequately provide
for safe and smooth traffic flow and emergency vehicle access provided several
minor changes are made.
I J ;-
May 8, 1984
Page 4.
2. The proper use of setbacks along public streets and the cluster subdivision
design will enhance the appearance of this project as one with lesser density
than is actually provided.
3. Proposed recreational facilities seem adequate to accommodate the anticipated
number of residents.
4. There is a large number of smaller dwelling units, but they are grouped so
that each building has two units reducing the appearance of the smaller size.
In addition, the unit type groupings are scattered throughout the project.
5. All of the proposed Unit #1 dwellings are less than the 900 square foot
minin un required for two-bedroan dwelling units.
6. There is extensive open space provided throughout this planned residential
7. Adequate provision can be made for public services and utilities according
to affected agencies. No major concerns are expected to be raised by non -
responding agencies.
1. The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with goals and policies set
forth in the La Quinta General Plan.
2. The design and improvement of the proposed 168-lot subdivision is consistent
with the La Quinta General Plan.
3. The subject 40-acre site is physically suitable for a 160-unit, planned
residential development with a density of 4 dwelling units per acre.
4. The design of the subdivision and its related improvements are not likely
to cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably in fish and
wildlife or their habitat provided that approval conditions related to
mitigation measures for the fringe -toed lizard are ccniplied with.
5. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely
to cause public health problems nor would they conflict with existing
public easements.
6. The location and appearance of the proposed dwelling units are compatible
with the area in which the 160-unit, planned residential development is
7. The proposal to provide approximately 70% of the site as usable open area
substantially exceeds the minimum requirements for planned residential
May 8, 1984
Page 5.
8. The dwellings which are less than 1000 square feet of livable area will be
evenly distributed throughout the entire project and requirements applicable
to minimum dwelling unit sizes can be satisfied provided that conditions of
approval are complied with.
9. Approval of the proposed project will not result in a significant adverse
impact on the environment provided that conditions of approval are ccnplied
Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Department recommends approval of
Tentative Tract No. 19903, subject to the following conditions:
1. Tentative Tract Map No. 19903 shall comply with standards and requirements of
the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta land Division Ordinance,
unless otherwise modified by the following conditions.
2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the date: of
approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension as provided
for by the City of La Quinta land Division Ordinance.
3. Tract phasing plans (if any), including any proposed phasing of public improve-
ments, shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Community Development
Department for review and approval.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use
contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits
and/or clearances from the following public agencies:
° Riverside County Environmental health Department
° City Engineer
° City Fire Marshall
° Ccnmunity Development Department, Planning Section
Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be
presented to the Building Section at the tine of the application for a
building permit for the use contemplated herewith.
Building Design Review
5. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with approved
Exhibits A,B,C&D as contained in the Comrnrnity Development Department's
file for Tentative Tract Map No. 19903, unless otherwise amended by the
following conditions.
6. Plans for Unit #1 shall be revised to provide a minimum livable floor area
of 900 square feet.
7. Provision shall be made to evenly distribute the Unit #1 structures throughout
the entire project.
May 8, 1984
Page 6.
Streets, Parking and Circulation
8. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Engineer as
stated in the response letter dated March 27, 1984 (copy attached).
9. All street right-of-way shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with
the General Plan Circulation Element and City standards in effect at the time
of recordation of the final map.
10. Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road along the property frontage shall be
constructed to their ultimate half width right-of-way standards.
11. The emergency access road to Dune Palms Road shall be relocated to the north
and designed to a grade of 10% or less.
12. The internal private road system shall be reviewed with the Commmity
Development Department and may be required to be redesigned to eliminate
traffic problems in intersection designs.
13. Driveway locations and design near private road system intersections shall be
reviewed with the Commuiity Development Department and may be required to be
14. The Applicant shall sukmit plans showing the location and design of the entry
gate and gatehouse (if any) to the Cotnuni.ty Development Department for review
and approval. % /1 4 9
15. The Applicant shall install street as required along Fred Waring Drive and
Dune palms Road in accordance with a street lighting plan approved by the
CcnimuLity Development Department. Upon installation, ownership of the lights
shall be transferred to the City.
16. The Applicant shall install a raised center median island, including landscaping
and irrigation, within the half -section right-of-way of Fred Waring Drive
adjacent to the property, unless City road improvement standards are modified'
to eliminate landscaped medians.
17. A plan showing proposed parking along the private road system shall be
sutmitted for review and approval by the Cmnunity Development Department.
The plan shall designate any "no parking" areas and indicate the method of
identifying then.
Public Services and Utilities
18. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Marshall as
stated in the response letter dated April 16, 1984 (copy attached).
19. All gates shall have an approved radio receiver which will accept signals from
the emergency transmitters of the Riverside County Sheriff and Fire Departments
and which will activate the gates to provide emergency access.
20. The Applicant shall camply with the requiiements of the Coachella Valley Water
District, as stated in the response letter dated April 2, 1984 (copy attached).
21. The water and sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department.
( `{
May 8, 1984
Page 7.
22. The Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by
the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with a school miti-
gation agreement to be in effect prior to recordation of the final map.
Fees shall be payable at the time of issuance of building permits.
23. The Applicant shall comply with the requirenents of the imperial Irrigation
24. All new utilities and existing overhead utility lines (if any) along the
perimeter public roadways, with the exception of high voltage power lines
of 66 KV and above, shall be installed underground.
25. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall submit to the
Canlmty Development Department the following documents which shall demonstrate
to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private
streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose
of this approval:
a. The document to convey title;
b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; and
C. Managemient and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the
unit/lot owners of this land division.
The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the
same time that the final subdivision map is recorded.
A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of
the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established
and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien
the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments.
Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first
deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and
for value and is of record prior to the lien of the homeowners association.
26. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under
Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets and Highways Code, Section
5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Street and Highways
Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of landscaping, pavement, and
on -site lighting within all camnnly maintained driveways, parking areas,
greenbelts, private streets, and other improved cacmon ownership areas. It
is understood and agreed that appropriate homeowners' associations shall pay
all above costs of maintenance for said improved cauron areas until such time
as the City Council determines that, by default of the homeowner's association,
a need for maintenance work and establishment of a tax rate exlftts and until
such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assessment upon the
real property.
27. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall provide for
mitigation of the impact on the fringe -toed lizard by complying with require-
ments of the mitigation agreement as approved by the City Council and in effect
at the time of recordation.
1 �n
May 8, 1984
Page 8.
28. Applicant understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not: yet
enacted a conT-dete policy on exactions on new development to provide municipal
improvement and facilities needed as a result of the cumulative impact of such
new development; and that City is in the process of preparing and enacting such
a policy, which will include uniform fees to be imposed upon new construction
to fund the following public improvements and facilities: fire station, public
safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage
facilities, major thoroughfares and bridges and traffic signalization; that
City expects to enact said fees policy on or before December 31, 1984; Applicant
agrees to pay said fee or fees in the amount and at the time enacted and from
time to time amended by the City. I£ said fee shall include financing of
penTanent or temporary school facilities, Condition No. 22 (school development
fee) shall be deleted.
29. The Applicant shall submit plans showing the location and design of the project
perimeter walls or fences, the landscaping of the setback and right -of --ray areas,
and the design and location of the sidewalks to the Community Development
Department: for review and approval. The approved landscaping and improvements
shall be installed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Landscaping
shall be maintained in a healthy and viable condition for the life of the project.
a. The wall shall have an average setback from the public right-of-way of 20'
along Eyed Waring Drive and 10' along Dune Palms Road. Said wall shall be
designed to enhance the appearance of a low -density project.
The Planning Commission shall by motion approve, conditionally approve, continue
or deny the tentative tract map.
Lawrence L. Stevens
Planning Director
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